6 June 2013

JUNE 6 ISSUE · 2013 TERM 2 · WEEK 6 t central express The official newsletter of Central Coast Adventist School Central Coast Adventist School Strip It Back ‘... Let us strip off every weight that slows us down.’ Hebrews 12:1 NLT Jim Collins, author of the business book Good to Great, noticed that good companies could become great companies if they stripped away stuff that was slowing them down. It’s good advice for everyday lives as well. He writes: ‘Most of us lead busy but undisciplined lives. We have ever expanding ‘to do’ lists, trying to build momentum by doing, doing, doing. But it rarely works. Those who built the good to great companies made as much use of ‘stop doing’ lists, as ‘to do’ lists. They displayed a remarkable discipline to unplug from all sorts of extraneous junk and channel their resources into only one or a few areas.’ Paul writes along the same lines about our busy lives: ‘Let us strip off every weight that slows us down... And let us run with endurance the race God has set before us.’ Sometimes it’s negative attitudes, laziness or plain old messy sin that stops us from reaching our potential. Other times it’s just because were too busy to be of any use. We over-commit to stuff or fill our time with things that, though not bad in themselves, keep us from what we’re called to do. ‘Many are the plans in a person’s heart, but it is the Lord’s purpose that prevails.’ (Proverbs 19:21 NIV) Prayerfully think through what God is calling you to do. Ask what is stopping you from getting on with the job. Now tear up the ‘to-do list’ and create a ‘to-stop’ list. In other words, begin to strip off every weight that slows you down. - word4U2day (an adaptation of The Word for Today authored by Bob & Debby Gass) CAMPUS NEWS School Photos School photos are due back in the next couple of weeks. Please note the following in relation to photos. The photograph package contains an individual portrait selection as well as a traditional class photo and composite page showing individual photos of each student in the roll class. If you WANT TO KEEP the photos: You do not need to do anything as a charge has already been included on your fee account. If you DO NOT WANT TO KEEP the photos: Return the complete photo package (including any vouchers) to the main Administration Office by the date listed in the pack. If there are any items missing from the photo package, or vouchers that have been redeemed, no refund will be given. After the returns deadline no photo packages can be returned, as all refunds will have been processed. Please do not return photo packages to anywhere else other than the main Administration Office, as we cannot be responsible for them if they are returned to other locations. Details about ordering additional images/ products will be provided with your photo pack. Lizotte’s Music Showcase 2013 CCAS music students will be heading to Lizottes restaurant and live music venue on August 8 for our 2013 Music Showcase. We have just opened up auditions for this event. Students interested in auditioning for this night need to see Mr Riley in the High School or Mrs Donnelly in the Primary


Central Coast Adventist School newsletter

Transcript of 6 June 2013

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j u n e 6 I s s u e · 2 0 1 3T e r m 2 · W e e k 6t

centralexpressThe official newsletter of Central Coast Adventist School

Central Coast Adventist School

Strip It Back‘... Let us strip off every weight that slows us

down.’ Hebrews 12:1 NLTJim Collins, author of the business book Good to

Great, noticed that good companies could become great companies if they stripped away stuff that was slowing them down. It’s good advice for everyday lives as well. He writes: ‘Most of us lead busy but undisciplined lives. We have ever expanding ‘to do’ lists, trying to build momentum by doing, doing, doing. But it rarely works. Those who built the good to great companies made as much use of ‘stop doing’ lists, as ‘to do’ lists. They displayed a remarkable discipline to unplug from all sorts of extraneous junk and channel their resources into only one or a few areas.’

Paul writes along the same lines about our busy lives: ‘Let us strip off every weight that slows us down... And let us run with endurance the race God has set before us.’ Sometimes it’s negative attitudes, laziness or plain old messy sin that stops us from reaching our potential. Other times it’s just because were too busy to be of any use. We over-commit to stuff or fill our time with things that, though not bad in themselves, keep us from what we’re called to do. ‘Many are the plans in a person’s heart, but it is the Lord’s purpose that prevails.’ (Proverbs 19:21 NIV) Prayerfully think through what God is calling you to do. Ask what is stopping you from getting on with the job. Now tear up the ‘to-do list’ and create a ‘to-stop’ list. In other words, begin to strip off every weight that slows you down.

