5 Tools Every School Should Have


Transcript of 5 Tools Every School Should Have

1 A School Mobile App

Parents and students often lead busy

lives with full schedules. With the

growth of smartphones, mobile apps

are a perfect solution to stay


A mobile app can help parents, students, and teachers stay

connected and share information such as:

• School calendars with important events and holidays

• Volunteer and PTA opportunities

• School newsletters

• School emergency procedures

• Urgent alerts and updates

• Links to school district information

• Listings of campus resources

• School activities and after-school programs

• School photo albums and social media links

• Links to educational resources

• Tools for reporting issues

• Facilitation of collaboration opportunities for teachers


Classroom Management Software It is important for schools to have effective, customizable

software while keeping costs to a minimum. Classroom

management software can provide a range of abilities and

features, depending on the school’s individual needs. This

software is ideal for keeping a classroom organized and

running smoothly.

Software such as LanSchool can:

• Track student progress

• Allow students to privately request additional help in the

classroom when needed

• Effectively administer distance education classes

• In computer education classes or classrooms where students

use their own laptop or computer, teachers can monitor what

students are viewing on their own screens, limit what they can

access, and even report inappropriate use

• Send messages and chat with individuals or groups without

disturbing other students in the classroom


An Anti-Bullying Program

According to the National Association

of School Psychologists, 160,000

students per day stay home form school

because of bullying.

Bullying can cause a number of

psychological problems in kids

including depression, anxiety, and even

eating disorders. It can also encourage

kids to seek acceptance by joining a

group or a gang that participates in the

bullying of their peers, leading to a

potential future of criminal activity and


When a school participates and

encourages anti-bullying programs, they

will see more students come back to

school, a reduction in violence, fewer

emotional issues in their students, and

da positive reputation in the community

for taking control of a devastating and

widespread issue.

4 Extra Help For Students

Childhood comes with challenges like finding friends, self-confidence,

and peer pressure. The ability to learn is another challenge for some

students. Many children are faced with different types of learning

disabilities, and if schools took the opportunity to cater to these

challenges to create a learning environment that built on their strengths

and offered additional help, you would see children who might have

been viewed as otherwise challenged start to thrive.

Aside from disabilities, there are students who are simply challenged in

certain subject areas. Not all families can afford tutors for their children,

and it would be ideal for schools to provide opportunities for students to

get extra help and attention so they can achieve the same level of

excellence as their peers.


A Garden

A school garden can have many benefits for

elementary aged (or even older) children and gives

them the opportunity to apply textbook information

to real life in a fun, hands-on way.

• Children can step outside of the classroom, get

some fresh air, and have fun while learning.

• Gardens teach about the cost-effective, healthy

eating habits.

• Children gain ownership and a sense of

responsibility over their school garden. It teaches

the basics of subjects like biology through plant

growth and ecology through insect and habitat


• A garden gives kids something to be proud of.

• It gives parents the opportunity to see the fruits of

their child’s labor and become more involved and

connected with their education.