5 themes of geography

The 5 Themes of Geography Objective: Students will be able to understand & apply the 5 themes of geography to actual locations of their choice


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Transcript of 5 themes of geography

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The 5 Themes of GeographyObjective: Students will be able to understand & apply the 5 themes of geography to actual locations of their choice

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5 Themes of Geography

1.Location 2. Place 3. Human Environment Interaction 4. Movement 5. Regions

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1. Location

What is the location of a place?

Location can be described as a places position on the globe

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Latitude: imaginary lines running parallel to the Equator

Longitude: imaginary lines running north and south between the poles

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The Equator is the imaginary line that splits the earth into 2 equal halves, or hemispheres between the north and south poles

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("World atlas.com," 2010)

North Pole 0 ̊N

South Pole 0 S̊

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Longitude lines, or meridians, run north and south between the poles

Longitude Prime Meridian=0 ̊through Greenwich,


Lines are measured east and west of Greenwich

up to 180 ̊

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("Port cities london," 2004)

(Gough, 2009)

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2. PlaceWhat is the character of a place?

What do you think of when you imagine… Such


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Physical Characteristics

Mountains, Climate, & Vegetation

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Human Characteristics

Government Systems

Economic Systems

Population, Language, &Culture

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3. Human-Environment Interaction

How do people interact with their environment?

Have the people living in an area changed their environment?

BuildingsBuild Roads

Cut down trees

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4. Movement

How do people, goods, & ideas move from place to place?

Transportation Railroad Roads, Highways Airports

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• Communication of ideas– Computers– Telephones/cell phones

All of these things make it easier to communicate & for both people & goods to travel from one place to another

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People, Ideas, and

Products   (P.I.P.)


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5. RegionsHow are places similar & different from one another?

A Group of Places

1 Common Characteristic


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Formal Regions-states, countries, cities-Places with specific boundaries

Functional Regions -one central place and the surrounding places affected by it-A metropolitan area could consist of a large city plus its surrounding suburbs

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Formal Map - Political

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5 Themes of Geography

1.Location 2. Place 3. Human Environment Interaction 4. Movement 5. Regions