6 Security Tips for Using Public WiFi

© 2015 Quick Heal Technologies Ltd. WEBINAR 6 Security Tips for Using Public Wi-Fi.

Transcript of 6 Security Tips for Using Public WiFi

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© 2015 Quick Heal Technologies Ltd.

WEBINAR 6 Security Tips

for Using

Public Wi-Fi.

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© 2015 Quick Heal Technologies Ltd.

Did You Know? Hackers create

Wi-Fi hotspots

with fake names

(e.g. “Free Wi-Fi”)

to lure people.

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© 2015 Quick Heal Technologies Ltd.

Topics of

• How Quick Heal reduces the risks of unsecured Wi-Fi networks.

• 6 tips for using such networks securely.

• Dangers of using unsecured Wi-Fi networks.


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© 2015 Quick Heal Technologies Ltd.

Dangers of using unsecured

Wi-Fi networks

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© 2015 Quick Heal Technologies Ltd.


Your Login ID and Passwords

can be stolen.

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© 2015 Quick Heal Technologies Ltd.


Your online activities can be

captured by an attacker.

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© 2015 Quick Heal Technologies Ltd.


The hacker can control your

computer, its network and


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© 2015 Quick Heal Technologies Ltd.


The hacker can get inside

your company’s network.

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© 2015 Quick Heal Technologies Ltd.


Your online accounts can be

hijacked and used illegally.

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© 2015 Quick Heal Technologies Ltd.


You can be redirected to

infected or phishing websites.

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© 2015 Quick Heal Technologies Ltd.

Tips to Follow While Using

Unsecured, Public Wi-Fi

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© 2015 Quick Heal Technologies Ltd.

Use Virtual


Network (VPN).

TIP #1.

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© 2015 Quick Heal Technologies Ltd.

Only use secure


TIP #2.

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© 2015 Quick Heal Technologies Ltd.

Apply 2-Factor


TIP #3.

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© 2015 Quick Heal Technologies Ltd.

Turn Auto Wi-Fi

Connect OFF.

TIP #4.

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© 2015 Quick Heal Technologies Ltd.

Use a


AV Software.

TIP #5.

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© 2015 Quick Heal Technologies Ltd.


Log Out.

TIP #6.

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© 2015 Quick Heal Technologies Ltd.

How Quick Heal helps

reduce the risks of


Wi-Fi networks.

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© 2015 Quick Heal Technologies Ltd.

Quick Heal cuts the dangers of

unsecured Wi-Fi networks

with these features:

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© 2015 Quick Heal Technologies Ltd.

Automatically blocks phishing and infected

websites that are designed to steal your

personal information or infect your system

with malware.



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© 2015 Quick Heal Technologies Ltd.

Secures all your financial transactions on

the Internet which might include online

baking, shopping, paying bills, etc.



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© 2015 Quick Heal Technologies Ltd.

Proactively blocks spam and phishing

emails that try to trick you into visiting

bogus or infected websites.



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© 2015 Quick Heal Technologies Ltd.

Detects and blocks worms, Trojans,

spyware and all other types of viruses

and malware.



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© 2015 Quick Heal Technologies Ltd.

Runs your Internet browsers in a virtual

environment. This blocks malicious files

(that may get automatically downloaded)

from affecting your real PC.



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© 2015 Quick Heal Technologies Ltd.

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© 2015 Quick Heal Technologies Ltd.