… ·...

5I FROM NOGAL TO D.C. Two Lincoln County siblings get a taste of big government EDITION ••• I Hh 'r,, j ;.: ...... - I i I ;.. . . M MESCALERO IN REGIONAL Lady Chiefs fall to Hagerman in SA final, travel to Regional playoff in Logan BEST AVAilABLE COPY DOSO 50 cents RUIDOSO, NEW MEXICO WEDNESDAY, FEB. 27, 2002 OuR 55TH YEAR, No. 79 Commission appoints U.S. 70 aesthetics advisory board The new committee is not scheduled to have any members of a local Hondo Valley preserva- tion group, but does represem both sides of the four-lane issue. A nine-member advisory board to give input on aesthetic considerations tied to the design of U.S. 70 was appointed last week by the Lincoln CoWlty Commission, but not without lengthy debate. desigi). of the highway to better preserve the history and atmos- phere ofHondo Valley and cover safety concerns, said they were disturbed not to see any of their representatives named to the board. Rex W1lson, county commis- sion chairman, explained that the five names suggested last month weren't a final list, ju<lt a starting point. Members of the Valley Community Preservation Commission, a group that sought compromise on the Dave Pennington of the Albuquerque-based Parsons Proposed lo-w-er ambulance funds could hurt county, village taxpayers The new reduction would affect reimbursement for ambulance services BY DIMNl SIALI.JHGS A proposed reduction in the federal reimburse- ment for ambulance service would significantly impact Lincoln County, says the director of the county serv1ce. 'lb cover the deficit, higher rates or an increase m county subsidy may be required Jim Stover. who through the Lincoln Cotmty Medical Center manages Linmln County's emer- gency medical services as well as those for the vil- lage of Ruidoso, told county commissioners Tlurrsday the Congressional Balanad Budget Amendment iB shrinking Wdend 1b Jlleet I'WJUi'l'@ftlenta fl that fA'I'IIIl'[J(Ir., B cut one;.third previous cost for ambulance servicle reimburse- ment, is anticipated. Thward that. goal, the feeler- a] govenrment wants to establish a standard reimbursement for ambulance nms no matter where the location, the distance to hospitals or the size of the department.. Stover said. "San Diego would be the same as C'AJrona.,. he said erates a lot of revenue." he said "'n a rural coun- ty, you staff all day long and may only have one nm." The county is helped because many of its emergency medical workers are part-time paid employees, Stover said, but standards costs such as gasoline, equipment and operation of EMS sta- tions can't be ruijusted. Federal d.iso •ssion also has included increas- ing by 50 percent the $5 per mile transport fee up to 17 miles for rural services, he said. "!'hat shows the East Coast mentality," Stover said. '"Seventeen miles doesn't begin to cover the usual distances here. 1\ to 30 miles is more likeJ.y and if we're going to Corona, it could be mom than 90 miles." l!lmntry are wllfBng for ttawest numbers, Stover said. Once they are n!lea.sed, the department will have to file for new rates with the state. The Public Regulatory Commission has agreed to try to act. quickly to approve the new rates, Stover said. Some of the anticipated changes in federal reimbursement included: The federal govemment will pay only for one patient even when multiple patients from an rux::idents are transported. The standard was suppose to be se-t by Jan. 1, 2000, but was post- poned SPVeral times. Last year, feder- al health officials proposed a fee of $157 for basic life support ambnlanre, although the actual cnst is clos- er to $270, he said. used to help subsidize the Jim Stover department" with multiple patients, LCMC official Stovez said. Uft would dev• astate the ambulance industry.'' 1'herc was a lot of turmoil in the industry and many private services closed their dooro, .. he said. Other services such as the coun- ty's, which are subsidized, are hanging on trying to get members of Congress to realize that dis- parity between the figure on which federal renn- bursements would be based and the actual oost. "'t would devastate the ambulance industry," Stover said. SIDa.t; rural services must keep crews on call although the number of nms is low. Ambulances aL<>a must travel much greater di.staru:es com- pared to cities. where hospitals are close and mul- tiple cai1s are run every hour, he said. "Three ambulances nmning all day long gen- lf only basic life support is need- ed, but a paramedic is part of a crew that intercepts a run from a remote area like Cm-on.a to finish the ride to the hospital. reim- bursement only will be for basic life support. no longer will be paid on who is providing the care, only for the level of care that was need- ed," he said. no problem for a metropoli- tan department because they can staff with tiered responses. We can't do that in a nrraJ area. The.....e changes have some long-range implications." He told commissioners he hopes the decision iA delayed again_ "It would be better to fix it finrt then try it and go back in to fix the problems," Stnver told com- missioners. Brinckerhoff, project consul- tant, said the role of the task force would be to advise on tree replacements and such items as the appearance of retaining walls. "They will not replace public information requirements," he said. "But they will be part of the overall public involvement. "We have no intention of del- egating that to a small group." Susan Jimenez, whose hus- band, a well known sculpto! and professor of art at the University of Houston, is active in the valley group, and asked what type of qualifications can- didates for the task force must have to advise on aesthetics. "Nothing more than to be appointed by the board and to have expressed an interest," WJlson said. Pushing for at least two rep- resentatives on the board, Jimenez said, "We represent a lot of families in the valley. We have about 175 members." Pennington stressed that the task force would look at project enhancement, but would not be discussing the basic design, which by that time will have been approved by the Federal Highway Adnrinistration. "'t"s not a decision-making body," Wilson agreed. "'t's there to provide local input." - Pennington said separate task forces may be assembled See U.S. 70, page 2A DIANNE S'T"WNGSISTAFf Thomas Chavez. Ruidoso manager. checks out the evacuat1on duec11onal sign on Mam Road and Amelta Llne one of 70 along an escape route through Ponderosa Hetqhts 70 signs to mark cn1ergency route out of Upper Canyon BY DIANNE SlAWNGS An escape route from Upper Canyon through Ponderosa Heights and exit- ing on Mechem Drive will bt· marked by 70 signs, said Thomas Chavez, Ruidoso emergency manager. Although village anrl emergency officialR, along with representatives from the Mescalero Apache Reservation that abuts the end of Main Road in Upper Canyon, have discussed pos- sible emergency exit routes in case of fire or flood, logis- tics, terrain and cost." have !'t.ood in the way. The escape route outlmed with signs by Chavez iR toward the beginmng of Main Road and is a few miles away from those stay- ing in homes farther up the street, but it provides an altematJve to heading all the way out to Sudderth Drive. The rouw also would help people in Ponderosa Height...:;, which i;. more heavily popu- lated year-around, Chavez said. wwe started up signs Feb. 18 and probably will be finished by March 1," he said Friday -rhere arP so many roads up there, 1t would be confusing in case of an emergency for sea"'onal residents and tourist...,. The signs will spell out exactly in which direction to head and where tu tum. This is a one- way canyon w1th no exit. An altemate route is The e"'cape route heads ' up the mountain on Ebarh DnvP, then right on Mapk Drive onto Brady Canyon. left to Ponderosa Drive and , onto MPchem. ------ _j Fonun off, then on again A ROAD WITH A VIEW House fire kills woman Rl TI >(ISO 'lEWS STAFF WRITER About 130 people ended up attending a candidates debate in Capitan Monday, even though it was called off by the organizer after nnnors of threats surfilced. Lincoln Cotmty SherifF 'Ibm Sullivan said 'fueeday he was planning to attend the session anyway, because every position up fQr election is hotly contested But before the designated time, he began receiving calls from friends who heard that the meeting was canceled because of threats. "I wtd them, this is Capitan, . . , . ' -. . .. 1' '. ' -.. --- 1./. INSIDE not Chicago and we'll have the meeting, .. Sullivan said. By the time he arrived at the Capitan school complex, where the session was scheduled, the superintendent had J)ut out signs about the cancellation, Sullivan .. But sev'ell out of the 10 dates for the board of trustee were there, two of the three mayor candidate and some fur the judge position, he said. clapped when they said I would .take over the meeting," he said. "I laid out the ground rules and it went off without a bitch." DIANNE STALUNGS,ISTAFF Draped _In snow. Sierra Blanca Peak creates a backdrop for a wooden gate on U.S. 380 between Capitan and the historic settlement of Lincoln. FRIDAY BY SANOY SUGGITT A local woman died in a fire about noon in a trailer on Sunday at 1003 North Street in Downs, according to Ruidoso Downs Fire Chief Charles Anderson. Delia V Hardee, 42, was in the bedroom at the time her 14-year-old son smelled smoke and tried unsuccessfully to open the door, Anderson said. Two others living there, Sandra Ortiz and Sonia Luna, were not home at the time of the fire. "The Fire Department was already there before I got there," Anden;on said. '"Tlwy called me at 20 minutes tu 1 p.m. and had contained th£> fin• to the one bedroom. Thf' _young man woke up at noon, checked his morn, but he couldn't get in the door so he laid down agrun. Then he smelled smoke, tried to open the door and couldn't get it open, so he went to neighbors and called 911_ .. Wmdows were broken and there was smoke damage. The cause of the fin• is still unkn()VI,'TI as the m..<;e is still under investigation, the fire chief said, and the New Mexico State Police were asked to assist in the Local artist Gary Eklund Capitan boys just miss regional berth OT thriller/SA

Transcript of… ·...

