XVIII NO 27 atggggg t RICHMOND, VfRGINi^ SATURDAY, <JUNE .8, 1901 PRICE 5CENTS THE'CONSTITOTIONAL CONVENTION. Little Business Transacted. GOV. TYLER'SABLE ADDRESS..NO REFERENCE TO THE SUFFRAGE QUESTION THE OATH OF OFFICE NOT TAKEN. The Conatitutional Convention met Thuraday, 13th inst., at noon. The addreta of Gov. J. Hoge Tyler waa the mcat note-worthy feature of theses-J flawta. Hia remarka aa to the duty of the eonvention related to the need of re- trenohment and reform in the number of offieera and a eoniequent eurtail- ment of expeasei. QOLDXlf AOVICB OIVCS. He apoke in favor of fewer ofHcera and better pay. It was signitioant that he made no referenee whatever to the curtailment of suffrage, but on the contrary aaid: "While not forgetting the lofty tra- ditiona and aaored memoriee of our noble psat, J beg of you turn your faeea to the future and baeome lesd- era in deed and in truth of the beat po¬ litieal thought of our new oentury. Let no old, mildewed prejadiee en- eumber your labora. regulate and ad- juit the affaira of thia Uommnnwealth to the future progreaa of our eouotrj and of the world. Qive niee aod deli- cate adjuatment to the seales of jue- ties, ss between man and man, so that it ean be the proud boaat of Virginiana every where tbat in their dear old atate the humbleat citizjn haa an equaj op- portunity before the law." It ia eoDoeded that the addreaa waa the ableat ever delivered by |him. He dealt exeluaively with thi material prosperity of the commonwealth. a vctb or THAItxa. Captam R. S. Parka at the eonelus- ion of the Governor'a addreaa offered a reaolution than king tbe Governor for hia addreaa, sad ordering it apread up on the reeerds of the eonvention, He aeeepted an amendment offered by Judge Thornton that the liberty of the Iloor be granted the Governor during the aeaaion of the eonvention. Captain Paiks offered a reaolution Sroviding that tha S cretary of the Ommonwealth be direeted to furnish eaeh member with a eopy of the Code of Virginia for uae during the aeasion. It «aa adopted. Mr. Goode reaumed the ehair at thia point, andhanded to the aeeretary the committeea. Tha Conatitutional Convention met Tueaday 18th inet. No huaineat of im- portanoe waa traneaeted and after a ahort aeatiou it adjourned until Wed¬ neaday neon- The Conatitutional Convention met Wedneaday at noon. The contetted eleetion eaae from King William eoun- ty of Mr. Morgan Treat againat ;«Tudge Qregory waa referred to the Oommit- tee ao Eleetiona. No buaine>aa of im- portsnee waa tranaaeted and after a aeaaion of about an hour and three- quastera, it adjourned to meet Thura¬ day at noon. Planet Court aleete. PlsnetlOourt met.Friday, June ltth. at 6 o'eioek aharp. In the abaenee of W. C. Bir J. W. Thompaon, the Graad Worthy Leeturer, Mra. 8 L. Miteheil, preaided. Five new member, were k»- ittated into the nayateriea ot Oalanthe- iaaa and about 8 more will be ready by the next meeting. Eleetion of otlicera will take plaee, Friday, Jane 28. * .- Sylvia Court Met. Bylvia Coort, No. 106 met Tueaday evening at 6 o'eioek aharp. One more new member haa been added to the roll, and about 15 more are enliated ia the elub of Mra: 8. L. Miteheil. Mr. T. M. Cramp and Mr. J. A. Smith of the monument eomnaittee made a talk on the monument. Sylvia Court voted 810 to the monument fund and in honor of their beloved and flrat Wor¬ thy Counaellor of Sylvia Court, No. 105. After the eleetion of offieera they adjouraed to meet the lat Tueaday in Juiy. A Grand Oelebration. The "Oook'e" Benavolent Aiaoeiation celebrated their anniveraary at the Y, M. O. A. Moaday night, June 17th, Addreaaea were made by the Preai dent and othera, afterwhieh refreah- saenta were terved, and a very enjoya- b e time waa apent. < i a Monday afternoon about 6 o'eioek, Bam Wallaoa, a oolored boy. about *I2 yeara of age, waa aoeidantly irownad while playing in Bhoekoe araak, near Graee st. Hia ranaaina were eonveyed to hia home at Uvth and Franklm Bta. FIVE HUNDRED LaBHES GIVEN. The Puniihment Given A White Man For Falee Swearing Agaioit a Colored Man. Camdbk, Abk.,.June 18 .Tom Wat- aon. who with hia wife, iwore that the eolored man, WillBuney hadoommit- ted an an atssalt on Mri. vTstion. wai taken out by a eommittee of eiticent of Oamden laat night and 500 lashea given him. The affidavit of Wataon and hii wife wai the meani of Buaiey'e having been tecteneed ta be hanged, but about three weeka ago Mra. Wation made a written atatement eonfeiaing ttatoho had aworn falaely againat Buaaey. On jywHag thia Governor Davii auapend w ,en'en*e impoaed on Bjsaey. Wataon a wife iwore that ih« waa oompelled by her huaband to teatify acains1; Buaaer. At the concluiion of the laahing. Wation wai plaeed on a train and given initruetioni not to itop m Arkamai. Funaral of Vouuaj Foeter. SHBBTBroBT, La., June 14 -The fun- eral of John Gray Foater. the planter, who wae killed on hii plantation bj Prmea Edwarda, .a eolored man, on Wedneaday laat, took plaee thia after- noon. and waa largely attended. A majority of the buaioeii houaea at Sbreveport ware eloaed, in order that their employeea might attend thefun- eral. Law jar J. Alezander Chilei left for I.-xington. Kentueky laat Thanday night after a pleaaant itay of a few davnn hia old hcin». He haa built np a floe praetiee io hn ehoaen profeaaion and ranka aa the leading eolored l.wjer in Kentueky Hia relstivea and frienda areaoxioua to have him return to hii native home Among the leading itudenta at Lio- eoln nommeneement in a elais of 86 who won diatinstian Lawyer Ohilsa mentione Mr. Joi. G.Jamei of Rioh- mond, who wai the moit highly hon- ored one of hii elaaa, having reeeived two go.d medali. FIRST HONOR PUPIL3. The namei of the Fint Honor and NeitherAbaentnorTardy pupilawill be pubhahed in the of Planbt June ia. PERSQNALS BKIEfS .-All peraona who are indebted to Mr. Joieph Evani of Pittibarg, Ps are requeited topay him by June 2Csh'.' -M'. W. M. Miller of Norwood. W. Va.. ealled on ui. He waa in the eity on bunneia. -Miai Mary Hanailton left the eity to ipend the fiummer with her aiater Mra. Roia Robinion of Atlaatie City! .-Mra. Luey Jonea and her daugh- ter. Min Luoy and nieee, Miu Mianie r. Mayei of <Lvaehburg are now io ir3Wurk, N< J^the gUft,t" of Mr. Jehn w. Hayei. Tiey are en joy ing them- .elvei there. -.-Mr. John Olinton. Jr., formerly ofthtieity.bat now of Philadelphia waa m the eitf thii week. Ha waa looking well and leemed to be doing a proaperoui buaineea there. -Mra. V. L. Hawkina ia in Lyneh- burg attending the Womeaa' Eduoat- iooal eonvention. -."Mn. Katie Slayd of Waihington ia in the eity. ..Mra. Koia K Jonei, the Muiieal eonductor for Beethoren Aaaoeiatlon deniea that there ii any diaagreement among the membera of the anoeiation, yet there n bo reaaon given for not holding the 4th Oommeneement. ..Mr. Joaeph G. Jamea of thii eitv graduated from Lanooln Univeraity with thejdegree of A B. Mra Jamei ia very prond of her aoa'e progreaa. The New Market Luneh room open- fLbJ Mf/ a*nd Mn* J.¦¦. Beruggi at 480 N. 6th St. ii a nioe plaee for flnt- ?l*w,!^^Jla.Md ."..'PO-blic ii inrited to eall there. '.:Mi" EU» 8«ott of New York ia in the eity. the gneat of Miaa Blle Bolling of N. 9th itreet. .-Mr. Edward Farrar'and eouiin Miaa Fannie Flippin, 0f W. Lelgh St.! aeeompanied by Miaa Hattie Dabner left the eity lait Wedneaday for Raw York where they wttl ip«nd their ium-| Newa From The Philippinee. Maktla, P. I., Msy 4. 