6 Weeks Industrial Training Cum Project Report

ACNOWLEDGEMENT Gratitude cannot be seen or expressed. It can only be felt in heart and is beyond description. Often words are inadequate to serve as a model of expression of one’s feeling, specially the sense of indebtedness and gratitude to all those who help us in our duty. It is of immense pleasure and profound privilege to express my gratitude and indebtedness along with sincere thanks to Mr. Anjar Nigir , for providing me the opportunity to work for a project on “Employee Management System” I want to formally acknowledge my sincerest gratitude to all those who assisted and guided me in completing this project report and making my summer training a memorable and successful experience. I am beholden to my family and friends for their blessings and encouragement. Yogesh Kralia 1

Transcript of 6 Weeks Industrial Training Cum Project Report

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Gratitude cannot be seen or expressed. It can only be felt in heart and is beyond

description. Often words are inadequate to serve as a model of expression of

one’s feeling, specially the sense of indebtedness and gratitude to all those who

help us in our duty.

It is of immense pleasure and profound privilege to express my

gratitude and indebtedness along with sincere thanks to Mr. Anjar Nigir , for

providing me the opportunity to work for a project on “Employee Management


I want to formally acknowledge my sincerest gratitude to all those who

assisted and guided me in completing this project report and making my summer

training a memorable and successful experience.

I am beholden to my family and friends for their blessings and


Yogesh Kralia


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Company Profile

SLR software is a leading technology company with the global out reach specializing

in providing top solutions for all category users. Their strong commitment towards

quality has secured us a privileged position in a fast evolving market, the key advantage

being a state of art of product based on cutting edge technologies.

The company delivers a full service offerings that helps numerous customers achieve

maximum return on their investment through dedicated software experts, management

tools and product selection consultation on business critical soft wares, including

desktop, storage, security infrastructure and data management.

Company History

SLR InfoTech was founded in 1999 and is private owned. Since its first day of

Business, SLR InfoTech has required no financial Banking or assistance the company

has been self sufficient and profitable in all years of operation.

The directors of company are Mr. Mohanbir Singh Chawla and Mr. Harminder Singh

Chawla, who are highly educated and each having 5 to 7 years of experience in this

industry. The company mission and culture has reminded constant over the years.


The goal of SLR InfoTech is to be responsive to its users and provide them with

software solution to assist them in being more efficient and productive in their work.

The company plans on continually improving software to help its clients take advantage

new technology.


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2.1 The company

Founded in 1999, SLR InfoTech is headquartered in Chandigarh, India. The activity is

focused on the following major activity axes:

Software Development

Networking consultancy

Project Management

Software Export

The Company is

Producing, developing and internationally distributing high quality

software products.

Providing integrated solutions for data security and reliable services in

files like software distribution, consultancy and technical support.

Providing solutions in banking, healthcare, insurance and publishing


2.2 The People

The people are their key strength. They pick and nurture the best to create an

awesome base of expertise and talent. They are a team of young professionals,

enthusiastic and talented people.

Software programmers, product managers or technical support people, the company is

committed to provide their clients with high quality products and flawless technical

support. The people working in sales, marketing and administration divisions are all

client driven, closely co-operating with the software developers, therefore making them

as an unbeatable team.

2.3 The Capabilities

The reliability of the products, the flexible licensing program and the low prices

show their commitment towards their clients. SLR software strategic partnership with

reputable companies allover the world has created a global network with excellent results

and outstanding performance in the distribution of software products.


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2.4 The Product

The products are characterized by innovation hip, ease of use and multiplatform

supports. The software developed is supporting the large variety of operating systems.

The systems undertaken by SLR InfoTech are as under:

Developed publishing software for ICCC publications, which involved the

compilation of all the cases of all high court and Supreme Court and effective

search engine utility for finding relevant cases.

Developing an in-house EPR projects for US based company, electrical

company radius power. The company is into design, manufacturing and sales of

electrical equipments like SNMPS, filters and EMI etc. The ERP software being

developed cover productions, finance, marketing and sales & purchase modules.

Designed and developed management system for a reputed employment or

organization, VSS private limited, which specializes in human resource


Developed an office Automation suite for the various offices of Vardaan sales

LTD, a leading garment manufacturer of north India.

Designed and developed an accounting software package for sporting LTD.


Developed a hospital Management System for a group of hospitals located in

Jalandhar viz. Sanjivani Hospital, Navjeevan Hospital

Designing and developing an in-house software IMMS integrated manufacturing

management system for manufacturing industries incorporating the following


Financial Management

Inventory management

Store and purchase

Human Resource management


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Training Report


Dennis Ritchie designed and implemented the first C compiler on a PDP-11 (a prehistoric machine by today's standards, yet one which had enormous influence on modern scientific computation). The C language was based on two (now defunct) languages: BCPL, written by Martin Richards, and B, written by Ken Thompson in 1970 for the first UNIX system on a PDP-7. The original ``official'' C language was the ``K & R'' C, the nickname coming from the names of the two authors of the original ``The C Programming Language''. In 1988, the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) adopted a ``new and improved'' version of C, known today as ``ANSI C''. This is the version described in the current edition of ``The C Programming Language -- ANSI C''. The ANSI version contains many revisions to the syntax and the internal workings of the language, the major ones being improved calling syntax for procedures and standarization of most (but, unfortunately, not quite all!) system libraries.

The code starts with a series of comments indicating its the purpose, as well as its author. It is considered good programming style to identify and document your work (although, sadly, most people only do this as an afterthought). Comments can be written anywhere in the code: any characters between / and / are ignored by the compiler and can be used to make the code easier to understand. The use of variable names that are meaningful within the context of the problem is also a good idea.

The #include statements now also include the header file for the standard mathematics library math.h. This statement is needed to define the calls to the trigonometric functions atan and sin. Note also that the compilation must include the mathematics library explicitly by typing

gcc sine.c -lm

3.1.1 Data Types

Variable names are arbitrary (with some compiler-defined maximum length, typically 32 characters). C uses the following standard variable types: int -> integer variableshort -> short integerlong -> long integerfloat -> single precision real (floating point) variabledouble -> double precision real (floating point) variablechar -> character variable (single byte)The compilers checks for consistency in the types of all variables used in any code. This feature is intended to prevent mistakes, in particular in mistyping variable names. Calculations done in the math library routines are usually done in double precision


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arithmetic (64 bits on most workstations). The actual number of bytes used in the internal storage of these data types depends on the machine being used.

The printf function can be instructed to print integers, floats and strings properly. The general syntax is

printf( "format", variables );where "format" specifies the converstion specification and variables is a list of quantities to print. Some useful formats are %.nd integer (optional n = number of columns; if 0, pad with zeroes)%m.nf float or double (optional m = number of columns,

n = number of decimal places)%ns string (optional n = number of columns)%c character\n \t to introduce new line or tab\g ring the bell (``beep'') on the terminal

3.1.2 Loops

Most real programs contain some construct that loops within the program, performing repetitive actions on a stream of data or a region of memory. There are several ways to loop in C. Two of the most common are the while loop: while (expression) {

...block of statements to execute... }and the for loop: for (expression_1; expression_2; expression_3) {

...block of statements to execute... }The while loop continues to loop until the conditional expression becomes false. The condition is tested upon entering the loop. Any logical construction (see below for a list) can be used in this context.

