5 November 2001 - University of Western Australia · The award of the Nobel Prize in literature to...

5 November 2001 Volume 20 Number 17 The University of Western Australia Celebrating 90 years of achievement 1911-2001 news UWA The University of Western Australia Celebrating 90 years of achievement 1911-2001

Transcript of 5 November 2001 - University of Western Australia · The award of the Nobel Prize in literature to...

Page 1: 5 November 2001 - University of Western Australia · The award of the Nobel Prize in literature to V S Naipaul caused more comment. For many of us, it is a belated award. Naipaul

5 November 2001Volume 20 Number 17

The University of Western AustraliaCelebrating 90 years of achievement 1911-2001

newsUWAThe University of Western AustraliaCelebrating 90 years of achievement 1911-2001

Page 2: 5 November 2001 - University of Western Australia · The award of the Nobel Prize in literature to V S Naipaul caused more comment. For many of us, it is a belated award. Naipaul

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VCariousthoughts …

Professor Deryck SchreuderVice-Chancellor and President

[email protected]

Nobel Prizes are in the news again – or as muchas anything can be noticed when it is not

directly related to the Afghanistan war againstterrorism.

The Nobel Prize for Peace has recognised the work ofthe United Nations and its Secretary General, Kofi Annan.May that award inspire the work of the UN when Peace hasnever been more absent from recent international politics.

The award of the Nobel Prize in literature to V S Naipaulcaused more comment. For many of us, it is a belated award.Naipaul has charted the post-colonial world as no otherwriter in the English language has done. Or so I think – his ABend in the River is certainly on my select list of ‘desert islanddiscs’. His sharp and controversial views on multiculturalismalso ensured media notice and debate.

But it is the economics prize award for 2001, shared bythree academic economists – Professors George Akerlof ofUC Berkley, Michael Spence of Stamford and Joseph Stiglitzat Columbia – which are perhaps the most interesting of thelaureates.

Their seminal writings (reviewed in The Economist of 13October 2001 p.72) explore different aspects of the market.In particular, the challenges of working in the imperfectenvironment of asymmetric information within markets.Akerlof’s pioneer work focussed on the used car market,out of which he developed more general theories about theconsequences for sellers when buyers found it exceedinglydifficult to separate out quality. The challenge of identifyingthe notorious ‘lemon’, and the effect of the ‘lemon’ inmarket pricing which drives out quality product creates an‘adverse selective’ environment. Spence and Stiglitz’s workexplores different aspects of how organisations andindividuals establish ‘signal’ quality in complex markets,whether it is the communication of capacities or theprofiling of the reliable customer.

Far from being esoteric or narrow economic models, thework of these three laureates offer us fascinating jump-offpoints for thinking about the complex yet uncertainenvironments of markets, brands and positioning in highereducation, in this increasingly competitive era ofinternationalisation.

The applications may be relatively obvious. Yet theconsequences can be profound. At the macro level, there isthe large challenge for the University sector to establish itsvital role among a diffuse and uneven set of educationalproviders. This will increase as a challenge, with the

emergence of many more private providers, both physicallypresent and ‘on-line’, offering professional credentialling andspecific professional training. Within our national sector,issues of differentialisation between institutions will alsogrow. We want a diverse sector able to argue for quality,with different capacities and missions, in the differentgroupings. Communicating that sense of difference will be agreat challenge. And equally this will apply in the widerregion within which Australia operates. We need to be ableto promote a quality system amidst other national providers,especially in Asia, and at the same time do justice to therange of institutions operating out of Australia. Gettingacross the right messages about diversity, quality andflexibility will not be easy, yet it is crucial in positioningAustralian higher education globally.

Our own University is, of course, foremost in my mind intaking up these challenges. UWA has a strong sense of itsown values and mission, and that is a great basis for engagingin changing markets with a great plethora of providers andagencies. But we also need a strategic sense of how weadvance our interests in the practical terms of presentingUWA to the community and the wider world.

In truth, UWA has increasingly emerged as acomprehensive university of excellence, pursuing anacademic plan that identifies key areas of priority, andoperating as an international gateway to Western Australia.From 2001 ‘UWA Restructured’ will capitalise on itsintellectual and material resources, with huge promise. TheAcademic Board and Senate meetings of 22 October 2001,which so strongly endorsed our new structure, marked thatbold step forward.