Page 1:… · 5I FROM NOGAL TO D.C. Two Lincoln County siblings get a taste of big government

5I FROM NOGAL TO D.C. Two Lincoln County siblings get a taste of big government


'r,, j ~ ;.: ...... - I i I ~ ;..

. . ~

M MESCALERO IN REGIONAL Lady Chiefs fall to Hagerman in SA final, travel to Regional playoff in Logan


DOSO 50 cents


Commission appoints U.S. 70 aesthetics advisory board • The new committee is not scheduled to have any members of a local Hondo Valley preserva­tion group, but does represem both sides of the four-lane issue.

A nine-member advisory board to give input on aesthetic considerations tied to the design of U.S. 70 was appointed last week by the Lincoln CoWlty Commission, but not without lengthy debate.

desigi). of the highway to better preserve the history and atmos­phere ofHondo Valley and cover safety concerns, said they were disturbed not to see any of their representatives named to the board.

Rex W1lson, county commis­sion chairman, explained that the five names suggested last month weren't a final list, ju<lt a starting point.

Members of the Valley Community Preservation Commission, a group that sought compromise on the

Dave Pennington of the Albuquerque-based Parsons

Proposed lo-w-er ambulance funds could hurt county, village taxpayers

The new reduction would affect reimbursement for ambulance services


A proposed reduction in the federal reimburse­ment for ambulance service would significantly impact Lincoln County, says the director of the county serv1ce.

'lb cover the deficit, higher rates or an increase m county subsidy may be required

Jim Stover. who through the Lincoln Cotmty Medical Center manages Linmln County's emer­gency medical services as well as those for the vil­lage of Ruidoso, told county commissioners Tlurrsday the Congressional Balanad Budget Amendment iB shrinking Wdend ~

1b Jlleet I'WJUi'l'@ftlenta fl that fA'I'IIIl'[J(Ir., B

cut Dr$t.r~~~t one;.third ofMedi~s previous cost for ambulance servicle reimburse­ment, is anticipated. Thward that. goal, the feeler­a] govenrment wants to establish a standard reimbursement for ambulance nms no matter where the location, the distance to hospitals or the size of the department.. Stover said.

"San Diego would be the same as C'AJrona.,. he said

erates a lot of revenue." he said "'n a rural coun­ty, you staff all day long and may only have one nm."

The county is helped because many of its emergency medical workers are part-time paid employees, Stover said, but standards costs such as gasoline, equipment and operation of EMS sta­tions can't be ruijusted.

Federal d.iso •ssion also has included increas­ing by 50 percent the $5 per mile transport fee up to 17 miles for rural services, he said.

"!'hat shows the East Coast mentality," Stover said. '"Seventeen miles doesn't begin to cover the usual distances here. 1\ to 30 miles is more likeJ.y and if we're going to Corona, it could be mom than 90 miles." ~oos--·amuna-tne l!lmntry are wllfBng for ~ ttawest numbers, Stover said. Once they are n!lea.sed, the department will have to file for new rates with the state. The Public Regulatory Commission has agreed to try to act. quickly to approve the new rates, Stover said.

Some of the anticipated changes in federal reimbursement included:

• The federal govemment will pay only for one patient reimb~ment even when multiple patients from an rux::idents are transported.

The standard was suppose to be se-t by Jan. 1, 2000, but was post­poned SPVeral times. Last year, feder­al health officials proposed a fee of $157 for basic life support ambnlanre, although the actual cnst is clos­er to $270, he said.

~e used to help subsidize the Jim Stover department" with multiple patients,

LCMC official Stovez said.

Uft would dev• astate the ambulance industry.''

1'herc was a lot of turmoil in the industry and many private services closed their dooro, .. he said. Other services such as the coun­ty's, which are subsidized, are hanging on trying to get members of Congress to realize that dis­parity between the figure on which federal renn­bursements would be based and the actual oost.

"'t would devastate the ambulance industry," Stover said.

SIDa.t; rural services must keep crews on call although the number of nms is low. Ambulances aL<>a must travel much greater di.staru:es com­pared to cities. where hospitals are close and mul­tiple cai1s are run every hour, he said.

"Three ambulances nmning all day long gen-

• lf only basic life support is need-ed, but a paramedic is part of a crew

that intercepts a run from a remote area like Cm-on.a to finish the ride to the hospital. reim­bursement only will be for basic life support. ~e no longer will be paid on who is providing

the care, only for the level of care that was need­ed," he said. "'~bat's no problem for a metropoli­tan department because they can staff with tiered responses. We can't do that in a nrraJ area. The.....e changes have some long-range implications."

He told commissioners he hopes the decision iA delayed again_

"It would be better to fix it finrt then try it and go back in to fix the problems," Stnver told com­missioners.

Brinckerhoff, project consul­tant, said the role of the task force would be to advise on tree replacements and such items as the appearance of retaining walls.

"They will not replace public information requirements," he said. "But they will be part of the overall public involvement.

"We have no intention of del­egating that to a small group."

Susan Jimenez, whose hus­band, a well known sculpto!

and professor of art at the University of Houston, is active in the valley group, and asked what type of qualifications can­didates for the task force must have to advise on aesthetics.

"Nothing more than to be appointed by the board and to have expressed an interest," WJlson said.

Pushing for at least two rep­resentatives on the board, Jimenez said, "We represent a lot of families in the valley. We

have about 175 members." Pennington stressed that the

task force would look at project enhancement, but would not be discussing the basic design, which by that time will have been approved by the Federal Highway Adnrinistration.

"'t"s not a decision-making body," Wilson agreed. "'t's there to provide local input." -

Pennington said separate task forces may be assembled

See U.S. 70, page 2A


Thomas Chavez. Ruidoso emerg~ncy manager. checks out the evacuat1on duec11onal sign on Mam Road and Amelta Llne one of 70 along an escape route through Ponderosa Hetqhts

70 signs to mark cn1ergency route out of Upper Canyon BY DIANNE SlAWNGS

An escape route from Upper Canyon through Ponderosa Heights and exit­ing on Mechem Drive will bt· marked by 70 signs, said Thomas Chavez, Ruidoso emergency manager.

Although village anrl emergency officialR, along with representatives from the Mescalero Apache Reservation that abuts the end of Main Road in Upper Canyon, have discussed pos­sible emergency exit routes in case of fire or flood, logis-

tics, terrain and cost." have !'t.ood in the way.

The escape route outlmed with signs by Chavez iR toward the beginmng of Main Road and is a few miles away from those stay­ing in homes farther up the street, but it provides an altematJve to heading all the way out to Sudderth Drive.

The rouw also would help people in Ponderosa Height...:;, which i;. more heavily popu­lated year-around, Chavez said.

wwe started up

signs Feb. 18 and probably will be finished by March 1," he said Friday -rhere arP so many roads up there, 1t would be confusing in case of an emergency for sea"'onal residents and tourist...,. The signs will spell out exactly in which direction to head and where tu tum. This is a one­way canyon w1th no exit. An altemate route is needed.~

The e"'cape route heads ' up the mountain on Ebarh DnvP, then right on Mapk Drive onto Brady Canyon. left to Ponderosa Drive and , onto MPchem.