The for loop is a special case, and is equivalent to the following while loop: expression_1;

while (expression_2) {

...block of statements...

expression_3; }


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For instance, the following structure is often encountered: i = initial_i;

while (i <= i_max) { ...block of statements...

i = i + i_increment; }This structure may be rewritten in the easier syntax of the for loop as: for (i = initial_i; i <= i_max; i = i + i_increment) {

...block of statements... }Infinite loops are possible (e.g. for(;;)), but not too good for your computer budget! C permits you to write an infinite loop, and provides the break statement to ``breakout '' of the loop. For example, consider the following (admittedly not-so-clean) re-write of the previous loop: angle_degree = 0;

for ( ; ; ) {

...block of statements...

angle_degree = angle_degree + 10;if (angle_degree == 360) break;


4. Symbolic Constants You can define constants of any type by using the #define compiler directive. Its syntax is simple--for instance #define ANGLE_MIN 0#define ANGLE_MAX 360would define ANGLE_MIN and ANGLE_MAX to the values 0 and 360, respectively. C distinguishes between lowercase and uppercase letters in variable names. It is customary to use capital letters in defining global constants.

3.1.3 Conditionals


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Conditionals are used within the if and while constructs: if (conditional_1) {

...block of statements executed if conditional_1 is true... } else if (conditional_2) {

...block of statements executed if conditional_2 is true... } else {

...block of statements executed otherwise... }and any variant that derives from it, either by omitting branches or by including nested conditionals.

Conditionals are logical operations involving comparison of quantities (of the same type) using the conditional operators:

< smaller than <= smaller than or equal to

== equal to!= not equal to>= greater than or equal to> greater than

and the boolean operators && and|| or! not

Another conditional use is in the switch construct: switch (expression) {

case const_expression_1:{ ...block of statements...

break;}case const_expression_2:{ ...block of statements...

break;}default:{ ...block of statements..


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} }The appropriate block of statements is executed according to the value of the expression, compared with the constant expressions in the case statement. The break statements insure that the statements in the cases following the chosen one will not be executed. If you would want to execute these statements, then you would leave out the break statements. This construct is particularly useful in handling input variables.

3.1.4 Pointers

The C language allows the programmer to ``peek and poke'' directly into memory locations. This gives great flexibility and power to the language, but it also one of the great hurdles that the beginner must overcome in using the language.

All variables in a program reside in memory; the statements float x; x = 6.5;request that the compiler reserve 4 bytes of memory (on a 32-bit computer) for the floating-point variable x, then put the ``value'' 6.5 in it.

Sometimes we want to know where a variable resides in memory. The address (location in memory) of any variable is obtained by placing the operator ``&'' before its name. Therefore &ampx is the address of x. C allows us to go one stage further and define a variable, called a pointer, that contains the address of (i.e. ``points to'') other variables. For example: float x; float px;

x = 6.5; px = &x;defines px to be a pointer to objects of type float, and sets it equal to the address of x:

Pointer use for a variable

The content of the memory location referenced by a pointer is obtained using the `` '' operator (this is called dereferencing the pointer). Thus, px refers to the value of x.

C allows us to perform arithmetic operations using pointers, but beware that the ``unit'' in pointer arithmetic is the size (in bytes) of the object to which the pointer points. For example, if px is a pointer to a variable x of type float, then the expression px + 1 refers not to the next bit or byte in memory but to the location of the next float after x (4 bytes away on most workstations); if x were of type double, then px + 1 would refer to a location 8 bytes (the size of a double)away, and so on. Only if x is of type char will px + 1 actually refer to the next byte in memory.


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Thus, in char pc; float px; float x;

x = 6.5; px = &x; pc = (char ) px;(the (char ) in the last line is a ``cast'', which converts one data type to another), px and pc both point to the same location in memory--the address of x--but px + 1 and pc + 1 point to different memory locations.

3.1.4 Arrays

Arrays of any type can be formed in C. The syntax is simple: type name[dim];

In C, arrays starts at position 0. The elements of the array occupy adjacent locations in memory. C treats the name of the array as if it were a pointer to the first element--this is important in understanding how to do arithmetic with arrays. Thus, if v is an array, v is the same thing as v[0], (v+1) is the same thing as v[1], and so on

8. Character Arrays A string constant , such as

"I am a string"is an array of characters. It is represented internally in C by the ASCII characters in the string, i.e., ``I'', blank, ``a'', ``m'',... for the above string, and terminated by the special null character ``\0'' so programs can find the end of the string.

String constants are often used in making the output of code intelligible using printf ; printf("Hello, world\n");printf("The value of a is: %f\n", a);

String constants can be associated with variables. C provides the char type variable, which can contain one character--1 byte--at a time. A character string is stored in an array of character type, one ASCII character per location. Never forget that, since strings are conventionally terminated by the null character ``\0'', we require one extra storage location in the array!

I/O to and from files


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Similar statements also exist for handling I/O to and from files. The statements are

#include < stdio.h>

FILE fp;

fp = fopen(name, mode);

fscanf(fp, "format string", variable list); fprintf(fp, "format string", variable list);

fclose(fp );The logic here is that the code must define a local ``pointer'' of type FILE (note that the uppercase is necessary here), which is defined in < stdio.h> ``open'' the file and associate it with the local pointer via fopen perform the I/O operations using fscanf and fprintf disconnect the file from the task with fclose

3.1.5 Functions

Functions are easy to use; they allow complicated programs to be parcelled up into small blocks, each of which is easier to write, read, and maintain. We have already encountered the function main and made use of I/O and mathematical routines from the standard libraries. Now let's look at some other library functions, and how to write and use our own. Calling a Function The call to a function in C simply entails referencing its name with the appropriate arguments. The C compiler checks for compatibility between the arguments in the calling sequence and the definition of the function.

Library functions are generally not available to us in source form. Argument type checking is accomplished through the use of header files (like stdio.h) which contain all the necessary information. For example, as we saw earlier, in order to use the standard mathematical library you must include math.h via the statement #include < math.h>at the top of the file containing your code. The most commonly used header files are < stdio.h> -> defining I/O routines< ctype.h> -> defining character manipulation routines< string.h> -> defining string manipulation routines< math.h> -> defining mathematical routines< stdlib.h> -> defining number conversion, storage allocation and similar tasks< stdarg.h> -> defining libraries to handle routines with variable numbers of arguments


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< time.h> -> defining time-manipulation routinesIn addition, the following header files exist: < assert.h> -> defining diagnostic routines< setjmp.h> -> defining non-local function calls< signal.h> -> defining signal handlers< limits.h> -> defining constants of the int type< float.h> -> defining constants of the float typeAppendix B in the K & R book describes these libraries in great detail. Writing Your Own Functions A function has the following layout: return-type function-name ( argument-list-if-necessary ){ ...local-declarations...


return return-value;}If return-type is omitted, C defaults to int. The return-value must be of the declared type.

A function may simply perform a task without returning any value, in which case it has the following layout: void function-name ( argument-list-if-necessary ){ ...local-declarations...


