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Edjtioii VOL. 15., NO. 06. ' Against Dis Sleepless Joliet In Hundreds Listen For “ Ghost” Song JOIIiET. 111., July a i WT)—On Pot- ter's fleW A fho»l ilnt» -« r doe« It? - SUll »lMplo« Irom Urt night. hundrwU Of JoUtt rwldenU ^ h i to inBwtr thU queiOon ««Hn to- ▼ fc Dtettt. 1 Ik- Hundred have told ot he&rtng ■■ lituttlcsl lAtln ctatnt on thei weed'l^t K eovertd burrlns ground near tho old ca prUon. The setting Is Ideal for a ghost: di I in this plot Hie burled convicts wbo PC r died In prison and whose bodies were unclaimed: nearby are the ir pi^lsm.walls that lobm as ddcs. of *1 a cavero In Ihe'dirkheas; there are ni DO names on the headstones. oi Por a week. Joliet has sought to solve the mystery ot song. Last U , hafpbeen other nlghU.-t*,.when^ I the hundreds gathered at the cene* I ' tery heard naught but the whine ot ^ the night winds, the howls of dogs, tl '-— .th e PffHwg «/*»•••«*>< nt niitiiwinMU d ' -brakes. ^ PoUce otfleers and the sheriff’s u forces have joined In the search— gi anxious to quiet the neighborhood, di And tenlght. the throngs gather* o' cd early.. ___ tt -BLACKFOOT MAN FACES TRIAL AFTER SMASHUP b AUEfUCAN PALLS. July Tt OF) — ^ Harold Fretag. BiacUoot. was bound I over tor trial in district court today i “ , tollowln? preliminary hearing on a charge of Involuntary maniUughter ^ In connection with the death ot John ' BatUer. Herndon. Kansu, tn an au* ^ toreobiie accident near here July 33. ^ Pretac'abondwasmedatllWO. Andrew Unger, another pasaenger- In the Kansas car. U in a aertoua coodltlou in & hospital her* from m> r jurle* received in th t baad>«D crash. J r Th« KMuaa VARy aOettd PnUg u * ^ntnloaUd at the tto* ot Uie aed- J THREE NOTED PERSON^ ' ! ' DIE IN ENGLISH-CRASH the famous azehltoct aod member I or ptu-llament, her son. Bnx*. and t Prlne« Otto SrbMh, Gtfrmanar. were i killed tonight when thelr alrpUne t exploded In the air. |l Mr*. Bossom wms Emily, daughter it ot iSamuel o . BIsyne, p r e u n t ot It the Seaboard MaUonal bank. New I York, betore ber marriage. c Bruce, who was 31. was piloting the t plane, whicn jeit iietw n alrorome, I Middlesex, eariy In the evening fo r < SoulhaTnpton. I The pUne was over Hankley com- '< --------mona-in-thoWlelnHy-oMhe-eountry M homes df David Uoyd Oeorge and Viscount Bhowden when it appeared P to break te pieces and crash to earth I wllh a terrUlc explosion. {i REQUIRE 20,000-MEN I; T in ; t r lhoUland~mea~wltbe'mploycdl] lor trom Ux to eight months and wlU i, -------- be paldmor*-th*n-MW>,i»&ln wa«-(l es for construction of army build-r Ings provided for In Ihe reUet bUli; whtn lt« provisions are carried out.: Airdromes, barracks, drlU halU.j. ------ gymnasiums and various olher bulld- ^ Ings at poftji scattered throughout l^_Uie_IJnUcd.fllat£Utftla.btbum ___ 9 CongTcu approprUted «IS.ISi.OOO p for the army buildings and it U es- timated that about 40 per cent of this I «iil go tor labor and the remainder for materials. i ! IDAHo I n OIANS UNITE FORTWOSUNDANCES ------ POCATEUO. IdahVJuly' 21 'U’i --------^S«-lh*-ilr»i-iime-ln lhe hlotory-olt the tribes, the Banntxk ani8ho« elione IndUna begflTthelr t^ V s u n dance stmultaneoutly with the set- ting of the Sim tonight. 8lxty-flve IndUni began the 73- hour grind at two separate, polnU, M Bannocks participating In a dsnce on Bannock creek 10 miles r.. p*y- lng their tribute on the Pon Hall north. iVJ" »“ iolnwl by ih9 Lemhli. Washakies and Sioux who corae annually in the belief lirlng thtm healtti, curing disease: a ^ driving away iie k n e is r,> ^ ^ ROSS SINGS PRAISES j -------------- OFIDAH^O|SPOTATOEsj NAMPA, Idaho, July 37 t# V -O o v ' ernor C. Den Rom today sans the' p»Uts oJ the Idaho tried poUto. the ! Idiho AhN'-strlnK potato, ihe Idaho 8»:a:.tried yo'.y.o snd other forms o'eco'/(?:i pstftio't In sddltlon to the; - alrtidr f»noi;s tdiho baked potato. I In sn sc■c:rf.^^ before the Rotary, club, h? filtl advfri:»lni of the Ida- i ho poU:o ai » pr?ml:r potato forj oUitr ;o:m» of ccoilnj than baking j mjtitd m.-u:t in fhlp.-nfflj of lOWX) TTJU w o jla bring « , CIO COO to the' tii'.Toiis and a Uk! tum fo: ser.eral. diriribuilon In the channel! i o; ihe»Mte. heisld. i He a.'s> trr*d crekt<*r corjerva- ilpn Of water in Idaho. j 5 TW Luan wanuBttB or - aatociA'np mm rfc ’1 .1.* isarmamenf'^ II Interest ot Administration, ^ However, In Borah^ Pro- J pesal Appears as Idahoan S Confers With Stlmson" 0 ■' fl (By The Aisoclatod Preas) fi W ASHINOTON. July 37-ActU- sl al diurmament by Europe was demanded today by Ben* » iator Watson. IndUna. the RepubU* p can leader, as a preliminary to any ij world economlo conference on war <t debte and reparations such aa pro* b posed by Senator Borah. Idaho. h • It U unthinkable." said Wateon p In a formal statement, “that we n should permit them (the European f naUons) (o keep' the money'they e owe us to enable them to buUd up larger military esUblishmenU on |; the Continent and as far as we can r se? that is their Plan and purpow." / ^IncldenUlly. Ambassador Edge i; In ParU today informed Premier o Herrlot that the basU for coopera- ; tlon between the countries lies In riliuirmiiTrifnt. ,j It was evident tenlghtat the capi- tal that the adminUtratlon U not | going to Uke the loltlaUve for downward revision of the war debU owed the United SUtes and will de- mand ' drastic. European disarma- m ent^ lu'price. ' Hofever. adminUtratlon interest in uKe IntemaUonal situation and ' Borah's proposal for a world eco- nomts' parley was manliest by a confMKM Ust'nlght between Sec- i retary SOnuon and the Idaho een- , ator. , ' SUmson called the meeUng and Borah's propoaitlon was dUcussed. , WbUe tbere w u evidence be had . re«lred-e»cou»gement. Borah de- clined lo eainment on the talk today ' and M U r. Stlmson. Wataoa-iBHMntUI Beoalor Wktson tald he had aot talkad VUb Prealdent Hoover on the : Borah plan, but hU steod w u ex* peetad to put a ebock under the wbeUa ot^tba world eonferenee movemant.-pending fresh dUarma* ment morU abroad. Wbataver tbe views of sUeot Hoover on tb i ( Borab M A tbey art expected to b« Innuenetl aomewbai by tba atUtud* t reached tbe White House from hH r London-post. HU visit’Commg at ] lh') time ot the discussion over debu s and reparations added tn ific a n c e B to the talk. Re emphasized that an {IntemaUonal conference would be r iclmosl ImposslbU before autumn f {because of Uie BrltUh Imperial paN V ley now In progresa at Ottawa. He declined to comment on tbe propos- e al otherwise. { The fWher' Ireasury h'ead dtliV- riered- a «r*t-hahd - report to the president and SecreUry .SUmson cf -.Ithe European situation, Including r (the -reoenl— Lausanne— oenferenee i [Which reached an agreement for the i [virtual ellmlnaUon of reparaUons. u I The sisnUlcant part of all the moves and talks at. tbe capltal^U I that no one either In official or -jirai-orndai^ireiei-Tui—ddnnucry- Iclosed tbe door against debt revUlon ^ (through an Intemttleaal-acoaomlo jftto-tsk-forthey debt-Ttltof when the “ first Installmenu after the one- :* year moratorium >«eome due next ■|Docember 18. Apparently. European f ‘disarmament Is the bargain the ‘■jUnlted States Intends to drive u iU ‘ ••part of the transaction. ‘I AMBASSADOR PAYS CALL -- — PARlSr<?u(j 37. WV-DUarmament « constUutet the buU for cooperation beta-een the United Statea and Eur- :r (ConUnuM On Page 3. Col. li JOOIEliSONS rjm FJflllKiN >• _____ '■ President Calls Conference To Find Ways of Making c! Five-Day Week Popular ill -------- WASHINOTON. July 37 (.»?-PrM- Idem Hoover will undertake next f Monday a new move to spread em- F., I ploymen; throughout the nation by ‘“ means c: a.wlder use.ol the five-day “' week in industry. I The Chief executive Usued a call ;laW today U> repTtsentatWes ol a recent New EngUnd Joint confet- t i i-nfo ntl 5 him at lhe White Housa lor a dU- ca-slon of “what further coordinsied V- ftcps caTj be taken- to shorten work- le,ing hours. M. Oovemor Winant. New Hampshue, 10 ia « week telegraphed M r. Hoover, ns rcflucstu.g U nt such a conference b« Mjheld, ;o.l T^ctuelexeajtlveUreadyhuln- ry , s.ntflea the departmenta of Uboi a-1 and commerce, in the light of the or I approaching oonferenceto resurvej w j the indw trui and employment fields 00 to determine for tu further u*e- le : the presloent ttld U itSaturdSv-^ a l. tnale coasttucUvt suggesilons anc rb ; B lih o’lr acrumulated exprrlrn.-f w< j should In a pouTion for a nea a-,r;sse for a::ion by fariher confer- I ones te:».’fen empioj-era and Uboi ‘ reprejentstlvea-1 TBB ONLY ASi - ______________ TWIN Nation^sMonetoy [ " Gold Supply(Jains'' Sum ofJ5m 400 NEW YORK. July 37 (A>—A net t galn of U.178,«00 reported In tbe natlon'a monewry gold stock* today was coupled with Indicatlona Uiat Uia gold movement now U veering from ParU to. New York, n. Todaj'a SnereasM tn Amti^ca’a t ^ gold supply consUied of $3^47.000 ' rt. ImpprU received here, a atilpment 0 of iliW W ) received In San Pran- clsoo and a decrease of 11.000.400 in in the amount of gold held under earmark lor foreign account.... 5n The new York import* consUted of a tl.479.700 “mystery shipment" from London and I1.4B4J00 received from Canada. The San Pranclsco lu* shipment came from China, ipe The shipment from EngUnd w u in* sent to the Guaranty Trust com- U- pany ot New York and w u original- ] ny ly from IndU, Until now mosl In- r >ar <tun gold received In London bad i ro* been reUyed- to ParU. New York i h u drawn Uttie ot it. Bankers ex- i ion pressed the belief the IndUn ahlp- i we ment via London m ay presage a i lan isiriy bean' flow of Indian and i ley BduWMrlean' told lo ihU' cbuiilfy: | up AuUiorllfeii on gold attributed the | on increase In American Imports te the un recent firmness of the dollar In the fL {oialgibexchy)aunAr^^_ThfJol- ' ige lar^wasnlgher again today In Urms ! iler ot the EngUsh pound sterling. Hoi- ' ra- Und guUders and Prench francs. * ic iiifiC E S - : § RISEW ITH STOCKS i s I co- Securities Ascend $1 to $4 i r a w; , On Share While Wheat ^ Climbs 2 Cents on Bushel Md. _____ had de- NEW YORK. July 37 m -W all day Street tumed bulUah on commodi- ties and securities alike loday. While wheot futures were being hurled up 3 cenu a bushel in the aot Chicago, leading snares. In the New tbe York stock exchange bounced ur_*1 ex* to 14 a share, to lhe best general tbe Urel alnce the second week of May. inea la the moA active tndUig tn eight ma> weeks. tbe Ib e stock market acted somewhat tba stunned for a time In the momlng > h« the magnitude of the detlclu re- ported for the aeeond quarter by . TTplttd S t t f f »»”'> nt.ttu steel eompanles. and the h li admonltl&n by the big steel maker'a r * t dlrecterate that further preferred ebu divi^nds would depend upon Im- ince provcment, but prices raced up mer- ' an riiy sfter mld-day. *** Wlille the flnancUl .dutrlct rtlll has IU skeptics, a number of bank- ers snd cconomlsU are again wllUng to hazard a gueu that things may P°** be .Kraplng botlotn. and hope that ness'msy M t"^?o% 'lia^\ntlii^ly IccUng'u ll wu lut year................ 5,n- The standard SUUatlcs company “I appreciation In values ot about 38 thA per cent since the June I bottom ,1 I, was duplicated leu than three weeks ago: O n 'U ie baaU o r u r c s l t.-iT-y- tsbiil-tlflni of-U f total vsliia of alL, i^on »h.%res Usted In the stock exensnge, jmto In quoted value wou1d_ap- p r ^ t ^ e ^ ^ e bug^ total ot some Hng ^uroaarf^TORomeTa^rooms-wnfSIP IhB wera daserted wnen prtce*- were Page 3, Col, 3> pean ' AMERICAN PUBLISHER ADVISES MANCHURIANS ' MUKDEN. ManchurU. (Thnra- day),-July38 WV-HengoTJapanese) LL, News Agency today reported that ^ George Bronson Rea, an American. 1) iiad been appointed advUer to the new Manehoukuo government. Rea IM ll the tin t OecldenUl emplo}‘ed by IL the Chang Chun reglme- |y He U the publUher of the innga- line "Par E utem Review" of Shang- I I I I hai and Is a staunch defender of l l y Japan's course In ManchurU. PRICEr OFIIONEWON ~ FARE'S DROP IN ITALY ,, ROMK. July 37 (/P}-H'rr comei <ing ihr hontjmooner*’ specUl! The italUn atate railways today u la r nnnoiuiced an 90 per cent honej-- moonerv reduction in round-trip tlck^u 10 Rome. The move wss Iniu- p—J. med by lhe govemment to foster In- ne»i marriagei. Coup^amu-Hpre/ent their tttddlni rertlflc»tes when applying for tick- •wUv ^ purchaaec »llhln a week after marrUge anC L e»ii they arj good for two weeks’ s u y lr the capital.- FARMER IN MINNESOTA LOSES LIFE IN STORK rork- -------- 1 DASSEL. Minn., July 37 ( /r ^ n « Ahue. man was klled and several othei Jover, ptrions were reported mUslng tn i ice be tornado whicli swept this \lclnit3 late today. u In- Two persons »'ere serloiuly InJur- Ubor ei «nd at le u t 3i others mifferec f the minor brulie-^ and cute when thi urvey storm d:moluhed buildings, fields AUGUST N1KKA. 75. farmer foui miles northeast of here, w u killed jnsf."' The tornado'iirst was noticed neai . "h u th j farr.' of Majnus Johnson. Farm- > ana «r-Labor candidate for congreai :e we xh?rc it dea'.royed a wlndmlll. . new- Thj South Kinjiton miisioi infer- •,-iir’i was «rc:Sed. together wltl labor j.n‘d'” g^ on several olher farmt I Hal] damaged crops. m o c iATBD PRESS m \y , FALl t'IN FALLS, IDAHO, THURSDAY p tifflniRiJininniLUi^ [) D[H[ Bto iHf - ii m S H >8 1 ______ C, » Program Approved by Con- 51 , ference Reserves British ", S Market for Farm Pro-ir m ducte to Dominions Alone Cl ,1” 8' ed - --------- ' lr CO By FRANK 1. WELLER . > (AuocUtod praaa Staff Cor* J; u r«fpondent) n- OTTAWA. OnUrlo. July 37 — A ll- program which would reserve tha ' n- markel for dairy produeU and meaU ^ sd In Oreal BrlUUn lb the British .do- ^ rk minions, and would divert mlUlona of X- dollars In trade from Uie United 1 P- Sutes. Denmark. Argentina and!, a RuisU. w u agreed upon loday by he ference. \[ u' Under thU pUn the tariff wall a ground Great BriU ln would be raU- * ed~agatnsl non*eipplte lilipoiU and HJ loopholes would be provided for U ii -'f: entry of dairy produeU and meatt J from tho oUier Datlons of the ep- :t , Dire._____________ ___ —: ___ [o The program re«Ut«d ^^ooJ a » *.•’ I ries of converaatlpna that hava beea I held by members of the varloua do* S «o be submitted to the BrttUh rep- resenuuves after examination o f{. the economic poaU- T he scheme en- ,* taiu a SO per cePt boost tn urlffa. ^ Empire dairy product* now enter the ‘ ^ British market tree from* duty and ^ foreign gooda are auessed about 10 * „} per cent. The dominions. It U un- derstood, dealw W have 10 per,cent 1* I preference maloUlned u a m ini-!' lei mum' with increasea ta « per ceat' on certain product*. '[ ■Tariff of 3 ceoU a pound on ali all foreign mesu except those coming { (Continued on P ^ e t. Col. 1) ing ----------------------------- I ‘^iUiSiWSSIJUIILL i s , * G E lR H K E l | i Mt KIEL. Oerravy. July 37 (/T) - ■ lng Na\-al officials InvestlgailAg the ‘ w - Jinking yistcrdar of the naval by training, ship Nicbe. with a los* of tba- 68-llves.-declarcd l«w^y nelther thB the officers nar the crew were retpoa- ’ W* slble for Uw dUaster. red The ahlp, a three-muled wind- Jammer..went dawn near Pehrman et' iighuhlp off Holstein, Many of those who pcrUhcd were cadeU who ttm were studying to be naval oftlcer*. tik- “When U»e aqusii atruek the ahlp." lng one of the sun'lvlng cadeU cald. lay ~tbe first officer had aufflclent hat presence of mind to shaut_a_cQm- Ml- mand.'.'air hands to starboardl" But igly 11 w u 'tw laic. bcarceiy «) seconos; later the Nlobe «niB on the bottom ,„y of the set." j ‘1 “' The sinking ol (lie Nlobe w u ’ ■TK Oermany*»re«lr«-»eadUartw'Btnee 3g the war. Vlrtuslly two third.i' of year's class of future naval officers ,ret PirtiliM . 1 rest ______________________ _____________________ Ilie S p it iHIP — ________ = = = = = -------------- ^ NS 'the - _ I [ '■»- (I I ' smes r Idlng IRM ■One jther- m inlty H || \ ijur- - fered ^ 1 me / lued.- ^ ______ :____^ ----------------------- arm- ireu. ision ■ with' ' »rm*. i *— " ^ySPAPER IN TWIN FAI Ls D. 3AY MORNING, JULY 28. 1082 HIGHLIGHTS ------------------------------------------------------------ NEW YORK—Slock market surg- ,, cd to new highs fnr U»e summer re- |f covery. Many Usues gala 3 or a I polnu, while United Stale* Steel i preferred regained a 4-polot loss. Coffee and colton also advanced. •CHICAGO—Wheat price* were I.' btlKfe'Vkih RklrA ot. 3 cents In moeV ; dellvftiM: other grain and commod- • u Ity prler.% rise in sympathy durlnk • «' the wwion. ■ CINCINNATI-Plg Iron eoncerns I* In Cincinnati reported butlneu gains averaging from 30 to 34 per le cent, dealers declaring there w u a rneral feeling of opUmUm In tbe Industrj'. HARTFORD. CONNECTICUT — Connecticut Chamoer of Commerce . reportwl after a survey of tha atata"]* . 16 InrgKt cities that ImprovemenU were noted In postal receipt*, bank , ^ debits, rlpctriclly consumpUon. cot* ' . ten conjumption, autemobUe and life Insurance sales. Bankruptelea ’i ‘ decrea.wc!. * cmcAUO—Leading rallroada — “ 'Including Atchison. MUsouri-Kan* 1 {su-Texwi. BaltUnore and Oblo and ■ ••.(Ncw-Vofk. Contral-raportad—lm . 1 jprovfd rftrnlngs for June. Two BmsIIer Unes said earning* were ' i l l above 1031. ) s-|v CHICAGO—The Norge corpora- l id-Hlon.— refrtgenitOr*-mKifltactm4ng ' l i .firm, announced iu buslnea* for lu t t* 'June was 20 per cent above that for ' 1- jthe same month In 1931. Company ' Offltuin nrrdict/'d the Imnrovement ..•would continue. ,Q "YOU.VGSTOWN, OHIO — Four 3. RepubUe Steel corporation sheet J, mllU at Warren. Ohio, resumed op- erations, giving wdrk lo 100 men. ^ NEW YORK—Favorable dividend '(cUoT\ «a& Uken by BuTtougha Ad- [. {ding Mtchllle company, Deere and 'Company.'and Vick Financial cor- poratlon. The New York Ufe In- -n surance company announeed IU (payments In th r first alx montba of ilD33 were $133,000,000. Including |«31,000.000. In dividends. ; CiliCAGO—The price movement ,of heu\7 melting steel aerap, some- times regitrdcd na a bualneaa bato- I" meter. Is upward. It h u advanced ^ CO cenU a ton In the Chicago area. GLOUCESTER, M A S S A C H U - SETS—W lth the sUtement that they anticipated ~an early improve- ment In bualness," the Oorteu-Pew FUheriex, Gloucester, today opened I a new canning plant to be devoted tntlrely to production ot todll-sh ‘caksi. The new pUnt h u a capacity |0t 60.000 can*-a day. ;;; Firemen Ask Cliief , To Attend Blaze— 5 ; A t His Own jfoing e p o K A N \ July 27 VPh-»PO- id- kane flremv) are a friendly lot. an AsslsUnt Plre Chief WlUUjn of Payne IQougbt - today when a ho group of the boys on a speeding r*. hook-and-ladder yelled lo him to p." ••come on to the fire!" as Uiey lore Id. p u t. siren howUnc. ■nl The assistant chief turned and in- _gave chue. /T h L i is the lut they ever begged _Bc to wme )4Sj along," he recalled to'hU c h a iif^ am -feuy. - . ........................... I. By ths time Payne's car caught li-u up with the fire-truck, firemen, ice •had sXtingttlsJied a small blszcTit'" of the h:me of tiie awUtanl chief, era and we.*c r:-oloKliing for imttlng 1 oul hU firs b;.'o.-c he got there. Dies Have Rp.turned Fron '4 m Copjdglit, I ALLS.couNT¥~^^ A L L l |S2______________________________ IS K S i |‘ Jury Deliberates 35 Minutes * ' Before Reaching Decision I* By lO-to-2 Vote to Con- vlct D r. Paul Gorguloff Z (By The Associated Pres*) :-a T-|ARIS. July 27—atrange Dr. Paul u H Gorguloff who assassinated ,fe -** Prealdent Paul Doumer of Prance nearly three months ago lo promote a nebulous Pranco-Russlan war. wa* convicted of murder today and sentenced to tha gulUotlne. Spectate cheered llw vetdwl ol 3. a. jury that found- the Ilusslan had id alaln the beloved pere ot Prance a. anil.thatJili-KctJru-premeditated. ro The Jury w u oOl 33 minutes and ll* re vote w u 10 te 3, -Unanimity U not required under French Uw. The K- prisoner w u given three, daya to at The final stages ot the tfUl, or which had luted most ot thU week. iy were dramatic, with Pr. Gorguloff nl acreamlpg In rage at InterrtU, “Take ray Jifef he *houted. when the court ruled against the defenae In one Instance. -Lay nie on the gullloUnei Tbe French government h u killed my ^ Ideal and my party. I am a living ^ corpse. I do not want te livef' Then as the verdict w u read: _* "Shoot me with a gun Uke a aol- dler." he cried. "Do not guillotine mer* His wife w u among the wltnetse* today. NearUig childbirth, she w u too weak te go te the sund alone, r tnM h>s» «hf tn i husband !** had attended a movie a few days ^ before he left Monuo for Paris. Dr. J Gorguloff applauded a new* Teel of ^ - (Continued on Pagfl” 8. Col 3)"~ i SOyTHlilSllCT s TOM iBIMCBNFllCI BUENOS AIRB9. July 3T (/T) — Steps to arbitrate the Utesl fUre- up in lhe old Chaco boundary dUpule between Paraguay and BoUvU were le Uken la two neutral caplUU today, but ita activity did pol stsp war- >- Uka preparation* In bolh aroused )t. countries. m The ambassador* of ChUe. Peru a and Brazil vUlted the foreign otf‘:e ig here today, presumably te discuss the :o Argentine proposal of a neutral al- re llance to prevent a Paraguay-Bo- llvlan war. id Later, Foreign MlnUter Sakvedra M La,mu expmsed appcehtnslon over ie the outeome of the present oulburat. P ~ tb ul romlnded that bolh Ihe'Involved nallona-were- algnatprie*-of The nt Hague and Paru pacts against wtr. ■n. Advice* from Asuncion tonlghlaald at- one ef-the-jacketa-worrr by-a Bo* T. llvUn officer sialn In the battle ot ig Port Lope* bore Uie buttena of a United SUlea army uniform. nm nanmin ^ 1) i,. u _______________ lit, 1933. by Tbe New Yora Tribune, Inc. t ■ ^TO Y N E . O f OIBOULaTlOW T~fc 1 * P ^ II- II I IE Policy Uni es SHORT SKtBTS SUGGEST on NEW LAW TO JAPANESE BACRAMENTO, July 37 (/T) ~ abort *klrU on a windy day may Uad tha eye utra y and cause '.raffio 111 aecldebU, says WUI J. Prcneh. di- rector ot tb* *Ute depariment of Industrial reUtlona. In a reguUr report French quoted the following aut letter on Orlenul reader tent to.a ted Japaneae newspaper: of “Dear Mr. Sir: to Today t atudy In your paper dU- lan tresiful-Utter about ladles bad mor- day ftl In ahort akirta. 1 oplnionate let- ter aerlou* and not Joke 1 am the -( poUce station and ever learned Eng* Uab at Sunday school from my dear teacher wbo very much lova and ,'i? atfectlon our countrymen. windy day blow ahorl skirt police ^ offloer euy ean mUfocu* eye and cause aerlcus traffic-cot^ilop.>.Bo,l , , pray^ovemmenl ehorUy Introduce new Uw te compel Udlea te obUter* «■; ate limb*. Many police ara agree." H QnDERsnii lad: _____ tuie Commander Waters Confers ^ Wlllr Police Long Time —Then Issuis- Mandate lays N > -C j _’ • WASHINGTON, July 37 A 10-day tug-of-war marked by evlc* } Uoa Ihreau and,dcfUnt repUes ap- peared ended todi> when Walter W. Waters, commander of tha boau*- seeking veteran* encamped bere, aald bU men oecupylag federal property would begin moving (o otber bUleu lu I 'the iinDouncement followed a pro- longed conference with Pelham O- GUssford. auperlntendeat of poUce, ^ — and ths DUUlct of .Coaimbia com- *re- mU^Uinsn. \ pule fiborU/ betore. Presldint Hoovei *nre hlm ult had Uken a hand In tbaunat- w . ter'icUtmg-upoa-AtioroeT-aBaos MaehelltoraaoplaloaaftobavJW lUted vetcnuu beat could be evaqtktec from the partly demoIUhed-buUd ings and (hantees on ptnnaylvanu 'tf''* avenue near tha capltol to tbat feder slhe al cons'jruction work planned iher * *1* might proceed. -Bo- " I wUi evacuate 300 men tomOTTOw.' tald Uie slight but aggreaalve leade 'o<lra of Uie bonu* aeeker*. •Tbe*e wU over buUd new barrack* at Camp Barl lurat. lett,1 . The camp.U tn An#i.eo«Ua. < olved suburb. The Waters added Uiat monejr h id bMl w«r. supplied "by trlend*" lo finance coa .*ald structlon Of the new Quarura. He ha Bo- iwiariiTirwu*«d*MTooTe-«w »*i le Ot until tbey were assured shelter eUe of a where. "I have not eaplluUtedl'' Ihe.bo _ _ nus Iradec exclaimed heatedly In an ------ ea-er to • queiUon. “ I am living U| te my offer. We have the money noi , to put 'n> some barracks, Jtnd u fu tntr » » ~go«iip<»ted we wUi muv — T* inte them." ------------ Waur»-*ald-b*-hoped-t9-«vaoual the property "wlUiln a reaaonabl time" at)Q gave aacuranee th at ."lh coniracior win be able te b ^ ln ww temorrow.- The Wlilte House move cvn* afte , ' a conference of the president. Sec 11 retary Hurley, Secretary MlU* an I AulsuntSecretaiyHeathof thetrea (Continued On Page 3. CoL 3) , " WOODEN MONEY PASSES IN TRADE IN AUSTRIi KLAOrNFUHT. AlUlll*. July 3 ^ i/p>—They're taking wooden mone > In the jiro-.lnce of CorlnlhU. wher '' many farmer* have not enough col of the realm te pay their Uxcs. The Ko^’r^nme^l announced toda Y i that UIOM uho liad-ao caah-coul ' ' pay In pine or beechwood at ai j proxlmately the market price. ^ FOUR WOODSMEN DROWI IN RIVER IN ONTARlI DEUX RIVIERES. Ontario Ju: 77 (ai—ewept Into the turbulei waters of the True raplda whe their boat caiulaed. four roc drowned today and a fifth w« mlMinR. Three others clung te t^ overturned boat and reached u fe t and another awam te shore. The nine river drlvera were Irylr te break a log Jam. Their boat sue denly * u drawn sldtwUe Inlo li faackzwaih ot the rapids and U men were Uirown out. IDAHO LEGION STRIVES FOR BONUS PAYMEN BOISE. July rt on - Idaho w seek to compel passage Of a reaoii tlon by the national convenUon ' the Amrrlcan Legion calling for In mediate payment of the soldier boni A. IteM Rutherford. Idaho FalU. sU commander, said today. Vlilting headquartera here, be sa ______thg convention eave a mai date lo lU deUgaUon to work f' such a resolution at the national coi ventlon In PorlUad and there w no alternative. Seven boteU In Uie Oregon cl have been reserved lor Idaho wl rejervitlcn^ for 600 delegatea ai Inc. visitors from this slate O DAY: Partly-clondyTF^ yw W ^ _________ a PAGES - 5 CENTS T r r m c t ie if ^ = iderNew Act Illinois Gets Emergency Aid ^ Of 53,000,000 Just A fte r. ;; Directorate- Warns States t! to Be Not Too Dependent of _____ ar ag (By The AssocUted Press) TTTAaHINOTON. July 37'-A*iU VV 'Irst acUon under the t3,m ,* * * 000.000 relief law. the Recon* s- tlructlou Finance corporation today r- announced an emergency loan ot t* «3.000MK) to IlUnoU for aiding lU ne Jobless and needy. ^ EnundaUng tor U>e n m Ume the policy which wlU govem loana un* der Uie new act, Uie board aald It . . will ‘'expMt all aUte* lo meet thek' naeda.to.U>a.greatest extent-pnaalbla^- frofai their pubiie and private aoureea. and call upon the corpora* , J tlon only u a lu t reaort to supple* ment-theU own e ffo rt" ir* ‘■OtherwUe,'* Uie atetement said. . e.** r th e 1300,000.000 made avaUable by the law wUl not be cuffldent to — w e t-th»-p»rpc**s d*ilwd-of >1| fe- . .J qulremeate-f t f auch imrpoaeg." Tba loan* to state* ara mada un* ' N der. a provUlon of the relUf Uw seltlfig ulde 1300,000,000 for the purpoae. The director*'granted tbe lUlnaU loan bfter Governor LouU U Em* mer*on and relief offlclaU UUormed PS hem Uut unltu fund* were cup* piled at once many reUef-.ageacle* rta ln;Uifl *Ute would bave to c to i by '*** \be ond of July. ^ .te XI had "been planned, te await'the appointment of the atventh director by President Hoover and taking, of A th i, oaUi of -office by AUee Pome* - lc* limerohlo, who wUl become .cbalr* IP* man of the board. -The acUon of Uie board today In making tSfftOOOO available to ^ liUnoU," tbe annouaceaient utd. W -<wt* due te Ui*' emergeccy that ez* UU In thet tUte where It appeara that relief fund* wUI be exhausted ^ In ceriala locaUtle* by the ead ot Uie pre*eat montti" Ol* tn dUcus*lons ot tbe appointment . ot Pomerena te the board. bl-partU* m r fto pnUa mingled with Democratle «t- ucvUona that poUUc* dictated kted ntobefUUpg.';-. . Good'Appointment Icr* Bom Republlcani and DemocraU ,ere regarded Uie selecUon of, the form* cr Ohio senator a good oae. IW.” Going fartlur'ihaD aome of hU tdw colleagues, however. Senater Con* wUl nally. Democrat, Texi*. Joined Itep- Mrt- resenteUve; Ralaey.'--nUnoU. the - I. • house.J3emocraile leader^ in uyleg rcsponslblUly.for Uie conduct «f the ■Mb oon>OTBilon‘8 vast reUef effort* *U U ' »a- rested on the admlal*tratlmi de»plM-‘ ha* DemocraUc con^_-ofjhe Jwart... “The corporation lu * been Ini poUlla." sald-Conally. “I t haa.now been pushed furlber'Inte poUUca." ' Senater lUrrUoii Democrat, MU- - , sUslppl. said: "That'a a very good - . ^ appointment. I would not like te 5 ^ charge the presldeni wllh doing U u t iiiirpiiii, uu Uil~iTI ~l f— 'a campaign." .... ' ‘T h a t’s an exceUenl aDBolntment.'* 2STiiId-B.iaior-BoHh7 S p ib to iT ” 1 Idaho ( Pomerene' himself. In Cleveland, '®r-%*ald-*o.Jar..u..hfl .wu-concerned, ... fu.r I'there U no poUtlc* in It." ,.p, I Republicans generally remarked ^ I that tho president w u selecUng the be*l men be could find avaUable for Uie hlg relief Job and In ad- 1 herlng to UiU principle w u dlsrt- .. gardlng party line*. A One more vacancy exlste on the ^ I board. Under tha law thU must go 31A I to a Republican and the ulectlon [probably wlU be msde thU week. i;s iiriT ii i! miT^SUllG WN “ A Model Boy— 1 Do Not El- ther Drink or Smoke,” My Says Confessed M urderer rhen 8AN J(56E, Cal.. July 37 t*P>—Ds- ' KTlblnR hlm.'*lf (1.1 "» modri b6y—I ifetv ' drink or »mokc," Oeorge 1Dougiu Templeton. Jr.. jo-ytar-old. vine i unli'eislty -Junior, today confessed lu d -' dabbing hla aunt to death and te- ihe ' riouily wounding !iU uncle. U,. , Tenipleioa*ald he acted te avenge Monss he believed hU uncle, WUllam Rider B a ^ k . had done hU father whrn tiro two were associated In ' busineAs in Manila, some year* ago. :NT Inquest Into the death of'the oth* ' er victim. Mrs. LlllUn Babcock. Ma- nlU society matron, before dawn yes- terday from wounds Inflicted with ^u- n 40-c«nt butcher knife will not b: h of held, officials announced, until It U ’ Kh-1 definitely determined whether Bab- snus-. cock wUI live. I PhysicUns said Babcock would rq- I cover, barring compIlcaUona. Templeten's parent*. Major and . nan■' n r. i ^or j OakUnd. reached here I M afternoon con- ^ (a (fe ^helr aon. who w u arreted Ust night al OakUnd. They were _ I accompanied by Attomey T. D. Alt* c ltr ken, San FrancUco. an eld friend with , or both U>8 Babcock and Templetea and, ^ . (ConUnued Oa Page S.'CoL 3J

Transcript of 5 T W F A L l A L L lY N E yw W - tfplnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN... · The...

