
6B How have you worked to try to achieve what you set out to do - explain decisions made with detailed examples from own work (Ese) As a production team, we were very set on using stop-motion animation for our idents. To achieve the best results, we practiced the technique of stop-motion animation before working on our final product. For example, We created Plasticine test models and paper/card sets for our rough edits. We did this because we wanted to familiarise ourselves with stop-motion, before attempting to create our final suite of idents. Our initial goal was to create a suite of idents that conveyed the creativity of Christ the king students. The theme of our idents was “things come to life” and “creativity”. We needed to show this theme throughout. I think we have worked very well to achieve this in our idents. One way in which we worked to try and achieve this was planning. We, as a production team, planned how we're going to shoot the idents. We planned out what locations we were going to use and how we were going to animation certain things. For example, for our science ident, we had to think about how we were going to make the plasticine model morph into something else. We also had to change some of our initial ideas to make them more creative. One example of this was our football ident. Originally we decided to use footage of actual students playing football. But we opted to use plasticine models. It was much easier to create and use plasticine models. It was also more aesthetically pleasing. As you can see below we ended up incorporating the idea of using actors.We used the actors to create a crowd of fans. We did this to create realism.

Transcript of 6bandc

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How have you worked to try to achieve what you set out to do - explain decisions made with

detailed examples from own work


As a production team, we were very set on using stop-motion animation for our idents.

To achieve the best results, we practiced the technique of stop-motion animation before

working on our final product. For example, We created Plasticine test models and

paper/card sets for our rough edits. We did this because we wanted to familiarise

ourselves with stop-motion, before attempting to create our final suite of idents. Our

initial goal was to create a suite of idents that conveyed the creativity of Christ the king

students. The theme of our idents was “things come to life” and “creativity”. We needed

to show this theme throughout. I think we have worked very well to achieve this in our


One way in which we worked to try and achieve this was planning. We, as a production

team, planned how we're going to shoot the idents. We planned out what locations we

were going to use and how we were going to animation certain things. For example, for

our science ident, we had to think about how we were going to make the plasticine

model morph into something else. We also had to change some of our initial ideas to

make them more creative. One example of this was our football ident. Originally we

decided to use footage of actual students playing football. But we opted to use

plasticine models. It was much easier to create and use plasticine models. It was also

more aesthetically pleasing. As you can see below we ended up incorporating the idea

of using actors.We used the actors to create a crowd of fans. We did this to create


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We wanted our idents to look professional and well presented. To achieve this,we made

a number of creative decisions. One major creative decision was the creation of on-

screen graphics. for some of the idents. For example, The art ident, We created on-

screen graphics that provided scheduling details, regarding the type of content that

would be shown on the channel.

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The image on the left, is an example of the on-screen graphics we used for the art ident above. As you

can see, the colours of the graphics, are the colours that ctk use to brand the college. These are also the

colours that the client recommended that we use. We decided to animate the on-screen graphics to show

the ctk logo, aswell as the content that was coming up next.

Although we started this production with a set plan, we had to make changes and

improvise during certain parts of the production. For example, we had to change the

way we planned the editing of the idents. This was due to members of the production

team being absent. Instead of giving everyone one ident to work on, we decided that the

two people who were less likely to be absent during the production, would do the

editing. This was somewhat of an effective method. However, it was exhausting and

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stressful for me and the director of photography (Kenny). The actual filming of the

idents, went really well, everyone contributed.

There were also times, when we could not use certain locations, because they were

being used. So, we had to film a different ident or postpone filming until the next day

Evaluate how you conducted your roles (Individual)


As assistant director and editor, i think i was successfully able to complete the

necessary tasks in which these roles entail. I felt like i conducted myself well in these

roles. As editor and assistant director, it was responsibility to assist in the completion of

the suite of idents. It was my job to create the final product to professional standards. I

was also in charge of some pre-production tasks, such as the selection of technical and

performance crew along with the producer. I made a lot of positive contributions towards

this production. One positive contribution was my technical knowledge and advanced

animation skillset. I think this was a positive contribution to the production because i

was able to bring more creativity to the final product. My technical knowledge and

skillset allowed me to co-operate with other members of the production team,

specifically the director of photography. This was important because me and the director

of photography had to work together to edit the idents. We had to plan out which effects

and transitions to use.

