6.1.3 a

Quiz-3 It is usually mild but sometimes chilly.

Transcript of 6.1.3 a

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It is usually mild but sometimes


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1. Aşağıdaki eşleştirmelerden hangisi doğru olarak verilmiştir?

a) b) c) d)

2. Verilen diyaloğa uygun gelebilecek ifade hangi seçenekte verilmiştir?

a) What time do you usually go to bed?b) How do you usually come to work?c) Where do you usually study your lessons?d) When do you usually do your homework?

3. “A doctor _____ ill people at hospitals.”

“ A soldier ____ his country.”

“ A mechanic ____ cars.”

Verilen ifadeler tamamlanırsa hangi seçenek dışarıda kalır?

a) sellsb) protectsc) looks afterd) repairs

4. “ People usually wear _____ in cold and snowy weather.”

Aşağıda verilen ifadeye en uygun seçenek hangisidir?

a) gloves , coat and scarfb) sandals , t shirt and sneakers c) cap , short sleeved shirt and glassesd) blouse , skirt and socks


a) How old is your new girlfriend.b) What is your new teacher like?c) What is the weather like in England?d) When does she get up in the mornings?

6. “Utku is ____ snakes.

cümlesini en iyi hangi seçenek tamamlar?

a) crazy aboutb) dislikesc) afraid ofd) interested in


8. Verilen diyaloğa uygun seçenek hangisidir?

Eren : “ How many ____ are there in a year?”

Ayşe : “ There are only four.”

a) monthsb) seasonsc) weeksd) days

9. Verilen zaman ifadelerinin önüne gelen edatlar hangi seçenekte sırası ile verilmiştir?

Summer Monday midnight

2008 June3rd weekend

January Friday 6 o’clock



Only at nights.

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a) in – at – onb) on – at – inc) at – in – ond) in – on - at

10. Verilen eşleştirmelerden hangisi yanlıştır?

a) A loaf of bread

b) A bottle of fruit juice

c) A can of coffee

d) A slice of apple

11. Aşağıda verilen seçeneklerden hangisi diğerlerinden farklıdır?

a) b)

c) d)


Verilen diyaloğa uygun

olan ifade hangisidir?

a) Would you like some help?b) Do you like studying?c) Are you fine?d) Can you speak German?

13. Aşağıdaki verilen eşleştirmelerden hangisi


a ) washing the car

b) doing the cleaning

c) cooking

d) making the bed

14. “I am green but when you cut me I am red inside.Peope eat me in the summer time. I am a fruit and very delicious. What am I?”

a) b)

C) d)

15. Verilen resme göre hangi seçeneği söyleyemeyiz?

dislike hate

can’t stand


Yes, please


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a) There are only two children in the pictureb) They are crazy about computer games.c) They are sitting.d) They never get up early.

16. Aşağıdaki seçeneklerden hangisinde yanlış bir eşleştirme vardır?

a) Every dayb) Once a day c) Stormyd) Cloudy

17. Verilen diyaloğa uygun ifade hangisidir?

Dilara : “ What time is it now?”

Mert : “ It is ____ .”

a) half past sixb) a quarter to sixc) a quarter past sixd) six to three

18. Verilen örneğe bakarak soru işaretinin yerine gelmesi gereken sözcüğü bulunuz.

yoga a shower

DO homework ? dinner

cleaning a sister

a) haveb) takec) kissd) spend

19. Verilen tabloyu dikkate alarak boşluğa gelmesi gereken ifadeyi bulunuz.

“Tom is really crazy about ____ .”

a) riding a bicycleb) playing basketballc) listening to musicd) playing table tenis

20. Aşağıdaki eşleştirmelerden hangisi yanlıştır?

1. sisli

2. Her gün

3. Günde bir defa

4. bulutlu