6 ways to prevent workout injuries

6 Ways to Prevent Workout Injuries By Daniel Harper For more info visit http://ezhealthmanagement.com/blog/

Transcript of 6 ways to prevent workout injuries

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6 Ways to Prevent Workout Injuries

By Daniel Harper

For more info visit


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Working out is surely one of the most effective ways to become healthy. It’s not easy but the rewards are great.You know what they say, “No pain, no gain,” right? But sometimes we get so immersed with working out that

we tend to neglect our safety that we end up with an injury instead of a healthy body. So to increase the gainand lessen the pain, here are 6 ways on how you can prevent workout injuries.

1. Have a checkup. It is advisable that you consult a doctor before you start your exercise program. This is to

make sure that your body can handle the physical strain that you are about to immerse yourself into. That way

you can have an idea on what you can and cannot do. This is also the best time to know if you have any disease

or condition that can jeopardize your health when working out.

2. Get a personal trainer. It’s dangerous to embark on a strenuous workout routine alone especially if you

don’t know how to start. Get a good trainer to work with you to give you tips and advice on how to get fitproperly and safely. It is also comforting to know that someone is watching over you so that you don’t go past

your limit and hurt yourself. Once you get the hang of the routine, that’s the time you can try working out onyour own.

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3. Dress properly. Make sure that you wear the proper gear for the kind of physical activity that you’re about

to do. This also includes getting the right safety equipment for the sport. Choose the right footwear depending

on the activity. If you need bring an extra pair then do so. Also take notice on the kind of clothes you’ll be

wearing. Make sure that it keeps you cool and dry.

4. Warm up. Warming up before working out is very important if you don’t want to get injured. Make surethat your body gets a feel of the physical activity that you’re about to undergo. Limber up, stretch those

muscles, and break a few sweats by doing light exercises such as walking, stretching, jogging, or any activity

but a very slow pace.

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5. Go easy at first. When you’re starting your exercise program, don’t go too hard too soon, or your

enthusiasm might just get you injured. Go easy at the beginning of the routine by doing light to moderate

exercises then gradually increase the intensity over time. Your trainer will be of great help if you don’t know

what to do yet.

6. Listen to your body. Pain is given whenever you start working out. But you also need pay close attention to

any discomfort that may lead to injuries. If you feel any sharp pain, dizziness, or weakness, stop and find out

what’s wrong. Never push yourself past your limits especially if you’re already hurting. If you need to take a

day off from exercise so you can recover, then do so. Remember, it is better to have a day off from the gym for

some rest than months off because of an injury.

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Whenever you’re embarking on a journey towards health, make sure that one of your priorities is safety.

There’s no sense in working out so hard only to end up with a torn muscle or a broken bone. Hopefully the tipsmentioned above will help you gain more health with lesser pain.

“Any workout which does not involve a certain minimum of danger or responsibility does not improve the

body – it just wears it out.”

~Norman Mailer

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