614 . gavial




Transcript of 614 . gavial

Name: Malik Wasim Abbas. Registration number: 2008 ag

2825. Roll number: 614. Subject: Medicine 303. Submitted to: Dr Khurram Ashfaq.



Taxonomic classification.

Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata Class: Reptilia Order: Crocodilia Family: Gavialidae Genus: Gavialis Species: G. gangeticus.

Body weight.

Mature body weight of male:1000kg (avg).

Mature body weight of female: 720kg.(avg).

Temperature, pulse rate, respiration rate & litter size.

Normal body temperature: 86 – 89 F

Normal heart rate: 24 – 40 bmp at 28C

Normal respiration rate: 5 – 7

Litter size: 25 - 30 cm.

Breeding period & incubation period.

The mating season is during November through December and well into January.

After 30 to 50 eggs are deposited into the hole that the female digs up before it is covered over carefully. After about 90 days, the juveniles emerge.


Adults mostly feed on fish. May act as scavengers if dead body

is available. Young gavials eat insects, larvae,

and small frogs.

World wide distribution.

Gavials thrive in deep rivers. In India, small populations are present and

increasing in the rivers of the National Chambal & KatarniaghatSanctuary.

Son River Sanctuary and the rainforest biome of Mahanadi in Satkosia Gorge Sanctuary, Orissa.

In Nepal, small populations are present and slowly recovering in tributaries of the Ganges, such as the Narayani-Rapti river system in Chitwan National Park and the Karnali-Babai river system in Bardia National Park.

Salient features.

The gavial is not a man-eater and is sensitive towards humans.

Gavials thrive in deep rivers. They are powerful swimmers but graceless on land, and will leave the water only to bask or to nest on sandy beaches.

Status in Pakistan.

Extinct in Pakistan. Were found in Indus river now are



http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gharial. http://