Page 1: 5 T W F A L l A L L lY N E yw W - tfplnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN... · The pUne was over Hankley com- '< ... -----gymnasiums and various olher bulld-^ Ings at


VOL. 15., NO. 06. ' “

Against DisSleepless Jo lie t In

Hundreds L is ten For “ Ghost” Song

JOIIiET. 111., July a i WT)—On Pot­ter's fleW A fho» l i ln t» -« r doe«It? -

SUll »lMplo« Irom U rt night. hundrwU Of JoUtt rwldenU ^ h i to inBwtr thU queiOon ««Hn to- ▼

fc Dtettt. 1I k - H undred have to ld ot he&rtng■ ■ litu tt lc s l lA tln ctatnt on thei w eed 'l^ t K eovertd burrlns ground near tho old ca■ prUon.■ The setting Is Ideal for a ghost: di I in this plot Hie burled convicts wbo PC r died In prison and whose bodies

were unclaimed: nearby are the ir pi^lsm.walls tha t lobm as ddcs. of *1 a cavero In Ihe'd irkheas; there are ni DO names on the headstones. oi

Por a week. Joliet has sought to solve the mystery ot song. Last U

, ha fpbeen other n lg h U .- t* , .w h e n ^ I the hundreds gathered at the cene*I ' tery heard naught but the whine ot ^

the night winds, the howls o f dogs, t l'-— .the PffHwg «/*»•••«*>< nt niitiiwinMU d' -brakes. ^ •

PoUce otfleers and the sheriff’s u forces have joined In the search— gi anxious to quiet the neighborhood, di

And tenlght. the throngs gather* o' cd early.. ___ tt


AUEfUCAN PALLS. July Tt OF) — ^ Harold Fretag. BiacUoot. was bound

I over tor tria l in d istrict court today i “ , tollowln? preliminary hearing on a

charge of Involuntary maniUughter ^ In connection with the death ot John ' BatUer. Herndon. Kansu, tn an au* ^ toreobiie accident near here July 33. ^

■ Pretac'abondwasm edatllW O. ‘ Andrew Unger, another pasaenger-

In the Kansas car. U in a aertoua coodltlou in & hospital her* from m>

r jurle* received in th t baad>«D crash. J r Th« KMuaa VARy aOettd P n U g u *

^ntnloaUd a t the t to * ot Uie aed- J


the famous azehltoct aod member I or ptu-llament, her son. B n x * . and t Prlne« Otto SrbMh, Gtfrmanar. were i killed tonight when thelr alrpUne t exploded In the air. | l

Mr*. Bossom wms Emily, daughter it ot iSamuel o . BIsyne, p r e u n t o t It the Seaboard MaUonal bank. New I York, betore ber marriage. c

Bruce, who was 31. was piloting the t plane, whicn je it iie tw n alrorome, I Middlesex, eariy In the evening fo r < SoulhaTnpton. I

The pUne was over Hankley com- '<--------mona-in-thoWlelnHy-oMhe-eountry M

homes df David Uoyd Oeorge and Viscount Bhowden when it appeared P to break te pieces and crash to earth I w llh a terrUlc explosion. {i

— REQUIRE 2 0 ,0 0 0 -M E N I;

T i n ; t r lhoU land~mea~wlt be 'm p lo ycd l]lo r trom Ux to eight months and wlU i,

--------be paldm or*-th*n-MW >,i»& ln wa«-(les for construction of army bu ild -r Ings provided fo r In Ihe reUet bUli; whtn lt« provisions are carried out.:

Airdromes, barracks, drlU halU.j.------gymnasiums and various olher bulld-

^ Ings a t poftji scattered throughoutl^ _ U ie _ IJ n U c d . f l la t£ U t f t la .b tb u m ___

9 CongTcu approprUted «IS.ISi.OOO p for the army buildings and i t U es­

timated that about 40 per cent of this I « ii l go tor labor and the remainder for materials. i


•------ POCATEUO. Id a h V Ju ly ' 21 'U ’i--------^S «-lh *- ilr» i-iim e -ln lhe hlotory-olt

the tribes, the Banntxk a n i8 h o « elione IndUna begflTthelr t ^ V s u n dance stmultaneoutly w ith the set­ting of the Sim tonight.

8lxty-flve IndU ni began the 73- hour grind a t two separate, polnU, M Bannocks participating In a dsnce on Bannock creek 10 milesr . . p*y-lng their tribute on the Pon Hall

north.i V J " » “ iolnwl byih9 Lemhli. Washakies and Sioux

who corae annually in the belief

lirlng th tm healtti, curing disease: a ^ driving away i ie k n e is r , > ^ ^


NAMPA, Idaho, July 37 t# V -O o v ' ernor C. Den Rom today sans the ' p»U ts oJ the Idaho tried poUto. the ! Id iho AhN'-strlnK potato, ihe Idaho 8»:a:.tried yo'.y.o snd other forms o'eco'/(?:i pstftio 't In sddltlon to th e ;

- a lr t id r f»noi;s td iho baked potato. I In sn sc■c:rf. before the Rotary,

club, h? f i l t l advfri:»lni of the Ida- i ho poU:o a i » pr?ml:r potato fo r j oU itr ;o:m» of cco iln j than baking j m jtitd m.-u:t in fhlp.-nfflj of lOWX)

TTJU w ojla bring « ,CIO COO to the ' tii'.Toiis and a Uk! tum fo: ser.eral. d iriribuilon In the channel! io; ihe»Mte. h e is ld . i

He a.'s> t r r * d crekt<*r corjerva- ilpn Of water in Idaho. j

5 T WL u a n w a n u B t t B o r

- aa to c iA 'n p m m

r fc ’1 .1 .*

isarmamenf'^— II

Interest ot Administration, ^However, In Borah Pro- Jpesal Appears as Idahoan SConfers With Stlmson"

0• ■' fl

(By The Aisoclatod Preas) fi

WASHINOTON. July 37-ActU - sl al diurmament by Europe was demanded today by Ben* »

ia to r Watson. IndUna. the RepubU* p can leader, as a prelim inary to any ij

world economlo conference on war <t debte and reparations such aa pro* b posed by Senator Borah. Idaho. h

• I t U unthinkable." said Wateon p In a formal statement, “ tha t we n should permit them (the European f naUons) (o keep' the m oney'they e owe us to enable them to buUd up larger m ilitary esUblishmenU on |; the Continent and as fa r as we can r se? that is their Plan and purpow." /

^IncldenU lly. Ambassador Edge i; In ParU today informed Premier o Herrlot that the basU fo r coopera- ; tlon between the countries lies In riliuirmiiTrifnt. ,j

I t was evident te n lgh ta t the capi­ta l that the adminUtratlon U not | going to Uke the loltlaUve for downward revision of the war debU owed the United SUtes and w ill de­mand ' drastic. European disarma­m e n t^ lu 'p rice . '

Hofever. adminUtratlon interest in uKe IntemaUonal situation and

' Borah's proposal fo r a world eco- nomts' parley was manliest by a confM KM U st'n lgh t between Sec-

i retary SOnuon and the Idaho een- , ator., ' SUmson called the meeUng and

Borah's propoaitlon was dUcussed., WbUe tbere w u evidence be had . re«lred-e»cou»gement. Borah de­

clined lo eainment on the ta lk today ' and M U r. Stlmson.

Wataoa-iBHMntUI ‘ Beoalor Wktson ta ld he had aot

talkad VUb Prealdent Hoover on the : Borah plan, but hU steod w u ex*

peetad to put a ebock under the wbeUa ot^tba world eonferenee movemant.-pending fresh dUarma* ment m orU abroad. Wbataver tbe views o f sUeot Hoover on tb i

(Borab M A tbey a r t expected to b« Innuenetl aomewbai by tba atUtud*

t reached tbe White House from hH r London-post. HU v is it ’Commg a t ] lh ') time ot the discussion over debu s and reparations added tn if ic a n c e B to the talk. Re emphasized tha t an

{IntemaUonal conference would be r iclmosl ImposslbU before autumn f {because of Uie B rltU h Imperial paN V ley now In progresa a t Ottawa. He

declined to comment on tbe propos- e al otherwise.

{ The fW her' Ireasury h'ead dtliV- r ie red- a «r*t-hahd - report to the

president and SecreUry .SUmson cf -.Ithe European situation, Including r (the -reoenl— Lausanne— oenferenee i [Which reached an agreement for the i [virtual ellmlnaUon o f reparaUons. u I The sisnUlcant part o f all the

moves and talks at. tbe capltal^U I that no one either In offic ia l or

- j i r a i- o r n d a i^ ir e ie i-T u i—ddnnucry- Iclosed tbe door against debt revUlon

^ (through an Intemttleaal-acoaomlo

jftto -tsk-fo rthey debt-Ttltof when the “ firs t Installmenu after the one- :* year moratorium >«eome due next ■|Docember 18. Apparently. European

f ‘disarmament Is the bargain the ‘ ■jUnlted States Intends to drive u i U ‘ ••part o f the transaction.

‘ I AMBASSADOR PAYS CALL - - — PARlSr<?u(j 37. WV-DUarmament « constUutet the bu U for cooperation

beta-een the United Statea and Eur-

:r (ConUnuM On Page 3. Col. l i

JOOIEliSONSrjm FJflllKiN>• _____

'■ President Calls Conference To Find Ways of Making

c! Five-Day Week Populari l l --------

WASHINOTON. July 37 (.»?-PrM- Idem Hoover w ill undertake next

f Monday a new move to spread em- F., I ploymen; throughout the nation by ‘“ means c : a.wlder use.ol the five-day “' week in industry.

I The Chief executive Usued a call ;laW today U> repTtsentatWes ol a recent New EngUnd Joint confet­

t i i-nfo ntl5 him a t lhe White Housa lo r a dU-

ca-slon of “ what further coordinsied V- ftcps caTj be taken- to shorten work- le ,in g hours.M . Oovemor Winant. New Hampshue, 10 ia « week telegraphed M r. Hoover, ns rcflucstu.g U n t such a conference b« M jheld ,;o.l T ^ c tu e le x e a jt lv e U re a d y h u ln - r y , s .n tflea the departmenta of Uboi a-1 and commerce, in the ligh t of the or I approaching oonferenceto resurvej w j the in d w tru i and employment fields 00 to determine for tu fu rther u*e-

le : the presloent t t ld U i tS a tu r d S v -^a l . tnale coasttucUvt suggesilons anc r b ; B lih o’lr acrumulated exprrlrn.-f w<

j should In a pouTion for a nea a-,r;s se for a::ion by fa riher confer-

I ones te:».’fen empioj-era and Uboi ‘ reprejentstlvea-1


-______________ TWIN

Nation sMonetoy [ " Gold Supply (Jains''

Sum ofJ5m400NEW YORK. July 37 (A>—A net

tgaln of U.178,«00 reported In tbe natlon'a monewry gold stock* today was coupled w ith Indicatlona Uiat Uia gold movement now U veering from ParU to. New York,

n . Todaj'a SnereasM tn Amti^ca’a t ^ gold supply consUied of $3^47.000 ' r t . ImpprU received here, a atilpment 0 of i l iW W ) received In San Pran-

clsoo and a decrease of 11.000.400 i n in the amount of gold held under

earmark lo r foreign account....5n The new York import* consUted

of a tl.479.700 “ mystery shipment" from London and I1.4B4J00 received from Canada. The San Pranclsco

lu* shipment came from China, ipe The shipment from EngUnd w u in* sent to the Guaranty Trust com- U- pany ot New York and w u original- ] ny ly from IndU, U ntil now mosl In - r >ar <tun gold received In London bad i ro* been reUyed- to ParU. New York i

h u drawn Uttie ot it. Bankers ex- i ion pressed the belief the IndUn ahlp- i we ment via London m ay presage a i lan is iriy bean' flow of Indian and i ley BduW Mrlean' to ld lo ihU ' cbuiilfy: | up AuUiorllfeii on gold attributed the | on increase In American Imports te the u n recent firmness of the dollar In the f L {o ia lg ib e xch y )a u n A r^ ^_T h fJo l- ' ige lar^wasnlgher again today In Urms ! iler ot the EngUsh pound sterling. Hoi- ' ra- Und guUders and Prench francs. *

ic iiifiC ES- : § RISE WITH STOCKS is — Ico- Securities Ascend $1 to $4 ir aw; , On Share While Wheat ^ Climbs 2 Cents on BushelMd. _____hadde- NEW YORK. July 37 m -W a ll day Street tumed bulUah on commodi­

ties and securities alike loday.While wheot futures were being

hurled up 3 cenu a bushel in the aot Chicago, leading snares. In the New tbe York stock exchange bounced ur_*1 ex* to 14 a share, to lhe best general tbe Urel alnce the second week of May.

inea la the moA active tndUig tn eight ma> weeks.tbe Ib e stock market acted somewhat tba stunned for a time In the momlng

> h« the magnitude of the detlclu re-ported for the aeeond quarter by

. TTplttd S t t f f »»” '> n t.ttusteel eompanles. and the

h l i admonltl&n by the big steel maker'a r * t dlrecterate that further preferred ebu d ivi^nds would depend upon Im- ince provcment, but prices raced up mer- ' an riiy sfter mld-day.

*** Wlille the flnancUl .du trlc t r t l ll has IU skeptics, a number of bank- ers snd cconomlsU are again wllUng to hazard a gueu that things may

P°** be .Kraplng botlotn. and hope that

ness'msy M t" ^ ? o % 'l ia ^ \n t l i i^ lyIccU ng 'u l l w u l u t year................

5,n- The standard SUUatlcs company

“Iappreciation In values ot about 38

thA per cent since the June I bottom ,1 I , was duplicated leu than three

weeks ago: O n 'U ie baaU o ru rc s l t.-iT-y- tsbiil - t lfln i o f- U f t otal vsliia of alL, i^on »h.%res Usted In the stock exensnge, jmto In quoted value wou1d_ap-

p r ^ t ^ e ^ ^ e bug^ total ot some

H ng ^uroaarf^TORomeTa^rooms-wnfSIP IhB wera daserted wnen prtce*- were

Page 3, Col, 3>pean '


' MUKDEN. ManchurU. (Thnra- day),-July38 WV-HengoTJapanese)

LL, News Agency today reported that ^ George Bronson Rea, an American. 1) iiad been appointed advUer to the

new Manehoukuo government. Rea IM l l the t in t OecldenUl emplo}‘ed by IL the Chang Chun reglme- |y He U the publUher of the innga-

line "Par E u te m Review" of Shang- I I I I hai and Is a staunch defender of l l y Japan's course In ManchurU.


, , ROMK. July 37 (/P }-H 'rr comei < ing ih r hontjmooner*’ specUl!

The ita lU n atate railways today u la r nnnoiuiced an 90 per cent honej--

moonerv reduction in round-trip tlck^u 10 Rome. The move wss Iniu-

p—J. med by lhe govemment to foster In- ne»i marriagei.

Coup^amu-Hpre/ent their tttdd ln i rertlflc»tes when applying for tick-

• wUv ^ purchaaec■ » llh ln a week after marrUge anC L e»ii they a rj good for two weeks’ s u y lr

the capital.-


rork- --------1 DASSEL. Minn., July 37 ( / r ^ n «

Ahue. man was klled and several othei Jover, ptrions were reported mUslng tn i ice be tornado whicli swept this \lc ln it3

late today.u In- Two persons »'ere serloiuly InJur- Ubor ei «nd at le u t 3i others mifferec f the minor brulie-^ and cute when thi urvey storm d:moluhed buildings, fields AUGUST N1KKA. 75. farmer foui

miles northeast of here, w u killed jn s f." ' The tornado'iirst was noticed neai . " h u th j farr.' of Majnus Johnson. Farm-> ana «r-Labor candidate for congreai :e we xh?rc i t dea'.royed a wlndmlll.. new- Th j South K in jito n miisioi infer- •,-iir’ i was «rc:Sed. together w ltl labor j.n ‘d'” g on several olher farmt

I Hal] damaged crops.

m o c iA T B D PRESS m \ y ,


p t i f f ln iR iJ in in n iL U i^

[) D[H[ BtoiHf -ii m S H>8 1 ______ C,

» Program Approved by Con- 51, fe re n ce R ese rve s B r i t is h ",

S Market for Farm Pro-irm du c te to D o m in io n s A lo n e Cl ,1” 8'ed - • --------- ' lrCO By FRANK 1. WELLER . >

(AuocUtod praaa Staff Cor* J; u r«fpondent)n- OTTAWA. OnUrlo. July 37 — A ll- program which would reserve tha ' n- markel for dairy produeU and meaU ^ sd In Oreal BrlUUn lb the British .do- ^ rk minions, and would d ivert mlUlona of X- dollars In trade from Uie United 1 P- Sutes. Denmark. Argentina a n d !, a RuisU. w u agreed upon loday by

he ference. \[u ' Under thU pUn the ta riff w all a

ground Great B riU ln would be raU- * ed~agatnsl non*eipplte lilipo iU and HJ

loopholes would be provided for U ii -'f: entry of dairy produeU and meatt J from tho oUier Datlons of the e p - : t

, Dire._____________ ___ — :___ [oThe program re«Ut«d ^^ooJ a » * . • ’

I ries of converaatlpna tha t hava beea I held by members of the varloua do*

S«o be submitted to th e BrttUh rep- resenuuves after examination o f { . the economic poaU- T he scheme en- ,* ta iu a SO per cePt boost tn u r lffa . ^ Empire dairy product* now enter the ‘

^ British market tree from* duty and ^ foreign gooda are auessed about 10 * „ } per cent. The dominions. I t U un-

derstood, dealw W have 10 per,cent 1* I preference maloUlned u a m in i- ! '

le i mum' with increasea ta « per c e a t' on certain product*. '[

■Tariff of 3 ceoU a pound on ali all foreign mesu except those coming {

(Continued on P ^ e t . Col. 1) ing ----------------------------- I

‘ iUiSiWSSIJUIILL i s , * G E lR H K E l| iM t KIEL. Oerravy. Ju ly 37 (/T) - ■ lng Na\-al officials InvestlgailAg the ‘ w - Jinking yistcrdar o f the naval by training, ship Nicbe. w ith a los* o f

tba- 68-llves.-declarcd l«w^y nelther thB the officers nar the crew were retpoa- ’ W * slble for Uw dUaster. red The ahlp, a three-m uled wind-

Jammer..went dawn near Pehrman e t' iighuh lp o ff Holstein, Many of

those who pcrUhcd were cadeU who ttm were studying to be naval oftlcer*. tik- “ When U»e aqusii atruek the ahlp." lng one of the sun'lvlng cadeU cald. lay ~tbe firs t officer had aufflclent hat presence of mind to shaut_a_cQm- Ml- mand.'.'air hands to starboardl" But igly 11 w u 'tw laic. bcarceiy «) seconos;

later the Nlobe «niB on the bottom , „ y of the set." j ‘1“ ' The sinking ol (lie Nlobe w u ’ ■TK Oermany*»re«lr«-»eadUartw'Btnee

3g the war. Vlrtuslly two th ird .i' of year's class o f future naval officers

,ret P irtiliM . 1 rest ______________________

_____________________ I l i e S p i t

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Ls D.3AY M ORNING, J U L Y 28. 1082


NEW YORK—Slock market surg- ,, cd to new highs fnr U»e summer re- |f covery. Many Usues gala 3 or a I polnu, while United Stale* Steel i preferred regained a 4-polot loss.

Coffee and colton also advanced. •CHICAGO—Wheat price* were

I.' btlKfe'Vkih RklrA ot. 3 cents In moeV ; ‘ dellvftiM: other grain and commod- • u Ity prler.% rise in sympathy durlnk • «' the wwion. ■

C IN C IN NA TI-P lg Iron eoncerns I* In Cincinnati reported butlneu

gains averaging from 30 to 34 per le cent, dealers declaring there w u a

rn e ra l feeling o f opUmUm In tbe Industrj'.

HARTFORD. CONNECTICUT —Connecticut Chamoer o f Commerce . reportwl after a survey o f tha atata"]*

. 16 InrgKt cities tha t ImprovemenU were noted In postal receipt*, bank ,

^ debits, rlpctric lly consumpUon. cot* ' . ten conjumption, autemobUe and

life Insurance sales. Bankruptelea ’i ‘decrea.wc!. *

cm cA U O —Leading rallroada —“ 'Including Atchison. MUsouri-Kan* 1

{su-Texwi. BaltUnore and Oblo and ■ ••.(N cw -Vofk. C ontral-raportad—lm . 1

jprovfd rftrnlngs for June. Two BmsIIer Unes said earning* were '

i l l above 1031. )s - |v CHICAGO—The Norge corpora- l id-Hlon.— refrtgenitOr*-m Kifltactm 4ng ' l i .firm , announced iu buslnea* for l u t t* 'June was 20 per cent above that for ' 1- jthe same month In 1931. Company '

Offltuin nrrdict/'d the Imnrovement ..•w ould continue.,Q "YOU.VGSTOWN, OHIO — Four 3. RepubUe Steel corporation sheet J , mllU at Warren. Ohio, resumed op-

erations, giving wdrk lo 100 men.^ NEW YORK—Favorable dividend

'(cUoT\ «a& U ken by BuTtougha Ad- [. {ding M tchllle company, Deere and

'Company.'and Vick Financial cor- poratlon. The New York U fe In-

-n surance company announeed IU (payments In t h r firs t alx montba of ilD33 were $133,000,000. Including |«31,000.000. In dividends.; CiliCAGO—The price movement ,of heu\7 melting steel aerap, some­times regitrdcd na a bualneaa bato-

I " meter. Is upward. I t h u advanced ^ CO cenU a ton In the Chicago area.

GLOUCESTER, M A S S A C H U - SETS—W lth the sUtement that they anticipated ~an early improve­ment In bualness," the Oorteu-Pew FUheriex, Gloucester, today opened

I a new canning plant to be devoted tntlre ly to production ot todll-sh ‘ caksi. The new pUnt h u a capacity |0t 60.000 can*-a day.

;;; Firemen Ask Cliief , To Attend Blaze—

5; A t H is Own jfo in ge p o K A N \ July 27 VPh-»PO-

id- kane flrem v) are a friendly lot. an AsslsUnt Plre Chief WlUUjn of Payne IQougbt - today when a ho group of the boys on a speeding r*. hook-and-ladder yelled lo him to p." ••come on to the fire !" as Uiey lore Id. p u t. siren howUnc.■nl The assistant chief turned and in- _gave chue. /T h L i is the lu t they ever begged _Bc to wme )4Sj along," he recalled to 'hU c h a i i f^am -feuy. — - . ...........................

I . By ths time Payne's car caught li-u up w ith the fire-truck, firemen, ice •had sXtingttlsJied a small blszcTit'" of the h:m e o f tiie awUtanl chief,

era and we.*c r:-oloKliing for imttlng 1 oul hU firs b;.'o.-c he got there.

D ie s H a v e R p . t u r n e d F r o n


Copjdglit, I

ALLS.cou NT¥~^^ —

A L L l|S2______________________________

IS K S i|‘ J u ry D e lib e ra te s 3 5 M in u te s

* ' B e fo re R each ing D ec is ion

I* B y lO - to - 2 V o te to C on -

• v lc t D r. P a u l G o rg u lo ff

Z (By The Associated Pres*):-a T -|A R IS . July 27—atrange Dr. Paul u H Gorguloff who assassinated ,fe -** Prealdent Paul Doumer of

Prance nearly three months ago lo promote a nebulous Pranco-Russlan war. wa* convicted of murder today and sentenced to tha gulUotlne.

— S p e c ta te cheered llw vetdwl ol 3. a. ju ry that found- the Ilusslan had id alaln the beloved pere ot Prance a . an il.tha tJ ili-K ctJru -prem ed ita ted. ro The Jury w u oOl 33 minutes and ll* re vote w u 10 te 3, -Unanimity U not

required under French Uw. The K- prisoner w u given three, daya to

at The fina l stages ot the tfU l, or which had lu te d most ot thU week. iy were dramatic, w ith Pr. Gorguloff n l acreamlpg In r age a t InterrtU , ■

“Take ray J ife f he *houted. when the court ruled against the defenae In one Instance.

-Lay nie on the gullloUnei Tbe French government h u killed my

^ Ideal and my party. I am a living ^ corpse. I do not want te live f'

Then as the verdict w u read: _* "Shoot me with a gun Uke a aol-

dler." he cried. "Do not guillotine mer*

His wife w u among the wltnetse* today. NearUig childbirth, she w u too weak te go te the sund alone,

r tnM h>s» «hf t n i husband !** had attended a movie a few days ^ before he le ft M onuo fo r Paris. Dr.J Gorguloff applauded a new* Teel of

- (Continued on Pagfl” 8. Col 3 )"~


BUENOS AIRB9. July 3T (/T) — Steps to arbitrate the Utesl fUre- up in lhe old Chaco boundary dUpule between Paraguay and BoUvU were

l e Uken la two neutral caplUU today, but ita activity did po l stsp war-

>- Uka preparation* In bolh aroused )t. countries.m The ambassador* o f ChUe. Peru a and Brazil vUlted the foreign o tf‘ :e ig here today, presumably te discuss the :o Argentine proposal of a neutral al- re llance to prevent a Paraguay-Bo-

llvlan war. id Later, Foreign MlnUter Sakvedra M La,mu expmsed appcehtnslon over ie t he outeome of the present oulburat. P ~ tb u l romlnded that bolh Ihe'Involved

nallona-were- algnatprie*-of The nt Hague and Paru pacts against w tr. ■n. Advice* from Asuncion tonlghlaald a t - one ef-the-jacketa-worrr by -a Bo* T. llvU n officer sialn In the battle ot ig Port Lope* bore Uie buttena of a

United SUlea army uniform.

n m n a n m i n

^ 1 ) i , .


lit, 1933. b y Tbe New Yora Tribune, Inc.

t ■

— ^ T O


T~fc 1 * P ^ I I - I I I


■ BACRAMENTO, July 37 (/T) ~ abort *k lrU on a windy day may Uad tha eye u t ra y and cause '.raffio

111 aecldebU, says WUI J. Prcneh. d i­rector ot tb * *U te depariment of Industria l reUtlona. In a reguUr report French quoted the following

aut letter on O rlen u l reader tent to .a ted Japaneae newspaper: o f “ Dear M r. S ir: to T od ay t atudy In your paper dU-

lan tresifu l-U tte r about ladles bad mor- day f t l In ahort akirta. 1 oplnionate let­

ter aerlou* and not Joke 1 am the - ( poUce station and ever learned Eng*

Uab a t Sunday school from my dear teacher wbo very much lova and

, 'i? atfectlon our countrymen.

windy day blow ahorl skirt police ^ offloer e u y ean mUfocu* eye and

cause aerlcus traffic-cot^ilop.>.Bo,l , , pray^ovem m enl ehorUy Introduce

new Uw te compel Udlea te obUter* «■ ; ate limb*. Many police ara agree."

H QnDERsniilad: _____

tuie Commander Waters Confers ^ Wlllr Police Long Time

—Then Issuis- Mandatelays N > - C j _’

• WASHINGTON, July 37 A10-day tug-of-war marked by evlc*

} Uoa Ihreau and,dcfUnt repUes ap­peared ended todi> when Walter W. Waters, commander of tha boau*- seeking veteran* encamped bere, aald bU men oecupylag federal property would begin moving (o otber bUleu

lu I 'the iinDouncement followed a pro­longed conference with Pelham O- GUssford. auperlntendeat of poUce,

— and ths DUUlct of .Coaimbia com- *re - mU^Uinsn. \pule fiborU / betore. Presldint Hoovei *nre h lm u lt had Uken a hand In tbaunat- w . te r'icU tm g-upoa-AtioroeT-aBaos

M aehe llto raa op la loa a fto ba vJW lUted vetcnuu beat could be evaqtktec

from the partly demoIUhed-buUd ings and (hantees on ptnnaylvanu

't f ' '* avenue near tha capltol to tb a t feder s lhe al cons'jruction work planned ihe r * *1* might proceed.-Bo- " I wUi evacuate 300 men tomOTTOw.'

tald Uie slight but aggreaalve leade 'o<lra of Uie bonu* aeeker*. •Tbe*e wU over buUd new barrack* a t Camp Barl lurat. lett,1 . The camp.U tn An#i.eo«Ua. < olved suburb.The Waters added Uiat monejr h id bMl w«r. supplied "by trlend*" lo finance coa

.*ald structlon Of the new Quarura. He ha B o - iw ia riiT irw u*«d*M TooTe-«w » * i

le Ot until tbey were assured shelter eUe of a where.

" I have not eaplluUtedl'' Ihe.bo _ _ nus Iradec exclaimed heatedly In an------ ea-er to • queiUon. “ I am living U|

te my offer. We have the money noi , to put 'n> some barracks, Jtnd u f u

— tntr » » ~go«iip<»ted we wUi muv — T* inte them."------------Waur»-*ald-b*-hoped-t9-«vaoual

the property "w lU iln a reaaonabl time" at)Q gave aacuranee tha t ."lh coniracior win be able te b ^ ln w w temorrow.-

The W lilte House move cvn * afte , ' a conference of the president. Sec 11 retary Hurley, Secretary MlU* an I AulsuntSecreta iyHeathof thetrea

(Continued On Page 3. CoL 3)


KLAOrNFUHT. A lU lll* . July 3 ^ i/p>—They're taking wooden mone

> In the jiro-.lnce of CorlnlhU. wher ' ' many farmer* have not enough col

of the realm te pay their Uxcs. The Ko ’r^nme^l announced toda

Y i that UIOM uho liad-ao caah-coul ' ' pay In pine or beechwood a t ai

j proxlmately the market price.



DEUX RIVIERES. Ontario Ju: 77 (ai—ewept Into the turbulei waters of the True raplda whe their boat caiulaed. four roc drowned today and a f if th w« mlMinR. Three others clung te t^ overturned boat and reached u fe t and another awam te shore.

The nine river drlvera were Iry lr te break a log Jam. Their boat sue denly * u drawn sldtwUe In lo l i faackzwaih ot the rapids and U men were Uirown out.


BOISE. July r t on - Idaho w seek to compel passage Of a reaoii tlon by the national convenUon ' the Amrrlcan Legion calling fo r In mediate payment of the soldier boni A. IteM Rutherford. Idaho FalU. sU commander, said today.

Vlilting headquartera here, be sa______thg convention eave a mai

date lo lU deUgaUon to work f' such a resolution at the national coi ventlon In PorlUad and there w no alternative.

Seven boteU In Uie Oregon cl have been reserved lo r Idaho wl rejervitlcn^ for 600 delegatea ai

Inc. visitors from this slate

O D A Y : P a r t l y - c l o n d y T F ^

y w W ^_________ a PAGES - 5 CENTS

T r r m c t i e i f ^ =

iderNew ActI l l in o is Gets E m e rg e n cy A id

^ O f 53,000,000 J u s t A f t e r .

; ; D ire c to ra te - W a rn s S ta te s

t ! t o B e N o t Too D e p e n d e n tof _____arag (By The AssocUted Press).» TTTAaHINOTO N. July 3 7 '-A * iU

V V 'Irs t acUon under the t3 ,m ,** * 000.000 relief law. the Recon*

s- tlruc tlou Finance corporation today r - announced an emergency loan ot t* «3.000MK) to IlUnoU for aiding lU ne Jobless and needy.^ EnundaUng tor U>e n m Ume the

policy which wlU govem loana un* der Uie new act, Uie board aald It

. . w ill ‘'expMt all aUte* lo meet thek' naeda.to.U>a.greatest exten t-pn aa lb la^ - frofai their pubiie and private aoureea. and call upon the corpora*

, J tlon only u a l u t reaort to supple* ment-theU own e f fo r t "

ir* ‘■OtherwUe,'* Uie atetement said. . e.** r th e 1300,000.000 made avaUable by

the law wUl not be cuffldent to — w e t - t h»-p»rpc**s d * ilw d -o f >1| fe- . .J qulremeate-f t f auch imrpoaeg."

Tba loan* to state* ara mada un* '

Nde r. a provUlon of the re lU f Uw seltlfig u ld e 1300,000,000 fo r the purpoae.

The director*'granted tbe lUlnaU loan bfter Governor LouU U Em* mer*on and relief offlclaU UUormed

PS hem U u t u n ltu fund* were cup* piled at once many reUef-.ageacle*

rta ln ;U ifl *U te would bave to c t o i by '*** \b e ond of July. ^.te XI had "been planned, te await'the

appointment of the atventh director by President Hoover and taking, of

A th i, oaUi o f -office by AUee Pome* - lc* lim e ro h lo , who wUl become .cbalr*IP* man of the board.

-The acUon o f Uie board today In making tSfftOOOO available to

^ liUnoU," tbe annouaceaient u td .W -<wt* due te Ui*' emergeccy th a t ez*

UU In thet tU te where I t appeara tha t relief fund* wUI be exhausted

^ In ceriala locaUtle* by the ead ot Uie pre*eat montti"

Ol* tn dUcus*lons ot tbe appointment . o t Pomerena te the board. bl-partU*

m r fto pnUa mingled w ith Democratle « t - ucvU ona that poUUc* dictated

kted ntobefUUpg.';-.. Good'Appointment

Icr* Bom Republlcani and DemocraU ,ere regarded Uie selecUon of, the form *

cr Ohio senator a good oae.IW.” Going fa rt lu r'iha D aome o f hU tdw colleagues, however. Senater Con* wUl nally. Democrat, Texi*. Joined Itep- Mrt- resenteUve; Ralaey.'--nUnoU. the - I . • house. J3emocraile leader^ in u y le g

rcsponslblUly.for Uie conduct « f the ■Mb oon>OTBilon‘8 vast reUef effo rt* *U U ' » a - rested on the admlal*tratlmi de»plM-‘ ha* DemocraUc c o n ^ _ -o f jh e Jw art...

“The corporation lu * been Ini poUlla." sald-Conally. “ I t haa.now been pushed furlber'In te poUUca."' Senater lU rrUoii Democrat, M U- -

, sUslppl. said: "That'a a very good - . ^ appointment. I would not like te 5 ^ charge the presldeni w llh doing U u t

iii irpi i i i , uu U il~ iT I ~l f — 'a campaign."

. . . . ' ‘T h a t’s an exceUenl aDBolntment.'*2 S T ii Id - B . ia io r - B o H h 7 S p i b t o i T ”

1 Idaho( Pomerene' himself. In Cleveland,

'®r-% *ald-*o.Jar..u..hfl .wu-concerned, ... fu .r I'there U no poUtlc* in It.", .p , I Republicans generally remarked ^ I tha t tho president w u selecUng the

be*l men be could find avaUable for Uie hlg relief Job and In ad-

1 herlng to UiU principle w u d lsrt- . . gardlng party line*.

A One more vacancy exlste on the ^ I board. Under tha law thU must go 31A I to a Republican and the u lectlon

[probably wlU be msde thU week.

i;s iir iT iii! miT^SUllGW N “ A M odel Boy— 1 D o N o t E l-

th e r D rin k o r S m o k e ,”

M y Says Confessed M u rd e re rrhen

8AN J(56E, Cal.. July 37 t*P>—Ds- ' KTlblnR hlm.'*lf (1.1 "» modri b6y—I

ifetv ' drink or »mokc," Oeorge1 Dougiu Templeton. Jr.. jo -y ta r-o ld .

vine i unli'eislty -Junior, today confessed lu d - ' dabbing hla aunt to death and te-

ihe ' riouily wounding !iU uncle.U ,. , Tenipleioa*ald he acted te avenge

Monss he believed hU uncle, WUllam Rider B a ^ k . had done hU father whrn tiro two were associated In

' busineAs in Manila, some year* ago. :N T Inquest Into the death o f'the oth*

' er victim. Mrs. LlllUn Babcock. Ma- nlU society matron, before dawn yes- terday from wounds Inflicted w ith

^ u - n 40-c«nt butcher knife w ill not b: h of held, officials announced, un til I t U ’ Kh-1 definitely determined whether Bab- snus-. cock wUI live.

I PhysicUns said Babcock would rq- I cover, barring compIlcaUona.

Templeten's parent*. M ajor and . nan■ ' n r .i ^or j OakUnd. reached here I M afternoon con- (a (fe ^helr aon. who w u a rre te d

Ust night a l OakUnd. They were _ I accompanied by Attomey T . D. A lt*

c lt r ken, San FrancUco. an eld friend w ith , or both U>8 Babcock and Templetea a n d , ^ .

