5 Parenting Hacks for Stressed Out Mums and Dads

5 Parenting Hacks for Stressed Out Mums and Dads These Tricks could change your life…

Transcript of 5 Parenting Hacks for Stressed Out Mums and Dads

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5 Parenting Hacks for Stressed Out Mums and Dads These Tricks could change your life…

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Nobody Said It Was Easy

There’s no denying it – being a parent is a tough job. Probably the hardest job you’ll ever have. And unlike those other jobs, you can’t quit (as tempting as that may seem sometimes).

So why make life harder for yourself? Let’s take a look at how you can shortcut your way to parenting success!

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Give Your Child a ‘Tattoo’ in Case You Lose Them in a Crowd

You turned your back for a split second and they are no where to be seen. Write your phone number on your child’s arm so that whoever finds them can get in touch with you quickly and easily.

If your child resits, tell them it’s a cool tattoo and they will think it’s a fun game!

You can even buy safety tattoo transfers that can include information about medical conditions and allergies

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Use liquid medicine to make it easier for your child to swallow

Getting your child to swallow pills or capsules is impossible for some parents. Even older children struggle to swallow solid medicine.

Using liquid medicine will make giving your child their prescription medications much easier.

There are often come a range of flavours to choose from to help disguise the taste!

Image source: http://clearhealthanalytics.com/image/icons/our_difference.png

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“If evolution really works,

how come mothers only have two

hands?”- Milton Berle

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Ease the pain of sorting through piles of laundry by marking each washing label with a different symbol for each child.• If you have more than one child,

sorting through laundry can be a time consuming process.

• Mark the washing label of each item of clothing with a different symbol for each child. You will be able to quickly identify which clothing belongs to who.

• The ‘dot method’ is popular choice here – the first child’s clothes have one dot, the second child has two dots etc…

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Make life easier with the help of technology

• These days we have a wealth of technology at our finger tips that is designed to make daily life easier.

• Keep an eye out for new and useful apps, and swap this knowledge with other parents.

• The Sit or Squat app from Charmin is one example of how apps can help with parenting. This one tells you your proximity to the nearest toilet and what facilities it has. There is even the option to rate the services.

• For older children, apps like Ignore No More give you the power to lock their phone until they call you back.

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Pack activity sheets for long journeys

• As much as technology can make your life easier, being halfway through a long car journey when the battery on your tablet runs out is every parents worst nightmare.

• It’s a mathematical certainty that: bored kids + long journeys = unhappy parents

• Pack activity sheets and pens to keep your child busy when travelling. There are lots of sites where you can download printable activity sheets for free.

Image Source: http://icons.iconarchive.com/icons/graphicloads/colorful-long-shadow/256/Car-icon.png

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Happy Parenting!

You’ve got this!