6 Reasons the Jedi Could Be Villains in a ‘Star Wars’ Movie

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  • 8/10/2019 6 Reasons the Jedi Could Be Villains in a Star Wars Movie


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    6 Reasons The Jedi Could Be Villains In a Star Wars


    Published 1 year ago by Andrew Dyce , Updated September 25th, 2014 at 2:11 am,

    Theres no mistaking it: Star Wars is back and ready to return to the heights it once

    enjoyed. With J.J. Abrams at the helm of Star Wars: Episode VII, fans are looking

    forward to new films carrying on the legacy of the Rebellions heroes. But thats

    not the only direction to take.

    Now that confirmed standalone movies are also in the plans alongside major

    Episodes, the characters and stories that can be explored are far more numerous.

    Weve already listed the Star Wars spin-offs wed like to see, but the more we

    think about it, permanently relegating the Sith or Dark Jedi to the role of villain

    seems to be making one massive assumption.

    At this point, the whole Light Side good, Dark Side bad idea is common knowledge

    but thats only according to the Jedi. History, as we know, is written by the victor.

    We tend to agree with the belief that the Sith were evil-doers and extremists, but it

    might be worthwhile to actually look at what drove them to that point, and see if a

    story cant be told placing the Jedi in the role of antagonists.

    Allow us to outline 6 Reasons Jedi Could Be Villains In a Star Wars Movie.


    The Sith Werent Always Bad


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  • 8/10/2019 6 Reasons the Jedi Could Be Villains in a Star Wars Movie


    What should be made clear off the bat is that the Sith Lords didnt just show up

    like boogeymen one day and start terrorizing the innocent. They were Jedi to begin

    with only more radical in their views of the galaxy and what their gifts should be

    used for. The first Jedi Exiles the group that would one day found the Sith were

    simply one side of a civil dispute within the Jedi Order, known as the Second Great


    Whatever extremes each side pushed the other toward, it should be known that atno point did the Sith huddle around a fire and decide to crush all life in the galaxy

    they were conquerors in search of mastery over life itself, not genocidal maniacs.

    They even developed their own Sith Code, opposing that preached by Jedi. Rather

    than speaking of existence as it should be, they focused on the way it was . The

    Code reads:

    -Peace is a lie, there is only passion.

    -Through passion, I gain strength.

    -Through strength, I gain power.

    -Through power, I gain victory.

    -Through victory, my chains are broken.

    -The Force shall free me.

    While the Jedi taught their followers that love, anger or passion were forbidden, the

    Sith embraced the full range of human emotion passion is what makes people

    powerful, and free. The original Star Wars movies clearly show that the Skywalkers

    dont share the belief that love is to be avoided, and its arguable that most of

    humanity would relate more to the Siths view of passion as a good thing.

    The first Jedi Exiles aims to revive dead worlds may not have been something their

    brethren believed in, and resulted in them being cast out, but it wasnt spawned by



    The Jedi Were Hypocrites



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  • 8/10/2019 6 Reasons the Jedi Could Be Villains in a Star Wars Movie


    Fascist governments throughout history have proven that the denial of. unpopular

    progress on grounds that it challenges existing beliefs of whats right is one of

    mankinds worst habits: Galileo, for instance, was called a heretic for claiming the

    Sun, not the Earth, was the center of the universe.

    Its no secret that the Jedi oppose anything anything to do with the Dark Side,

    since nothing good ever comes from it. What is less known is that before the

    Galactic Republic, the galaxy was largely ruled by the Rakata races 10,000 year

    Infinite Empire. Like many others, this empire was built on cutting-edge technology

    (like the first widely-used hyperdrives). And it was all thanks to the Dark Side.

    Once the Rakata empire collapsed 25,000 years prior to the films, the technology

    was up for grabs, with the Corellians among the first to circumvent the Dark Side

    components of Rakata warp drives and sell the technology wholesale. The result was

    helpful, so no one batted an eyelash.

    Transportations one thing, but the trademark of the Jedi Order the lightsaber is

    one that could only be crafted by those in tune with the light side of the Force,

    right? Right. The Rakata called their version Forcesabers, using the Force tochannel dark energy into a solid blade. The Jedi, as they did elsewhere, saw the

    potential made possible through ways of the Dark Side, and adapted it for their

    own aims.