(ConUnued Oa Page S.'CoL 3J

Page 2: 5 T W F A L l A L L lY N E yw W - tfplnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN... · The pUne was over Hankley com- '< ... -----gymnasiums and various olher bulld-^ Ings at

T f l i r i T w « » ^ ': • ' ' i " " ^ .....-~ s s s s s s s = s = s

i m f S M K : f h b 5« i I

; B a j i t a l e G o v e rn o r In lo ^

, L in e B e fo re A n no un o ln o | |

■ D a le lo _ O p e n _ C a tn p a lS 5 . i

The AjmcU M Prew) | g' tl:t e w v o r k . July 3 7 - u # i or

M the " W Sfflllh teKlerf «P- | r-X ^ -p s re n lln r w m won over to the K' Roouveit eauu lodty: the Smllh p .mta in tho MWdle W « t wtm r«- ^

port«l “ »U in line." tn d the openlnj JKol the Democr»Uc. aomlnw * own ^ cm ptitn w u »e f Jor A u fm t 50 In

Ers„^sa^s'.s^ | j s s r s s s s / y s ’ i i s : |

. . I M l i S f ^ < a » u > W ■

10. deeUrtd on U * m iT ft l he rt that . r Rooteveif* qutek wpouwl dl the

ST ^ i K . 'OhiMco t f td i t im w iT l i iv tn iu c p t t * -taechftd won Rte'.the" tupfwrt of Smith fo U o n rt cttanwghout tb«

•At Democratiev b tu lq u k r im Ik ~ s w u tnnouneed Bopeevelt. would J W . the opea lD (.v in :a i;J ili.cuD ptlfn a t amths (tadlum:ia;<»lun1)0s,^Ot4(>. > t H 4T . M.. BAluKUr, Au«uif io. before Q DemocrtU from lU - p .trtt of the ^ iU l« . The c ith e rtn i w ill be under p 019 Mutpiees ol tbe Dem oer^ tU te ^-o com m lttM m d wlU eemo une day* t k . after P rM l^tn t deUver-

■ f -- .!.ob io , .which h ta idim RepttbUcan

in aeren or tbe la tt nine prtetdentlal . . . .elecuona. u ona of Uie (Utea thaRooHTelt-fotcea haVe eaid they are ^detcrmliud to w ln th li.jrea r,. . (.{L, ' When Kly. whe placed Smith In

nomination at ChlM io. eame fro n ^the -peaca m te tlnT wtth the party ^fUndard b e v tf. ii|t;.WW;Wked; ^

-W U rou w p p t f i 'J M i r a i t r“ I I I U l l that in a ?

•tatement t # u l w d ¥ 0j«u y ," he ^

Rooaerelt vbien'-'sanouaoad be s : would dellrer a a4<>naa Batur* ^ day night trom U» tz te o t lr t maa*

So3a btafU if oo W am ^am tn i?^-; -.

This • * - i n ( e t F « K ‘ to mean ^ Rooievelt would:aanire-Maaiachu*M tu DemocraU'tn-Uu t« lk tb a t tha party'a deelaattoB-fotaiM id-or-khe Elghteeotta lAModmeat Wpuld .Itot ^ be tubordlnatMUo o t h ^ l i n ^ - & that Ely « o d f lU a » s ( ia - o a t^ t th . i hU e n d o m S M ^ . t t ) f t . : . ta iU ' o t Uv <ueh a deciantUed. " ~

Uajro^ Ccnnafe^'whsTjtapped: ! ^ a< -- New York fot a-K r.-TU JU m a W l Vtt

way to i t u w ts TecuperaM- trem i h l l r ^ a t lUoeM IW f.M tlU M Hut J

— Bpttm W w w td iB tienrto JMitB r ta a t JK ■ Dem ocracy-e 'ebatt^m hU -ieetUn ^ ofihe country. „

iJJlnoU WUJ to DtmoenHo Jn Wo- ,« — - T cm ber-by» -T tit'm a Jo rtty ,*—ho ,,,

raid, -and Iowa and Indiana wtli ^ ba In the Rooeevelt column, too. „ -We tre t i l amaied a t the Rooee- ^

"• • " veil f l r n if f i r tm t - h u aevti op rt in Chlcato. u v a i h l i t ly lo * tr ip to q , the convenllow that-dtd U.“ ------^

i c i i i m ^BUYseiBmn^^

____________:_____L _____ ______________ C l

O lfe r E q u iva le n t lo $22,- 862,000 lo r R io M le ld _

C om pa ny G a ins O b je c tiv e j ;

LOS ANOELES. July TJ i4V -A n [n offer cqulvalcnl to I23.e03.ooo for ihc

. ' aMCU of the Rlchfltld Oil company, made by lU rry P. Blnclatr'* Con- solklnted Oil corporation, w t i ac* ctpied Ute-today by t committee O reprf*cniln< ItJchflfUI bondlwlders, _ Pan-Amrrtcan bondholden tn d un- len ircd Richfield crfdltor*.

The tUchfleld company haa been In equity rtcelverahlp itnce early in m o.

The toUl amount involved might ■■ run- mucli hlsher Uian |334M3,000

u the offer included up to 1 ,000,000 lo a tU fy dtaaenter* of the r ra rf tn - uation plan.

___ ■ The b n deal waa negotut«d afU^“ Ihree mohUu’ efforfby irena'I<ock> hart. New York baaher. whl» brou|ht about the m e rttr er tha pta lrle OU ' and Sinclair eompaalaa and ether coDcema now rermiac tiia OooaoU- dated O il oorporatleo. -

He received aotlc* o t tbe ceounlt- tee'a acctpunee Im 'h im r* before the expiration ot the Ume UmU aet by the Standard OU company, C t ll- fomU. on a bid w julralent to 117,- 000.000, , .

Becauae actual ootuummatlon o f ' tbe tranuctlon U condltiotug on a aufilcteui number o t ttu n le ra . ■ pretnun «1U be aubmllUd to Indi­vidual bondholder! tn d credlton by t eomntUUe conaUtlnt ot Jetftraoo Chandler, repreeentlnf naaecured PjgM UW g 0 1 > g u JU ta fld ti_M > fe - _ DooKiO. repnteatiat Rieh/leld bondholden. and Robert c . Adama, reprtaesU&K Pan'A nerlean boilll- beldera. chandler aod UmDooaM are of x«t Auielea to d Adama ia ot New York.

W hcti the OonaolkUUd offer waa flra t maei U waa conafdered th e i e^uivBleaJ o f £OJ9P,M0i but (I ln> t f mHl4 CeoaolUUt-'

T. ■■

Bad'Check Charge I


* 5 ® ip i™ iy ie f c B m

M g i i

r r X j j P

H l H B yA L l X n B R A b F O R D M O N K S . 6

o f a. B w to n f f tm l ly , w as a rre — h iR v 4 tifT « if« rT A n to in o U c r -4

' i te u ln ( f a w o rth lc B ^ check in . (low .cc lo f t ) v a k t to . n e M . - r t f R - ^ o to .

rO U C A S T FOE TODAY AND rOAfOftBOn’—P a rltr.c lo w ly i tocal ;b«deTftatm la the n o o a U iu ; een- inoed » a m ^

tw tn Palla tcmpcrature.1 In tlic 's t- iour-perlod pr«ed ln» 6 P. M. yc*. •>' :erday ranted between 8S.5 and &3 ^ le tm a . accordlnc to tbe report of ^ <3. B. Oheyne. «overnmfnt wralJirr )baerver here. The day w u partly :loudy and the barometer rcglaler- •d 30M Inchei a t 6 P. KL Wind. ttro n t in the aflemoon. w u In tlie lOUthaMt. Sum ld lly rajised between » ' and 14 per cent o f la tu ra tlo i. oli A thundentorm In the* trternoou in ftroufh ta trace of prcc(plaulon. be_____:_________ ^ __________ L<-------------------------------- - UIed which h u Increued tn market la value the l u t lO dnya. D<■ *010 Ibema of the offer were 111.*

SeoM in I .per cent. ISiyeur Cofti f aelldated dabenturei. I3,MOMO In caah. SOO/tOO aharea o f Consolidated ooounon atock, Isoo.OOO for the ex- peoaea ot eommltteea and the moxU nu m of UMOMO to Uklltfy thoae ° who do not aaseot to tha pUn. ~

SlncUlr. ehalrman' of Uie execu* n Uve eommltlee of Oonsolidaied. U due b^re lomorrow by airplane fo r a conference w llh H. R. OaQagher,ptMldent of the-ewnp a n y r -------------*•

Rlchtlsld bondi touUed about ~ «38A>0,000.' lU aubaiditry, - Pan- „ Amcrtoan*. had about lld '.oooAM 'Ih '' bnoda and npproxlm ttfily *35,000.000 w u ovlnc unaecured credllors. The reorjantxatlon commlttec w ill eval- uato property under n icfifle ld nnd , Pan*Amerlcth bonda and unmorU ^ m e d property to determine bow

■much of the.Burchate prloe U to b e ^ aet uu ie tor divUtlon by each g r o ^ OnedWUJonmenllmiedlaSIAperceni

-fAr..nuhflAM_hr',wll^nlrt>w M ] »cent for Pan-AmerJcan bondhokfm *and 4« j per cent for uniecured cre'd- *Itor*. ‘

After lh»l l i u been d S ^e d , the o conimcl with the uroup* w ill be com* pleted and 30 dayi w ill be allowed ;for depMit of »ccurUte4. ,

I -------------------------- -- -------------- ,


(Continued From Pase one j (

well m ;rd *lnee (he r in t Ol the ! week, in d »oiiie commLulon houiea ( reiinrl that beiV i>ubllc partlclpaUom.. in Ui«. market In months. | ^

hULU.Stl C.NTUUBlASftl j 1SAN nUNCtSCO. July 37 (Tl —

BullUh e iithuiU im w u reborn on i •

Shrine Leader Gi

T H O M A S J . H O U S T O N . ( Ic f ' S h rin .-ra in N o r th A m e r ic r iv a l • fro m C h lca so In Son H . SltngjTH (c e n te r) o f I; W o o J f ic lt l, d ire c to r o f th i

• ' Uoo.— P h o to .

:e Holds H e ir, W ife ; C




. al


;Sr 60, (u p p e r le f t ) m iss ln s : h o lr a rre a te d on a w a r r a n t c h a rg in « t c ^ g h t ) . . a n f i h a r r tn d c w i t f r - k i n San D ie g o . G eorge O ta u ka . ikB , w aa h e ld as a m a te r ia l w i t -


* t0 6 ANOELES. July 37 — A a . eiecutlre bo ird reeomraendatlon th t t tho annual international W allher ’

r Lceaiic'budget be reduced'trom 140,- . 000 to « S ,000 wB|.unaccepted lodayI by LcMue eonveaUon dtlegatea who i voted ft IS0.000 budRet w ith a i ta te - ' ment i l ia r executive departmenU I* »)'.ouid be Riven free rein In aponaor- ^ In j LeaEUc a ffa lrt. .n The cuiiventlon alio adopted a n i *I. olutlon tc Incorporate but advl«td anII inveitlgttllon by the execuUve board

be/orr any octlon waa token. Tbo LcBBue l i u M.OOO memberi tn the united Statee and Canada and main-

t ta in t ths Whcatrldca la o lu rlu m at Denver, where charity work In « t« a i of I80.000 >-earIy h u been done.

‘ - Mcetluc on the annlverury' of -the » day. July 37. IOU. which marked lhe J beglntifii;: o f the World wnr, t iie eoa-

ventlon oUo idopted a tetolullon cn- .dorslnR the "friendly conteiU of a th-

1 'le ils tb llitle i among the na tlon i in Uie Olympiad u the (plendld exam> pie of iiianlfeMlng aupremocy >n

!• partlcul vr fie ld i w ithout duUucUon.,r An in&piraUonal service with tho r .Rev. J a lin r.H e n e r. Winnipeg. Man- . 1 .lioba, CnMda. tho principal ipeaker.

ended <h<' convention 'tirne lM iyM - « p t to r R few eectlonal meeting* to-

.tnoirow, ___ _____ *■ ~ ___ •.n ________

— Ll -------'--------- --------------------------:■Uio Ean Francisco atock exchange today. f lU i prleea of Weitem stoeki

1“ alwotiiip up while trading ipeed out- did anything seen here alnce Feb- niary : 0. Total aale* were eittmated

?l 8oni'* of the moro itr lk ln g galna „ wete. Uome Fire and Marine Insur- „ “ ii}? r~ J i;M rrflc lfli''T eW pn im e -n iid 1. Kirnimii'Ji Fund Insumnce J3.50

eftcli, IMcltlc L lc h tln j »3. PacUlc ’ Oas $1.^0, ami CaUtomla I^ackmg

'c ! nnrt W M itfn Pipe nnd Steel t l cach.Virtually th r entire list ot W eit-

eru oil, utility, finance and dlvcr- Wflpfl in tliiitrin l utocka flnUhed on the toj) Aide. T lic rlie camo chiefly from technical market eondlt|oni.

------tn>»pfQipe£t ot mflreoLleMinDaUouLC following th r provUloni of the late

conRrr*.^ « u widely dUciuued'nn a . market fnctnr. u well aa the ap a ir-

ent r.p;i'niial tu rn In prices, and to ^ j iwnc emenl In builneu.

I Purdue university farm manage- jL ' ment .itrn n n ifn t In a ^ u r r e y of

-tarm rr.-irrtim r*-foanO »jllffcn.'nce of $4Qon brtween tho loweit aad Uiehl>!l;,p.v.. ___ ,

— i:xpeit ^tadln Service. Sanipaoo on M wlc to - , \d » .

' Greeted by Islam

L: . . . ' • j .( le f t ) im p e r ia l po te n ta te o f th e

le r icn . \vn.^ w elcom ed upon l i in n r - Son l'i-n nc i.ico b y P o te n ta te J o h n

) f l.s lum T em ple and W ill ia m H .' th e f if t> - .e is h th an nu a l conven*


j i l i O i f f jj GIGillC PIDEJL OwB — Cn l a r f a me

r ~ At EiTpense dP'Oid'MinL -■ iDeDcessiorbrLa8tf)lKind” U ‘L ____________ — ~r BAS PRANCISCO, JuJy 27 m - I NoblesoftheM yitlcabrlnewhdctm e th 1 to their convenUon tl ty to make lu n ta I tn d ipread optlmlim locked en today I u Sail rnneUco enterttlned them

w ^ a parade deptcUnt InduatrUl Ai pd z reu and the^ paulng of "O ld M

I ManDeprctilon"aDd’* n ib L u tP e i- In . altoU: In America." ' f!'

I Throiijh Streeu Jammed w ith ten i ta o f iho'isanda who had caught'the conven'iori spirit o f optlmUm. the pc parade wound. Band.« blared about fi! happy days asatn. Beautiful f ]6aU ;L i told of inlngi going ahead tn CaUfor- tn

: . nU. Do)-i and g lr li performed gym- rou tio I ’.unu to ihow the rU ltors pc they lud shaken tway their blues. S(

I A Chlneae dragon, Id IU mouth huge ih !* lea lheri plucked from "GUI M u De- sl< i pteuloa," glared u tt moved along, rc I - reprcienilng the c ity * O rlenU l leo- of i tlon. ■ arI ' ik PSDm a truck w u aerved a foaming U I Ui]uld apparently remlnUceot ot as-I ,, . . ---------V "

L _ . MaU O rd e n W ' ^I fiU ed P rom p tly

y Po itage T M

I, ' J HOME-NH $ 1 . 0 0 O v a l H n e . . . 6 g31.m\ i ORLIC1C*8 f lQ is ,

m a l-Q d m i l k ...........0 8 0U o H z u n r sP O O D ... , ; , . . . . O d v <

N K r.,.8 9 c 3^ ' " ■l l i i i i . _ U PTO N ’S

A . Yeliew

I* 9 S B iSe T B E C 1u j j . ib , C r«

IM DOROI»-|.rrAOLE fiaA.su <

SSo Walgreen C ioeolate M all M , 65c Walgreen P U te MALTEll

«• abj p"jS«. 6 f r 6 ‘” m CQ UO T CLCB f i I a , a

aLNQKBALB....... V O lO r 9* : ABMOUR'S <I “ ORASK JU lce, Quart........ 0

ho ; U S U M U C K S r,.'... 4 fO C ,fi

S! [ J.’TwAtER;. 4forEt0 c 6 fo r 5


B B S m s g s p E c i l f f l M H . Free " j

" ■ . ’ W B E H S sS m ?,’.

" CRESCE.VT EUse X " ” ’ 5' " ‘ “ J P«

'b l CCESCE.NT OSC ILICd . ^ “ -ECTRIC r,vN - -ir - b # il i'tb . KL fcrn ic r i i t ina " * - # ----- ltaaej4ee-T«i«.U..-m i^f5Q ' . r tta tiB d tconciti.l«l,... tlie S1.00 MASTERCUAFr KI ng TBIC CURLINO w :h. IRON .............................. C

II" Caseson -___

ir - ' Vonr Cho

BTER-KIEAN A l'TO SEAT Ceol and cam forlable...........

le-ot _ O B R T IP IE D .

sr_TaB*h cottrt. ..- 'J /

Tmt CtnftT*.

“ k 4 2 * 3 f o r 5 l = 2 5

V PENN8YLV.\NU,TtBALLS...............

< X 3 t o rH . ^ r ^ T E x c ti, p a n :

\ mf 7e L IO H T H O trt

O L E A N B B B .... 10c L U X P L A K 7&C JOHNBON'fl 7Bc JOHNSON’i 10c N U .O L IV l!

I lOo S A Y B U M '8

J 3for23cM^ — — 10e-Ptim oUv8- H f i K

4for25c mh n . IC E C R E A M — F u l l Qu

D c lic io u a Ic > C rc n j ii ,E n*

rv NEWSrTWHTFA L i .s. i n ATTD

°'!c iiun-'b:o:fc or granlfo m tm iA il D on a tn ie t bore the words:


HL DIED TODAY.". . Fioruu;. naturaify. l a l l I t in flow- .

CM. in a bis way. A bank told In p in * temlnic how J t helped the butcher.

■ lh>..e»n<ili:n iflt.in ikfr, T M ^ i lM W r e S r ^ ^ i tI t)rc4uc’.s told why the cuitomer

should tu> i h l i or that. And iprlnk*’ led Uiroughout were floau to repie*

1 jtic.cflu£M lann!________________ U . _. A MarQi O ral of Indtwlry It w u , •) the /econd of the big parade ipoft*, lasles of Sh rlm week. plr in qiilcter lurroundlujs. the lm* coI jx rls l co'jneil, govemmg body of the ‘ Ik1 Antlcni Arable order, Noaiei of tho |"h1 Mj'.nie er.rlne, balloted for offlcen. al. In accordance with cuitom, eaeb o t- cu

fleer excjpt the recorder and ic iro - h«I lary wU moved up oae.step, . fo. The one vacancy at the bottom, the rc• po. t ot Imperial outer cuard, wa4t fil!f(t|hv>th elocUon -ot Tbonu i-.C . <ji l i L ii« j, Atlanta. Gcorcla. p u t polen- ni• tnte or vaarab temple. In crdlnory au . jiroijreMion. lie w ill becoiije linpprlalt pott-niatu In 1944. Laws l i u been a j ;

S lir ln rr littce 1913, and a member o: u s the ImperUl eouncU for eight lee- . slowi. Il3 U an lnduitrU l chcmlit, = , rccenUy retired u grand commander n• of Uie KnlghU TempUr of OcorRla,

and U 4 p u t district goremor of Ro-I tary International.'- The formal promotion of other o f. „

E E D S —. 6 8 e

rs T E A .^ lM b .

1 9 6<’8 TEA — X

....... 1 4 c <

3 fo r 49c ^Mailed MUk 3 S e ^ ^ B R.TED M ILK 4 3 e

B 9 c e

i r 9 7 c M

■ 3 7 c ® Y r r n n lB e ' v / / '

i-lfc ^ J! >R!DiC I A L O F F E R

Thrr* lOt b tn WnkA . S U fi B rO dItclt Soap iT'ih Mfb _

8 1 2 5 o - F 8 «

A m cnA n- iELEcTBlc - ^

2 S c P e n

ELECTitic p.\.v. 5 0 c E x i f

$ 4 . 4 9 3 5 c » i n ! i

- S - W - - S f o ' - S y n

sire.- CiS!6 9 c s e c F a h l

i B f l s S e , S u i t - T S c E n o

' “ ’ T r a v e S i n g g S c J ^ i

B a g ^ E t c . ^ - a S r K r u i

Cholcc ' " " 9 8 c I 5 0 c K a l i

AT C0VE.1S. S f lc J s p

iL m

r z i u eScSs! LTBNNIS 5it5Kl Di „ * 7 t ........7 5 c S o il

............I S c s s t P h i i

7 6 c P s ,

7 B c D o a

- E> t t U C | m i 4 O n i * H

5 > o r i 9 c W I L LA K E S ........ 3 f o r 2 S e J

n eO AP .4 to r 19 C a s i r a " .10c U F E B D O Y ; ' . ™ ’

^ S f o r l G c — -Je CREMO,

™ _ 1 0 C - L D X _____ c t n m . . .

p S f o r 1 9 c

Q u n r t B r i r k S c lira m m -J o h n s o n 11, T h f f p F la v o rs . ________

ro T T iruR ? xr.\Y -m o jim in g ,. ju

^ C O IiM T ^• ' ' •,. mi

S tm c lu r a o f .W tie s A p - “

.^ n f la r« t-R a f if t r t -h n _ R iim ftr f i

' ~ ■■ “ dePONTIAC, Mlclu-J,uly. a7 (^7h-A a i

plot agalnn Urge banka ot the cotmlry, deacribed'byHhe-iUte por

‘ lice officer who uaearthcd It. u ' a t>yI |"boJd aeheme to w r ^ tb r J lnantl- op. arstruclure ot major cttlei” ‘ by etr- c i. culaUng false rumon, i w revealed ed

here today coincident v lita ab order lafor the arrest o f ttte tnan wbo d f- d t

: reeled Its te tlv ltlea .: - . caOeorse RowUnd. la ld to be the a i

- director o f a nng -«eeklng-(o cauao (he failure o f b&nki by rum re- Ih

' suiting from rumora that tbey were mi I In unsound condlUon, -w u ths ob- r j I Ject of the learch. Captain In t H. cli

MMWon e f the ita te peUce. raided s^

' fleen, headed by Earl C. U IU . past fP ’ potentiue or Z« Oa Zlg temple, Dea bs

Molnej, Lowe, wbo becomu lmperUl potentate, w ill u ke pUce a t tomor- «

' row'a council aeulon.

V V W M V * * a d J

• f l l ■

DAY AND SATURDAn g u a n | l n a A

r o m o - S e l l z e r ...............— . . i

■ e e n a m ln l — .1

a l H e p a t i e a ..................................... I

e r o x i d B H y i l r b g a i i ...............1 . 1

s i r a e f W i ! e h H a i e i , P i ! i l . . . S

in M e P i l l s , I Q S s ................... . I

f l h s o r b i n e < !r ..................................8

5s ! o t i a ................................. . . . . 2

i i h i i n g S f c o h o i ' S ™ P i n I I

n o F r s i l S a i l s ...............................6

I d S a i f s ..................................... . . . 6

i i i s e h e n ^ s i t e — —

a l a r e ’ s R e m e d y ........................... 3

s p i r i n T a b l e t s , i lH l s

S . S , S . T o n i c . . „ __________ I

I f o r B e u r i f i s . . . . " ______ . . . )

I s l d w e i i ’ s S y r n p o f P e j t s i n j

! D r . M i l a s ’ N e n i n e ..................

S o i d i n e ...................................................'

' h i l i i p s ' M i i k o f M a g n e s i a . .

’ s y i l i u n i S e e d , P o u n d ...............

lo a n ’ s P i l l s . . ______ __________

.LA R D CIGARS H a l i P r i c e

2 l o r 1 0 c B o x o l 5 0 S I ;r ‘ ” ‘ 4 I o r 2 5 c B o x o l 5 0 S :tc"n.»MnN. K\.KT.K}i. ua i v r a e u c f n p MODOAO BtVST CI&»B»... ' '*

.............3 l o r 2 5 c 5 l o rlle< t t M KS.tB

>tO, WM. PENS. ROCKT rOW» Q fQ p

— ................................ •' ' ' r ir& r^ -a V .8 g ~ '------------------------ --------------------------- —NTUIXI:. CIlLVt tu t I t tu . CAMCL and .

>LD CU-.ARrnT3. P itU t* _ - _____» lof « r : onftn I I J*.

o n 35c I FISH C

3U LY -23. 1 9 3 2 -

h u .h o td room b a t Tuetday «od V found fe tters-fltid'teltgrama which ai

_ ^ o w e d ^ e ^ : ^ or e p e m t ^ U

r , CUrence i . ra id th .- -p rb » « S tla » ’S I . attorney o£ Oakiutid eoonb’. deeltr*I . ed the p lo tjo iV q isud ced by.Oom. ^

munlst greupi la \bs United 9UU4 . tnd backed by.sov ltU Jn R Q i^ ’': ^

tatlon fer;Ohlo. M b^gaa a a S 'Iu i- l ! nola.". Tha tairipnign or the ring » h tr* w u d lm ta d . agalnat ^ ^

~ depodtort to lupport the b a a li^ te ? 1‘,A ai^urtng fbeiQ IU eondlUeo- w u . .i, ipand-.: , . «>T Lettan la Ito v lsnd 't room le lied <-a by Captain M am on revealed tha t g,I- operatives of.the Ting were acUve In m •- Cbvbland and Oblcago tn d report-d ed to htmr - Leiton wrltUn by Row- .ar und to Uie operaUvet In thoae- two btI- clttaa contained InitnicUooa fo r the at

carrying on' p t Uu eam palfd' tn d tb IB asked fo r reperU on prograaa xande.10 tfelvln- A. Ita y lo r. prealdeat of !- Uie Flrat National bank In Chicago,:e meanwhile u ld In that olty .' ( h ttI- rjporta from pnctlcally everr large Z.1. city In tKe country abowed that d<d similar eamptfgna o f n u u rs have m

been directed ig a ln it baaki. m- Washington advlcei aald the caf t siireadlng of n c h rum on against wi u banks Is receiving the attention of^ tha United SUUa- lecret aarvlee. Pif . Secret-aerrico-.agenU .already havo F<

investigated a o u m b w o tn o h eue i. cs

N Jf « J H f m U i F * u \

TO+WE_______ _ M o



^ a l mBOo O A X P A IY A ’8 Tl

60oOdo-Ro-Ni^ 50c H 0 N 8 P I .........

£ B O c K E E T .............B B ^ ^ BOo U U H ...............W M M ^ 20o U A T IB TALOO

3to D jE r -K iu Talc i 2to J . » J . lA lO O I

f l i BAY “

- - V O C Yonrel

j - l 8 o

] . l 9 c — ----------------

: . l 9 e

I A 5Je n rC H ’S DANORUFT, „ I 8 C « I lA M l*0 0 . . ............. - .........

o a . 7Se CLOVER’S_ - 8 « MANCB RSMEDT .............

O f l^ BOe H B R P IO ID B ...........~M« — - CUP TMII

-38*- 2 3 e

I I 1 9 c j

j t * - -_ _ w v « J iW o ^ * r K « wlthoul fDtipt MW iL irt »nil mnr* b«Kulllu1

j / _ 3 7 C jR h a I l i in ll»*u»».-Tinjr lln li Win

- . O T O ' I K , «r«Q O a 1 ?*ln li»m ifu iir f " l " l a ™. - I i . ■mootli .» <i .cI,o«1fitl'3.

M t Latest Model Go1d;Pla n . A l t RAZOn aw t OSE NE\

BLUE BLADE—. . . 7 9 t SpecUl................................

J Q a ^ SonUy Cet*. . . 4 V C wtui . f l |

^ Ceopon......................... l itO« Javi Powder tiIUi

. . 5 9 c 37e

> J ft*e Uu 7 < jrt’ t&'Tm LUUrlac......... _

r ^ / a »i4e P fT ^ m t 7 Q « K AaUMVilc....... I O b ^

S F ■■ S,£SS.„.. S3C E^ K ,r . ........63c B[) S2.50 H e SSB 83.10 t^ '™ ... .1 9 cl o r 1 5 c . r r nlo r 40c I , , /

m [ / r u tm t ......

“ I W J u i 35c T B f -------------- **• I B i J V S B e A L L l

[ C A N T < 1 0 U P E S U N

W i;« .;M W *n .lU u .I.o r iU :j MrrlM

L.UBT1 U k«n la Rowiuid'.M .BowUnd'.

M m t. ta u im iM u i l u t ch. -

J , . . " u c w ^ r i i S t e T t o uS;P te t N tU ontl banie tad other In-

jtllu U o n t:lh e re . -P ra o W e *a ^ ^ th e --------te tU n coDtiLlned the Phruea ‘'roara

“ComradejMO" at CrtreUnd.-eafd. referring to tho cUeuIaUm of the falae rum on: - i dld not iS -e mtlch trouble In coavlaclng the a tiu tlon propaganda bureau that ufjj important work tn d Qie loo nv we atrip the petty bourgeon and the Whlte-colltr a t lt f i of hU i 5 h i in banks Uie teoner we wJH brlM

FOSTER COMMENTS .DETBOrr, Ju ly 37 (ff)—wtUUm

Z. Poster. CommunUt party etndl- date, for president, aald In a lU U - m.ent (onfghC; a ebarge the Com- munUU hed conducted a w h l ip ^ g catnpalgn agatnst t PontUe btnk w u "a dcUbcrate fabrication.”

“There U no 'Oeorge RowUnd ef PcaUao In the CommunUt party," Poster said. “ I f any such Individual cxliU a t alL he U a poUCeman.

^ B ig h t S a n r re d

etrTes^ — -10 POHD-8 S E A U S ...........

EmS * ’BEAM ................... O IQ« IIILLROSE TUEATRI . J iAL ^ REAM, rrn u d ......... OOO

Sl S’^ S S S ™ . . . 2 8 c .le CREAM OF mmLMpNDS LOTION. 2 l8 : IT A L IA N B A L U 4 7 «

No.:47« p

0DM...19 'i l c n m . . . l 7 ^ ( { l | ^ r )

n.00 IN O & A U ’S M ILS W S E D O E E ^ . . . . / / CMe JEROCNS' 4 A .LOTION ......... 3 S 0tSc GLYCEttlNE AND BOSE 1 7 .

•WATER i ' l®5#o niLLROSB O O - •K " LOTION....... iCyO

S p e c i a l O i l e rr ehelM Ot, any Mo Toolb « u d ft guranteed Me11 B ruh. A A .L tw ...................... W C

............. 6 9 e

—> e < » i — !— - A *. _________

u l w ^ n w tl 1 ( ^J P 0 N l S i . » l 3 9 c \

; C „ j ; 5 l ‘ “ . t - 2 7 c .


c s.. n*cii*»r» ■

S i s i i r : - 2 8 c 1

Plated o i L L r r r E i ’TT

1 9 c ^ 1:r«im

mSIM onia a»u> a Qa

^ Mvuc. m t . . . IA 8 3 c

S s r ...... Il i l S i ' S , .......... 5 9 c I

a .s ic s s . . ....i •Tawtu........- * 5 1

U 0 L L 8 ZINO

UJC< ........I9 c !j 5 K b K X ' ‘.7 .T .*.‘ . . - * J J I •T8 I T .......................... J I * !

N D A ^ ^ ^ i>

Page 3: 5 T W F A L l A L L lY N E yw W - tfplnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN... · The pUne was over Hankley com- '< ... -----gymnasiums and various olher bulld-^ Ings at

' July 77 ( S p i i ^ u r .T lw B. N ««*l*-Buhl u n le e clubt: bt?« ■

= I

p « “ - . ' . i l Aft the K iw u iii me«tln< n u tndvr : M

bdsa. Uu dub \l iu a *d to H t m ' W — » « y re » le w 1 > U lrJ p ~ io U i* :B « » r " 1

In te rn a lio u ^ in 'whieh ba-«KQlU'Pf ' ■ ' tt«e n p U r o v th (X R oury, And |ST« -. U. «p ' opUmUtio viewpoint ' e( oeadl* ' l l, ' t ^ >n thU country M cflmp*x«d . I

■ wUh fo rt lm n tilon i. Bnrtn T em lln - , S■on led the m ule u id w*i-«eeem* flpanled by M n. H irry Burry. ' S

The H otarluu lUtened to ^ra the r IUleheel Rye& ’ addrcM tbe etub IT hu rjd iy neon. Ted BendmeyerpUy- Iedulectlonscnthetm nhooeandw u . I

• accompanied by M rt. H M iy B a sy . IThe KlwanU club pUn» a ^ I

nle luncn to be eem d by the M e ^ - Io d iit ladle* a t the Banburr n a t a ^ \t lu n Wedneidey evenlnf. Auguet * . j l


•n » ttew tl—H aferoaa artlTaU aaa departure* In the l u t veeic Included the {oUowing;

MU«es Frances Qrldley and Blanche OrlbWe, sa lt U k e City, who have apent two weeki v l th tbe lr parenu hew, le ft Saturday evenlnf to « • > aume their w ort in Dlah. • p j

M r. and M r*. Ek V P U y tr a r.riva l* In Hafeiman Saturday from

•~ MonteUo:-Nevada.— .........—~ ^ M r . 'wid

and-Mrs. Scott Boyer W t priday io r Pendleton, od a ireeli’a taeaUon trip .

E. D. Nlfhswoncer and. aon. Sr*------nq tr~retam ed -home oa t t t r d a y - ^ r —

j«veral dky* in O re m and a o rtb n n CaJiromia.

Mra. Harry LeMoyne and aona Harry ana Jobn. motored to Hslley Saturday to vU lt Mra. LeMoynet mother; Mra. J. C. Pox. - . .

Trum tn Praoiworth and JM Lara* / gan ittu rsed home Monday after a toree-day lUhln^ W p In the 8aw-

M lH Ttie lm a McReyootda, who haa been atiendlne bualntsa coUefe la Seattle, u tu rfiJd home Tueaday w ltb her alater. MU* Lemora McReynoid* and U lu M a ^ Oiwalt. who drove •- there from uahrm an laa? week. .

M/a.-l.rtUe Oreene, Muldoon, and tr nephew. Jaek Jennlnf, Bolae, vialt-

• . ed at:the home o f Dr. and Mr«.'R .H. Q ttm e aad M n. John Baptie the . laat Of the week.

MUa.-Cleoce MlUec returned hone Sunday Irom Portland.

Mr. abd Mrs. d . P. MacReynoIda W ti »<oaday for B ko . Kevada, where they WlU vU lt frlenda.';

Mral Alice Sevey was an arrival in Haterman the laat of the week from Ontario. OrefOn, and w ill v la lt with ber aoo, iea ile . and daughler. y ra . Joe'Sbnrta.

Mrtk-iva. >i{«Nalley and aoPi vlo. Salt Lake p ity , M i. and M n .