1901. Thinga are quite breesy theae timee. A genersl eourt martial ia now in aea¬ aion in Manila trying sn offiesr of the 3ubsiatenee Department ehargsd with seeuring funda through hia position and appropristinytheas to his own uae. The Manila Amirican eaya dameg- ing evidenee ia being brought out. Thia ia the4th eaae on trial two have not oeen msde pubHc, aod one ia that of Oommisaery Sergeant Mett, who af- ter-aerving 20 yeara wsa oaoght in hia illegsl aclicns, honorably diachareed, and aenteneed to 2 yeara in Billibie priaon, Manila. There are more to be trfed yet ineluding offloerf. Aguinaldo'a proelsmstion to hia peo ple baa eauaed nearly atl hia geneials to aurrender exeept the blood-thiraty outlaw. Oailes, who bae proelaimed himaelf Preaident or the Filipino Re- publio and murdered eight Ameriean priaonera in hia power. He waa given a warm ehake-up by Captain Chase and narrowly eaesped capture, all of hia ataff waa killed or esptured as well aa 1 Mauaer rirles, h Maucer earbioe 1 Remington, 1 Wineheater acd one double barrel shot gun, 1 gun barrel, 4 revolvera, two aabers, 1 aurveyor's tranait. a telephone outflt and 6 leath¬ er belts and 20.000 pounda of aulphur with other materlals for making car- tridgea deatroyed Two men of the 2lat infactry were drewaed in the at- taek. Aglipay who wsa Finio'j prineipal aa- aiatsnt and who gave Gen. Young'a troipi so mueh trouble aurrendered to Ool. M. Caakie, 20th lnfantry. He was formerly a prieat, but wsa eaahiered on aeeount of being implioated in a murder aome time ago, he attempted to negotiate aurrender, on the aaaur- ance of being reatored to the prieat hood. but was refussd. Gen. Tinio aur¬ rendered, but the partieulara are not at hand. General Torres, the aatute and boaat- f ul eommsnder of tbe Revolutlonsry foreea in Bulean aurrendered to the eommaadlng otgjer at Mortagary with aix men and one rid?. on April 23rd. He only adopted this course after being thoroughly whirped by Captain MoRae with a detachment of the 2?rd lnfantry and Meeabebea on the date of his aurrender, oapturing nearly all hia riflea. General Moralea, one of the moat noted and aoldierly of the Inaurgent generala. aurrendered hia stsff and 40 armed men to Lieutenant Col. Bea- eone, 42nd lnfantry, on April 25 h. He only aurrendered when Aggie isausd hia prcelamatioa and Bencr Guzman a leading oitizen ezplained the Ameri¬ ean eauae and he finally eonaented. Benor Guzman arranging the aurren¬ der, they they took the oath of alle- giaco?. General Baideoraa, Aguinaldo, coua- in of the ex-diotator, aurrendered laat week but the partieulara are not ob- tainable at thia writing. General Saloa, the laat of tka Inaur¬ gent generala in the ialand of Panay, . urrenderea to Maj. Noble. Adjutant General to General Hughes, on April 23rd, at Iloilo (slo-elo). Hia foreea are very muoh aeattered and will oome in bringing their arma and taking the oath of allegisnee aa aoon aa poasible, This aurrender ia tbe moat impor.ant in that part of the Arckipelago. A eorreapondent of the Naw ivtai can writea an interesting artiele on Generol Maaeardo'a famoue "B-sd Trouaer Brigade" from Orane, Bataan. atating in part that he haa 400 armed men with Mauaar riflea, eamped near Oriani and wiahea (a aurrender, but will not do ao to Maj or Vose. 6 th Ar- tillery owing to peraonal hatred, pre- f erring to await the arrival of Captain Ludlow of the aame regiment. who ia in Manila oo eourt-martial duty. Thia oompletely winda up the ineur- reetion leaving only Uai'ei and the Ladrone element atill ou . Lieutenant M. Nab with detsehment "2 B" eompsny, 25th Inf. esptured 12 Remington Riflea in the mountsim back of Palanig. The information waa reeeived from native priaonera. cap- tured by the native reaidenta of the town. The above iodieationa are good a gna of peaee for aome time to eome. The trial of the native prieat and aome of hia parisboners for burying nstivea alive. whieh haa been going on for aomatime. haa developed strong evidenee againat them It ia aaid, Gen. Piodea Pilar. who ia now at Guam" iaauad the ordera and that they working under hia directiena It ia thought he will be brought back aa a witneaa. Don Joae fierapi >. Oivil Governor of Bulacan Provinee calijid on tha author itiea at Manila and proteated againat the ooeupation of the town by the Mae abebe asouta owing to the uoiveraal hatred againat them. Hia aon waa eap- tured aome time ago by Ladrone but aoon liberated, He atatel that the burning of Moraagary waa beeauae of their preaenee. He alao atated that the government offieiala had promieed him that the towna would aoon be garria- oned by native polioe. The eommiaaary trouble aa previ- oualy mentioned in thia leUar, haa raaehed aa arronaoua atage. Mr. M. F. Clarke, the gemal propri- ter of the largeat and moat up-to-date confeetionary and oatering eatabliah- meat of this aity and oae oa tha larg¬ eat in tha Eaat, waa arreated eharged with raeaiving itolen government pron erty. "^ w Repraaantativea or two other aom- mereial houaae of tha city are alao mixed up in the affalr. The Moaquito fleet whieh aailed from Hamptoo Roada the early part of Ullwlntwtarri?ed ** O*0*- laat weak, . Tha tog PeacauUuga was litUa dam- agsd and put on the wtyi at Oavite for repalrs. The Wampatauek prooeeded to Olen. gapoo. towing a looeha to bring baek the old Spsniah diitilling plaat for over hauliBg. A native polioe of Baeior, ]uat below Mtnila atabb^d a woman to death io the latter plaee laet week, j *alou«y ev- idently the eanie. Oonaiderable improrement ii going oa in Zambalei Provinee, the Lome of the 23rd Iofantry. Oae of the big horse power rollen arod aeveral thous- end feet of Oregon piae wai ahipped to ««big for improvioe; the Prcvinoial warda. Lieatenant Parear, 25th Iofantry, with s detaohmeat of moanted eoouti reoentlymade e trip to Dinflcpijsn, Provinoe of Batean over :: tmbalei mountaini via Olongapoo It h reported that Gen. Burt haa ap- proved the arplieationa of the follow¬ ing non-eomtniatiion^doffioeri for com- nv'oni in the native re;imentB-. Sare't Majnr, Anthony A. Marrow ; Eattalion Bergt Majn*, M W. Ssdler ; Fcinoipal muateiaa. Geo. S. Thompon. bmd : lat Sergt.. Taliferra, Co. C, 25 h Infantry; lat 8er*rt, Baakerville, Co. H 2'Sth;inf*ntry. They have the beat wiaheiof ihe regiment for eueceia The Ilocano aooute are oow organizvd in cocneotion with the 25th Iofantry. Thia orcanication wai tfained by Sergeaot Tnompasn, Co. M, \: h inft. aaiiited by Privatei Smith. <3o. af Olommsni »nrt Oarriek, r»o $, ltt Lt , J. E. Hunt, 25th Infantry ia oow in eonmand, aaaiated by Lieut. Domer, it tt hoped all the esliued mer now on oa'y with them can cbtain eommia- alona. The general outlook ie exoel- lent, and trade and eommeree rnprov- ing. Recente reporta ahow .hat the eommeree rf Maoilaia inereaemg at an elarming rate. The new govt»rnmeut'a iee plant ia near ready for rw»rupati.m RIEX' 4. B. LE KJS. Rev. Dr. P. F. Morrit Will P eaeh to The Mason . I -a; Rev. P. F. Morris. D- l> Dittnet Siepuiy, Grand Maater of Lynehburg Va. haa been invited by the Grand Matter. Dr. P. B. Ilsmiey, to preash to the Maaona a«iembled at the Firit Preabyterian Chureh, eorner Cather- ina and Monroe Streeti, Sunday. June 23rd, 1901. at 8:30 >. m. All Maioni and the publie are invited to aeaemble at the hour mentioned. Rev. Dr. 8pill*r hai alao been Unit¬ ed to praaeh a epeeial lermon to the Esstern Scari at the Firit Preabyter¬ ian Chareh, eoraer Oatherineand Mon roeSsreeti, Sunday, June 23rd, £001, ate:30p. m. To both of theie lerric- ai all are invited. Deaeon Ooiby Here. Deac jd Riehard Coiby of Petereburg whe ii an offieer of theCJilfleld Baptiit Chareh ii here in the eity at Olantoa'i Home, Governor St., being treated by Dr. Duna. Hii eyei have been failing him for yeari and he loat the ligat of one eye. He ii ioqaroving and hii friendi are gratifledja know that he will rtturn home ibBWly. Hii wife is with him. The Color Line in Indlana. Muscib, Ind,. June 18.A hundred or more employaea of the Republie Steel Company quit work to-day, be- etuae the eompany put a ooiored man to work in a department where a hun¬ dred girli are employed in packing nuta aad bolta. The girls refuied to work where the eolored man wai, and the men Joinad the girla, The entire plaat may be eloied d iwa three weeki in advanee of the regular ahut-down The Fifth Baptiit Chureh. Pundav, June 9.h wai the paitor's 5.h Aontvaraary. Atll:80he preaah- ed from the text, "Hitharto hath the Lord helped ua." giving in eueadtiive itepi the many blaiiinga they had r<j- oeivel from the Lord during hii ad- miniitration. Theehuroh debt haa been redueed from $15,500 00 to $6,500 00. the mem- berahip inereased from 178 to 333, of thia number 157 were reeeived by bap- tiim. At 8 30 a very able and loul-Htirring ¦ermon wai dehvered by Dr. W. F. Uraham and at 8:30 Rev. Wm. Troy delighted the aadienee. A eoileetion of $121.GO waa raited. We reoogn ie in Dr. Pewell a worthy leader and a Chriitian gentleman. The old 5th Chareh feela proud to elaim him aa the r^paator. Lait Suadsy, June 16th waa a great day at tke 5th Ubareh when 52 penoni were added to tbe membenhip. Of thii number43 were baptised. 