6.Control of Muscle Tone

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  • 8/3/2019 6.Control of Muscle Tone


    Control of Muscle Tone

    By Dr D Fisher

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    Cerebellar Awareness'

    After MS stimulation (stretch) APs are conductedalong the afferent fiber (Ia)

    It enters into the spinal cord and divides into

    several collaterals. Some of these collaterals synapse on the cell

    bodies of neurons which ascend to thecerebellum (anterior and posterior

    spinocerebellar tracts). Thus, at all times the cerebellum is aware of the

    state of stretch in muscles, in other words theTONE of muscles.

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    Cerebellar Awareness'

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    Coactivation of Gamma Efferents

    Whenever a motor command descends from the

    motor cortex and synapses on neural cell bodies

    which innervate muscles, collaterals from these

    descending fibers also synapse on thecorresponding cell bodies (gamma efferents)

    which innervates the ends of the intrafusal

    muscle fibers.

    This is important so that as the extrafusal

    muscle fibers contract and shorten, the intrafusal

    also shorten and remain taunt.

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    Coactivation of Gamma Efferents

    This enables the MS to always respond to

    stretch even immediately after contraction

    of a muscle. In other words the coactivation of gamma

    efferents avoids 'silent periods' which

    would occur if the intrafusal muscle fibers

    did not contract simultaneously with theextrafusal muscle fibers.

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    Coactivation of Gamma Efferents

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    The Golgi Tendon Organ

    The Golgi tendon organ is a receptor

    found within the tendons of muscle.

    It detects tension >100 grams in the


    It is innervated with a 1b afferent fiber.

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    The Golgi Tendon Organ

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    Golgi tendon organs detects tension in thetendon.

    Afferent neurons conduct action potentialsto the spinal cord.

    Afferent neurons synapse with inhibitory(inter) association neurons (secretesGABA) which in turn synapse with alphamotor neurons.

    Inhibition of the alpha motor neuronscauses muscle relaxation, relieving thetension in the muscle.

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    Control ofSkeletal Muscle

    The prefrontal area has association areas

    for the motivation and foresight to plan

    and initiate movements.

    In the premotor area motor functions are

    organized before they are initiated in the

    Motor Cortex.

    The motor cortex (primary motor cortex) is

    found on the precentral gyrus.

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    Definition: It is the literal representation ofconnected parts of the human body on thesurface of the brain.

    The surface of the postcentral gyrus providesthe literal somatosensory homunculus,

    while the surface of the precentral gyrusprovides the literal motor homunculus.

    Please note that the sensory homunculus isalmost a mirror image of the motor homunculus.

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    The Somatic MotorSystem

    The Somatic motor system (SMS) can be

    divided roughly into 3 components:

    The Pyramidal System

    Extrapyramidal System

    Cerebellar System

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    The Pyramidal System

    (direct system) Involved with fine, discrete and precise

    voluntary control of movement.

    The command arises from the precentralgyrus (where the somatic motor cortexresides).

    Fibers from the cortex descend to the

    spinal cord where they synapse on theanterior horn motor neurons (alpha andgamma).

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    Descending Spinal Pathways

    Direct Control muscle tone

    and conscious skilledmovements

    Direct synapse of uppermotor neurons ofcerebral cortex withlower motor neurons inbrainstem or spinal cord




    Anterior corticobulbar

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    The Extrapyramidal System

    (indirect system)

    Its main function is to provide course

    background voluntary movement.

    Arises from various sites on the cerebralcortex.

    Interconnected with the pyramidal system.

    The EPS is directly connected to theBasal Ganglia

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    Descending Spinal Pathways

    Indirect Synapse in some

    intermediate nucleus

    rather than directlywith lower motorneurons

    EPS Tracts Rubrospinal



    Testospinal tract

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    The Cerebellar Component

    Function: To enable smoothcoordinated movement

    plays an important role in themaintenance of posture andequilibrium.

    Sends fibers via the cerebellar-spinal

    tract to modulate the activity of thealpha (lower motor neurons) as well asthe gamma motor neurons.

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    The Cerebellar Functions

    The cerebellum receives information from a

    wide array of senses:

    Pressure and touch

    Positional receptors: Spindle and Golgi tendonorgans

    Eyes and ears

    A copy of the command signal is sent from the

    cerebral cortex to the cerebellum, where itacts as a comparator.

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    Cerebellar Comparator


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    The Basal Ganglia

    What is the Basal Ganglia?

    Paired masses of gray matter in each cerebral


    Largest Nuclei Corpus Striatum:

    Caudate nucleus

    Lentiform nucleus:

    Putamen and globus pallidus

    Claustrum and amygdaloid

    Substantia nigra, subthalamic nucleus and red


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    Neural Connections of the Basal


    The basal ganglia are interconnected by

    many fibers.

    They have fibers connected to the:

    Cerebral cortex (ascending fibers)

    Thalamus and Hypothalamus Descending fibers to Gamma motor fibers


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    Clinical Manifestation

    Abnormal body movements: Tremor (uncontrollable shaking)

    Involuntary movements of the skeletal muscles

    Paralysis Akinesis: (destruction of the caudate(most affected site in strokes) results in paralysis inthe opposite side of the body).

    Globus pallidus: mostly concerned with muscle tonefor specific body movements.

    Lesion in the subthalamic nucleus hemiballisms,jerky movements, spontaneous movements of thearms (affects the extremities legs and arms)

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    Other Clinical Manifestations


    Concentration of dopamine in certain of

    the basal ganglia is reduced. Treatmentinvolves giving the patient L-dopa which

    passes the B-B Barrier.


    Related to the degeneration ofsubstantia

    innominata (basal ganglia nuclei)