UWA is now a university for the future. And we need todevelop the ways in which we communicate the nature ofour University to the community and markets of the widerworld. The noblest prize will not be some external rankingagency but through the standing which comes from theregard and respect of our students and our peers.Excellence alone will bring that about.


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The opening of impressive newfacilities for research into

human movement and exercisescience will ultimately benefit thelives of ordinary people.

Professor George Stewart, ExecutiveDean of the Faculty of Science, said, at therecent opening celebrations, that, althoughabout 70 postgraduates would be using thenew laboratories for specialist research, theirwork was central to the health and well-being ofall people, not just elite athletes, people withmovement problems or those in specificoccupations.

“And educating people to understand theirhealth and well-being is tremendouslyimportant, as it is central to our lives,”Professor Stewart said.

The $2 million research facility was officiallyopened by the Minister for Education and Sport andRecreation, Alan Carpenter, who told guests that he hadonce been a student in the department – for about afortnight!

“The University deserves to be congratulated on thesefacilities and their perception and awareness of the scienceof human movement,” Mr Carpenter said.

He said he was particularly impressed with a projectwhich would be carried out in the new centre to analysetemperature control and hydration in underground andsurface miners in WA.

“This is hugely significant to WA’s economy,” he said.The Head of the Department of Human Movement and

Exercise Science, Professor Bruce Elliott, said he was notvery keen on the health model that operated today. He wasmore interested in prevention.

“And with these new facilities, I am sure we’ll take theworld by storm.”

The new centre comprises an exercise biochemistrylaboratory for research into exercise and diabetes; anexercise physiology laboratory, where cardiovasculardisease will be studied as well as research into all sorts ofsports for people of all ages; a gait laboratory for work onosteoarthritis, knee injuries and cerebral palsy; and afunctional rehabilitation clinic.

The specialist facilities will greatly enhance postgraduateresearch which, despite not having the most appropriatework spaces and equipment until now, has earned a highreputation around the world.

Professor Stewart said that wherever he goes in theworld, when he mentions UWA, he finds that the workbeing done in human movement is always known and highly

regarded.Professor Elliott said the new laboratories provided a

greater range of opportunities for current postgraduatestudents, while also enabling the creation of newresearch opportunities.

“The research centre will support new links withgovernment, industry and community groups whichwill not only deliver benefits for our students andgraduates but the state and nation as a whole,” hesaid.Some of the projects already under way in the

centre include:• the study of gait patterns of children with cerebral palsy

to assist with the planning of surgical interventions andother relevant treatments;

• an investigation into the risk of lower backinjury in building industry workers;

• the analysis of temperature control andhydration in miners;

• the study of knee joint loading during gait andthe development of osteoarthritis; and

• the examination of different training programs toreduce knee ligament injuries in sports such as AustralianRules football and netball.

The exercise rehabilitation clinic is working onestablishing “Best Practice and Clinical Pathways” forrehabilitation of injured workers.

Professor Elliott said the completion of the new researchbuilding would assist the School to better place their well-trained graduates to enter the workplace because of thebroader spectrum of experiences now available.

Researchon the movewith newcentre

“…with these new facilities, we’ll take

the world by storm…”

Minister for Educationand Sport andRecreation, AlanCarpenter, with Head ofDepartment ProfessorBruce Elliott, at theopening.Aaron Buckdemonstrates new hightech methods ofstudying gait patterns inchildren with cerebralpalsy

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Sarah Hay just scraped in bythe skin of her teeth.

Now aged 35, the Creative Writingstudent, has won The Australian/VogelAward for the best unpublishedmanuscript by a writer under 35 forher novel Skins. The award is therichest and most prestigious for anunpublished novelist.

The award has launched the careersof Australia’s premier writers,including Kate Grenville and TimWinton. “It is the prize that recognisesnovelists who are going to besubstantial and important,” says DrBrenda Walker, Sarah’s friend,mentor, teacher and herself an award-winning novelist.

A second year student, Sarah Haysays that her novel had its genesis inthe creative writing program in theEnglish Department.

“I don’t think I would have actuallygot going without the University’ssupport and feedback during the pasttwo years,” she says. “Previously, I hadbeen involved in journalism and publicrelations, but when you move intocreative writing, there are things youneed to learn, like not overwriting –one of my problems.

“When you have the opportunity to

read and discuss your work with agroup, these flaws become evident.Then there is the feedback you getfrom tutors as you go through thework, chapter by chapter. Eventually, Ifound my own voice as a writer – and,as the judges observed, it becamequite a distinctive voice!”

