61 Tips For Increasing Engagement On Your Website

A list created by Captain Up Read Full Blog Post Here 61 tips for increasing engagement on your website

Transcript of 61 Tips For Increasing Engagement On Your Website

7 Tips From Top Gamification Experts On How To Boost User


A list created by Captain UpRead Full Blog Post Here

A list created by Captain Up Read Full Blog Post Here

61 tips for increasing engagement on your website

1. Post regularly Keeps them coming back to your site for the new

content and helps SEO

2. Respond to comments right away Show your users that you exist and that you care what they have to say!

3. Time your posts to reach more usersDifferent markets peak at different times. Check your insights and find out who your users are and use this to your advantage. You can use tools like

Buffer to help!

4. Run a poll, quiz or contestThis allows users to feel needed.

5. Get out of the sell modeYour content should not be “Check out our new product” or “Guess

what just came in” – this is not the content your users want.

6. Be originalBe distinct from everyone else. Share your own GOOD

content, and take time to ask your users what they want to learn about.

7. Report Case StudiesThis drives engagement, social shares and links to your site.

People want to know about real life success stories. Neil Patel, for example, used his case study on TechCrunch to increase

sign up.

8. Create a Newsletter Sign Up SeriesOffer your users value in exchange for an email newsletter. This will boost your

returning visitors. You can use product such as Mailchimp or Getdrip to do this.

9. Ask Questions This is a great way to spark dialogue with fans and one of the best methods

to get people to respond to you. You can use tools like Sean Eliss’ Qualaroo to ask users for feedback.

10. Use PhotosA picture is worth a thousand words! One of our favourite ways to build engagement is through pictures. They are easy to digest for the users.

You can use websites like Unsplash or Gratisogrpahy to get free high quality images.

11. Strong Call to Action Your users will respond better when they are given specifics to respond too.

Your landing page should have one call to action.

12. Know what your users are looking forPeople will only come onto your site if you have what they are looking for.

13. Offer fun and sharable contentEverything you post should be easy to share. This will increase brand

recognition as one that offers valuable content.

14. Use GamificationUsing gaming tactics will improve your users gaming experience. You can use Captain Up‘s platform to add badges, levels and rewards for your blog

or ecommerce store easily.

15. Offer to help usersKnow what your customers need and offer it to them-they will appreciate

your efforts.

16. Talk about your customers Perhaps a “before and after” case study that shows how much your service

can be of benefit. Your words become more trustworthy.

17. Personalize website experience:Make sure to engage users- make them feel like people this will keep them motivated! You can use platform like Commerce Sciences to

easily personalize your user’s experience.

18. Report breaking newsCollect news from a variety of sources and become a

hub around your topic.

19. CrowdsourceGet your visitors to jointly create something for your business. This will make them feel

part of your brand.

20. Reward brand loyalistsAcknowledge a users loyalty by offering him a discount/

opportunity to join a loyalty club. You can reward them with real gifts, or badges to increase motivation.

21. Minimize Page Loading SpeedWe have all been there. You clicked on something you thought looked interesting and waited for it to load… and waited… and waited… and

waited. You can use Google’s tool to check and improve your site speed.

22. Use catchy headlinesFocus on what users want to learn- and create headlines which will entice them. You can use Buffer’s headlines guide to get your started.

23. Responsive designMake sure users can access site from laptop, tablet or smart phone.

Responsive web design provides an optimal viewing experience.

24. Submit site to UserTesting.com:Get your users to test and then you can analyse and understand the

feedback. If you want to try it out for free, you can do it using their ‘Peek‘ platform

25. Use attention grabbing imagesUse images related to your content so that you don’t bombard users with

too much text.

26. The fewer words the betterPeople are busier than ever. Make sure to get your point across in as few

words as possible in order to spur engagement.

27. Add some humour Adding quirkiness and emotion will engage users- and

reminds them you are a person not just a business.

28. Use actionable wordsUsing words such as “download now” or “sign up now”

will increase the number of clicks.

29. Quality over quantityYour users will become more engaged if the quality of information is good.

30. Present your offers clearlyPeople love deals and offers. It makes them feel special.

Make sure they are clearly visible on your website.

