6 hungry weeks by Sam Gilchrist

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Presentation on the work of West Northumberland Food Bank

Transcript of 6 hungry weeks by Sam Gilchrist

  • 1. FOOD POVERTY in West Northumberland Redundancy, illness, Welfare Reform and unexpected bills. Rising costs and falling incomes. These are just some of the reasons why people are struggling to put food on the table in our communities and neighbourhoods. It can happen to anyone but, Together, we can make a difference!

2. Launched 29th May 2013 1600 Food Bags distributed so far! How do we do it? Tinned and dried food is donated by local people though Supermarkets, Churches, Schools and Community Groups Partner Organisations provide volunteers to take deliveries, sort and pack Food Bags twice a week at our Food Bank Store at Adapt 3. So far we have helped at least 222 adults and 168 children in 195 households How do we do it? A Food Bag is packed with enough dried and canned food to provide one person with three meals a day for three days. A Food Bag is also packed with a leaflet signposting people onto organisations that can provide advice and support Food Bags are distributed through a network of over 30 Distribution Centres and agencies throughout West Northumberland. 4. Why do we do it? Last year we saw about 50% of people needing our help were the working poor struggling on low wages as the cost of living went up Since January we have seen a shift as tougher benefits regimes are pushing unemployed Job Seekers into extreme hardship, and now around 70% of the people we help are feeling the impact of Welfare Reforms Sanctions are the removal of benefits for 4-6 weeks in most cases but up to 3 years for some. No money, no food, no heating for weeks or months on end, and with very few places to go for help apart from the Food Bank. 5. Families in need 168 children many under 5 years old 4 Surestart Childrens Centre in our network of Distribution Centres Childrens Services, 608030 and No28 all support families in need Demand doubled last summer holidays We expect it to triple this summer 6. What we plan to do next. Carry on what we are doing but get better at it by; Setting up a new Charity and moving to a bigger premises, as we are a bit pushed for space! We also plan to help people become less dependant on the Food Bank through Welfare Rights Advocacy helping people navigate the benefits system And through Eat Well for Less cookery courses 7. Eat Well 4 Less For people who are struggling to afford to buy enough food Learning how to prepare tasty, healthy good food thats not complicated, time consuming, expensive and you dont have to switch the cooker on!! "We should make more soup, sell it from a van and make money for the Food Bank" (participant) Ive never seen him so engaged" (Stopgap support worker comment about one of their clients) 8. Our Partners Funders: Isos Housing Ltd, Northumberland County Council, Waitrose Green Token Scheme, Tynedale Lions and cash donations from Church Congregations and Individuals In kind support: Adapt, West Northumberland Childrens Centres and Hexham Community Partnership. Waitrose, Tesco, Sainsbury and the Coop 9. Call or text: 07443 519 852 Email: [email protected] :West Northumberland Food Bank 10. Call or text: 07443 519 852 Email: [email protected] :West Northumberland Food Bank