Command-line argumentsIt is standard practice in UNIX for information to be passed from the command line directly into a program through the use of one or more command-line arguments, or switches. Switches are typically used to modify the behavior of a program, or to set the values of some internal parameters. You have already encountered several of these--for example, the "ls" command lists the files in your current directory, but when the switch -l is added, "ls -l" produces a so-called ``long'' listing instead. Similarly, "ls -l -a" produces a long listing, including ``hidden'' files, the command "tail -20" prints out the last 20 lines of a file (instead of the default 10), and so on.

Conceptually, switches behave very much like arguments to functions within C, and they are passed to a C program from the operating system in precisely the same way as arguments are passed between functions. Up to now, the main() statements in our programs have had nothing between the parentheses. However, UNIX actually makes available to the program (whether the programmer chooses to use the information or not) two arguments to main: an array of character strings, conventionally called argv, and an


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integer, usually called argc, which specifies the number of strings in that array. The full statement of the first line of the program is main(int argc, char argv)(The syntax char argv declares argv to be a pointer to a pointer to a character, that is, a pointer to a character array (a character string)--in other words, an array of character strings. You could also write this as char argv[]. Don't worry too much about the details of the syntax, however--the use of the array will be made clearer below.)

When you run a program, the array argv contains, in order, all the information on the command line when you entered the command (strings are delineated by whitespace), including the command itself. The integer argc gives the total number of strings, and is therefore equal to equal to the number of arguments plus one

Project Report


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4.1 About ProjectThis Project was made using c++. This project is made on employee management. How to write the Employee data in the file so that to recollect later is the main purpose of the project. It works on the following functions.

1. Pesonal Details2. Educational Details3. Job Details4. Contact Details5. Salary Details

Personal Details: It is a function including all the contents required to get the full information and to manage the data later, like Add to add the Employee information, Modify to modify the data later, Delete to delete the particular record , Search to search the particular record , List to print all the personal records of Employee in one time in form of list.

Educational Details: It is the function including all the educational details of employee regarding to manage the data later like Add to add the Employee information, Modify to modify the data later like if anybody update its educational details.

Job Details: It is the function including all the job details of employee and to manage the data later like Add to add more information of jobs, Modify to modify the data later like if anybody gives the wrong entry.

Contact Details: It is the function including all the contact details of employee regarding the data later like,if anyone changes his address then we can update its address in our records.

Salary Details: It is the function including all the salary details of the employee. We can modify the salary of the employee.



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The system must have the following hardware requirements:

1 Pentium IV Processors

2 256 MB of RAM

3 5GB of Hard Disk

4 Server Machine

5 Client Machine


The system must have the following software requirements:

1 Turbo C++

4.4 Software Development Lifecycle



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Feasibility study is done so that an ill-conceived system is recognized early in

definition phase. During system engineering, however, we concentrate our

attention on four primary areas of interest. This phase is really important as

before starting with the real work of building the system it was very important

to find out whether the idea thought is possible or not.

1 Economic Feasibility: An evaluation of development cost weighted

against the ultimate income or benefit derived from the developed system.

2 Technical Feasibility: A study of function, performance and constraints

that may affect the ability to achieve an acceptable system.

3 Operational Feasibility: A study about the operational aspects of the



Among the most important information contained in feasibility study is Cost

Benefit Analysis and assessment of the economic justification for a computer

based system project. Cost Benefit Analysis delineates costs for the project

development and weighs them against tangible and intangible benefits of a

system. Cost Benefits Analysis is complicated by the criteria that vary with

the characteristics of the system to be developed, the relative size of the

project and the expected return on investment desired as part of company’s

strategic plan. In addition, many benefits derived from a computer-based

system are intangible (e.g. better design quality through iterative optimization,

increased customer satisfaction through programmable control etc.)As this is

an in-house project for the company, to be used for its own convenience and

also it is not that big a project. So neither it requires a huge amount of money

nor any costly tools or infrastructure need to be set up for it.


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Operational Feasibility

The project is operationally feasible. This project is being made for the

convenience of the patients and doctors only. This system will greatly reduce

a huge burden of doctors. So because of the above stated advantages the

users of the system will not be reluctant at all.



System analysis is the process of studying the business processors and

procedures, generally referred to as business systems, to see how they can

operate and whether improvement is needed.

This may involve examining data movement and storage, machines and

technology used in the system, programs that control the machines, people

providing inputs, doing the processing and receiving the outputs.


The investigation phase is also known as the fact-finding stage or the analysis of

the current system. This is a detailed study conducted with the purpose of

wanting to fully understand the existing system and to identify the basic

information requirements. Various techniques may be used in fact-finding and all

fact obtained must be recorded.

A thorough investigation was done in every effected aspect when determining

whether the purposed system is feasible enough to be implemented.


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As it was essential for us to find out more about the present system, we used the

following methods to gather the information: -

1. Observation: - Necessary to see the way the system works first hand.

2 Document sampling: - These are all the documents that are used in the

system. They are necessary to check all the data that

enters and leaves the system.

3 Questionnaires: - These were conducted to get views of the other employees

who are currently employed in the system.


Strengths of the System

1. No complex equipment: - The equipment that is used is very simple and no

special skills have to be mastered to be able to

operate the system. Therefore no training is required

for the employees.

2. Low cost: - There is little money spent in maintaining the present

system other than buying the necessary office

equipment and the ledgers.


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The constraints and limitation within a system are the drawbacks that occur

during the implementation of the system. These limitations and constraints can

crop up in almost every system; the most important fact is to find a way to

overcome these problems.

Software design is the first of three technical activities – design, code

generation, and test that are required to build and verify the software.

Each activity transforms information in manner that ultimately results in

validated computer software.

The design task produces a data design, an architectural design, an

interface design and component design.

The design of an information system produces the details that clearly

describe how a system will meet the requirements identified during

system analysis. The system design process is not a step by step

adherence of clear procedures and guidelines. When I started working on

system design, I face different types of problems; many of these are due

to constraints imposed by the user or limitations of hardware and software

available. Some times it was quite difficult to enumerate that complexity of

the problems and solutions thereof since the variety of likely problems is

so great and no solutions are exactly similar however the following

consideration I kept in mind during design phased.

Design objectives:-


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The primary objective of the design is to deliver the requirements as

specified in the feasibility report. These are the some of the objectives,

which I kept in mind.

Practicality: The system is quite stable and can be

operated by the people with average intelligence.

Efficiency: I tried to involve accuracy, timeliness and

comprehensiveness of the system output.

Cost: It is desirable to aim for the system with a minimum

cost subject to the condition that it must satisfy the entire


Flexibility: I have tried that the system should be modifiable

depending on the changing needs of the user. Such

modifications should entail extensive reconstructing or

recreation of software. It should also be portable to

different computer systems.

Security: This is very important aspect which I followed in

this designing phase and tried to covers the areas of

hardware reliability, fallback procedures, and physical

security of data.


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The first step in the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) is the

preliminary investigation to determine the feasibility of the system. The

purpose of the preliminary investigation is to evaluate project requests. It

is not a design study nor does it include the collection of details to

describe the business system in all aspect. Rather it is the collection of

the information that helps committee members to evaluate the merits of

the project request and make an informed judgment about the feasibility

of the proposed project.