I think one of the weaknesses we had as a production team, was leaving sufficient

amount of time to refine our final product. We were able to finish the final product before

the deadline. This shows that our time management skills were good. We were able to

successfully create a suite of idents, that meet the specifications of the brief.However, i

felt like we should have left some time to evaluate our idents. We could have planned a

period of time to improve our idents more. For example, the science ident needed

improving. The lighting was inconsistent and some shots were out of focus. Had we left

time to address this issue, our suite of idents would have looked much better.

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Another weakness i think we had as a team, was the control and management of the

workload, in terms of post-production. As mentioned above, we were very good at

planning out the production process and booking resources and locations. This is the

reason why we were able to produce successful idents. However, i do think the post-

production process of the production could have been better. We had initially said that

each member of the team would be responsible for editing one ident. We had planned

this out to make the workload easier. However, there were days when, some, if not half

of the production team were absent. This was an issue because we had limited time to

edit the idents to professional standards. This was a big setback because, it meant that

most of the idents would not be completed on time.

To avoid this potential issue, we decided to split the editing workload between two

people. Me and the director of photography. It made sense at the time because i was

really never absent from the production. I was also the editor. The director of

photography (kenny) had a rough idea of how the idents should look visually. I was

responsible for the editing of two idents, while the DOP (kenny) was responsible for the

other two. Although this method somewhat helped with the editing process, it was really

exhausting. As a result, the editing of some of the idents became lackadaisical. I think It

was a trade-off that had to be made, considering the circumstances. If we were to do

this again,i one thing i would change would be the way the post-production was


Overall, i think the rest of the production team did a solid job.Eunice (producer) and Ugo

(Director) did a good job at organising the pre-production documents. Ugo specifically

was good at conveying his idea and how he wanted it work. This made it easier for

Kenny and me to come up with the visual concept. Jordan helped book out equipment

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and set up the props we needed for filming.He also helped make the Plasticine models

for the idents. We were all involved in the shooting of the idents. I can confidently say,

We achieved what we set out to do.

Explain the changes made to the ident resulting from various legal and ethical and financial

constraints and unforeseen challenges (Kenny)

The changes we made to our ident idea resulting from various legal, financial and ethical

constraints led to the improvements and final decisions for our suit of idents. One of the

constraints we faced was colour as it needed to represent the school while relating to its theme

and house colours in which target audiences are able to recognise without seeing the CTK logo.

A legal Constraints we acknowledged whilst in the process of creating and distributing our

media product. we as a group made sure that our ideas and themes did not offend people's

ethnic backgrounds, gender or religious beliefs. We also had to make sure that we did not

discriminate against minority groups.The reason for this is to make sure that all media products

that are distributed are not breaking the law. Another reason is to make sure that products are

suitable for its intended audience. A financial constraint we faced when set this task, was

buying the equipment needed to bring our idea to life which was costly as we needed to keep on

buying more materials to do retakes of footage. This had a big impact on our ident as no further

work would be able to be done as we were lacking materials and essential props and tools

needed in the production of our product. The equipment needed for this stop motion production

to work was: playdoh, stencils, baking soda, vinegar, science lab test tubes, lab coat as these

were needed across our suit. The play-doh was a huge constraint as it was seen as the

continuity across the suit of idents. In the beginning we used black to represent our idents but

later discovered that it was not appropriate as it didn't apply to the college channel we our

advertising for so to fix this we had to go and purchase more play-doh and choose a colour that

suited the CTK house design.

A legal constraint that we faced was copy right through the music we used as at first we

wanted to use latest track for the backing of our dents but then realised that we needed

permission which was a long process. so we decided that it was in our best interests to use

royalty free music as permission is not needed . A ethical constraint we faced was making sure

that the ident does not alienate any ethnic minority group so we decided to do stop motion

which has a wide audience share allow us to bare in mind all the audiences not just the students

but the likes of the colleges governors and parents.

3) Evaluate how you conduct your roles (Kenny)

In this production i was placed under the role of Camera Operator/Director of photography in

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which i was responsible for how the footage will look and turn out, my role i would say is the

most important role as i am trying to capture the best appreciated side of what the director

wants to see on screen. I also helped the editor with the editing as two hands working on the

editing was more effect as it saved us more time and allowed us to go back and treat those

idents that were not shot and needed improvements. I also did the storyboards and animatic

which helps the group, audiences and client to understand what the suit of idents will be about

and to also give them an idea on what the finished product will look like.