14 oth- eri are waiting for baptiim. To all of the three lerrioei of the day the ehureh waa crowded to over- flowing. At 11:30 a. m. tbe paitor preaehed a ihort and impreiiiva nr men to ihe eandidatei. In the after- noon the eommanion and hand of fel- lowahip wai given aad a apeeial ekarge full of wholeiome adviee to the young people. Thui the work of another year begina. - a i » Annual Meetiag Independent Order of Si., Lukea, Riohmond, Va., Ang. 20-24, 1901. for tha abore oeeaaion the Soothero Railway will aell tieketa front all tiek¬ eta .tetioaa on ita linaa to Riohmond and retura at one aad oae-third fare for the roand trip. tieketa on lale Au- -oit 18tk to 20th ineluaire. with return mit Augnit 26th 9 I KILLED HI d. A Tragedy in Louiaiana.3»d Ending of a Qaarrel.Ionoeent Colored Peo ple Crrralled.Threatened With Be¬ ing Lynehed.Edwards Eluded .ap- ture. 8hbbvxpobt, La., June 12..Thia for- noon a moat deplotable tragedy ooeure .d at Foater. a flsg atation flve milea eaat of thia plaee. The sffair waa the ahooting and almoat iastant killing of Mr. Joho Gray Foater, ag«d about 2t yeara, by a eolored man natned Ed- warda. From what ean be learned it seema that Mr. Vicketa, overaetr of the plsntatlon hsd trouble with the eolored man E 'waif'g early tbat morn¬ ing, and the eolored man drew a piatol on th« everseer 8hortly after the trouble Mr. Foa'er reprimanded 'th^ man while in thefleld, when the man atruokhm on the head with a hoe. Mr. Foster then went bsek to the houee and aaked the phvaieien. Dr, Bolts, if he waa ser'oialy hurt, -BBTUBNBD TOPCXIBBSTM. Insultei and in pain, he mounted his horae, snd witd the overaeer and another, w-nt to the oolored man'g cabio todiaeharge him. Ai aoon aa he drove up to the door E Iwsrde opened it and f.-ed at hirn twice with a ahot gun. He wsa taken frora his hnrse .nd when asked by Mr. Viekera f he eould walk replied, "I think not." ao tney procured a buggy and two men pelled it, but he exp-red just as they reaehed hia atore. He waa efcot in the oreaat sr.i in the shoulder Tho alarm wss given and <Edwards and his frienda seattered to the woods Aa aoon aa tbe telephone message waa reoetved here dootore hastenad to go to the young man'a asaiatanoe. but death oame before they reaohed him. Mra. Foater. mother of the aaurdered boy and Mr J M Foater. brother. left sbuut LS o'tljck in a earrisge on the aad misaion of aoeompanying the re- maine to thia city Tha Viekaburg Bhr-veport and Peciflc Railroad kicd- ly tendered « apeoial rengine te bring the body. . a^ waarc Te lymoh him. It is learned thst a poase uader the oommand of Sheriff Thompaon of Bea aier atarted at once from Benton, and that another paase of twenty-flre from the neighborhood of the murder waa organiasd and began a purauit of the oolored man. They are thua praeueai- ly aurrounded by armed men deter- rained on their eapture, and it only re- msins to ohroniole the fate that will b) dealt out to them when thia ia eC- feoted. Not leaa thsn 200 armed men hava gone from thia city to the acene of the killing for the purpoae of aaaiat- ing in theeapture of Elwarda acd hi«s aaaooiatea, and the lateat report re oeived here ia that all ofjthe eolored people who are auppoaed to be well armed. are aurrounded in the awamp, and their eapture, dead or slive ia only a queation of a few houra, Thia eity and the entire cojntry are arouaed ov¬ er the killing of young Foster. A re- wsrd of $500 iaoffared for the eapture of Edwarda. Joho G Foater was the youngeat aon of the late Captain J. M. Foater, of thia «i*y, a brother of Hon. W. L Foa¬ ter, member of the state railroad oom- miaiion, and of Mrs. Benton MeMillin wife of Gov, MoMillia, of Tenneasee' He enjoyed high aoeial diatinetioo as a member of one of the foremost families of the state. BAID TO BE A I.BADBB. "Prophet" 8mith, who iareaponaible for tha in!lox of bsdTexas eolored peo ple to thia piint. has been eaptured aud will almoat certainly be lynehed. All of the eolor#d people implioated in th*» Foater killing, exoept the aetusl murderer. are now in cuatody, being held in Kenn-brew's atore, near the se-ne of the killing. They are 8 D McLsnd, F. Boyd Sam Wsahing'tsn Mandy Eiwards. Phi lis Hamiiton Lelia Horton. Adeline Allen, Annie Edwarda and the wives of MoLaod and Wsshirg on. Tbe atore issurronnded by aeveral hundred armed men, who are masters of the situation. At 11 o'- elock. the last heard fron the store. it waa reperted that a lynching ia eertain at leaat in the oaie of "prophet" Smith Some favor holding off cntil Edwards is esptured, but the rasjority want te burn Smith aad afaw extremia ¦ think it wauld be properto olean out the en¬ tire orowd. The authorities are said to be power- less, tte supply of efficers pjing totaliy inadequate to eope with the erowd. OLOOM AT WBODlBOa. Jamea Hill Fulilove and Miaa Eollne Behuler were married at Keatchie, La to-day, O. J. Foater, Jr. and Miaa Bes- aie McOuteheon were married here thia evening. 1 he oontractlng partiea were relstivea of John Gray Foater whoae untimely death eauted a poat- Eonement of a brilliant reeeption. A rother and siater of the daeeaaed were in attendanee at the farmer wed- ding when the newaof hia death reaoh¬ ed them. Mr. Foater waa soon to have been married to Miss Bessie Felix of Louisville, Ey. llA.1li« *." PWtont were Governor MoMllUn, of Tenoeatee, and Mra. Me- MUlln, a siater of the murdered man Ihe aeore of eolored people under erreat charged with eemplieity in tha murder of Foater have taaan anoeaaa- fully removed to thePariah jail at Ben¬ ton aad there ia no fnrthar fear of Smm ^"ff? Mwarda, who;dld the killing, it stiil at large, aad poaae a too- tinue in the fisld, leooring the eouo- try in every direotion, in the hope of a->prehending the murdr r. Ir eaugh Edwardi will lummarilr dealt with" Tha ezsiteaient of yesterday and laat night haa been almoet wholly al iayed. and ao far aa the eolored people now under arreat are eoneerned, no furiher trouble ie antieipated. Children'a Day Ezeroiiei, The Seeond Baptiat Sanday-iehoel willhtveiti UhHdren'i Day ezercisei on to morrow, June 28 d ,at 3:80 p. m. A. ipeeial program has been pr>»parcd Atrongthe Bpeakera will bs Rev. 8. N. Vaei, Diitriet secretary of the Amer inaa Baptiat Publieation 8ociety. A misaonary eolleetion will be taken. Come early. Rev. Z D. Lawti, D. D., Paetor. Svonbt Stantob, Supt. W. G. Cabtbb, See'y 'JIM CROW CARSM Be Jiot Go In Oiio.C/omminiooer Morrii' Aetion. The following itatement wai inued by the governor*! private leeretary, str. Fred N. Siaki, thii morning. "The Louisville A tfaihville Railroad Oo,, N. AW. R. R