5 Refunds Policy

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Its about refund policy of a college in Australia...which is quite helpful for students...

Transcript of 5 Refunds Policy


Warning - Uncontrolled when printed! The vA]}vA}(AZ]A}uvA]AlA}vAD/dd[A/vvXRefunds policy and procedureIssued: May 2012 Authorised by CEORTO # 22258Review: May 2013 Melbourne Institute of Training and Technology Pty ltdPage1of 3 REFUNDS POLICY1)Refund applications must be made in writing to the Institute. Refunds will be refundedwithin 14 days of receipt of a written application and will include a statement explaininghow the refund was calculated.1.1Tuition FeesVisa refused100% refund of tuition fees Withdrawal notified in writing and received bythe Institute 28 days or more prior to coursecommencement70% refund of tuition fees Withdrawal notified in writing and received bythe Institute less than 28 days prior to coursecommencementNo refund of current coursetuition fees 2)Refund application requests must be made in writing on the Refund Application Formprovided by the Institute. The refund application form is available on request fromStudent Services and Records Manager at 305 Victoria Street, Brunswick, Vic- 30563)All refunds must be in accordance with ESOS requirements and the refund agreementsigned by the student and maintained in their individual student file and in MYOB.4)A written explanation as to how the refund was calculated and a copy of the refundagreement that was signed by the student must accompany student refunds.5)The General Manager will calculate the refunds if applicable and send the completedform to the CEO for final approval.6)Details of refunds provided must be maintained in individual student files.7)The availability of the Complaints and Appeals process, does not remove the right of thestudent to take actiovAvAo][A}vuA}]}vAoX8)In the unlikely event that the Institute is unable to deliver the course in full, the studentwill be offered a refund of all the course money they have paid to date. The refunds willbe paid to the student within 2 weeks of the day on which the course ceased beingprovided. Alternatively, they may be offered enrolment in an alternative course by theInstitute at no extra cost to the student. The student has the right to choose whetherthey would prefer a full refund of course fees, or to accept a place in another course. If astudent chooses placement in another course, MITT will ask him/her to sign a documentto indicate that s/he accept the placement. If the Institute is unable to provide a refundor place the student in an alternative course our Tuition Assurance Scheme (TAS) ACPETwill place you in a suitable alternative course at no extra cost to you. Finally, if ACPETcannot place the student in a suitable alternative course, the ESOS Assurance Fund

Warning - Uncontrolled when printed! The vA]}vA}(AZ]A}uvA]AlA}vAD/dd[A/vvXRefunds policy and procedureIssued: May 2012 Authorised by CEORTO # 22258Review: May 2013 Melbourne Institute of Training and Technology Pty ltdPage2of 3 Manager will attempt to place him/her in a suitable alternative course or, if this is notpossible, s/he will be eligible for a refund as calculated by the Fund Manager.9)Subject to clause 10, in the event that the course did not start on the agree starting date(and the student has not elected to commence the course on a new starting date), orthe Course ceased to be provided by MITT at any time after it started, but before it wascompleted, the student shall be entitled to a refund of all course money they have paidto date.10)If clause 9 applies, then, the alternatives set out in clause 8 shall also be offered to thestudent and the student, if he or she accepts any placement offered to him or her, shallaccept in writing. If the student accepts the placement; then, no refund is payable to thestudent11)Fees not listed in the refund section (clause 1) are not refundable.

Warning - Uncontrolled when printed! The vA]}vA}(AZ]A}uvA]AlA}vAD/dd[A/vvXRefunds policy and procedureIssued: May 2012 Authorised by CEORTO # 22258Review: May 2013 Melbourne Institute of Training and Technology Pty ltdPage3of 3 Refunds Procedure Student to apply for refund onthe refund application form andsubmit it to SSR(Refund application form isavailable to student on requestfrom the SSR at 305 VictoriaStreet, Brunswick, Vic- 3056 SSR to forward the Refundapplication to the GeneralManager Refunds to be calculated by theGeneral Manager Sent to CEO to approve If approved thestudent gets therefund. Application and itsresult to be filed in thestudent file. Studentappeals If not approvedthe student getsno refunds. Student directed tocomplaints andappeals procedure Appealsupheld Studentdoes notappeal Appeals notupheld Note that the availability ofthe Complaints and Appealsprocess, does not remove theright of the student to takeaction under AXVWUaliaVconsumer protection law.