' MarvU'Beckerj Butte, Montana, and Mr. and M n . Leonard Strout and

ley a t;h e Praok Q rld ley^w fte .uao- day aitemooo. ■

Oeotse Letchworth, a grandaoh ot a• M r*. Plorenbe Ah'b(AU. and Cornel- «

iu* Maani, both of Buffa lo,'Kew York, are vi*ltor* a t the AbboU home,

•__> ^i.*S dJ4 «a ._A ..M U i> hb *on ,an a r•on, n«vd. Zxa AScela*. 'Wera a ir lv - _

- at* K r u a tn m te Blturday,‘ and are f l_ J fl* it« > ^ l:.th ? .h O B e ol-M ra. John- _

ion** » te r . Mrs. Rachel Wlcklund. tiM r.aodMra.Johnsoncelehrawdtheir uforty>fourth redding annlveraary „8undayatthebomeo(Mra.Wlckluno. «

- " ■■■' ' " a

j M E y s s i i su

■■ hiRUSSELL LANE July 37 (Special

t« The New*)-Women o f th * P in t Besrefatlon- of the North Side tract ^ are looklnj forward to a Democrat- lc women'i meetinf fo r the or* Bsnlxatlon of a Democratic club at al the Eden high achool. Saturday, at P< 3:30 P.'M . Pi

--------Four-women prominently Identl. - -fled with Democratic actlviUea of lr the atate- w ill be preunt—Mr*. Ben Ro*5. M n. Frank Jenea*. M n . Ben ni Dlefandorf and Mr*. R e e ie -H itu - ei baujh.. "I

Demoballc women of the Ru*»ell ei Lane district have betn urged to M attend. n


to The New*)—Butte Pomona *' Orange wiu meet a t the Ruaaell ^ Lane .achooUiouw on August 6. Mr*, h Chsrlea Hobnhont, F r o n t i e r ° Orange, w ill oonduct the meeting. ®

^U .w U J be an open meeting and all O ^ e r a are eapeclally urged to B attend. j

a basket dinner wUl be C



Page One)

. op*, tobaaaador W alter E. Edge to ldPremier Edouard Herrlot today whtn he paid a courteay call on hla ra> lum from Washington. U

The embou; announced the c«a> tt versaUon betveen the ambaaaador f< and the premier covered the sub* dJ Ject of Franeo-Amerlcan relation* gennally, but aid not Include war n debts. . *j

Americans (eel keenly about dls- u armament. Mr. Edge to ld the p n - mler. and If Europe w»nta America* bi

* aid. dUanolng vould be good prep- «|— a n t tB s iw i i . -------------------------:-------o]

Hlgheit Prench officials had beta eagerly awaiting Mr. Edee'a re ttim u and. althougb-ltwasorflcUUsatatad t l that .war dabu.had not been db * N cussed, the op!BVm wa* ezpreated tha t i l ^ nroblem could not be avoid-

PREMIER R IC H iib 'B .,5 e n n e t l Thomas, dom M biifl secretary

___ JUm ent .in .O ttaw a fo r ' the

RicK W idow , Gardei


-. MeDle' Park. -Okt;'^*peiV* eoii'ght I to;d*teTmlfte‘ l f le ii|» W er t^wnQ* <ar- flifw e la l . (aaliaa^.cauatd t} i | M th e o f' Mra.'KdlW Orr.•ffeneer.U

f e S S I S aVlfno hnted.Mr% «»ene«rand thenfl


famlllaa, ■. ' ' ' •’ ’ " ' ' »-2 B *w -a lw ik ^ -g ii» * t-b o y ;:.M rt.^ ■(

Templeton aiW -of Oier » c . “ but o f i h tato He keemed mobdy'aztfmore s ll- : p ent that;ever.-;ai: tjiOAh'iom ethlng waa. preying .cn-1;!*; n lh d . He hia a very aweet d ls p ^ t lo n ' and'a loyal charaeter.” . . • . ' i ' • C

: . m iU l . » « r fThe: younf a tu ^ o U fa ther, . be- si

yeadecm gjro^to^htatM t^hartti^

and had.shoiw adciaHaUc'leaaInp[',had little to aay:' ‘ J

" I t U too early to.aay how wa IhaU «plead.“ sald'A ttorney Altken: "Our tplan* are atlll very indoflhlte. - • c' "The boy's mind may liave been *affectcd U tdy. Perhapa aomettijtaf lpreying Upon i t led h im -In to hla (preaent posltkm.'* ‘ *

tn e jh e youpi .In 'h U .ce ll here. « Templeton'a eonfeailon aa an- e

nounced by'authorltleajraa complete v even to the algned atatement thait t - th e n haa been no one else Impll- ( eated in thU affa ir, the cUbbtng of t M r. and M n . W. B. Babeock, but myaelf."; . ,

Lying on a cot In the’ county ja il e here today the youth aald he had tl ltlle r e g n L ------------------------------ - 7

-M y greatest regret la tha t what X t have done w ill bring dlagrace to my t family." he u id . “ Alao. I fear I w ont < be able to go baek to.the O n lrenity of Callfomla and complete my (du- , cation." '

Authorities announced C la ln Jean t Burnette, young.woman friend of i Templeton, had been arreated by Oakland police as a m aUrlal w lt­neaa. I t U believed, police aald, ahe waa familiar w ith Templeton'a .ao- ' Uon prior to th t alaylng. Mlsa Bur. ' netUrelalnied ahe-waa-a-gradu«a * of “ Vassar unlver*lty^ and that her ' father, whoae name ahe declined to give, w u “ aawxlated w ith bank* In ' Nrw York." - ’


R M 8 E L L M N * , u ly JT. (Special ’ R u ^ U U oe

J w ^e a a n enjoytng •. V la iu.fromd S S i t ‘ S a u S i ^ - ’ many

M r. and .U ra Irw ln-M aher bava returoad to .tb e ir both* iq-Iadlana*a /w a Vlstt w ith H t ; aod M r^ E. D .fCtt. • . ,

John C ^-.a nd .'.Q u}n toe Stoke* b ^ r e t u R ^ .jo TVeiKteton. Utah.

, OlU.

the ho«e. l e l t T U M to fo t I N ftM n . • I


' Bui




M iJn

m ett’ (te ft) o f .Canada and J. H. e ta ^ a rr ive a t the house (if par- the B r it l f lh . i mperial C(»nomic .



[A ^

BONUS ARMY CHIEF :IGT------ ORDERS EVACUATION- - - (Cottlnued F r w page .Obb^—

“ ■ *ury a t w h lA M r. Hoover w u j n . n.- <ormadT«mltmsed-Toeeupahcir-«« o f hhldlng up 'the govemoent buildingi l l - . program."- ..............

IndDlge in Baek-Paaalng ral Previoualy. federal and D V^le t ot

Columbr;; offlda la indulged tn a f u t game o f b'ucfc-paaslng o\-er the p ^

w- stood ‘n their ahanty-town abelten ladu'<c«< \« u g h i t i^ '

^ in fo rae d th a t th e , e«aoIdle». would ty> remwed early this mom­lng. a contractor went to the scene

all with a Ufge crane and 40 nen to •ur begin the work ofdem oUtlou ana

cleaning up. He found tiia t no one tn seemed to .want the Job of moving ng the veteran* and 1:1a Insurance cora- ula pany told him he couldn’t go to

work wtille tbe men were then.'H e thea ran the crane-npan a lle r when. veUran* gathered around to

n - examine It. i t had a 4000-poiind !t« weight awlnglng to I t which waa i i t i i ^ p t l y dubbed'the “ potato mash* i ll- er" to the veUrana. I t nmalned In of the alley a ll day.

LaU yeaterday the treuury an- ■ nounced I t had reque*ted the district

lall eommlsslonera to evlo( the bonus ar- >ad Diy a t 7 o'clock thts m bretnt. plaa*. ~ W d arrived on the acene ahortly be-'11 tore Iba t Ume w ith SO blueeoata, but my the order fo r him to clear tbe area rnt did not arrive.Jlr S hort:/ a fte r the veUran army had >»- <*cen IU highly odortftrou* lunch of

potatoea and onion*, word came that :an the commlaalonen lia d found they of had no legal au thority to evict.

Counad fo r tbe eommlsalonen said Ihe only U w fu l way In which tha

. . bonus-seken could be removed fra n ,,, ftderaT property waa ttirough a court ^ on lerfa irtB rt ou t by a U niud SUUa S marahal , ,

A ahow o f fig h t In the eourta by lhe bonus army. ofHclal* belifJed. «oul<l U<s the w M le matter up for week*. .'

NE Dr. Poster .reason* coma and eal. IMM* fo r t l j e . Areli aapperta Me. phone t«0. Over lbtkelcrfa^..ACv.

‘ Be '■■■ ■■ —nmmy

? KRKNGEL’S^ H ^ w a r e & S h o p

S p p p lie a '. C ipe B f i i P ip e .F ilU n g s

fo t I F a irb a h k s -M o rs e l ^ p t .

■ ' ' , PHONiB 1202 ,»«i-(

NEWS, -n

i(iSKliW ^iB B M O B lf e

V TM BM LV. July - 37 ( 8 p ^ to l t i tl Tba Kewa>—lU r ty ' f lv e memben ot s« tta y s l y f f ■

Buhl attorney, on Uie w u S t T ^ ^ J t o H p a ra a rl'a n d U b o re n Should Co* iC pi opexater a t .the regular maaUng of men ihe Orange a t-the O hrtttlas-tinnm p x itonight. - - o f t

In . 't iM bualnea meeUng. the,teac mamberablp voted, to donate'llO^tn the support 'o f the Onnge and 4>K c lub. a t C fa ir th la taU. day.

The 'p ro fran , under dlr«U oa oflaerv Mra.-B. H. KUbom. consUUd eC a by 1 aolo by Donald lU lbom . aebcoDTAnl- M ed by Mlsa Alma May Grootea. aiul day Mr. Yeamana -addres*. B u i

Mr. -.and : U n . lUehant .Baggi. T h i Miss Cor» Bagga and Ura. Carrie odli Jonea aerved nfreshm laU . M

■ ---------------------------- • M nPar eipeei radio ' aervlee. CaU Th i

, SampMB V o le Co. Phesa lM -4 d v . o'ct

^ w L

ngA U o ^

S ixe p e r 1

£ 4 . 4 0 4 > . . . 1 1 .

m = A . . . 3.a , 4 . i 0 - « . . . 2 .= = 4 . 1 f c » = . = . - 2 .“ -------- ‘ --------4 . 1 F M . — .- 2 .m i S .O « .X t . . . 2 .“ S .O O -M -------------- J .

m i S . a s - U . . . } .S '. S . M - 1 * . . . 2 .to S . » - M . . . 2.

____ ________ ■ , . 2.a 5 . 5 W 7 . . . 3.

» t . . . 3 .IS>“ . . . 3 .

* . » M 7 . . . 3 .!ia * . 0 9 - f . . . 3.:

. * . 0 ^ 1 9 . . . 3JM - « . • » . > • . 3.(s . ‘ * . • « » ■ . . . 3.<

k l » - 1 7 . . . 4 . M - 1 * . . . 4..


aid rtha

‘ t t i» 1.Me.ICv.

= Le t U s Test

1T i m k e n , N e w D i

H y a t t B e a r i n g

M A N U F i l

■ i

. TWW F ^ L l i . ijlA H .U raUB;• 'T'’ k . .

URSDAY M 6B N TN G ;‘ jtJ l .Y '2 8 .


. HAOEHMAN.' 'ju ly ‘ 37 • (Special to I S t rhe Newsi-SeTertl lUgeimiin *o -.Oal ,graups have enjoyed 'aMUags | mx lti tin last week. iHlgl

Sevtnteen memben o t the Rim and to c ^ ^ t^ :d u b - - w e ^ Ua:

lo 'Hseermaa Wedna«day. attmoon.A program wu given aad tefreeh* y i imenu wen lernA. ____115~ X i|h ly - f^ 'S u iD ^ tflS o e l pupUa of the MeUiodUt church-and.Uielr » teachtn. loeludlng .Sft.Tlaltrn from Thi the But>l Sunday a c ^ - picnicked cUd at ColUiorp park tn IU4«Bat>:6un> sue day. In the atternooA. open-air tod aervleea In tbe park wtt* eoaducted Th< by Rer. N. H. Llnea. BobL pos

Memben ot the .Bagviun. Bon> noi day Khool have betn tnvlUd to C Buhl to attend' a . plenlp..there Or Thunday hy memben oCtha Meth> Lai odiit Sunday achool. of that' place. I

Mn. R. a Oreene and daiighur, by' Mrs. jphn Baptle. enUrtalned Uift dei Thunday Night Bridie ehib at a 7 J.. o'ctoek dltmer a t the koou ot Uia. ma

i f l fo0 1 0 th re

[pWBOoe AUow vnce 0« r t i r e p e r set . D

l i . « ! : . . * 7 . n d2 .0 0 . ■ ■ » . w — I .

■2.05 . . - . • . » . . h. 2 J 5 _ _ . -----------« .4 S --------------------

2 . « . . . f . M X2 . « . . . i n ^

-2 .1 5 ---------------------------------- °2.75 . . . I I . O * l l2.80 . . . I I . I »2 .85 . . . IM O 12 .90 . . . 1 I . » # g3.10 , . . l a ^ O3 .15 . . . l a . t a °3 J O . . . U . I O ^3 .25 . . . 1 3 .0 * L3 M . . . 1 4 .0 03 .50 . . . 1 4 .0 0 A3.55 . . . 1 4 ,1 0 .»3:<o “ . . ^ . 4 0 ;3 . tS . . . 1 4 . M ^ 4 M . . . 1 7 .1 0 y 4 .40 . . 1 7 .0 0 -V 4 J 0 . . . 1 S .M F

t i

M i3 t Yout* T ires an

ndAutoT H E F I N E S T A N D B

D e p a r t u r e a n d 0 n g D iB t r i b u t o r s S i


Onece. Msabe.'* of th? club were jC | Mr. aod Mrs. P^y Parsons, U r. and Mr*. H. o . Prader, Mr; end M r*. ' Joha Saabom. t ; r . otd Mrs.' t f*5S 5 “ Hulmej, M r and M r i WllUam D ie *. . iKon and Mr*. Charles Bkinner. QueaU were'Mr. and M n . Qeorge MarUn a n d -M rt H. D.-SweeUand.H lgli soore went to Oeorge Hulmet S*' and Ur*. .Osorge MarUn. Geor»ft S*. Maj^ni^ahd Mrs. Oharlts SklnhM. ^


HAOERUAN. July 37 (SpeeialiSo 1 Tbe'Newi)—DaU'for the HagenhM aia cUnlesponaoredbyiheChurehof je« me sua Chrut. Latter-Day Salnte. Relief hel society, haa been set for Auguat 3* ret lh e clinic la being held fo r tha pur- 1 pose of lemoval of tonslU and ade* me noida. ' glv

Openilng physicians are Or. R. H. Ob Oreene. Hagermaa, and Or. H . S. n it Lamb. 1-wtn Palls. bei

Dental examlnaUona wUl be given ani by' Dr. Robloion. Ooodtng. Tboae Re destxl&g.jrork don«r*hould eee u n .- toe J. H. Allen or Mrs. L.Sharp..Uager- o t man. evi


D R J f O U Ree days o n lf —

H e r e is o n e o f t i l m ost am azing sa fe t

o f fe rs e v e r . . m a de t .m o to ris ts .

Here are tiie prices w w i l l pa y to g e t ol< w orn -ou t, unsafe tire o ff the road.

N o m atter w h a t male - o r idhd o f tires y o u ar using—Mii_thfe;Ob_Ui D o n ’t r is k th e safe t 6 f-you rse if and-fam ii on tires so o ld th a t the m ay s lip o r s k id — don d r iv e a n o th e r d a y i

b lowouts._____

N o tire is to o . o ld t b r in g t l ie trade-in pric listed here.

T h e l e a s t y o u w i l l n

' e e iv e o n t h e p u r c h a s o f a s e t o f t h e s m a l l e i

s i z e G o o d y e a r T i r e i s S 6 . 2 0 .

A n d y o u k n o w wha y o u ’re g e tt in g w h e y o u ge t • G oodyea rs - y o u ’ r e g e t t i n g t h w o rld ’s greatest tires- FIRST-CHOICE b y m o i than 2 t o '1.

n d P U IY ^ u rB a t

jmoMleBEST E Q U IP P E D G A R O ffic ia l Bosch M agneto Sales and Scrvice S ta tio r


28. 1032 ■

JE R O g ^ N ^ ^ S

JBROUE. Jury :7 f5pe:lal.t» Th3 ^ N aw a i-«rU a l .aiUriW^a .duila j tha l in t - p a n o f . W»e-.wesk ben have JE In c lu de a lodgs tc»U n t, a m s:t- In f oJ-the P B O and a ChrtstUn •tedeavor pary .

waa held a t tbe b ra s 'o f t in . 8. o . * D avll Tuetday evening. Mra. Davla. " . •w ho4»-pn*ld« iM it-thS :^p t*rcpn - aided, over the meeUng. f "

The Rebekaha met in reguUr aes- ^ aloo Udnday evening. PoUowlng the meeUng Uie monthly social hour waa " held. About 90 memben wen aerved

The. Proab'yUrlan .church' bau* ^ment w u the acene of a clreua party ® ' given to r the memben of Use Junior

. O b riitlan Endeavor on Uooday e v ^

. itlng. The ev'eolng'a entertainment mibegan w ith a parade, followed by an fai

I anbnal.ldenUfkaUoo game In which of> Rex DavU and Frank Carpenter Ued hli. to r flra t prtaa-.-There waa-a vaHety ■ • o t tntenstlng akle ahowa. and the

evenb4 w u oowbtded wiUt a t Ib i M5 S S S = = = S = S = ^ = S S S S = S

I W O R N- J u ly 2 8 ili, 2 9 lt

l o n ’ t , ^ ^ p«

r i n 4 . 4 0 4 1 . . . I

________________4 . » o < i ■ ■ .

I 4 . 7 I - W .

- 4 ^ ^ -f . • • • 1 9 . o .

re - • • -iase • ■ •U e s t - - -

i r e ss . a s . i t .

S . U - M . . .

f h a t . . .

h e n S .S 0 . 1* . .

r s — s . j o - w .

t h e - " * ’.o o .« o .

• e s - 0 . 0 0 . M . . .

n o r e * . o o « . . .

attery—Th is Sen

‘ Compa]^ R A G E I N T H E W E S T

i t o O f f i c e a n d S i i

t i o n F

P A C 1 F . I C

PKtonnftasalii w h i s h t

uio e'/enls;. -I -'■ " l !.T " I -------- i " ,

JEROMEARRAtipES FOR------PLm!c,;Fbj^cHitp,Riru^

iU i i ’d i & ' l New*)-Jerome C lvlc ic lub 'u ;» iO T- , «nrlng ■ nhlld g!ln l. i.» <<»D r. O.' p. ZeUet*a. ottlce. th o iv d ty 'asd Ptlday b t UiUVtett. In V»irA)ii=~>u le'any child «ho h u been held J M k or demoted In achoM threugb eeme phyaleal detect U to be g lv a d v ^ InaUm ent Meidames ,a 'R . P ft|ffion ' and NelUe Roberts oompeae Uie dob- . m tt t« ta phaige o f UUa .w o r tp r

Purdue unlvenlty tarm'n<M^M*' ment ^tfp^r^tntn t b .farmen* incomea found a d lfta w e e or 94000 between Uie loweat a a d ^ •- h lg he a t.........................• i ;

Expert Badio Serrlee.* 8 a a ^... .V^

'_________ ' . “I

T I R E Sth and 30th

J lo w tn c d . A U o w u c e p e r t i r e M t ‘

.1 1 .5 5 . . .

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. 2.10 . . M * .

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. 2.35 . , . 9 ^ 0 0

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, 2.50 . . . 1 0 .0 0

, 2.55 . . . l o a o

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. 3.40 . . . 1 3 .6 0

. 3.55 . . . 1 4 ^ 0

r v i c e Is F r e e

my - :iiiop Pilone 299 P a rts Plione 298

C O A 8 t

— : ' T ^ .

Page 4: 5 T W F A L l A L L lY N E yw W - tfplnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN... · The pUne was over Hankley com- '< ... -----gymnasiums and various olher bulld-^ Ings at

V " ' CB*.

' im a a u " w 'u u > e u x m n

i ^ s H S S S ^ S JS

?st t:ss^s>sM r“

YetS» T w r t i n ^ t* iiiunud A n

S m C S s S ^ Y ^ s S »”S K ' t S B S t B a J ^ S S f i ^ - -H

w ** i*» ■ • -'-'■ AimlU n O B lL B M n B tfX A tl fM ' T iltd

~ ^ v - j ; ;

B ^ d s ifctTi beta • d ru e io f * lw - ly • M l i U ^ of U u ,.«ub0u l. i0f Areui i n i » 4Ay la U im . WMk*. TbU U u>-

- ja ^ » t f d w i lw in W ^ l t o o t« > d 7 ~ h o i» r iu ,W M J n ‘,th* iw ir tU w B u ir-

. l ^ t lq r f c lo n im a * . . AwTtw Ttf7 f i e i th U 'U u |> 1 » h*T« (1

bees-.my «Uc&t I m r daj' to d * r 1» .m M u iit ic .J t n ii|M t» t tu t U II bull* .Uh boad mwfcM U ta i l u b«ad«B9i pmm oc t t in iM tn . bat. M IsTMOiffat ^ b iv tn o S n iu n tiM .. eompuilw, b t i % corperiUoM. inmUneoe ce t n p m i v_ u d lQ0)TtdlMl OPfttUM* wi>» * f buyU t bond* to Jteld. not t« n *M il u I * tM -K tfk M DM rlM nA point er t w ; . I

T lU o tbm M a t v u n ld OD July a i to tiMOfiWfioo to th« bond iatrk« t,'eT«r.U u I m l ef U i i ^ M tr . b r id f

Bood i t l a i t n bulo. Boodi a n her I m o rttM U on property. Boud*buyen MJ“ « r t )m tam putm aui U »a itoek. bcQ«n. W bio m erto ffH a n T»tu«d ^ ta llb ir, I t U » teed m m itu ftoeka. tb e r; eom B od ijM ^ud tw p le yn iB ^_____

ta u in O W W T ^ D O U ^ HtaS

d t f t o r « i t o h . r i^ M m d o Q ^ , ‘'» i« Jofir p U lu : , ‘

“7b» d inattteo e( «B iwetM dot*U r II w g ^ * ^ ^ ^ ^ u ^ bo b w i

-iBotwflUv Ita JC I' B T i r y iM W ia * d r m t i3 W H |*

would Ilia .to b A T o iS tt^ ltl^ lW M lt fee i do U a r.llT < iic r« U (o riid )d U tlU p f^ pt«tt ent.Ui^a im id . to binrQ V.tir*':dU> KSS hooHt moMy unit, b e ^ i i l l i f pur^ £ « chaaloi po*«r l i u rlaetu v ^ d pro* Vloli

r . t P . l i iH 'th ’t lu m ruB t f iw t-aowr *- I t u upHtUm to bu1in u ra 9d .ua *

— Jui t i Q iIebtor».M>dJadH(if i t i L tu ta . _ 'm i whefi the eitabUt&M un it U inimt n iu u n aU buiinita «vtnavtng i up aad down *0 rW in ll jr aad ?22|

- T « I * our ioldVIoUir * t« . J u it n w ; S S debtori rh o happen io be p*ylag td tl back noney borrowed durinc t ) i i W. proapertty wave are paylni naartjr tc ieo M much prloelpal a i U ity bor* ^

— ro n d . crad ltori «b6 Knd raoDeV nm i 00* . to b« n p tu when prw perity tua i r tium a and p rU ti rlie asala. wUJ »*•« ]oae corrMpondlncly.' Erery th ln liln f penon m uit tjiow c lu t

' auch el>m<Bliry taeta .*• ihet«. Yet r . Vk thero U k a « ( f tn apathy r tn r d in f lUa na> probleni.and the quest o{ a ? "? permanent remady-a itajidard o( -a ta lo t w h lrtrw w W not tlu c tu a m n Don

. p u reh ua ii power, b i t really beyooo Oie power of Uie human mind, or oi ortaiiiasd aodely, -to istibUsh luen a standard, so u u t vltheut any i r * of t tlfle l« l u a t lo n or dedatton. a dol* lar would a lva y i buy tba same quan* t ity e f lood i and leTvkei?

enw- _ - - ttS S .O M T O U X _____ _ »ed

’Tuf,-ro ia to ry enacu-no Uwi." u>a An3

WillWm Tyler pai», clerk of tha na- r-lnc uonal Houae of RepreaentaUve*. %no

— h u b ttn h f ir in to ft tn iL a p A jtm tc lii io ( KtUoUCs for i i y a iK soam liaa* u ia

— toaJB tt* flo rid and awatlowUy ap* 2*hi- peallac oratory h u Im o IoUowoo ^

by a oae.a«nt«neo *p*«cb.b( e iu iUo co«m «n t-a»d th * vot* h u lone mid a ia laa t th * flowery speaker.

A n a ttm i m u l t o f f t i i . u a u tu * ® le u o( us* old*laahi*D*< 'o ra tary ^

' thaa fortBeriy. Tb* n lle rW e o a * to ^ tM OApitol nowadays. M r. 'T a n b** ’ Ilaroa, b*eauM of lAt*rasi ia tbo sub­ject op fc r 4*bate. ra th tr .Uuut to b*ar any parttoflar ip*a>p. i t ta ^

. i i i i l j lu m a la id iu ic i wtw M to giw speak ta tb * House. Pen

“ o r t t o r j aad cowtnKUTencaa d o n t • “ * ofCffl r> lo ttth c r . TiM HOUU par* ueuuny U lm|«Ueat «lU t oratory po r

, u KMh. Wbea anyooe le U .t ia a * la n b o ra B tb o n a p c to itta ^ tiM la u v b ."

. A a ix d u s fe o f oratory fo r cm *


W l^ J l i | ^ U e i ) . ^ u l4 beielcooe

M i:« ^ . t tM « . ,d « i« , , « « n p la in ' st Ultra' Itm Ja oot eoOuib o t W te r.T b tr« ji ia 7.b *m o r« e (lt than ly reaUw.'ai^ la th y csM* Ibe txtnd ray'frem fla m b o y t^ _ Is a good . e. jy « m o n ir i f la ' j

i « M l i r » n W T w r » T m y - ^ :— 10 arer w en a aU lU try unUorm U tW thao ottur. m tn ." «a Uiat-iV saudtoy co t U iat way!

rh * appeal fo r baolMrs lo “ help la ll budBtM men" co rtn m lot ■rouad. Mcarljr erery busUua man

A S O V K D nD B C O B N U ooDtf tho eenier j hav* a-Mesd,[a th la f M t d ty tb a t knows no

end;t day* t o by and weeks ruih on,U ld b tfec i X .kaov I t a ysar U

i d ' r ^ e r SM my old friend* fsce = r per Ufa l l a fw lf( aod terrible rtoe.I kaowf X like h im lua t u n i l a in U u dAjn wben I raag hts• f id l— r - : ; r ^ ; -----------r. - • - •

Id ha ra a t stine. Wo w en counter th *a

ftnd ae * in ara buiy. tiRd m en; red wttn p la y tn f.* fooUih fame,I M d w tth iTTlBff te maks a name. vae rro w .'X a tf. 'X w m caD on jirn . . M (t -to i t o i r t t u u I ’m U ilaklst ot ‘

htm.*’I t logcrrow oonea and twaepow ^

i T n d ^ dlstM VrbetwM aus grows and trews, .

ound taa eoraer yet m llei a w a y - - ‘'Sera's a telecram.Mix . . . "

Id tha t'* w hU we ce t and dcaem la Uu tad

A ro u m ^ e c;omer. a ta o u h i^ ^

c o c iE t Y^ AIID O lVB S

im : B. a WUUami .

R U M 'IM , '

DompUmenUnc her houe guut.IS* Jeaa atotU tr. PocaUllo. MUs < aria Haaioh entertalnid w lU i a Id t* party Wodnesda? afumooB at V r home on N inu i Avenui North. _ _ i l l atetUsr w u preaented v lU i an i>E tractlro gutat favor and prUe for Ih acore waa won by td iu ittix t Ba>B. eonaobUen went to MUa Et- t r Jotiyn. It* fr« ihm ents n r e serf* after th * game*. Thos* itte nd ln t addlUon to tha hoaoree.and.lioi-

la w en Mluea S llu b o th Bothwell. - irolyn aouth. Jean Bacon. Audrey W n inlOe.VlolaCooke.PxanetiThomp- ^ o. » h o l PlnUyaon.— DMoWiema*

2SIflrn, aad M a n ^ t M i|iL ^M lw SU tU ir w u alao tht I tu p ln *»a for a pretnaalre part; wUleh M . rgaa with a pteaio eupper Wcdnes- “ teV « r iB la i (arrad. e a Ull tftwB at la ba»ta O f‘U lM 'A u d rv K iokU . AWtf A m o e B att: n te iro up U iw J

(S S b e a a e C M Iu m h c t tZ ^ P *Buehanaa B reakfu t fre

u eajeytd T ttu ttd ay memlng a t wwtr lM B t 'W -M lt* je a n BseenrBu*: ^ia w B ih e l^A lrlp -to -N it-a o o -P a ti « R* a iw lm and picn ic luneb coBt* g *[etod an tHtlrlues. Xneludid in UU ^roup w tn the gueit o f hrnor, and NpiUsies Carolyn'South, J(sn Baeon. Bl»Utabem BothmU. AtKJ«r HJokle. »J 'lola Cooke. D ^ h t ^ u < ^ U y ^ * ^

i n t Uagel and I th « ^ B ta » « o n .— -■ — • ren

M fr*na -m *rg .-W ,-R lc liin> ente r tinod wllh a family d luo trTU ad lV - f " n'ntng « ; ihe lr home on Blue Ukea ^ «ulevara. The (abla w u beftnUtuUjr ran oeoraud-with aweevpeataad4typ*. S * ^ U a . T itH u preaeat la «<>dJliOT Bw' i th * ho iu w m u r . and M ra..A . r. YOung and dau ih ten . Dari*, and 111 M na .P 9c a t*U o ;U r.M d U i» .m n k I f m Q . Loa An ialet; Mr. aad Ura. * * ' .UUiejr_l}lce..UUfta Oelpluk Uarr. lodrt and B e n rly ' W :h lf ii. ‘*O th*r ue iu a'tre O r. T . D. Kea aa d Ulss . Uurlne Bechitcad.

Regu:*.-meeting o r tilt Mentor 1ut> WM hel4 a t Ui« nome e( U r^ ent

W. BeilKh. Wednetda; afUmoon. . •wenty in e m ^ r i answcrtd ro l l eall llth .c-irrenl events. Mi<- Redfnclt m lth Rate a moat interMUn* paper ^ A Fvriouih In France." aad Mnk ta* » n -R n i; r rp m w th r ls a r 'ita ir* * v u 'vderalloti meitlng. Durlnt ihe re* ^ u ln d rro rtR e a lU m o o n a lC e n ttn t '' ■«(90 a ^ ioeJal liour * « ea;«r*d, The ^ j oiteu »med rerreahmenta. onesta f U ll club were Mlaa C ill l* Bamr b n art, hour. Mrs. Prank Howimon. (u , (ra. Domer Bertieh u d Ura. U w * .i,j| ene* Cnvbam.

MemWrs o f t he P W I C lub « r t r* nt«ru:ntd « ith a plenlo d ln m r H r* * '' fd on the lawn at a lx th ir t r o'clock,

a t ' V li» Id d y inleuQus home on LoruatBtr*fU -Inoehh ras iilayed l i t e r ' d ^;er priM (er high *» r« bemt rea by UUs LouUi s rkk ie a u d 4 a » —

diaaea Ualne D ud liy . i $ « r l 5 l Z 5 - ^ B lK L .M a Q r_ X lle n .J a ^ J k U a i) | t J U au . V trtm ia O a rM r . le a lH B r* J ekaoo. A lb ina-B iseke; i M ' ln l y n M M a c k ir . j|* fm h a i» t« w « n « e v rd a t ■ Qldniini

CoopUnenttng her houae gutst. 1 dlta Mary aim ontoo. Wtndell. M to .


. r n r m b U r y * Fwea ^ M ra « t .

T a a youthful comsleclen. use i lew trowderHU M EiLg-UX iO W e r ^ ■owder. KMm tiny lloti. w rlnUM ,nd poraa. Kaw m o th proeeu sake* t t 9 re «d morw smoothly and ■ lay on lo i ^ r . No mere ih ln y no*ra. ■ *Brut faca powder too itu -** rtt»n U arc* pona. Ask toda; fe r n*w, roadtrfid fao* powdir, lO L L O . IZO.piat gulls eratT* Mmplexloa- -ThoreaoB'a D rjit f lto r i.-A d v . i

.......... j n n N f a Lm _ [(A i l y

T H m T B E N N A S S A U C O U N TY du .ty because o t tK e 'd c A t f io f T h e y w e re a r r e a t fd fo ll6 w b : le f t to r ig h t . l^ tc c th -€ P a tr treen. D e tc c t lv e G e o rffe ’ H u tc S e rg e a n t C h a rle s .W e w e r, De H w to . • , -

I n c i d e n t : L e »

D EM O NSTRATIO NS SUCH AS dccree im p o flln jir m a r t ia l law torA iW n. T h o o rd e m w e ro ise In s . T n ls p ic tu re w a x ta k e n o n s tra t io n a K a in s t A d o l f H

Bdna Scolt, Moacow, aod M lu An- In nle Snjtv. tUgby. both e f whom ate M: tun ing .iriraoa,ln 'D uhi..M U *.VJo!e t dt Adama tn tenaiucd at tirldge Toes* th d jy a«*tapon, Paver fo r Jjigb w«a W0.1 by MUS Jesn fiv«eley.-'|te- ou freahmenu *-ero senod a fte r tha {{i games. Other guettji were members Of Kappa Alptia Theta Sorority a t a the Unlvenrty of Idaho. j by

’’ A ' lawn party wat .iivd t)r ia .K 09o f Mi .0( JAIu.I}ona iU nahaavtto ishtd tjoL U< M r. ;ts d Mrs. J. E. H U A tW r WU^ tol- - b e n r from Boise for a : t$» tfhkt'' iu VacaUon. In the ea rlf pC (l' o l ’ Uie I erenlng gsmea wen p te a r^ -o k U w Bi lawn and the latter Otia .d io c ln g . D jllc lp tv rftreahm enu a t m m aervedt O u n U w e f^b a -D o rla - «s ^lashaw. guest o f hBtMtT^Mr. aadlau M n . AlmquLit. Wenielt-.’ * d 4 p ^ b l. ; Is! Norman Antaugh, RuUirAaliuah. M r .; rn aisemus..Ray Buth. A M l M ^liUer, 1 tli Bllen E. Butler, v u ia a 3 ttfa U .M e I* < co ba Klnsluw. Jam e*'B ftM ha^(’ M r. 'a !l

renee Kuykendall, M n . I > h l ^ How* 1 bU

. Im a Slurion. Jscen AJurion, W a r- : no ren Sklnncr. M lu SDdMbUl, lU z e t. nn a««et.J^Ur}orle Sweit M d Mildred ' “ ' " t . " ! | (

WEST END H !: -110 OPEN MEETING;'”• ■ _____ _ i t f

BUHL. July n (SDrcUl to T h« l •: KewiJ -.Vcmbers of the nu h l aninsa ' . entertained a lane numb«r of lue tia 11 t t an op»n m «an i: on ihe l»wn ol I

; Jlh* AnioUl Tunnler home Mondsy I*■ evening. T l;f Inwii, iKMitlfiiUy llRhl- I

Cd, eeconimodatccl more than 110 ■: taembea and their pueau a t a boun- I‘ W G ilx ilTT iick jupprr. U te r m rm- ■’ ben of t i c De;p C r»k Orange quar- ■; let. eomrojtrt ot Dr. K. k , shott, M. ■- 1 MeOuirf. Koward Oault and Em* ■‘ afy.Woortnitr, j in s • group of num- "■ ben. M i i l t r L W, Lovfles* called ’ the meet!nj 10 o rd rrfo r a short bus- ' In n i s<M;on. t ite r which the meet-

' IM e llo w e c I « » .,o n ly .. •

'n m e ca n m s lle w H.

r :CUcquot-Club^:,I I

r N E W s ^ ^ ^ m F A u a . i d m o ,■ s s s a = = = s 9 = = s

n s b l M d P o l i c e m e n A r r e i

r y P O L IC E M E N w ore a r re g te d on i r f H ym an S ta rk , a p r i« o n e r th e y iw ln g an In v e s tig a tio n a t W h ie o lii. »« tr/c lf Shan ley, Scrfireah't H a r r j ’ Zi [u tch iim gn . S e rK cnn t L e s lie P e a rsa l , S e te c tiv c Joseph H yz e n s k i, P a tro l

e ^ i n g t o M a r t i a l L a w i n 1

£2^ T.'