Oo., Olncinnsti. N.O. A Texts Paeiflc Railwayeompany, and theChesapeakeA Ghio Railway eom- oany, in order to o imply with the lswi r< aome of the states, have u«ed ilgna d^aignating ipaee ia their traint for ooiored acd white paaeergera. Some of their trainsstart inOhio, and otfcera reach the end of their routei in thi« atatei. and in the paat have eome in:o the atat* with theae aigna, and gone oat of the atste with them. S?varal weeki ago, Mr. Morria, oommUsion»>r of rsilroada and telegrapha. ealled the attention of the maoagen of theta companiei to the faet that theae eolor dve'iootioni are ia violati \n of the law ofOhio. Aaa result of his erd-avor*, tae managen of theae roada have ia- aned order i forbidding the earrying of theae tigoa withio the state of Ohlo, aod they are now ramoved from all BaUBBB before entaring the at«te, and are not dleplayed within the itate ud- on their departure.".Coluabui 0 Diaaateh. OQEEK-JEFFERSOK. The marriage of Miss Saaie B. Jeffer ¦on toRev. E. A. P. Ohtek will take plaee Tuesday, June 25th, at 8 o'olook a. m. et 305 Oollege 8t. Friendi are invited. No oards. Lbwib.Hicbbob.The marriage af Mua Lillie R. Hiokmon to Mr. Wm. E Lewia will take plaee at the F.rat Bap¬ tiat Chureh. Maneheiter, Va., Wed¬ neaday morning, 26th ioitant, st 11 oeloek. Frienai are invited. Bbooks- Ohafuan-- The marriage of Mr. Robert F. Brooks of thia eity to Min Uaiay E. Chapooan of Phoebai Va. will take plaee atZton Baptiit Chureh Phoabus, Va. Thara., June 27,1901 at 4 l . M. The bride and groom will be In tha oity a few dayi at 114 W. Laigh St. Two Colored Men Killed. Wbllbobh, Fla., June 17th..-Newi reaohei here that Tom Tnomai aad Moie Mazwell, two deaperate eolored meo, were killed late Satarday after- noon on the read, four milei eait of thi6 place. Mazwell had worked for W. R. O'Oain, a farmer, ind had been in diapute witk hia employer during the day. He tkreatened the life of O Uin, apoke improperly before Mra. O'Oain, and wai driven from the plan- tation Subiequently O'Oain went to Live Oakon buiineit, and wbile away Mazwell. in eompany with Thomai, re- turned, bjth heavily am ed with guns and Piatola. and asked the where- aboute of O'Oain. They left and ata- tioned tbemselvei on tbe roadeide to awan tbe retarn of the m«n they want- ed. Late in the afternoon a fuailade of ahota was heard and the neighbors ruahad to the seene to flud both eolor ed men dead in the road. There ii no evjderce aa to what p»rty or partiei flred the ihots. Sir Moiby Viaita Hampton. 8ir KnigH Roiebury Moiby of Sam- aon Lodge, No 16. Riehmond, Va. ipant the week in Hampton ai a dele- gate to the Good Ssmariian Conven¬ tion. On Friday night he visited Pen- Inaular Lodge, No. 38, mmpton and dellvered a very initruetive addreas of 20 minatea. Ha waa prafnia in hii praiia af the Grand Ohaneellor, John Mitehell, Jr. aod ezplained in detail the progren the Ordar has made with¬ in the paat few yeara under the wiia leaderahip of Mr. Mitehell. Sir Moiby ia iateaaely a Pythian and hia talk waa highly enjoyed. He waa given a eerdial weleome by the Lodge. Offleeri Eleeted. At the regular moothly meeting of Plaaet Lodge. No. 28. held on Monday evening, June 17th, 1901, the following offleeri were eleeted for tke eniaing term: C. 0., B, H. Peyton ; V. 0.. W. H. Walton, PrelateLWiUiam 8. Morgsn; K. of R. andg.. W. A. Kylea; M. o? F. Thomaa II. Orump; M, of Ex., Jamea L. Burrell: M. et A-, «S Hayei, Truatee. B. P.Vandervell: Banking Oemmittaa, Jaa. A. Dlzoo. m Inaoceut Oolored Man Senteneed To IHang at Camden, Arkanaas, June 29th. Made Hia Wife Swear a Life Away, Caxdbh-, Abk , June 4 th .Great ex- citement prevailed on tbe streeta yes¬ terday by a |ubdued ramor that Mra. Tom Watson had retraoted her atate- menta relstive to *he guiltof Will Bue- ay. who was eonvieted of rape two weeks ago upon her evidenee. There hss been a lintering doubt io the minde of many citiaena aa to the guilt of the oolored man, although the jury returned a verdiot «f guilty flfteen min utes after retiring. The verdioi waa baaed upon the evidenee of Mrs. Tom Wstaon. THB BHBBIBV'S VISIT. Yeaterday Sheriff R. D. Newton and Circuit Clerk, C. r. Gordon went out to Mrs. Wataon's houae where they found her and ber huabend. Mrs. Wat¬ son made to them a written state- ment and awore to it Ia this state- ment ahe saya thstthe whole affsir was a put up j ib on the oolored man, eon- cooted by her husband for the purpose of doing avay with him beoauae he would not help them in their orop. TOLD THB WHOLB BTOBT.1! She saya ahe gsve her evidenee in 'he mstter ander dire threata; that h.r husband ihrestened deaertion and death and that she took the part ahe did on his aesouot Mr Tom Wataon now admits the inn eenc? of tbe c )1- ired man, but beyond that makes no furthrradm'sskn. The oolored man was lentenced to te hung June 29:h. It waa this undercurrert of doubt in the mmdfl of the beat oitiaens that kept Busay from being mobbed. Stepa will be takea aa ear!y aa pos- aible to have the rriaonerroleaeed. Fuiton \ jtea. ..T»h^trall7wBtthe M°unt Calvary Bxv. tist Ohureh waa a grand auccess last Suuday. Exoellent aerraona were B*tefetf b| ReT,« S H- Binford, F. JJ.Wilhamssnd Rev. Jeffriea of the Union L-vel Bsptiat Chureh. Rev. Jeffriea admioistered the L,ord'e oupper to a large oongregation. Serviees at eaeh of the churchea aa usual next 8uoday. Miaa Ella Bsiley of Danville, Va en- route home from Hampton inatitute, vialted Mue Daisy Whiting last week; air k. l. Holmes waa qaite indis- poaed laat Sunday. Mra. Vestella Randolph has beea very aiek but ia improviait The Young People's meeting prom- ises to be good next Friday evening '/.Thea,0Jun8 ladiM of the Watil Mt,' Zion 8. S. arearranging for a nioe mu£ icsl and hteral eotertainment Mra. Mary Smith of Phil'adelphia and h«r three children are here viait- icg her mother, Mrt. Dollie Taylor Tne Daw Drop Lily Club will run a Ptndeninion to Hampton next Sun- dsy, 23rd inst. Train leaving C. dc O youV.°eivV.10 P- m- °°me *nd *"& Chioago Itemi. Miaa E. B Lewis has juat returned home. 3435 Dearborn atreet, from ObS rhn College, with honors. Miaa B. Moaely of 1817 Dearborn St. haa arrived home from Bt. Annsville she ia doing good work in the ehureh - et. The Longahoremen are now hsviog the greatest year ever known to them. O. A., No. 1, B. Crosa Rock will have their sermoa preached to them Sunday June 30 ;h, at Oliver Bsptiat ohureh. G j and hear their reporta J. E. Lawn. Cono^rd Bsptist Aaoeiation. Finch'ev and Skipwith, Va , July 30:h-Aur lit, 1901 * For the above oco.sion the 8outhern Railway will sell tinkets in aooordanee wilh apecial Uriff No 2, from all tiek- eta stations on ita lines between Nor¬ folk and Danville, and Richmond and Soudan. to Finchley and Bkipwith Va tiokets to be on aale July 29th and 30 th, with return limit August 2ad . ..--aw-a-a»»-- ChriBtian Workera ABaembly, Montreat N. O., July 2lsfAuguat 4th, 1901. For the above oeoaaion the Southern Railway will aell tioketa .from aii sta¬ tions on ita lines in Virginis to Black Moontain, N. C. railroad atation for Montreat, N. C. and return at fare one aod one-third for the round trip aell- ing datea JulyJlOth to 22nd ineluaive with return limit August 8th, and from aii stations in North Oa-olina at oBe fare for the rooad trip, aelliag datea from North Carolina pointa July 20th to 28rd inoluaive, with return lim¬ it Aug. 8th. National Grand Tenaple Mo.an Teaa- plara of America, Birmtngham. Ala July 80th-Aog. 4th. ltOl, ' For the above oeoaaion the South¬ ern Railway will aell tiokets from all stations ia Vlrginia and North Caro¬ lina to Birmingham and return at ona *,**? '2! !*. POUnd te|P« ««kota on aale July 28th to 80th ineluaive, with re¬ turn limit August C.b, 1901.