- word4U2day (an adaptation of The Word for Today authored by Bob & Debby Gass)

CAMPUS NEWSSchool PhotosSchool photos are due back in the next couple of weeks.Please note the following in relation to photos.• The photograph package contains an individual

portrait selection as well as a traditional class photo and composite page showing individual photos of each student in the roll class.

• If you WANT TO KEEP the photos:• You do not need to do anything as a charge

has already been included on your fee account.

• If you DO NOT WANT TO KEEP the photos:• Return the complete photo package

(including any vouchers) to the main AdministrationOfficebythedatelistedinthe pack. If there are any items missing from the photo package, or vouchers that have been redeemed, no refund will be given.

• After the returns deadline no photo packages can be returned, as all refunds will have been processed.

• Please do not return photo packages to anywhere else other than the main AdministrationOffice,aswecannotberesponsible for them if they are returned to other locations.

• Details about ordering additional images/products will be provided with your photo pack.

Lizotte’s Music Showcase 2013CCAS music students will be heading to Lizottes restaurant and live music venue on August 8 for our 2013 Music Showcase. We have just opened up auditions for this event. Students interested in auditioning for this night need to see Mr Riley in the High School or Mrs Donnelly in the Primary

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School before the end of Term 2 and put their name on a sign up sheet. In terms of bookings could you please refrain from reserving tables until after July 18. This gives us enough time to audition all students and release the names of performers for the Lizotte’s Music Showcase 2013. Thank you for your support of this event over the past few year and we as Music Department and School are really excited for the upcoming show.www.lizottes.com.auLeaving StudentsA reminder to all parents that should your child be deregistering from school then notice in writing, addressed to the Principal is required. Please ensurethatyoucontacttheAdministrationOfficeas soon as possible and they will advise you of the de-registrationprocess.Toavoidafinancialpenaltyfor late notice of withdrawal please provide a terms notice of your child’s deregistration. If you wish to you may make an appointment with Mr Bennetts to discuss your child’s de-registration please contact theAdministrationOffice.Pre-Kindy, Kindy & Year 7 in 2014If you have a sibling of a current student who is ready to starting Pre-Kindy, Kindy or Year 7 next year and you have not lodged an application for enrolment form then please do so ASAP. The enrolment process for year 7 students is about to start and we would not like you to miss out on a position in the school. Please contact Kim in the AdministrationOfficeifyouhaveanyquestionsregarding enrolment.Bay to BayJune 16 is the Bay to Bay run from Woy Woy to Gosford. We have a school team entered this year of 31 staff members and 20 parents and students. If anyone else would like to join the school team, see Mrs Melville in the uniform shop to sign up. Library CornerWhat’s NEW in the Library?We are excited to announce the release of a NEW Librarysectionontheschoolwebsite.Youwillfindarange of information about library classes as well as library events. We also have a blog area where you can communicate suggestions and even submit a book report if you would like to. Have a look by follow the ‘Library’ link under ‘Current Students -

www.ccas.nsw.edu.auGive me 5 for Kids Pyjama DayLibrary Staff enjoyed Pyjama Day using the opportunity to read a number of fun bedtime stories to the children. We were joined by a lot of pyjama clad children who were also excited to participate in a mini movie called ‘Story time in the Library’. If you would like to view this movie we have it showing daily in the library.NSW Premier’s Reading Challenge (PRC)This week we celebrate the following students as they have completed the reading challenge – well done! Kindy - Korbin CheekYear 1 - Georgia TomlinsYear 3 - Bryce Linehan, Chloe McLoughlin, Daniel McLoughlinYear 6 - Imogen McLoughlinAll students who have completed the challenge willreceiveacertificateatassemblyeachweek.Onceyouhavefinishedkeepreading–youradventure has only just begun. It is NOT too late to start! Come in and get your username and begin your ADVENTURE… The numbers are growing every week – well done! You have until August to complete the challenge! PARENTS:Information on the NSW Premier’s Reading Challenge can be found on their website – https://products.schools.nsw.edu.au/prc/home.htmlQuestions can be forwarded to Mrs Robertson [email protected] BOOKSWe are nearing the end of term two so please remember to return all items you have on loan. Reminder notices have been sent out to students with outstanding loans from term one so please contact us if you have any queries regarding these. We would like these matters sorted before the end of term. MS-Readathon is BACK!Coming your way in August… Start looking for sponsors for this worthwhile cause! All funds raised go towards the Multiple Sclerosis organisation. Challenge yourself, ask sponsors to donate per book read or maybe per minute or hour. Don’t be