Books dominated Sarah’s childhoodon a station 80 kilometres fromEsperance. She was also intrigued bythe history of the region, and when afishing trip left the family marooned onMiddle Island, the seeds of her novelwere set. There were ruins of sealers’

A first novelthat ismorethanskin deep

Sarah Hay at home in her garden.She looks down at this garden froman upstairs window as she writes

“A very accomplished

undertaking that doesn’t

falter in tone – a vivid

sense of place, astute

characterisation and a

challenging take on the

nexus between

civilisation and


camps on the island, and a host oflegends about Black Jack Anderson, ablack American who ended up on trialin Albany in 1835. She used history asa framework for a novel that dealswith issues of racism and thetreatment of women during the 19thcentury.

Brenda Walker believes thatestablished novelists can play animportant mentoring role. “Apartfrom editorial advice and editing, oneneeds to do a lot of listening andencouraging – that’s important forwriters trying to find their way. Youcan also help in practical ways and byproviding focus.

“When you begin work on amanuscript it can be enormouslyexhausting and overwhelming. Butthere comes a point when it would beimpossible to withdraw, when theprocess of writing becomescompulsive and deeply pleasurable. Atthat point you feel very good about it,and that feeling has nothing to do withthe possibility of publication, but withthe integrity of the work.”

Skins will be published by Allen andUnwin early next year. Sarah is alreadyworking on a second novel set in theEast Kimberley.

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Donna Ramsay had just started her postgraduateresearch when she gave birth to her daughterGabrielle.

As she was studying breastfeeding with Professor PeterHartmann, a world leader in the biochemistry ofbreastfeeding, her new role of motherhood actuallyenhanced her research rather than hindered it.

Now one year into her PhD, Ms Ramsay has hit theheadlines with her research, thanks to Australian ScienceCommunicators (ASC).

She was nominated by Professor Hartmann (and chosen)for Fresh Science, part of the Great Australian Science Showin Melbourne, run by ASC. Fresh Science chooses 16 youngscientists with new fresh good Australian research that hasnot had any publicity.

They each make a presentation atthe Melbourne Exhibition Centre. MsRamsay’s presentation, Bringing theBreast into the 21st Century, was pickedup by four newspapers and severalradio stations in the eastern states.

A radiographer who specialised inultrasound and spent much of herworking day at a private hospital, screening women forbreast cancer, Ms Ramsay decided she wanted to take herskills and interests further.

Her PhD research has used ultrasound for the first timeto image the ejection of milk from a human breast, with theaim of identifying and helping with breastfeeding problems.

“Most breastfeeding research has centred on the baby.Here, in Professor Hartmann’s lab, we are at the forefrontof mother-focussed research,” Ms Ramsay said.

“Using ultrasound, we can image the milk ejection, or let-down, as it is more commonly called, in a non-invasive way,from one breast, while a baby feeds from the other breast,because the let-down occurs simultaneously in both breasts.

“The alveoli in the breast are dilated with milk, then theycontract and most mothers feel this let-down as anythingfrom a faint tingling to a moderate pain.

“But about 30 per cent of mothers can’t feel let-down,so they can be convinced that they don’t have enough milkto feed their babies, especially if they don’t have goodsupport and knowledge.

“The ultrasound can prove to these mothers that themilk is being supplied and some of them, after seeing it onthe screen, can learn to identify the feeling.”Ms Ramsay said let-down could occur up to eight or ten

times during a breastfeeding session,but, after the initial sensation, theothers are not felt.

“The mean optimal feeding time is86 seconds after let-down.

“If a mother feels her baby is notthriving, then she may continue tofeed her baby for long periods, only tofind that it, in fact, doesn’t thrive andalways seems hungry. This means that

this mother may only have one or two let-downs, so a longfeeding period doesn’t necessarily mean a big feed.

“She would do better to feed for much shorter periodsmore frequently. It is this sort of information that theultrasound can show so clearly and mothers can see andunderstand it.

“If Australia had a 20 per cent increase in breastfeeding,we could save $11 million a year in associated health costs.Currently, 95 per cent of Australian women start tobreastfeed a new baby, but only 50 per cent are still feedingafter six months,” said Ms Ramsay who fed her daughterfor 18 months.