XVIII NO 27atggggg t




THE OATH OF OFFICE NOT TAKEN.The Conatitutional Convention met

Thuraday, 13th inst., at noon. Theaddreta of Gov. J. Hoge Tyler waa themcat note-worthy feature of theses-Jflawta.Hia remarka aa to the duty of the

eonvention related to the need of re-

trenohment and reform in the numberof offieera and a eoniequent eurtail-ment of expeasei.


He apoke in favor of fewer ofHceraand better pay. It was signitioantthat he made no referenee whateverto the curtailment of suffrage, but onthe contrary aaid:"While not forgetting the lofty tra-

ditiona and aaored memoriee of ournoble psat, J beg of you turn yourfaeea to the future and baeome lesd-era in deed and in truth of the beat po¬litieal thought of our new oentury.Let no old, mildewed prejadiee en-eumber your labora. regulate and ad-juit the affaira of thia Uommnnwealthto the future progreaa of our eouotrjand of the world. Qive niee aod deli-cate adjuatment to the seales of jue-ties, ss between man and man, so thatit ean be the proud boaat of Virginianaeverywhere tbat in their dear old atatethe humbleat citizjn haa an equaj op-portunity before the law."

It ia eoDoeded that the addreaa waathe ableat ever delivered by |him. Hedealt exeluaively with thi materialprosperity of the commonwealth.

a vctb or THAItxa.

Captam R. S. Parka at the eonelus-ion of the Governor'a addreaa offered areaolution thanking tbe Governor forhia addreaa, sad ordering it apread upon the reeerds of the eonvention, Heaeeepted an amendment offered byJudge Thornton that the liberty of theIloor be granted the Governor duringthe aeaaion of the eonvention.Captain Paiks offered a reaolution

Sroviding that tha S cretary of theOmmonwealth be direeted to furnish

eaeh member with a eopy of the Codeof Virginia for uae during the aeasion.

It «aa adopted.Mr. Goode reaumed the ehair at thia

point, andhanded to the aeeretary thecommitteea.Tha Conatitutional Convention met

Tueaday 18th inet. No huaineat of im-portanoe waa traneaeted and after aahort aeatiou it adjourned until Wed¬neaday neon-The Conatitutional Convention met

Wedneaday at noon. The contettedeleetion eaae from King William eoun-ty of Mr. Morgan Treat againat ;«TudgeQregory waa referred to the Oommit-tee ao Eleetiona. No buaine>aa of im-portsnee waa tranaaeted and after aaeaaion of about an hour and three-quastera, it adjourned to meet Thura¬day at noon.

Planet Court aleete.

PlsnetlOourt met.Friday, June ltth.at 6 o'eioek aharp. In the abaenee ofW. C. Bir J. W. Thompaon, the GraadWorthy Leeturer, Mra. 8 L. Miteheil,preaided. Five new member, were k»-ittated into the nayateriea ot Oalanthe-iaaa and about 8 more will be ready bythe next meeting.Eleetion of otlicera will take plaee,

Friday, Jane 28.-» *.-

Sylvia Court Met.

Bylvia Coort, No. 106 met Tueadayevening at 6 o'eioek aharp. One morenew member haa been added to theroll, and about 15 more are enliated iathe elub of Mra: 8. L. Miteheil.Mr. T. M. Cramp and Mr. J. A. Smith

of the monument eomnaittee made atalk on the monument. Sylvia Courtvoted 810 to the monument fund andin honor of their beloved and flrat Wor¬thy Counaellor of Sylvia Court, No. 105.

After the eleetion of offieera theyadjouraed to meet the lat Tueaday inJuiy.

A Grand Oelebration.

The "Oook'e" Benavolent Aiaoeiationcelebrated their anniveraary at the Y,M. O. A. Moaday night, June 17th,Addreaaea were made by the Preai

dent and othera, afterwhieh refreah-saenta were terved, and a very enjoya-b e time waa apent.

< i a

Monday afternoon about 6 o'eioek,Bam Wallaoa, a oolored boy. about *I2yeara of age, waa aoeidantly irownadwhile playing in Bhoekoe araak, nearGraee st. Hia ranaaina were eonveyedto hia home at Uvth and Franklm Bta.


The Puniihment Given A White ManFor Falee Swearing Agaioit a

Colored Man.

Camdbk, Abk.,.June 18 .Tom Wat-aon. who with hia wife, iwore that theeolored man, WillBuney hadoommit-ted an an atssalt on Mri. vTstion. waitaken out by a eommittee of eiticentof Oamden laat night and 500 lasheagiven him.The affidavit of Wataon and hii wife

wai the meani of Buaiey'e having beentecteneed ta be hanged, but aboutthree weeka ago Mra. Wation made awritten atatement eonfeiaing ttatohohad aworn falaely againat Buaaey. OnjywHag thia Governor Davii auapendw

,en'en*e impoaed on Bjsaey.Wataon a wife iwore that ih« waaoompelled by her huaband to teatifyacains1; Buaaer. At the concluiion ofthe laahing. Wation wai plaeed on atrain and given initruetioni not toitop m Arkamai.

Funaral of Vouuaj Foeter.

SHBBTBroBT, La., June 14 -The fun-eral of John Gray Foater. the planter,who wae killed on hii plantation bjPrmea Edwarda, .a eolored man, onWedneaday laat, took plaee thia after-noon. and waa largely attended. Amajority of the buaioeii houaea atSbreveport ware eloaed, in order thattheir employeea might attend thefun-eral.

Law jar J. Alezander Chilei left forI.-xington. Kentueky laat Thandaynight after a pleaaant itay of a fewdavnn hia old hcin».He haa built np a floe praetiee io hnehoaen profeaaion and ranka aa theleading eolored l.wjer in KentuekyHia relstivea and frienda areaoxiouato have him return to hii native homeAmong the leading itudenta at Lio-eoln nommeneement in a elais of 86who won diatinstian Lawyer Ohilsamentione Mr. Joi. G.Jamei of Rioh-mond, who wai the moit highly hon-ored one of hii elaaa, having reeeivedtwo go.d medali.


The namei of the Fint Honor andNeitherAbaentnorTardy pupilawill bepubhahed in the of Planbt June ia.

PERSQNALSj» BKIEfS.-All peraona who are indebted toMr. Joieph Evani of Pittibarg, Ps arerequeited topay him by June 2Csh'.'-M'. W. M. Miller of Norwood. W.Va.. ealled on ui. He waa in the eityon bunneia.-Miai Mary Hanailton left the eityto ipend the fiummer with her aiaterMra. Roia Robinion of Atlaatie City!.-Mra. Luey Jonea and her daugh-ter. Min Luoy and nieee, Miu Mianier. Mayei of <Lvaehburg are now ioir3Wurk, N< J^the gUft,t" of Mr. Jehnw. Hayei. Tiey are enjoying them-.elvei there.-.-Mr. John Olinton. Jr., formerlyofthtieity.bat now of Philadelphiawaa m the eitf thii week. Ha waalooking well and leemed to be doing a

proaperoui buaineea there.-Mra. V. L. Hawkina ia in Lyneh-burg attending the Womeaa' Eduoat-iooal eonvention.-."Mn. Katie Slayd of Waihingtonia in the eity...Mra. Koia K Jonei, the Muiiealeonductor for Beethoren Aaaoeiatlondeniea that there ii any diaagreementamong the membera of the anoeiation,yet there n bo reaaon given for notholding the 4th Oommeneement...Mr. Joaeph G. Jamea of thii eitvgraduated from Lanooln Univeraitywith thejdegree of A B. Mra Jameiia very prond of her aoa'e progreaa.The New Market Luneh room open-fLbJ Mf/ a*nd Mn* J.¦¦. Beruggi at480 N. 6th St. ii a nioe plaee for flnt-?l*w,!^^Jla.Md ."..'PO-blic ii inritedto eall there.

'.:Mi" EU» 8«ott of New York ia inthe eity. the gneat of Miaa Blle Bollingof N. 9th itreet..-Mr. Edward Farrar'and eouiinMiaa Fannie Flippin, 0f W. Lelgh St.!aeeompanied by Miaa Hattie Dabnerleft the eity lait Wedneaday for RawYork where they wttl ip«nd their ium-|

Newa From The Philippinee.