---~------------ ------ _j

Fonun off, then on again A ROAD WITH A VIEW House fire kills woman Rl TI >(ISO 'lEWS STAFF WRITER

About 130 people ended up attending a candidates debate in Capitan Monday, even though it was called off by the organizer after nnnors of threats surfilced.

Lincoln Cotmty SherifF 'Ibm Sullivan said 'fueeday he was planning to attend the session anyway, because every position up fQr election is hotly contested But before the designated time, he began receiving calls from friends who heard that the meeting was canceled because of threats.

"I wtd them, this is Capitan, . . ·~". , . ' -. . ..

1' 1:~ ~ '. '

-.. - - - 1./.


not Chicago and we'll have the meeting, .. Sullivan said.

By the time he arrived at the Capitan school complex, where the session was scheduled, the superintendent had J)ut out signs about the cancellation, Sullivan ~d ..

But sev'ell out of the 10 CB.I'ldi~ dates for the board of trustee were there, two of the three mayor candidate and some fur the judge position, he said.

"Ev~ryone clapped when they said I would .take over the meeting," he said. "I laid out the ground rules and it went off without a bitch."


Draped _In snow. Sierra Blanca Peak creates a backdrop for a wooden gate on U.S. 380 between Capitan and the historic settlement of Lincoln.



A local woman died in a fire about noon in a trailer on Sunday at 1003 North Street in Ruid~ Downs, according to Ruidoso Downs Fire Chief Charles Anderson.

Delia V Hardee, 42, was in the bedroom at the time her 14-year-old son smelled smoke and tried unsuccessfully to open the door, Anderson said. Two others living there, Sandra Ortiz and Sonia Luna, were not home at the time of the fire.

"The Fire Department was already there before I got

there," Anden;on said. '"Tlwy called me at 20 minutes tu 1 p.m. and had contained th£> fin• to the one bedroom. Thf' _young man woke up at noon, checked his morn, but he couldn't get in the door so he laid down agrun. Then he smelled smoke, tried to open the door and couldn't get it open, so he went to neighbors and called 911_ ..

Wmdows were broken and there was smoke damage. The cause of the fin• is still unkn()VI,'TI as the m..<;e is still under investigation, the fire chief said, and the New Mexico State Police were asked to assist in the inve~"'tigation.

Local artist Gary Eklund

Capitan boys just miss regional berth

OT thriller/SA

Page 2:… · 5I FROM NOGAL TO D.C. Two Lincoln County siblings get a taste of big government

j.. -, T,o

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!I ~E 2A • RuiDoso NEWS

Changes ~bound· all{lJJ4c;>~o News

A changing of the guard is t.akiJ!g. place '"' tbe ~ · New~' tbls week, as tbe nowspai"""J>aS a -new editor · and sports editor.

FllfiDer editor Micbjlel Scanlon, at tbe PAll"'" since N-2000.b8s nioved to taka a job at 1he Las Cruces 8un-New10. Wes -Schwengels, furm.,.... ly tbe &porte editor at the Ruidoso News, has been selected to take Scanlon's place at the et:litors post. His first d.,y as editor was Monday.

Schwengels moved to Ruidoso as sports editor in February 2001 ll:om Arizona. where he had worked. as sports editor fur the 'lbmbstone Epitaph.

"Micbael wijl """" tainly .be missed, botb here- at· tbe newspa.,.,.. and In tbe oonJDII!iW;y, but ~

I aim to try my best to. replace him and continue to

improve the Ruidoso. News," Schwengels said.

'lbdd F\Jqua bas been hiNd as the new sports editor, takjng on the task of Covering Unooln County's five high schools, as well as Mescalero and the racetrack.

Fuqua comes ll:om Roswell, where he worked· for three years as a reporter and. eventually WI sports editor of tllel Daily Record. Fuqua covered several high schools in Roswell, as well as other profession­al and amateur sporting events.

"llook furwanl to fullowing the teams in the Ruidoso area," Fuqua said. "'The fact I have sev­eral family and friends living here helps.•

\Ye"n: on the \XdJ:

' . . ' I. I

~ Evacuation Sign Locations

'·- .. -~ -

··- • -· -


·~·~~-- • ,~. _.,~~,~·:~,,~,·,~···~·.~~~.·~::·:;~D~.,.,.:··:::~"~- :r,:::~c{:,:;:t~;;;1T'~.~;~~.~1:·.~~~~~.:-~ ·~.~.:-.-__ ,. ':

-~·-----­by the state JUsbway" depart­ment to comment on apecUlc issues. Safety concerns such as ensuring access fur ~

vehicles and proWling -routes during flooding,. should be covered by ~ bid­ding an tbe prqject, he said. .,

Charles Reed ollj-.J,. to wording in tbe resolution funn­ing tbe task furCe that it was to "serve" at tbe pleasure of tbe cmm.ty oommiiurion, but Wilson said tbet language is ~ fur lillY e,ppointed board. Reed pointed out thet one member already named tried to stop - fur a bypsas a~ &om tbe valley and to erect bill­boards along the scenic byway.

Commissioner Leo­noted that some individuals being proposed actively oppoee the four<-lane concept. ·

"So we have both sides," he seid. "I thought this was to rep­reseot people along the road as problems came up. rm not advo­cating fur tbe high~-depart­ment, but if tbet (fuur-lane) design is picked, that's the way it will go."

The task furCe shouldn't be arguing about that basic design, he seid. After I~ that the preservation groupjolned litiga­tion med by rancher Gerald Ford against the FHA CJVef the prqject, he asked tbet his II8JD8

be removed &Om tbe task furCe because he doesn't want to be .,.,..t of ao on-goiug debate on


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"'-' ., ,-



--~--r o-. '.\ :

Page 3:… · 5I FROM NOGAL TO D.C. Two Lincoln County siblings get a taste of big government

WliDNESDAV, FEB. 27, 2002 LOCAL NEWS 5 ! I

Cearley pleads no contest • The former lincoln County deputy. entered the· plea on tWo felony charges Friday.


. forgery, a third-degree felony, and to attempt to· defraud, a 10.,.-tb-degree li>lony.

· J:udge Karen Parsona of the 12th Judicial District ordered a PNsentence review and a·

. ~ cwal•~etion ' tll>arley WI'S arrested Mareh 29, 2001, m ~ C<!lmt,y, A<cording to court documentS,

. A 1brmer Lmooln Councy deputy ple8d.Ocl no the' !lharges stemmed from a court )learing m contes~ ~ two feJ.ony charges Friday i'n whiCh Cearley was E~CCUSed· of introducing raise Carrizcmo. . . <>vidence m the .limo of altered ~ duplicates LarrY'~ who worked frol!l1999 to 1999 to reflect he bed paid child support.

for the sherifrs office. and was hired as _ -The amount of mOney exceeded'$2,600. Mas<Jelen<> marsha! m . January 2001, was . After leaving the Lincoln Councy Sheriff"s charged with 12 counts oflbrgery and one COUDt Office, Cearley sued fur wnmgful terorination, of atu;mpt to defraud. · ·· · but Sherift''lbm Sullivan sjUd thet case wu ells-

He ""ten.<l a M>a ofnp ""!'tea~ to oo,e oo,..,.t.of ~sed, m ~ oo>pt.

Shear fun: See sheep get shaVed

I would_like 'to give my thanks-to all who helped me during and-after my accident on Feb. 11~2002.

Stat"tlng wi'th t'he gen'tleman on the motorcycle who tried tO mt!ke a difference li'l CtJIIIng in the fast

racing ~urban. To my friends and the s'trangers during. the .wr«;k before pollee and paramedl~

arrived. Anrl while laid up in 'the hospital. for all ~he visitors, 1"he flowers, phOfff' CLJI/$ and all the prayers

· said for me. . Vnfortllntrrely 'three young Jives were taken. The lives of a studen~.Dnd myself were pardoned. The good Lord works in mysterious ways. I thank the

Lord far saving our lives. And again I ~hank you all. Sincerely,

Magdalen Salas Hondo Public School.