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late, don’t be late... it could be a MAD time! Watch this space!Pathfinder NewsThe Expedition is only days away so for those who are planning to brave the great outdoors this coming weekend your packing should almost be complete and you can enjoy a couple more nights sleep in your own warm, comfy bed before heading into… well, the bush, to sleep in a tent on the ground and hike through the bush. What a wonderful way to spend a weekend – getting back to nature! We know you will all have a fantastic time of fellowship and bonding in God’s creation. We wish you safe travels and a weekend free of incidents. Please remember preparation is the key to a successful weekend… pack lightly and do not wear new boots, blisters are not a fun companion to have for the weekend! Please remember to complete the Personal Information/Medical Records pages in your Log book and the identical loose sheet BEFORE leaving home. The loose sheet needs to be handed in at the Registration point upon arrival. If this is not complete it creates a hold up for the entire group.An email has been sent via your Unit Leaders containing last minute vital information and driving directions. The planned departure time is 12.30pm at the school. Remember your POLO SHIRT may be worn to school on Friday with appropriate long pants/long shorts and closed in shoes.Should you require further information please contact your Unit Leaders.PRIMARY NEWSRSPCA DriveThanks to the CCAS Primary School Captains initiative, the RSPCA received over 100 towels and blankets to keep their animals warms. On behalf of the Somersby RSPCA a big “MEOW” and “WOOF” of thank you and appreciation to all staff and families at CCAS.PJ Day Supports Give Me 5 For KidsOn Monday, 3 June, the Primary Campus wore their PJ’s to school to help raise money for the “Give Me 5 For Kids” charity that helps to support the work of the Children’s Wards at Wyong and Gosford Hospitals.Students and teachers gave a donation if they wore

their PJ’s on the day. A total of $568.70 was raised. Well done!Bread ‘n; JamThe next Bread ‘n’ Jam will be held on Friday, 14 June in the High School Studio at 11am. Please register your act with Mrs Donnelly by Tuesday, 11 June. Open to all students in from Kindy to Year 6.PRIMARY SPORTPSSA BasketballLara Wooldridge is competing at PSSA Basketball this week for the CIS team. At the time of writing CIS was 3 wins from 3 games. We look forward to hearing of Lara and the teams success. RugbyOur year 5/6 rugby team is competing at the Catholic and Independent Rugby 10’s competition on June 13. The boys have been training hard and are looking forward to a great day. We wish them all the best as they represent our school. CIS Cross CountryWe have our school representatives from the HRIS cross country team competing at CIS cross Country on June 13. Our runners have being training hard twice a week with Mrs McMullen and are looking fantastic. We are very excited to hear of their success next week and wish them well in the championship. Athletics CarnivalJust a reminder that the school athletics carnival is being held at Mingara on 17 June. Please login to the school website for more details on the program and details of the day. Contact Mr Davis for any questions. HRIS BasketballWe wish all our school basketball teams the best for next Tuesdays HRIS basketball competition at Broadmeadow. We have 2 junior and 2 senior teams competing against independent schools across the region. Brazilian SoccerThe Brazilian Soccer Erina Holiday Clinic is being run here at school in the upcoming holidays. Contact 0421 220 424 or email [email protected] or register online at www.braziliansoccerschools.com.au