However, it’s also used to point us in the right direction when we go off task. One of my

weaknesses while tackling this role was when me and Ese was editing the footage the colour

grading and controlling the lighting another was using the green screen via one of our idents as

we had to change the pitch of the football ident to grass which was easy but was hard placing it

as the actual footage recorded was distorted in which gathered to be a stressful process but in

the end we tackled the problem but after just tackling that problem the door opened to yet

another in which was placing audiences at a slanted l to show them cheering to give a feel of a

sense of realism. But we surpassed this issue to by making use of teamwork in which i confided

in Ese for help with this ident which made production more faster and also added more creativity

as two minds were really stronger than one.

In addition, my strengths in this production was also when i was editing as i was able to help the

editor with the editing to make the process faster, stress free in order of we to achieve what we

are after and to also meet the set deadline on time. Another strength in this production was

being organised and helping with organising the group whilst also motivating them to work. For

example i would ask the group if they want to do tasks individually or in a group, if any work was

outstanding i would remind them what needs to be completed. However, at times i also had a

moment in which i held back my team in which when we were doing our production plan i didn't

fill one of my section to a sufficient amount of detail.

Another weakness of mine was that i was to set on making sure that the suit of idents were

perfect in which made us work quite slow in the beginning in the post-production stages and that

i wanted us to do animation instead of stop-motion as i felt we could have done more. I was still

hung up on my idea which limited my creativity and flare towards my director's idea. But overall i

can express that i have conducted my role well and contributed my fair share to the group that i

have worked hard and most importantly as a team player as this is showed through our post-

production and production work.

Explain what you have tried to accomplish through the suite of idents


What we tried to accomplish through our suite of idents is to show the creativity of the CTK

students and the ethos of the college. By showing the creativity of the CTK students, we

decided to have an art based ident, music, science and also sports, to show the different types

of innovation students have in the college. We had a chosen theme which was ‘Things come to

life’, this meant that within the idents we are trying to showcase the different activities that the

college has, that adds to self-development as a student of the college.

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From the first meeting with the client, we were able to plan out our ideas based on the

information he gave us. One being the colour scheme which is purple, we decided to use purple

plasticine, as it is useful to keep the brand identity. A strength of this is that we were able to

effectively follow the client’s demands. Another strength is that we tried to show an accurate

reflection of what the college is about, and how everyone will see it. This is because we chose

to show the artistic side of the college, because there are a wide number of creative students in

the college itself.

A weakness of this is that we couldn’t use a lot of discretion because we didn’t have a lot of

freedom when it came to planning out our ideas. However, when it came to negotiating with the

client, we were able to use different colours, but we stuck with the colour scheme of the college

which is purple and white.

Evaluate how you conducted your roles


I had the role of a producer. As a producer, I ensured that all of the pre-production documents

such as licenses, permissions are completed before the deadline. I was responsible for the

budget, risk assessments, reccees, booking out the equipment (such as the camera, tripods). In

my opinion I feel that I was able to successfully fulfil the role as a producer because I was able

to make sure everyone was on track with what needed to be done and also meet our intended

deadlines. However, I have also gained a new skill which is stop motion, as at times I helped

with taking the pictures for our idents. During the production period, I feel that I was able to

contribute positively because I had to scout for locations, recce them and also do a risk

assessment for each classroom. One of my personal strengths of being a producer I also have

to be organised and make sure everyone is doing their assigned job.

In my opinion I think that there were a number of positives and also weaknesses as a

production team. An advantage of this is that we were able to successfully complete the suite of

idents before the deadline date, and also had enough time to amend or tweak anything in the

idents. Another advantage is that as a production team, we worked really well because as a

group, we were able to solve all of the problems we encountered together.

One weakness we had was with the art ident, where there were red dots which made the ident

look quite messy, but we didn’t have any time to re-shoot or try to find a way to cover the red

dots to make it look more professional.

Evaluate how you conducted your roles

My Role- executive producer (Jordan)

When it came to roles, as an individual i was an executive producer which as a role made me

responsible for the process of forming ideas and making them into a product further more as the

executive producer i would spend a lot of my time working alongside the director of photography

and the director while working on the shoot. Also i was responsible for sourcing all permissions

and all props needed for the shoot, As i worked in this role i found that you have to be very

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organised and you would have to collects ways of improving the shoot for example when it

came to an issue we had regarding lighting as the executive producer i would have to be a step

ahead and i would have to source a lighting kit.

