691041 AHK Fall newsletter 110215 - Almost Home Kids€¦ · for Giving Tuesday – December 1,...

www.almosthomekids.org Fall 2015 1 The Almost Home Kids family room in Chicago has been transformed temporarily into a photo studio as Devontae prepares to have his Graduation photo taken by local photographer Laura Brown. Typically this is a routine event in the life of a teenager, but for Devontae and his family it is a monumental achievement and an enormous sense of accomplishment for his parents, Tina and Tim. Just three short years ago everything changed for Devontae and his family when a serious accident left him unable to walk, feed himself or even breathe on his own. The struggles his family faced were immense, and as their new reality began to sink in, they found themselves in the Ronald McDonald House at 211 E. Grand with more questions than answers. That’s when, thanks to Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago (RIC), they found Almost Home Kids, and everything began to fall into place. Devontae transitioned to Almost Home Kids from RIC in December 2012, just two months after the AHK Chicago location had officially opened. His condition had stabilized but they needed home modifications and care planning before he could go home. Tina and Tim were overwhelmed by his equipment and medication needs, and they were desperate for help and training on how to master his care. Tina recalls the breath of fresh air she had when they came to Almost Home Kids. “There is a very different feel at AHK. The pace is more relaxed and there is time to get mentally and physically ready for the task at hand. If you don’t get something right away, the nurse explains it again until you know you understand exactly what to do and it becomes second nature.” Tina also credits the Case Management and Social Work team at AHK for helping her navigate the complicated government agencies and connecting her with the Division of Specialized Care for Children, which helped cover the cost of the home modifications and nursing care. When it was time for Devontae to transition home, the whole family was ready. Tina and Tim took on a divide and conquer approach at home, with mom focused on administering his medications and feedings, and dad taking on the physical therapy. Everyone was confident and excited to be together helping Devontae gain as many skills as he could. That was two years ago, and the progress that Devontae has made since then is remarkable. When Devontae recently graduated from Jefferson High School in Rockford to great fanfare, it marked a very significant turning point in Devontae’s progress. He can now stand up out of his chair (with some help from dad), he no longer requires a ventilator and equally importantly, his sense of humor is 100% intact. Devontae’s infectious smile and ability to make his friends and family laugh is unmatched. Tina and Tim’s ultimate wish for Devontae is that he’s happy with positive influences around him; a very attainable goal when he’s supported by the faith, commitment and love of an extraordinary team. From Tragedy to Triumph Home News Fall 2015 IN THIS ISSUE Cover Story 1 Devontae – From Tragedy to Triumph Our Supporters 2 Healing Garden Update Gifts of Stock Physical Therapy in Action Our Events 4 Share the Care Ball No Place Like Home Summer Soirée Upcoming Events Giving Tuesday Our Community 6 Corporate Spotlight: Lendlease Volunteers of the Quarter Wish List

Transcript of 691041 AHK Fall newsletter 110215 - Almost Home Kids€¦ · for Giving Tuesday – December 1,...

Page 1: 691041 AHK Fall newsletter 110215 - Almost Home Kids€¦ · for Giving Tuesday – December 1, 2015 #GivingTuesday is a movement that has inspired an international day of philanthropic

www.almosthomekids.org Fall20151

TheAlmost Home KidsfamilyroominChicagohasbeentransformedtemporarilyintoaphotostudioasDevontaepreparestohavehisGraduationphototakenbylocalphotographerLauraBrown.Typicallythisisaroutineeventinthelifeofateenager,butforDevontaeandhisfamilyitisamonumentalachievementandanenormoussenseofaccomplishmentforhisparents,TinaandTim.JustthreeshortyearsagoeverythingchangedforDevontaeandhisfamilywhenaseriousaccidentlefthimunabletowalk,feedhimselforevenbreatheonhisown.Thestruggleshisfamilyfacedwereimmense,andastheirnewrealitybegantosinkin,theyfoundthemselvesintheRonaldMcDonaldHouseat211E.Grandwithmorequestionsthananswers.That’swhen,thankstoRehabilitationInstituteofChicago(RIC),theyfoundAlmost Home Kids,andeverythingbegantofallintoplace.

