5*14 '03 4637*7*/( %&%-: &/$06/5&3 - Blue Titan...


Transcript of 5*14 '03 4637*7*/( %&%-: &/$06/5&3 - Blue Titan...



This guide is not an actual "How To". The purpose of this document is to motivate and inspire you to further pursue the tools, training and mindset that might aid in your survival during an actual life and death attack.

This document is also not law. This is merely my opinion based on my experience as a police officer a defensive tactics instructor and a martial artist. I am still learning new tips, tricks, techniques, methodologies, principles and concepts every day. Keeping an open mind and a willingness to learn is crucial not just for the student but also for the teacher. If you happen to have a suggestion, a tip or an opinion, I am sincerely interested in hearing it. Maybe it will lead to a version 2.0 and the appropriate recognition for your contribution to this book and my school!


. ou might find it ironic that the least important tip I can share with you for self- defense is to “Study Martial Arts” but this is the truth as I see it. Failure to follow the first 8 tips will put you at a serious disadvantage. And since we don’t want to spoil the tips before we get to them, you’ll have to trust me on that for now.

So let’s go ahead and assume you are a solid student of the first 8, which martial art should you choose?

Well…here’s what my life experience tells me: If you aren’t having fun, you will not be consistent. Without consistency, the style of martial art you are training in will become irrelevant. So rule #1 of choosing a martial art – make sure you try out a few styles and pick the one you most enjoy. This will be a great starting point!

Why just a “starting point”? That is because, truth is, the best self-defense system has no system. Bruce Lee created his own martial art because that is exactly what he believed. Martial arts like Jeet Kun Do and Krav Maga (my personal favorite of course) do their best at being a complete system, but just like the saying goes: “Jack of All, Master of None”. Taking Jiu-Jitsu will make you better at ground fighting than a Krav Maga student. Thai Boxing will make you a better striker. Escrima will improve your knife handling skills. Firearms training will teach you how to shoot.

So what does this all mean?

I’ll be blunt.

If you are a busy adult with a job and the burdens of life, leaving you with minimal training time to “get the job done”, it is my personal believe that no other martial art or self-defense system is as complete as Krav Maga.

If you happen to be one of those few lucky human beings that has copious amounts of extra time and money, I would recommend Krav Maga supplemented by mixed martial arts (specifically Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, Muay Thai, Wrestling and Judo).

If you refuse to train because you don’t believe in sweat or hard work, just watch the movie John Wick and hope for the best.


.8 Be HealthyLet’s call a spade a spade shall we?

Life is hard enough. Fighting is hard enough. And both of these things are even harder when you are fat.

Look, I was overweight as a kid. I understand that you can gain weight for a number of reasons like diabetes, stress or injury. I understand that busy people with busy lives have a hard time exercising. But while I understand all of that, I just don’t buy into them as valid excuses. I’ve spent the last few years of my life working with wounded veterans stuck in wheel chairs and missing limbs who work out more times in a single day than most Americans do in a month. We all have the same 24 hoursper day, what you choose to make a “must” versus what you choose to make a “should” will determine your weight and your health. Do you care? If yes, time to get your ass to a gym!

And why is this so important?

While many martial arts will try and sell you on the idea that their techniques are so amazing that size doesn’t matter, they are all lying to you. Size does matter. Strength does matter. Stamina does matter. If you want to improve your chances of surviving an attack, you want as many tools at your disposal as possible. Don’t neglect that which is easiest to do – like eat good foods and avoid bad ones.

Oh – and BONUS…you won’t look like a victim. How many of you, when you close your eyes and picture a victim, picture a fit, muscular, confident person? My guess is you picture someone overweight and slow or super skinny, frail and weak. Good news is, that’s the same picture criminals have in their mind as well. Simply avoid looking like a victim and that alone may be the difference in you avoiding being a victim!

Are you a begginer? Try Blue Titan's 6 Week Challenge, designed to re-ignite your spark and help you take your health and fitness back.

.7 Be Present!In a world where everybody can get hold of you in an instant, it is easy to be distracted. When you are out in public, be aware of your surroundings. Minimize cell phone use, minimize the use of headphones and at any given time, ask yourself “who’s behind me?”.

I remember in college I was part of a short social experiment where 20 people walked past each other in random order for 5 minutes. Throughout the entire experiment, only 4 of us looked at the other person as he or she walked by….

Ever been in a major city? The next time you are walking on a busy street, make eye contact with everybody walking by and I think you’ll find that 8 out of 10 people avoid making eye contact back. They will pretend you are not there. I’m not a psychologist and I can’t explain this but for whatever reason, people like to be invisible.

Don’t be that guy.

Say hello. Make eye contact. Get off your phone. Observe your environment.

Be visible. Be aware. Be Present.

.6 Be SmartCan we all admit that life is hard? We could be struck down by lightning or eaten by a shark. Some things are just random and there isn’t anything we can do about it. So yeah, life can be very hard.

But it’s way, way, way harder when you are also stupid.

Don’t park in unlit areas far from other people when you can avoid it. Don’t go to a dangerous area of a city without another person or two if possible. Or even better, don’t go to that area of town at all.

Don’t make a poor decision because you don’t want to be rude. For instance, if you are a single female, alone, and you need to get on an elevator, and the only other person is a large male you do not know, there is nothing wrong with waiting for the next elevator. It’s certainly smarter than locking yourself in a metal box with no exit. So what if he thinks you are rude, arrogant or aloof? And if 3 strangers are standing by your car in a near empty parking lot late at night, there is no need to introduce yourself. Ask an employee from the store to escort you, find security or call the police.

Bottom line, if it seems wrong…it probably is wrong. Make smart choices.

..5 Walk Like a Boss!If you look like a victim, you are likely to become a victim.

With the exception of sociopaths, most criminals would prefer not to get caught. They often choose poorly lit, poorly attended locations with few witnesses and an easy getaway. They then look for an “easy” target. Someone they feel won’t put up much of a fight and that can be easily intimidated.

It’s basically gambling. If you had to play your odds, which person is most likely to result in the easiest attack and the least likely chance of getting caught.

Make eye contact. Let people know you see them. Speak confidently and say hello if necessary. Walk upright, shoulders back and confident. Keep your dominant hand free of items when possible or put an improvised weapon in it (like a cane or sturdy umbrella). Look like someone not worth the effort.

In short…Let the would be attacker know "Who's the Boss"....

.4 Have a PlanWhen you go to a restaurant, where do you sit? Is your back to the door? Do you know where the entrance and exits are? Have you taken a quick look at everyone who is seated there? What about the potential weapons available to yourself if needed.

When you walk to your car, are you paying attention to your surroundings? People nearby, security cameras, law enforcement or security presence.

Don't be crazy hyper vigilante, but at least cover the basics! When I went to the water park as a child, before cell phones, I would have to repeat my home number, my parents would memorize the clothing I was wearing and we would have a meet location in the event we were separated or lost. Now you can even take a photo of your child so in the event of separation, you have an up-to-date photo with accurate clothing depiction for the police.

Wherever you go, whatever you do, have a plan to escape or fight back as necessary.

.3 ImproviseBruce Lee says it best. “Use the closest weapon to strike the most vulnerable target, as fast (and as hard) as you can”.

All the martial arts in the world won’t save you if you are stuck in a vacuum. Be willing to think on your own, to adapt as necessary. Hit Hard and Haul Ass! Stay on your Feet! Protect your face! These are a few principles to live by – but these principles can be improvised and implemented a hundred different ways.



How you make these things happen is irrelevant. Just make it happen. Be like MacGyver and Improvise!

.2 VisualizeHave you ever been in your kitchen and imagined running to the knives, grabbing one and using it to fight off an intruder? Have you ever thought about tossing your coffee in the face of an attacker, kicking him in the balls and hauling ass with your kids? Ever thought of digging your thumb in the eyes of the person attempting to rape you until his eye popped out of his head?

Sound crazy?

If it gives you the heeby jeebies thinking about it – what makes you think you’ll suddenly be able to do it when you are actually fighting for your life? Do you honestly believe you will, in that moment, be endowed with the courage, strength, intelligence and decision making ability to fight back?

It’s easy to sit on your couch, watch a video and say “How come he/she didn’t just….(insert dumb shit right here)?”. This is especially true for law enforcement videos. Why didn’t he shoot the leg? Why didn’t he use a taser? If only he was nicer? Why didn’t he use Jiu Jitsu?

No training does not prepare you physically and physical training does not prepare you mentally. Visualize yourself surviving, and doing whatever is necessary to survive. Run it through in your head so if you ever have to do it in real life, it won’t be the first time you’ve done it…technically.

.1 LoveLove yourself so much that you are willing to do whatever is necessary for however long it is necessary, in order to survive. This might mean taking martial arts. It might mean eating healthy and exercising. It might mean

putting your thumb in someone’s eye socket until they lose the eye, or biting off their fingers. It might mean hitting someone really hard, grabbing your

kid and running as fast as you can.

And to those survivors of a past attack, this is not an attack on you. We cannot be and know all things at all times. Violence is never "our fault" and is always the perpetrators. Don't let that incident or those incidents define

you. Love yourself enough to know it was not your fault and to keep moving forward...

Love yourself so much, you’d do anything you have to in order to survive.

If I could list "Martial Arts" twice, I would.

All the movies and all the cliches are all true.

Martial arts teaches you displine, courage, respect for others and pride in yourself. It instills a competitive spirit to push the boundaries. It improves your physical stamina and strengthens your mind.

One could argue that by taking martial arts, numbers 1 - 8 will take care of themselves.

In fact, I will make that argument right now!

Figure out what your main objective is, find a martial arts studio that brings you closest to that objective and make the comittment. Start training and reap the benefits from day 1.

And if you happen to live in North Jersey, check out Blue Titan. Tell the front desk you downloaded our E-Book and they will give you a week for free. Learn why as a police officer, I chose Krav Maga when it came to my own personal safety.

Get in Shape. Go Home Safe.



.Eric Basek is the owner and creator of Blue Titan Fitness & Self-Defense. He began his career in public service in 1997 as a volunteer EMT. After spending 4 days at ground zero in response to the attacks of 9/11, Eric was motivated to become a police officer and keep people safe here at home.

Eric spent 8 years in law enforcement, 2 as a full-time SWAT operator and 2 as a patrol Sgt. He began teaching defensive tactics in 2006 and firearms in 2011. His passion for teaching took over and in February 2012, Blue Titan opened up.

Eric has two Krav Maga Black Belts, he is a certified law enforcement defensive tactics instructor with the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center and Krav Maga Worldwide and he is an NRA & Sig Sauer Firearms Instructor teaching patrol pistol, rifle and active shooter.


Blue Titan has 20 certified expert instructors teaching

fitness & self-defense to over 300 students 7 days a week.

Learn more at: http://www.bluetitanfitness.com