. '. •••


' i", ... ,. ~;.

. '•· . . . • ,-i• .; • -. r; •'

For thoss who might won­der about the origin ofthe wool in their favorite sweaters, the owner of Lai1gbing Sheep Ranch m Lincoln will provide some answers Saturday.

By caDing Sally Canning, people can arrange to stop by to see the shearing of the ranch's commercial BlaCkface and registered Rambouill~t sheep starting at 9 a.m. and running through most of the day.


:1. ;·

Head shearer will be David Cunningham, who also is a member of the U .8. Forest Service's Hot Shot wild fire flghtmg team.

The shearing is a chance to learn more about the vital agricultural industry in Linooln Councy, an integral part of the history, thet is battling · conditions and market to

R.c.oM-1031 Afec:tNm Dr. Su/le 4 --­~At~~.-~ ---1-



The 6ood :News Is the








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Page 4:… · 5I FROM NOGAL TO D.C. Two Lincoln County siblings get a taste of big government


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Page 5:… · 5I FROM NOGAL TO D.C. Two Lincoln County siblings get a taste of big government

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Mareh . infur.

· ~~:a:i. call Jim SiocuJ». at l or Cynthia E. Orozco

-· · at 258-2212. . 'early 'l'be 4!ague of United 4otin aged. American Cil;izens has .olfere4

RegiStno.tion Will be in, the scholarshipa · to Hisp<Q>i<: stu­museUJn•s new Education dents attending colleges and DePartment offices in the universities since 1932 · and 'Thmbaugh IMAX . Dome funned f;b.e LULAC Nation!ll Theater an<l Phmlotariwn .. 'lb : .ScholarslUp Fund" in· 1975. receive a brochure or mQN About $20 mmion in schoJar.. inib!."mation, cimtsct the New ship monies have been award­Mexico Museum of Space eel. The Lincoln <l<>unty chaP­History Edulllltinn Depertment ter was funned in, 1999. at 437~. or (877) 383,6589, or dQWD)oad - . ·

Shuttle Camp oft"- classes fur ehildren - pre-kinder­garten lhrough <lO!lege. It is held at .the New Mexico Mu&eum of Space History in AJ<unogonlo, ,.,..,. the birth· place of AJnerica's space -gram.

WLAC schoJarships Lincoln County LULAC

council. No. 8048 announces its echolazsbips fur Hispanic stu­dents. Applications may be piclred up at Eastern New Mexico University-Ruidoso.

Billngual support Tb.e New· Mexico State

Department of EduCation and tlie government of Spain renewed a memorand-um _of underatencling Jan. 31. Jesus Cruz, education counselcn- at the Embassy of Spain, and · State Superintendent of PUblic Instruction Michael. J .• Davis were the signers,

'I;hrougb the memorandum, New Mexico -and Spain are keeping New Mexico's bilin-

,. ali ·~ • gmusm ve an-,. promotmg lhe Spanish language, said GJad.ys Herrera-Gurule, direc­tor of f;b.e SDE's Bilingual and Multicultural Education Unit.


I !


Nogal sibling stll" dents at Capita.n High_School both attended a national conference on defense, intelligence and. diplomacy in Washington this month. Nicola played a member of the news media.

. .


~ ·• 3i

Brother, sister· get the big pictw:~ BY &VIDY SUCCIIT

B oth- Murtaughe arrived late for an interview at their home in Nogal. Andrew, a senior at Capitan High

School, had to get a fresh crew cut. Nicole, a junior, was returning ·from sem­inars on international affairs, environ­ment· and education through the· Strldent Lsadership Institute in RoswelL

Why an interview? Both Murtaughs were in Washington,

D.C., Feb. 5-10 for the National Youth Leadership Forum on Defen~, Intelligence and Diplomacy. where th~y and about 360 students from around the . OQUDtry attended a fotum with all four branches of the military, all the military academies, the FBI and the CIA.

were us·ed. Students. also toured various sites in

the nation's. capital. The Murtaughs toured all the war memorials, including the new Korean War Memorial and the FDR Memorial, and they toured the monuments at night. The siblings bo$ cho!HI ·to spend a day at the "Marine Cotpa Combat Development Command,­~e U.S. Naval Academy and the War Gaming and Simulation Center.

test their problem-solving skills," wj-8* ed in a press release. Each studenf{!was issued a role. Nicole Murtaugh's ro!l!'ias in lhe media, and Andrew Murta ·~. in another group, was as chairman ~ Joint ChiefS of Staff. The issue wa-· ~ oil pipeline that the U.S. was ~·'to extract in the C~.ucasus region, ~ disp~tes amoilg the five surrou-(.di9g countries, two of ~em almost at war. ~

The groups worked two hours Frid(v. night to ri1ansge the conflict and gave"·a one-hour press conference on Saturday. ~our floOrs and an entire wing were devoted to the ·plotting& of lhe student groups, with Defense. in one room, the president across the hallway and Intel

"(Intelligeru:e) downstairs in lhe banquet hall. •

The 1ocsl chaptei- will Oft'er · General Awards of $260 or $600 to currently enrolled ENMU students from lhe

The agreement provides such programs 88 the VIBiting 'Thacbers Program.

Newest GED _.... .. ;......,Ieney . :test~tn.~7p~taiiott .

Anc~rew Murtaugh said he's plJm­ning to go into the military - the U.S. Navel Academy in Annsp<>lis. Md. - and

, so. found the conference usefu.I, learning ! .~ how• derense., diplomacy and intelligence

work together to exercise foreign policy.

"We fired on a simulated range," Nicole Murtaugh said, adding that she did fairly well with the M-9 Baretta semiaut.aJn.atic pistol. Her brother explained that the simulation room was 50-feet by 50-feet wilh black projection screens? and using an M-16 and com­pressed air, even 'the recoil from shooting . was felt. The students simulated long­distance combat in an urban area with a sniper on a building and close-quarters, searching a building.

Nicole Murtaugh said she plans to attend the Coast Guard Academy to pr&. pare for a career in law enfQrCement.

'Tm also very much an environmen­talist, so I believe I can- contribute in marine sciences. I would rather be with animals and managing oceans," she said.

.. Saturday morning the presidt»)t made his· final decision," Nicole Murtaugh said. Everyone stood in as the ~ress, grilling the commanders.

·-· .. The students .. ~ere up at. s. ~ every de;f, in !ln>llil meetings by 7:30 a.m., and a second ... Supper waS servect' at 10 p.m. beeaUS£ they were kept up so On Man:h 16, the first test of

the new and revised 2002 Series GED exam will be given. Created in 1942 to help retum­!Dg World WarD veterans com­plate their studies, the last exam iapdste was in 1988, and -­dents were required to complete their testing beiUre Jan. 1, when the new exam went into effect.

Changes came sbeut 88 states undergo etandarda initia­tives, an<l the level of the exam needed to rsflect lhose stan­dards. Amnog the changes: A

· ealculstor must be used on half utthe malh test; the essay on the writing portion will bs ..,...... rig­i>l'OUI!Iy graded; and mo.e "prior knowledge" is required in all pGriions or the test. Examinees are now to register in

to the-by out

'""WIW.t surprised me was mainly how much diplomacy affects things in com~ parison to military Power~"· he said. "'Military forc:e is your last resort. You don't want to put people on the ground unJess you absoluteJY need to - and if

· Andrew Murtaugh said he'd ·acquired a new respect for the Marines, who seem to be more highly trained than lhe Army.

late, Andrew Murtaugh said ·. S1,1pl"eDle CoUrt decisions. It is naw more Important for p<>ten­tial examinees to attend GED preparation classes in order to I

learn what is needed fur the exam, as weB as to prepare fur the use of the scientmc ealculs· tor- thet will be provided for lhe math section.

you're going to, you've got to deliberately ; use too much. and not only will you save

your own lives, but the enemy's as well."' Early and later wt;mi were compared

at the conference so studenfs cou1d see how diplomacy, intelligence and. -defense

'l1le Adult Basic Education Program ofEastern New Mexico University-Ruidoso ofFers GED preparation classes throughout Lincoln County. Classes oftl!red

Two to three times a day during the six-day conference, the 860 students gathered in groups of 21 to work on their final project: a national secwity simula­tion exercise "to pique their interests and

"What I fbund useful about lhe c:oil­:ference was that it helped· me realize thet even after I get lhrough lhe little stuff, later on I can become a politiciail and make poli~es o:ri · dift'erent environ­mental issues, power I can wield later ~" Nicole Murtaugh said.