DevontaetransitionedtoAlmost Home KidsfromRICinDecember2012,justtwomonthsaftertheAHKChicagolocationhadofficiallyopened.Hisconditionhadstabilizedbuttheyneededhomemodificationsandcareplanningbeforehecouldgohome.TinaandTimwereoverwhelmedbyhisequipmentandmedicationneeds,andtheyweredesperateforhelpandtrainingonhowtomasterhiscare.TinarecallsthebreathoffreshairshehadwhentheycametoAlmost Home Kids.

“There is a very different feel at AHK. The pace is more relaxed and there is time to get mentally and physically ready for the task at hand. If you don’t get something right away, the nurse explains it again until you know you understand exactly what to do and it becomes second nature.”




From Tragedy to Triumph

HomeNewsFall 2015


CoverStory 1Devontae – From Tragedy to Triumph

OurSupporters 2Healing Garden Update Gifts of Stock Physical Therapy in Action

OurEvents 4Share the Care Ball No Place Like Home Summer Soirée Upcoming Events Giving Tuesday

OurCommunity 6 Corporate Spotlight: Lendlease Volunteers of the Quarter Wish List

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Our Supporters

Dedication Scheduled for Spring 2016OurchildrenhavebeenentertainedbytheunfoldingoftheMargaretM.&ThomasM.CurranHealingGarden.Thedaythatthekitesculpturewasinstalledtheywantedtogooutsideandcouldnotcontaintheirexcitement.Thebrightredkitesandplayfultailsblowinginthebreezehelpedusalltoimaginethethrillofflying.TomandMargaretlovedallchildrenandweresoproudoftheirownchildrenandmanygrandchildren.Familyalwayscamefirstforthem.OurnewhealinggardenatAHKwillbring


Special Acknowledgements to Our Generous Contributors, to The Curran Memorial Fund & Healing Garden Project

Naming Opportunity Available for these lovely kites

Naming Opportunity Available for this beautiful doe

Donated by Jim English & JoAnn Crowe in celebration of Euan McLean


$5,000 – $2,500Mary&BillNeustadtEmployeesofLendlease


$2,499 – $1,000WarrenV.Beal&FamilyExchangeClubofNapervillePat&DavidHessNapervilleJayceesJaninaNieves&FamilyAnneM.Shannon


Many, many more individuals donated brick pavers to the garden and there is still time to “Make your Mark” for someone you love or wish to celebrate.

5 large pavers are still available ($500) Thesepaversareguaranteedprominentplacementneartheentrancetothegarden.Thebricksare12”x24”indimensionandallowuptosevenlinesofetching,ifdesired.30charactersperlinemaximum(includingspaces).

74 small pavers are still available ($150) Thesepaversleadtoawaterfountain,whichisthefocalpointofthegarden.Thepaversare4”x6”indimensionandallowuptofourlinesofetching,ifdesired.11charactersperlinemaximum(includingspaces).


Page 3: 691041 AHK Fall newsletter 110215 - Almost Home Kids€¦ · for Giving Tuesday – December 1, 2015 #GivingTuesday is a movement that has inspired an international day of philanthropic

www.almosthomekids.org Fall20153

If You Normally Give Cash at the End of the Year, Transfer Stock Instead and Give Yourself the Added Benefit of Capital Gains Tax Savings.Whetheritsmilkorfrozenfood,almosteverythingwebuyinthegrocerystoreisstampedwith“bestby”or“useby”datestoletusknowwhenit’sbesttousethem.Shouldn’totherpartsofourliveshavereminderdatesonthem?Whataboutyourstocks?Howlonghavetheybeeninyourportfolio“shelf”?Ifyourstockshavebeenhangingaroundyouraccount’sshelfforawhile,considertransferringthemtoourorganizationbeforetheendoftheyear.Youwillreceiveanincometaxdeductionthatwillhelploweryour2015taxbill.Youwon’tpaycapitalgainsonthetransfer,andyouwillhelpusendtheyearwithagiftwecanuseequaltothefullvalueofthestock.