A S th e orte p ic tu re d above w e re rc law in f ie r i in a n d p la c in g th e sta te I issued to p re v e n t fu r th e r 'b lo o d d h * ten re ce n tly as c o m m u n is ts g a th o rc I H i t l t t 's n a tio n s i soc la lis t8 .-> (/P ) 1

■ Ing wi4 turned orer to the lecturer. III I M nL 'L E. fitansell. Then followed a ,I tllscunljn, led by J. B. BunaelL on• the aubirst. "A M oratorium on Mort* ! ijflS M ,“ .diJrtflg which fxtempceihs- »*' •: ous taliuwcre giren by J .W . BUitli. ■ ' k Harry B:<rTy^and Harold Yeamans.» Ethel M. p r titru p , pitUburg. lang t a group o( songs and w u followed c

1 by n re rs l silecUons by the orchea- , ira. ma(Je up o f Mrs. Harry Barry.? Mrs. Arnold T ^ e r . W. M. Oidi. An L Mas PHer and iS i . P n n k BullMk. ll- -The orange' w ill meet-agaln Au* boi

lu s l 9. vJU} M n . C. 0. fim lthsoa PUI Harold yeim asa, blind attomey. f• Bulll, :n ^ DoesH«« before the p .] (. Orante, olacuased th e legal phase ol cre » a moratorium of mortgages. Mr. Vea-

ntMu g a v a 'lt 'u h l l opinion t lu t noTnot t , authority w u rested In the state le * - ! of ,: Islature, under tlte cona'.ltutlon to '. ! rrnnt auch a moratorium; and that >, I the only poortble method which qu, . 1 fouJd be employed would be a rif.'Jar-1 ifp . ' atlon Of ih * e*lstence of an emercen-; um

summed up lib tsJK Na

• i bUliy Of lueh an attempt, bui itia i 1 LL,‘5_fealiL»>^groutd fcem to be good ' ifo ."niiuiineVfor iBe monsige companTeTi• ;not to attempt a general enforce- I . went Of fereclo*wea at this time. |

• I .' ' keljK IM B E R L Y G IR L S H I K E ; ^

' KIMBERLY, July 21 U a tI'T h e News)—Kim berly O lrl R t'fu h clu

'enjOTOdTC W Wny-party last wetk-tor-mtI I the hdmo bf M r. and Mrs. B E. Pot*, let

j trr. nhcre gamea were played, and a | Jol

l f l " " ' " ' "■ [ I I T P A Y S T O S E E


■ I I F o r H o n e s t V a l u e s - I - T r a n s p o r

1 I IM roTd Bur.(isrdCoupe,................................... .......m s Ford PorcorBedan ................................... ........I0 » Pord Tudar

r M Sedan ............- . . . - .......... ............n ISSe Chevrole;M 'Coupe ...........................................■ IMS Oldsmob‘1e

' ■ • Coach .............. - .................. ■ - _ im ..O a k la n d _ _____

--------------Ceach .......- ..........................■IW PWd TUdor

• " ^ t w o Ford ^

I oeupe ,— __________1939 fb rd n r i c r

■ ^ n v J " — ............................ ..1939 Ford Truck,f i t t r * ' Oood . . . __________1 W . I M Standardcodp* - ................ .................M .C h e r ro le l Pickup. ,4?Kobtha o ld , lo * m llta g t__...

: . . v ' . w i l l I I P«>. You I f

^ ' Y o u r P o r e

T w i n F a i l s . ]

0, THURSDA’? ® ! lN iN O i j f f i - ; — " T

rested in P risoner’B

: on cha rges r a n g in g f ro m second.^ :ey are accused o f p u tt in g IK po ug ola. New Y o rk . T^vclvff o f . th e ^ c c t y Zhv(kr. D e te c t iv e M a rce l'C n a g jii rsa ll, L ie u te n a n t Jesse M a .v fo r th , 1 tro lm a n l ia n is jR a y and p a t r o l i ^

inBeHin--'’ ; -I flord4(u

U fi

or I


. . Cce rcspon.^ible f o r a p re s id e n tia l ^ la te o r Pru.<i.sia u n d e r a d ic ta , ddhcci be ca u so 'o f p o lit ic a l r io t * du lo rcd in B e rlin f o r a m ass d c m - Tv fp) Photo. »n

•_______ foi---------i . . ~ ~ Ui:

l i W E H S * i W i y i i i L ;

BUHL. July 37 (Speelsl to The Hewa)-Juntor Ord*r . of tJnilefl Amerlsiii Mechanics aod Daughirrs of America wUl eelebrat* their ilrs i aonual a-.ate punle a t Uie Buhl cii) park Sunday. July 31. *1.

Picnic olanef wUl b* tm e d a l l :30 P. M. J. W. T ay lo r Is chilrB iao of the progrsm, which ' wlU eonilii o l; Pnyer. to be led by R*r. Charles W.

[Ronk'; cbmmuntty alnglng;-addrc:?Io f wet;o.-ne, s , M . TomllMon. ma^o:: Of Buhl: reiponse/J. E. 8Ump. Twin ' Palls. Mi.te organiser: songs by a mrJt ;; qusriet. and members of the Dausti- I ten ol America; <o:o. Ern'in Tom-i * n iu *

I coimcllor o f the Daughters £ f Amer­ic a ,_________________________________

Ice crtsm and cold beverages wiil I be served by th * order. Thos* at- i tendlnft are expected to bring a b u - ' ket lunf'.i. ttiileh w ill be sen-ed cafe- ite r ta s ty lt. ': ■1 ■ __

■ aTlJicr.’ i o ^ l waa enjoyed a t Uie con- . cIiMloii fit lhe afternoon. Eleven r-mtmter* A llw -V an Hou-,ien. leader in the aWence of Mrs.

, I John D jr iic ii. were preient.

EE YOI) R FORD J;R FIRST___ _______ Ies and Economiral 9 lortatiah l i

$125.00........... $125.00

... ............ S140.00 ,. S 95;00 r

- - _ $195.00 I L, ■ $175.00

____ ____ $245_.00.____$245.00

................$195.00 1

............... S'195.00 I_________$325.00 I

^ $425.00 j

I fY o u P n .v M o r * ? - ' j

l o t o r C o . Wr d D e a l e r I

B, Idaho _________J l

i f t ’ ’ . •S-V?^ P *

W F IM m I Uu_ .ha

- , *Bi



id degree m urder'to negfect o t ^ >ugh • b ru ta l *'th lrd '!d sgnK ? su [ccused men ar« shown jtbove, igjion, PatroJmaBi H J A y LiJje-'^ . . h, Detectivo Thomas bonanza, t l i ^ n Haro ld B rite n ,b ^-:::( /P )

s b h s f- I^B O IH iE lim M is

— • ’ buiBUHL, July 37 <ep*clfl'tO Th» di?

m w iJ -M cC lu iky M im S w healUi ^ camp rtftched Uie half-way mark ot l u eight-week period wUh t,h* ree* ' j. ord of 53*) poundi gained anwnS Uie

^l?cUTO*'wlthth lld n n and the cooperation of the communtty In luppl^jng donaUona to the camp. • • u.■ I n addltlon-tft-Uiej«gular-tottUn« of the day, theie llu te people hav* a ^ good tlmScelebraUhg Uielr blrthdiys, and enjoying ride* Ip thO country, M lu Arlentf Eu tm an aad M argant M TJeenor escji cel*hr»t*d Uialr WrUi* dsy: a n d lu t wee); th e ‘whole camp j were enlertalned a t th * bora* of M n . Th C. Ot SAlUisod. Mrs. F. Z. BarUett, of in'chartie of foodstuff*, h u arranged t)), a schedule o f giving aotonc; the lo* j cat churches of th * dUrjcach.chureh u i U a llo ttM one week tifw O S Iiton aks t«t •thelt iontrlbutloni.. U l

RdilUWAY BURNS. WEEDS SBUPft.ev. July « -opeclal to t i l * 1

News)—A gasoline p r^e lled weed Miburner, with a cnw o f men- uadtr EtiCoodaotorRubeBwwiutottvlngU je. ena-esk crop bordering tho tracts of th * 01Short Line right o f . way a aeeond ip<doM o f hot oil. The.b ig crude oil Inidistributor haa been. working the 1Twin FalU and Rogerson dUtrlct*. frcand retumed here to corrr .weed* spi(or the aecood tlmo th a t w en too U iUilelulor.Qne.appllcatlon to destroy, xel

: ' T i l l



N ationa llf',)^



y mThe New Super DeFUneie 1 Akron. Ohio, by one o f th t S u p * Defiance represMta fin t- l in e and b f liU h e t t q



Ul* Bappy Four dob, a ualt ^ Uw .

S i r r f ? ! i » l f e a £ l L «

A e ^ ^ M M ’b r their Abhle ilder. Jesse' >quUncte iw '*nd.,lR Oagaty. \ Agent Buford £ Kuhiu . jhe, paul * 4-H .eaU elub w ill l i t r e ’ Paul Uie . m om lp f o f July » fo r k four dayi* " outlnc w ttb QDrer er**k th d r des* ^

s ' r . ' s j i ^ . x s f n i i s ,Petentn. 0 * t m B*nnet|._-Wayne -J ThecBM. Bma- BUltBtton. CarleUn ^ Tolmaa, K r Oi> Tolaaa- and Dale jSUUw*ll . - r y - . ^ . ^ , .

t t i P S T i i i E ; - '

: IN B O g O p i } ! '» tm tS Y ,J u iy 3 7 iBpeetaJto THe >

I Hew*) — R a rru tU it ^ barlty haa bI aUrtMl oB<Airt*y-lnfcaUon dtotrlct p

farms. Crop* of m ta . • * * » h*ayy. -ebutnoU ilBC huuy«tb**nU nre*h«d. t

Th* h«ary wind loma Um* back .did m y U tU i’ daaag*. *xe«pt to tlsoUt*d patch** o f-g n ln th a t had c

' Juat been lrrlta t«d . whleh w en aeaa*; what drifted and lodged. . .• q [ The flra t crop of alfalfa and clorer i ; ■hay-waa^ood.ThtMCond.crBpu*nu T t?fee-eomfn»oiK««pUfinalty,hfavy> ^

Bugar beeu a n eontlnulng to grow n ’ w ithout evidence of white fly tn> '

Jury, and but IltU* web worm. Po- i I tatoM look fa irly good, but th e n Is c . "somB—erldence' o f damagerby-rea” -

ion o f the late iprlng.------------------------ r ---------------------- 1------ J

i KIMBERLY FOLKS VISIT ^> KIMBERLY. July 37 <8peclaTtO■ The Newt)—A rr ira li and departurea ,• of Kim berly guut* and raildenta In ,> Uw Uat week included Ute foUtmlng:

Mra. O. D. Wycoff. Lo* A n te le i. ,> M lu Meryl Byram. Mlsa M ari* Tea- .> tar. M ls i Junle 3*11* Blyter. MUs L l*

Uh Arleoe Wilson. Mrs. Sdna-Kemp , and ions. M *rl* and Junlor Kflmp;

. Owvn 3*rer»no* end WUI*rd Teater• n tu n i*d . Sunday *renlng a (U r a

week'i ouUnt In the Sawtooth#.' -I Mr. A iv rU n .*U . B. 0111, -Mr. and ■:I M n. C lifford Evans, MurtaugK, M r*, tr Ethel Lao*y, m ta , and Wanda H ick- 1] enos, are ipiiodtnc the-week a t th il 'I O lll eabla^oh Sliver enek,-and wtQ J1 ip*nd p u t of n * * t w **it on a h u n t. I.1 Ing tr ip . • ' ’I n ra n k iU M llfa m re d Monday ^ t. from ft*d l*ad- City, Callfomla,r to• spuid the summer wtth her pannU , c I U r. and M n . John Flsous, and other i ’. jelaUve*. ......— ’ 1

S L A ^

) S TR IC TLY f i r s t -

s u p e r DEFIANCE T

rHE PRICEM ve riiisd H n t QuaUty Tire

^ A T ^ I ) E H A N iU L Y 28TH TO A U G U S T

Oieck fe r Y e u rM lf the

L D O L L A R S A V J& • • • • • e n l

p f iic e c

^ SIZE . ^L n SUPtR DEF1y 4 - P L Y TIRES A N D

Q l M a U - a i ^ - ^ M 4 7 S - 1 »

M j : w o j t i $ * > . a

U ’ • - P L Y ■ ■'

H . 4 5 0 - 1 1 i W

m 19 » t» .am $ > 4 .7

W . ■ »»•<* n s . i

. > t T , i

_ — j ^ b u L s z i B i i O T u ■die B a il oon nets a new standanl in r th e largeat snd most reputable m

th e uUlmate In h igh, qua lity » t qoaU ly Utnmgh and th ro tigh .


i l l i l i l f t O T i j l N H ?

'J s im tC T , July;37 . ( ^ l a l to T M ^ ,

a t Uie Botel Bigelow. Roy o . Dav-<« « « n t *~BUUxRABIBPtUhU[PtaM~aa(r'>wMt----------

, o f : i a h ^ wm pnaid*. ju a n Sm - bar. Bosley. U **cratary, and Benrr

■Barker..Oedeti;'a*Mtanl taerrtary.' F r** id e a ^ v ld *e c t a a a o w u ^

ftJ lto w ^ a p e ^ ^ b h S S ^ oJ !-dea: Henry Dwonhak. B u rle y . Art W hanr. Salt Lake Olty; R o ra ^ M K * r il l . F ror*. U tah: Tom OarU, Bu tt* '

• Montana: c . w , T T io S I r ^ le y Frdhk D rltts , Otden: 0 . L. Kendsll.Jerome; D ick W ell*.' f ^ uX

;Qeorge Anderson. Brigham, o u b Andy Andenon. Pocat*no: J m • t o tm w . Buhl; Ed SUln. 'pro?b.

;VUh. • • .


WKMDELL. July 37 (BpecUl to Tha Newa>~«erenl new patlenta have . been admitted to Ui* W*ndell -hos* . • ^ pita] th i* week< whll* « numb*r of . . 'Others have ncorered *ufflclenUy to n tu m lo thclr home*.' J u a n Menehaca. Burley, w u brought to tbe h o ip lta l 'fo r m tdl* cat care ea July 31.

Wanda Saxton. W en. *lx-month* . old'daughter ot F. U Sexton, w u admitted thU week fo r truU nenL

Mr*. Clarence Vandareen, Wen* ,..

week.' i^arreU Dean OarrUton.'Pocalello. w u discharged from the h o ip lu l . on July ao,

— M r»r-Peter-aabrlakl-WM-able-to----------return to her home In Hagerman,July 33.

Mra. A, J. McMahon w u able to . . n t im i to her home In Shoahone.

■fltrtylS.------------------C. C. Jonei. Jerome, w u dUcharg* :

ed July 33, following an operaUon fo r rembral of goitre.

Mra. Ii. M. SpenCer and baby son a n leaving for their home in Jer­ome U>day. * J d r* . W. E. Taylor. Wendell, alao '

returned to her bome July 33.

v i s r r in ' w e n d b l l

WBNOEU,. July 37 (SpecUl to The N ew s)-V ls lU n in Wendell Ute p u t week hav* Included the foUow­lng: . • . •*- Donald MacQulvey, *on o f M r. and Mra. Oordon MacQulrey, arrived home from SUnford, ConaecUeut. ' ' wher* he had been attendlnc %:hool

The U lt r n r . - .Mrs. A rthur MacQulrey-and chll* M

dren retumed from BoU* Monday After A Tlalt w ltb her huabaod. who ■to in the w te n n i* h o ip lU t ^

cEsTiED /T l i h e q u a l i t y


re d h i Tvb« b v r in t.

i ^ W H ^ ^

T 6 T H

/ I NG PRICES 1I T ln u Poputar S « l i

t o r met or

I 1CHANCE " " S S o t


I.TO > > .T 0 ------------>.»o »*»■<:» l . » 0


t.«0b 2 5 _

1.75 _ * l i Z 5 _L58 M »J«r,80 . » i7 M _____

u m o - w i H A V I I T ______ ^In 1932 l ire v«luM . B u lU ta m u u fa c tu n n In <li» ,

Uy l ir e bu lld ta*. S trlcU?

, 1 ■ YOUR

ionS ^

Page 5: 5 T W F A L l A L L lY N E yw W - tfplnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN... · The pUne was over Hankley com- '< ... -----gymnasiums and various olher bulld-^ Ings at

(kPaylnMoyies %Questions of Letting Talent | .

Appear In Commercial ffl' Advertisements Qoe> on ^Taile at Sport Conterence [ W

pABADEH*. S E ^^ Ot lhe PwlfJe eoMt ccnlertop* , f m il M P fltr in moUon pJcturet u ^ n i M their nwnei « • n o fm #n -

i ilonad tn d Ihelr u lu lM are oot In n g f 01^ tt«< l « im o f n o • 4*y. H £

re fu u rly p*l«l to w tm . f»eutty w - joo n w n tu tm of the group ruled to< dty. (tv«>di

Although the quntlon ot allowios lutlOD •tW ettt* p tc tum -end • n in iM la her* t cemmerclat •drertUeiMnt« w U t«b« v m si led, U wae underwood. t t» t wben at jr»i the repr(*enUUTe« do dUeun the U o e ti point, It VtU be decided to prohlBtt 34 yu n ich Ircm tp p e tr ln f. w llh th# pen* Und.

x f ■■w.toVif fre m lColooej D. L. OrUnty. K tb litlc

commluloner ot the Big T tn oon* *9 ^ terence tttendtd.^ r ecu ^ ^ ejiprote l^ w f l ^ the

yeite rdiy by fr td ux to m an tftrs tn* eluding four InUrtectlonal game*. BUnford playe Northwertem at

- Erantton, lUlneU, October t4: tJUh playi Oregon.:al Bucene, NoTtmber f. i r ^ 4; Oregon s u te t r a ^ to New York O'Doul lo meet Ferdhara, November 18. and “ S ft? southern CaUfornla elaahei w llh Notre Dame-at South Bend. Ind l- _ ana. November M. The Khtdula u re le a i^ loday: ruUu

RErtBMBER S«— Nm»«UDlrertlty of CallfomU, tea An- f f l !

gcte i..a l Stanford.- ^Idaho a t Wuhlngton.Montana a t Oregon SUle. . ,OCTOBEIt 7-> K L t .Washington 8Ut« M Souther^

Canfemla.OCTOBCR 11— M U

I Xortbweitem. B va a f ex^Oregon a l Waihlngton. , * .Idaho a t Orrgon 8Ut«. M ileW uhlngton BUM M MonUaa. ^ t O C T O D E a it.- .CaUfornla at Washlnfton 8U U . Am Southern CallfctWa at Oregon

‘s ;‘ 'Mary-a at Unlvenlty ef C a U - ! ? ^ fomU. Angeles.. i . q.

Idaho-at O rtgoa; T < £OCTOBER l«— ^ 1

" -S W ih e m 'C ilifo r ii ia at CaUfornla.B tW fo rd a t WalBtaWoii'^ :vA« c f S J A

“ 5TiM Angiiea. auouWMhingten tt-n O n tm

SUM. <5, .Montana at tdeho,.. .............W OVIM BS* - I

V;* " . ■Washington a » 5 c « t t « i r i a ; - . f r ^ Manford at Sotilhem CallfomU.'O N fon SUU at Oregon. <

____M *ho a t .O^onsoa. .V . •

Unlveraity of C a lU o m la ^ An.. gelaa a l Washington. S S f l

O itto n a t Vouthgm CalUomla. h u fa Oregon a u t« a t FOrdhaiB, -.Kew Oitw y w M K i t ^ ' 'g jtfo n i_ l*a t_S U nford>. ,

Sopthmi CallfomU a t Notre S i i? ’ P a w , south BciKi. indUna. ^

J ;w uh lng ton a t soutben C«Uf«r>

"**• _______________ ___ in


TO AM^CAN DAIRY ^(Contlnutd Prom Page One d i»S

fro n Argtnllna, tsu been propoeed. A r ttn lla tfouJd be atMased only 14 . . i j , cenu for tU meat ImporU Into SrIU aln. and empire meat would be tree.

Tftc OntUd SUUs last year ship- ^ jwd lf lt jo o .000 pounds of assort- "

- - r t -m e a u to BrlutHTWIth a VHUI of “ a i IM.4ts.ooo. The to u l spent by B rit* 6 iS i aln fer Importfd meaU during the tu m year r u »500.0(»,000. And three- ^ 2 fourths of the ImporU were fro n • ^ non-emplro countries. r s s

^ r t l e l a l reporu around British

2 2 fr . ‘*‘ » > r t f * w» foreign ■ meats, providing a satlafactbrv trade

“ ■“ S T * ' ■ '

o l 1HI« t lu n ISO

an article must have to qualify customs entry under ea pm prefertnec. .

Such content varies now from io' per cent in csnada up u TS In A u k

tn lU and dr>wn to 35 tn the Irish Pr«o SUU. the United K ^ d M n •nd South Africa.

Tbe sentiment appears to be tlia t lhe conference should fin'd a way

^ ^ aulM ^ te p ir t om tent^|m>f< ^

p in io n s ' agreement en

* «P « « t*»*t the » r l t .

S » S £ ^ S S ^ j a i f l S t

Coast <Yw& Sm • Tin

k / o M t K f c . r!W » ,C 0 « N ./ f )» W fM 8 N T

- m u l ' . l'M -J L ........... a g ( »

s e t t l e MAN ■ S H O ^S W E LL

« b UONTE, Cau' July 31 W V !M . WUllams, BeaUle, btoka « ^ 100 a t 17 yards to w in tb * Ornad •* “ Iflc bandcap. sUUar event o f tb * fd a y shoot of th t Faelfte I s t t i - lonal Trapahoottnf assor tat loo * today. Jim emlUt. Lo* Abc^I neond. shatUrlng M e( 1« * l yards, w ith B. w . Kantro. OtU.Btana. th ird w ith M o t IOO a t yards. Ura. S. o . O a tnU . Oak- d. w u high la ^ w ith n o f 100

^wuwnbwlpr o f 100 a t 34 yards.

— BIG-SIX Mn»£“ r i % S r iS - ^ s S 31 “

HOMI BUN LBAOUli , ItO I jI. AUIKUO........... ............ . Th'^ w m w .......... ,

a i £ i r - z z : : : ^ 55Ss s ^ s s s s - i , iy ,? r ‘ " .T r r i ‘r.7 1 bran. 1 ^ t « s b lp ^ from 8«vU t: ! ^ s a ta .. .B « y e e tt;. (u |g w (le u ..c a m *r^ ta AustraUa and Canada, whlebI an embargo on Soviet goods.-n>* itUb c lt i4 *-h!gb raasona of su te '* I explanation o f their refusal to ^

ilid e r the seheme. . ^ t was understood tha B ritlsb.del* ^ ktloo took a firm aUod against ^^^»WO*ttog ths produeU r t any g**?

Unerlean InUreetf M rt.w era co o - '■ned w ith whal w ill happen to*- rrrow When ro u p * of tb *d«ugausII take up th t qifestlen o t e m a u njj^!

( & n lbr.o6oteNne*..opeaad I t . » A beUived that a.better B ritish trke u o r w t ^ w u . Canada's e b M - ^ m s t? iw t^B lU *fa:'»Bd grower*«e tfAiat«d^4iaU«e * v sMur*d * ** ■’ ■ Laa

■ A X E ? OF FRENCH _ ^ , W E S lD E N T ^ W A IT S 2 S

" i i E | m , ^ l ] ) L U ) I l N E . s ,

(Contlntttd F to tt Page o n * I S io

S ”

am Jlf S - M r J S r V i S ' S “ 5e been s o to o d ta m t.” IShe went Oft td ,teu th a t s h * ^ E 2night.Dr. 0« rtu id » a t lto o ^

'I spent AU that having w v V”Bjunea.- nkr h u M ^ tbonted. S « .

runprtnur UHifis(rthtt*tSiu* SSf s msmolrt wtre so U c ^ n t i t they were not worth puM lrtite t.-

(n an'experimental test an aer* growth m Tulsre County, C allfo r- i , produeed a ton o f peaauu and „ ® ’ W .jg ttnd>,« bar . . --------------------^

A massed band ef leoo piacea. presenting 11 high schooU. play«d coaeert a t th t Unhrerslty of Jew* f ln g Uie stau muslo faatlvaL

Th*.youn|stown,.O hlo, sup trln - *®**‘ M eet 0! maUs h u found thac mau Kes are a faverUe npnOerjdM* ^ eless srtlde* picked up 'b jr aotak’ 0 l*T *i and ptekpockeU.

iSooit-fens a lW n is tre e .a ^ tb 'c a r. " ‘ ma. a t t a ne* aU-U»e reeerd fo r ^ irrowlag books trM i the' pubUe U* ary In June. - pen

s ssssssssssss^aeesaa aasam :

P A D L O (• .------^ V- ■_________________

• 'The~photo - elec terter—a eecret new kept tinder loclc an conduaively that the SUPER-BLADEbjade we have e'


)p « n « r . l>rove« P i t h i n ’ BIU

D ue l an d Second G K im B i

T u rn s In to S lu g g ln g B w H i

W ith T o ta l o f 3 0 H l t t PI

A IO M C A N U A O m W a iU flftM a t flk iM t *

Beattei a t CUeag*K tw Terk a t O n S ^ irW iaM pU a a t DMrett


i l iO L S V lL A N D ^ 'j^ 3 T .^ ^ t la n d NC

Indians, conUnulng thelr aoerlng Karri rampagt sUrted tn tb t Cast..c0ii*. torlea quered Ih t Yankees twlo* today to ed i t reduot th t UeCcthy men's lead tn th t American ksgue to sevtp' and oae-bslf games. The scores wtre 3 . j i i , to 1 and » te 10.

The opener w u a pitchers’ duel L m i w ltb o n l BUdebrand shading Daany _ HacFaydea u the rwu lt o( Vosmlk's Th< ho m *ru n.ap a lro ftln |le aa ad ata e- open rtfloe In th t fourth inning: Hilda* forty brand held the Yanks - t ^ e u r b it* fifth , WbUe th i tndUns got only Ux o ff and : WacFaydeti. ' • • ' .--in -co n tru t, the itioo d vam* w u - an oM'ftsUoned stu^gUtg na tch r t e w itb tbe Yanks eulhltung tbe Ind i­ans. 3 i to ». The lour NewYerk pitch* erfr-AUta. Browa, R hodu and F ip* , . gra><-were stingy with theu -b iu but • wer* very Uberal with thelr base* on baus, issuing 14 free passes to f i r t t

F irs t gan;s- K H E-New ^Y eik____ oio 000 000>l;-4 3 >CleveUnd ......ooo 9M OOs-3 • 1 .* BAlterlts: MacFayden snd_FtUl* • lipar HUdebrand and seweU.. ■^v- . 0eM«4 . o t t t *• NEW YORK A B -R K O A l Hoal, If^rt J___® 3 - 4 0 0 1 kV •

' S T B e w c c n x * j 3 3 o • conb*; c f ; . . , , - , .... ,» 1 1 1 d 0

1 S 5! i S -• *Chapman, r f - l f 1 3 0 0 0CresetU, s s _______ 3 1 3 4 3 0 .xftuth .................- , 0 0 0 0 0 0Lary. i s ---------------JO 0 0 0 I 0Jorgtnt, e ------------> 1 3 1 0 0AUen. p .................I 0 0 6 u 0

I W. Brown, p 1 0 0 u 0' Khodee. p ________ 3 0 0 1 0 0•XxBttffiUg..... f , , , , , , , ! 0 0 0 0 0« p r * » , p - . - - . f - o 0 0 .0 1 0

— iw ais - ; . j : :» i j* ,5 - « - 3 r 3 4 - ro - tI XBUU4 for orotetU in eighth. xxBaited fer Rhodea la e t^ th .

I CtSVCLAND . AB R K O A E Forur, n ....>^......,4 0 0 3 0 u

, Burpett, aa 0 0 3 O '0I Avenu. e f ................ 4 0 0 a 0 0I VoemU. U ______ ^ 3 1 3 1 0

Mwgaii. i » . i i o - o - » —

Berter, p ' ; ------. , : o 0 0 0 1 0 .R usseu.-p-*...,..,^^! 0 » 0 0 • — HudUa, p ...............4 0 1 0 3 0

^ 'T e u u " i l T n ’T T oNew York ......... 406 001 000-10Cleveland--------------- 043 303 O h - 13

sum nuiy : Tw ^bast b tu - N oa .

non* ros—Monans atolen bast — O to U ; sacrltiet. iu ra e tt; dottbit p u ^ Z 4 o e r t te cneee tti to o ih n g

AnH fT B C t 114, TIOCRS I*# OBTIlOn*, July J t on - Buck

Marrow, M wett or T lg*r reeruiu.

e"rt5S !Sd“K;£ f?daS: -header with the FbUadeiphu'Atb- W to ilo d a y ;. lit Jost, ♦ to 0. but Ws perfermaa<« » w « t l*a it on a p«7

> C K E D !l e c t r i c a h a i p n e s s

e w G i l l e t t e d e v i c e

a n d k e y — p r o v e *

t h e G i l l e t t e BLUE E i e t h e k e e n e r t

e v e r p r o d u c e d .

-TW M FA U a bAiLY wi;v


irateri)efeat" III...... ^ r

m m m i i* ' ■ ' te * n l i

l ir i^ - : ;a « t» Credit t o r j ^ ' Botfi'victorlM and Flva 2 “

H o i m R u n i^ Parade of ST,; PItchin Uh\ Flrjt Oama CbTUlt

■ — Ft ni ^ ■ ■■■■-^ PItUbi

NATIONAL U A O U B ? w "I t M a a i B rM kiyn vauiti

c S s r a r F S s s s p h i . sF rn t^ w ifc a iT tew Yoefc ne t,

STANDINGS ’ E “a g ; . — |T .^,

By T h * Aaoolatad Freas)NEW TO R X.' JUly TT—W ltb BUI

tarria r*o« lv ls i c r td lt fe r both Tie* M U . oflaa. th * F U U tm tb p lra U a -^ lfM t- d tb * N tw Tdtk o ta a u twio* to*

Unds8 9 S = B s s a 9 s s s e a e s = s 9 o'Far i l t i i the** o ( ih r « * regulara who y ^ . >ltch*d tn Ihe epeatr. vb lc b tbe'Aa ron tn a i l w b i p f (aabloo. U to f There wer* f ^ ' b m rtins In th * Tot

jpener. Jimm y FO a- bagging bla F ltu i o rty *n nt; iWJttmmeea bla tw e n ty Hew :ifth. McNair.hU d g b tn aad W yatt Sw in d M ]U e r . tM ir jt t ig ’o(.tlM :seisee. three

. <Oqottt»aawj F M *'D -- - -------

L ife 'i t j i i s t ,

r o l l i

^ — c d m

------- TJO U U N G — r o l

- ----------J V r o U in g - ’em I

m ig h ty easy .to i

M i |h t y easy to

A n d m ig h ty ecc

; o ff. T h in k . o f t l

c iga re ttes o f fine

_______ —tobacco jTKKte i

15 cent t in of Vi for taste— can’t

E n r a jh V E L V

- f a r 50 c i*K » . . . I S o

• o u . u u n < u n v u a i » • .

-THURSDAY M O W iff lG . J U L Y

y to Uicreas* the ir le a i i. la . tb tW

1 1 3f ln t gama w u . a pahlM ret " ■aoi

^ n wjth t J r dth- a four-runw n lg h ie a p w u a p ltd M n ’. b l ^ wever, w llh W alU Boy».boKMas th e fu e 'league leadera la cbMfcl n ttS t n in th aad BUI S w U l.m d 'B a r* h m . >. llmiung the OlanU

Five hon* ruaa fJ g ^ U R ^ 't tK r ^ iT J srtng la the fm *to r» a n ^ 5 < ilH . S . ! tkh MfldentaUy waa Mod came the Plratea have v e n ^•e rua this year. Vanghtft and et drove the ba U .o n r tb * (tnea

ItUburih ;...._J10 164 ! » - • I I 0 IW York .. .. .013 311 O O l- i U 9 Batteries: Kremer, Harris. Spen- t snd Padden: WaUctr. OtbaOB. ibumacher aad Refaa,^ ........ men a

' MeeaA O a a a * • ‘ out U PnTBaUROR AB n R O A Eoenoroaky. If 0 0 t 9 1 ______. Waner. c t _____ ( 0 0 6 0. 0au|han.as______ 3 0 0 1 3 -0rayn o r.Jb______ 4 0 ,0 .1 L 0 ,uhr. lh J _______4 I r • 0 0let, 3b '.________ I I ,1 a. 1 «'Ufss. r f ..... a a 1 5 ‘ 4 0 \___iraee. c _________ « 0 I - , 3 ,1 0 m iw lfl. p __________ 3 0 0 0 ; 0 0 ^L ^ ^ e r _ j ; ____ J 0 1 * ' * ®

T o u u ......L____ J 8 '<■ 1.JT I J K• BslUd for BwUt in e l ^ . . S S f• Ran fpr U Waner In elghttJ.HW'TORK r jlB 'J I 'B 'O .'A ,Eroore. If ________.4 1 1 1 ;0 0 PHWU. 3b ________ 4 0 1 > I 1 0 myH t,-rf-------- \ •». a ,0 '0 .age i^rry , l b -------------1 .0 0 9 .3 ' 0 Penniitndslrem. c f ____ A 0 3 f t 'P 0I’Farrell. c _____ 2 0 0 3 1 0 knocl^tnet, lb ___ _ 3 - 0 - 0 '» ' * l - :0 10*ro(anhsll. as 0 9 1 1 0 .RandJeyt, p ______s . 0 0 1 1 0

T o u u ____ !____ 30 a «.*t : i . o * n*I tU b u rg h _________ OIO 000 000-4 , tonlg»ew Y o rk___: ______ 100 OOl 000-3 FrtdlSummery: Tw o. base h ltp^*uhr: I p w r

hree-base h K a — Dugas,-:-4lrae9i

^ ~ < C o n U n ii*d on F*gi\»)

O l

i n g ’

r o l l i n g — e v e r y h b d y ’ g

n o f - V e l v e t . — T h e y ’ r e

0 T o l l , f o r o n e t h i n g ,

t o l i k e , f o r a n o t h e r .

e c o n o m ic a l t o t o p i t

t h i s : F i f t y t o p n o t c h .

m e e t c i g a r e t t e ■ t o b a c r o

le f o r r o U i n g - . - i n e a c h

V e l v e t . C a n ’ t b e h e a t

I ’ t b e b e a t f o r p r i c e i

5 L V C T

ly^zs.- im . ............'V ,

n c

rouM Hunters__ Qj

K>I6S, J u1j! 3T .M V T . B. M ui^ * / ¥

ug out lo r i m h ^ *nd olher HIS* next Monday to be m indfu l«I fact th t crop o f btrds w u short. H O tly Rie UiM eeaaon reduced tbe num- -s.be said, and moreover there w u W doubUdly ftieentlaual draU) upon l l r numbera bf g ^ mUiera to the J ) |

'In many sections of the state the mber ot birds h u Inereued be* use of predatory animal work foe*•ed.b? the shwpmeh,'* he .aaW, ; ut In others cllmalle condlUons re* etd Utt num b^." | « /Commentlng^on ths -shooting ot . 3 ^ '<U by g M miners, Murray said had -no bones lo pick" with men

ratch 'jg oul a bare living from **“ a rocks and from the surrounding - ■ods aod bttsbet, but said sporu* tn sbouldMnslder this when folng t to f i l l t l ^ own bags. •

~HGim - ji- 0 , ' s & S

IDABOANS h O H T TO DRAW S m «KALIBPBLL. M ont. July 37 UP) - _ _ eorge OlUtrap, 179. Si. Msrlet, la b o .a n d jx ff i i iJ 9 n L llL -B u rk o .laho. battled to a draw here U st ^WRTflight In th'e 10-r6und malo event o( *«odle boxing card staged for Amerl- mov*cm Legion convention delegatas. - over t M g to n c o n v n ^ leg-----------p x s s M A N ifw s ------------------= : :PrjTSBUROH, July 37 WV-Tom. ly n tem an.* CleveUnd, floored ager—Joey Rendsll. - l im U th r ennsylvanla. eight times in -sU Msnda tonight for a techniea! nockout. Tbe boyt w u csrdrd u a D*renader. Freeman-weighed IM;- - *ndaU .l51.'.' -


NEW YORK, July 31 U>) - Rain cisco M ight reread petlponement un til nlngi t idsy o f,th *.E b b e u fUId boxhig nm e ro ra m leaturtn); a 10*round heavy?. Hc rtigbt batlg.taelwaen CharleyJUts^ tUtgli I ff . D dluth and Isadero Oaitanai^: when ipaln. '- • '• ra m e

Id M

^ ^ H k k

&m a d e j

P ^rda iiiD efeats-3 Missions. 6 to 3 ^

ioll^ood Loses to Seattle Wlii'le bucks. Move Upio. Mm Three-Game League Lead ^

-------- . ,-..Tb<

lionrweod a t Seattls the a• .Oakland a t Lot Aagclee . ' ib« 1

' HleetoBs a t Portland nlghl■ Saenunento a t San Francisco . td de

. STANDINGS ■ K>s“ ' a

s " ” 'g s £ r “ _ r = : S K . S i ™

sasj = £ ^ s S i!» I,FORTLAND. J u ly « (TJ - WhUe . • "

W la n d ^ w « ^ y ^ ia d M ih e ^

rood lost to S u ttle and the Duelis A n nnov*d forward to a three-gsme I tU land,>vertheU-nearest rivals fo r the Oeut c trc teague leadership. . . w '

H ie score R H E<ission^ :______100 000 101-3 7 a 7 ^>ortlaoa______ too OJO 30x-« IDi. 1‘ ^ tte r lM TB frgg san fK Icc rrP e le > 'J i r flon and Palmlsano. - “ Cton

SENATORS I . SEALS g.SAN FRANCISOd. July r (iT) — lng,“

Sacramento fe ll on four Ssn Pnu* FhUi elseo plchers In the l u t three in* Ob«i nlngs today and won the second by. I n m e o f the series. 9 to 6. T la t

McOougal held the Senators to a * « ! • tU tg le jitn .unlU the.aevenUi Inning **Fre when he aUowed iwo walks and S a ^ aa< ramento added th m hlU td .tcor* algh<

& f o r r o l l i f i

----------- — - r

-. ■' ^ ■ ; a

m e s e o r ^ - • R .K E .- iW >eo*»-s=:100^00tf-to-0-U 1P i i i a g i y g i i g i s f i s i j i . * 'A

^ '''A T ro iL 9 'ib 'd A iis . i.1,08 A N d E L n ;^ u ly '3 l'-U > ) '..i A .’en-run bombardmeat b r the A h- ' * a.trol^up^a^st^ ^

abl'ed l>e* A lig l)** :t» deteat C ^ - ‘ - id .> t<ri:iui< t»TO -Bpttw i*arie*.;

f l ■ ' Ia Angeles _ M O iqo 0Tx-0< « 1. - ' BatUriea^ Tbomaa,letner and U ' % n a * :'B a e e b t.^ ;n m p b e U . _

B E A inre* v ^ ^ x t w o b D ' f " *3 5 K A rrtB ;:J iU y T r'w V > ^.F red d lt' ' • ,3 nU eC ttw tnty-seventbbM ntnm er- ■■4 «seasoncapp«d*iU*riiB.raay'rec. e .lndians-m thd.twrd teniag to . : • .» th t. and they held .oafo the ir lead ’ . . defeat the aioUy weed a ta n . 0 to 7 , ' . '^1The ecore ■ -------- R ,H Brtlywodd.i.:— 003 001 3 1 0 ^ 14. 1- * 3atUe----------- -000 oo r 3 0 * - * 13 1 ^Battertre; Y d ea ad B sa le rsU N eU - * n and Bot^arlnl.