Her research is funded by Medela, a European-basedcompany which manufactures breast pumps, and which hascollaborated for several years with Professor Hartmann.

Asoundway to


Donna Ramsay (right) with daughter Gabrielle, taking data as avolunteer feeds her baby

… using ultrasound for the

first time to image the

ejection of milk from a

human breast …

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The vast spaces of Western Australia’s Pilbararegion are echoed in the size of the research grantsfor a group of botanists who are developing a rangeof sustainable management systems for the area’srangelands.

Dr Pauline Grierson, a senior lecturer in theDepartment of Botany, and Professor Mark Adams head upthe Ecosystems Research Group that has won theUniversity’s largest Australian Research Council linkagesgrant for this year and the only grant awarded for fiveyears.

Totalling $1.3 million, the new grant allows continuationand further development of research projects that havebeen funded by the ARC in conjunction with HamersleyIron Pty Ltd under its collaborative grants schemes since1995.

By the end of this grant period, the collaboration willhave lasted 11 years. Hamersley Iron is one of the majorholders of pastoral leases in the Pilbara and Dr Griersonsaid the company had great respect for stationmanagement.

“Hamersley have always supported our work, showinggreat vision in their management of the stations. Oursuccess with ARC grants is largely due to the commitmentand support of Hamersley Iron, who as a company, show

real understanding of fundamental science research”.She said their work on ecological processes was the first

such research initiative in the Pilbara. “The region is ofimmense economic importance to Australia, wherepastoralism, tourism and mining co-exist, and majorcompanies are vitally concerned with managing land formultiple uses and for multiple stakeholders.

“Our research in the Pilbara has aimed at quantifyingnatural variability in water and nutrient availability across arange of vegetation types and at a multitude of scales, frommetres to hundreds of kilometres..”

To date, the group has characterised the quantifiableprimary relationship between rainfall and productivity ofnative grasslands and demonstrated a secondary but strongnitrogen limitation to that productivity. They havecharacterised the relationship between the woody ‘weeds’(Acacia and Eucalyptus species) and the availability of water,alongside fire and flood factors.

“We have established a series of long-term trials designedto test the effects of grazing on a range of ecological andphysiological properties of native grasslands and a multiple-scale approach to quantifying the effects of water availabilityon growth and physiology of trees and shrubs,” Dr Griersonsaid.

The group is also involved in on-going and detailedexamination of the impacts of fire on native pastureregeneration. They have established permanent researchplots to quantify the long-term effects of grazing onproductivity and diversity of Pilbara grasslands.

They are using techniques suited to the remoteness andclimatic conditions of the Pilbara and to the nature of theplants and soils.

“The lack of previous studies in the Pilbara meant thatnearly all our methods and techniques had to be establishedfrom scratch,” Dr Grierson said.

“ … our research is now being applied

in the rangelands of Pakistan, in

Kurdistan and Wyoming…”

Managingthe Pilbara

Mission Impossiblebecomes

mission accomplishedfor Botany group

“ … Hamersley Iron, as a company,

shows real understanding of

fundamental science research …”

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CLOCKWISE FROM LEFT: Some of themembers of the Ecosystems ResearchGroup, Professor Mark Adams, Dr PaulineGrierson, PhD student Doug Ford,Honours student Jodi Graham and DrPeter Landman; giant termite mounds;navigating the bush; mulga; walking inSnakewood.

“Our aim, for the current project, is, through controlledfield experimentation and measurement, to disentangle theeffects of changing land use from those of disturbance.”

The Pilbara project is as close to a Long Term EcologicalResearch site as we have in WA. Other sites around theworld are up to 40 years old

“One of the good things about long-term projects is thatyou can get a good pattern: there’s different vegetation eachyear, depending on flooding, drought and fires.

“We are looking at whether grazing has had an effect on thebiodiversity of the vegetation, but it’s hard to tell with short termprojects, whether any effect has indeed come from grazing orwhether it was drought or fire or a combination of all of thesefactors..”

The group is also looking at the impact of miningtechniques, particularly ‘dewatering’, where the mining takesplace below the water table so the water is pumped out andinto a stream elsewhere, effectively dropping the watertable.

Hamersley Iron is very keen on data from group memberDr Peter Landman’s research into the decline of the mulgain the Pilbara and the ability of Acacias and Eucalypts to growin drought conditions.

