59. War Diary - July 1944 (all).pdf

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  • ,, . .





    2 C.L _, lNF BDE

    2 Cd_n Inf will be reviewed, by GOC 1 Cdn Corps at 1030 hrs 1 J"ul 4 , .

    . Bde will be at lt-tndi -strip; map ref, sheet ISERNia, 1/100, ooo - J 9co55 :: t 0900 hrs - with CIC Band end Pipes .of SEaFORTH of . , .

    DRESS ..:11 :r .. :s - Ccln pattern berat of C -be.l!!lorai) willh badge, _web bslt, sir: ' ems: anklets web (PFCU putte:es). All brf!.ss vdll be polis ' .. :.i. L.ll ORs (exol WOls) vqll carry rifles. ' . '

    PACE - . Entire_ parade will be conduct

  • _.,.. ... -


    RIGHT DP..ZSS. :-{Sl:l will dress Bn. EYES FRO lJT OFFRfJ r ILL T Jill ?OST I N RSVIZW OHDER. T n Por~ . Offr'" il J t u rn outNa rds, .A,C &. E Coys to the right, B & D Coys to th l eft .

    CO QIJtCK lifJJ_RCH . Offrs will ncrcr e.round f 1 7lnk which they face e.nd f ; , ~ up v ; c ces ah&eu of the front rer~ of~ Coy,

    - e qual;Ly .s paced with tE:. l le r- ;., on fl .s.Ilks . 2 i c e n right f lenk, .r..ajt on l aft f lailk, CO' 15 pe ces e.hee.d of front xenk. Sizing will bo arrr ~1ged beforehand. 2 ic wilJ dress offrs.

    CO STAND LT EJ .. SE ST AJ\'"!} : !sJ~SY .

    11. Bri'g will tako over pe.rade.

    lll~ 2nd. CD .. INF BDi WILL CO 1E TC L'r.rtti..6DE' "JILi.' SLOEZ '.kRMS"-' G' _5JD.. .. b - GEN SJ .. Ltr.ri: . TEE BD::3 VliLL F , _, Nr J~ffi;~S Be.r..: Wi 1:1;. play

    ----- --~ ----- ----'XHE:--BDK .. WILL. ~-LOPE .L.RMS ' G' en bugle. Gell baluL . " . ." " OP.D:ER - " do . OFF RS - -. A,BOUT TURN P.P..T RICL~S WilL STaND Fl .. ST , REMLII\"DER ~llLL sr J.:KD, AT ;E.b.:.:E - ' G' f,n bugle.




    . .

    .. . , .As the inspecting o.ffr e..pproe.ches, the CO .will BQVe

    to, the right . ~ f his bn ec,ccmpcnied by 2 ic & L,djt .

    . After ,coJ~~.i G ~ion cf insp8ctian c' bn -. co- OFFRs, . "_:Bo.ur TURN - . OFFilS WILL TiJCE POsr Il~ CLOSE COLN - TJJCE POST

    Offrs will turn outwe.rds e.s before. Q.UICK }.;IJ.....t?CH CI C -~.-" OI-L--'"' '- - Ml>.ECH ST~liD J..:T EA,SE ST .hlv"D Bb..SY

    ' . . ..

    ' ...

    THE Mt-;RcH P.b.ST IN CO U i

    14. Brig THE BDE WILL '.!b.:J.C . ? J..Sf II~ COil( OF COYS.


    1 . Bns &. Bde H~ will ~ ove off in turn. ' . , .. ., - Band ~11 pley . Iipe s & bend will follow S.EAFOrtTH uf -.

    C & .~e.r ch direct t c -~entre of fd , pipe s or band ple.y-- 1 r oprie.te Regt 1 n erches .

    . ' . 1.ipes & bend wi 11 :n r ch pest . rear of' Bde H~~

    CO -"ID.TJ:T" . SHUH. SlCPE LRMS. lviOVE TO THE RIGHT IN -= ~ 'COLN' OF. ROuTE. RIGh'r - T.UR.."\. ., . .. ": poy.swill I!.IC'V off in SUCC'.3SSion. : ........ .