The preliminary investigation should accomplish the following


1. Clarify and understand the project request

2.Determine the size of the project.

3.Assess costs and benefits of alternative approaches.

4.Determine the technical and operational feasibility of alternative


5.Report the findings to management; with recommendations outlining the

acceptance or rejection of the proposal.


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Prior to stating whether the system we have to develop is feasible or not we

believe that we should emphasize on what is implied by the word “Feasibility”.

Feasibility is the measure of how beneficial or practical the development of the

system will be to the organization. It is a preliminary survey for the systems

investigation. It aims to provide information to facilitate a later in-depth


The report produced at the end of the feasibility study contains suggestions and

reasoned arguments to help management decide whether to commit further

resources to the proposed project.

Within the scheduled duration we were assigned to study both the positive and

negative aspects of the current manual system, in which we have come up with

a number of drawbacks that prevent the progress of the clinic if it is continued to

function manually.

Having gone through all measures of feasibility we report to the management to

figure out if the objectives of the new system are met.

For e.g. - Is the system within the budget allowed for it?

Will the organizations needs, be met by the new proposed system as

Originally envisaged?

If and when the objectives of the system are met and the new system is

approved, then the more specific details in the proposal should be considered

and approved.


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There are various measures of feasibility that helps to decide whether a

particular project is feasible or not. These measures include-

1 Operational Feasibility

2 Technical Feasibility

3 Economical and Financial Feasibility

Each of these types will be explained in detail throughout the project report.


A proposed system is beneficial only if it can be turned into an information

system that will meet the operational requirements of an organization. A system

often fails if it does not fit within existing operations and if users resist the


Important issues a systems developer must look into are:

1 Will the new system be used if implemented in an


2 Are there major barriers to implementation or is proposed

system accepted without destructive resistance?

The whole purpose of computerizing the Tender System is to handle the work

much more accurately and efficiently with less time consumption. There will be

additional work to be completed, because now the contractors can submit their

tenders online. Their database is maintained separately.


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Compared to the semi-computerized system the chances of avoiding errors in a

computerized system is much higher because the user need not stress himself

unnecessarily resulting in recklessness. Unlike the semi-computerized system

there would be backup data for all the information concerning the daily

transactions occurred within the organization.

If we are considering the performance and response time for each task, it is very

much faster since there is less paper work to be completed. When entering data

into the system to relieve the user from additional work and typing incorrect data,

the system provides options such as combo boxes, check boxes, option buttons

and etc. if the users type in incorrect data they would be informed immediately

about the error by the error detection control.

Another important fact to be regarded is the security control, which is handled by

the system. Since data regarding each contractor and the company is

confidential, security is a key issue. Information falling into the wrong hands

could jeopardize the entire organization. Unlike in semi-computerized systems

the proposed system offers adequate control to protect the organization against

fraud and embezzlement and guarantees the accuracy and security of data and

information. This is handled by the system providing each department and

individuals with separate login names and passwords.

The new system is more user-friendly, which enables the end-user to complete

his/her work efficiently and accurately with interest. After taking the above fact

into consideration we can state the operating of the proposed system within the

organization is feasible.

In this phase of the feasibility study the following two main topics

1 Technical Performance Aspect

2 Acceptance within the organization


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Technical performance aspect is explained in the technical feasibility report and

there is no new information is needed in this to explain it again, but as for the

acceptance within the organization the following points are important and those

are explained according to the topics

1. Whether the system provides right information to the right place.

In the current system which is the semi computerized system the information

may be lost in the process of sending from one place to another. This is mainly

due to human interaction in the process of the transferring information from one

place to another.

2. Whether the new system affect the current users in the system

The new proposed system will affect the users in the following areas





Lesser time consuming

3. Skill and attitude

This system is developed according to the experience of the current employees

and the management structure, so for this system to function within the current

employee community. The employees do not need to have new skills other than

the skills which are gained in the current system.


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4. Job restructuring and training

For the new system to have an effect in the organization the employees should

be give a proper training in operating the software and computer systems. If the

employee does not have the minimal experience should be given the proper


If the organization is reluctant to give a full training to the employees who require

the full knowledge organization can restructure the structure of the departments.


Based on the outline design of system requirements in terms of inputs, outputs,

files, procedures and staff, the technical issues raised during technical feasibility


1 Does the necessary technology exist to do what is


2 Does the proposed equipment have the technical capacity to

hold the data required to use in the new system?

3 Adequate responses provided by the proposed system?

4 Is the system flexible enough to facilitate expansion?

5 Is there any technical guarantee of accuracy, reliability, ease

of access and data security?

The system developer’s task is to view needed capabilities in light of currently

available technology. Since the existing system is semi-computerized it is clear

to us that there is no efficiency in the use of technology within the organization.

The solution is the implementing the new computerized system, which works

hand in hand with high technology.


Page 27: 6 Weeks Industrial Training Cum Project Report

A database has to be maintained in order to update and backup data whenever

a transaction occurs. To create databases we use SQL server.

After taking the above facts into consideration we can state that the new

proposed system is technically feasible.


System security is a vital aspect when it comes to developing a system. The

system should ensure the facility of preventing unauthorized personnel from

accessing the information and the data within the system. The system should

provide total protection for each user’s information so that the integrity of data is

sustained and also prevent hackers from hacking the system.

The proposed system ensures the security and the integrity of data. This is done

by providing a password login system for each authorized users. And for

example the System Administrator has access to all kinds of information.

By providing this facility information is properly managed and information is

protected. For example the system administrator’s day to day tasks are lessened

and easier because he doesn’t have to have a constant eye on the system and

worry about hackers hacking the system.


Page 28: 6 Weeks Industrial Training Cum Project Report


In making recommendations a study of the economics of the proposed system

should be made. The proposed system must be justifiable in terms of cost and

benefit, to ensure that the investment in a new/changed system provide a

reasonable return.

Cost-benefit analysis of information is complicated by the fact that many of the

systems cost elements are poorly defined and that benefit can often be highly

qualitative and subjective in nature.

In our proposed system various costs are evaluated. Even though finding out the

costs of the proposed project is difficult we and assume and estimate the costs

and benefits as follows.

According to the computerized system we propose, the costs can be broken

down to two categories.

1. Costs associated with the development of the system.

2. Costs associated with operating the system.


Page 29: 6 Weeks Industrial Training Cum Project Report


The software requirement specification is produced at the culmination of

the analysis task. The function and performance allocated to software as

part of system engineering are refined by establishing a complete

information description, a detailed functional description, a representation

of system behavior, an indication of performance requirement and design

constraints appropriate validation criteria, and other information pertinent

to requirement.

The introduction to software requirements specification states the goals

and objectives of the software, describing it in the context of the computer

based system.

The Information Description provides a detailed description of the problem

that the software must solve. Information content, flow and structure are


A description of each function required to solve the problem is presented

in the Functional Description.

Validation Criteria is probably the most important and ironically the most

often neglected section of the software requirement specification.

Software requirement specification can be used for different purpose.

Here are the major uses.