Maktla, P. I., Msy 4. 1901.Thinga are quite breesy theae timee.A genersl eourt martial ia now in aea¬

aion in Manila trying sn offiesr of the3ubsiatenee Department ehargsd withseeuring funda through hia positionand appropristinytheas to his own uae.The Manila Amirican eaya dameg-ing evidenee ia being brought out.Thia ia the4th eaae on trial two have

not oeen msde pubHc, aod one ia thatof Oommisaery Sergeant Mett, who af-ter-aerving 20 yeara wsa oaoght in hiaillegsl aclicns, honorably diachareed,and aenteneed to 2 yeara in Billibiepriaon, Manila. There are more to betrfed yet ineluding offloerf.Aguinaldo'a proelsmstion to hia people baa eauaed nearly atl hia geneialsto aurrender exeept the blood-thiratyoutlaw. Oailes, who bae proelaimed

himaelf Preaident or the Filipino Re-publio and murdered eight Amerieanpriaonera in hia power. He waa givena warm ehake-up by Captain Chaseand narrowly eaesped capture, all ofhia ataff waa killed or esptured as wellaa 1 Mauaer rirles, h Maucer earbioe1 Remington, 1 Wineheater acd onedouble barrel shot gun, 1 gun barrel,4 revolvera, two aabers, 1 aurveyor'stranait. a telephone outflt and 6 leath¬er belts and 20.000 pounda of aulphurwith other materlals for making car-tridgea deatroyed Two men of the2lat infactry were drewaed in the at-taek.Aglipay who wsa Finio'j prineipal aa-

aiatsnt and who gave Gen. Young'atroipi so mueh trouble aurrendered toOol. M. Caakie, 20th lnfantry. He wasformerly a prieat, but wsa eaahieredon aeeount of being implioated in amurder aome time ago, he attemptedto negotiate aurrender, on the aaaur-ance of being reatored to the prieathood. but was refussd. Gen. Tinio aur¬rendered, but the partieulara are notat hand.General Torres, the aatute and boaat-

f ul eommsnder of tbe Revolutlonsryforeea in Bulean aurrendered to theeommaadlng otgjer at Mortagary withaix men and one rid?. on April 23rd.He only adopted this course afterbeing thoroughly whirped by CaptainMoRae with a detachment of the 2?rdlnfantry and Meeabebea on the dateof his aurrender, oapturing nearly allhia riflea.General Moralea, one of the moat

noted and aoldierly of the Inaurgentgenerala. aurrendered hia stsff and 40armed men to Lieutenant Col. Bea-eone, 42nd lnfantry, on April 25 h. Heonly aurrendered when Aggie isausdhia prcelamatioa and Bencr Guzmana leading oitizen ezplained the Ameri¬ean eauae and he finally eonaented.Benor Guzman arranging the aurren¬

der, they they took the oath of alle-giaco?.General Baideoraa, Aguinaldo, coua-

in of the ex-diotator, aurrendered laatweek but the partieulara are not ob-tainable at thia writing.General Saloa, the laat of tka Inaur¬

gent generala in the ialand of Panay,. urrenderea to Maj. Noble. AdjutantGeneral to General Hughes, on April23rd, at Iloilo (slo-elo). Hia foreeaare very muoh aeattered and will oomein bringing their arma and taking theoath of allegisnee aa aoon aa poasible,This aurrender ia tbe moat impor.antin that part of the Arckipelago.A eorreapondent of the Naw ivtai

can writea an interesting artiele onGenerol Maaeardo'a famoue "B-sdTrouaer Brigade" from Orane, Bataan.atating in part that he haa 400 armedmen with Mauaar riflea, eamped nearOriani and wiahea (a aurrender, butwill not do ao to Maj or Vose. 6 th Ar-tillery owing to peraonal hatred, pre-ferring to await the arrival of CaptainLudlow of the aame regiment. who iain Manila oo eourt-martial duty.Thia oompletely winda up the ineur-reetion leaving only Uai'ei and theLadrone element atill ou .

Lieutenant M. Nab with detsehment"2 B" eompsny, 25th Inf. esptured 12Remington Riflea in the mountsimback of Palanig. The information waareeeived from native priaonera. cap-tured by the native reaidenta of thetown. The above iodieationa are gooda gna of peaee for aome time to eome.The trial of the native prieat and

aome of hia parisboners for buryingnstivea alive. whieh haa been goingon for aomatime. haa developed strongevidenee againat them

It ia aaid, Gen. Piodea Pilar. who ianow at Guam" iaauad the ordera andthat they working under hia directiena

It ia thought he will be brought backaa a witneaa.Don Joae fierapi >. Oivil Governor of

Bulacan Provinee calijid on tha authoritiea at Manila and proteated againatthe ooeupation of the town by the Maeabebe asouta owing to the uoiveraalhatred againat them. Hia aon waa eap-tured aome time ago by Ladrone butaoon liberated, He atatel that theburning of Moraagary waa beeauae oftheir preaenee. He alao atated that thegovernment offieiala had promieed himthat the towna would aoon be garria-oned by native polioe.The eommiaaary trouble aa previ-oualy mentioned in thia leUar, haaraaehed aa arronaoua atage.Mr. M. F. Clarke, the gemal propri-ter of the largeat and moat up-to-dateconfeetionary and oatering eatabliah-

meat of this aity and oae oa tha larg¬eat in tha Eaat, waa arreated ehargedwith raeaiving itolen government pronerty. "^ w

Repraaantativea or two other aom-mereial houaae of tha city are alaomixed up in the affalr.The Moaquito fleet whieh aailedfrom Hamptoo Roada the early part of

Ullwlntwtarri?ed ** O*0*- laat weak,. Tha tog PeacauUuga was litUa dam-

agsd and put on the wtyi at Oavite forrepalrs.The Wampatauek prooeeded to Olen.

gapoo. towing a looeha to bring baekthe old Spsniah diitilling plaat for overhauliBg.A native polioe of Baeior, ]uat below

Mtnila atabb^d a woman to death iothe latter plaee laet week, j *alou«y ev-idently the eanie.Oonaiderable improrement ii going

oa in Zambalei Provinee, the Lomeof the 23rd Iofantry. Oae of the bighorse power rollen arod aeveral thous-end feet of Oregon piae wai ahipped to««big for improvioe; the Prcvinoialwarda.Lieatenant Parear, 25th Iofantry,with s detaohmeat of moanted eoouti

reoentlymade e trip to Dinflcpijsn,Provinoe of Batean over :: tmbaleimountaini via OlongapooIt h reported that Gen. Burt haa ap-proved the arplieationa of the follow¬ing non-eomtniatiion^doffioeri for com-nv'oni in the native re;imentB-.Sare't Majnr, Anthony A. Marrow ;Eattalion Bergt Majn*, M W. Ssdler ;Fcinoipal muateiaa. Geo. S. Thompon.bmd : lat Sergt.. Taliferra, Co. C, 25 h

Infantry; lat 8er*rt, Baakerville, Co.H 2'Sth;inf*ntry. They have the beatwiaheiof ihe regiment for eueceiaThe Ilocano aooute are oow organizvd

in cocneotion with the 25th Iofantry.Thia orcanication wai tfained bySergeaot Tnompasn, Co. M, \: h inft.aaiiited by Privatei Smith. <3o. afOlommsni »nrt Oarriek, r»o $, ltt Lt ,J. E. Hunt, 25th Infantry ia oow ineonmand, aaaiated by Lieut. Domer, ittt hoped all the esliued mer now onoa'y with them can cbtain eommia-alona. The general outlook ie exoel-lent, and trade and eommeree rnprov-ing. Recente reporta ahow .hat theeommeree rf Maoilaia inereaemg at anelarming rate. The new govt»rnmeut'aiee plant ia near ready for rw»rupati.m


Rev. Dr. P. F. Morrit Will P eaeh toThe Mason . I-a;

Rev. P. F. Morris. D- l> DittnetSiepuiy, Grand Maater of LynehburgVa. haa been invited by the GrandMatter. Dr. P. B. Ilsmiey, to preashto the Maaona a«iembled at the FiritPreabyterian Chureh, eorner Cather-ina and Monroe Streeti, Sunday. June23rd, 1901. at 8:30 >. m. All Maioniand the publie are invited to aeaembleat the hour mentioned.Rev. Dr. 8pill*r hai alao been Unit¬

ed to praaeh a epeeial lermon to theEsstern Scari at the Firit Preabyter¬ian Chareh, eoraer Oatherineand MonroeSsreeti, Sunday, June 23rd, £001,ate:30p. m. To both of theie lerric-ai all are invited.

Deaeon Ooiby Here.

Deac jd Riehard Coiby of Petereburgwhe ii an offieer of theCJilfleld BaptiitChareh ii here in the eity at Olantoa'iHome, Governor St., being treated byDr. Duna.Hii eyei have been failing him for

yeari and he loat the ligat of one eye.He ii ioqaroving and hii friendi aregratifledja know that he will rtturnhome ibBWly. Hii wife is with him.

The Color Line in Indlana.

Muscib, Ind,. June 18.A hundredor more employaea of the RepublieSteel Company quit work to-day, be-etuae the eompany put a ooiored manto work in a department where a hun¬dred girli are employed in packingnuta aad bolta. The girls refuied towork where the eolored man wai, andthe men Joinad the girla, The entireplaat may be eloied d iwa three weekiin advanee of the regular ahut-down

The Fifth Baptiit Chureh.