"' understand five times as much a& I did bsfore," her brolher said

are: Cmrizozo 1-4 p.m., ~ and Wednesday, at the Otero COunty Co-op Building; 8-.36-11:30 a.m.. Monday through Thursday, Lincoln COunty Demntion Center

Ruidoso - 9-11 a.m., 3:46-6:46 p.m. or 8-8 p.m., Lincoln COunty Works Center In lhe $erra Man on Mechem llrive-ou..- are multilevel an<1

1 indiviclUaJized $0 stwlen.ts ma,y O!Dla" at lillY time. For m.ore ·inib!."ma ...... l:a11·630-818L 1

·'lbla ~ OED graduation wm· be lit' 3:30 p.m. May 11 at ibe RnidilOo Conv'ention Cefiter. 'l1le C:ommunlty Is Invited. I

Learning about_ democracy Cspltan Elementaiy School sludenls galhered in the new library for a pre-election forum of mayoral candldales with an inlroduclion by Magistrate Judge Gerald Dean, at right Official ballot boxes were set up in the hallway lor the aeleclion. n Three of the four candidates for mayor of Capitan were present­write-In Barbara Ann Sanchez. Steven M. Sederwall. and Incumbent Mayor Norman C. Renlro. Sederwall got the most voles. having pertormed magic tricks lor lhe sludenls. School principal Dick Clevenger got a write-In vote. even though he lives in Ruidoso Downs and Is Ineligible.

wedges, mixed :fhrlt, Jell-0 Thursday, Feb. 2& -

Breakfast: Breakfast bUrrito Lunch: Italian spaghetti,

bread sticks, mixed. vegeta~ hies. applesauee

Friday, March 1 Breakfast: Cereal, graham crackers, fruit

Lunch: Beef and bean bur­rito. Dies, tossed salad, apple-sauCe

Monday, Breakfast: crackers.

March Cereal,

4 graham

Lunch: Taco salad bowl, Mexican corn, salsa, apples

Thesday, March 6 Breakfast: Oatmeal

Lunch: Hot ham and cheese sandwich,· French fries, mixed fruit, JeU-0

Ruidoso ~ School Wednesday, · Feb. . 27

. . , .· •



· Breakfast: Cinnamon roll ' Lunch: Chicken chedd&r

barbecue sandwich, potatO wedges, mixed fruit, Jell.() · ~­

Thursday, Feb. 28 • Breakfast: Breakfast burrito~

Lunch: Italian spaghettl.. bread sticks. mixed veget<j,­bles, applesauce ·

' Friday, Mareh 1 -;::-Breakfast: Cereal

Ltineh: Spaghetti; bre<~,cl. sticks~ mixed vegetable,, applesauce :.

Monday, March 4 ....,.... Breakfast: Breakfast pancakes.

Lunch: Steak finger@, mashed potatoes with grav;y, corn, roll, apples ·

Tuesday, March 6 ""'-Breakfast: Oatmool :..:

Lunch: Hot ham an~ cheese sandwich, fries, lllix1ll! fruit, JeH-0

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Page 6:… · 5I FROM NOGAL TO D.C. Two Lincoln County siblings get a taste of big government


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the co;rimrisaion a CDIDJ!iunil¥ seWer_. S)al:enl ~ of S11lxlivislolls with lots

acre in size, and a ccmununi­wate;r. B)'Stem fur a sUbdivision cohtain-

,. ' . ,., .. ·.- . .-,

. ·'·. '· ·'. '·

'lbJ>se hours were Dot anticlpat­edwiumaCCJDtnu:tfur~

. : A water COIIl!Ulmnt to the sioDal oervlce8 was a~ : l(illage of Ruidooo will rereive fur $25.000 to ron Ulltil June : an additional $10,000 fur his SO. . · ; work this ;year. EggJest<m ...rue.. quaationed :: In a 5-l vom.of>illa&e ooun- the leplicy of iDdeasin!( the ; iii """"""'"' With Leon BII1<Jillll; of a CCJDtnu:t pmviousJy ==~ voting against the approved wiih a pa.ymont cap

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. rate munbers fbr a 12-montb _periocl, .

VII'- mana(!io'Alan Briley explained that in F<>imJar,y 2001, the Cxnmcil apJJI'O!(ell the abqrter ilai-"""t With· a dol. Jar -aunt of $3.90 .per cubic

• ' :pard fur 'up to '15,000 cubic yards. The waa to boo

. fur !!hoot .

Vote for

·L.'RaY NUnley


C11Y CoUNCIL March s"' ·

believe in.prtltecting _and ImproVing our lt!frastructu~ and liVing within aur metrns. ~ . .

/00. .. "

. •,\ .. :;, -.-•.

• l•: .. "

" . " " •'\ .. ., '

" ·' ' . Dr. Dennis V. Worthington

Ruidoso Gastroen~rology · .

. has RELOCATED to

1701 Sudderth. Drive Formerly lack's TV & Appliance in the Pla2a Mall. (Same shopping center as

Showtime Video)·


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Page 7:… · 5I FROM NOGAL TO D.C. Two Lincoln County siblings get a taste of big government


~- coa8sc:ated ·. :Rnld- police eonfisoated

a .Jm;fit and brass knuokli!s ti-oln a 16-:year-<>ld Feb.- 24 after a traffic stop, citing him with drMng without a license

Aftest made 'PoUoe - Collins c.

H6Unsel, · 19, fi-oin Denver, COlo., Feb. 24, chsrgin.g him with driving with a SUSPODd­etl' or revolted license. ' . ~

' Items· shopUfted

~ A memorial service •1'6r

Antonio. Mooneal, 58, · of Camzozo, was Feb. 21, with tl!e Bel< Fnmklin Eicbhomt afljcjat;.

Disorderly conduct Vu:tor naca, 28, of

Ruidoso DoWilS, was aneeted Feb. 23 at tha Center St>:eet and Timbers parking lot and charged with disorderly con­dm:t after police officers escorted him Olld several other men from Quarters BIU'. Police had been called by stsfT at Wm Plaoe Olld Show Bar about -le who were not wanted at either hiU', and ·as .they were being esCorted to the parking ana. Baca ""J'(Irtede.y shoved one of the ·officers.

gate. Jaramillo, 6 feet .tall, gave the name of an individ· ua1 who turned out to be 5 feet, 2 inches tall.

Once taken to . the police department, Emergency Medical Services was called because the ll1lSJ"'Ct "acted as if he was passing out and folling &om his chair."" the report states. The sus­pect was allegedly violent and assaulted. a medic. Three officers tried to restrain him hot he contin­ued tQ be eomhative. and was placed in a call after being sprayed with a ohemi­cal agent, to no effect, the

·- · '--~- the .. ~~h-1• ~11.---" report -tea. In the cell, he · .o•ve girls ·...,.~eell · ..........._. ..._5.,.. slammed his hooad into the of 12 and 14 · were

with Shoplifting, l'l!lice arrested !3rian E. metsl bmich. bleeding from -'th -'"--ce __ .. Jaramlllo, 2ll,. of Ruidoso, the head, Olld "spat blood, ~· 'k';;;;r-=:: F'eb. 25, ~ him with saliVa and mucus in the offi­

-·-.. fi>lir dlliiitll- 'of · IISsaUit,· ooe cm!'s flloe aod all av..r the F'!!b- 24· CO\Ult of battery on a p8aC.. cell" when an officer went to

suspeCltfl are officer, \mlawtbl ....-.y1ng of ensure the suspect's sall>ey.