T r e d A v o n ” r m 8 I O n C h i c ^ ^ t k - %

roa.- ihe.oid gray 'pUra tre a M ary- nd. bounded to vktory ^dowa tha - retch a t A rltng tM p a rt today, w in- g ' by a length a half - to the ■ • .

arth OIOM7. E i g h t ^ ^ flee te s t' lies and m a r ^ A m ert» s ta r ts . g r rw l-Avoo.- own*d >y^ H >e*i* r ■

.Labrot,. BalUmAre. , cooquerad ■; - im Amore;.'..wlth ."ftench Z>ueb-'. s.” the cntry'^of Mra,'John D. Herts,

ireeandabaUUngthsbaek.*'BV*B- - ’ g,“ owned by a e o t f tU .WMeaer. ' .. -i.; h iuii«iphi« U ld ' winner o f th * ' m twsaiMak*«taksa:and F lo rid * der- ' - I r. floundered In fourth :pUo* w ith * ^ ' n*ff.Trlek‘' t l f th h B d ‘T « a y ” : i t x t h . 'U t w ” m n n iiiff aa aa t n t r r w ith :< i Prench Qaebatt.'' finlshad l i r t a th ' (. . j v lth t,K liU ttqky;(llly .,‘^ ^ ty ,p * 5 j: i_ ^Ih th .^ ..

= s = = = = s = s = = s = s a . • . \

i v i t


- t r

^ 9

Page 6: 5 T W F A L l A L L lY N E yw W - tfplnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN... · The pUne was over Hankley com- '< ... -----gymnasiums and various olher bulld-^ Ings at

■ ' . ... ' aa^ ^ F = f r 0 in ^ e in tp D is c o u r a g e d ^

TW ^S lw I Wticitr Stocks S j “ TtSc* option on BulilsHnSS ^

-MARKHS AT A OUNCE ^N * iv v o iu c ; i ; « i r iT { « - • iS v i

- e toe ia :. S treoi: uUlltla*- lead ^

- ^ ^ d t : lr n iu U r :U D l te d m * t t s Sti^*C ittb : R n n r. tiu iiu e t «4v&u(». ^

......... f o r t i f u i iw liu L ia : 6 ( e ^ ; ^

O e t ts n ^ fb e r : rirm itoek u d ^ s n ln n a r lu tC 'tn d e bujrtac. {jT.. ^ S ^ r : . Lowtr; locm sed spot

CdfJeez H ||her; In de buytaf.

OHICAOO:' .. _Wheat 6 tran g ;U rie W & li(tn e t ^

buylni: r tre m tl) W lnnlpei., Oow: FJrm: buUUh govern- ment weather report

Cattle: IrretuU r.. Higher. “ . ______

•8 ir JOHN, L..COOLEV ? S , (A m eU jed P m * Ptnanelal Writer) T f . ,

• NBW YCRK. July 37-Par rronv 4 ^ ! being dUcotiraged by the record- breaking detlelt r e p o ^ by Unlled at aa i m e il corporatlnn for thn.j f f -

'■"‘OSd quar(«t, i toe k i took a f r t ih op- Uod on buniihetc i today and eloied with aaother liberal advance, ua ny oet galnt rangid (rom I to i polnu. ^

----- n » - t r l » - t . l l r r ln a - b r - M lU l l t s “ S ', dereloped UOD after noon. Bagging , lesdeiulef In the momlng, re flK t- * » in^ nt pro(ltaJ)y.prortt- ®*ot.■looali end doubUeu fome wmng ^ loiplred by the Steel tigure*. (aUed

. to a tU lii itnprettlTe proportlone and » • tt^e market n o n launched on 4. ra il; tha t earned threugtt lo a ilrong doe- „ Mg. atKTis ta ttre n l leadert trere iqueeMd UghUj-. »««J

SBoyaucy in wheat, auuraneu that Steel clrclei* v tre holding to their predtetloni 0! reaionably good lea*< o u l g«ns In SepUiqbtr and aa Im- p w ta e n l In eleetrte powtr, flgurea ireto aiQOii(-the day^ tangible argu-

•menU whleh oarrW w tlgh t on the buying aide. Moat important, un- douWiffljr w i«^iheat'a r i i t 'o f around » c tn u a bu ih tl, baud on lub itan- tia l fpeeulatl*e accumulation aad

• itr tn g th a t WhmJpeg; The average

'.a n d b ro ug h t'th t cloalng comp«lU to t f . | . M ghait tinee Uav 11 sale l ^

. U » lM « * it» o lialaet June S. -

. AnktleaaTeI»phone. tJnloa p te lf- »»*? (e.- PtopIeaVaa*. American Tobacto »nd;A«burt». up tboutj« po inu net, i® ®‘ gav« Inoldatlon that considerable lato " buylog had cone trom ahoru who

. tound wppUea-o( atoek ectre«. V n lt- •d a u u * « tM i p n fw n T w a m to d an early'4-po(nt deeUnt In to a mod- ' " ' i f erate net gain, while the common. after a f r tc t lo n tl aag. doted a high* er.- n t r e v e r t roughly dmUar ad- w ia c i* '/«■ A a a r l ^ ,C « j. AJUed C h u ^ , (» tiV .lfa tlooalB tacu ll^

«b t Io. ; m m w m i u j t m j w North Am cric tt. • ■ g”

PltBto Opeiata fteperU » . r tn n p tto n > t i. in d u a - < - a

trM p U a U w e rta u m m w M o u g h to a j ■ E e e p tta d le d T B T K B riB fe w e n tl Butl improvement lo the b U tiua m tr ta d B<

■tutunm- V9ald..g»TBBUt».flarpoiau M j 'earh in teaaw eU atrtU evtuntm ^oy- t l m ant-Uaat baakaa fttl-eaoouraged. -tSVi ejpeclaiw iinee th tr« -v w almoat no Cl upturn Uat ip r ia t : th t lr atUtude. howerer, u lU li oae o t caution and Itlabe ln tf.poU m douctba iU M aum . U m tr’a trtde gains v e ^ n t re iy a naah duo In the pan. Howem. i t U fre tw ad- pow

— B b tte d th a t " t tV t r t l ' •f unaammtala no <• haw ilneFungergone d ls t f a ^ fV n f . Bi

•UghUy la n week orer th t pm lousperiod, rtduelng the th rin ka t* from — m t to 13.J per cent, tbe drop was N

. 19J p tr eent. the largett o f the year, tugi in the preceding week. ThU tndex U sen< likely to be a more eeultlve barom- chai ctCT.ot iadnitrla l health »«fn oar wen

.. ............... 1^*

Twin Falli Markek '°ci■ u « tT


fMklB, ww., »0 Ibt. up.. Z KM *>•“ ' ------- -------------------»i»toW JO R

au iS* ' »U:V»u c u m ____ “ t t S *1*'


K . ’ »”; s J V “ i-E = = = z= s S5

*"■ S ^ IB u it*rtii .......... _ , ______________

S ; ; ~ f i : 5 e.Thret de«:tn quoted Orrai Hort&m* ~*f<

w a « i u t MU r M ceb2S5: iSrSSSS iS S -r :— — IS j . *

- a w a ieo.pooo mt*------- «■»> Idal

Oomb 1..Ooloa*. B«niau^

S f f L - ^ = g g | __ ' '• " . }»«

caataJouM - - — »«- soldS S S aSL.----- -m I”

t i i f f l iw l . . * ”• y ? . — — f l i j i cloi

, = f i i a■■■

'a n i i i l i l l a r t r t » v» rao c8 j

■ n fia s s s s : s ^ ^ s : ^ = s = s » (m dlogi, (or the la i t t r have p g e ^ i ’ 'r lo tt P trt or Uieir' value ttoough <tm t lo a o( umtflc to truck!. . , <- t e « Age-placed current sU tI op- • »

ratioet Sk le per cent o( c i ^ t y , Dtiuwged.' Jn addition to stNulog KpoctaUons or a septesber advance,u f t r i tw noted th a t Iteel pctott hadN w btd 'm ort toUd.ground th rM h ^^ tU m e n t or virtually aU,tbo low- |rlcodio inaga carried over from the ^ ist quarter. Beavy melting scrap U —~ xsQgrr. hsrJog tajoyed iu iim im - B run t recovery In a yesr and a haU.

p O T E E I liw ra BONDSNEW YORK, July 21 WV-Unll*d

loeed:Iberty aUs 33^7 .............— 101.4Iberty ( in t 4Ue 13-41...... _101JSIberty (ourth 4Ua 33-38-------102J0 ^111*rea iu iT 4 H i;4 7 -M --------------JM-M m mreasury 4s 44-H___________ 10338 *» •;reatury 3Na 4«-M .:.______ 103J i S 'reasutr I H i 40-43 June.___ -100.4 Am :reasury IN s u -47 ..........— 1003 ^ ,reasury SKs 41-43 March— .100.4 <reasury SUa-M-M --------------B130 Am

---- gMONEY 5 -U

NSW YORK. July 37 - Call oaeyt f l l f t t1y:_2. p g t j a a t j l l j 1>yc n m e team; a,utar: fioto 90 fivf* to lU : 4 to 0 months 1 to m per ^ nt. Cueprlftfe ' eom uiwciaj-piper 3 « 'to

inkers'.acceptanccs: Unchanged, o* ;^

. ; BAft S lL V tK - gS3KEW YORK. July 37 (« )-B a r coin ivej^easler and U lower s t asHe. g m

H R ALSNBW YORK. July 37 (/P)-Coppfr: ulet: electrolytlo spot and (uture gff*]

« n : Firm : spot and nearby g«j^ 1.10: (uture t31J5.Iron : Quiet; unchanged. - - S i i Lead: Yina: spot New York I3J0; ^ 1s t.8t . L 0u to o .7a g s ;ino: Quiet; E u t S t LouU spot ^ >d future t3 .«. o«<iAntimony W. - ' gSSQuicktUver f i l to >S4. on ti

* . • , I . _ arm. CHIOAQO FBODUCE •

OHIOAOO, July 37 (A ^-B uU er: [“ 1 ecelpt4 B in tubs; steady^ creamery in t t wclali, S3 More, l®c to 'lSM c: « - , as, 93 teon. lIM o ; extra (trvts, 90 ) 91 toore. ne to llS ie ; (Irsu, M to u u I score, l»» c to l6H c; teeondi. M i g7 score, l ie to }44e: sUndards. SSu ) tcore cen tra lis t carloU, 18^0. Miw B a t : Recelpu n t t cas^ ; (Irm:

nehanged. m«£Live p ^ t r y : ReeelpU 39 trucks: hm )

leady; hens 14o to 14H«: leghorn ens lO 'ic; colored broUera,14e. col- H it red byen Ite : colored tpnngs 17c; Kn> ighom broUei* la ^ e ; roosters OUc. Turkeya too ta lae. SprlQt — m ka 90 to i i u c ; old le to lOc. heK Iprlng gte it He. old 9c. lowi

• . . . d y t.. SAN FBANCISOO ntO D UC S — Uee SAN n u N o ia o o , ju iy r pou

iu tttr(a ( 91c. RMt'unehangtd. pou Butter; 93 score 30o: 91 seen 19c; ehoi

ttJcectJIc.-............ ^ ITAEggs: E s t r t T u r iu W o r r a t a j ^ ^

BVic; smaUi l l ' i c . . . .............. • TOwChee««: Plau n c . Stti

_____ btel10$ ANOBLES rR O O U C I. « n

LOS ANOBUSr^Uly-n-(«)-»TO>^ cuu luc* ezehangt: Butter 183.SOO ssui o u n ^ c b f w 3 6 ^ PPHiids;_»l» l10 caws. _ ____________ :_______ M JButter to bulk 30c.___________ ___ s lS

-P o m tq » ;.p n fh in ^~ • - d Uto 1

— SUGAR--------- • - « INEW YORK; JuV 97 <JFt w l U v toe

ugar w u quiet today and In ab- spai ence o( builneu prleea were un- Uve hanged a t U,IO (or spots. There l3Ji rere (air qualtlUea araUable a t thU ask) evel.-but-rednera-apparaatly-sat.. (»e< lUed tor the time being, showed no D tem tChange! In (uturet wert narrow p,

>nd tnullng w u l ig h t J ln t l nricta . . . rere net unchanked t o l po int lower, hut,

Approximate u le s were only 13.- 1,7 00 ions. SepUmber doted 11.01. D t - * m ember IIM g itn u a ry 9I-93. March ^ 1.07. May i f f i . July I U I . .Rtnned v u unchanged a t 94.10 to „

14.1s lor line granulaUd. Withdraw- .U agalnit old contracU were o ( /a ir , J : >ropontoiii,-but new-bualaeta-waa l |h t aod iuppled through aecood X , u n d i at around 14. ' *

" • H.

"LlllESTflCKMIllieS \ i — ---------------------- 1 » j

CHICAQO M AKKET enCHICAQO, Jaly n (4^ IU 8 D A ) Ing

’ PeUtM*: B«««lpu I t c a r M a i « i c rack lU : total U a itid Statta •U p* e ii i aenU lU : Meady «a gaed ttoek, to 1 opplln moderate, tn d ia r slow; Cal :«bbl«r« SUaftari Na. 1. 99 to 99e, atn cw ise u 111 Kaaaaa 71 ta 99e; iW dab* T rianpha-llJ I|:V lrg< a la bM cuti

. . —~ non— ------------- , I pou

PimflMllBKETS 2aod


CKICAOO, July 37 l») (O f l D A> U ] .-Hoca: ReoelpU 15,000; doted tlOw t m to heary batcher* aod pacfctor sowt; iarly advance m ost^ le tt ; otherslold a t f lo lOe a d v a o c t;- !^ 19.10 Gor choice IU to 330 poonden; late a )- 0 O to M O p o iu d e n l4 Ja te 9 iM :3 lo (ea

wcklng sews | } j a to 94; amooth iigiJghtwelihu t«.i5 to.9«J5: eatiwma hein lg h U U.3S down: eaUmated held- n» w t 5000: Shippers took 190P. C•C ttU e:R ee» lpu lom eH T»t3000: bet:loeed mwUy ataady oo red Meen «t«iu d yearllngi; ipoU w ttke r «« in> on Ktwtengrtd(i;t>e«(ersr»de]retrUn« oih

ir ' - •' (S oN G R S S S '*/ '»& llsi

s e s n w AOXJM,, ^THIS.- - — IM B - lh M O O M E M O p iJ C f i - - . i - HM J .- ) M :P W tAp g tP » 4IA7 - ------ ;

P O R T H B AM A4 W A S T O jM


WAS UMAMIMOUS&I CHOSSN. AL'TMOUOH IO TM 0A PATRtOTB W aA fi/- ' I MCNTIOiaSO AND *IH a A ’ I( t iT N e s s o i f ic u s s e o . . I

88 ' . . > ■ ' '


a nattiic , - . !«’

r : ~Am aadlaior ..........-su ' , Su rr*iAm t5 T * 7?J{ a iJ PSAm ‘nbaeeo B____ ei MU et B*d

assr.Vo“»J-IS li! s.!

gffau‘r :- - ;J |! 4 !■»•!! iColom O u M Bee..... « i, 1 * a ^ Tim Own awwoi* — ... 1]4 e i - 1 Tr»i

g S . ? f . r ™ - - = 4 A ' > f f i ! g r r « 5 S 5 ‘ j = . i ' ‘ .1 i ' - K g35,?S.-»^S;. Su S! SSKUUBUI KodmK___t t t . 1. h MIh U B

.!! .5 .!l! »:a s s i E f f i " ” ' : : l i s i s i; g s

.! ! .! !SS :r ! l ! ^ !S

: » • , ‘ ‘i ?S: SI! !“r iMeK*«peet -ns ...... a l l UM u«k Sua

f f i i . S a ' . K f , . - : :: SS 'A ™ ! K S K . 'S ' '5 a ' : ; ; R ' !S -. i l i K l

i i .i!iS SS ..V i . % l i ' i SH ti rov * Let ..... ISIk su tot. H it |(e« jro rk C m n l . .. ><!■ iSH >*!« Aub

he ltes strong: p l i ^ kinds alighUy itoclower; butcher lh e itock mosuy stea- beti dy to weak; bulla tn d vtalers tteady; aro<

»n^ fperfera w a k ; t81 tO ITS. t t i pound .yearling s tte rt 1915; 737 cuH pound neUert W;- bulk good and $3,3 choice (ed steen tn d long yearllnp imu

TCti I3.M and lets; b<Uk better grade lan yearllh i Wcirert M iO 'to n w : m oji bull beer cowt 13.75 to l l « : grain fed ol- u k (ertngt I4 upward; lo v cutten and bldi cuttera.iaalnly.tLAiLlo l 3M:.welBhUr^aJI uuiage bulls up to 9340; better grade vealers 19 to M 40; (ew hradjip M IT: mott natWt replacement <j n S r s f T to U y . 7 _ 'Hoi

Suto higher; leveral big strings S5 <o loM 91. poQM range lamba grading good-aso to eholcs M39; top natives paid j m sparlDglv: (air sited quou good na- moa Uve lambe a t 13.75 late; throwouu^une I3J0 to M: rangt throwouu »4.M):if<e< askmg above l i i o (or choice black- ,h l]deed r»ngc ffedtog-la ia j____________ c


PORTLAND. July 37 W l tU S D .JJ'! A i-H o« * Recelpu IJO; (e * light ; f f « butchen 13 and some a t^n g welghu '“ >1 14.73; looks steady: nothing•ow. I n*,

Catlle^ ReeelpU 40, calves 1 0 ;!^ ^ trading nominally steady; only lowj*®® grad».< represented. i*™,

eh ffp ; BeeeJpU 700; n)arkei quot- aMe Ileady; few good lo near choice |*'T under BS pou»l iambT94 with m e - :^ * dlum grades tS to I3 M .


S D A i—Hocs: ItecetpU 303; mod- ente ly ifitve . barely iteady; two loids 1S4 lo lU pound CamornUa W30; good ISO to 300 pound butch- ^ en quotable ponlbly « .00; lew pack-1 K T ing MWI H M . 1 ^

c a ll lr : ReeelpU 200; market not I etiabllshed; generally asking itro n i < to higher; load! desirable 944 pound I n CalltornU and gra i^ steers IS hm stralghi: ih e ' i lw tT alo*. about (qt iWady; (ew good cow* 13,50: odd low w cu ttm I t 10 11.33; bulls quotatUe (gU ^ S3 ' n tivea i—ReeelpU none! nominally steady; good around ,U0 m poundiquoUble to l5 .M ; choice light m u vealen to M, 5^1

Sheep: Recelpu 5Q0; lambt aod nou yearllnga 10c to 35c higher;..4eck c aod halt 70 pound wooled CallKVnla for lambt »430; torted 14 per cent MJO; n o package medium and good thorn aot

> eg poundi 14.50: deck 93 pound ahorn 9<i r yaarltngs I3A0; ewea ab ien t cok

I ST. JOSEPH LTVESTOCK> s r . JOaSPH, July 37 t/« ID 6 D 99T> A )-K o g i: Recelpu JooO: very alow, e tll 1 (ew bids and u les weak to »c low- U a> ffi-U»P i4 4 S ;.M M a o d ta d chaicB,___; l to to 330 pounda g4.40 to MJO;I llgh u 14.23 to 14.40; no acUoa oa II heavier butchen; sows sUsdy. bulk o i• $3 to 13.60: lop light a o n 13.73. um

CaUJ»«. Recefpts liOP. calres J90: Mg|; betUr g i^ e (ed steen and yearlings topI Iteady; indlcaUons weak to lower ,er*■ ®?«“ ’!T..‘ ™ '***“ ” " * " 1 r a a » e n ; g(J{ Olher k im o i cU siu mostly steady; srs

r. ' ' ■


G A S O U f l E


Dl>inn«jr CO------------ n u 1M» n « i,

f s r . ' s ? ' — J ! i T j i ! ! . " S! !S; L

ISlf» OU ......... ........S i 5 ,Btdio Corp ot Aa—; S k 4 i . s i ■

5LS;‘ w .’?5?a“ ' z : j J f <aSm H.t .. ._ l_____ ‘ i • W- « 01

^ i ! 1 ;SS>nr‘*vteuura J Z * k • f c io week

S s S E i ^ l 1 7tuutd a t t u B * « _ 3 t I t u<> whei BUDdtni o il C tl___ i i M ti o( il

I t l i i \14 * IS «*J East'

uiMierwwxi n iio u - I t l . iC »>■ nheiUnion c a rb id i____»<S I k is ’ , whetUalon O ir c t l_____ i n lU in . r k i .trnion ncine 431«- -w s <l‘ « f A "Uatttd A lre n l l____ IU M* l l* t tOda,

s it i i ' ' " 5 1S a J l iV . n « i[ u » ----------- - [O il j i i iw . IlnUS : ! !S » S ? “e.s t - . ! !u 11,1W D««nu CO .........M ! . M ao>i Irom

k ll auouiUonj d ^ ;Amertein Oupar re w « r.....i_ _— 3>. pate)C*ntrt) auua RleeUle .............. - ^i-wg S S „” l K a a r i i i S i = . i i ; J o ,Btetrie Dond tnd Bhtrt p f_ .-----cent.

BUndtrd Oil ol. lad ltna .. 31'. (loutIWO. tu i ------- - i —. l*« j , ; r (

BPKCIAI. W ins ^ Co8uai»f. ipp*t*oa. oni^bb t ^ eompaar, chlelm c « -------■ABfTiftn pewvr-tnd U abt ...->... s^ntetns rowrr tnd L ltB t-------- . i ' i ' WbeAntftictn f t i r t lm l*ow«r w tn tn ti ]Am«l*»o OM £>a BteU le-------- M-i J“ *;comm*reUl Bouibvra warrtnu .. . }'ia SepCnlird Ota wananU.................. SesHtueatl DUeuU ... .............. ...... 38‘ i n.,

- , Julilocken tn d (eeden (ully iieady: b« t (ed ateen and yearlU iji held around 99; bulk eligible to »753 toJ Oali tf.35; bu lk bet( cowa 13.50 to t3,78;l Jui c u t t » " ^ { lM " | ia 5 'toTI255:-1}Ulto $333 to .93.90: top tealen t ; ta-o D** loads Kaasaa (eeden 95.25; (ew loads stocken 13.79 to M-73.-S ra J p : Recffn’ U 'M O O . 'M t J w P( lamba-steady; top na tlvu is.75; clo« bulk good and cholco I5.2S to |S.50; Dew uk ln g ra lly steady on westerns; stem btddlng 95.75 or around 2i< lower on 48c; a.riTt-car s tring._____ ___ ________ 47'.>

OM AHA LIVESTOCK _, Ol t U I ^ , July'27 (52JD 8 D A l— Cl 'H o g s :'lte c e lp u 6 W ; m arlitt closed N6T

.better.gttdea.33Q.sounds.ic(lldDvii 50'ii sold aV 10 to 15c advance; bulk IM to yelic

-330 pouodeta>94.«0 to .«t53; 230 to cm - 350 pounders 1343 to l<,40; lows No. mottly steady except he*\-yweignu Ci

, unevenly higher: aowa I3.-Ii to 13.78: No. if«edetplC593.75lo3:sUgi»3ioW J0: relic ihippers bought around 4100. _ _-CttU*L-H*celpla_400Q: .caivti 2001. ~ ted s tftfrt, yearlings and ihe itock td 1 doted m oderatdy active. tuUy atea- 93 ti dy; bulU fu lly steady; sto:keri and dy.

' teeden learce; (ed steen an<] year- ers '■ ■ Ungt mostly M.75 to 98.50: tew loads Ci H.SO to 99; choice sleen 1317 pound- natl I en 99 j» : cholee 1425 pound iteers to s $9.15; vealers In IniUneeA jtroiig to tei%

jSOe higher; practical top l5so ; he ll- dy; e n l8 J 5 tb 1735; (ew IoU $7jo; bulk mos

I beet cows 12.75 to 14: (ew !w tn Wes- med Items I4 J5 to 15; cutter grsdn 1120 load . lo 9340: mcdlum-buUa to t2 -U l 1«*<< I odd head choice lelecU 15.50'lo t l . stee I Sheep: R ecelpu9500; (aland (ecd- gooi I Uig Umbs and yearllnga weak to 2SC stee I lower; spoUoK more on lower trrades: bull isheep s»ady; bulk s ituch irr range 144: lambt 9540 lo 15.75: sorteti na tlvt atee lambe up to 95.75; (our can (rd d ip * »3A ped U m bt 95.00; ewes up to 11.75: te n tood and cholee feeding 2amt» 94 to dim

11440; top (eeden 94,«0; mednim grade chol I Texas yc ttling a 73 pounden 9340. moiI - --------- 107S; OGDEN LIVESTOCK I l4 i

OOOEN, J o ly ^ <u 8 D A)-> SI Ihccs:. i l fc e lp u BIS, Incluaipg 371 ess' (or m arket: steady; top |4«0 on mat best drivelns. 300 to 335 pounds; (ew loac loU n i ie d medium weUbu 9440; 94J haavy butfthert tX73-to il;_ jja ck la i J'rs: sows 9340 to 93: two decks IMpound NefarwkM-late Tunday 95.05r-----deck IW potmd N eb ru ku $445; 143 D pouad out, 9440. —a

CatUe: BeeelpU 150, including 119 low (or n u t a t : alow, steady; odd Io f* aia; good atacra 9» to 9525; package light ly i ito c k m S178; (ew medium hetfera trrt H i oomnon kinds ^ 4 S lo gS; good tbe cokt « io U d 13.75 to 93; odd cttttera loU arouad « ; (ew (o ti buIU 9334.

S b e n : . Recelpu 30.400.- lad ud liv a m 'f e r m trke t: slow, no raU re- 1 e tlp ttia o ld ; (ew lo u mixed d riv ila o r ' U m b i 93.75 io 9445. w tt

KANSAS C ltY ~ U V E S T O C K ^ ‘llii.KANSAS c r tY . July 37 (/P) (U 8 lag

D A).>H ots: RecclpU 500Q; alow and Auntv ta . m ottly sUady to 5c higher: tic i Mght tlghU dull, ateady to loe Jowtr;top 9100 on choice 170 to 340 pound- )m

sen : dtalrab!e 170 to 3S9 pouader* (K9440 to S440; (tw 370 to 335 pouod- ed

^ tr» l U f t to H 40; better | r td « l«o tv i


E A L L ^ Y - - T { ( ^ B E m

’ ‘ I, S C O M M A N D e R - \ 9 ^ ^ ^

I P i s >M '64m p I Il ia S p(% opo66 ■<- B B | b [

,i ~ n ^ H " * m B -N A M & -7 ^ i s = a - I L j n r : L ir Q E O B O B Q C : r i j ^

I '"I p ^ !It • '*^1 '|i||i T l - :

o r a S i F ^0N6»|i|i£[M o s t A c t iv e G enera l P u ro b a ? -

in o M o ve m e n t in W eekiS

L i f t s V a lue s i C e n ts

(A u o c la td p m s u irk e tx d u o l) OHICAOO. JuJy37-BucuwilIy « l - .

vanclng In the most active gfoerU - purchasing movement w im e ttnd.in . weeks, wheat IM iy MOiBd » m u l - — mum gal:; o( 3S oenU a l iu s h t l . .

O iricla l condrmaUon o f spring whest reverses bom north tn d aouth o( lhe Canadian border acted ts a spur to rpeculaUve buying; ta d th rre were tu tho rlU tlre esUmttes tha t . Eastern'and Southeastern Europe ti-ould have imooftooo bushels less n-heat than a year ago. Liverpool wheat quolaUons gained ateadily on Chicago, July contracU a t Uverpool - today being a t 6<i cenU premium comparoa w ith only IH 00 July I 3.

Wheai doted itrong at tlm oat the clay’s top .n ’ i to 2H above yestetdtyg (Inlsh. cam »i to IK up, o tU }» to H advance, and provtolont varying (rom 3 cent* decline to 7 cenU gain/

Among Ihe bulltoh reporU (tMn United States spring wheal territory was a ICenffiare; North Dakota, d li*. patch :hac damage by exceaslvely high lempentures in the last 10 days amountej to between 40 W d 50 Ptt- cent. Another tU m ulus.to higher prices W3S word that dom ^tlo mUU routhn-»t wero doing the Urgest (lour busuieu thto season, selliag 30u fi:r cent o f capadty.

Corn and oau borrowed itrengta chlelly (rom' wheat.

ProvUions rallied w ith graiaa.

Wbeat— ,6p«a High U w C lou ' ~July, old 4ftU 50 • 47fi 50 g j^Sept. old 49K 5 l ! i ■ 4BH O l'i qSept. new 49H Sl% 49 51>; whlDec.......... 53?* S5H 53% 54*. ib «

Com— - RJuly ...._JOTi 32U 30S 32!* ' BiSept ..i,...43 33 3IS 32»i tDec.......... 3 3 !i 33H 31*. 33 'i o:

J *u ly ----- 1«H 17H I IS n ' l i '-6eptr-r= ri744— IAU— vixi— U —

D e c .----- 30H 30H . 30 30 'i 8tC;

I ’ QBTLAND-ORAIN 1 -PORT6ANO.:July--37-U!V-~W ht»t- Closed:- July 4Bc;.SepUmber 4S^c; December 53e. Cash: Big Send Blue­stem 59Vi«: sort white, western while ,, « c : h jird winter, northern ip r ln j v-_ 47 'ic ; western red 48He.__________

CHICACO CASH tiR A IN "C H lC A a o . Ju ly '37 '(Th^W heat: tn< N e n - r c d 49?i to -90c;-N o.-9 -r*d t t - Ig 'j tn - l9 - - TTir '1 ^*T^ .11SO>ic_i_No. 3 hard 49H to SOerKo. 3 bro yellow hard"iO l6 '5Tc;~N 0rrt» t1h-', — e m jp r ln iJ l lc ; No. l mUed 4#».e: n i. No. 2 mUed 49 to SOHc. r l l

com : No. 3 mUed 33'; to 33'ic;No. 1 yellow 33'A to 33 'ic; No. 3 yellow 33S to 33<io;'No. 2 while

t J l w paunden 94.15'to 9440: s o * i _ 93to l340;(ew 9345:stockplg»st«a- ^ dy. 13.75 to 9445: estimated holdov- p,^

C Bttle7Re«lpU 9500; calves 1500; I " native .'ed sieen and yearlings (trm ] to slightly higher: better kinds win-, cu tei%d jn d (ed grassers aboat stea- 50 dy; common to medium Westerns . mostly 3.' c lower: some weakness on g,. medium graea cows; top M.75 on two loads 041 pound yearlings antf three ' . y

tn i m pound Co}ortao ,k. steers: choice yearling hel(en-i740; o., good l i a i pound fed K ansu gra« steers $8: Kveral loads M 40 to 1740;. , bulk common to medium grau steen nb 9445 to 1135: few common grau no steen down to 9340; butcher cows 1 9345 to 9340; low cu tU n and cut- u, te n 1125 to 93; atrong weight me-, dlum boJli 9340 to 93.95: good to , choice ealen 14 to 15; weighty calvea u , mosUy 1440 down: t loads choice - r 1079 to n o t pouad (eeden M 40 (o rv 1140. 18t

Sheep: ReeelpU 9000; kUlIng cIsm- j et steady, top naUve Umba M.7S w lui q , many ihtpracnU t t th arprtce ; two* Hj toads Oregons M.75 with 100 oui a t jn 9133: iwi clipped lamba 1340; b t it y fa rlln jts 14: -othen tgJO to 9340. ;

--- D U fV u T sU E E P- iDENVER. July (U 8 0 A> mi

—Sbeep: RccelpU 3000; includes iQ ^e loads Idaho Umbt; tvo loads CalU or-. b<

, a iu ; quality only f t l r ly iM d ; s trict- r . ly ehoWe abteat: ^ t t e r gradea na- si UVe lambs IS to 9340: steady; askhig w abova 95.75 on bett WesUms: (ew r t loU 130 pound ew u 1140. tteady.