    -' - ?~. cox

    . '

    A. COY ~ BY 'I'l~ LEFT , . c-,:, ui CK . - .Y..&RCH. Other Coys -15FT '13EEL, BY THE LEF'l', ~UICK- M.i-.HCH .

    ' t . .

    . CO :lEFT WHEEL. :, . r -

    CO F~Cil\G LEFT; ADV IY COLN ' 2 ic will move in line vd th CO aLd. ehead. cf 2n,t file

    from 18ft. Adjt 6 'pe.cos ir: rc:.:~ r of CO.

  • OC Coy

    co -

    - 3 -.ii COY "! WIT L l.DV, LEFT - TUl!N. Ott .. l' Ccys -. OO"'T I1T_CLI:t\~




    2 io oc~


    C . _ DIBECTION LEFI' -~ COY, lEFT ~VHEEL : Il:( SUCCESE'lON - 1. -~ IN COIN 0.!! ' ROUTE FROM .THE RIGHT. - - COY, RIGHT TUilli, LEFT WHEEL. oc .. c?l

    ~:{:0 ... -. rrc .. :::. -LEFT WHEEL

    do J~T THE HAll', ON THE LEFr, FORM GLOBE OOL.N-. ::: .

    .. ~ ' ~ ~0 Coy M . Tr::E HALT, ON TE : LEFT~ FORM .:. COY


  • I'

    . .. 4 -

    17. The Bde is now reformed on ori~inal gd. CO" will'" re~~ p-lace in front of bn.

    '" 'I'EE ADV .it.l\TQE IN. REVIEi.'I CRDER

    18., The Brig resur~ss pc.::n in front af Bde.

    Brifr THE BDE WILL COM:.; '1'0 ATTN - 'G' on bugle . OFF:rtS Vw'ILL TAKE POE-T IN REVIEW ORDEll - 1 G' on bugle

    Offrc turn cutwards

    . - ... :


    'G'.e:n bugle -.offrs s:tep off. Of;frs are dressed by!M.

    THE ED~ WILL SLOPE ~HMS '':; on bUgle . n. ' '' ' " . ADV IN REVIEW ORDEH ClUICK-Y.tARCH . The Bde will march fwd, while band ple.ys 17 beats a.t quick tine~ covering 15 paces, then halting I.e .c~lrthGr nov cr dresslng will take place.

    Brig .GENE:kL SALUTE, Tr.:E I3DE VE:..,l P:lliSE1'T ARMS 'G' en bugle

    Band will play Ge-n Sal\lte .. BDE. '~!i!LL SLOPE ARMS' 'G' on bugle "'' . ,. ORDER II " ti " " " ST.i..lill J.'Jl 1i' .r SE " " .,, .J.JJ;J. ., ..

    ! ....... .

    ~ . .

    1~. . Units .may inv.ite reascne~ble no ~guests.; . --It is rec-OTI'.J!l..e.nded :that feclli ties 'be nade av&i.d:ible to battle cesu~lt1es

    ., "' .. ,~ .. - .r:\~ . ~ - ~c .. -- . 2.l..

    to atteJ1. . .. :.

    " -.. : .. Offrs & o~ nesses will. be prov)..ded Rehee.r.sals will be lleld at . 1()~0 ll .1400 h:r:oa 2~ ~.- Mae ).a

    shou~~: pe t~k~ii.


    ,. '

    \ . ' i ~-.- ' I . \ .~ . .. ' ... } .~ : ( T. G,. GIBSON) Bri g ' Cor:;.'". 2 Qdn Inf Bde

    \' . "

    ~ .... 3TR:


    PPCU-> . SEb.FO RrH. of C L EDMI! R COMD (inc:: ~ - pi ~ EM . sc TO Cainp File Ws.r -D~e. ry .

    "!:or J..DC, il.A &. 2 3 1 1

    48 . 3

  • . 0.,.. wU.l Hd tile tou.wt.ac allett.M a-

    , . .... .... .. .... a1.l.z"ab ~ .... .,.,... 8.4. ..