When it came to the strengths of my role ,i enjoyed the fact that i had the control over the visual

style During the shoots. i spent a lot of my time working with the DOP and the director, so when

it came to trying to put our ideas to life i made sure that we spent a week getting familiar with

stop motion due to it being very time consuming and very easy to bump into errors so during

this week we experimented and we created mock ups, which really helped us gather the stop

motion technique.

However i found there was a weakness of being an executive director was because i had to do

a lot for example my team made me responsible for sourcing all of the props and equipment,

which was quite cost effective so if we was to do this again i would hope to share the cost and

the contribution of sourcing props and equipment.


In terms of my role, we were firstly given a brief to review and look at and then we arranged our

initial first meeting with the client who had set a live brief. when meeting the client we recorded a

brainstorm with the client negotiating or settling any conditions within the brief that may be

variable. while we was still with the client we decided to share our ideas that we have come up

with just by viewing the brief , the client gave us feedback based upon his own desires and

preferences. as the executive producer i had to consult the director and we discussed and

studied the client and his specifications and we wanted to build a concept that would give us the

opportunity to add more flair creatively.


when it came to pitching the final idea to the client,one idea was finalized being the " Things

come to Life" and as the executive producer i worked with my team and we pitched to the client

as to how we was to put together these idents with the time and budget we had.

Production budget


Production Plan


Potential Problems with Health and Safety, Budget, Practical skills and Resources

Possible Solutions


when it came to production we arranged everything correctly because we gave ourselves a

week to work with stop motion and get the jist of it so we created 2 mock up idents as the

executive producer i watched over my team and worked very closely with the DOP and the

director and then the next week we managed to film all 4 idents however we ran into some

issues that were fixable in post production.

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Evaluate the success of the process or responding to the brief and the effectiveness of your

group organisation - informed by the feedback of others


when it comes to the success of the process, i would say we have completed these idents to a

high standard with the use of creativity and flair, with a consistent theme. so if we look through

the processes as a team of 5, when it came to pre-production the team worked very well

however we wanted to make sure that our work was to a high standard so in every production

meeting with sir we always wanted feedback so we could always improve our work. we spent

one week getting familiar with stop motion and Plasticine, during this week we created to mock

ups in two of our desired locations further more i would say we were successful because we

managed to near enough master stop motion in a week.

Then a week later we began to film the actual final idents, as a team i would say we all came

together for example for every single shoot all 5 members of our team was there and if we had a

situation where a member of the team was unable to come to college, they will be very quick to

communicate via whatsapp asking what they can do to help the team move forward. when we

began shooting we were unable to gain access to one of the rooms so we had set up a

contingency plan so we could not let this setback affect or jeopardize us from hitting our

deadline. so as a team i would say we were successful within the process and we managed to

hit our final deadline.

The process was successful because as a team we all worked successfully and communicated

well which overall gave us more time to work on the idents further our preparation was very

organized which helped enhance the success of our product. From reviewing the client's

feedback we acted on things such as the lens flares and things such a colour correction which

could fortunately be fixed in pre-production so overall our suite of idents were a success.

6B) Evaluate how you conduct your roles


My role director controls the artistic and dramatic

aspects of the idents, and visualizes the script while

guiding the technical crew and actors in the

fulfillment of that vision. As a director i have a key

role in choosing the cast members and production

design. I have to make sure that the production team

understands my creative vision.On one hand i feel

like i was able to brainstorm and portray my ideas

clearly to my group. Also i made a valid effort to

communicate with my group with weekly

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updates.However on the other hand i feel like i could've improved on executing my the ideas

while filming for example one of the new skills i was getting used to was stop motion.

Sometimes during filming i would need to stop filming to re do the shoot because of minor


This mistake could be partly caused by our teacher being absent at the start of the unit for a few

weeks, as he was not able to teach us about stop motion properly. This resulted in a minor

delay. However this delay was solved by doing independent research about stop motion. As a

result I was able to have some sort of knowledge in stop motion , even though my limitations

were evident.


i. Make a critically objective assessment of their own achievement with detailed

reference to examples taken from your work. (Eunice)

Meeting the requirements of the brief, with detailed reference to examples from your work