Pundav, June 9.h wai the paitor's5.h Aontvaraary. Atll:80he preaah-ed from the text, "Hitharto hath theLord helped ua." giving in eueadtiiveitepi the many blaiiinga they had r<j-oeivel from the Lord during hii ad-miniitration.Theehuroh debt haa been redueed

from $15,500 00 to $6,500 00. the mem-berahip inereased from 178 to 333, ofthia number 157 were reeeived by bap-tiim.At 8 30 a very able and loul-Htirring

¦ermon wai dehvered by Dr. W. F.Uraham and at 8:30 Rev. Wm. Troydelighted the aadienee. A eoileetionof $121.GO waa raited.We reoogn ie in Dr. Pewell a worthyleader and a Chriitian gentleman. The

old 5th Chareh feela proud to elaimhim aa the r^paator.Lait Suadsy, June 16th waa a greatday at tke 5th Ubareh when 52 penoni

were added to tbe membenhip. Ofthii number43 were baptised. 14 oth-eri are waiting for baptiim.To all of the three lerrioei of the

day the ehureh waa crowded to over-flowing. At 11:30 a. m. tbe paitorpreaehed a ihort and impreiiiva nrmen to ihe eandidatei. In the after-noon the eommanion and hand of fel-lowahip wai given aad a apeeial ekargefull of wholeiome adviee to the youngpeople. Thui the work of anotheryear begina.- a i »

Annual Meetiag Independent Order ofSi., Lukea, Riohmond, Va., Ang. 20-24,


for tha abore oeeaaion the SootheroRailway will aell tieketa front all tiek¬eta .tetioaa on ita linaa to Riohmondand retura at one aad oae-third farefor the roand trip. tieketa on lale Au--oit 18tk to 20th ineluaire. with returnmit Augnit 26th



A Tragedy in Louiaiana.3»d Endingof a Qaarrel.Ionoeent Colored People Crrralled.Threatened With Be¬ing Lynehed.Edwards Eluded .ap-ture.

8hbbvxpobt, La., June 12..Thia for-noon a moat deplotable tragedy ooeure.d at Foater. a flsg atation flve mileaeaat of thia plaee. The sffair waa theahooting and almoat iastant killing ofMr. Joho Gray Foater, ag«d about 2tyeara, by a eolored man natned Ed-warda. From what ean be learned itseema that Mr. Vicketa, overaetr ofthe plsntatlon hsd trouble with theeolored man E 'waif'g early tbat morn¬ing, and the eolored man drew a piatolon th« everseer 8hortly after thetrouble Mr. Foa'er reprimanded 'th^man while in thefleld, when the manatruokhm on the head with a hoe.Mr. Foster then went bsek to thehouee and aaked the phvaieien. Dr,Bolts, if he waa ser'oialy hurt,

-BBTUBNBD TOPCXIBBSTM.Insultei and in pain, he mountedhis horae, snd witd the overaeer and

another, w-nt to the oolored man'gcabio todiaeharge him. Ai aoon aa hedrove up to the door E Iwsrde openedit and f.-ed at hirn twice with a ahotgun. He wsa taken frora his hnrse.nd when asked by Mr. Viekera f heeould walk replied, "I think not." aotney procured a buggy and two menpelled it, but he exp-red just as theyreaehed hia atore. He waa efcot in theoreaat sr.i in the shoulderTho alarm wss given and <Edwards

and his frienda seattered to the woodsAa aoon aa tbe telephone message

waa reoetved here dootore hastenadto go to the young man'a asaiatanoe.but death oame before they reaohedhim.Mra. Foater. mother of the aaurdered

boy and Mr J M Foater. brother. leftsbuut LS o'tljck in a earrisge on theaad misaion of aoeompanying the re-maine to thia city Tha ViekaburgBhr-veport and Peciflc Railroad kicd-ly tendered « apeoial rengine te bringthe body. .a^

waarc Te lymoh him.

It is learned thst a poase uader theoommand of Sheriff Thompaon of Beaaier atarted at once from Benton, andthat another paase of twenty-flre fromthe neighborhood of the murder waaorganiasd and began a purauit of theoolored man. They are thua praeueai-ly aurrounded by armed men deter-rained on their eapture, and it only re-msins to ohroniole the fate that willb) dealt out to them when thia ia eC-feoted. Not leaa thsn 200 armed menhava gone from thia city to the aceneof the killing for the purpoae of aaaiat-ing in theeapture of Elwarda acd hi«saaaooiatea, and the lateat report reoeived here ia that all ofjthe eoloredpeople who are auppoaed to be wellarmed. are aurrounded in the awamp,and their eapture, dead or slive ia onlya queation of a few houra, Thia eityand the entire cojntry are arouaed ov¬er the killing of young Foster. A re-wsrd of $500 iaoffared for the eaptureof Edwarda.Joho G Foater was the youngeat aonof the late Captain J. M. Foater, ofthia «i*y, a brother of Hon. W. L Foa¬ter, member of the state railroad oom-

miaiion, and of Mrs. Benton MeMillinwife of Gov, MoMillia, of Tenneasee'He enjoyed high aoeial diatinetiooas a member of one of the foremostfamilies of the state.


"Prophet" 8mith, who iareaponaiblefor tha in!lox of bsdTexas eolored people to thia piint. has been eapturedaud will almoat certainly be lynehed.All of the eolor#d people implioatedin th*» Foater killing, exoept the aetuslmurderer. are now in cuatody, beingheld in Kenn-brew's atore, near these-ne of the killing. They are 8 DMcLsnd, F. Boyd Sam Wsahing'tsnMandy Eiwards. Phi lis HamiitonLelia Horton. Adeline Allen, AnnieEdwarda and the wives of MoLaod andWsshirg on. Tbe atore issurronndedby aeveral hundred armed men, whoare masters of the situation. At 11 o'-elock. the last heard fron the store. itwaa reperted that a lynching ia eertainat leaat in the oaie of "prophet" SmithSome favor holding off cntil Edwardsis esptured, but the rasjority want teburn Smith aad afaw extremia ¦ thinkit wauld be properto olean out the en¬tire orowd.The authorities are said to be power-less, tte supply of efficers pjing totaliyinadequate to eope with the erowd.

OLOOM AT WBODlBOa.Jamea Hill Fulilove and Miaa EollneBehuler were married at Keatchie, Lato-day, O. J. Foater, Jr. and Miaa Bes-aie McOuteheon were married herethia evening. 1 he oontractlng partieawere relstivea of John Gray Foaterwhoae untimely death eauted a poat-

Eonement of a brilliant reeeption. Arother and siater of the daeeaaedwere in attendanee at the farmer wed-ding when the newaof hia death reaoh¬ed them. Mr. Foater waa soon to havebeen married to Miss Bessie Felix ofLouisville, Ey.llA.1li« *." PWtont were GovernorMoMllUn, of Tenoeatee, and Mra. Me-MUlln, a siater of the murdered manIhe aeore of eolored people undererreat charged with eemplieity in thamurder of Foater have taaan anoeaaa-fully removed to thePariah jail at Ben¬ton aad there ia no fnrthar fear ofSmm ^"ff? Mwarda, who;dld thekilling, it stiil at large, aad poaae a too-

tinue in the fisld, leooring the eouo-try in every direotion, in the hope ofa->prehending the murdr r. Ir eaughEdwardi will b» lummarilr dealt with"Tha ezsiteaient of yesterday andlaat night haa been almoet wholly aliayed. and ao far aa the eolored people

now under arreat are eoneerned, nofuriher trouble ie antieipated.

Children'a Day Ezeroiiei,The Seeond Baptiat Sanday-iehoelwillhtveiti UhHdren'i Day ezercisei

on to morrow, June 28 d ,at 3:80 p. m.A. ipeeial program has been pr>»parcdAtrongthe Bpeakera will bs Rev. 8.N. Vaei, Diitriet secretary of the Amer

inaa Baptiat Publieation 8ociety. Amisaonary eolleetion will be taken.Come early.

Rev. Z D. Lawti, D. D., Paetor.Svonbt Stantob, Supt.W. G. Cabtbb, See'y

'JIM CROW CARSMBe Jiot Go In Oiio.C/omminiooer

Morrii' Aetion.The following itatement wai inuedby the governor*! private leeretary,str. Fred N. Siaki, thii morning."The Louisville A tfaihville Railroad

Oo,, N. AW. R. R Oo., Olncinnsti. N.O.A Texts Paeiflc Railwayeompany, andtheChesapeakeA Ghio Railway eom-oany, in order to o imply with the lswir< aome of the states, have u«ed ilgnad^aignating ipaee ia their traint forooiored acd white paaeergera. Someof their trainsstart inOhio, and otfcerareach the end of their routei in thi«atatei. and in the paat have eome in:othe atat* with theae aigna, and goneoat of the atste with them. S?varalweeki ago, Mr. Morria, oommUsion»>rof rsilroada and telegrapha. ealled theattention of the maoagen of thetacompaniei to the faet that theae eolordve'iootioni are ia violati \n of the lawofOhio. Aaa result of his erd-avor*,tae managen of theae roada have ia-aned order i forbidding the earryingof theae tigoa withio the state of Ohlo,aod they are now ramoved from allBaUBBB before entaring the at«te, andare not dleplayed within the itate ud-on their departure.".Coluabui 0Diaaateh.

