6 Freaky Reasons Mice Can Get You Fired

www.earth-kind.com 1.800.583.2921 6 Freaky Reasons Mice Can Get You FIRED


Getting rid of mice naturally can protect your health, safety, property, and even your job! Pests cause problems, that's a no brainer. Did you ever think that having a pest problem might turn you into a pest? Here are 6 ways a mouse infestation could cost you your job: 1. Inappropriate attire. Mice have nested in your closet and/or dresser. Your 3 piece power suit turned into a 3 course meal for a mouse and now the only thing you have to wear is the outfit that won you first place at last year's Ugly Sweater Party. 2. Earning a reputation...as The Hamburglar. After finding rodent droppings in your kitchen, you promptly quarantined the area and haven't been in there since. Now you're swiping other people's lunch from the break room fridge. 3. "Mice ate my quarterly report." Your teacher didn't buy it when you tried the old "my dog ate my homework" line in school, and your boss won't accept this excuse now. Handing in shredded paperwork that mice used for their nest won't isn't going to cut it. 4. Always running late. Mice love to chew on wiring, and they may be responsible for shorting out your alarm clock. 5. Calling in sick all the time. Rodents can transmit over 35 known diseases to people. Aside from the obvious health concern, most jobs won't appreciate you needing so many sick days. 6. Bringing your personal problems to the workplace. You may unknowingly be carrying rodent urine, droppings, saliva or dander on yourself or your personal items which can bring pathogens into your workplace. Or, you may unwittingly harbor a stowaway in your purse, briefcase, or lunch box, letting loose a furry intruder in the office. Don't let this happen to you. Get rid of mice, keep your job! www.earth-kind.com

Transcript of 6 Freaky Reasons Mice Can Get You Fired

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6 Freaky Reasons Mice Can Get You FIRED

Page 2: 6 Freaky Reasons Mice Can Get You Fired

www.earth-kind.com 1.800.583.2921

Pests cause problems, that's a no brainer. Did you ever think that having a pest problem might turn you into a pest?

Here are 6 ways a mouse infestation could cost you your job:

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1) Inappropriate Attire

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Mice have nested in your closet and/or dresser.

Your 3 piece power suit turned into a 3 course meal for a mouse and now the only thing you have to wear is the outfit that won you first place at last year's Ugly Sweater Party.

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2) Earning a Reputation…As The Hamburglar

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After finding rodent droppings in your kitchen, you promptly quarantined the area and haven't been in there since. Now you're swiping other people's lunch from the break room fridge.

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3) “Mice Ate My Quarterly Report”

www.earth-kind.com 1.800.583.2921

Your teacher didn't buy it when you tried the old "my dog ate my homework" line in school, and your boss won't accept this excuse now.

Handing in shredded paperwork that mice used for their nest isn't going to cut it.

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4) Always Running Late

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Mice love to chew on wiring, and they may be responsible for shorting out your alarm clock.

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www.earth-kind.com 1.800.583.2921

5) Calling in Sick All the Time

Rodents can transmit over 35 known diseases to people.

Aside from the obvious health concern, most jobs won't appreciate you needing so many sick days.

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6) Bringing Your Personal Problems to the Workplace

www.earth-kind.com 1.800.583.2921

You may unknowingly be carrying rodent urine, droppings, saliva or dander on yourself or your personal items which can bring pathogens into your workplace.

Or, you may unwittingly harbor a stowaway in your purse, briefcase, or lunch box, letting loose a furry intruder in the office.

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Don’t Jeopardize Your Career, Trust Fresh Cab® to Keep Rodents Away

www.earth-kind.com 1.800.583.2921

Fresh Cab® repels rodents using their sense of smell. Simply put; rodents hate the fresh, balsam scent that we find pleasing.

These “mouse pouches” are safe around your pets & kids. With Fresh Cab there are no toxic poisons, dangerous traps, or piercing sounds, just a fresh scent that keeps the rodents away.

Place Fresh Cab pouches anywhere indoors you are having problems with rodents and rest assured your family & pets are protected from the deadly dangers of rodents & the common methods used to control them.

100% Customer Satisfaction Guarantee!

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For more information on getting rid of rodents and protecting your pets & family against dangerous

rodent control methods – visit our website