!;~~~~r .and is a deadly weapon· and two Other officers were Ariz. "'lllie'!IS .ClQ\Ulta' of ---J;ng ·identlfl.· required ·to reatrain . him,

. _ "''"" .. catioo. Police • had been and EMS was called to tend ' · ...Ue<l to W'Ul ·Place and to 'stll£.!l>flicted · il\iuries, the

· Show B11r, '26SII' .Sudderth repOrt st$!8. · When he was · Drl9E>,··· in · >'lill>r~rlbe · to a walked to the ambulance,

·. ·~. tom ·"With '·It .. ltii,ife. the suspeCt reoOrtecllY- once . ~ l.blinil-him Ill;~ . agpi'l tried to Olam his h6ad

:u~-w..- Clown . ... ~ ...... -· ... · · Graveside eerVices fbr

l\ofarg'aret · EHzabeth · "Betey" HaWkins Crowo, 85, ofRuldoso,

. ~- Feb. l!6 at' l.'orest Lawn Ceme~~ Q'ld a z:lervU;e of Celebration at the 'Ji'mot Pfl;sbyterian Church 'With the ru;.... Sbanilori Wehstor, Cathy CaUdle, Bill Behring and Vern Edmonson ofticlating. ·

Sha died of a heart etmck on ~Feb. l,Q,,2002. . Mrs. Crown was bon> Apirl_

29, 1916, to the Bel< Nelson and . Clltta HawkiDs. ·

Sha grew up in Houston aJ1.d 'IIeylor, 'IBxas, and w"" !;he old· . est of four daughters of a PresbYterian •llllnister and his wite. Shs graduated · from Austin College in 1988 with a B.S. degree in matb.etmi.tics and English and taught school lbr three years at tho Presbyterian Orpban•s Home in Itasca, 'IBxas, where her tatber was

'dent. preS1 . She met her future husband, .

Frank ~who ~ a stu­dent at Austin ·Seminary in Anstin. 'll!xas. After their mar­riage in June of 1941, she fucused her energies on helping ·Jmr·husbaod In his :min!etry and on raising' their fuur chil­dren. Sha often was the piaDist in whatever church Frank·was

1l>r to

was ver,y ~~in - church in Ruidoso, .-;ng_ as an ~lder, clerk of :_session,

· Sunday· school -teacher, ~ member and in many othel' roles. · ·

Sha lived In Ruidoso fbr the psSt37 yesn and was·vif3iting her three Bisteroo in the Dallas-

· B~~,r, still hf ~ ot the agab)sl; a set of glass ~ - ki:dfe; -·Iii&· -~ hb:u. to 11\l!p IUid t;ben ·did slam his head · · ~ll!l!!{i!: l!rll:_tbi>J.'-:"!!'!I'il, ''"''~>sti• al(lllnllt 110li<l, woad d.,.,.,.

. • . !·; ~ - . .. •.

...... __ _.. __ ml\y ...... _ ld-- provider, It's our mpanslbllii!IID-.. you

-tllenl.~--- ... u...-lf tlloPe -. 111ough - u- pmvJde you w1111 IIIIIOIM •dill: ...-. thoy cad aouse _, 11M If you llloldlthom w1th- hoftds.· a -or 1111111hfng tbe.

- •allow.-'- Ill poydase -ID


. -.. ",,'.. "'

• Glolllllng .. ~ill!- • llttltovJng balls .nd top

,.. h!iJfti>ps • flvJilg - • ln$WIIng 1V -• ildnt~~c~r~M •Oporotlng- with uiU-. -~ ID lllk-: ~~ ,_.llt!e safaq, tDd*y. _,.

.. ;,lilJ;~IIOt~~ .. - .... IIIMdy. .. " ' . '· -~' . , __ . .

, .. ;:.

nephews. . The fiuni]y SUligestll done­

tiOna to the First Presbytsriah CI>.Urch Building F'und, Ruido09, or to Camp Gbimn<l'.Y Springs, P.O. Box 1434, Roswell,~ 88202, ·· '

. '

' \ ,.

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Page 8:… · 5I FROM NOGAL TO D.C. Two Lincoln County siblings get a taste of big government




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Mayoral J)on;dason,llggleston discuss "'att~J;. !li~ .. ~QI:o!;!~er_l$f!Jl~ o•~~Rii"!! f:!!,dlo•. m('tJ

llY MEIAIIIE L ·SIJIUII . P'Hl!! owiooso """' . ·. · · . . , .,;N:i)lage m'»'oral ca..,,u~ ~tes falie~. olf . '1\tlloday

!:~~~ C: xattnrt:J; Alii ·a® K\'II:MW lOU 1.\'M. Usteners ..;.ned ., · t.l

-- .!P IJ!l"StiODJO of Loon Eggleston, village· coUjlcil DlQIJiber, a®· Mqor Rob~ Donaldson. II"" 'l,reptow, publliober of th.& RUi_doso. NewS, .. -als.o.

aslr.'!<l -~·· . . ~. priQr;.debiOtss, the two caQdidate_s agreed On .most issues. Durhig the hour-long radio debate. however, · disi>greemOJlj;s emerged.

Eggleston idontifi!>d bis currently "not in <We trou· goal ·as mayor to- create a ble," Donaldson said, "We '"more open government" by ean never go back to ·where keeping village council we -don't. wo"rk bn it."" members better inform.Qd. Both candidates agreed

Donaldson named water that tree thinning shOuld as his continued major. con:.. occur in the long term, but· osrn. tba.t the villilge coUld . not

Eggleston listed his five . mandate -~uch. a project major coneerJ;lB a_s · water, without the. ·f\iild.$ to. ~P sewers, streets, gdve,rninent private afford it. thee woUld not b.. intbirldat- ASked .wbethor tbe 1ril· ed and to work -with citi- lage needs to PlJl'Chaa'!i' zens to have their full Uiput additional ·~ter .ril!h1<S arid. in gc>vm'ning. hOw much it 'mig~ · toot, · Donaldson said bis major Egglest<>n said b" l>eJi.....,• ·

issuee w~ the water sys- in defending Our · b~n~ tem, water supply, water _wa~ rights and-~·-pri.Qes ~~ sewers and streets. · would ~ary depBnding on ·

Many callers inquired tbe curr<mt market. about the swvect of water. . Donaldson bG!ieve$ too vil·

"'It's something we can't lage has enough wa,ter stop working on and we dO rights., but m~t;er utilize !>l<ve gcod .people working them. · . on it," Eggleston said. ·Treptow asked the candi­~e're headed in the right dates whether Ruidoso,s direction.• gross receipts tax. the high­~ Tho~h the village is est in the state,_ drives resi-

rum~ to' saen<~ iu neighbor- . ing l:oinnuimtiea. He cited a. market eWCli conducted· bY

.t)le Ruidoso .. News iii 2000. that Jbun.d; l!7 percent of those polled """nt to Alamogordo or R!Jswel! to · sboJ>. . ·

Tbi• . type of ~akage - ~ to.product·.IJlix, Donaldson said .. At too time of the . study. . residents might baveJ1ofi; t<>WD to find sometbiag tb&y couJ4n't got bere. .

.Residents ·understand that · BrosS receipts t~ income funds . government and '!ater, . Eggl~ said, a® tbey don't leave Ruidoso because of the tex.

The mayoral election takes place 'fuesday, March 5, and """""J>b'. from tba. debate will b.. rebroadcast that morning from 9 a.m. to 10 a.m. on KRUI 1490 AM and KWMW 105.1 FM.

Sign-up is today fur FridaYs Roundhous¢ Review' session wera addzessed during the 2002 legislative eeesi•m. A ques­tion 8nd answer seesion will be ~udecL

·Oider:D:om. the mQDn• DIJteb tmat. -For mserva.t;lms; can the

: The Associate of Comrnette and lnd.,..try of New Mexico, along with local Chambers of Commerce, has scheduled regional ~=· RoUJ>I}bouse Review lnealdast and . lnncb sessions sponsored by Citibank, N- Mexico Restourant

Association and Presbyterian Heelthcsre Services. A meeting from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Friday at Cree Meadows CObttt1y mub ·and·ii~ around the -te fuatmoe.local legiaJntm-B include ·a·brief.. RUidoso Chambo>r of iogonhow Commerce at tod!\y.