31. Internal Linking StructureNot only great for SEO but a great way to decrease bounce

rate and generate more page views per visitor

32. Use a writing style appropriate to your audience

Ensure your writing style is appropriate to your specific audience.

33. Clear navigation menusYour navigation menu should be clear and easy to navigate. Use

appropriate subpages and categories in your menu.

34. Summing upBy providing users with a quick review will increase user engagement and

decrease bounce rate.

35. Involve company employeesEngagement is a 2 way street. Not just about getting customers to be

active. Companies should also motivate company employees.

36. Have a strong site search solutionEnsure your site search functionality is taking care of visitors queries

37. Eliminate distractionsToo many choices often confuse people and impair action.

Do not bombard users with information.

38. Offer a live chat helpHaving a 24-hour live chat feature will boost engagement.

Visitors will feel they have constant support if they have any problems.

39. Make sure ads are not intrusiveIf you have ads on your site make sure they are placed somewhere least

intrusive. Pop ups and poorly placed ads will drive customers away

40. Social share buttonsThe easier your site is to share the more likely your visitors will share it. You can use plugins like Digg Digg or AddThis to improve share rates.

41. Add a blog to your websiteThis can become the social foundation of your website. The more

your blog connects with readers the more they will engage.

42. Create product tours:Product tours that explain to your customers full

benefits of your products and services is a way to reach out to your consumers and engage them.

43. Uninstall Plugins you don’t useOnly use the plugins that offer benefits- uninstall those you don’t

use to increase the sites speed and security.

44. Make use of CachingCaching increases site speed which will lead to

increased engagement.

45. Make commenting easyWhen someone reads your content and feels compelled to

comment make it easy for them to do so. Don’t require a signup for them to leave a comment. Disqus is a great tool you can easily implant to let your readers comment on your content.

46. Customer reviewsCustomer reviews are incredibly powerful which is why they are used in many different marketing channels. Reviews encourage purchase

and engagement. You can integrate product like Yotpo within seconds and start getting more reviews.

47. See what your customers are clicking on To improve your engagement rates iterate on what you already know is working.

See which content is resonating with your buyers and use this to optimise future campaigns. Heat maps are a great way to track what your users are doing on your website. Tools such as

CrazyEgg or even the Sumome Plugin can help you with the task.

48. Cross browser compatibilitySome like Firefox, some Chrome, some Safari, some even Internet explorer.

Make sure your website is well functioning on all browsers so you do not miss out on engagement

49. Personalized formsIf you are looking to capture customers information through forms, personalize them. This will increase the chances of

having someone filling it out and generate more leads.

50. Personalized, helpful Pop-upsPop Ups that are personalized are great engagement tools. Use data you

have collected about your visitors to personalize these messages and be of help.

51. Charts and graphsGraphs and charts are powerful for storytelling, and help people visualize. They will keep your visitors engaged and coming back for more.

52. Interactive visuals and infographicsPowerful way to convert an entire blog post into a sharable piece of content. Your users are more likely to engage with it and share it with others. You can

use tools such as visal.ly and Piktochart to help you with this.

53. Data visualizationPeople love to consume data especially that ties into a story. Create visuals rich in data and visually engaging.

54. Trust signals on site You must build trust. Delivering a trustworthy site with high quality images

and fast page loading speed will encourage your visitors to engage.

55. Check site for technical errorsLack of community engagement may come from the inability to do so! To prevent this run website diagnostics to ensure there are no broken links.

56. Be the first to publish on new industry topics

Be the first to post on latest news items. This will increase your sites credibility.

57. Post videos not just text based articlesVideos are currently a popular trend- take advantage of this and share more

video content.

58. Ask structured questions at end of posts

To encourage comments ask direct questions. The questions will prompt readers to engage and stimulate conversation.

59. Enable subscription to commentsThis will increase likelihood of blog comments turning into full-fledged


60. Interview community expertsInterviews with experts in the field tend to generate the strongest level

of user excitement.

61. Host live eventsGiving your visitors the option to interact with websites owners or special guests is a perfect way to connect with your audience.

7 Tips From Top Gamification Experts On How To Boost User


A list created by Captain UpRead Full Blog Post Here


If you have any tips for increasing engagement that we haven’t mentioned,

please comment on our blog.