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SECONDARY NEWSCasual Day and Bake SaleYear 8 girls are raising money for a worthy cause and to do so have scheduled a Casual Day and Bake Sale on Friday, 14 June. Students are permitted to wear casual clothes on that day with the only requirements being a gold coin donation to be given to their role teacher. The bake sale will occur at lunch time with cakes and coolies on sale.The cause they are raising money for “A Safe Road Home” project. In summary it is to raise funds for rescuinggirlswhohavebeentraffickedintoslaveryin Cambodia. It is a worthy cause and one that the girls are passionate about contributing to.SECONDARY SPORTCCAS Athletics CarnivalThe 12 June (next Wednesday) is the day for ATHLETICS! Buses depart CCAS in the morning at 8:25am so don’t miss out on a ride to the carnival. Thefirstevent–the1500m–startsat8:30amsoifyou want to take part in it you will have to get to the track early, but the main carnival begins at 9am. Students should bring their lunch and snacks along but there is a limited canteen operating. Students should wear their house colours or sports uniform and come along for a great day! See you there!Junior Girls Soccer GameUnfortunately we had to postpone the Round 2 game against Narara Valley in the Bill Turner Soccer Trophy. The new day will be this Friday (7 June) at 11am on our CCAS Oval. Parents are most welcome to attend and support our girls.Open Girls Soccer TrialsThere will be soccer trials for any girls in Yrs 10-12 who are interested in playing in our school team at the HRIS Gala day next term. Please be at the oval at the beginning of lunchtime and bring joggers and shorts to play in.HRIS Basketball GalaAll four teams have been selected and are training in preparation for next Friday’s (14 June) HRIS Galaday.ForthefirstyearALLfourdivisions(Senior/Junior girls/boys) will be playing at the one venue – Broadmeadow – on the same day which should provide an incredible atmosphere for this competition. Permission notes were sent out via

email and MUST be returned ASAP please.HRIS Netball GalaWe travel to Newcastle on 20 June for the Netball gala and have three teams who are training for that competition. Permission forms have been emailed home and need to be returned please. Thank you to Mrs Karen Standen who has found us three quality netball umpires for the day.AICES Cross Country ChampsTomorrow (Thursday, 6 June) we will have 26 students travelling to Cobbitty to run the cross country. If you are travelling on the bus, it departs CCAS 7:45am – please don’t be late. Students should wear their HRIS polo shirt and bring some other dry, warm clothes and shoes to wear home as the course could still be a bit wet and muddy.CIS Touch FootballCongratulations to Mitchell Hutton (Yr 12) who represented AICES at the CIS Touch Trials yesterday. The Open boys team was very strong all dayandfinishedthedayundefeated,in1stplace.Thanks also to Mrs McMullen who was the AICES Open Girls Coach – her team only had one loss for the entire day and came 2nd overall. Well done!Senior Boys AFLMonday night saw the senior AFL boys playing in thegrandfinaloftheSwanCupagainstLisarowfor 2013. It was always going to be a tough game against Lisarow as they saw the return of some key players. The conditions were very wet, making the battle intense at ground level. Lisarow came out firing,puttingtwoquickgoalsontheboard.Laterinthefirsthalf,wesawourfirstgoal.Going into half time, the boys were frustrated, but spirits were high as the game was still there to be won It was hard and tough in the second half, with some of our boys putting their bodies on the line for the team. But, unfortunately could not convert their intensity onto the scoreboard. Running out of time, we lost to Lisarow by 10 points. Thank you to all parents and teachers who have came along to support the boys at the games this term. A massive congratulations to all the students who were involved and played in this years AFL Swans Cup competition. You have represented your school proudly. Also, a big thank to our two bus drivers; Mr Wrankmore and Mr Kosmeier.

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Central Coast Adventist School Contact: Carey MacDonald Phone: 43671800 Email: [email protected]

Name:__________________________________ Phone:__________________ Mobile:_________________

Address:________________________________________________________ State:______ Postcode:_______

I would like to order____ x Newcastle Entertainment™ Book(s) @ $60 each (including GST) $_______ I will collect the Book OR I have included $9 per book for postage and handling POSTAGE ENCLOSED $_______ TOTAL ENCLOSED $_______ ORDER NOW SECURELY ONLINE: https://www.entertainmentbook.com.au/orderbooks/350f07 or complete: Payment type: CASH VISA MASTERCARD

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Thank you for supporting Central Coast Adventist School. $12 from each Book sold contributes to Central Coast Adventist School.

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Central Coast Adventist School