    -151 all r..a ..,.. 50 .U IUD

    .,.. llo .U IUD

    f!l'Jill! Nfll

    huletba et.l .tiS... .... 1.,. vUl.l._e ha . - ":JO lin_\ hll' -- . MUm

    ";/-_ lla -.18 ,_ ... aU nUa 1 ... witll .... ,.. 1130 .. 'ldl"-- .. 111'1'1 _, la'- ... 1000 ... . ~. ~~. COOl:

    et o

    :87 p t

    O/ra wil l llriac tM t.ll.owt.ct- J"'ac, .. ..Ute ute aa4 r epl lant , ..U ~ en'''ac Dlf fNk. .,....,. ...... u.u, Uanacldt. . .

    Ottle_..._ AU -llbc ~,._, le nppllecl d .... ._, emeera .. , 1lrlltc ... 'WnUa, ..U te uta

    .__._, Mt at ..... 11dt wUl ...... .,. tnepa.


    I.Ja.llllrl..U :Lt 6 A/UJt Ike hatenll ''P' '- ef Cna.

    Bletnllatlea a- AU o.p II .. Cll ..

    ~~ r I rJ.c.o. ;:- _J~J~/WL~

  • - ::::-:~;:- _ .. _J -- . - ---- _ ___ .... --- \ ~-:

    Exercise - 11HILLBn.LYa 20 - 22 July 1944


    2 CIB/3-4--2 HQ. 2 Cdn Inf Bde 19 Jul 44

    _Cdn Inf Bde Intelligence Summary No. 1 Based on Information. up to 1400 hrs

    19 July 44


    From captured documents it has been learned that the enemy is retir-ing on S, GIULDU~O 5317 but intends to fight a firm delaying actio~ on all rds leading forvrerd and the terrain in the CERRETO - CUSANO PIETRAROIA areas lends itself particularly well to this type of fighting,

    The eneny has been hard pushed and RCDs are nowon line TELESE-s. SALVATORE. Crossings over R, VOL'IURNO ancl R. CALORE are under construction and should be ready by 1600 hrs 19 Jul 44. The line GUARDIA - CERRETO SANHITA is the next report line of RCD. It is expected that here the enemy :r:min force will be split with possibly the major part of his remaining strength covering highway 87 but he can not afford to overlook the threat of a left hook on our part ~P the CERRErO - SANNITA - PIETRAR:>IA - GUARDIAREGIA road. This road due to the mountainous type of country could be well defended by dam-ali tion parties and well placed MGs,

    Elements of 2 Bn 504 Tk Regt have been reported to be operating along the highway 87 aXis and _ ~s the right flank offers the only terrain suitable for tks it can be safely expected they \till continue to op-erate in that area.

    ' From the several PsW taken by the Div within the past week it is learned that our Airforoe has taken heavy toll of his supply colns and rations and amm~ni tion arrive only at irregular intervals. .Thi-s coupled with our superiority in arty and the adverse effect of cont-inued vli thd.rawal has : led to feeling of general discouragement throughout all ranks.


    65 Inf Di v is believed to be disposed as follows : III/146 astritle secondar:Yi J;d before CASALDJNI in area 5793; II/146 believed in res, has NOT yet been -identified, I/146 is thought to be somewhere betw-een III Bn and s. LORENZO 5294. 147 Regt is held in reserve in the area of PONTELANDOLFO 5?98, III/14 5 located in the area of s. LOR~ ENZO with II/145 probably on its right astride the main rd GUARDIA - s. LUFO. I/145 is occupaying the high ground iiillilediately NORI'H of this rd.

    II/504 Tk Regt or elements of it are thought to be in'sp 65 Div while 165 Eng Bn is definitely known to be under comd,

    According to infm obtained 17 Jul 44 the 30 5 Inf Di v have been or-der-ed to delay any adv along rd CERRETO - PIETRAIDIA and wili be dis-posed as follows :- 577 Regt will occupy the high ground NE of CERRETO presuma~ly to deny us use of mule tracks between CERRETO.and MORGQ_JE, I/ 576 located in M. CIGNO area 4600 is believed to b~- thin on the ground and responsible also for the rd approach to CUSANO. II/576 is unlocated, ]aements of III/576 are believed to be working on def and demolitions in area R.s~ MARIA 4303.