BOSTON NVOOl' n BOSTON. July 37 WV*The volume, •

or lua lne H In wool to about ateady. p,wtth prlee* ru lly maintained at Ust •• week'a raaget on gnsay domesUc

ll i ie i. eHghUy:im M T-pneo m ba -; -lag realised on icattcrcd otrerlngs. •A strengthettlac taadeocy u par- •*tlcu la rty]nM cd a a 'T m a 13-month cw ^ . which a n 'ta U liv ^ «riginal a i i i t - mosUy M t r tb t maxlawm o({nft recant ranst, 33c to S9c teour- ecedbaato. w ith only t h t ahcrter tu p le - avtUahlt t t . t t e . m l p ^ ^ ^ f l f i ^

O. TH im SD AY^M O g^

J , STAtOtklij: otir' C(S H . n (u » jS B '« T M ;p e N ^ B A i;s ‘; • | ^a tW -A M M 0 4 0 H L e ? t- i - | ^i i U I - T -■ftbSTON.^lS V4A» . 0 ^

* Im M w j s H v w p i j . . ; ; ,

BtPl • . i t ,

T H E < a L D H O l w i l

. i l M M v

lo 334'c: No. 3 white’ 33tie. doi Oau: No. 3 mixed ISHc: No. .1 Or;

white 184.C: No. 3 w h iu 174 to 114c. . • •

R y t: No, 2. 38c. ' . .Barley38 to 3«c.Timothy seed 1345 to 1340. ^Olover seed 17 to 111.75;

■ POBTLAND H A Y . '- .p o R T L A K O r J u iy ia r . t /n ^ H tn . ^ steady: unchang«l. ^

■ chi

H )A H a S H E E P Jkin

DENVER SALES . . in DENVER, Jaly 17 SpeeUI to The mr

Kewal — Idaho Llveiteek. compaay.. evt Cmlfc. Idaho. 9 loads 82 pounds w ith ptr

-|io“ i « - a r H j n a ^ i 9 ^ n w e « * y e i r ^ Ilnga 9340 b i ^ b t 95.75 la Sw ift: cu another liU ho shipper w ith 3 leada { t t - poonda brM gbt 9SJ5. A m o a r i p ii

nnt at M ,w < broBght IS.<5. Am our. Pr]

, ~ ------------------------- KPIRATES DEFEAT . ^


(Continued Pr*m-Paga-5>-----sacrillces — Comorosky 3; winning piuber—Harris. '

I ■■ BRAVES S-1 . CUBS 1 -4 t T BOQTON. July 71 i4 v -B ra vu and

Cuba shared a double header today. Boston caking the ( in t. 3 to 1. tn p , a pitchen' batUe between Bob a- Brown and Charley. Root and the ,

..Cuba the nightcap. 4 to 1. The de- clding run In the opener came In ^

-tba tblrd-when Jurges m ade.t-b td throw to ( in t , tr>-lng to complete a . double pUy.. . ^ n

. PUtt game— R.H. E.Chleago ........... 100 000 001^1 7 I aBoston ........... o n 000 oo*-3 « » pr

Battcrlet; Root, Tinning ta d q , Heqjsley: Drown and Spohrer.

Second Gama OKZCAOO AB R K O A E gt

Kerman, 2b ......... 4 1 1 4 5 0 g,Cngltoh. 3b ■..... - ...4 0 1 2 1 0Cuyler. ef ...... — 4 0 1 4 0 0

'Stephenion. U ___ 5 1 1 J 0 0 y,J. Moote. r ( ______ « 0 3 3 0 0 c«O rlM a . l b ___ ;___4 0 1 9 0 0 •_Harloetl. c ..~ .~ ,-3 ~ l~ l~ T ~ 0 0 -p,JuT fu. u ...............3 1 3 3 5 0 *Bush, p „ , _........_3 0 0 0 1 , 0 p,

I TO U U ................M“ 4 - ir a T : !3 -0 -\ B 0 6T 0 N - -^ A B R -H O -A * •MaranvlUe. 3b .—~..4 1 2 7 3 0Leach, r f ________5 0 3 1 0 0 0

, Berger. c ( _______ 5 0 3 3 0 0 PiR. Moore. 3 b -------- 4 0 1 1 3 0 «Shtru. lb . .rr:__ _..4 0 0 9 1 0 eiWorthington, i r ___ 4 0 1 1 0 0 tePord. u ___ 0 I 0 3 0 wAken. u - ____ _ 3 0 0 0 I 1 t]H a rm re . c --------- 3 0 3 4 1 I «Pnuikhouae. p ___a 0 0 1 3 0

. • C la r k __________ 1 0 0 0 0 0 UPruett, p ________ 0 0 0 0 3 0 0•• Bchu lm rtch____ l ' 0 0 0 - 0 0 H

: • Touto ..31 • r i3 37 i t a t* Baued ror Frankhouse In siztb. r

** Batted ror Pruett la ninth. CC hfcigO______ ..,...:..003 300 000-4 tBoston ...................__000 010 000-1 a

Suauntry: Two^basa h ltt -S le p h - enson. Jurgea, Pord; utree-bata b lU- J . Moore. Hargrave; sacTmeea - >HamMa, Sngltoh, Orim?!. Buab; C

V .......................

G KOAO . .

1 KSS ^( UWCieWALTl '

y i w

T O W N . »«««»4U.8.P»t«it0ak«

C L E M W A T T L E S L E p T H * P A R A D E O F " m s S O C l E l S O P P R E S S IO M O F , P I P E

. U hT D U T H E P > P E IN H I?\ S T A f « T E D T H E S r r A M

■________ (p iw« i»ew.sm>i«r c<

double pjays—Hirm an io Jurges t o !: orim m rto ttng pitcher—Prankhousc.I — • !

DODOEBS 5. CABDS 4 f BBOOKLVN. July 27 <4 — Old

Jack Quinn pitched only one ball today, but received credit ror de- ■ reaUng the Cardlnato when Mickey I pThh singled to score OUoul In U»e I

. nin th w ith the run that glvo the ■- Podgera-thefr-thlrd lu aaatilwa t?|. 1

umph over the National league ■ champions. The score waa 5 to 4. ■

Quinn relieved Phelps in the ■ nfiith -w ith two o t* aad fo rc e d ,W ft tf- I kins to ( ly out to O'Doul. A (te r «cor- ■ In (our runs each In the t i n t (our ■

’ Innings, the two teams battled on ■ >-even te rm s-iia tll the. n in th w h e n j ‘ IP lnn came Uirough with his tim e ly " 1 ' ‘ single winrO TX ro l-on ew ond ‘ Cucelnello on (Irst. U* ST. LOUIS AB R H O A E K [ PlOWtn. 3b ------ -4 i ^ 0 1 0 ,I TiT..v.>. ,-5 0 V~1 0 0

Prlsch. 3b ----------- 4 ~ l j - a '3 U U~' •D o tto in5 iynh ~ = ..4 . i - a - s - 3 - O r

Collins. r ( ----------- 4 1 1 I 0 0Orsattl. c ( ---------- J l - l a 0. 0J .W ltoo n.c_______4 0 1 5 1 0

, oelbert. U _______ 4 0 3 5 7 1I Derringer, p -------- 3 .0 0 0 3 1

• Holm.________ — 0 0 ^ ) - 0 0 0Stout D - O 0 0 0 0 0R - p - a ~o - o - o - o -J

' ToUlS _____-53 4 10138 IS 3* Batted (or Derringer In nin th.t Two out when winning run scored.

‘ BROOKLYN AB R H O A EStrlpp, lb -----------5 0 341 1 0Prtderlck. c( -------4 0- 1 3 1 0

“ OUoul. K - _______5 2 3 3 0 0L. WUson. r( ------3 1 3 3 0 0

* CUt*JnrtW 3b'------ 3 0 1 4 5 0' W rtgh t as _______5 1 3 0 5 01 BUde.-3b ____— ..4 -O -J l-O - l 0* • 8uke(orU»_____ 1 0 0 0 0 0 ,. PJnn. 3b _________ 1 0 1 0 I 0 V

Lope*, c --------------4 1 3 4 3 0\ Muhgo. p ------------ 1- 0 0 1 0 0* Phelps, p ________ 3 0 0 0 0 0

Quin, p ... ..........- t / 0 0 0 0 0 ^

To U to _________37 5 15 37-18 0 'F St. U u U ............... .....too 300 000-4 I® Brooklyn , _ _______ -013 100 001-5

Summary: Tw o .b ase h lt*-W ng h t® Lope*. Oelbert: stolen U so - J2 w rtgh t: ucrldcea-J .W llaon .Ph lps. ®0 Cucclnello. L. Wilson; double pUys J0 -w e ig h t to cucenello to Strip?. *® 'P rts ^ to 'G e lb e r t ' to Bottomley; :

winning pitcher — Qolnn; losing *®. p lich c r-S to u t _____

B r r r ^ s 4. x . ^ j0 p K lL A D E liin A . J u ly '37 i/T) - ^ t l 0 ChM lnnatll Reds noied out the i0 Phillies, 4 to 3. today to even the i0 1 count In the series here a t one game i ’

each. Larry Benton held the Phlls 10 to 4 hlU up untU the n in th Inning, ‘

when they scorcd 3 runs and had the I1 tying coonUr on seeond base but I 1 could not get It across. ' 0 OiNCtNNATI AB R H O A E ( 0 Morrisuy. ab ____ 4 0 0 3 3 00 O iretrl. 3 b ________4 0 0 . 0 1 00 Headrick, l b ______4 0 1 9 1 0

- Herman, r t --------- 4 3 3 5 1 0 'a Lombardi, e ______4 1 i 9 0 0 i

Roettger. 1( --------4 0 1 l 0 o nD ou th lt e r ____ ...4 0 a 4 0 o '

-4 Duroche.'. u -------- 3 1 3 3 4 0 1-1 Benton, p ------— 4 0 0 0 0 I 1

*u T o U to ---- -------- 33 4 9 37 10. 1 :- Pm LAD ELPH U AB R H O A E < »; 0 . Dtvto, c r ----------4 0 a 1 0 0

>■^7 - B y : S T A J ^ Y '.

\ ! ( , l l P S TH K r.T 6 \> C )(f / P IP E S - S H A U » -i

7 A } 6 v 6 R .r ro O C H

. . .

H E C H E E R IN G r o R T H B E T Y I^ O ia " I W E .J>E S M 0 < 1 > 5 J < -: U P - ' •^ IS H IP P O C K E Tm p e d e '

OWntPrwt ' ' . 7-g6«8Z

I M a r r i e d i n L i o n d o n

■- i■ M R S r irA K C U S ^ A tY rw id —

bw o f the American coppcr maRnate, and George John. D jom R aro ff. a nowapapcr- man, were m arried r e t ^ t ly in London. She is fo rm erly . o f-V ienna nnd a dauRhter o f one o f the offitrers o f the co iir t o f Franz Josef o f I A us tria .— (<9*) Photo. ;

W E N D E L L C L U B M E E T S '

W ENOSLL.Jul>-37(8peeUltoThe' ,' Neaal-^Mr. and M n, lm Andenon !I enterUlned the Junior Bridge club

women and the ir htubands at. a 7 o'dock bridge dinner. Honora tor htgh Korc went to M n . Coe M. Price

' and Austin. SehouweUer,' QuasU In­duded Messn. and M eidanw Leroy

! SehouweUer. R. D. Bradshaw, Coe M.Price, AusUn SehouweUer,-'R.-O.

' Wcrd. P. B.'Brehman and Meidames I J. D, Stuart and A. N. Macquivey.

D srtfll. as __ _____ .4 l . l -a - 5 0 ‘. t-K le liu .r(__________ 4 , - i .1; 3 . 0 0• Hurst lb ______.4 . O' 0-JT<.it 0! Whitney..3b ...._ ...4 -0 I - t %3 0I Lee. l( ...... ........;.:_,4 0 1 \ 0 »f V. Dava. _________ :4 0 ® ®I Mallon. 3 b ________3 0 » J » »: , • Hesthcote ® ® ? 5 J! Dslkeo.ab_______--0 « ? i 2 5t Uanten. p ‘ i ? ? 2

•• :.(cC urdy______ 1 2 S 2 n 2! Collins, p ___ 0 0 0 0 Q 0

} T ju is . - ^ l- :W ,-a -» a 7 n 0J ‘ Ran ror M alKn^lo e l ^ ^ .

: SKTpw. — S” ™-;?!'*0 1 Bummtry: Twi>-base hlU — O.0 nB vuXHarm ao.O ttrocher. BarUU:1 th r«e-iM tW »-~O .D aT to :b« }e vxsf . . ^ t n u n . D tiroohtr: double pUya—1 H u n t ffl Barta ll. Motrlstey. to Dur*E oeher'to B W d ;l:k . Kerman to TTuf'

ocU^; . l o ^ ^ t c h e r - ^ t v e f c , . •


Page 7: 5 T W F A L l A L L lY N E yw W - tfplnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN... · The pUne was over Hankley com- '< ... -----gymnasiums and various olher bulld-^ Ings at

-<Cb6UDUW1 ctoq

~ j ^ ir t£ u i.B a d p m t t4 « X « h B A ii« ^ -1

a lf lc m . Y«i, w h c a k u i i W *n*ttr - ito ,M il, tbe m U M 'b M MWb * ■ •*] iM r a Um u a w ill m lM f tt t l. a»« . bro) in^nriM blm »*enUr. Sha ta ,a i« I t ' m k t w her rairriMta-FBMioW ^ n t : e n n iM r ik te r f to n « o a ^ m ( tiU k i ber Ut« Ir tu rb v , I f ab* kMW <i Soadn iu 4 » b u b u d »bla i« « » - mei p o r th t r la k t t ja a iu iir .A B d S e a * ftK< A S . M t * <• U r* Ib. Ja n iT Wkn, WhUa K u fc « t m wMUh to Iba iHm Caoco. Jaha * iW U « *o to m w it StBdra. altbiMtfb b« M b r « « nnhiippy » a rT i» « a fro m .1

• . talUac ber. He b u bacn fa r jeAra “ aa w irtter, almoat a i« a ftf lM «• wei

k ir . SoDdra beOam ber m arrtac* ba BK7 ba»a altared her manner M>- cor ward lUm. Tbay aak aa*h o to « ,OM a v M lv . I t aMh ia bof«« wtUk protbo otb«»* _____

' - . .CJuptar l * lUrTAK IN G A B18K

Soadra a h n iw td her ataeuMm. 8 "IV t n» anawer to one quajtloa- to UK uM ther,” ahe UDd.

flhe fiae led that-Anderson winced.u d abe «ald ( jiifk ly . "l-m teny- 1 d idn 't mean.' .to ^ dl«agre«*bla"— u d alter a m oditnt. T U M ik you ^ for. your k tta r, Jelm. ^

"The honor u m loe” he to -

dlnoer-4e«Jllo« to the wisraan od h l i other'«Me, tb d flo n - dftiXelt vlqued.

U t i r In th e -e rtn la K w))en be

“ t S - ’i i th " h to tor’ x o u ^ ir ^ ®. «h« u ld coldly:

. 'there 'aom eob^ e iu / woi5d lather t t t o f

U checked a «mU«. L ." I f there -waa, iheuld I t i k you?- " •*you m lf h l - i r y ta .th o u jh t l • * • *'?

pected you to/- . 5 '^ ,.’r ia n t that, tatber t n lo n ilt ~ to

yountU?" ,8t>e (lu th^4A llttie . ,= Y w ' > « « « rttb fT earoeaed w *

v l tb U n U y to a I t dlnner.tlm e I . tbousht.-'ahe lild.reM QUulty. ,

“ 1 w u .tfy lh * , to ipare you the aeceulty o t to me - a fte r ""Jw h tt r o i a U .f ,■ dondnt iUhsd. ’-LKe't auch a mtWdlC-'aba.^aWd. uneonKloualy tCbotarUw-wards f lo ra has apoten j r i

aoo (Old her U thtly.-Doe* u r ’ nl,She looked a t him rather wUt- ^ ,

fu lly , th-in iUddenly aha aald: q..“ John, h u I t ever occurred to .

)-ou-«hat people ih ls k ef utT'*■•O you and I» " th:-Yej.-.

. " I never troubU my head w hat m, people-thlnk." -

ss She waa allenl fo r t mem'aat, ^- -then iha -» « td : “«o r»;'cam « In to u,

m rfM m th u eYenbi, and . th a t t ir money » a i lying on the dreailog* on uble.” In

r -WeU?’^ ....... lh’*1 didn’t Ilka IU- v i

I "The r m e ^ U la ^ w r own th

I * . " V m i do you 'm ta n t’^ : at.I * ■‘'Cost that*>9U'thotdd no t la tva »im ob*r. ty ln f on ' ‘your d m i tn i- mi

m ith t be. t to ie a - a i

tJ a a id "“r t U b r ‘* i« 3 a t to W y r * 'r » ^ ■Bknbwt «u iu vsU that 1 o n '^ <lreu '

I Daily Cross-V■ - r f— : -------r ----------------------------'

K ' t i n i t . ” * * Salirtlon o f Yeeti

• II.JmbeaU«____LQ-LO|^F EJ-- l« .-8 rt* ty - ------H IH N Ic , n ■ ■ I, IT. w im iik* |(3 |L |E |e I O lA 1 I l l . J»Bni«y h J ^ o I a b i d I

10. 8rmb«l fer j o | M | | ^ 7 I

.- 2 l.« t fu U e f g , =■ g [M -^ , muKlplie*- ^ ^ |N jN £ g J y

■ IfS oo n *1. ■nitt l . BUheo'f i l . Iluek 1' . • . lu r ^ 'e t io a t l . Riftt 1

\ l ' **• SMtlllh11. a w trtle l* - I ._ . . -O U ahoM I t . ticum atlon 4

- — _________ ^

- . o A S f . , .

Q j J ie d t. 'it ^,M. AY»1» Ia tWii.Uauai _________.

' ^ e * - b u t . . . . Jt.waa im lj t«-i

-W hy to a H h t r .*1 don't , kiww; a t le tit-> '* abd

•rdke-off. Bhe knew weU< enougtv- t w u M ark who bad m i ^ bar reallM I t ; Mark-a love f o r b t t Aad u a tn j i t

They « m both lUent fo r » mc^ nent, then AAdenoa la id w ttb t a it fo r t ; • ;

- A t t l the outooma of aU th la te > Ibat you VlU aot cone Id (he rtoea irltb me tomerrow." I

‘*Dq you want me to comef**.Ua Uuched a Uttle. .- I am no i an eloquent man. Xt 1 U

erent on my kneei to you. I t would be done In iuch- a clumsy u d un* = wnvlnclne way that—*’

-You're making lun e f me.” ahe prot«atcd. -It'a not Und, Joha— yoQ hurt me."

"M y dear—" he aald. “ Are you ■ure you tre not h u r t lu yo u ra e lf- n u d quite unneceuarUyr f)

She fett tha U an In her eyea. u d lhe b it her Up angrily.

- I do n t knew what you mean.** « - I dont mean anyth ln f except »

that In aplU of people Uke your ala* U r, I t U qulU p o e tM I 'to t m ta ta U wlah to l i r e . . . f r ifo d ib lp to a ^ w onun without aiklng fo r tn y tb ln i In return. I hoped I bad mada you reallH tha t long a ^ , Sondra.’*

not worth anyont'a tffeU lon . . . _ I ’m 10 leltUh '. . . aome d ty You'U * be aorry.'*

"Whan 1 am. r u taU yeu, ta d In « ir- iB ea n lIm frw M r*»T O r*te o> 8 r- -A row f '^ou'd betUr u y yei. Sondra L —becauie I 'm gothi away a t tb« end A of the week.'’ L

"Oolng away?" She did oo t know A i f lhe waa reUeved or aorry. -Oh, L where are you golagT'*

“ No further than Europe, bu t I A may he away for aome tim e." I

" I Ih a ll m lu you.** A“ WIU you? T h a f i kind." IShe w u ttn ick by the aadn tu of

hla eyei. L"W by are you B o lng f ibe taked. He amlled. "Perhapa. for t reat— g

perhapi ta |)Te you t reit.': ,-7ou dcuVt really, th in k tha t I <,

meant I w u tired to ,de tth o f you?-* •he aiked.I ■ -Xt you did. th a t'i not 'w bat U r drtvinc me away. I arranged to go | lyeiterday."

-Vou didn’t lell me'* ,- I thought I would keep I t fo r » .

pleaaant aurplne"Bhe nuihed m d her eyet looked

morUfled ^"Mow you're being unkind again" ^ -Hot InUntlonaUy, Sondra, Q u tu *

th# reverie" ^"X wish you would aay w hat you *

reaUy mean" *"Very weU then I mean th a t I ‘

believe you wUI be glad to know ' tha t I am but o f 'N ew ’YoVk fo r a * tlm e^ to know that you wlU not * meet me a t ivery street corner tn d ° In every, e n i'i drawing room ‘To feel ~ that you w ill be tent In to dinner w ith lomeene elae a i I th a ll not be >' there—"

"And tU thU bwMUM of what I n ld th li evenlngt I d ld n t mean It?"

- I hare already to ld you tha t I . made all my arrtngemenU to go away. yeiUrdav- *'7’ a i i 'U l . Very AtUl. looking away ° from him Into tba crowded roflm.

’Thera w u » queer teellnc In her ‘

Word Puzzleitterdiy*a Punle i t . U tta l

----------------- H . U a lio f t8 ra » - ^

r I o f f l e R Y **•

H j 11 ‘.

B B S S s E S - i E - w i - a r - - -------* ‘

I B M A S I t . Kndr«l*«| | M Ep1cp !U ,T.I.>.. ,M I s l— tA lX ir J «T. Tb* aeaUiWMt t

wla'l , OOWN « . At «'dlilane«

1. terntlnlu l l . . r a r t ot Ui* If n “. r ' .1 i - r! : f r r i i i l - K " S " ,

<*r _.»»«><Jcr_ _ i

I. E .V l'S f . ' ! t R f . i r . " " ' I

'■ ‘ i K " ' " i t ’ o t f ' * Ii ! ; f . 'S ’.L ** '* -L c - S W " “ >

-11. lu ilaa orvvloeat iOptra abbr. ,


— TW W r A t i a P A ttiY -N t

. T ; g ' X ^ 'mE 1AT1 I Y o u M t IU M AJl

i: . . I ____ l L ' r o o < J T YO > 1 6 fie 1

d •

TIME TABUS 'w ganeftdee at fa w r i t In b m ta d- K f U r M M a r M h v n r a u l i M a ^ naBii


Train 8« I ta v u ____..___2:3fi P. M.i*’ T rain »«4 Uavea _________g;Sl A. M.<: • . WaetbM&d “ * n n U Itavea--------_ . l l : 0 « A. M.• T rain M3 teave i________M.

« . W B lta BBANCl"* SonUiboaBd

DaUy Bseept Sunday T r ito W 4 w v e * -n n m .U U il» . .» .4 l.

’t i T t t ln arrtvei — :___3:W P. M.UNION P A a n o 8TA0S8

In CutboBMd Ir-- -A J 7 J re * -= = = s = s = -# H if-A .-M / -ra U aves-------------------_ U U A. M. EMl A rr ire a ____________ P. M. .

U a v e * -------;-----------___3t25 P. M. •w ATTlvea-------------------- _13 :»5 A. M. I•h, Leavea------------------- --.1:M A. » . *

I A rr lV M -------------------A- « • .Leavea ____________ 9:15 A -'M .Arrive* :— l:------------- _ f l : M p. M.

. U iv e a ------------------------- 8:47 P. M.o f ATTlvea_______________ 13:14 A. M. ., L e tre s ------------------- _ — ,l:00 A. I t »

!d. The eaatboond itaga a rrtrU if t ) i— .9:ia A. U. and tbe weitbound a U t* »

, arrlvtng at e :U P. M t r tv t l by way lo f Jerome. WendeU and OoodlB*. •


j f teaye -------------- — ____ v M A. u.to R e tu r n ----------------------- l : « P .M . '

T w v i rA U 8 .rm jL 9 . Leave..---------------- ----------11:08 A .M , i* A rr ive _________________13:18 p. M. j

heart which ihe could not explain. She-want«d him to or. and’T tt ' ih e relented l i becauie he knew that lhe wanted h im to go; yeiUrday ihe would unheilUtUigly have u ld that

J there wai nothing In the world John Anderson would not do for .her; .but

. a tonlght-ahe had the s tn n ie fiM ln ( that the had lost tome of her power over him. I f ahe a ik td him to etay

,«1 -a h a ipoke auddrnly. "Don't > go J o h n - I shall be lonely, without

be you "" I m u it go."; I "Even i f I a ik you to •tay?'*

"Even i f you tak me to aUy.", I She la ld w ith quick anger. “ Per- •0 hnpi I wa* no t so wrong a flc r all ^ In what I u ld —that you are tired

He u n iw e r^ quietly. "Perhapa our ,er rrlendihlp U too nrecloua lo me to

r l\k wearlneaa either on your Hde 3S. ofJ&ln&T , -— She Itood up, laughing rather

reekleuly."Very well—bu t don't fo rg tt that

w nM lm e i I t l*^a ease of ‘Out of

cordant noU.How could abe have u ld that—

,— wUh M ark fn in t lu fther Jrore hat

"A ll my Ufe I tiave been wUltng ‘o _ ^ l» r r t* i“ w ^o th ln tjrQ rih rs rtiU a U ever achieved w ithout a certain amount o f rlak.~ *

She looked a t h im wKh defiant eyei.

. _*'Perhapa tb ia wm be U»e excep-— Uon-tbat^ pTovee-the Tule."-ehe-eald.-

Andereon amUed ’•1 don’t th in k ao,“ h t aniwered


Sondra etood at Uie window ef Flora'! drawing-room, drumming

It her flngen on the window down , which the big dropi feU in-an end-

l(U stream.The Itreet w u deaerUd uve /or

a postman.I t w u a m onth *lnce Mark Mer-

— rlmaa.aaUed, and already th e J ln t lenie of b itter deiolatlon and un-

I happlneu had grown dim in Bon- , dra 'i heart.

She no longer woke up a t night, her face drenched w ith Uara. ih * no

» longer went U iUetily through tbe dayi. feeUng th a t life hiul ended, and she had stopped Ucklng o ff tb *

_ dau on the calendar w ith t red n pencil.

W llh the growth o f the long “ jprins dayi, ehe had taken a freah

InUrcft In clothe*, aad ih i w u- looUng forward w im pleased u U c -

IpiUon to' ipcndlng the mootb of

g - ^ ^ S T ^ I B SI : -------------------------------------------------------

. /^ a ir m f x i ^SACK o r I <5> \

I----------rCiOGtXff------------------------ ---_ A J s s s o is x x y ; \-

M IS S S D ( B fE Z Z W G T T J _ \ 1—

’ytxiT rssB H S f , r J

- - Eix

:N E W s , T f f r i i f A u a . i d a b p . '

■- j I > 0 « T ? )


.Wknt Ala . '■


J: ------------------------- “A llW a M A « itU T tm a d te ttT « b a i .

- Ih e y bdag tbe boyar. p^ 1 ■ ■ ■■ «

Busintts Opportunities ?ro H 's A lS a lA U D U rS B E L L S S ilV V

tf/ ^v ic*M tU M vO oodln«r2daho.:w rU ft i t l. Box 108. .


1 2-1 AND-12 TO 10 ;4. ' . J ___ C*• (ConUnued From Page 5) k t M llltr latuned bU batting average B t ) w ith three h iu ou t o t five tlm ei a t : I t bat in the opener t m three out ot ' ■y Uiree Ul tba aeooed game. ,,

. . n m game--------- . * ...... „ . r . h s ^Phlladelpla,.....DIl a08 130-13 17 0 [D e tro it______ IOI OOl m - 8 10 1 /

14. £ a tu ile i: Earaaaaw aad Hevlng;U. W hltehiJ.Qolditeln. W yatt u d Ruel.

Seoofld aam e >M. PHILADELPHIA AB R K O A B •M. BUhop/ 2 b ________ 3 0 0 3 5 0 C_ Haai. c { _________ A 0 3 5 0 0 ,“ OochraA'?, c - « 1 0 3 1 0 In. SImmonk. i f 0 3 3 0 0 f

Fox*. I b ^ , : _______8 1 - 1 -7 1 0 ia t McNair, t i ________2 I 0 3 1 0 *,he MUler, r f ________ 2 1 3 8 0 0 :u t Dykei, 3d ________4 0 _ ,l 0 1 0 ^hn walbera. p ' ----------4 o l l l 0 ,m t ------- '--------— — /lng -T o la to - . rr.-7..-.t..„.-0»-4 l(K « 7 -» -» , rer DETROIT - - . AB R H O ' A * [j y DavU, lb .......... ,_...4 0 0 a 3 0 Igo Oehrinter. 3 b _____ 4 0 1 3 8 0)ut Stone, c f ................ 4 0 1 3 0 0 (

Webb, r f .......... ....... 4 0 0 3 0 0 ]Walker. I f _____ ___ 4 T) 3 3 0 0 (Rhlel. 3b ________ 4 0 1 3 3 0 {RogeU. u _______.3 0 1 3 0 0 J

er- Rlchardton, u ........1 0 0 1 0 0 laU Hayworth, c ...........3 0 1 8 0 0 ]red Marrow, p ________3 0 0 1 0 0 ]

Sr. ...:___u -D i r ~D o -e i# ...... .......... 1 0 0 0 0 0 <

t o - ------------------------ 1Ide T o u u „ , . .. 33 0 7 37 « 0 J - - *B*4U d forttarrow-ln-elghMh------- jher Phlltde lp iaa .............-000 ooo 130-4

Deu'oit ........ .............. -000 ooo ooo-rohat S unm aiy; Two-bue hlla—Walker,

of Haaa; chrec-bane h lU ^M U ler, Oykei; j stolen baie—WalKer: double playfr- '

M»* Kh ig r td oaTrrtngfy7o u iv g 3r n>i~ ilag pitcher—Marrow.

I t - --------- 1h a * ------ «B.NATORH-»,- BBOW NS-3- 1Her gp , t n t t ta t.iiv y> ..t-, ^ WMh^ j

lB p6 ir8«n il6 rre iuneT iae ri6a»y-to ] 7— ta k e r s K(5IU1 BUTC Dt fv e n u with i

tbe St. l« u i i Browns B to 3, Weaver ( u u aUowIng th'e BroWiis'only two hlU U> ] « n the Itx innln*» he ijliehed and Mar-* berry holding St. L o i> to one ufety

during the rest of the conieit.WASKJMpTON AB R H O A E .

Rice. r f _ . : .......... .....4 -1 ' 3* l 0 0 ,a jir r5 b ~ : :.-:.~7. - : ::.r i - r "3 -8 -0 i

. Manuih, If ... ...._...'..8 1 3 1 0 0 1Cronin, n ........ ..-..3 1 0 4 3 0 ;Kuhel. i 9 ___ ______ 9 '3 4 J3 '0 0 JWeat. ef — 4 1 3 3 0 0 ,Bluege. 3b ----------- 8 1 1 1 1 0 ,Berg. C ___________ 8 0 1 3 0 0weaver, p . ______ 4 l 3 o o o «Marberry, p ______ I o o o l o j

ToU I ..... ....... .43 *9 18 37 10 U !«T . LOUIS AB R H O A E .

S Scbtrela. S b ______ 4 o 0 o 3 o j^ Bura*. lt» ..... ....- t r J - 0 0 7 0 0 ,on- = = = = = !

Jun* in M aiuchuaetU w ith Bea- , Ih t, triee Taylor. - ,no n aeemed queer. '

tbe A* aha looked ou t t t the pllUew led, rab i ta d wauhed tha poetaun mak- tbe lng bU way from door to door, (here . red w u t a tra ^e Uttle feeUng of shame ;

Ul Bondra’i heart th a t ihe h id —If > eng not tortotten M ark a ln a d y -a t le u t . 'Mh Iha had learnt to do without him. w“ (Copyright, 1933. by Ruby M. Ayrwi ;

of <To B* Cootlnuedi .

p E 5 7 W = W li i■ f v ^ F I N N E 6 A N - ' i


X i / £ a u M P S — Di

sMi> i r w/ W AS TOO H S A .V Y - S

( § , ’ 7

L ^1

For Sale MiscenaniousNEW HAV D E L m m O . CALL 1

0390J13. __________ .B T O Y (TUPS AND A B SEN A H OP !

lead. Pbone 8. Mooa’l .________ __ ^

POR S A U t-R rP R ia O U T O R . KX - i cellent condlUon. Cb«M>. Pbeoe .

r o a s a l e - h a y i n s h o c k o r. deUvirtd. Pbooe (M8«J«3. D . B.V Vwburg.__________________________^ SCREEN •P O O R g ,-g O ia ^ - W T O i

U d window glaaa. B e w in o t tbe- deadly fly. Phone 8. Mooo**.

WE BUY. SELL AND TRACS USED furniture, etovu tn d aecood band

goods. Eberhart'a. Phone M tW . 348 0 .

ONE GOOD USED T *N FOOT Tractor Binder and one P As O

riding Beet PuUer. See Q. O. Q « t^ , n Buhl. Id ilfo ._____________

^ POR SALE-BULPUUB, BULPHOR checki mUdew on Red Olover aad

• Increaara yield. Dingle * Bm lth.0 Phone 8. Tw in PaUa. •

AUTO D O O R OLAfiS. WtVOr.Ihleldi. and window gttaa. Ntr

eharge for aetting flaaa. Pbone 8, Uooa't Paint aod Puralttav B idn.

0 OST OENUINE CRAZY ORTBTALS A and drink your way to baaltb.0 Mell or<:en {« :d promptly fo r |t.800 per 1» t. H. J. sehwiuer, the Raw- 0 lelgh'Dealer, 384 3rdiVre. Bast. Twin0 Palto. Idaho.________________ *9 -A-RSAfi GLAND TONIC, S tm R - " Tone TableU fo r men tn d women,*' conquers depreulon. Over two hun-

~ dred thousand lo ld In CaUtomla. ; 8ead -|J .0 ia0 rtriM b< a T (!n r«a rtB ^ MaUrUI Co.. KUnberly. I ^ o .0 ■ ' = = = g = ^ =0 CampbeU. r f — ... 4 0 0 4 1 00 Bum*, l b ------------- 3 0 0 7 0 00 OoaUn, I f _________3 r 0 3 0 00 SehulU, c f -------------3 1 0 3 0 00 MeUHe.Jb_________ 4 1 1 4 1 00 Perrell. c _________ 3 0 1 4 0 00 Bengough, c --------- 1 O . 0. o 0 00 U vey, M ..... ......... .4 0 1 3 4 1

0 Gray, p ....Z'.Z'.ZZ.o o o o o o- Klm iey, p ...... ........0 0 0 0 0 00 *A. O. PUher -------1 0 0 0 0 0

I 4 * --------------- —rO TotAto ............- . 31 3 3 37 9 Ier. xBatU d for Oray In uvenUi. m : xxBatted fo r Klmsey In ninth.

W a *h la jto n ............... -003 IDO 430-g.3T St r CW l l - „ ...... .-T..OOO-000 300s;g

Summary: T vo-bau hlK^-Weaver. M uu ah . Rice; - MilUlo; Utfee-baae

• hU*------ ^Wfs^Kuhel;-home run* —-ih^ tCnhM. «».-fi4f>v-Hlge Croplnr dou- to ®irpay»=iCuajJbeU to U u r a ir T m f l

ttn i i ^ f ualn tu*Ku lie i r M «IUl r tu L evey 't r to Bum *: winning pltcher-Weater; U» loilng’ piieher—Hadley.- -

u - —_Ety BOSTON 18, CHtCA(30 S

CHICAGO. July 37 ( « - smead . E JoUey led the Boiton Red 6 ^ In t _0 icorlng r io t today that l ubmerged

0 8. fo r the second Boston v lc to^ tn t 0 row. JoUey hammered out a hone 0 run la th * f t / th wKh two oa b u t and 0 wound up the day w ith two doubles, a 0 Ilngle tn d a walk.0 BOSTON AB R H O A E0 OUon, 3 b _________ 8 1 3 3 3 10 Rhtoe. :?> --------- 0 0 0 I I I

- OUver. c f __________ 8 1 1 4 0 0« Johnaon. r f ______ 4 3 1 3 0 0

1 E JoUey. U _________ 4 4 4 3 0 10 Stumph. I f _______ I 1 0 0 0 00 Alexander, l b _____ 4 3 3 l l I 0

= Plekerlnc. 3 b ----------8 3 ^ 0 3 0. . . W anUer, u ______ 4 1 3 1 8 0

T iU , _____________ « I 1 3 0 ffKUae, p __________i 0 3 1 1 0

T ! ’ToUI* . «a 18 18 31 13 1fn CHICAOO AB R H O A Bne Punk, c t _________ 4 1 0 0 0 0.« U ayu .3 b __________4 0 1 3 5 0u t Blue, l b _________3 1 1 15 0 1

Po thm U l, I t ______ 8 0 1 1 0 0««) AppUag. a - i ----- 1— 4 1 1 1 8 0- Kreas, r f _________ 4 0 0 3 0 0

EngUah.3b________ 4 1 3 1 3 1

I a c r r m ic g | ^ C ^

IT 'S Q i o i ^ ^ M cPROMt h e \ tV W A T ^ ; — •

[ULY..28,-1B82-------- -----------------

D O j y ' r G E T U P ~ ~

w t t u - ' a P4Y AK t r r 6ACK ANb \


•gains-GWanted—MIsoenaneous L

t -TOp I ^ O T PAID FOR PAT I W ^ < Imperial Uvestock Oo. A u » a

P ^ ______________________ . L - . iWAN-rCD DBAO H0RSE« AMD

COWI. Pbone 0388J13, noon or «re> ; C* n U i^ ’

R Hatchery.________ . .