ContactRaeannOlsen-Jackson([email protected])tolearnmoreabouthowyoucanendtheyearwithtaxsavingsandthegreatfeelingthatcomeswhenyouknowyouhavehelpedothers.©CrescendoInteractive,Inc.

Physical Therapy at Almost Home KidsThePhysicalTherapyProgramatAlmost Home Kidslaunchedin2014andweloveseeingourkidslightupwhenthePhysicalTherapistsarriveeachdayfortherapytime.We’resogratefultothedonorsandgrantorswhomadethisprogrampossible!

Savannah with Physical Therapist, Lynn

Enrique with Mary Pat

Ben enjoying time with Mary Pat at his recent respite stay

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Coyote Riot

Emma Sohst giving the parent testimonial

Our Events

Share the Care BallOnOctober23,2015,TheDrakeHotelsetthesceneforaneveningofeleganceandfestivityinsupportofAHKChicago.OurfourthannualSharetheCareBallraisedmorethan$260,000forAHKChicagoandfeaturedanexcitingsilentandliveauctionanddancingtotheincomparableKenArlenOrchestra.Thetruespiritofthenightwascapturedinthewordsofourhonorees:SusanJ.Schwartz,Dr.AnnB.Karch,andPaulaNoble.

No Place Like HomeAsSpringmadeitslongawaiteddescentonChicago,theAlmost Home KidsYoungAssociatesBoard(YAB)capitalizedontheenergyoftheseasonwithafabulouslysuccessfulinauguralSpringfundraiser–“NoPlaceLikeHome”.TheKensingtonsetthesceneonMay12,2015

Event Chair Allison Cipolla addresses the crowd

Julia Chappell, Bill Neustadt, Paula Noble, Ann Karch, Susan Schwartz, Debbie Grisko

EmmaSohst,motherofTravisandLilywhohavebothspenttimeatAlmost Home Kids,ignitedthepassionforAHKwithintheheartsofallattendees,andeachoneofthemorethan340guestsinattendanceleftknowingthattheirsupportmakesatremendousdifferenceinthelivesofchildrenwithchronicmedicalcomplexitiesandtheirfamilies.


Page 5: 691041 AHK Fall newsletter 110215 - Almost Home Kids€¦ · for Giving Tuesday – December 1, 2015 #GivingTuesday is a movement that has inspired an international day of philanthropic

www.almosthomekids.org Fall20155

Upcoming Events

April 3, 2016Bank of America Shamrock Shuffle 8K

April 22, 2016 Naperville Gala – Esplanade Lakes

June 10, 2016 Golf Marathon – Zigfield Troy Par 3 Golf Course

TheStreetJaxksonBandbroughtthecrowdtotheirfeetaboardtheColumbiaYachtClubatthethirdannualSummerSoiréeonJune23,2015!Guestsenjoyedthefabulousview,greatcompanyandtopnotchentertainment,allthewhilesupportingthecriticalservicesofAlmost Home KidsChicagotothetuneof$20,000.TheSoiréecommitteeandLakeshaRoseleftnostoneunturnedandhostedamemorableandenjoyableeveningonLakeMichiganforaveryimportantcause.

Columbia Yacht Club provides a historic and unique venue for the Summer Soirée

Street Jaxkson Band

Summer Soirée

Mark Your Calendars for Giving Tuesday – December 1, 2015

#GivingTuesdayisamovementthathasinspiredaninternationaldayofphilanthropicgivingtokickofftheholidayseason.FallingontheTuesdayafterconsumer-focused“BlackFriday”and“CyberMonday,”the4thannual#GivingTuesdaywillbeonDecember1,2015.Pleasedon’tmissthisopportunitytoparticipateinoneofourfavoriteeventsoftheyear!Thisyear,TheColemanFoundationandRisingMedicalSolutionswillbematchinggiftsforcontributionsmadeonlineonDecember1stonly.Ifyouwanttodoubletheimpactofyouryear-endgift,pleasevisitourGivingTuesdaywebsiteon12.1.15:almosthomekids.kintera.org/ 2015GivingTuesday

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Our Community

“Remember that the happiest people are not those getting more, but those giving more.”–H.JacksonBrownJr.