    578 Regt is l(nown to have been drawn back 16 Jul to area GUARDIAllliJlt4". 4614 ' '


  • - 2 -


    30 .5 Inf Di v almos t destroyed dur.i ng the las.t week in May on the bounda:ry of FI.FrH and EIGHTH Arm~es losing some 900 Ps 11 from the 12 May to 12 J'un. Pulled out of the line in the middle of Jun to re-organize and re-equip, received reinforcements in that time and throlj\m into the line ag~in at the end of J'un. Have fought delaying action up till now

    . From various PW sources the Div . streneth has been reduced to an est-imated 1000/1200 all arms. 2 Coy I/.576 has only 35 men and is comd by a S/Maj , 6 Coy II/ 576 has 63 men and one offi cerwhile 9 Coy III/ 577 is non-existent, 578 Regt is in a worse posn the remainder of III Bn having been split up to reinforce I and II Bns. Losses in A Tk guns have evidently been high as many personnel from 14 Ooy 578 are acting as infantry ..

    65 Inf Div, came into the line on the 17 .Jun and suffered heavy losses at the hands of 8 Ind Div. Received a few reinforcements at the end of Ju~ Has been fighting delaying actions since comndtment.

    Strength is estimated between 2000 and 3000. 7 Coy II/14.5 reported strength 67. PW from 14 Coy 14 5 states only four A Tl~ guns left and told replacements not available, PW from 13 Coy 14& taken by RCDs 18 Jul states only three 7.5 em inf gunsand one 15 em inf gun left the others being knocked out byour arty. He had been acting as an infantryman \Uth 9 Coy III/146,

  • ..


    EXERCISE i'H ll.LBILLY11 20 - 22 Jul 44

    Ref Sheets: 162 III, 174 IV, 1/50 1000 161; 162, 172, 173, 1/100,000

    nmEX 1 - Exercise Notes No 1

    lNDEX: 2 - Adm.inistrati ve Nqtes No 1

    TimEX 3 - Instruction to t Enemy' roroe and Umpires (Limited distribution)


    Appx A - Trace of routes of 1 Cdn Div adv

    B -Appx Int Summary at 2000 hrs 20 Jul (to be issued later) Appx a - Sigs diagram for ops net

    E~eroise Hillbilly .. .. -

    ~pp:x: D - Sigs diagr~ ~or opnt~ol net 3Xercise- Hilllii-llY


    P.PCLI Searorth of c L Edmn R

    - 8 ... 8 - ~2

    (less index .3) {less index .3) { inol index 3)

    5 Fd Amb 1 Cdn D.lv (for infm)

    - 2 3 (all indices )



    Exercise Notes No 1


    2 CIB/ 4-0 15 Jul 44

    Re~ Sheets: 162 III, 174 IV, 1/50 , 000 161 ,162 , ~72,173, t /100 , 000


    Three aspects of trg vlill be stressed:

    (a) Physical conditioning of tps (b) Fractical testing of tactical handling of tps i n

    mountainous country and the various methods of control .

    {c) The praoti ce of adm. in country where wh vehs cannot op .


    Seaforth of C and PPCLI will be leading bns of 2 Cdn Inf Bde. In theory, L Edmn R will be r es bn but Will in fact , act as ' enemy' and Umpires.

    HQ, 2 Cdn Inf Bde will move during the exercise and will function in the dual role of oomd and control .

    Axty will be represented by POO parties. Regts in sp will be imaginary.

    5 Fd Amb will provide a Car Post for the op .

    :ENEMY and UMPIRm

    L Edmn R will pro vi 'i.e ' enemy' force . IND'EK 3 -Instruction to'Enemy' force and Umpires has been issued to L Edmn R. CO L Edmn R will detail a ~d offr as OC ' enemy'.