“It’s great to see my work being used and applied,” DrLandman said. “Hamersley has been very patient waiting foroutcomes, which can be a long time coming in anunpredictable environment. With our work, the company

(and other mining industry players) can understand theprocesses, then fine tune their management in line withthem.”

During the collaboration, three PhD theses have beencompleted (Dr Landman’s is the most recent) and one is on-going. At least three honours students have worked withthe group for their theses, and 15 major papers have beenpublished.

“Our work has been taken overseas as people who haveworked on the project take their experience to differentregions. Our research is now being applied in therangelands of Pakistan, in Kurdistan and Wyoming and hasalso attracted a great deal of international interest fromgroups working in improving rangeland management.

“On our most recent field trip, we had students andresearchers from Canada and Germany. Many of ouroverseas visitors come to Australia especially to see thisunique region and the work we’re doing there,” DrGrierson said.

Hamersley Iron has also funded some of the group’s sideprojects. One of them, Biomass and carbon in vegetation ofthe Pilbara region, recently provided information for theNational Carbon Accounting System to the AustralianGreenhouse Office, as part of its reporting requirements forthe Kyoto protocol.

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A yellow toy truck was a popular winner during the recent Australian University Games in Sydney.

The UWA men’s hockey team (which won Bronze) has a Tonka truck as amascot. It travels to all games and is central to the ‘Tonka Haka’ which theteam performs before each game. The truck was awarded its own bronzemedal and was chosen as the Australian University Green and Gold hockeyteam’s mascot, for the coming international competition.

UWA won the Spirit of the Games trophy, for the team that bestdemonstrates the spirit of the university games. This was at least partly dueto UWA fielding a team of 93, despite 47 of them losing their Ansett airtickets.

The students were runners-up for the Doug Ellis Trophy, for the bestresult per population. The team brought home four team bronze medals(men’s hockey, women’s rowing four, women’swaterpolo and men’s tennis) and two individual goldmedals (Hannah Ozturk for athletics and Amy Ash forwomen’s Tae Kwon Do).

UWA came 19th overall from a field of 45universities. Seven athletes were selected in the AllAustralian Green and Gold teams and will join theTonka truck for international competition.

Medals, trophies and a Tonka truck

The words ‘human genome’are as likely to start an

argument these days as ‘asylumseekers’ or ‘war againstterrorism’.

It is apt that the Institute forAdvanced Studies has chosen thetheme Navigating the Minefield for itssecond phase of the 18-monthprogram, Genomics, Society and HumanHealth.

It will be launched with a free publicforum at the Burswood Theatre onWednesday November 14 at 7pm, withsome inspiring speakers, includingArchbishop Peter Carnley, anoutspoken commentator on socialissues; Professor Roger Short, theWexler Professorial Fellow at theRoyal Women’s Hospital, University ofMelbourne and a campaigner for humanembryo stem cell research; andProfessor Bob Williamson, from theMurdoch Children’s Research Institute,who will paint a picture of how geneticswill be affecting the practice ofmedicine in 10-20 years.

Professor Short recently wrote:“The House of Representatives

Standing Committee on Legal andConstitutional Affairs was split 6-4, inAugust, on the issue of using humanembryonic stem cells from surplusembryos for research. The committeealso proposed a three-year moratoriumon the production of cloned embryonicstem cells. There were five lawyers onthat committee, including its Chairman,but not one single individual with ascientific degree!

“If we are to turn Australia into aKnowledge Nation, we need to startwith a scientifically informed

Parliament, not one that seeks to usethe cobwebs of the law to impedescientific progress.

“As we discover how to induceembryonic stem cells to differentiateinto all the tissues of the body, we willusher in a new phase of medicine thatwill have particular impact on the livesof the elderly, who are increasingly inneed of ‘spare parts.’

“The embryonic stem cell, as themother of all cells, has undreamed-oftherapeutic potential, especially if wecan use therapeutic cloning to re-createour own embryonic stem cells.

“Is it ethical to allow the moralattitudes of the few about when humanlife begins to stand in the way of basicmedical research that could benefit thelives of so many?”

The launch promises to be adynamic start to more informedinquiry about the ethical, legal, medicaland personal aspects of geneticadvances.

The Institute of Advanced Studiesthanks Burswood Resort for providingits premises free of charge for theevent.

Genomics pushes the frontiers

G E N O M I C S • S O C I E T Y



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Compassion drives auctionThe auction of art at Cullity Gallery in aid of injured artist DrewfusGates was “successful beyond all hope”.

