
odontgnic myxoma is one type of odentogenic tumor , slow growing , and with a potential for aggressive behavior . what characterized it that there is no lining will show in the radiograph so it looks more nastier , myxoma is a benign lesion , but what characterize it that it don’t have will delineated borders , so when doing surgery we have to be aggressive as we treated ameloblastoma i.e. resection . because it can infiltrate where you can't see neither radiographicaly nor clinically occur commonly in the posterior mandible , rarely on posterior maxilla May cause displacement or root resorption of teeth if you weren’t aggressive and did just curettage it might recurrence in a matter of fact it’s consider as a persistent lesion because the lesion was not completely removed one of the main characteristic feature of cancer that it always penetrate the basement membrane , so when you see a lesion with no boundaries you will think it's sinister and nasty


maxillofacial surgery

Transcript of مستند

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odontgnic myxoma

is one type of odentogenic tumor , slow growing , and with a potential for aggressive behavior .

what characterized it that there is no lining will show in the radiograph so it looks more nastier , myxoma is a benign lesion , but what characterize it that it don’t have will delineated borders , so when doing surgery we have to be aggressive as we treated ameloblastoma i.e. resection . because it can infiltrate where you can't see neither radiographicaly nor clinically

occur commonly in the posterior mandible , rarely on posterior maxilla

May cause displacement or root resorption of teeth

if you weren’t aggressive and did just curettage it might recurrence in a matter of fact it’s consider as a persistent lesion because the lesion was not completely removed

one of the main characteristic feature of cancer that it always penetrate the basement membrane , so when you see a lesion with no boundaries you will think it's sinister and nasty

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radiographic feature

- lesion of mixed density, - multilocular or unilocular - step leader pattern

treatment :- resection with 1 cm safety margin

calcified odontogenic tumor " Pindborg tumor "

it's a very rare tumor very unlikely to phase in your entire life , only 200 cases were reported worldwide .

mixed radioobaque radio lucent lesion associated with an impacted tooth

ct scan coronal cut showing mid facial bone , obliterated left sinus with mixed lesion

treatment it resection with 1 cm margin

adenomatoid odontogenic tumor

it a hemartoma , it was previously called adeno amelo blastoma , in the anterior maxilla asociated with a tooth " canine "

it resemble amelobalstoma histologicaly but it acts differently , the lesion will grow till reach to a certain limit then stop growing so they classified it as hemartoma not a tumor

treatment :- enculation with removing the associated tooth

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fibro osseous disease

in the previous lectures we talked about a lot of lesions what’s combine them that the cell which form those lesions where odotognic in origin . Today we will be talking about lesions found in the maxilla facial area but the cell which respond for there formation is apparently not from an odentogenic source .

so if it's not from odentogenic source you can find it anywhere in the body , so its non odontogenic can tumor that might come in the maxillofacial area

in this disease there will be some sort of abnormity resulting in replacement of the ossteoblast with fibroblast ,That will start laying fibrous tissue . ossified cementum like lesions can be found , and the lesion might ossifed completelly into complete hard tissue not necessarily bone

there is three sub group for this diasese

fibro-osseous disaeas

fibrous dysplasia cement- osseous dysplasia

Fibro-osseous neoplasm

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fibrous dysplasia

There’s big controversy about it , some consider it as a tumor that should be excised ,while others consider it as hemartoma .

most likely it's hemartoatous

generally asymptomatic

maxilla appears to be affected more than mandible

and female seems to be affected more than males

period of activity and qusencse , it resemble cherabsum in this action

there is two type of it :- - polystotic -mono stotic

in case of maxillofacial area it's consider as monostotic if happens in mandible alone , or poly stotic if it happens in maxillofacial bone and anywhere else .

if it was polystotic and associated with other findings it is consider as a syndrome which is called Albright syndrome .

In craniofacial fibrous dysplasia we are concerned about the vital structure in that area i.e. optic nerve mainly ,in this case we must open surgically and do decompression around the optic nerve

Albright syndrome characterized by

polyostatic fibrous dysplasia

hyper pigmentations(café-au-lait spots)

precocious puberty in female

endocrine problem , and in male there will be thyroid problem

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it has ground glass appearance radiographically “ مطحون “ زجاج

there is a type of imaging called bone scan to show the activity of the bone over the body , the inject the patient with a tracer in then take radionucluar image to see where it's more absorbed “ the tracer name is Technetium-99m” .

in the jaw area of this patient there’s three dark spots meaning that those are highly active .

there’s two dark spots in the patient abdominal area representing the kidneys , because the kidney is a highly active organ same goes for brain and heart some in nuclear imaging those are showed dark

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Treatment of this lesion whith such a behavior is to intervene in the quiescent phase , because this kind of lesion is highly vascularised so if we decided to do a surgery the patient might lose high amount of blood resulting in his death !!

the treatment of choice is shaping or shaping or sculpting, same as cherabsim but if it caused compression of the optic nerve we must open and decompress the nerve .

some says that the lesion might have sarcmatios changes we should remove it by excision

and some claims that this lesion from the beginning is a low grade ostosarcoma and should be removed completely .

cemento osseuos dysplsia

has four types :-

Periapical :- the lesion is most commonly found in the mandible anterior mainly , like small target lesion around the apices of teeth , and teeth will be vital so the lesion is not inflammatory in origin.

Florid :- if the patient was followed up then this lesion i.e. periapical may ossified , or coherence with the lesion next door to become florid cemento osseous dysplasia "

focal cemento osseos dysplsia:- commonly founded in the edantouls area e.g. when you extract a lower right six and you founded a radiolucency and took a biopsy and turn out to be focla cemento osseos dysplsia not a radicular cyst acoording to histology

Familial Gigantiform Cementoma : it's (familial) inherited ,autosomaldominant , affect more than one quadrant of teeth , anterior mandible.

the etiology is unknown some theory says it's because of trauma happend to the crrosponded teeth lead to the formation of the lesion around the apices of those teeth


afro - american has the highest incident

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treatment :- if it was asymptomatic then no treatment we just follow up

if the lesion was infected , we should give antibiotics and deal with it .