Source Code


Page 30: 6 Weeks Industrial Training Cum Project Report

*********** Project of Employee***************


#define stopleft 218#define stophori 196#define stopright 191#define sbottomleft 192#define sbottomhori 196#define sbottomright 217#define sside 179#define dtopleft 201#define dtophori 205#define dtopright 187#define dbottomleft 200#define dbottomhori 205#define dbottomright 188#define dside 186

struct Person_Details{

char first_name[20],last_name[20];char dob[20];char martial[10];char sex[10];int age;


struct Contact_Details{

char office_address[40];char office_city[20];char home_address[40];char home_city[20];


Page 31: 6 Weeks Industrial Training Cum Project Report

char state[20];char mail[30];long int pin;long int mobile;long int home_landline;long int office_landline;


struct Educational_Details{

char bachelor_degree[20];char master_degree[20];char other_degree[20];float bachelor_percentage;float master_percentage;


struct Job_Details{

int id;char designation[30];float previous_experience;float current_experience;float total_experience;


struct Salary_Details{

float basic_salary;float da;float hra;float ta;float pf;float gross_salary;float basic_salary1;float da1;float hra1;float ta1;float pf1;


struct Employee{

struct Person_Details person;struct Contact_Details contact;struct Educational_Details education;


Page 32: 6 Weeks Industrial Training Cum Project Report

struct Job_Details job;struct Salary_Details salary;

}emp;// // Class of Employee // class Record{

private :Employee emp;

public :void getdata();void write_to_file();void show_data();void read_record();void show_record();void search_record();void edit_record();void fileError();void Personal();void Education();void Contact();void Job();void Salary();void Edit_record();void delete_record();void record_not_found();


void DrawRect(int,int,int,int);void DDrawRect(int,int,int,int);

void main_menu(){


gotoxy(18,6);cout<<"<<<<<<<< MAIN MENU >>>>>>>>";

gotoxy(18,8);cout<<":- Choice :-";


Page 33: 6 Weeks Industrial Training Cum Project Report

gotoxy(46,8);cout<<":- Action :-";

gotoxy(20,10);cout<<"1 :-";

gotoxy(46,10);cout<<"To Add A New Record";

gotoxy(20,11);cout<<"2 :-";

gotoxy(46,11);cout<<"To Show All Records";

gotoxy(20,12);cout<<"3 :-";

gotoxy(46,12);cout<<"To Search The Records";

gotoxy(20,13);cout<<"4 :-";

gotoxy(46,13);cout<<"To Edit The Records";

gotoxy(20,14);cout<<"5 :-";

gotoxy(46,14);cout<<"To Delete The Records";

gotoxy(20,15);cout<<"0 :-";

gotoxy(46,15);cout<<"For Exit";

gotoxy(25,18);cout<<"Enter Your Choice :";


void Record :: record_not_found(){



Page 34: 6 Weeks Industrial Training Cum Project Report

gotoxy(16,23);cout<<"No Record Found !!!!!";

gotoxy(16,25);cout<<"Press any key to continue !!!!!";getch();


void Record :: getdata(){

clrscr(); //******************** Enter Personal Details *******************

gotoxy(3,5);cout<<":- Enter Personal Details of Employee :-";gotoxy(10,7);cout<<"Enter First Name of employee :";

gotoxy(10,8);cout<<"Enter last Name of employee :";

gotoxy(10,9);cout<<"Enter Date of Birth (dd/mm/yyyy) :";

gotoxy(10,10);cout<<"Enter Age :";

gotoxy(10,11);cout<<"Enter Martial Status (Married/Unmarried) :";

gotoxy(10,12);cout<<"Enter sex :";

// *************** Enter Contact Details *******************

gotoxy(3,14);cout<<":- Enter Contact Details of Employee :-";

gotoxy(10,16);cout<<"Enter Home Address :";

gotoxy(10,17);cout<<"Enter Home City :";


Page 35: 6 Weeks Industrial Training Cum Project Report

gotoxy(10,18);cout<<"Enter State :";

gotoxy(10,19);cout<<"Enter Pincode :";

gotoxy(10,20);cout<<"Enter Phone No. (Home) :";

gotoxy(10,21);cout<<"Enter Phone No. (Office) :";

gotoxy(10,22);cout<<"Enter Mobile No. :";

gotoxy(10,23);cout<<"Enter E-Mail ID :";

// ********************* Input ******************************gotoxy(58,7);fflush(stdin);gets(emp.person.first_name);








Page 36: 6 Weeks Industrial Training Cum Project Report










//***************** Enter Educational Details *****************************

gotoxy(3,5);cout<<":- Enter Educational Details :-";

gotoxy(10,7);cout<<"Enter Bachelor Degree :";

gotoxy(10,8);cout<<"Enter Bachelor Percentage :";

gotoxy(10,9);cout<<"Enter Master Degree :";

gotoxy(10,10);cout<<"Enter Master Percentage :";


Page 37: 6 Weeks Industrial Training Cum Project Report

gotoxy(10,11);cout<<"Enter other qualification :";

//********************* Enter Job Details ********************

gotoxy(3,14);cout<<":- Enter job Details :-";gotoxy(10,16);cout<<"Enter Id :";

gotoxy(10,17);cout<<"Enter Designation :";

gotoxy(10,18);cout<<"Enter Previous Experience :";

gotoxy(10,19);cout<<"Enter Current Experience :";

gotoxy(10,20);cout<<"Total Experience :";

//***************** Input *****************gotoxy(50,7);fflush(stdin);gets(emp.education.bachelor_degree);






Page 38: 6 Weeks Industrial Training Cum Project Report





emp.job.total_experience = (float)(emp.job.previous_experience + emp.job.current_experience);


//**************** Enter Salary Details ********************

gotoxy(3,5);cout<<":- Enter Salary Details :-";

gotoxy(10,7);cout<<"Enter Basic salary :";

gotoxy(10,8);cout<<"Enter Daily Allowance(%c of salary) :";

gotoxy(10,9);cout<<"Enter House Rent Allowance(%c of salary) :";

gotoxy(10,10);cout<<"Enter Travel Allowance(%c of salary) :";

gotoxy(10,11);cout<<"Enter Provident Fund(%c of salary) :";

gotoxy(10,12);cout<<"Gross Salary :";


Page 39: 6 Weeks Industrial Training Cum Project Report


gotoxy(52,8);cin>>emp.salary.da;emp.salary.da1 = (float)(emp.salary.basic_salary emp.salary.da) / 100;gotoxy(57,8);cout<<"->"<<emp.salary.da1;

gotoxy(52,9);cin>>emp.salary.hra;emp.salary.hra1 = (float)(emp.salary.basic_salary emp.salary.hra) / 100;gotoxy(57,9);cout<<"->"<<emp.salary.hra1;

gotoxy(52,10);cin>>emp.salary.ta;emp.salary.ta1 = (float)(emp.salary.basic_salary emp.salary.ta) / 100;gotoxy(57,10);cout<<"->"<<emp.salary.ta1;

gotoxy(52,11);cin>>emp.salary.pf;emp.salary.pf1 = (float)(emp.salary.basic_salary emp.salary.pf) / 100;gotoxy(57,11);cout<<"->"<<emp.salary.pf1;

emp.salary.gross_salary = (float)(emp.salary.basic_salary + emp.salary.da1 + emp.salary.hra1 + emp.salary.ta1 - emp.salary.pf1);