WANTED OLD AND DEAD ANI> ’- m ala.LO .Preaoott,phoDtO inR li. , * o o r M r p t r t : ---------------------------------- :

WANTED-USED PR U IT JARS. ’— We pay cash. Eberhart’i New and D SeamdBaadStore.phone800W.'M| ' g Mate B o . ______________________ ..

.WANTED TO B O R R O W - B T- owner, 11500 te 81800 on good awd> »T era home. WUl pay good raU o t la - ,0 Uteat. W riu Z-8, care et TwUi paU* ? ’ Wewa.

^ For Sale-Real.Eitatetd ..................... ...............b . RESIDENT LOTS WELL LOCA’ISD,

your, own price. BeauUful...PUti- BaUhery *1U. Fargo, Phoas 488. • i i ■■ .1. I - J j g g g g s *• O n ^ , « - - — 1 1 0 3 0 0

Su luKn, e ______.-.3 0 0 3 0 3:a Dagiu, p --------------0 0 0 0 3 0

Gregory, p 1 , 0 .0 0 0 0 M WUe, p ----------------4 0 0 0 3 ^

'T o u u _______ :J5 1 6 37 » 4oiton _____________ 406-180 101-18

— Chicago......___ ____ 100 300 OOl— 8R- Summary: Two-bau t i lt*—Potber- sn, gill, T a u , JoUey 3. EnglUh; three* a - base h it—KUne; home run—JoUey; u . stolen b u u - Johnson 3. Stumpt. Al» tS e x a n d c r:~ H m b S e ~ p Iii^ i9 tn & 'ta

H ayu to Bbie. Bayea to AppUng td = Blue; loidng piUher, D tg llt .

0 ___ ----------------------------- i _

0 Legal AdvtrtliiminU0 - - ------------ -- - -----------0 NOnCB OF W R IT OP0 - A ITACBM BNT0 In the DUtrlet Court o t tbs Elev*1 enth Judicial DUtrlet o t tbe SUU

’ 01 i f l i ln i Ul t m tof T wia - PaUi0 - County, . .0 B tak.o f Kimberly, P ItlnU tf.

-0 - Robert J .H o ve u i^ l« a tit.a e w e U ;.— hutband and wUeand M ay HIU snme-

1 times khown u "M r*. A. B. HUl.” DefenduU.

Notice U hereby given th a t on July - f t 30, 1933, a w rit of atttehm ent w u ^ lUQed ocro fthB abore ra titie d court er. in tbe above enUUed te tloe . attach- u e iQv the inoperty of the above auned

defaadanvfoe U u sum o t M S U l u d

t r iie re tm m et-m y-bsad -sad-the-iea l er: Of th is Oeuit UUs 30tb day o t July,- • 1W3................................................ ...

(Seal)HARRY 0 . PARSONS, •

■ad Clerk of the D ls trle t Court.1 t By PRANK SMTTH. Deputy.

- t f r ---------K o n c » : o F - w m i^ i ! ---------1 1 ATTACHMENTme In the OUtrlet cou rt o f the Elev* nd rn ih Judicial Jtnstrlet o t (he State r. a of idsno, In u d f«e T w la PalU

County.. E independent Scho^ D U trle t No. 6

I Tw in PtUs County, Idabo. » cocpor- 1 aUon. PlaUitUf.0 —VI.—0 A. P. C nv tn and PldeUty tn d De*1 p o ilt Company o f M try lta d . a oor- 0 poratlon. Defendant*.0 NoUce l l he re^ given th a t on July 0 33,1033, a w rit ef a tuehm ent w u u - 0 *ued out ot the abovi enUtled court ff In the abors enUtled uM oo. atueh* 0 log the property o f tbe tb o v t nam*

— ed defendant A. p. O rtvea fo r .the 3 eum of 85000JIO,

I E IN WITNESS WHEREOP, 1 have 0 hereunto le t my h u d and the u a l0 of thU Court. UtU 33rd day ot July.1 1933.0 HARRY C. PARSONS.0 . Clerk ot Um D lstrle t conrt.0 (Seal)1 By PRANK J. SM ITH . Deputy.

* o « A n P e A f ' ju r —M B A K PKTSO IS MAV1

P N B T IM B W rm T H B C R C U S ’‘ L i m . e tM K - 4 5 0 PO UM

M o a 8 « n o ( . A s e - i a A w n j L n ic B fM fiO ’ 9 0 0 V \N — T H S M CAD C U

H M - I MAVE A VECrv' - 3 0 0 0 TAU

S E M O S ^


U W H I * - I > ^ o u i.b N * r IT AMY

Dpportig g = g = a s ■ ' '! .

^ Rent—Furnished >0. o o o T S o o i t t T i r o T o A R D m .na 448 W u t Mate.________________ -

FOR RENT — PrnC-ROOM FURN* m Uhed houte. Olose bi. CaU eo-M.

ROOM^ AND BOARD, CLOSE. IN , _ rates to two. 118 3nd Ave NocUu

i S L IQ B T HOD8SKEEP1NO—ROOM: Phooe 83d. 480 te d Avenue Nortb.

f t l PURITIBBZD AND UNFURNIBBEO ^ 7 honsM. O etU rt Real EIUU. Phoat“ ja - c fc -m w . —n FOR RENT-COM FORTABLE 3 ^ room tumUhed apartmint. 113. 535 448 w u t Mala.___________________

• V O ti^ • ROOM F U R N IS H E D

B IX ROOM MODERN HOUSE, ^ g tra ie , t t 448 3nd Avenue East.= J«rom*. __________ _

FIVE P O I N T S A P A R T lO N m Have modem fumUhed apart-

g m en u 'to / n n t. Phoae I881M.

fUti HAVE-APARTMENTS THAT ARB• atl Tight. a lM u u priced 3 aad I

_ rooms. furaUhed compleu. Tbe O *- — ford. 43a M»»n North.

\ a LOnOTS AD — »^RO<»( MODEBN 0 houM is ts o ; 8*rooa modera IU ;

[ a 4-room bo uu 813M; 4*rooa bouu I 0 88JO. A. K . Long, Pbeoe 813. .* -T POR RBNT—FDRNISHED APART- > , * oieat, like small houu w ithout dU- - * * advtnUge oT T iea tn igb t or water - } bUls. O titg e U dealred. 84ft ElgbUt

__________________________Uey; HEW 3 AKD S ROOMBD APART* , A l* ^ meata, modera, eleee te.’ Bleily tin *

^ Aptrtm catt.


oev* old eataWUhed Idaho m aautie tw . iU U lng Maeem te opea and t t ta ag * lo>

' I n v J ^ ^ ^ R ^ v ltb tB 'detU li and w f erenee to P. O. B o i 1408. Beiee,

ju l* L O n - - « C ^ B L A ^ A N ^ ^ w u do*; loog body; beaob legs; u <

^ s w t n ^ aame Betty.; MoUtv j . i *ch - Oraham. Kimberly. rw U 3. lU if f rd

LOST BETWEEN, « a O S H O N K ^ -s tnW 'rw teF B llS r^ ru ek .U rttD C

^ Write k S bS

«a'ourt. ro u H D b il l f o l d , owoer ideau-

■ f r News offlee tn d pay fo r ad. •

~ “ FoT^M t—UnrumiiHea“APARTMWrr. JM 4th .AVENUI

East. Phooe 786J._______________Ko. 8 f o r r e n t - 8-ROOM BOUSE rpor- Modem exoept beat. Pbooe U43-A

BROSSEAU APARTMENU W m1 De* eleetrle nnge aod O. E. Refrlger- oor- ator. Phone 1778.

A OOOD 5 ROOM MODERN HOUSI wlUi garage 00 lOUi Aveaue E u l

court after A u p u t l i t , phone 1814. lach* —

For Sale—Poultryh .„,- - W A N T E D - POUUIRT.^ I t C

' Hunur. Phone 808.______________July. FOR S A L E LEOBORN FRYS

Phone 0483J3. Oeo. Bradley.

S r t . TWO DOZEN LEOHORNjrU. pert Uylng soon. 30o and e0(

ity. each. Phone 1011,

ia v » j ’ a v H c r / X "

' •• ..............- -

Q________________ - • . , ' i

~ ~

L ^ V ^ B x ^

unities ‘jDiGM|S; ProTewlonali ' . . A 'W b » N E T K > ^ "D a C B A LL>4>m Cloe’ Beek'St^gibI t • ■ • ■ '

^ . BuilnettD F litJ IO IN O

DOME n t n o t D f o * n A T I K o '. ' oo .-0hew R ooaoBd abopt. U t - ^ - E. m r d e u t. Pheoe m ~ • ,

B A L U m m fB P L V M B IN O *

& F ^ ^ iS fn g tcBoblet Pbeot n i» W .

T R A l f f f ^

i s K T flC B O U TRAMWER * R O B - ...-.AOB - - 0 « r b a c t~ b t u M - d tu r . -------

* - PbeotiOO.


t T f M R. Pheoi IM W .5 .

^ Fo'rSalfr-Fruiti,Veoetablei w r o T 5 5 5 w i 5 5 r T S r S A S

Pbeoe 018U4. __________ •



s POR B A L E -8 B U I'« W ir r CIIKB* rise. Phena 8W-J. 3. D. W ttm n .

FOR BALB LAROB A F R lO O n ^ 8148 bwl»eL S mDet W M Bentll

la - » P —® Pbooe 0184J1. ------- ^lu . FOR S A U CBERRIBB n e FBR 101' s ]b i,on tree rJU ep iekcd . O .B ly ,«

oUU eut-of-H oek'C n irtifr.

^ PIE CABBRIEB. le JS. ON n i S ,AN <n«U trees, easy to ptek. 1% mOes u>. e u t et Twla FitU* oa Ktmberty. 1, Roid. D. B. Voaburt._____________

R ABP BS RR IEBFO R BAZXC TtBI 5 k _ 5 ^ •««>. U tnUa m a t Bdaa. 1 lod peck 70o gaUdo.'" U tary— sebotti^^ Pboiu W 3. A lbert WolUta.


r r u r ^ . Repoaaaued piaae 840 T trm iU d u ln d . Claude Browa Mu*

- - ile Co._______________________ .

ntiSBD— puRNnruRE.— K n c f f la L — cftblatt. itovee. ttbUa. ehalra. ntgs,

i r ; , aad davenporu prteed to seO. M eeel ^ patet and P u m ltu n etora.

S For Sale or Trade S v S e ' t o a m T u t 'o r ’S T T S^ kinds of uu d fu m itu n . etovu, ta d _ ranges. Oet our prteet. Pbocw i Jet Moon's PtUit ta d Para lU in Start.U lt

— Situations WantedMATEBNITT NURBINO. P :»n* 488,

' q moUU Smuer. _________WANTED-HOUBE OLXANlNO OR

^ Uundn Pbone 873-J. '

For Rent—Miscellaneous* * O raiO H T.PM N O . ra O N E '1031. '

i r a d K c m m [ 3 t i i E z z :

1 s o M B P B c u e a s A U . TM 6 U JC K! JB S M IN K OP' B6BS' O NP E A K I N ' T E R M S

Page 8: 5 T W F A L l A L L lY N E yw W - tfplnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN... · The pUne was over Hankley com- '< ... -----gymnasiums and various olher bulld-^ Ings at

r< ig o E i g w . . . -__________ ” .

iVETO INHE tj M a O E =M e e tin g S e le c ts C o m m it- *

te e to P u sh “ S w a llo w ' !

o ^ u r p lu s " D a ir y C am pa ign J

" ^ T w i n F a ils C ounty

O n ^n U a tlm o t a 'S im llow Uie eurp lut” cu ip a lsn tn Twin PaUs - i u n county J»»» pertecUd l u t night » t » <Uooer^e«tlnc In the Park hotel w ith tho »ppoljjtinent of » commit- m , tee to eooduet ths moremenC, ioI< -lo ir tn f an addrea by U i*. V n U t _____Reeder. Bot|w.repretentlng tbe Idaho = s : State DatTTmen'B auoeUtlon.

Zntrodueed b r O. T . K o iU M n ab - P p i M cr o l th# Twta PaUi branch et J l l . f tbo Jerom* Cooperative m u n e ir . w w ii

'M i* . Reeder »et lo rtb the retaUvely _ . depreaied coodlUon o( the dairy In* n l du itn r a t preaent. which the Itated 1,1 w u tarcely due to the exUtese« ot U l a lu rp lu f d t dairy product*. In thU conaectlon the u ld that the market values o f lUCh product* fo r the ycar y j - ■ i m 10 far. indleat«d a taUlnt o t f <>• ' * ot nearly W per cent »lnco im , In — _ tb t* (Ute.

• Uerea** CoafsmpUoB- The purpoae of the movement, ahe

cald. w u lo Increaae coniumptlon ot-ih8-prodttett-n«l-only-anw «|.lhoM -

who produce them, but amont the » « , people in general. She q u o te d ^m ^ ^ H. Oreen, aecretary ot the Calltor- oi ata q^lrymen'a ceuneU. u layln*

co u t would, eonaume one ounce of mUk or ita equl»alent in dairy prod- fw n i uetar the lurp lu* would <ll**ppear.■11 u propoeed by mean* of Ulka

betore cttic club*, chamber of com- merce apd o lher onanltatlon*. by pM ten and window dUpUy* and otbCT . meana. to urga .freater. cotj- RimpUen of the produeu of UM dairy * It jraa exp'>alned.

The committee aelected U tl night. to which i t u lU ted olher mem- bera may be ftdded later. eoniUted of ^ O. T.,Koat«r. chatnnan! J(*m O.Orr, N ew ll 8. Wight. Mt*. J. H. Baraefc^U * Wora Bower*. V ri. L. ]" *• “ J.- tfeck lnck. Mrtx H. O. Capt» and lU rre y SwHale.-ftrln n u * ; C. ,,Rf. K e rr lc t lA d Kenneth'CurtU. H ? "J Buhl; Mr*. O. A. Baker, Kimberly. aad O. W. Johnson. Murtaugh.

Mr*. Reeder addreited th t notary Q flP

O o o d in fV [m d ^ ^ » n ? ’ "n*’ j ^ ^ n U uTueaday. forming organUatlons ta m iboth countlea. She wtu ip tak ta Bur- n i ileytodayandinRuperttom orrDW .lt U l l w u announced. - -

6 R € V l T I € S___________ _______• ________ ..___ a Ml!

BetvB * B m - 'M r * . O. W. Montgomery, San Pranclsco, te f ty u - He terday tor her home after a v ttlt wltta cu ** M r. and M r*. Praaels Kara*. • u rfls

Enters Boepttal — U rt. U iana Bate*. Tw in PaU*. w u admlttwl 7 ^ . . yetterday to the .Twln PalU eounty bospltal to oadergq medleal -treat-

___________. P a m U -e f-D a if t i la r — M r. and w yo

_ M r * . JJswty . Heodfiwa. __Plter. are the parenU of a daogbter >r>joc

- bem a t a-prtvate nn tta rh im h«i« ^ .. f esterday. . .. f . ___- t im i

Leaves P w .R e a e ^ M lu OracePom. Los Angele*. h u returned to u,eher bome after a v u it w ltb ber par- to oent*. M r. and Mra. Pred Po**, ar., M tni and brother. Pred Peat, Jr.

— ^ ■ to »p ^ , C^lile*fo. l i l t tor ber home y « T »or* terday after a vUlt of a montb w ith letts^ her suter. M n . Jam v ne ld, wbom <0. abe bad not *ero to r IT year*.

b tc a d * I to tn n Time — P*tron* T A I of the Twta PatU public library maywithdraw booka for a month In- I atead ot two wteki. whUe they are

- on vacatloa. t t wm announeed yes- 01 terday by Mlaa Jt-aUe Pr**er. U- ihmj brartan. o,, ,

Uavea fe r TcBBceeee-Mr*. O. L . ctetlNIchob. HumboMt. T^nn«»ee, le ft fo ^

. fo r her home ye«l«rdar atter a Vutt writw ith her brothet, W. I. MeParland, todiand lUter. Mr*. P. H. BtowelL She w «lw u accomptnled by her daughter. t iEither U e NlchoU. thre

Leave. IIoipttaV^Among patients call<U«nUsed from the T»(n PalU uvecounty general hqepiui during the eoftl u t 24-hour* were; Margarrt Tracy, hoti' 10-yf»r.old daughter of Mr*. JohnTracy. Tw in PalU, m d Mr*. John “ NUchel. T » tn PatU. Both wtre *ur- .c r ,

B« ii™ r r< n L n A « i. ln - Or. J S , PJoyd Hamm, aecompanltd by hU

jnolher, Mr*. Prank Hamm, retunird 1 ,yuterday from Lo* A n ie lrt and o th- . ‘ LrrC am orn la polnu. MUa Irene Hal- IS , verMn. Kimberly, r«tum «l w ith

• them. They were also aeeompanW ^by Mr*. Mary O. Walker. Lo* An- I?geJe*. who come* to vUlt her- daugh- vt..ter. Mr*. Harry W. WaUaee. .

Seek CalJfcmla B «n — ParcnU of— E n K 5 v m < » * n . - i5 r r n 7 rv e rg irn : r ^

HoUon, Weed. CallfomU. haw ap- “ * ' p llfd la pnllgw hpT« tnr In search for the boy* who le ft thetr uu, bome* a few day* n o . Stewart U 5 Xeet U ll and weighs M pounds and 11^

• w u dre**ed ta bha ahtrt, overalU and orange iw n t« r, trimmed bUck. = HoUon U 0 feet UU; of slight buUd. and wear* blue * h lr t overalU and creanr colored sweater, aecordtag to ^ the dcKTlptlon. ^

Go After PvlwBer*—OrU Cryder, deputy shertft. and ‘WUllam Sears. poUea officer o t Twfn PalU. went to BcUe yeaurday to get Wayne BaUey

----- and l i z a r d flegllka, wba weie tak -Acn tato curtody ta BoUe Tueaday fo i- - lowing f l l tn f o f coaplatat before H.M . Holler. jutUce of the peace, ebarttng them «1th theft o f ao au- toDobUe frOT Lee Loraa

MtBi4eka P ^ W l - U r. tn d ^ Ura.P .O .K t»U oar *sdsoa,Prands.

■I. '

w r - i i * ^ Hllli■r momm qvnxn ' ^

> ' 2 i j

.k i n ‘^ n A A Unltet

wre WM laeky. Tbey w u gbta '(« take me the doctor’* U get >y bed u e e d aa* wben tba car htshw Jt me aa> ta&oeked me down oa It.t’bwtc4.« curry,

. tire B


. • from, . Ihie.

: .H. Rellsr Bids Low on «j»i Supplying of 600 'Jpns f™; Of Fuel in Twin Fails

_____ • The________ ylllc.,

lid Of W. H. RcUer fo r a confracr oiling deliver approximately 000 tons ion ai coal, a t M.7S tor pea and 19 for

U Indlt>ehdent dU trtct In sei- ■ ni a t th * offlco o f the auperln- ' “ dent U st night, u tba loweit olUd* put In at the meeting. Act:'en ot the bids ottered were for luted>0 'to r pea coal and U -U for t)«m,'M. Three othera offered bldi of thee r than these figures but higher «|*tn;n the -bia o f Mr. Reller. ' ' pu i110 proportionate number of tons againeaeh coal to be purchased by the gan <tflc t U not set fo rth dhd each mtercd wUl be taken m needed, biit tbe d<U understood tbat prdbably be- h u bi«n 79 and 100 tons o f pe* coal ticlpi I be used and the reat w ill be ]u t«tk. . - . It 1, 1rhe board called fo r bids tome uter la ago but rejected a ll and caUed aew bid*.----------------------------------- *o!d t

----------------------------- ------------- fee hi

JSS SMS POSITION a INIOHPTJIiyESTig90ISE. July » (;r^O ovem or Rou n >, Id today he had been negoUaling n f t l Ih Wyoming for aeveral months lor lettUmenl of tbe Snake river wa- n j r question before senator Xbbm u The ked him lo speed up the compact man He f ln t wrote Oovemor A. M. Bole a r t. Wyoming, on October 34.1991, and f ta g t j.a i« U l« to grant Idaho's re- man Wtt tor tlUnga on water altea Jutt in E Tott th> Idaho border In Wyoming, w u tu t same month a t the govemor'a ai tnfkrt*i<e In Portland'^he aUo Hot oached the q u e i t^ . . ' • youi Both he and R. W. ParU, Jdaho. l& io ^ o n e r ^ reclamaUon, urged poct fyomtaj to r a n t the requeiU.-tn8 m ro o r aald. monllta before Senator -f<homaa tatroduced In -c tS ^ s * the auU ■solution authorUlng ertM ipact be- tao.( IMO Che two«Utee oa aKoeaUotf-of- pm jfe w at^. - - - - - - ___On July 'M ~pu t. a fU r paiaage of — le ruolutlon. the governor wrote »Oovemor Clark u k ln g b lm to ap- >tnt a lepreienutlve lo enter tato pact at once In otder to preaent It ) the IcFUlatlve meettag th i* wta-

ire Benator Thomaa w rou blm a ■ tte r ur«lDg qtllck aetlon ta ncgotlaL;. J I f tbe compact.


OLYMPIA. W uh.. July 37 ( ^ A l - tiough Andrew B. Craig. 71. a taU- r who piled hU trade In ft little •c k r o ^ ihop over ah OlymplT lothlng itore had I9S.000 In cash xked In banks, m alnutrition w u rrltten Into the court record* here oday u Ihe eauw of hU death two reek* ago.The a ttd tailor, who died after a

hree-month lllncM. eame to Olym- lU two yearn ago from Ban Diego. Ullfomla. HU only known reUtlves Ive In Bcotlaiid. Previously he had peratrd tailor nhops In A l« . Okla- lonia. and abo tn Alaska.

.tlnldoka. and Urn. KleffAer'l fa- tifr . Julien Roy. Tw in PalU. lett hu morning for Yellowstone na- lonal park Kliere they wlU spend two reeks' vacation. TJwi K le ffn en vUlt- '(1 for a short time here.at the home o Mr. and Mr*. Frank Kleftner. Mr. Q rlfncr’s father and motherwho aro »»u at prewnt to their ion, 8yl- rt5ler Kleffner. director c f athlrtlca It Lcavion high achool. and Mr*,- tle ffn rr.

■ M ld lS i Men V M i - j ; 'H.''Hoop«r‘ tad-W.A - j^ n n a M rVafbridi e. were n Twin P a it ycsu-fday on bus ing .

>uy »eed'irom northern stale* and. pay for Ihem in the faU V llh poutoe*.

L O O K -


.A i^ th e r Ix>tn o f Fun D u e *

5 0 c . CenlsTO N IG H T ,

T : y / T w i s i E A L ^ ' p a g y K g

i r j l l t ) n n i u r | | u p t w i

W O RKPnESSEsItlckei

— • .. .......... ............ ..... .......... a l th) l u i i M u i«k...A < . e « .m

Rogerson to Go< ln -Get S .Heavy Coat of Qravel

Work of. gravellnc 31 m lle t on Jnlted S ta ta highway, number » l. . letween Rogerton and Godwin U - I lelng pushed rapidly, awordlng to tporU received here, and wUl i ro ly b ly ^ compteted a ^ t A iyu * l

rho h u the co n tn rt vrtth tho aUte! •]{!” The contract aUo call* to r ligh t

TaveUlng o t the three m lle t o f ttai* ilghway from Oodwln to oonaect irtth the Old Oregon T ra il near Jurry, and for Ugbt fn iTeUlng o f ‘“ t ire m llet o f highway from Godwin o tho Tw in PalU f l lU r nfant. there ?J*“ Xing a branch In }he ^ h w a ^ a t ^ Jodwln toward Curry and toward Pwln PalU. . “ P *

The 31 m ll( t wUl bave ft beavy :o)it of gravel, about 1500 yarda to T i l l be mile, which w ill enable the *U t« I |U 0 oil l l a tu r completion, making t I I k Itretch o f gravelled and oiled roa4 • „ Irom Godwin to the Nevada *U te me. The branching roada tr«ded || (fjtb a lig h t eoat o f 300 ten* t??he nlle, from Qodwta ’to ith e 'o id Ore- >[on T?aU. and from Oodwln ta the . . . Uter plant. wlU not be In condition 0 permit oUing a t once I t U under- Svf! itood. \

The Compton company. M cMlnn- i iU { , j ia i9 n J i* i_ th L C 9 n tr« c t_ lo t , t5 !? jlllng the 31 m lle i between R o g e rtT **" ion and Oodwln. ® ” ‘

Gem(U(=su£s=Eoit=: . P R O P E R T Y A C C O U N T IN G m v

, . . low Action to r accounting w u IntU-

luted yeMerday by John W. Ora- ti*m. Tw in PaUs attorney, In behalf Jf the Tw in FaU* Securttles company Igalnst M. Durfee *n othen. -PUlni:<f'c l*lm»lbhaveajuc%mehi

agatnii Motence D, Heap and M or- gan O. Heap, who are. i t U alleged. * tatereitcd in ownenhip of aheep w llh “ ®l, the defendant. I t UaHegod th a t there * h u beea no aocounUng between par- ™ " tlclpanu la the aheep deal fo r the lasl teven y ta n . The *heep flock w u . ‘" • It U^aUegrd. aold four yeara ago. but - • later, I t U u ld .- 368 - head other • sheep were bought. O f the*e 147 were sold thU year, i t U alleged tha t O ur- t fee h u mortgaged the dUputed prop- qm erly to hU ibn-ln-law, Dewey Con- nj.) yen, and tha t thU action Jeopardliea the InteretU of the Heap* and tbere- { by the value o f the Judgment held and agalntt them by the p la in tiff com- <](*i p iny Ooiiyeri U made a party to tbe action. J

- . I . - . a

HAGERMAN COUPLE WEDS■■-------- . cak

nAQBRUAN. July 37 (SpecUl to plsiThe New*l-MU*Dora-Bolcc'. Hager- ' “man. daughler of M r. and M n . Alvta R llBolce, and Bammle BUck. ton of M r. 'and Mr*, a. E. BUck. aUo ot Hager- ,man, weretfiajTledattbeoourthouie ^In Brigham Clly. OUh. Juno 39, It ^ w u announeed bere today.

After a trip to Salt Lake City. U v a «« Hot Spdng*, *nd PocateUo. tbe young people relumed to Hajerm *n.Thev Plan in >h«ir .i«_ —PocaUllo after September 1. . "

__- • Ph'■Farmers in—ciay -cout»ty, MU- —

sUUppt a n receiving ap p r^A u U l> 'MO,OOO a month from the ir d a l^ and ptfuury- tn te rp ru e s ^ — ---------


B U G G Y D A Y S IA lo t o f people r e fe r I lo the o ld d a ys | M the "h o rs e an d - buRKy day ’d.” T h e re w ere n lo l o f cu»-

.tom.s th en th a t we------w ia h -w c re - ln jfO R U *— _

now . b u t n o t fo od ,n e l l i n R m e th od s . I rost.4 o r expenses. IT h e ca r haa rcp la c -

' ed tb e horae and buRRv and p e d e s tr i­an food n h op p in f: ha b ils . U s in ff th e c a r m akes “ cash and c a r ry ” food b u y in u D r iv ey o u r ca r to o u r s to re Koon. Y o u w i l l be p ; e a R c d w ith e v e ry th in jr - F oo ds - P rices nnd S erv ice .


C O F F E EH ave vou t r ie d o u r ,!-• n e w f r V 1 c e "B ra n d C o ffce? I t bi a n e w A V e s t m t — * b lend o f Kood c o f­fce , and m akes a ' cup o f d a rk r ic h c o r fc e .. T h e p rice

- now is o n ly 20c pe r pound w h ich Is an exceptiona l p r i c e fo r th is g r a d t o f coffee .

j p . S K A G b S

; S U K S T X o r P U B IT V ’ /


i m w s r r o n r T A i a s T p j o n ^


W. a . Stcinird. Twto JWl*. cahdl- | }\ late lor congreu fronvObe Second [daho district ob the Liberty party ileket. will addreu an open meetlag Prca U tha iIu h le ltyh a lla tB P .M .T b u n - U ro llay. • Ida Cl

bvtced to Mtuaa. pie tp- tnce .1

lEililEIIDi9illKES i in t IF TIUI. I B 2 ;

— ;— ' He*veina t* for delivery o f .an addreat 55 1 ^ '

twre W }«- L. SleVetil, Jf., U U llM p J aUi, national commander o f tbe ^ — lUnerkan Legion, h u beea chxnged ! « ■ troth Auguit B to August 3. accord- — lag to word ^ I v e d here ye*Ur- lay. ^' Proinm for the ooeulon' ha* no t

Men completed 11 U *tated. bu t ,vlU b i within a few day*. Leglonoalre*' from all Bouthem Idaho counties axe. B i^ t t d to attend. '

I N S s iS l lN S 'm e o i s E s m s

Addreuei by M n . Bv» Lee R e ^ .Boise, repreientatlve of the Idatao su te Daymen's aaocUtlon, and Joel Pntst. BoUe. Idaho genefal agent ot lhe Oregon Short Ltae, wereheardVthe-Tw ln-Fa llt noUiry-elub- -meeUng her< a t the park hoUl year terday.

Mr*. Reeder w u Introduced by jo b n jj-0 n» d ls tr lc t.m sn*tie r_o f_^_ _ M iHoTtnrrrcompanyr6be-»pek»-la- — support of the dairy Induitry'a “ Swal­low the lurplus'' movement, urging every family to Increase IU coniump- Uoa Of dairy producUrp. T . K o * ^ . manaer ot the local p la b t Of l«e Jerome CooperaUve creamery. iO o wu-preient.. Mr.- Prleit aUo spoke In *upport of. the d * lr /' Industry, decUrtag I t w u second to none In tmporUnce In Zd*- b&

R*lph rv k . vice president, pretU - ed ta ths jV jn c c of W . Zen u Smith, pretklent, who w u reported eerloutly Ul.'

: ' ANNOUNCEMENTSTwin FalU Odd Pellow* lodge wUl

meet at the Odd Fellows' haU to­night at the usual bour In regular -monthly seulon. The annual report of lodge llnancc* w ill be presenUd and dtKucscd.'A fuU atUndance U dealred.

The Salmon SocU) club w ill hold % dsnce tn Odd bellow* baU Satur­day. Sandtclrhes ore to be fumUhed by Mrt. C. M,-Oates' dlvUlon and cakes by Mr*. Roy DavU dlvUlon u pl*nned at the meeting o f the club.


nUaSELL LANE, July 37 (BpeeUi to The New*)—Russell U n e basebaU team won IU th lrU enth successive game Ust Sunday, defeating the Riv­erside OUntt. 37 to 11, on the U t­ter team's Iteld.

R a d lo 'S m l^ ^ m p io n W ulc Co.Pbone lOg ^ J v .



- l - T f l i m t f l H - — —

6 f lN K H E f lDTh u h d s r

mow' Cliarin alrktetd

n a l l,Bka« lUlph rerbtt

. An Smououtl _____TTPtxwn . . . A •MDio w h o * *alunor e « » r . p o w a r * th*MD|«: a io v tn ii lopuatonMI Oa lb* lutkc* . . . poued. SMtium

CklUlng .. f- - - t t iM n m lle THHIII---------

Violet Hemlng--------- Kalph-BeltsmT----------------

Alexander KitkUnd

“ A l m o s t M a r r i e d ”


T h e Crowd Boars"

Jame* Cagney j Joaw laendeU ;

•OuiUvU Boat- j • B in ^ y d

_ jy d c -M a ii X Myateey"

I N ew

Mat. !*•»«; n I J y l 11 •

'JSTfllimSTlilTEygm s i i r a iF t e

. _____ DeeUPreaching from the eighth cbap- r 01 Psalmi, at the funeral of Mra., «« ® ' la Chue; Kimberly, a t the Whlto orttiarv ywterdar a t ty rvQon.-BOT. A F C

e spoke o n 'th e aeflptural aw ur.' V ',W ice that the glory ot Ood U mag- fled by hU work* aod by hU love man. and that he has crowned

an with glory and honor. He paid ibute to U n . Chase In. ber lUo: fH*” Id In her aptritual work*.Two duet*. *The Pearly W hite -sakt t ty." and “ No DUappolnlmeal in to tb eaven." were given by Mr*. Ora OC ttai eeter and MU* Gladys w ith M n . leMe<

T i i

J U L l— O f - F i r e s t o n <

mT W E N T Y P E R C £ Y O U R O L D T I R E S


T U B E S -



and must move t h ^

must put on

G l ^ i A T E l

S A L E ^




F i r e s t (A D E

Phone 75 __________


Roy Hem •Tw in 1

19S2 - ; ; _ _ .

m y laa c a .-•olo.'-.TBeyood tb « |* ar,-! lo r which abe played ber-ownl jedmpaalment on a guitar. ■ p iU B t t fw we w .iE u ; -'H ro , — / Parbe*,--wr'O.--W 80d.-^-tyman • * alder. B. H. Hayaea aad o. c. eeter. ‘lo te rm eal w u In the Twta PalU w eU p . ' :

HEN from:. fiUkODY f “H. M .-B artle tt and Henry Brock, !rcumieh. Oklahoma, w tn taken tntc *Btody early yeiUrday moRUng fo r {i«>eeUd attempt to aUal g u from fear sear tbe Reed apArtatesU. I t u T

th a t they were Men and repeated X •> tbe police by an ocettpaat of one t: the epartmenta. The mea were i«- Xated yesterday and returned ^ a r t. i in ir r hP HHT rn i-n i -1.

r e $

5 W I Etie-High-Speed I



E t e d U G H TON

R E E T I R E l

:m at once and■ i

m this I ___

B S m M O iL < - v - . 3 ^I________


R Y_____________ jy ■ i'* ■


^ ; This is posilhad to ^ 'u i world recbi durance, constructioi tra plys uni

S ^ e IYou-may n Don't delay these CHA while th e ; ]


;«E M B E R IN D E P E N D E N T S


:endenon, M sr. n FaIJs. IcU.


. . .♦ > « ♦ « » » ♦ » » « « . 1 . M

We w ish to th a n k .p u r rm I tom ers for;tlie ir.e i^rea8e d..i

t lo n . shown, fo r qtiaUty^ ine i clearance saJe-which h i i i - ju:

We sbaH be happyJio'.BM — -rnoB^-'exclti3tvg'-eh b p i^ /-tliq

- awnced latir.. ' .. v .

1 T h e t CI • ■ ' . 'D O R A N E L

X Phone 900-W ,• oi

^ t O I

i E S Ai-and Heayy-Dv

r W"Taic Freie

Tire Pricgsf o r ■


[T w A


A f-"- - ' ' W l l ' >■- .. ■ I


D A Y - S A TlU L Y 2 8 -2 9 1 3 0

os itivc ly the greatest opp qu ip your car w ith the t •cords fo r safety, m ileag

O n ly Firestone t ire s h tion fea tu res o f Gum D if under the tread.

E n d s S a t u r dy never aga in buy tire s s •lay—d riv e in today arid e HAM PIOJJ t i r e s a t the e y la s t .. ...


K IM B E R L Y S H ELtoyd Jon«

W m berly,

»:» « « » I ' ' ■ 'K

rihftny-frwnda aad cm- • 2i and appreda- |ierchmdiBe'during biir tjiist doaid. X«e you In our new and |)ie - Iq c a tio n -to -b c -a n ^ -• -1

S G l J l i : | - .

!L s O k " ■ ■ I

o r \ ' 1607^. ■' ■ I /

. .

n elL E !• u 1 y - 3 % p e 8 - ^ —

I.:-------------- — =

i Prices

3 Slashed —

I ^

M M L j

I k 1

rU R D A Y

iportunity you e-/er tires tha t hold a ll

lge, speed and eri- have the patented

lipping and two ex­

d a y N i g h ta t such low prices,

equip your car w ith lese sacrifice prices

^ e s j n c .

OBILE410 tta ln Are..SouU i

[E LL SERVICE - . » M * r . I