58th Anniversary Georgia District Convention Souvenir Journal



Souvenir Journal of the Georgia District Association

Transcript of 58th Anniversary Georgia District Convention Souvenir Journal

Award Name Chapter College/University

College Brother of Year

Scholastic Achievement

Leadership Award

Service Award

Alumni Brother of Year

College Chapter of Year

Alumni Chapter of Year

Charles H. Wesley Award

College Chapter

Alumni Chapter

Charles W. Green Award

A. M. Witherspoon Leadership

Scholars Bowl - 1st

Scholars Bowl - 2nd

Scholars Bowl - 3rd

Oratorical Contest - 1st

Oratorical Contest - 2nd

Oratorical Contest - 3rd

Step Show - 1st

Step Show - 2nd

Step Show - 3rd

Spirit of Brotherhood Award

Best Project – Alumni

Best Project – College Best Display – Alumni Best Display – College Miss Black & Gold 1st Runner-Up 2nd Runner-Up Talent Award Winner Miss Congeniality

Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc.

Rules & Credentials of the 58th Georgia District Convention

The report of the Committee on Rules and Credentials outlining the procedures governing the conduct of the 58th Georgia District Conference of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc., to wit:

1. The District Director is the Presiding Officer of the Conference and he shall be an “Ex-Officio” member of all committees.

2. All chapter financial obligations to the District Office must be current before certification of any of the Chapter’s Delegates.

3. No Brother may be admitted to a Convention Business Session without the Convention Badge, Convention Wrist Band, Current Pass Card, Life Membership Plate, or Special Pass Card signed by the appropriate conference officer.

4. Delegates shall present their credentials to the Committee on Rules and Credentials to be certified. The credentials required are, the Convention Badge, Convention Wrist Band, Current Pass Card, Life Membership Plate, or Special Pass Card signed by the appropriate conference officer.

5. There shall be at least two (2) Sergeants at Arms at the entrance to the assembly hall to facilitate admission and to maintain order. Entrance and exit to the assembly shall be through the main door(s) designated by the Sergeants at Arms.

6. Brothers attending the Business Sessions, Fraternal Luncheon, Oratorical Luncheon and the Miss Black & Gold Pageant of the Georgia District Conference are required to wear:

Suit and Tie Blazer (Coat) and Tie (A Line Jacket/Sweater is not a Blazer/Coat and cannot be worn) No "frat", "tee", or "tank top" shirts shall be worn. No hats or any head cover shall be worn while inside buildings, unless for religious or medical

purposes. Proper behavior and decorum is requested and expected at all times

7. At the opening of each business session, the Committee on Rules and Credentials shall give a status report to the Conference on all Certified Delegates, Non-Delegates, and visiting Fraternity officials in attendance.

8. To prevent unnecessary interruptions at any formal meeting or session, Brothers shall place their electronic devices (phone, pager, etc.) in the off position, vibrate, or silent mode. A $25.00 will be charged to Brothers violating this rule.

9. Delegates shall be seated in the section of the assembly hall “designated for delegates” by the Sergeant at Arms and shall be identified by a Conference Badge bearing their name and the “DELEGATE designation as certified by the Committee on Rules and Credentials.

10. One-fourth (1/4) of registered delegates shall constitute “a Quorum”, as provided in the Constitution and By-laws of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc., Georgia District Association [Article II - Section 9 1.1]. In a scheduled assembly, the necessity of “a Quorum” shall apply to the session’s initiation, conduct of business and incidence of organic legislation.

11. There shall be an easily identifiable space between the seating areas for delegates and non-delegates.

12. Non – delegates Brothers shall be seated in other specified sections of the assembly hall. All Brothers with 50 or more years of service shall be seated on the 1st and 2nd rows to the right of the podium. All Non - delegate Brothers in good standing shall have the same rights and privileges of Delegates, except the right to vote on agenda items and in the election of officers

13. Brothers wishing to participate in floor debate or address the Brothers assembled, must obtain the attention of the Chair, approach the designated area, and identify themselves by Name, Chapter and City/College/University prior to addressing the body. Once the presiding officers acknowledge the number of brothers at the microphone to address the conference, the microphones will be closed.

14 The Regional Vice President and Assistant Vice President, Past District Directors, General officers, District Board Members, Chairmen of Standing and Special committees and the delegates from alumni and college chapters are entitled to ONE vote when addressing motions, and elections that occur during the District Conference or other matters that come before the District Conference.

15 The program presented by the designated District Officer, both printed and electronic shall be the Official Program of the Georgia District Conference once adopted by the delegates.

16 Past District Directors, District Officers, General Officers, visiting Regional Officers and Committee Chairmen not seated on the dais, shall be seated on the first 3 rows to the left of the podium in the section designated for delegates.

17 The Parliamentarian shall be seated on the dais next to the presiding officer, who will normally be seated to the right of the podium.

18 Roberts Rule of Order (newly revised) shall govern the Georgia District Conference, except in the matter of debate, in which each speaker shall be limited to no more than two (2) minutes. Additional time may be granted at the discretion of the District Director or Presiding Officer.

19 There shall be no verbal reports of District Officers or Committee Chairmen - except the presentations of the District Director, Assistant District Director, Budget and Finance Committee, and essential “working committees” of the District Conference. District Officers and Committee Chairmen shall be allowed time, not to exceed five (5) minutes for emphasis, summaries, and recommendations of their reports.

20 The Georgia District Conference shall not entertain for discussion, at the time of its presentation, any matter which in the course of the Conference procedure can be considered by an existing or established Committee.

21 In the case of Nominating speeches, there will be a time limit of three (3) minutes. Seconding speeches shall be limited to two (2) minutes. There shall be only one (1) nominating speech and not more than two (2) seconding speeches per candidate.

22 A record of eligible voters certified by the Rules and Credentials Committee shall constitute the Official Voting personnel of the Georgia District Conference. During elections, delegates must present their Convention Badge, Convention Wrist Band and one other form of ID, in the event a question in regards to the Brother’s identity arises.

23 Campaigning, including distribution or posting of candidate’s literature or speech making is restricted from the designated polling area for voting as posted on the day of the election.

24 Information presented during the District Conference is to be considered proprietary to delegates and brothers registered for the conference and should not be disseminated until the conference has reached completion.

25 Video or audio recording of any business session PHOHIBITED unless previously authorized for official purposes. Anyone in violation will be escorted from the room immediately by the Sergeant at Arms and shall not be allowed to return.

26 Smoking and Alcohol is not permitted during the Business sessions, activities, functions, and events of the District

Conference, except in designated areas.

Stop by Our Table Located in the Savannah Room to Sign Up

Benny G. Hand, Chairman Everett F. Patrick R. David Freeman

Jerald J. Butler

The Brothers of the

Epsilon Beta Lambda Chapter Macon, Georgia

Send our Best Wishes for a

Successful District Convention

To the

Beta Phi Lambda, Delta Eta and Xi Tau Chapters

Save the Date

The Georgia District Education Foundation, Inc. The Georgia District Association

Thank the Walmart Foundation

& Mr. Jermaine Jackson

For Supporting our Efforts to Create the Future