    L Edmn R vdll provide a senior NCO umpi re wit h each fwd pl of attacking force and one offr umpire with each rifle coy of both bns .


    Enemy has offered resistance with arty , SA. fire and small det of tks . PW interrogation and a captured document indicate en-e!".y is reti r ing on S GUILIANO , 5317, but intends to fight a firm delaying action on all rds leading f'wd .

    . .. / 2.

  • .,

    - 2 -

    ]hemy ?.:. >"~ estimated to have on the two di v axes elements of one Pz bn, two inf divs (reduced strength) and one E.ngr bn. The tps are tired ..

    The terrain in CERRETO ~ CUSANO area is high rooky and cut up by wadis, Brs at 466984 and 450997 are known to be denm1ished.

    1 Cdn Di v with RCDs 1 eading is ad v by AMOROSI: 38 88 , GUARDIA 499.5, MORCONE, 5504, S GU~I.ANO, 5317 (see trace 'A') ~tfirst light 20 Jul, RODs report leading el&~ents have 'cleared CERRATO and. GUARDIA.

    2 Cdn Inf Bde has been ordered to clear the minor let't flank axis of adv through CUSA.NO and J?IEI'RAROIA to GUfillDIAREGIA. ( se~ trace 'A')

    By night 21/22 Jul, bde is ordered to secure CUSANO and PIETRAROIA and carry out the adm build up for adv on GUA..."'IDIAREGIA.

    Engr resources are fully employed on main div axis and are NOT available for br ops or rd improvement.


    A secondary rd exists from FIETRAROIA to GUARDIAREGIA.

    A Fd Regt is in sp 2 Cdn Inf Bde and bde has call on div arty.

    Local Air supremacy has been achieved.

    DURATION OF EXERCISE ---Exercise vdll corrunence 0700 hrs 20 Jul 44 and term-

    inate 1200 hrs 22 Jul 44.


    0700 hrs 18 Jul 44 offr Umpires and coy comds of 'enemy~ f orces IN ;;.ri th contrQl staff blown br 466984. Bring haversack lunches.

    1700 hrs 19 Jul 44 - Bde Comds 0 Gp at HQ. 2 Cdn Inf Bde.

    07~~~s 29 Jul 44 - L Edmn R in bde assembly area, S LORE!'TZELLO, 4.597.

    - PFCLI and Seaforth of C commence tactical march to awsembly area.

    0900 hrs 20 Jul 44 - REmoe po.rties--.Pl>CLI, -Seaf-orth o:.:. 0' ltf -.ri th h de 1ep :r.d,, f a:t-1

  • 0~00 hrs 21 Jul 44 - adv by inf bns ;from ~ SANNI'l"'A,t 4 98, along highway to seize CUSANO, 4204, and PIETRABOIA, 460 5

    Nigqt 21/22 Jul 44 - consolidation and patrolling with Seaforth of e holll.i.ng CUSANO area and PPCLI holding PIETRAROIA. Adm build-up for proj eo ted further adv will be proceeded vd th.

    22 Jul 44 - Units return to S LORENZELLO area and embuss to unit lines.


    311 mortars will be taken fwd of assembly area by pack,


    Units vdll each take 4 A tk guns on exercise for protection of assembly area S LORENZELLO.


    2 Vickers MGs will be tal(en fwd of assembly area by pack. Other pl persDnnel may be employed as bearer parties.


    Will be used to provide mob protective force to unit recce parties proceeding to S LORID~ZELLO area.


    Will be org to aid in keeping up adv past obstacles and demolitions.


    See Index 2.


    All methods of intercomn viill be practiced. Part-icular attention ~;rill be paid to employment of 38 sot and all forms of visual comn.

    See Appx C to Index 1.

  • I ~ .


  • J. r;ran for One l at on rc

    Freq - ,SSO E/os

  • \


    Aaro Notes No: 1

    2 CTBj 4-0' 15 J'l.l.l. 44

    :ffiDEX 2

    Ref Sheets: 162 rrr; 174 rv; l/50,ooo 161,162,]. ?2,17}, 1/100 ,ooo



    ].. A mule train will be under comd 2 Cdn Inf Bde and Will be sub-allotted.

    2. Units will move normal F and A ech vehs to assembly area S LORE!.:J'ZELLO area 4597.

    These veh ~dll move from that area under bde contro~ on di v main axis {this move is NOT actually contemplated) B ech vehs remain present areas.

    ;. Bearer parties will be org in assembly area under unit arrangements.


    4. Sandbag rations -vrill be prepared by arrangement BRASOO. 72 hrs will be issued to L Edmn R,- 48 hrs to PPCLI and Seaforth of c.


    .5 Units will continue to draw from present pt.



    6. Replentishment by unit arrangement.

    0Vvn tps Enemy U:::api.res

    denim and steel heL~ets -. KD and berets - denim, berets, web belts

    All tps will vvear battle order and carry norm.al amn loads but unit comd may scale d wn eqpt where so doing vdll NOT prejudice the efficiency of the fo roe, Blankets ~till NOT be carried.


    8. 5 Fd Amb ~11 sup medical installations in cone area vicinity tao bde H~, moving facilities to area 466982 vmen units adv,

  • ... - .

    " ... ~ .. - _,.. --. .. . . . . .;

    2 -


    9. Water in T TITERNO may be used with 4 scoops sterilizer per 100 gals anywhere N# of stream june 464984. Water will NOT be used SOUTH of this pt but must be brought from normal sources.


    ~o . The highest standard of precautionary measures will prevail throughout exercise . Nets , cream and mepacrine will be used by all ranks.

  • 1Gll!ll 1 ~for Control. dot on


    Do rol. l' .. 7 R/o

  • THE SEAFORTH HIGHLANDERS OF CAN ADA -o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-oo-o~o-o~o-o-o-o-

    P.o.w. and Missing Personnel as at 31 July 1944

    -------~~-----~-~~----~ P.o.w. ~ Capt Gordon Noel MONEY Maj-or J'amea Walker BLAIR Lieut Victor Campbell 1WORE

    Ml02901 Pte Bietz, F K67378 Opl Brown, C. L. K5047l Pte Devine~ E. Ko2172 Pte Hill, u. 1 K5Q081 Pte . Jackson, L,T. K3g63.7 Pte Reid, G. A. K5328? A/Qpl Swanson, A.G. K~471 AIL/C. Wharton, W.E.

    M!SSING Lieut W~lliam Russell ARTINDALE A/Major L eigh.';Morgan McBRIDE.

    H4ll00 Cpl Andersen, Hi K~~5 . Pte Bagstad, E. A. K5254-0 Sgt Brammer, R.N. Ml052ll Pte Branton, K. ~:46. 0f38g105 Pp !ee Brown, \\T L a ., Browne, W. G.-M.-M31 52 Sgt :9unnage, A.-M.-LS6785 Pte CairnsJ T~R.Ml06gjg rte Chiesa, v. Kl6345 Pte Chipman, B.R.-M567S7 Fte Chisholm, R. K53671 L/Opl ClEl.son, G. F. K76499 Pte Consterdine, R.J. Ll01278 Pte Derjes, c.w. K42g53 Pte Dyck, J.B. K6g5o1 A/L/C. Elnicky, J. KJ.6529 Pte Ferguson, c. F. Ml07675 Pte Flett, W.N. Ml07161 Pte Flynn, P.J. Ll5~86 Pte Folk, M. K76Sl~ Pte GGary, D. Bl43554 Pte Gendron, J.R. Ml07212 rte Gibson, F.H. Ml07355 Pte Giguire, J.L. D33l01 Pte Gordon, E. Ml06S06 Fte Guynn, C~ G. M106697 Pte Harasem,. G. K'9367 Pte Hills, rt.

    5 Aug lt3 5 Aug ~3

    13 Feb 44

    25 Jul 43 7 oct 43

    25 Jan 4z:t. 7_ Dec 43

    25 Jan 414 -16 Oct 43

    6 Oct 443

    9 Dec 3

    Dat_e 23 May ~~ 23 May ~

    23 May 44 23 May 44 21 Jul 43 16 Apr 44 23 May 44 23 May 44 1~ Feb 44 23 May 44 23 Mny 44 16 Apr 44 23 May 44 23 May 44 23 May 44 23 May 44 23 1-'!ay 44 23 May 44 23 May 44 23 May 44 23 May 44 1~ Fcb .44 23 May 44 23 May 4 4 2~ May 44 23 May 44 23 May 44 23 May 44 23 May 44

    F7593'1 Pte Hodder, H. K42326 A/L/C. Hollingsworth, J .. A.

    23 May 44 23 M,sy 44 16 Apr 44 23 May 44

    ., ..

    K5711S Sgt Irving, s. \v. K68609 Pte Johnson, ~H. K52912 rte Johnstone, R.M. F39635 Pte Jollimore, H.G.

    23 May 44 23 May 44 23 Me.y 44

    . .

    Posted to X-1 in X L1 s t D-. 0

    X37/44 X37/44 X77/44

    13A/43 X37/44 X77/44 XJ{/44 X77/44

    i~t~tttt (not available}

  • MI8SING (CONTID) fage Two

    BJ.l+-3g19' T'te Kilbey 1 G .. A . K62993 rte Le.ughren, M~ S. Kl543S Pte . Leslie, C.o. K42641 .A/Cpl MacDonald, D.R. O.rn) r-1100469 Pte McCracken, W.:R_. -K50622 Pte McDonald, G. W. K529S5 . S~~ McGowan, b . K~2530 A/CSM _ McMulle~, F.D. Kii-2692 Cpl Moore 1 t. J .. L.66274 Pte Moran, C,J.

    HJ9102 CSM Moss, W.F. Bl4)644 Pte Noble, L.B. K50514 Pte 0 'Brien, A.J. K52751 L/C,l O'Brien, J,A. M103956 rte o sbak. A. H. K92~7 Pte Roberison, J.R. M2049!0 Pte Rooke, G.~. L3624 A/C-pl St Germain, A. Hl013 1 rte S1:mpson, G,W. !{'..01967 Pte Teggart, R. K51503 Pte Thomas, J .c. K49379 Pte Tricker, E.D. K20070 Fte Ve..n Norman, W. J. Ml0773S Pte Wedge, E.J. Ml076~4 Pte Whitten, D. s. K62054 Pte Wilkin, F. S. K51125 Fte Wi.lliams 1 E.H. 1~52567 Pte Wood-Taylor~ . R. H.


    23 May 44 13 Feb 44 29 Jan 44 23 .May 41+ 23 May 4 4 23 May 44 23 May 44 23 May 44 23 May 44 23 May 44 23 May 1+4 23 May 44 15 Apr44 27) May 4 4 23 May 44 15 Apr 44 16 Apr 1+4 23 May 1+4 2~ May 44 23 MaY 4 4 23 May 44 ' 23 May 44 23 May 44 23 May 4-4 23 May 44 2"i May 4:4 2~ May 44 23 May 44



    . . - ' .... - ' '- ..

    Posted to X-6

  • ~


    Q 0 t

    0 ~

    ... a

  • ),000 THIRD EDITION SHEET 173 758 OOOmE





    0 w 3 z


    REFER TO THI ITALY I 5 0,000 Sh

    A.f 1613

    Note T h1s Sh eet falls


    !.!ll r~~r .. eH t d i t cf 10"'"" , .... ~ ch lll'"'t IO ,,.d rorl l l> t fit"'" (. TU>l t dCo!POII t U . J lr t C ~ "Or/ ' '"'" ' "" ' " "''~I" C ~"C" l~ r i ~ IJtl/ l"ttlt t f i C"tf

  • 1:50,000


    For use by War, Air and Navy Department Agen des only, Not for sale or distribution.


  • War Diary - July 1944War Diary Appendices - July 1944War Diary Maps - July 1944