ThisquotesumsupourvolunteerswhoarehappytodonatetheirtimeandcompassiontoourchildrenafewhoursaweekormonthatAlmost Home Kids.Volunteerinteractionwithourchildrenisvitaltotheirdevelopmentandhealingprocessastheyarepreparingfortransitionhomeorareawayfromtheirfamilywhilehereonarespitestay.WeareblessedtohavesuchathoughtfulVolunteerTeamatbothourNapervilleandChicagosites.

EachquarterweselecttwovolunteerstoreceivetheVolunteer of the Quarteraward—onefromNapervilleandonefromChicagowhoareloyaltoourVolunteerProgrambygoingaboveandbeyondatypicalvolunteercommitment.WewouldliketorecognizeMeghann VizintosandJack Koteckifortheir‘aboveandbeyond’volunteerefforts.


Volunteers of the Quarter

Meghann Vizintos with Enzo Jack Kotecki with AHK RN, Alyssa

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www.almosthomekids.org Fall20157

Corporate Group Highlight –Lendlease

2015willmarkthe9thconsecutiveyeartheamazingstafffromLendleasehaschosenAlmost Home KidsNapervilleasoneoftheirsitesfortheirGlobalCommunityDay.Yearafteryearacrewof10–14Lendleasestaffspendsthedayworkingonprojectsinsideandoutsideourhomeandbringwiththemtheexpertiseneededforsomeofourmorecomplicatedprojects.KristenPoradziszofLendleasehascoordinatedtheseprojectseveryyearwithourCommunityOutreachCoordinator&DirectorofOperationsandtheLendleaseteamalwaysasksforour‘challengingprojects’!Weknowwecancountontheseskilledemployeeswhocanhandlejustaboutanytaskwegivethem.Notonlydotheycomereadytowork;theyalsopurchase&providethemajorityofthematerialsneededsuchaspaint,drywallmaterials,concrete,lumber,mulchandevenoutsidelightingfixtures.Theyhaveprovideduswithover$6000worthofmaterialsforeachoftheirCommunityServiceDays.




Our Needs Wish List:Diapers(Size1,2&3)Poly-Vi-Sol(InfantMultivitaminwithIron&withoutIron)






Child Life Program Specific Wish List:8x11Scrapbookpaper&scrapbooksupplies




2015 Lendlease volunteer crew

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Board of Directors

BillNeustadt,Chair JoshPrangley,Vice Chair RonBlaustein JuliaChappellTheresaDankoDeborahA.GriskoMichaelHoffmanMathewMullarkeyPaulaNobleLakeshaRoseChristopherSchenkenbergMichelleStephensonMaritaSullivan

President’s Council


Our mission at Almost Home Kids is to provide transitional care in a home-like setting to children with complicated health needs, training for their families and respite care.

“Like”usonFacebookfordailyAlmost Home Kidsupdates!

Key Staff

DeborahA.Grisko,RN,President and Executive Director


DorothyGieren,Director of FinanceRaeannOlsen-Jackson,Director of DevelopmentJudithMcLean,Director of Marketing & Communications LoriHannon,Director of Business Development & StrategyGailLinhart,Director of OperationsLisaSnow,Community Outreach CoordinatorLizaLarsen,Special Events Coordinator and Strategic Development


PeterJ.Smith,MD,MA,AHK Chicago, Medical Director ChrisBender,MD,AHK Naperville, Medical Director AnnKarch,MD,Associate Medical Director MikeHoffman,MD,Associate Medical DirectorLayenieAnderson,RN,Director of Case Management

Writers, Editors and Key Contributors:

