
download 5102821_7069

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Transcript of 5102821_7069

  • 7/25/2019 5102821_7069


    Common Admission Test 2015 Admit Card

    Name :

    Registration Number :

    Date of Birth :

    Birth Category :

    PWD/ DA :

    Date and Day of Test : 29thNovember, 2!" #$unday%

    Time / $ession : 2&' P( to "&' P( / Afternoon $ession

    Test City :

    Candidate)s $ignature in

    *resen+e of nvigi-ator

    Test +entre :

    CAT Centre 2015

    Instructions to the Candidate

    !. The Admit Card is to be submitted for verifi+ation at the time of the test. At -east one origina- #not *hoto+o*ied or s+anned% and va-id

    #not e*ired%photo identification card #su+h as Co--ege D, 0m*-oyer D, Driving 1i+en+e, Pass*ort, PAN Card, oter D, Aadhaar,3D, dentifi+ation Affidavit% shou-d a-so be *resented .The +andidate)s *hotogra*h and signature images shou-d be -egib-y *rinted andvisib-e on the *hoto D +ard and shou-d mat+h the name on Admit Card. The Photo D +ard shou-d not be damaged or smudged.

    2. Print this Admit card on an A4 si5e *a*er using a -aser *rinter. Admit Card is va-id on-y if the +andidate)s *hotogra*h and signatureimages are -egib-y *rinted.

    '. This Admit +ard is va-id on-y for the test date and session time as s*e+ified above.

    4. Candidate will be disqualified from CAT 2015 if she attempts to appear for the test more than once.

    ". Candidates shou-d re*ort at7!0 A" for the forenoon sessionand at 100 P" for the afternoon session. No +andidate 6i-- be a--o6edinside the test +entre after 7&4" A( for the forenoon session and *ost 2&!" P( for the afternoon session.

    8. (obi-e *hones or any other e-e+troni+ gadgets su+h as 6at+hes, +a-+u-ators and stationary items -ie *en, *en+i-, and *a*er are N:T

    A11:W0D inside the test ha--. There is no fa+i-ity for safeee*ing of your *ersona- be-ongings outside the test ha-- and 6e are notres*onsib-e for its -oss. :n-y Admit Card ; Photo D Card 6i-- be a--o6ed inside the test ha--.

    e+t to the +ondition that the +andidate has fu-fi--ed the e-igibi-ity +onditions -ie a+ademi+

    ?ua-ifi+ation, +ategory, PWD status et+. as mentioned in her a**-i+ation 6hi+h is sub>e+t to verifi+ation in the +onse+utive stages of these-e+tion *ro+ess.

    12. #o request for chan$e of test centre will be entertained.


    P-ease Affi the same*hotogra*h as u*-oaded

    in the form




    12 km From Patiala Sirhind Road 12km Milestone Village

    Nandpur Kesho Patiala Punjab India 147001

    Patiala Institute of Engineering & Technology for Women


