
June 4th 2015 COMMUNITY FREE CHURCH WEEKLY Changing the World Locally and Globally! Wednesday at 8:15pm MISSIO NS MEETING We will be discussing the Commander and secretary positions - and advertising AWANA! Then stay and attend the: One thing you will often hear whenever we announce a new Bible study is Pastor Jason saying, “We never want cost to detour you from attending.” Truly, we never want cost to be a deterrent to attending a study, but we do know of instances where it has most likely happened. Therefore, in our last Overseers Meeting the board voted that going forward all Bible Study classes at CEFCM would be on a suggested donation basis. So as we list new classes, there will be a suggested cost, but you pay what you can and no one will be tracking any of it. Why? Because sometimes it’s hard to say, “I would love to attend, but money is so tight right now.” We want to remove that and any other roadblock to you growing in grace. Now when you sign up for a class just put your donation in the offering box and the church will ply those funds to equipping the nations starting at CEFCM. Check out the great new bible studies that are being offered on the next page as well as the ongoing studies that have faithfully been growing people at CEFCM. Announcement Come Out to the Meeting Wednesday Night From 7:00-8:00pm and find out! What’s up with


​Friends and Family, Stay encouraged and informed with your Weekly Newsletter. Grace Abounds!

Transcript of 6_2_2015


    Changing the World Locally and Globally!

    Wednesday at 8:15pm


    We will be discussing the Commander and secretary positions - and advertising AWANA!

    Then stay and attend the:

    One thing you will often hear whenever we announce a new Bible study is Pastor Jason saying, We never want cost to detour you from attending. Truly, we never want cost to be a deterrent to attending a study, but we do know of instances where it has most likely happened.

    Therefore, in our last Overseers Meeting the board voted that going forward all Bible Study classes at CEFCM would be on a suggested donation basis. So as we list new classes, there will be a suggested cost, but you pay what you can and no one will be tracking any of it.

    Why? Because sometimes its hard to say, I would love to attend, but money is so tight right now. We want to remove that and any other roadblock to you growing in grace.

    Now when you sign up for a class just put your donation in the offering box and the church will ply those funds to equipping the nations starting at CEFCM.

    Check out the great new bible studies that are being offered on the next page as well as the ongoing studies that have faithfully been growing people at CEFCM.


    Come Out to the Meeting Wednesday Night From

    7:00-8:00pm and find out!

    Whats up with

  • Join Tasha Schifo this Summer as she launches into an 8 week study on biblical womanhood through True Woman 101: Divine Design Wednesdays: June 10th ,17th, 24th and July 1st, 8th, 15th, and 22nd from 8:30am-10:00am.

    If youre tired of the worlds cheap imitations and knock-offs - or if youre tired of clichd advice, shallow caricatures - then this foundational teaching and insight from Gods Word is for you!

    Find out why...

    Email Tasha at [email protected] or call her at 309-857-2693 to sign up for this study.

    Suggested Donation to attend is $15 for the book.

    Starting Sunday, June 7th, with Pastor Jason:We are going to be looking at some of the toughest issues Christians are facing: Marriage, Poverty, Racism, Sex Slavery, Persecution, Abortion, Pornography, and Orphans.

    This will be a high discussion group, as we read and wrestle these hard issues with truth and grace together. Suggested Donation $20 for 10+ weeks

    New Sunday AM Christian Education Classes - Ordering Books NOW So Sign Up ASAP!

    Starting Sunday, June 7th, with Jim Sackett:

    God doesn't demand hectic church programs and frenetic schedules. He only wants his people to know him more intimately, says top-selling author D. A. Carson.prayer.

    The apostle Paul found that spiritual closeness in his own fellowship with the Father. By following Paul's example, we can do the same. This study calls believers to reject superficiality, and revolutionize their lives by embracing a God-guided approach to prayer.

    Suggested Donation is $12 for 10 weeks

    Sign up for a class today by emailing: [email protected]

  • Tuesday 6/2 Community Groups Schifo Home 6:00pm Wright Home 7:00pm

    Wednesday 6/3 Youth Ministry 6:00-8:00pm

    AWANA Meeting 7:00-8:00pm

    Missions Meeting 8:15-9:00pm Thursday 6/4 Parking Lot Prayer 7:00-7:20am Worship Practice 7:30pm

    Saturday 6/6 Act Like Men 7:00-8:15am Basketball 8:30am Sunday 6/7 Christian Education 9:30am Ladies Bible Study Donna Smith Gods Prophets Demand Justice Bruce Henrikson Counter Culture Pastor Jason Praying with Paul Jim Sackett Senior High Jake Barrett Junior High Ronda Ekberg Childrens Sunday School 9:30-10:30am

    Childrens Church 10:45am Worship Service 10:45am

    Monday 6/8 Church Office closed Martial Arts 6:00pm

    Wednesday 6/9 True Woman 101 Bible Study 8:30am With Tasha Schifo

    Whats Happening This Week at Your Church?

    Prayer Before Work?Every Thursday morning there is an open time of prayer in the parking lot of CEFCM from 7am-7:20am.

    Stop by on your way to work and join in as we seek God together. This will be an open invite to ALL who call on the name of the Lord Joel 2:32, Romans 10:17 (ESV)

    The Church Grounds Team needs help landscaping the church sign area on June 13th from 9am - noon.

    We will be weeding, planting, and laying bricks and stone. Come for as little or as long as you can and help us spruce up the sign area!