OQEEK-JEFFERSOK.The marriage of Miss Saaie B. Jeffer

¦on toRev. E. A. P. Ohtek will takeplaee Tuesday, June 25th, at 8 o'olooka. m. et 305 Oollege 8t. Friendi areinvited. No oards.

Lbwib.Hicbbob.The marriage afMua Lillie R. Hiokmon to Mr. Wm. ELewia will take plaee at the F.rat Bap¬tiat Chureh. Maneheiter, Va., Wed¬neaday morning, 26th ioitant, st 11oeloek. Frienai are invited.

Bbooks- Ohafuan-- The marriage ofMr. Robert F. Brooks of thia eity toMin Uaiay E. Chapooan of Phoebai Va.will take plaee atZton Baptiit ChurehPhoabus, Va. Thara., June 27,1901 at 4l . M.The bride and groom will be In thaoity a few dayi at 114 W. Laigh St.

Two Colored Men Killed.

Wbllbobh, Fla., June 17th..-Newireaohei here that Tom Tnomai aadMoie Mazwell, two deaperate eoloredmeo, were killed late Satarday after-noon on the read, four milei eait ofthi6 place. Mazwell had worked forW. R. O'Oain, a farmer, ind had beenin diapute witk hia employer duringthe day. He tkreatened the life ofO Uin, apoke improperly before Mra.O'Oain, and wai driven from the plan-tation Subiequently O'Oain went toLive Oakon buiineit, and wbile awayMazwell. in eompany with Thomai, re-turned, bjth heavily am ed with gunsand Piatola. and asked the where-aboute of O'Oain. They left and ata-tioned tbemselvei on tbe roadeide toawan tbe retarn of the m«n they want-ed. Late in the afternoon a fuailade ofahota was heard and the neighborsruahad to the seene to flud both eolored men dead in the road. There ii noevjderce aa to what p»rty or partieiflred the ihots.

Sir Moiby Viaita Hampton.8ir KnigH Roiebury Moiby of Sam-

aon Lodge, No 16. Riehmond, Va.ipant the week in Hampton ai a dele-gate to the Good Ssmariian Conven¬tion. On Friday night he visited Pen-Inaular Lodge, No. 38, mmpton anddellvered a very initruetive addreas of20 minatea. Ha waa prafnia in hiipraiia af the Grand Ohaneellor, JohnMitehell, Jr. aod ezplained in detailthe progren the Ordar has made with¬in the paat few yeara under the wiialeaderahip of Mr. Mitehell.

Sir Moiby ia iateaaely a Pythianand hia talk waa highly enjoyed. Hewaa given a eerdial weleome by theLodge.

Offleeri Eleeted.

At the regular moothly meeting ofPlaaet Lodge. No. 28. held on Mondayevening, June 17th, 1901, the followingoffleeri were eleeted for tke eniaingterm:C. 0., B, H. Peyton ; V. 0.. W. H.Walton, PrelateLWiUiam 8. Morgsn;K. of R. andg.. W. A. Kylea; M. o? F.Thomaa II. Orump; M, of Ex., JameaL. Burrell: M. et A-, «S Hayei,Truatee. B. P.Vandervell: BankingOemmittaa, Jaa. A. Dlzoo. m

Inaoceut Oolored Man Senteneed ToIHang at Camden, Arkanaas,

June 29th.

Made Hia Wife Swear a Life Away,

Caxdbh-, Abk , June 4 th .Great ex-citement prevailed on tbe streeta yes¬terday by a |ubdued ramor that Mra.Tom Watson had retraoted her atate-menta relstive to *he guiltof Will Bue-ay. who was eonvieted of rape twoweeks ago upon her evidenee. Therehss been a lintering doubt io theminde of many citiaena aa to the guiltof the oolored man, although the juryreturned a verdiot «f guilty flfteen minutes after retiring. The verdioi waabaaed upon the evidenee of Mrs. TomWstaon.


Yeaterday Sheriff R. D. Newton andCircuit Clerk, C. r. Gordon went outto Mrs. Wataon's houae where theyfound her and ber huabend. Mrs. Wat¬son made to them a written state-ment and awore to it Ia this state-ment ahe saya thstthe whole affsir wasa put up j ib on the oolored man, eon-cooted by her husband for the purposeof doing avay with him beoauae hewould not help them in their orop.

TOLD THB WHOLB BTOBT.1!She saya ahe gsve her evidenee in

'he mstter ander dire threata; thath.r husband ihrestened deaertion anddeath and that she took the part ahedid on his aesouot Mr Tom Wataonnow admits the inn eenc? of tbe c )1-ired man, but beyond that makes nofurthrradm'sskn. The oolored manwas lentenced to te hung June 29:h.

It waa this undercurrert of doubt inthe mmdfl of the beat oitiaens thatkept Busay from being mobbed.Stepa will be takea aa ear!y aa pos-aible to have the rriaonerroleaeed.

Fuiton \ jtea.

..T»h^trall7wBtthe M°unt Calvary Bxv.tist Ohureh waa a grand auccess lastSuuday. Exoellent aerraona wereB*tefetf b| ReT,« S H- Binford, F.JJ.Wilhamssnd Rev. Jeffriea of theUnion L-vel Bsptiat Chureh.Rev. Jeffriea admioistered the L,ord'eoupper to a large oongregation.Serviees at eaeh of the churchea aausual next 8uoday.Miaa Ella Bsiley of Danville, Va en-route home from Hampton inatitute,vialted Mue Daisy Whiting last week;air k. l. Holmes waa qaite indis-poaed laat Sunday.Mra. Vestella Randolph has beeavery aiek but ia improviaitThe Young People's meeting prom-ises to be good next Friday evening'/.Thea,0Jun8 ladiM of the Watil Mt,'Zion 8. S. arearranging for a nioe mu£icsl and hteral eotertainmentMra. Mary Smith of Phil'adelphiaand h«r three children are here viait-icg her mother, Mrt. Dollie TaylorTne Daw Drop Lily Club will run aPtndeninion to Hampton next Sun-dsy, 23rd inst. Train leaving C. dc OyouV.°eivV.10 P- m- °°me *nd *"&

Chioago Itemi.Miaa E. B Lewis has juat returnedhome. 3435 Dearborn atreet, from ObSrhn College, with honors.Miaa B. Moaely of 1817 Dearborn St.haa arrived home from Bt. Annsvilleshe ia doing good work in the ehureh -


The Longahoremen are now hsviogthe greatest year ever known to them.O. A., No. 1, B. Crosa Rock will havetheir sermoa preached to them SundayJune 30 ;h, at Oliver Bsptiat ohureh.G j and hear their reporta

J. E. Lawn.Cono^rd Bsptist Aaoeiation. Finch'evand Skipwith, Va , July 30:h-Aur

lit, 1901 *

For the above oco.sion the 8outhernRailway will sell tinkets in aooordaneewilh apecial Uriff No 2, from all tiek-eta stations on ita lines between Nor¬folk and Danville, and Richmond andSoudan. to Finchley and Bkipwith Vatiokets to be on aale July 29th and 30th, with return limit August 2ad.


ChriBtian Workera ABaembly, MontreatN. O., July 2lsfAuguat 4th, 1901.

For the above oeoaaion the SouthernRailway will aell tioketa .from aii sta¬tions on ita lines in Virginis to BlackMoontain, N. C. railroad atation forMontreat, N. C. and return at fare oneaod one-third for the round trip aell-ing datea JulyJlOth to 22nd ineluaivewith return limit August 8th, andfrom aii stations in North Oa-olina atoBe fare for the rooad trip, aelliagdatea from North Carolina pointa July20th to 28rd inoluaive, with return lim¬it Aug. 8th.

National Grand Tenaple Mo.an Teaa-plara of America, Birmtngham. AlaJuly 80th-Aog. 4th. ltOl, '

For the above oeoaaion the South¬ern Railway will aell tiokets from allstations ia Vlrginia and North Caro¬lina to Birmingham and return at ona*,**? '2! !*. POUnd te|P« ««kota on aaleJuly 28th to 80th ineluaive, with re¬turn limit August C.b, 1901.