When it comes to assessing our achievement with our idents, had to meet the requirements of

the brief that was set out for us, so we ensured that the idents reflected school life, and set in

environments such as science classrooms, etc. Our suite of idents meets the brief because we

stuck to an appropriate theme and made a complete set of idents. Another point is that we

successfully conveyed the theme and brand identity of CTK which is “Things come to life”. This

is the idea that participating in enrichment activities adds to self-development as a student, and

encourages students to explore all aspects of life. We have chosen this theme because it is a

theme that represents the college’s ethos, “Ut Vitam Habeant”. This is latin for “That they may

have life”. This is going to be portrayed through all of the 4 promotionals idents. We were able

to successfully produce the final suite of idents, that met the specifications and terms of the

brief. As i mentioned above, We were also able to portray the theme and visual style we

wanted. For example all of the idents used stop-motion. This was something that we had

planned to do during the ideas generation. The target audience was able to understand the

theme of the idents. As you can see below, the results of our survey show this. The idents also

showed creativity. For example, the art ident was very creative.


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ii. Make critical comparisons of your own work with other examples you looked at in your




When it comes to existing example, we found an Ident made by a company called “Bindass” the

ident was a stop-motion football ident which displayed a theme of unity due to one of the

characters scoring and the keeper falling so the scoring character helped the goalie up, as and

ident this displayed a sense of sportsmanship and sympathy for others which displays a positive

message.so when it came to our ident we wanted to include the same values in our ident but

also by altering the visual style of it. In order to master that this ident.During the shoots, i spent

a lot of my time working with the DOP and the director, so when it came to trying to put our

ideas to life i made sure that we spent a week getting familiar with stop motion due to it being

very time consuming and very easy to bump into errors so during this week we experimented

and we created mock ups, which really helped us gather the stop motion technique. So the

production of these idents are similar to each other. From looking at the two idents i would say

ours is the best because when it comes to strengths, our strengths were things such as the

visual style for example we used stop motion with plasticine models which as a visual style

looks a lot more professional than the “Bindass” advert however one of the weakness’ of the

style of our idents was the visual because in order to produce stop motion it is alot more time

consuming, but overall i would say our ident was the strongest out of the other ones we looked


iii. Evaluate their personal development in relation to justifying how you made a strong

contribution to your role requirements in producing the idents.


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When it came to roles, as an individual i was an executive producer which as a role made me

responsible for the process of forming ideas and making them into a product further more as the

executive producer i would spend a lot of my time working alongside the director of photography

and the director while working on the shoot. Also i was responsible for sourcing all permissions

and all props needed for the shoot, As i worked in this role i found that you have to be very

organised and you would have to collects ways of improving the shoot for example when it

came to an issue we had regarding lighting as the executive producer i would have to be a step

ahead and i would have to source a lighting kit. So as an individual i would say my leadership

and organisational skills have improved majorly. And as a team we all worked in unity and it

made the whole process a lot longer. One of our strengths was our preparation because as a

team and as an individual we were always hitting deadlines and prepared. When reviewing the

pros and cons of my roles i would say a perk of my role was being able to have a lot of input into

the creation of visual style and the look of the idents because i worked alongside the dop so i

enjoyed having that control over how i wanted the idents to look. The only weakness of being an

executive director was because i had to do alot for example my team made me responsible for

sourcing all of the props and equipment.

iii. Evaluate their personal development in relation to justifying how you made a strong

contribution to your role requirements in producing the idents. (Ese)

I made a lot of positive contributions towards this production. I was able to display some of my

strengths in this production. One positive contribution was my technical knowledge and

advanced animation skillset. I think this was a positive contribution to the production because i

was able to bring more creativity to the final product. My technical knowledge and skillset

allowed me to co-operate with other members of the production team, specifically the director of

photography. This was important because me and the director of photography had to work

together to edit the idents. We had to plan out which effects and transitions to use. As I've

mentioned before, one of the weaknesses of our production team was post-production

management and improvement.

One of the weaknesses we had as a production team, was leaving sufficient amount of time to

refine our final product. We were able to finish the final product before the deadline. This shows

that our time management skills were good. We were able to successfully create a suite of

idents, that meet the specifications of the brief.However, i felt like we should have left some time

to evaluate our idents. We could have planned a period of time to improve our idents more. For

example, the science ident needed improving. The lighting was inconsistent and some shots

were out of focus. Had we left time to address this issue, our suite of idents would have looked

much better.

iii. Evaluate their personal development in relation to justifying how you made a strong

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contribution to your role requirements in producing the idents. (Ugo)

My role director controls the artistic and dramatic aspects of the idents, and visualizes the script

while guiding the technical crew and actors in the fulfilment of that vision. As a director i have a

key role in choosing the cast members and production design. I have to make sure that the

production team understands my creative vision.On one hand i feel like i was able to brainstorm

and portray my ideas clearly to my group. Also i made a valid effort to communicate with my

group with weekly updates.However on the other hand i feel like i could've improved on

executing my the ideas while filming for example one of the new skills i was getting used to was

stop motion. Sometimes during filming i would need to stop filming to re do the shoot because of

minor mistakes. As a result i have personally developed in the area of making sure the camera.