I .


i ' I, i

' 1 ' I

i .

You· Are Invited To A

Wine ·& cheese P~rty Presented on Behalf. of Leon ELI5_l~ston ." .

Rutdo~o . Mayoral :·qan~tM~(· · · . .,oo::t· : · : · : · > : · ·

~ ,~·.·1 ,., •. · ..•.. w., ... .-. _, .. ' . ' . ._.·.

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A+ IBM DOSE ce~Hietl'll>chniclens

PhOne: • • 0(

rllllllilll Ill Billllllilll·'

• 4,000 :feet o:f new and replacement 6" water pipeUne will be·eonstrneted along US mgbway 70 from Heights Drive to the east: corp-orate Um.its and along Parker Road. ·

• :Z,OOO :feet o:f new sewer Une wiD be laid along East Cli-cle.

• 16,000 feetofroa:d.res~cing will be plaeed on Miriam & Friedenbloom.D,:ives, Valley View, Tu11key • ~anyon, Affison. •ur~ S..d Wrlgbt i.ane11, and Spring Road. ,

. - ~ .. - . • Dev.elopment and Constrnetion ·or "'leJght!l Park"

- . . .. . . ' . ' - . ,• .

"~l!lketbldl puu.-t FW!!ibbag.i t"i.~kDr.Jnage; PJJrldng .:LOt and SidewaJli.Conl!itrnct;lon in the A;ft ... AW.,erican . · .... ark· ... · · · · · · · · .. - '-" . . •. " .

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Page 9:… · 5I FROM NOGAL TO D.C. Two Lincoln County siblings get a taste of big government

used that bas-



M' _,_._ Leslie Bigmouth, lett, drives to the basket past Hagerman defender Oanlelle Barela Sa!urday during the Dlslrlct 8A champloilshlp gama in Hagemuin. Blgmouth and teammateSheriene Davis each had seven points to lead thel.r leain, but the l.adY Chlels fell 50-29.

have to beat the press/' he added. "We 'WQJ"ked on it, and it shouldn't have been a problem fur us, but we-didn't handle lt."

Hagerman's defense may have been tough, but so was Mescalero's. The Lady Cbielio

• 'filrced• jUSt• .llbout ....... 'lll&Dy

.Bobcat tl:pncwers, ltut were 'li'nah~ toe ~vm at" the M1\er encl ofthe floor. .. , . MeScatero•s . deflms.e and scrappy style of pla,y ~ worried Hagerman coachAiicia

"'ll:Qiillo •. "We got out of oontrol a little

bit,• 'lrujillo said. "We didn't play"" well"" I had hoped and threw the bbll away a lot. We missed a lot of easy shots tey­ing to lUSh it."

The next bighast fur Hagerman were Amy Piliey and AudrY Pollard with six points each.

Sharlene Davis and Leslie Biglil.outb each had seven points to leed Mescalero, ful­lowed by Nicole Dolan's six ~... ''·•

The Lady .Cbiefio must DOW prepare for ·a read gam" tbis Fri~ at 6 p.m. in the Region B tow:flament at~

"Wflre just gonna haYe to gi> back this week, work hard anll tly to make a better showing thlln we did here, • Bradford said "We didn't come· with the JJ&Dle attitude. we took to Mesilla Valley; - got intimi­dated by their preas and things like that just took over -our whole game."

se:Ned thEml well. as Bradford threw. in a new defensive set against the SonBlazere which made all the difference.

-rheywould come down 8nd overload one side of our zone and hurt us: Bradfurd said of the Mesilla Valley offimee, "We went to a man and it jUst total­J,y threw them off. They could-

. n~ get in sync the rest of the game.• • After going up by 14 points at halftime, Mescalero had to contend with a full-court press by the SonBlazers which brought Mesilla Valley to with­in 10 points in the third quar­ter, but the final period saw the Lady Chiefs outscore their opponent 22-4 and nm away · with the game.

-.lole IJeiM (20) puts up a shot SaiUnday during the Dlslrlct 8A champl­oi!Shlp Q8ll'1ll in Hagennan. Closely defending on the play are Audrey Olivas (to) and l<ilml MasOn.

But the right shots fell at the right time fur the Lady Bobcats, particularl,y for junior Kami M....on, who led all scor­ers with 22 points on the night.

Mescalero 57~ Mesilla Valley 27

That "attitude" the Lady Cbiefil had at Mesilla Vall"l!'

Nicole Dolan had 18 points to leed Mescalero. fullowed by D!'vis', 14 and Augusta Lang Wlthmne.

.Tig~rs··.na•-ro-wly miss out on regional playoffs •

~ ..


. ·~

Oh~ ao cl.ose. The Capitan boys basketball team, ~to a tough venue fur a District 5AA tournament game, forced Lordsbm:g into overtime, onl,y to lose a DBil-hiter 58-66 and enll their se....on at 12-12. .

"lt 'was .very tough, we didn't ehoot the ball "Well OV<!r there in the past, and

N - • '

shot about 40 peroent tbis time," said Capitan coach Royce "Brown. "We jumped out to an 8-0 leed, then. they ·(Lordsburg) CQt that to fuur at halftime.•

The Mavericks, taking full advan­lage oftheir home court, went up by five ·after three periods, and Capitan worked hard to furee a tie at tho' end of regula­tiOn.

J.R. Mitchell had 25 points to lead t1Je TigerS, while Bo. Sparks added 12

rebounds. "The kids played hard and played

well together as a teal>:>." Brown said. "Had we had the home court, things might have gone our wa,y, but you never !mow.

"'t's hard, but the kids have nothing to he ashamed Or and there's somSthing fur the kids coming hack next year. We'll probabl,y be in the ·_running fur district again."

~· .. ' - .,. "•­.. ',.,. : .....

·-.t~n(D -·· . ..-_;,. v.:;,1

Ski Repcn1· · .. ·. r .. 1!9~ "., ... ,; ••• ~ .... -•.•• ····-<t~--· .... Sld'll!i.aobt! · . ;. . 1 · Naw $how,__, WI$: 411J, " _Roodatlll!paJtUIIIO:'Cie;lr · . MI....,., Diojlth: .4!11"" · · · . · - .. llaliollU ..... - """"'·' ,'l'niJI!t Opeil: .AII.tllliJS. are Open , p

Uft8 Op11n: A:ll_ltns are open : • Tnllll Gmom~ TOdav: 2t of 55 • . -snowmiklha Pall 14"Houris:-No ; Fore~ Mosdy Sunny

~ Sooreboatd ' -- ...................... p ...... ·- ..... ..

a}!t.r~;~n · ·· Mescalero 57, ~Dia Valey Zl Fob. 22 . MounJalnalr 61, Carrizozo 53 F8b.·23 .Hagerman 50, Mescalar;o 29

aovs ba1118lllall Fob.21 . LordSburg 58, C;Jpltan 56 (01) Vaughn 53. CarrifOZQ 41

~sonThp " : -·- .;-. ·- ........................ '!\. ... J. .. ~ay. Man:h1

G_lrls ba8f(SibaU • Region A Toumsment

" ,. '.

at AlbuqUIHlliJlJ · , Carrizozo vs. Des Moines, 4 p.m. Region B Tournament · atl.o{Jan Meleallllro vs. Logan, 6 p.m.

Onl)eck ··················-··---·--·-·

Mescalero Tournav An open Man's and Women's Basketball Tournament will be held March 1-3 at Mescalero Community Gym. TeiJ men's and 8 women's teams will be allowed wflh :10 play­ers per roster Entry fee Is S150 • .A $75 tee must be' turned In no latpr than Feb. 15th. No Checks aooepted. The rest due upon first game. Prizes for 1st to 41h pia~. For more Info. please contact Head Start 464· 918319456.

Softball Leagu~ MeeUngs 'Ther6 'Mft b6 a; SOftball ·meatlfMI March 19 at the RUidOSO SeniOr Citizens Center, loc:ated at 601 S•Jdderth Dr., st 8 p.m. llle meatfng will be for all coaches, managers. umplrus and players interested In the men's and women's softball league for the 2002 season. It Is lmportant1hat a representative trom

· each team attend the meeting. Topics to. be dlSCUSS4td are feU. Insurance; rule changeS and Jeag~e by-laws.