// ***************** Write_To_file **************************

void Record :: write_to_file(){


fstream file;


Page 40: 6 Weeks Industrial Training Cum Project Report

file.open("Employee.dat",ios::out | ios::binary | ios::app);

if(file == NULL){



file.write((char )&emp, sizeof(emp));file.close();getch();


//*****************Show_Record *******************

void Record :: read_record(){


// ******************Show Personal Details *******************gotoxy(3,5);cout<<":- Personal Details of Employee :-";gotoxy(10,7);cout<<"First Name of employee :"<<emp.person.first_name;

gotoxy(10,8);cout<<"last Name of employee :"<<emp.person.last_name;

gotoxy(10,9);cout<<"Date of Birth (dd/mm/yyyy) :"<<emp.person.dob;

gotoxy(10,10);cout<<"Age :"<<emp.person.age;

gotoxy(10,11);cout<<"Martial Status (Married/Unmarried) :"<<emp.person.martial;

gotoxy(10,12);cout<<"Sex :"<<emp.person.sex;

// ******************Show Contact Details ****************gotoxy(3,14);


Page 41: 6 Weeks Industrial Training Cum Project Report

cout<<":- Contact Details of Employee :-";

gotoxy(10,16);cout<<"Home Address :"<<emp.contact.home_address;

gotoxy(10,17);cout<<"Home City :"<<emp.contact.home_city;

gotoxy(10,18);cout<<"State :"<<emp.contact.state;

gotoxy(10,19);cout<<"Pincode :"<<emp.contact.pin;

gotoxy(10,20);cout<<"Phone No. (Home) :"<<emp.contact.home_landline;

gotoxy(10,21);cout<<"Phone No. (Office) :"<<emp.contact.office_landline;

gotoxy(10,22);cout<<"Mobile No. :"<<emp.contact.mobile;

gotoxy(10,23);cout<<"E-Mail ID :"<<emp.contact.mail;


// ****************Show Educational Details **********************gotoxy(3,5);cout<<":- Educational Details :-";

gotoxy(10,7);cout<<"Bachelor Degree :"<<emp.education.bachelor_degree;

gotoxy(10,8);cout<<"Bachelor Percentage :"<<emp.education.bachelor_percentage;

gotoxy(10,9);cout<<"Master Degree :"<<emp.education.master_degree;

gotoxy(10,10);cout<<"Master Percentage :"<<emp.education.master_percentage;


Page 42: 6 Weeks Industrial Training Cum Project Report

gotoxy(10,11);cout<<"Other qualification :"<<emp.education.other_degree;

// ********************* Show Job Details *******************gotoxy(3,14);cout<<":- Job Details :-";

gotoxy(10,16);cout<<"Id :"<<emp.job.id;gotoxy(10,17);cout<<"Designation :"<<emp.job.designation;

gotoxy(10,18);cout<<"Preious Experience :"<<emp.job.previous_experience;

gotoxy(10,19);cout<<"Current Experience :"<<emp.job.current_experience;

gotoxy(10,20);cout<<"Total Experience :"<<emp.job.total_experience;


// **************** Show Salary Details*****************

gotoxy(3,5);cout<<":- Salary Details :-";

gotoxy(10,7);cout<<"Basic salary :"<<emp.salary.basic_salary;

gotoxy(10,8);cout<<"Daily Allowance(%c of salary) :"<<emp.salary.da1;

gotoxy(10,9);cout<<"House Rent Allowance(%c of salary) :"<<emp.salary.hra1;

gotoxy(10,10);cout<<"Travel Allowance(%c of salary) :"<<emp.salary.ta1;

gotoxy(10,11);cout<<"Provident Fund(%c of salary) :"<<emp.salary.pf1;

gotoxy(10,12);cout<<"Gross Salary :"<<emp.salary.gross_salary;


Page 43: 6 Weeks Industrial Training Cum Project Report



// ******************** Show Record ******************void Record :: show_record(){

int size=sizeof(emp);fstream file;file.open("Employee.dat",ios::in | ios::binary);file.seekg(0);

if(file == NULL){


}else{file.read((char )&emp, size);while(!file.eof()){

read_record();file.read((char )&emp, size);



// ********************** Search Menu *************************void Record :: search_record(){

int ch;char another='y';char name[20],name1[20];fstream file;int size = sizeof(emp);int eid;float sal;



Page 44: 6 Weeks Industrial Training Cum Project Report


gotoxy(18,6);cout<<"<<<<<<<< SEARCH MENU >>>>>>>>";

gotoxy(18,8);cout<<":- Choice :-";

gotoxy(46,8);cout<<":- Action :-";

gotoxy(20,10);cout<<"1 :-";

gotoxy(46,10);cout<<"Search by First Name";

gotoxy(20,11);cout<<"2 :-";

gotoxy(46,11);cout<<"Search by last Name";

gotoxy(20,12);cout<<"3 :-";

gotoxy(46,12);cout<<"Search by Employee ID";

gotoxy(20,13);cout<<"4 :-";

gotoxy(46,13);cout<<"Search by Salary";

gotoxy(20,14);cout<<"0 :-";

gotoxy(46,14);cout<<"For Go Main Menu";

gotoxy(25,18);cout<<"Enter Your Choice :";


Page 45: 6 Weeks Industrial Training Cum Project Report



case 1:{

file.open("Employee.dat",ios::in | ios::binary);file.seekg(0);while(another == 'y'){

gotoxy(20,14);cout<<"Enter the first name of Employee


file.read((char )&emp, size);


clrscr();read_record();file.read((char )&emp, size);

} //End If statement} //end Second While loopclrscr();gotoxy(25,10);cout<<"Press Y for another";gotoxy(25,14);cout<<"Press any key to go Search Menu ";gotoxy(25,18);cout<<"Choice :";cin>>another;clrscr();

} //End first while loopfile.close();break;

} //End Case 1

case 2:{

file.open("Employee.dat",ios::in | ios::binary);file.seekg(0);


Page 46: 6 Weeks Industrial Training Cum Project Report

while(another == 'y'){

gotoxy(20,14);cout<<"Enter the Last name of Employee


file.read((char )&emp, size);


clrscr();read_record();file.read((char )&emp, size);

} //End if Statement } // End Second while loop clrscr(); gotoxy(25,10); cout<<"Press Y for another"; gotoxy(25,14); cout<<"Press any key to go Search Menu "; gotoxy(25,18); cout<<"Choice :"; cin>>another; clrscr();

} //End First while loopfile.close();break;

} //End Case 2

case 3:{

int flag;file.open("Employee.dat",ios::in | ios::binary);

while(another == 'y'){

flag = 0;file.seekg(0);gotoxy(20,14);cout<<"Enter Employee Id you want to

Search :";cin>>eid;file.read((char )&emp, size);


Page 47: 6 Weeks Industrial Training Cum Project Report


if(emp.job.id == eid){

clrscr();read_record();flag = 1;break;

} //End If statementfile.read((char )&emp, size);