    Sure the technology was used by the Rakata for conquering and domination, but if

    every advancement that aided warfare was seen as inherently evil, the world would

    be a very different place. Maybe the Jedi actually meant that nothing good comes

    from the Dark Side anymore.


    The Jedi Helped Commit Genocide

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  • 8/10/2019 6 Reasons the Jedi Could Be Villains in a Star Wars Movie


  • 8/10/2019 6 Reasons the Jedi Could Be Villains in a Star Wars Movie


    As so many galaxy-wide armed conflicts do, the Clone Wars all started with the

    passing of a Financial Reform bill. Well, attempted passing. You see, this is the

    part that gets glossed over in the clearly pro-Jedi films, giving the impressions that

    the Separatists were simply bad guys.

    The truth is: the commercially powerful systems of the galaxy were only after

    removal of corruption in the Senate, and government deregulation in the name of

    capitalistic growth. Those wishes could be cast in a greedy or antidemocratic light,but theyre also the desires that shaped the creation of the western world. In other

    words, not inherently evil.

    The taxation and corruption of the Senate from top to bottom pushed the larger

    corporations not to revolt, but introduce new financial reform to protect their

    interests. Before a vote could take place, the Senator representing the Commonality

    of trade planets was assassinated by a bribed Senate guard (apparently they werent

    kidding about corruption). Those who sent the assassin got their wish, and the vote

    was cancelled.

    Understandably, this was the last straw. The Commonality broke off from the corruptbody and formed the Confederacy of Independent Systems. Political movements

    are usually bigger than theyre made out to be their opponents. so while the films

    depicted the group as a table full of villainous characters, the Separatist

    Confederacy was made up of over eight galactic governments, dozens of Republic

    Senators, and spanned over 10,000 star systems. The Jedi and Republic didnt even

    formally recognize the groups existence, choosing instead to defend the corrupt

    government, and rather than address the Separatist concerns, simply wipe them out.


    The Jedi Betrayed Their Own Beliefs

  • 8/10/2019 6 Reasons the Jedi Could Be Villains in a Star Wars Movie


  • 8/10/2019 6 Reasons the Jedi Could Be Villains in a Star Wars Movie


    Despite the fact that the Sith were not inherently evil, theres no question the Jedi

    saw them as their enemy (even if theyd helped make them). So when Supreme

    Chancellor Palpatine was revealed to be Darth Sidious, believing in the quest for

    mastery over life that the Jedi so vehemently disagreed with, what would any peace-

    loving religious order do? In short, attempt to arrest or kill him.

    The problem here is that Chancellor Palpatine was, without question, the

    democratically-elected leader of the Galactic Republic. The Jedi had the right to be

    angry that he had kept his beliefs and religion a secret, and suspicious of what he

    had planned for the Republic, butremember that bit in their Jedi Code that said

    they served the Republics government, and that they were not in charge of

    determining who was fit to lead and who wasnt?

    Anyway you look at it, the Jedi attempted a military coup, wishing to depose the

    elected leader of a democracy based on a personal vendetta. They had many

    diplomatic methods of bringing his Sith origins to the attention of the Republic, but

    instead decided to act without consent. The result: the Jedi were judged by the

    Republics leader to once again threaten freedom and exert control over the Senate,

    and had to be eliminated (poetic justice fans will note the Jedi Purge as a reversal

    of their genocide against the Sith).

    One could argue that Palpatine had manipulated democracy to settle an old score

    himself, but that means that he knew the Jedi wouldnt hesitate to remove the head

    of the Senate by force. The bottom line: marching into a Head of States office with

    guns drawn after discovering his racial, religious or philosophical background is a

    hard pill to swallow.



  • 8/10/2019 6 Reasons the Jedi Could Be Villains in a Star Wars Movie


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    Hopefully weve made our case for why the story being given to Star Wars audiences

    may not be the full one. Thats not to say one side of the Jedi/Sith conflict was more

    in-the-right than the other, but clearly both groups were willing to get their hands


    Could this make a film set in the Old Republic, or any of the numerous wars between

    factions a chance to provide a completely new perspective? Its hard to know how

    those entrusted with Star Wars future feel about playing with morality, but if they

    do, weve obviously got some ideas.

    How do you view the Jedi after reading our argument? Still see them as the

    upholders of whats right and moral, or are the Sith not as bad as they may have

    been portrayed? Leave us your thoughts in the comments.

    Star Wars: Episode VII is tentatively scheduled to open in theaters by 2015.


