
How to cash out Twitter 101 Created By: Top-Web Hey everyone, Well I know everyone here has used or heard of Twitter at least once, but how many times have you heard of making money, on the website that doesn't let you use more than 140 characters, per post? This eBook is a detailed tutorial that will take you step by step on how to build your Twitter empire, this method takes time and patience, and you won't notice serious earnings for about 30 days, so if you're not willing to work, stop reading now. To give you a bit of background on my research and work with Twitter, I started using this method about two months ago. Since then, I've made over $60.00 per day consistently, and I do roughly an hour of work per day. I've had to put this method on the backburner, since I have other experiments at hand, although I plan on expanding this so that I can eventually come to create $500.00 to even $1,000.00 daily. How do I know that's possible? Well with the method I use, the earning possibilities are potentially endless, the simple rule at hand is, Don't Cheat The System (DCTS). If you are having issues believing me, look right here below at my earnings report. ***I have exported it to Microsoft Excel 2007 so it will have a more organized look.



Transcript of 65_A_Day

  • How to cash out Twitter 101 Created By: Top-Web

    Hey everyone,

    Well I know everyone here has used or heard of Twitter at least once, but how many times have you heard of making money, on the website that doesn't let you use more than 140 characters, per post?

    This eBook is a detailed tutorial that will take you step by step on how to build your Twitter empire, this method takes time and patience, and you won't notice serious earnings for about 30 days, so if you're not willing to work, stop reading now.

    To give you a bit of background on my research and work with Twitter, I started using this method about two months ago. Since then, I've made over $60.00 per day consistently, and I do roughly an hour of work per day. I've had to put this method on the backburner, since I have other experiments at hand, although I plan on expanding this so that I can eventually come to create $500.00 to even $1,000.00 daily.

    How do I know that's possible? Well with the method I use, the earning possibilities are potentially endless, the simple rule at hand is, Don't Cheat The System (DCTS).

    If you are having issues believing me, look right here below at my earnings report. ***I have exported it to Microsoft Excel 2007 so it will have a more organized look.

  • Well what are you waiting for? Let's get started!

    Step 1

    To begin this process, you are going to need 10 Twitter accounts.

    Go to: http://www.twitter.com/signup

    You will need to have legitimate information upon sign-up, otherwise your account could be flagged, we want to stay as under the radar as possible. You do NOT need a legitimate e-mail address, so I would recommend using a service like this for generating quick and easy names.

    Go to: http://ad22612d.zxxo.net

    Be sure to use secure information, and store them in a text document or a excel sheet for quick and easy access. I recommend you use the following service to generate secure passwords.

    Go to: http://88305b8c.zxxo.net

    Alright the next few step may take you a while, but it is CRITICAL! Go to your Twitter accounts, login to each one individually, and then add a profile picture of a teenage female or cute pet. You want to have a friendly avatar! A friendly young teenage girl, or a cute pet is more believable then a o_O. ***Do not add a website URL to your account, or if you do, do not have the same website on each Twitter account, otherwise Twitter will flag and close your account.

  • Step 2

    Now that we have our 10 Twitter accounts ready to go, it's time to sign-up for the PPC Affiliate Program we will be using.***You must have a PayPal account, otherwise you can request a check when your balance reaches $100.00

    Go to: http://a32ee76b.zxxo.net

    This link is the Affiliate Program website we will be using.

    Once you are at the website, register and confirm your e-mail address. You will now be able to login to the website control panel.

    You will want to add all of your Twitter accounts to your account, under the "Twitter Accounts" tab. You can only add 10 accounts unless you have more than 1,000 followers on your currently listed Twitter accounts.

    Once you have successfully added all 10 accounts, you are going to want to set them up for Auto-Posting. To do this, go to the "Twitter Accounts" tab, and beside the Twitter account you want to set up for Auto-Posting, select "Setup Auto Post".

    Inside this page, you will find specific checkboxes, you need to choose at least two categories, although it is a good idea to have a few more. You will want to have all of your accounts Auto-Posting, it simply saves you about an hour a day.***Tip: Go to the "Post Ads" section and find the sections with the highest paying clicks. This takes you about 15-20 minutes, although doing your research is always worth it.

    Do not click on any of your own ads, otherwise your account will be bumped 7 days in payment, or banned entirely from their network.

    You will also want to maintain at least 50 followers on all of your Twitter accounts, you must have at least 50 followers to post an post an advertisement, or have the Auto-Post function work.

  • Step 3 This could be considered the hardest or most tedious step, as you have no control over it, getting followers.

    This process is something that we automated using a bot, so you will only have to spend about 30 minutes of your day adding and removing people.

    It's a fairly simple process, just use one of the following links to download the Twitter Bot Software.

    Original Download: http://d6b99bbf.zxxo.net --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    MegaUpload: http://d420a2fd.zxxo.net

    ZShare: http://88ea7b74.zxxo.net


    The Twitter Friend Adder software is very straight forward, you shouldn't have any trouble figuring out how to use it, although if you run into any trouble just PM Top-Web on DigitalPoint and he will be able to help you out.

    You currently do not want to follow more than 1,000 tweeters per day, this is Twitter's limit before they red flag you as a spammer. I personally recommend only doing 500-650, so that you still fly low under the radar and can have huge success daily.

  • Once you have followed all of these people, you want to only remove the ones who did not follow you back, to do this, use this simple website. It is safe and secure, so do not worry about losing your Twitter account. ***Tip: Check the "Hide Avatars" box and the page will load 10x faster.

    Go to: http://8cc40eee.zxxo.net

    The way you use this website is by setting the filters on the top of the page. You want to set it to "Show: Only Following". This will filter the page to have all of the tweeters who you are following, but they are not following you. To un-follow those tweeters just go to the bottom of the page and click "Bulk Unfollow". ***Reminder: You are only un-following the tweeters that have a green check.

    When doing this process you are going to want to wait at least 24 hours before removing the tweeters not following you. So basically this is the process you will follow.

    - Add 500 tweeters using the Twitter Friend Adder Bot - Wait 24 hours - Remove all tweeters not following you back

  • Step 4 Updating your Twitter account, with the Affiliate Program, 80% of your tweets must be something other than advertisements, otherwise you risk being banned.

    I recommend using a Bulk Updating site so that you can update all your accounts quick and easily.

    Go to: http://23748c25.zxxo.net

    You will want to add all of your accounts to your account on this site, it's a simple and easy way for you to send to all of your accounts at once "Work is boring" or "What should I do tonight". ***Tip: I have found that by submitting a quick and short custom message on each account separately, you have a less likely chance of being banned for spamming.

    By doing this it also ensures that you are a real person, you aren't some automated advertisement bot that only posts ads, you're a real person which Twitter likes.

  • Step 5 That's about it, you will basically want to repeat this method daily, and eventually add more than 10 Twitter accounts to your account, allowing you to have more ways to earn.

    Remember to post real updates, and occasionally detailed ones, if all you ever post is "Work is boring", Twitter could become suspicious and ban that account.

    Remember everyone, this method takes time and patience, stick with it, and you WILL become successful.

    A quick tip, once you have several accounts with thousands of followers (takes roughly a month), you can begin doing CPA offers which offer even large payouts then simple CPC methods.

    If there are any updates to Twitter regarding this method, I will be sure to e-mail everyone new copies of the eBook.

    I hope everyone enjoyed my eBook, as it was my first one, thanks everyone. Thanks, Top-Web.