Stop motion is now a skill i can use in future pieces of work. Another personal development that

i can see which is notable is relying on other team mates. I feel this is a role requirement for

producing a suite of idents. This is because without delegating workload to certain team

members it makes getting the work done takes more time an example of this is when our group

was suppose to construct a production plan. Each section was taken up by a team member. For

example i took up the role of handling designs , Jordan handled the production schedule and

also Kenny took on the AV script. This made it easier as we separated the workload.

iii. Evaluate their personal development in relation to justifying how you made a strong

contribution to your role requirements in producing the idents.


I had the role of a producer. As a producer, I made sure that the pre production documents were

all completed before the deadline we were given. As a producer I also have to be organised and

make sure everyone is doing their assigned job. I was responsible for the budget, risk

assessments, recces, booking out the equipment (such as the camera, tripods). In my opinion I

think that I was very strong at my role because I have increased skills such as communicating,

budgeting, time management and also listening. Another skill could be stop motion, as I didn’t

know how to do it before. Lastly, I had the ability to successfully fulfill the role as a producer

because I was able to make sure everyone was on track with what needed to be done and also

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meet our intended deadlines. However, I have

also gained a new skill which is stop motion, as at times I helped with taking the pictures for our


In my opinion I think that there were a number of positives and also weaknesses as a

production team. An advantage of this is that we were able to successfully complete the suite of

idents before the deadline date, and also had enough time to amend or tweak anything in the

idents. Another advantage is that as a production team, we worked really well because as a

group, we were able to solve all of the problems we encountered together.

One weakness we had was with the art ident, where there were red dots which made the ident

look quite messy, but we didn’t have any time to re-shoot or try to find a way to cover the red

dots to make it look more professional.

As a whole, I feel that that everyone in the production team successfully followed their roles.

Ugo was the director, he was able to brainstorm strong ideas for the suite of idents, as he also

led the group. Jordan, the executive producer had a very artistic eye and hand because he

crafted the plasticine models, and he also helped Kenny, the DOP and editor with the

production of the idents, where they were behind the camera. However we were all practically

involved when it came to shooting the idents. Lastly I think that when it came to editing the

idents, Ese and Kenny had a very creative eye as we were able to successfully complete the

suite of idents.

iii. Evaluate their personal development in relation to justifying how you made a strong

contribution to your role requirements in producing the idents.


In this production i was placed under the role of Camera Operator/Director of photography in

which i was responsible for how the footage will look and turn out, my role i would say is the

most important role as i am trying to capture the best appreciated side of what the director

wants to see on screen. I also helped the editor with the editing as two hands working on the

editing was more effect as it saved us more time and allowed us to go back and treat those

idents that were not shot and needed improvements. I also did the storyboards and animatic

which helps the group, audiences and client to understand what the suit of idents will be about

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and to also give them an idea on what the finished product will look like. However, it’s also used

to point us in the right direction when we go off task. From looking at what we have achieved via

our production my strongest contributions was when i was recording the te footage for the suit of

idents, which was mixed with live footage and stop motion in which we incorporated play-doh

with the stop motion to make sure that we do not target a specific target audience ensuring that

no audiences are alienated (promoting ethnic equality). As a team i can strongly say that we

were very prepared with our timing and teamwork as we finished our pre production stages on

time in which allowed us to jump straight into the production, making the real suit of idents. Our

team work was also very good as we were multiskilled allowing the whole group to be able to

take on any roles if any group members were absent during production for personal reasons or


My weakness was working with time at the beginning of this production as i was always

doubting that we will finish the task as we were doing stop-motion as i felt it was a longer and

harder process that needs a lot of time and attention. That was until we negotiated with the

client to set a time into which how long our ident can be as because of the visual style we were

approaching as we wanted to keep audiences interested and entwined with our product instead

of alienated other audiences with thought to appeal to a wider audience share.

I conclude, by stating that the team was very strong when it came to time, the production of the

suit of idents and how we came together to plan what roles we were going to take on each


iv. Seek out the views of your Target Audience (parents, staff, students and applicants) by

showing their product to likely members of the intended audience (Kenny)

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After taking a look at the feedback from the target audience i can strongly say that our suit of

idents was a success as the feedback received was very positive and expressive. The research

received was very good as we got answers from different age groups and ethnic backgrounds

which means that we achieved our theme which is promoting diversity and how things come to

life. Audiences expressed that our idents were recognisable and creative. Most of our target

audience said that they recognized our idents and were able to recognise the continuity with in

the suit of idents. In conclusion it means that our idents were very successful and appealed to

more than one target audience. In addition, through the research undertaken to gather results

on our product we have also found out that the suit of idents showed it was recognisable to

audiences consuming the product as we got 100% feedback portraying that each ident had a

consistent visual style and also branded the idents showing it’s recognisable and who its

representing “CTK tv Channel”. However, they also stressed that all the idents used the same

the same colour (purple) when branding the college as it is already known and recognised as

people know CTK house colours. We also asked audiences if the they could recognise the

theme of our suit of idents in which again we got 100% feedback expressing that audiences

thought our theme was creativity or things coming to life. In which both answers were right but it

was mainly ‘things coming to life’ these results made pleased me and my group as the stop-

motion aided the visual style helping audiences to grasp what we were trying to achieve, which

was a clear and recognisable theme across the suit.

In conclusion I conclude by stating that the results achieved from the survey we did proved very

good as we got 100% feedback that was all good in which explained what our suit of idents

achieved. The 100% feedback we got states that the idents appeal to the mixed audience in

which we shared our survey to (teachers, parents, and students) as some even shared that they

loved the style in which we chose to represent the suit and how it was creative and playful at the

same time but most importantly it didn’t alienate any audiences as this was shown from the

positive feedback taken from our survey.

The feedback from the client was also positive as he liked how we used our own creativity in

deciding to discard the idea of doing a seasonal suit of idents, in which we replaced it with

practices that the college already endorses as we thought it was more applicable and that it will

allow us to relate ideas to things the college already practices for example: fashion show,

oscars, art & media expedition and dancing. Furthermore, I am pleased with the results we

achieved from our audiences but i feel there was still room for improvement on some of the

idents due to minor issues made such as colour grading and editing as that was a huge

weakness for us when we were recording footage and taking pictures as the lighting was ever-

changing. This could be fixed if we used an environment in which we could control the lighting in

which i feel that would've helped more. But, in the end we were still able to achieve what we


v. Explain the impact of professional and legal constraints upon your work.


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We were following a brief, so we had to take into consideration legal and ethical constraints. We

also had to work to professional standards. The reason for this is to make sure that all media

products that are distributed are not breaking the law. Another reason is to make sure that

products are suitable for its intended audience. Although we had to consider these things, our

production was not impacted as much by legal constraints. This was because we did not use

actual actors in the production of our idents. However there were a few things we had to take

into consideration. For example, copyright. We as a production team had to be aware of the

copyright law when using content which was not our own. To avoid any copyright issues with

our idents, we used royalty free music. We also made sure that we created our on-screen

graphics instead of downloading someone else’s. There are many laws and regulations set by

regulators to ensure that media companies and organisations do not offend people. Regarding

Ethical issues and constraints, we as a group made sure that our ideas and themes did not

offend people's ethnic backgrounds, gender or religious beliefs. We also had to make sure that

we did not discriminate against minority groups. Using plasticine instead of real actors, helped

us deal with this potential issue. In terms of professional constraints, we had to refine our idents,

so they looked professional.

As assistant director and editor, i think i was successfully able to complete the necessary tasks

in which these roles entail. I felt like i conducted myself well in these roles. As editor and

assistant director, it was responsibility to assist in the completion of the suite of idents. It was my

job to create the final product to professional standards. I was also in charge of some pre-

production tasks, such as the selection of technical and performance crew along with the

producer. I made a lot of positive contributions towards this production. One positive

contribution was my technical knowledge and advanced animation skillset. I think this was a

positive contribution to the production because i was able to bring more creativity to the final

product. My technical knowledge and skillset allowed me to co-operate with other members of

the production team, specifically the director of photography. This was important because me

and the director of photography had to work together to edit the idents. We had to plan out

which effects and transitions to use.