5 Tips For Making Best Selling Pics

5 Tips for Making Best-Selling Pics

Transcript of 5 Tips For Making Best Selling Pics

  1. 1. 5 Tips for Making Best-Selling Pics
  2. 2. Main Tips 1. Make your profile stand out! 2. Capture the moment! 3. To use or not to use filter? 4. Make miniatures look good! 5. Promote your pics!
  3. 3. Make Your Profile Stand Out!
  4. 4. Many Instagram users like to curate a photo diary: updating pictures of their food, cats and parties.
  5. 5. But your profile can also be a sales platform to show off artistic, beautiful and inspiring photos.
  6. 6. Be selective. Publish only the best images. Be careful not to publish all your photos at once as some may be missed.
  7. 7. Despite things you do to promote your photos, none of it will matter if your pics are not interesting.
  8. 8. Capture The Moment!
  9. 9. News and media bloggers are your biggest fans and customers if you Instagram at interesting events. Explore, visit, participate!
  10. 10. There is nothing more exciting than having the ability to see and capture art everywhere: during a walk, while working, meeting friends, and even whilst eating!
  11. 11. Take photos of those everyday moments. The vibrant colours, interesting compositions, unusual perspectives, and funny or touching stories.
  12. 12. Dont lose the moments: emotions or actions can be more valuable than produced static pictures and can bring you more likes and sales.
  13. 13. To Use Or Not To Use Filters?
  14. 14. Weve all shared photos without filters before Instagram and its #nofilter tag. Filters can make your photos more colourful, bright and eye- catching.
  15. 15. Some photographers prefer a raw image taken with a camera, and it may be easier for processing and further use by your buyers.
  16. 16. Many new media outlets require well-composed, natural pictures for their news, web articles, and interviews. Websites may also want to use your photos for illustrations.
  17. 17. Make Miniatures Look Good!
  18. 18. Often photos which look amazing when viewed in a large format, can lose their beauty at reduced sizes. This is due to their colours, lighting or composition.
  19. 19. Promote Your Pics!
  20. 20. If you expect you can just post your photos on the site and they will get thousands of views, you are most likely wrong.
  21. 21. To gain more attention on your photos posted on social media as well as Lobster, you may want to use your blog and other social profiles to promote them.
  22. 22. Tell everyone about your accounts! Be active on other social networks, display links to your accounts on your blog and in your social profiles or pages.
  23. 23. The most important factor is that your social media can form a community. Dont forget to communicate with your followers and friends that show interest and interact with your posts.