Florid cemento osseous dysplasia

Fibro-osseous neoplasm

ossifying fibroma :-

the well known example of fibrosseous neoplasm , its tumor with well demarcated bordered ,mixed radiolucency found mainly below the root of lower first molar

Females > Male

It might be Peripheral(Outside bone) or Central (inside bone)

treatment is surgical to enculate the lesion

juvenile aggressive ossifying fibroma :-

it happens in an earlier age “below 15 years old” it's more aggressive it can easily expand and need to be dealt with aggressively mainly happened in the rest of the body

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osteoblastoma and osteoid lesion

osteoblastoma tumor happened in the rest of the body it maight happend in the maxillofacial area but it's very unlikely

what is very piculiar about it is pain

if the lesion was > 2 cm it is called osteoblastoma , < 2cm it is called osteiod osteoma they share the same histology

DD :- ossifying fibroma , fibrous dyspsia and osteo sarcoma Tx :- conservative surgical excision

chondroma , benign tumor of cartilage it need to be dealt with very consciously Painless slowly growing swelling which may result in mucosal ulceration we need to deal with it as low grade chondro sarcoma like fibrous dysplsia the patient should be closely foolwed up treatment is localised surgical excision

osteoma is a benign tumor of bone asymptomatic radio opacity periferal osteama or endoosteol osteoma

What's important to us in Osteoma is what is called Gardner's Syndrome,where there will be multiple osteomas, Intestinal polyps, fibromas of skin,epidermal cyst ,impacted teeth, and odontomas.

so we send him to a GI specialst to do tantheeer*********** to find multiple intestinal polyps ,the findings in the maxillofacial won't harm him but what is consider fetal is the intestinal polyps

synovial chondramatosis happens in the capsule around the TMJ

small particles inside synovial membrane pain and swelling , and sounds lose of occlusion& posterior open bite treatment open the capsule and clean it

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benign lesion conting bone and cartilage on MRI it appears as extraneous appendages toward the TMJ. It's usually more radiopaque than the surrounding mandible very unlikely to see

general role in medicine we treat the biology not the histology ; so if a patient came to you and he have growing a lesion with the histological report said nothing to worry you should trust what you see and interfere.the lesion happens in children and start to eat the bone , when you take a biopsy and send to histopathology they will come back with very beigh tumor they will say leave this tumor it's very benign and will do nothing ,so if you treat the lesion as the histopatholgiest has recommended the patient will lose the mandible and the maxilla , but if you treat the biology you need to be very aggressive to remove that lesion before it's eat the whole maxilomandibuilar area.

vascular malformation

if the patient came to the clinic and we want to do an excisional biopsy the first thing to do is aspiration to rule out any vascular mal formation .

vascular malformation is very unlikely to happens ,but if it happened once the patient might lose his life

it's a developmental lesion it will happened while the patient is born and it will get bigger and bigger as the patient is growing

it may affect soft tissue and bone Central vascular malformation :- it happenes inside the bone very rare but it's well documented intity

It's divided into : High flow Vascular malformation Low flow Vascular malformation

the High flow Vascular malformation is more dangerous Slowly growing expensile lesion of the jaw asymptomatic and if it's high it may be assciated with brueeeeee

"the sound of blood pumping " which mean that theres is puls Appears as irregular poor defined soap-bubble type lesion Cause resorption of root of the teeth why because it's high flow , and it's illdefined because it's inviding the

area with presure

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angiogram :- is an imiging modality for the blood vessele , the intervenisional radilogist will inject all the blood vesele that might givesss ** that area ,in the maxillofacial aare the dr will inject the facial blood vessele

it will give us that theres a large vessele due to empryolgical problem that supply the radio lucent lesion

the treatment in high flow is embolization is to occlude the vessele that supplys the area by special material and it's done by the intervenional radiolgist and it's very dangours procedure

so the lesion that was supplied by the vessele be blood free , then the maxillofacialsurgen will intervent and enculate and clean the area now why is this because although we occlude the vessle and the area now is dry but the body has the ability to form colateral vesssels .

so one of the treament option is just to occlude the area while the better option is enculate the lession after the embolization and to put a bone graft so that the space will be close so if colateral vessele occured it will not have a room to cause vascular mal formation

paget diasese

ostitist for man it resamble fibrous dysplasia because it has stages one of the clinical scenarios that the patient came to your clinic complying that his hat wont fit his head

anymore or as to dentist his denture, headache and symptoms due to vascular and nerves compressions panoramic radiograph you will find the cotton wool appearance

resorption of bone then period of high blood supply then the sclorsing phase

there will be vascular period

around the teeth there wil be hyper cementosis so when extracting the tooth it should be made surgcally

how to diagnos the patient he will have high serum alkaline phsphotase because of the bone resorption

treatment of paget diasese

treatment to prevent bone resorption , the heromne that is in responabile of replacment of the lost bone is calciotonine for inhbtion of bone resorption that occur in the first stage

or bisphisphonate to inhibt bone resorption

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those patient will die manily because of left side heart faluire because the bone resorption is taking place all over the body and it's being replaced by blood, so the heart now is obligated to pump heart to the bone all over the body ending by having heart failure

and the lesion might transform to cancer osteo sarcoma

one of the difficultiys that during the second stage there will be high blood supply in the body,so if we tried to do surgery in this area we may face tremendous bleeding and the patient may die !!

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