  • What If We Lose?Its easy for us sitting in our pleasant living rooms in the West to come up with high-minded theories of non-violence. Our villages have not been burned, our brothers have not been laid murdered, our sisters have not been assaulted. Mine have. Therefore, I am not held by the many pleasant captivities of the liberal mind. There is only one thing that will save us from becoming a vengeful people, which is the certainty that there is a just God. Miroslav Volf

    The Bible tells us that God is Just. This means that He is fair and impartial and that He can and will judge between good and evil, administering justice in accordance with His righteousness.

    So many examples of justice we see are flawed. Some judges are corrupt and even the good ones with good intentions make mistakes. However, the fact that God is Just assures us that when He acts to judge He will administer justice perfectly. He is perfect in His ability to discern truth, to see into the hearts and minds of men and women, in His wisdom, strength, authority, and integrity in establishing what is right and wrong.

    This is important because when we have a confidence in Gods fierce opposition to all human evil, and injustice enters our hearts, then we have a reason to forsake our own impulses towards evil.

    But what if we lose? What if it appears that evil triumphs today? What if we try and try, pray and pray, and we lose?

    What if SB1564, a Bill currently in the Illinois Senate, forces pro-life advocates to become pro-choice advisors passes? What about the multiple bills in the House pushing for late term abortion? What about Roe Versus Wade and the deaths of 56 million babies since 1973? What about the current push to redefine marriage and the ongoing persecution and prosecution of Christians across the globe?

    Oftentimes, we feel like those words of Genesis 4:10 which says: The blood of the innocent still cries out to God from the ground.

    You see if we dont have a just God to trust in we will have every logical reason to become angry, belligerent, disaffected, and violent ourselves. There will be nothing to stop us from allowing evil to turn us into a type of evil that commits evil.

    Human justice will never fully satisfy us, because it is even at its very best, fallen and inadequate. Consider Adolf Hitler, who orchestrated the murder and death of millions of innocent Jews through the Holocaust, and then committed suicide. What about Pol Pot, who spearheaded the Khmer Rouge, which saw the brutal executions and deaths of over 2 million Cambodians, and then committed suicide by poisoning himself in his bed.

    They, like so many, appear to have gotten off easy. Where is the real, moral resolution for these kinds of acts? Our conception of justice isnt even truly able to punish evil on this magnitude. Just think, what justice would have punished properly this level of self exalting pride that resulted in such evil? Nothing.

    But in Jesus we have an answer. As we look at the life of Christ, what was it about Him that was Gods ultimate statement of contempt for our pride? His humility.

    but emptied himself (Christ), by taking the form of a servant, being born in the likeness of men. 8And being found in human form, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross. Philippians 2:7-8

    Remember Saul of Tarsus? He was a rather prideful man who thought he knew better until Jesus met him along the way to Damascus. At that moment, all pride melted away in one great revelation of Holiness.

    Indeed, I count everything as loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. For his sake I have suffered the loss of all things and count them as rubbish, in order that I may gain Christ. Philippians 3:7-8

    The gospel is the only thing that can offer us joyful rescue from furious judgment. The reason for God to judge is not that he might maliciously dole out His anger and frustration, but because of His Just and righteous desire for all people to gain Him.

    We ought to be thankful that God is patient and slow to anger, desiring that none should perish, but that all should come to repentance - to gain Him.

    If SB1564 passes, God is still God. If every late term abortion bill passes, God is still God. If marriage is redefined, He is still God, and there is still a day coming when He will judge every wrong up and against His righteousness and redeem those who have gained Him. Sermon originally preached 5/31 by Pastor Jason Schifo

  • After much prayer, the Elders and Deacons feel that not only has the Lord said YES to AWANA for 2015/2016, but He has provided some pretty neat confirmations along the way.

    Therefore, this year we are going to lay our hands on thiscalling like we never have in my almost 4 years at CEFCM.Joyfully, we will press on as a church in faith that God will provide every volunteer, financial, and logistical need for the coming year.

    In the coming weeks, we will be sharing Gods vision for AWANA for the coming year. We hope that you will get excited about the big and small ways you can help in reaching kids. This may involve getting out of our comfort zone and into the community to let families and kids know that there is a great place to learn the Gospel of Jesus Christ. But dont worry, we have already lined up an official AWANA training on August 2nd, so you are equipped to serve!

    What can you do now?

    Pray for the AWANA committee planning for the next years program. Pray for how God might use you to help make AWANA amazing! Pray that God would prepare hearts to answer the call to serve.Pray for boldness in going out into the community to share about AWANA. Pray that God would open doors to reach kids who have never heard the Gospel. Pray for wisdom, clarity, and direction for the AWANA committee.

    Are you interested in helping with AWANA? Email Michelle Shafer: [email protected]

    Weekly Bible Reading

    June 4th 2 Corinthians 9 June 8th 2 Corinthians 13June 5th 2 Corinthians 10 June 9th Galatians 1June 6th 2 Corinthians 11 June 10th Galatians 2June 7th 2 Corinthians 12 June 11th Galatians 3

    Each of the movements in Hebrews 11 is marked by the phrase by faith. What we learn as we read each verse weekly, is that the people of God live by faith at every turn. What we notice is the events dont always appear to bless them, but they, by faith, serve as a blessing in Gods bigger plan. Likewise, you are a blessing in His greater purposes.

    Read Hebrews 11:26 The Bible tells us that all that is true wealth is found in Jesus Christ. Just read Romans 2:4, Or do you show contempt for the riches of his kindness, tolerance and patience, not realizing that God's kindness leads you toward repentance? The greatest riches e have are found in the loving kindness of God who gave us His Son as a sacrifice for for sin, and His Spirit as a blessing of His presence. Hebrews says that even though Moses didnt know Jesus he knew true wealth didnt lie in human treasure.