} // End second While lopif(flag == 0){

record_not_found();}clrscr();gotoxy(25,10);cout<<"Press Y for another";gotoxy(25,14);cout<<"Press any key to go Search Menu ";gotoxy(25,18);cout<<"Choice :";cin>>another;clrscr();

} //End first while loopfile.close();break;

} //End Case 3

case 4:{

file.open("Employee.dat",ios::in | ios::binary);file.seekg(0);while(another == 'y'){

gotoxy(20,14);cout<<"Enter Employee Gross Salary you

want to Search :";cin>>sal;while(!file.eof()){

file.read((char )&emp, size);if(sal>=emp.salary.gross_salary){clrscr();read_record();


Page 48: 6 Weeks Industrial Training Cum Project Report

file.read((char )&emp, size);} //End If statement

} //End Second while loopclrscr();gotoxy(25,10);cout<<"Press Y for another";gotoxy(25,14);cout<<"Press any key to go Search Menu ";gotoxy(25,18);cout<<"Choice :";cin>>another;clrscr();

} //End first while loopfile.close();break;

} //End Case 4

case 0:{

break;} //End Case 0

default:clrscr();gotoxy(25,15);cout<<"<<<<< Wrong Choice>>>>>";getch();

} //End Switch}while(ch != 0);

} //End

// ******************Edit Only Personal Details Of Employee *****************void Record :: Personal(){

clrscr();gotoxy(3,5);cout<<":- Enter Personal Details of Employee :-";gotoxy(10,7);cout<<"Enter First Name of employee :";

gotoxy(10,8);cout<<"Enter last Name of employee :";


Page 49: 6 Weeks Industrial Training Cum Project Report

gotoxy(10,9);cout<<"Enter Date of Birth (dd/mm/yyyy) :";

gotoxy(10,10);cout<<"Enter Age :";

gotoxy(10,11);cout<<"Enter Martial Status (Married/Unmarried) :";

gotoxy(10,12);cout<<"Enter sex :";







}// *******************Edit Only Education Details Of Employee *****************void Record :: Education(){

clrscr();gotoxy(3,5);cout<<":- Enter Educational Details :-";


Page 50: 6 Weeks Industrial Training Cum Project Report

gotoxy(10,7);cout<<"Enter Bachelor Degree :";

gotoxy(10,8);cout<<"Enter Bachelor Percentage :";

gotoxy(10,9);cout<<"Enter Master Degree :";

gotoxy(10,10);cout<<"Enter Master Percentage :";

gotoxy(10,11);cout<<"Enter other qualification :";







// **************** Edit Only Contact Details Of Employee *******************void Record :: Contact(){

clrscr();gotoxy(3,14);cout<<":- Enter Contact Details of Employee :-";


Page 51: 6 Weeks Industrial Training Cum Project Report

gotoxy(10,16);cout<<"Enter Home Address :";

gotoxy(10,17);cout<<"Enter Home City :";

gotoxy(10,18);cout<<"Enter State :";

gotoxy(10,19);cout<<"Enter Pincode :";

gotoxy(10,20);cout<<"Enter Phone No. (Home) :";

gotoxy(10,21);cout<<"Enter Phone No. (Office) :";

gotoxy(10,22);cout<<"Enter Mobile No. :";

gotoxy(10,23);cout<<"Enter E-Mail ID :";









Page 52: 6 Weeks Industrial Training Cum Project Report




//***************Edit Only Job Details Of Employee ***************

void Record :: Job(){

clrscr();gotoxy(3,14);cout<<":- Enter job Details :-";gotoxy(10,16);cout<<"Enter Id :";

gotoxy(10,17);cout<<"Enter Designation :";

gotoxy(10,18);cout<<"Enter Previous Experience :";

gotoxy(10,19);cout<<"Enter Current Experience :";

gotoxy(10,20);cout<<"Total Experience :";






Page 53: 6 Weeks Industrial Training Cum Project Report

emp.job.total_experience = (float)(emp.job.previous_experience + emp.job.current_experience);



// ************** Edit Only Salary Details Of Employee ***************

void Record :: Salary(){

gotoxy(3,5);cout<<":- Enter Salary Details :-";

gotoxy(10,7);cout<<"Enter Basic salary :";

gotoxy(10,8);cout<<"Enter Daily Allowance(%c of salary) :";

gotoxy(10,9);cout<<"Enter House Rent Allowance(%c of salary) :";

gotoxy(10,10);cout<<"Enter Travel Allowance(%c of salary) :";

gotoxy(10,11);cout<<"Enter Provident Fund(%c of salary) :";

gotoxy(10,12);cout<<"Enter Gross Salary :";


gotoxy(52,8);cin>>emp.salary.da;emp.salary.da1 = (float)(emp.salary.basic_salary emp.salary.da) / 100;gotoxy(57,8);cout<<"->"<<emp.salary.da1;



Page 54: 6 Weeks Industrial Training Cum Project Report

cin>>emp.salary.hra;emp.salary.hra1 = (float)(emp.salary.basic_salary emp.salary.hra) / 100;gotoxy(57,9);cout<<"->"<<emp.salary.hra1;

gotoxy(52,10);cin>>emp.salary.ta;emp.salary.ta1 = (float)(emp.salary.basic_salary emp.salary.ta) / 100;gotoxy(57,10);cout<<"->"<<emp.salary.ta1;

gotoxy(52,11);cin>>emp.salary.pf;emp.salary.pf1 = (float)(emp.salary.basic_salary emp.salary.pf) / 100;gotoxy(57,11);cout<<"->"<<emp.salary.pf1;

emp.salary.gross_salary = (float)(emp.salary.basic_salary + emp.salary.da1 + emp.salary.hra1 + emp.salary.ta1 - emp.salary.pf1);


}//***************Edit Menu ***************void Record :: Edit_record(){

int ch1;int edid;char another='y';int size = sizeof(emp);fstream file;


gotoxy(18,6);cout<<"<<<<<<<< EDIT MENU >>>>>>>>";


Page 55: 6 Weeks Industrial Training Cum Project Report

gotoxy(18,8);cout<<":- Choice :-";

gotoxy(46,8);cout<<":- Action :-";

gotoxy(20,10);cout<<"1 :-";

gotoxy(46,10);cout<<"Edit Personal Details";

gotoxy(20,11);cout<<"2 :-";

gotoxy(46,11);cout<<"Edit Contact Details";

gotoxy(20,12);cout<<"3 :-";

gotoxy(46,12);cout<<"Edit Job Details";

gotoxy(20,13);cout<<"4 :-";

gotoxy(46,13);cout<<"Edit Educational Details";

gotoxy(20,14);cout<<"5 :-";

gotoxy(46,14);cout<<"Edit Salary Details";

gotoxy(20,15);cout<<"0 :-";

gotoxy(46,15);cout<<"Go To Main Menu";

gotoxy(25,18);cout<<"Enter Your Choice :";fflush(stdin);cin>>ch1;


Page 56: 6 Weeks Industrial Training Cum Project Report


case 1:{

long int edit_location=0;

file.open("Employee.dat",ios::app | ios::binary | ios::in);

while(another == 'y' ){

file.seekg(0);gotoxy(20,14);cout<<"Enter Employee Id you want to Search :";cin>>edid;file.read((char )&emp, size);while(!file.eof()){

if(emp.job.id == edid){

edit_location = file.tellg();clrscr();cout<<"Record has been found at

location : "<<(edit_location-size);getch();read_record();clrscr();Personal();file.seekp(0);file.seekg((edit_location-


size),ios::beg);file.write((char )&emp,size);break;