Pecos Vallev Stampede : RegiStration is now Open tor ule 21st annual Pecos Valley Stampede, to be held March 23 In RoswelL Regfstra11on fee before March 14ls $20. and S26 thereafter up to race day. The race features a half­marathon, 2-mDe run, 10K run add 2-mile walk. For more lnformatlop, contact Bob Edwards at 627-5507 or C!yde or Michael McKee at 622-1668.

UHia League Football : An organilational meeting for those Interested in UtUe league Footblll wiD be held Tuesday, March 5 at'7 p.m In room C--212 at Ruidoso H10h School. Those Interested In coacfl­lng or being a league board official are a1sa encouraged 1o attend. CAll Kavln Clawson at 257-3403 for fur-ther Information. ·

BigBoys : ··-···-····----·-·--····--·-~-NCM BaslallbaU

SafJJrday UL-lafayette-69. NMSU 67 • New Mexico 72, Colorado State Sf - . New Mexico 74, Wyoming 65 -

. .. ." '·'

. .

Page 10:… · 5I FROM NOGAL TO D.C. Two Lincoln County siblings get a taste of big government




. . . .



03F}~~L~ur clothe& as"'' tmnpe,... water ·ctJanoes· QUICklY. liiWiWS ~ eye ~rotec-

- SouUJfork Is about done The water .flow rate Is at a

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Page 11:… · 5I FROM NOGAL TO D.C. Two Lincoln County siblings get a taste of big government



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·.' -•. ·.'.

UNDER cON!riAucnoN Loio6nt LMna -.... no -=· sn.,. ond wann., 111e win· 1er -a,~a Pines IXXll In the .......,., ThJs .conlemparary hOme has 1944- ~ro fee( of comfortable IMI10 erea With

~rooms """ bdai\Uy ·II ted vaulted collffigs •.

r f'OOft1 and ~ r •ta with an abUi\-­

daoce of closet space. Master bath with tiled spa tub. Large covered dade 8ndmQN. Call Sonata Corporation, "'20-0208, tor an early viewing •.

. -... "~'·····. ·. -....

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1"7 · -FL&IttWOOb sin­ale~!® Mobile Home Fat Sale 14"x70', 2bd--2ba. nt:rN .ca.~ and new llnofeum,

~~'fl.~~~~~ or 0 5051 257-ourt or 50 76. . 1884 115XeD MOBILE hOme ;3bdl2ba with -c:entral ali' & heal on a fenced lolln Ruldosa downs "With a new 10x20 P8tlo.. $60,000. 819.269-0890... Will con­·ei(IOr ,owner tlnance with lata& down payment.

070 Hr;u',[ • ron R1 rp

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··--.. ;' .•. ~- ' ·, . . .. ·-,.



3BDRM/3BA on 5 acres

$1.200. per month, $1,000 deposit

.. •

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• .-._

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rvlootu::s r·on RENT



-· Immediate Or:»enlngs for

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• Mua~ be. 18 yra. td aua or oltla~: • M'i~al be able to. work w-kenda & hollciaya • 8e l'llll_.iible and -hottest • Mu&t-bljoabla to lfft 40.-lba. ·-

.· '_': ·' '·

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--·w-.~:1 ... ·"".!.~-"

EGYPTIAN PHAROAH hound puppies. Twb months old. Goad watch­dogs. High energy tw~ black females. two brown females $50.00/each 505-464-1011. .

PET AND PLANT SllllnQ; your house or mine. Mine for small dogs, yours fQr larger pets, cats, plants. Call Sandy for information. 257-0306. .




'-i·' , ..

Page 12:… · 5I FROM NOGAL TO D.C. Two Lincoln County siblings get a taste of big government

. I


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Now.Hli:lng Dallvi!I'Y Drivers &


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WANT TO MAKE money? Are yOu willing to work six days a weak (5!HSO hrs. per week)? Our average sales person tnlilae $50.000 ~us In 2001 You must be hQnEist, a \eam player and be w1JIIna to woik. COnlBOI Jack atl=lul­doso Ford Uncotn Mercury, 378-4400. Only If ycu can har)d~ what thls advertise­ment says.·

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DONE l<r SANTA FE. N~ M"J5'.:kUriS ~Y•_ •..

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·s. CltH:fs I Trar\alaltlt 1P Pl.csnct .s, AbMnt Voter

~--~~ ... -··p-~-~--· van ~'"il tne Provine.~ - .

b.NotiCOo lo .,...q.­that a Pteetlcl Boeid f9ec;. __ ...... _ on the 2t!lh <!&Y Of Febru­~ 2002, at1hi· c.h'lzozo ~ HiiiD at 100 ""lh · street. 1n ca~ New Me:xtco. Tha CChOOI will Main at 9:00a.m. Thla ecfiool Is open to the- pub-lic. · Dated 1hle 12th day of Feb-

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~ Order c:if the Governing BOdV ·

Feimfn Herrera · I'U...,_aslng )\gent Vlll$1j• of R1.1laosp


·. ·:·'


Should U. ·s. Highway 7o- be widened to four lanes between. Ruidoso emf Boi$WQI!? ·oves



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0\PliAN Early Voting~ ClerH Office: Yulage · Hall . Ma~h Sth • Lineolil County Fair

··&oliilds" •., . ; ···- -·~:~'/~::-~· · .. -~·' :- w...

• •


CARRIZOZO Early Voting- City Hall Mareh Sth • City flall Conference Room

CORONA Early Voting • Clerks Office Mareh Sth.· Clerks.Office

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·RUIDOSO DOWNS···· Barly .Yothlg • CJ'X Halt· .. Mareh Sth, RwdOso Downs Senior. Citizens center. .

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Judith L. Christopher

Week of Februa17 27 • Mauch 5

PISCES= (Feb 19 • - 20) Now Is the time f'or aU good men & women to come to

the aid or~~·· ~r· Start with y .. . ,;ili!J wiD seeotbers -place jWJt ,.<l::~~

.... ~ . . 'l~- ·, .· ..

CANCER: """ 21 • .lui 22) They said it couldn't be done!!! You fooled them and you~~ what it~~ there and~ It for you ~~If&

LEO: (.lui 23 • Aug 22) You may feel a llUie short changed. have to onto on! So1me1 needs tO tell~

==-Sep22) • So you want a New Life? What's you've-..,< Think agodli,'f really need to

'·' . .-. ..... ,, ~-- ,~, ,, . ' ; ' ... ~.-.J. ._ ••

SCORPIO: c-~--21) Your world as you know it can change h\JI .. few days or weeks ••. · ;~_f: what you need · - .'ftJt:ti)Jt whatyou ., - -~

first of "!!i€:'.::@1J&[jllQ@

SAGm.AIIIUSI (Nov 22 • - 21) You'D ftnd out you don't have time to da_~---~-t _ m.

dream -' ---1ri-lo Theo. a wake u -- ·-·-~~-- ·e it hap-


n CAPRICORN: (Dec22 • .Jan19) Yo~'U feel Uke you're ruD-

ningln~BGet away fro ~idl 'IBke In a --.· '' -;s, r a wal~, do · clear


AQUJUUUS: tkm20-Feb Your what Yc>u

·--,i •

. .

Page 18:… · 5I FROM NOGAL TO D.C. Two Lincoln County siblings get a taste of big government

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· (ligifal ~tehitEt.1V ·sysif)m and . .. • ' • "' .. • --.J - •

FREE' ·aasib .Pte)fessio~~~. · .·,·o~~nauor.··($199-~ai~e)jr·'JM~r

~ " -.- . • • , ~·: ·'"-~' . '" ~. ,. ·,; ~~ _" . .,:I.,_ -

," ~ · ·sub~ribs to.America!s Top· 50. ~ ·

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BASIC TVSERVI.CE f:or$28.98 a month C+ UfltJ

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Page 19:… · 5I FROM NOGAL TO D.C. Two Lincoln County siblings get a taste of big government

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25--~--6.5 oz.. Cans

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