    Follow Andrew on Twitter @andrew_dyce.

    Follow Andrew Dyce on Twitter @andrew_dyce

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    Shadeworld 4 weeks ago


    It is worth to note, that the star wars universe was created by G. Lucas to mimic the duality of

    Taoism and Christianity. However, in the Star wars universe the definition of evil is unlike that wesubscribe to in our world.

    You see, Christianity which is arguably one of the cornerstones of our moral society, believes that

    evil is the absence of good.

    But in the Star wars universe, Evil as not the absence of good Rather it is the opposite of good.

    It stands to balance out the good.

    And thus, in conclusion, the dark side is inherently Evil and it will corrupt you as it is supposed to

    create a counter-balance to the light side.

    We must understand that the term Shades of grey doesnt exists in the SW universe, not where

    the force is concerned. At least if Lucas view is to be followed.

    Bergman 4 weeks ago


    To be honest i dont think any of the sides is completely good or evil. And even if some parts of the

    jedi o rder were missled in t hier belief i have it hard to see some jedi like Qui-Gon, Obi-Wan or Yoda

    as evil. Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon even defied the councel when they saw it fit for the good of it. And

    now i am going to use a term from Final Fantasy VIII. The view of good or evil is merely a clash of

    different ideals between people.

    When it comes to the part about the genocide of the sith race the sith (not the race but dark-side

    practitioners)also did some genocides to. Due to reerence to the Expanded Universe (non-canon

    now) acording to Old Republic the emperor planed to wipe out all life in the galaxy just to become a

    godlike being. And he had allready killed one world.

    When it came to Shmi Skywalker QuiGon tried to get them both at first but Watto wasnt interested

    in such a big bet. And if Anakin would lose he couldnt bet with to much things either because they

    still had a mission.

    Bergman 4 weeks ago


    Also those who said (I may have missinterpretted you) that Lucas sold out Tar Wars due to greed

    should know that he donated the money to charity. and it is understandable if he want to retire

    because he is over 70yo after all.

    Dale 4 weeks ago

    So many holes in this argument I dont know where to start. . .

    how about the ultimate goals of the Sith emporers for one. Considering this, the destruction of the

  • 8/10/2019 6 Reasons the Jedi Could Be Villains in a Star Wars Movie




    Sith is necessary to preserve life itself.

    johnny 1 week ago


    Unlimited Powaaaaaaa That was the goal of the Sith. To control all life and directly infringed on

    freedom. Palpatine was the Hitler of star wars. Remember the Jedi never killed their own masters to

    gain more power. Sith were filled by hatred

    Elaine 1 week ago


    I have read all the comments on this and I am surprised how it turned in to a Sith Vs Jedi argument

    about who is evil and who is good. Why? This article is simply decribes how the Jedi could be the

    villains in the next Star Wars movie. This is not a Sith Vs Jedi argument. Nowhere did it suggest

    that the Sith are the good guys and the Jedi are the evil ones. The article points out that the Jedi

    have done many questionable things despite seeing themselves as shining beacons of all that is

    good and righteous. If you holding yourself to such a high standard and to such lofty ideals, you

    have to live up to them. The Jedi simply dont. The Sith may be evil (or eviler than the Jedi) and the

    Jedi are good guys, but they are far from perfect and they are not what people claim them to be.

    At least the Sith are honest about what they are. The Jedi may not be evil, but they are selfrighteous heroes who think that the sun shines out of their backsides. In the Star Wars universe,

    the Jedi get away with everything that they do because they and everyone else think they are right

    all the time and noone questions it. Heroes are never held accountable for their actions. This quote

    from Terry Pratchetts the Hogfather sums it up quite nicely:

    And then Jack chopp ed down what was the worlds last beanstalk, adding murder and ecological

    terrorism to the theft, enticement, and trespass charges already mentioned, and all the giants

    children didnt have a daddy anymore. But he got away with it and lived happily ever after, without

    so much as a guilty twinge about what he had donewhich proves that you can be excused for just

    about anything if you are a hero, because no one asks inconvenient questions.

    If the price of being hero is to truly believe that the sun literally shines out of ones backside, I

    would much rather be the villain.

    Darth Ozymandias 2 days ago


    There is way too much to address here.

    Ill just say what no one else has so far Dark Jedi and Sith are NOT the same thing, contrary to

    what this article mentions.

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