} //End If statementelse{

file.read((char )&emp, size);}

} // End second While loopclrscr();gotoxy(25,10);cout<<"Press Y for another";gotoxy(25,14);cout<<"Press any key for go to Edit Menu";


Page 57: 6 Weeks Industrial Training Cum Project Report

gotoxy(25,18);cout<<"Choice :";cin>>another;clrscr();

} // End First While loopfile.close();break;

} // End Case 1

case 2:{

file.open("Employee.dat",ios::app | ios::binary | ios::in);file.seekg(0);while(another == 'y' ){

gotoxy(20,14);cout<<"Enter Employee Id you want to Search :";cin>>edid;while(!file.eof()){

file.read((char )&emp, size);if(emp.job.id == edid){


} // End If statement} // End second While loopfile.write((char )&emp, size);clrscr();gotoxy(25,10);cout<<"Press Y for another";gotoxy(25,14);cout<<"Press any key for go to Edit Menu";gotoxy(25,18);cout<<"Choice :";cin>>another;clrscr();

} //End first While loopfile.close();break;

} // End Case 2case 3:{

file.open("Employee.dat",ios::app | ios::binary | ios::in);file.seekg(0);while(another == 'y' )


Page 58: 6 Weeks Industrial Training Cum Project Report

{gotoxy(20,14);cout<<"Enter Employee Id you want to Search :";cin>>edid;while(!file.eof()){

file.read((char )&emp, size);if(emp.job.id == edid){


} //End if statement} //End Second While loopfile.write((char )&emp, size);clrscr();gotoxy(25,10);cout<<"Press Y for another";gotoxy(25,14);cout<<"Press any key for go to Edit Menu";gotoxy(25,18);cout<<"Choice :";cin>>another;clrscr();

} //End First while loopfile.close();break;

} // End Case 3case 4:{

file.open("Employee.dat",ios::app | ios::binary | ios::in);file.seekg(0);while(another == 'y' ){

gotoxy(20,14);cout<<"Enter Employee Id you want to Search :";cin>>edid;while(!file.eof()){

file.read((char )&emp, size);if(emp.job.id == edid){


} //End if Statement} // End second while Loopfile.write((char )&emp, size);


Page 59: 6 Weeks Industrial Training Cum Project Report

clrscr();gotoxy(25,10);cout<<"Press Y for another";gotoxy(25,14);cout<<"Press any key for go to Edit Menu";gotoxy(25,18);cout<<"Choice :";cin>>another;clrscr();

} //End First While loopfile.close();break;

}//End Case 4

case 5:{

file.open("Employee.dat",ios::app | ios::binary | ios::in);file.seekg(0);while(another == 'y' ){

gotoxy(20,14);cout<<"Enter Employee Id you want to Search :";cin>>edid;while(!file.eof()){

file.read((char )&emp, size);if(emp.job.id == edid){


} //End If Statement} // End second While loopfile.write((char )&emp, size);clrscr();gotoxy(25,10);cout<<"Press Y for another";gotoxy(25,14);cout<<"Press any key for go to Edit Menu";gotoxy(25,18);cout<<"Choice :";cin>>another;clrscr();

} //End First While Loopfile.close();break;

} //End Case 5


Page 60: 6 Weeks Industrial Training Cum Project Report

case 0:{

break;} // End Case 0

default :

clrscr();gotoxy(25,15);cout<<"<<<<< Wrong Choice>>>>>";getch();

} //End Switch Case

}while(ch1!=0); //End Do While loop} // End

// ***************Delete Record***************

void Record :: delete_record(){

fstream file,file1;int eid;int size = sizeof(emp);clrscr();

file.open("Employee.dat",ios :: in | ios :: binary);file1.open("Emp.dat",ios :: app | ios :: binary);

gotoxy(25,10);cout<<"Enter the id you want to delete :";cin>>eid;


file.read((char )&emp, size);if(emp.job.id == eid){


file1.write((char )&emp,size);}



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// ***************File Error ***************

void Record :: fileError(){

clrscr();gotoxy(25,30);printf("File can't be opened !!!!!!!");gotoxy(27,30);printf("Press any key to return .........");getch();


// *************** Draw Rectangle ***************

void DrawRect(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2){

int ox1 = x1, oy1 = y1, ox2 = x2, oy2 = y2;gotoxy(x1++,y1);putchar(stopleft);for(; x1 < x2; x1++){


}gotoxy(x2,y1);putchar(stopright);x1 = ox1, y1 = oy1, x2 = ox2, y2 = oy2;gotoxy(x1++,y2);putchar(sbottomleft);for(; x1 < x2; x1++){


}gotoxy(x2,y2);putchar(sbottomright);x1 = ox1, y1 = oy1 + 1, x2 = ox2, y2 = oy2;


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for(; y1 < y2; y1++){


}x1 = ox1, y1 = ++oy1, x2 = ox2, y2 = oy2;for(; y1 < y2; y1++)



void DDrawRect(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2){

int ox1 = x1, oy1 = y1, ox2 = x2, oy2 = y2;gotoxy(x1++,y1);putchar(dtopleft);for(; x1 < x2; x1++){


}gotoxy(x2,y1);putchar(dtopright);x1 = ox1, y1 = oy1, x2 = ox2, y2 = oy2;gotoxy(x1++,y2);putchar(dbottomleft);for(; x1 < x2; x1++){


}gotoxy(x2,y2);putchar(dbottomright);x1 = ox1, y1 = oy1 + 1, x2 = ox2, y2 = oy2;for(; y1 < y2; y1++){


}x1 = ox1, y1 = ++oy1, x2 = ox2, y2 = oy2;for(; y1 < y2; y1++){



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// *************** Front Page ***************void DrawLine(int x1, int y1, int len){for (; x1<len; x1++){gotoxy(x1,y1); cout<<"-";}}

void Front(){clrscr();gotoxy(28,5); cout<<"Employee Management System";DrawLine(15,6,66);gotoxy(15,7); cout<<"Purpose : Manages Employee information";gotoxy(15,8); cout<<"Developed By : Manish Kumar (chandigarh)";DrawLine(15,9,66);gotoxy(28,12); cout<<"Press any key to continue...";getch();}

//*************** Main ***************

void main(){

Record r;clrscr();Front();int choice;do{

main_menu();char another='y';cin>>choice;switch(choice){

case 1:{




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clrscr();gotoxy(25,10);cout<<"Press Y for another";gotoxy(25,14);cout<<"Press N for exit";gotoxy(25,18);cout<<"Choice :";cin>>another;

} //End While Loopbreak;

} //End Case 1

case 2:{


} //End Case 2

case 3:{


} //End Case 3

case 4:{


} //End Case 4

case 5:{


} //End Case 5

case 0:{

break;} //End Case 0default:

clrscr();gotoxy(25,15);cout<<"<<<<< Wrong Choice>>>>>";getch();


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} //End Switch case

}while(choice!=0); //End do while loop} //End main


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