510 - Roads

{ } Roads

Transcript of 510 - Roads

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{ }Roads

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{ }Sustainable Social, Economic, and Environmental Solutions

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I nnova t i ve Manu f ac tur ing

Sus ta inab le Bu i l d ing s | Re l i ab le Concre te

Modern I n f r a s t ruc ture

Env i ronmenta l Coa t ings | E f f i c i en t L i gh t i ng

Empower ing IT | Renewab le Energ y

{ }Por tfol io Solut ions

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‣ Integrate these transformat ive , env ironmenta l ly benef ic ia l , soc ia l ly respons ib le technolog ies to form a s ing le , comprehens ive development solut ion.

‣ Scale th is tota l so lut ion for use by a fu l l range of c l ients , l icensees , and jo int-venture par tners .

‣ Deliver f lex ib le , customized solut ions to meet the unique needs of each project .

{ }Strategic Object ives

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Apply the most transformat ive and versat i le technolog ies in the world to bui ld the world ’s most

state-of-the-ar t , env ironmenta l ly susta inable , and a f fordable communit ies .

{ }Mission

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RoadsMaking Connect iv i ty Atta inable

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‣ 510 Road Technology is a polymer chemica l technology that uses smal l , micron par t ic les to produce an extremely e f fect ive , low cost soi l s tab i l i zer - replac ing the need for asphalt or concrete .

‣ I t i s a breakthrough in structura l izat ion of nat ive soi l s for bui ld ing roads and a ir f ie lds .

‣ I t i s ver y eas i ly and quick ly appl ied .


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Current Uses‣ New Construct ion for Housing Areas

‣ Major Roads and h ighways

‣ Runways and Air f ie lds

‣ Rural and haul Roads

‣ Base Construct ion for Airp lanes , Hel ipads or Impact zones for a ircra f t

‣ Recycl ing of Old Roads

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Advantages‣ Product e f f ic iency : One ga l lon = 350

l inear feet of road 25” wide and 6” deep

‣ Saves t ime us ing in-p lace mater ia ls .

‣ Upgrades exist ing soi l mater ia ls .

‣ Reduces cost at ever y stage .

‣ Impar ts h igher strengths to soi l s where needed.

‣ Lowers cost by e l iminat ing expenses to impor t mater ia ls .

‣ Increases dens i ty, weight capac i ty, and compress ion strength .

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Advantages, cont.‣ 1/3 the cost of tradit iona l road construct ion

‣ Complete ly nontoxic and environmenta l ly sa fe

‣ Does not a f fect surrounding vegetat ion or wi ld l i fe

‣ Complete ly heat res istant

‣ Resists the ef fects of snow and ice

‣ Counteracts sur face tens ion of water

‣ Reduces machine t ime for compact ion

‣ Reduces maintenance on potholes and weather ing

‣ Less dust product ion, h igher tens i le strength

‣ Almost imperv ious to in f i l trat ion

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Local Investment ‣ Materials. 510 Road a l lows

transpor tat ion in frastructure development with the use of loca l mater ia ls - an impor tant hedge aga inst the r is ing cost of aggregate and cement .

‣ Jobs. Appl icat ion is an easy process that any road bui ld ing crew can perform, creat ing and keeping jobs loca l ly.

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Process 1. 510 concentrate is added to water2. Road is r ipped 6 - 8 inches 3. Water truck (with 510) pours water mix over the length of

the r ipped road (Repeated 3 - 4 t imes)4. 510 beg ins breaking down the soi l into u l tra- f ine par t ic les ,

eventua l ly fr iab le 5. Dry soi l i s added as more 510 mix water is added6. 6 hour wait t ime to a l low penetrat ion 7. Soi l i s poured over sub-base as more 510 mix water is added8. Layers of soi l are added as Sheep’s Foot machine grades9. Compact ion beg ins with Pneumat ic Rol ler, Double Drum

Rol ler10. Road is crowned for runof f11. Surface cures , more 510 is appl ied , and f ine grading beg ins12. Surface spray is appl ied and f ina l compact ion f in ishes the


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510 Concentrate

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The ground must be r ipped 6-8” to a l low the 510 to penetrate as deep as poss ib le .

The 510 mix is added to the water truck and

appl ied mult ip le t imes in many layers .

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Bonding SoilThe 510 uses a complex, b io-cata lyt ic enzymat ic

polymer base that breaks down a l l the c lumps of

soi l and prepares them to bond.

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Local Soil Local soi l and ingredients are added, depending on

their ava i lab i l i ty and composit ion, as the 510

bonds them to the r ipped soi l .

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Sub-BaseThe local soil is applied over the treated sub-base as the top layer

of the road is developed. A sheep’s foot machine is


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510 is appl ied aga in to th is f ina l layer as the double stee l drum compacts the road. A f in ish ing sea l and one last appl icat ion of 510 is appl ied and the road beg ins to

cure with in hours .

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Past Projects‣ 510 has been tested exhaust ive ly and

has performed ver y wel l over a decade of use .

‣ 510 has been used in mult ip le c i t ies in both the United States and Mexico - Monterrey, Mexico and throughout Texas , Cal i fornia , and Nevada.

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‣ Vision. We see the need for development to be Socia l ly equitab le , Economica l ly sound, and Environmenta l ly respons ib le .

‣ Access. We have bui l t the roads to make th is poss ib le , by being the ass ignee of r ights to these technolog ies .

‣ Value . We of fer exc lus ive and preferred access to th is ver t ica l ly integrated col lect ion of revolut ionar y technolog ies .

‣ Innovation. We are constant ly growing the network and qual i ty of technolog ies owned and represented.

{ }About SEEC Technologies