Organiser, artist and friend of Drewfus and Cheli Gates, Gareth Gorman, saidhe had hoped the auction would raise $60,000 but a preliminary total, the dayafter the auction, stood at $110,000.

More than 1000 people went through the gallery on the day of the auction andthe day before, most of them making donations to the gallery, which totalledabout $660.

All but eight of the 240 paintings reached their reserve price and were sold tosupport the Gates family. Mr Gorman thanked Patrick Beale, the head ofArchitecture and Fine Arts and UWA for use of the gallery.

He was also grateful for the assistance of Guild Catering, which planned to runa refreshment stall outside the Gallery. The inclement weather forced them tomove back into the Guild Café and gallery patrons didn’t walk that extra 20metres, so the café lost money.

Mr Gorman offered to recover their losses but Francois Leuenberger, functionco-ordinator for Guild Catering, said they were happy to make a loss for a goodcause and did not want to take the money raised for Drewfus Gates.

“It’s heartwarming to see so much compassion and willingness to give, fromeverybody,” Mr Gorman said.

E lection campaigns alwaysbring out the tricky questions.

Just who did win that by-election in1998? How many times has theGovernment changed in Australia? Howlong was John Curtin Prime Minister?

The answers to these and thousandsof questions about Australian politicsare now at your fingertips, thanks to anambitious project from the Departmentof Political Science.

Although it wasn’t his primeintention, Associate ProfessorCampbell Sharman’s newly-launchedWebsite, Australian Government andPolitics, enables the ordinary punter tosound like an expert in discussionsleading up to the Federal Election.

The site, at elections.uwa.edu.au(note no www at the beginning of theaddress) lists the results of every stateand territory election since 1890 and allthe House of Representatives andSenate elections since they began in1901. All Ministers, State Premiers andPrime Ministers are there and you cancompare percentages, look for patternsand find out surprising facts such asthat in the first Western Australianelection, 19 of the 30 seats wereuncontested.

Professor Sharman said highproportions of uncontested seatscontinued through the early part of the20th century because candidates werechosen by their local branches and, ifpeople were happy with their local

representation, they didn’t botherputting up another candidate.

He started work about six years agoon the database that sits underneaththe Website. Together with Dr JeremyMoon, he was granted funds from theAustralian Research Council in 1995and they worked on it for three years.The data is continually updated.

“Before 1984, there were nopolitical parties printed on ballotpapers, just the names of thecandidates. Fortunately, Colin Hughesfrom the Australian National Universitydid a lot of research in the 1960s andproduced a handbook of Australianpolitics, with all the candidates’ parties

No politicalstone


listed. A further two supplements takesus up to 1984. Without thatinformation, this would have been animpossible task,” Professor Sharmansaid.

The hundreds of hours of designingthe framework and entering the datahave resulted in a user-friendly sitewhich everybody from high schoolstudents to government officials will beable to access easily. The funding to getthe database onto a Website camefrom a Centenary of Federation grant.

“If people want more information,they can contact us through theWebsite and we can send them moredata,” Professor Sharman said.

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A major study into the health status of West

Australians with mental illnesshas produced worrying resultswith implications for Australia’shealth care system.

The study, by the Centre for HealthServices Research at UWA’s Departmentof Public Health and Department ofPsychiatry and Behavioural Science,examined the health of 240,000 WestAustralians who have used mental healthservices between 1980 and 1998. They represent at leasteight per cent of WA’s population and could be up to 20 percent.

The results, contained in a report, Duty to Care, launchedat UWA by WA Health Minister Bob Kucera, have causedconcern among health and medical professionals, consumergroups and government and non-government organisations.

They show that people with mental illness are among themost marginalised in society, with the illness affecting allaspects – social, economic and health — of their lives. Keyfindings of the study included:• Death rates from all main causes are higher in people

with mental illness with the overall death rate of peoplewith mental illness being 2.5 times higher than the generalpopulation of WA.

• The rate of suicide among people with mental illness hasbeen steadily increasing. Now, almost half of all suicides inWA occur in people who have used mental healthservices.

• People with mental illness are less likely than others inthe community to receive treatment for heart disease andother illnesses.

• People with mental illness were at higher risk for all typesof injuries, particularly drug related poisonings andinjuries inflicted by others. They were all more likely tosuffer injury from medical misadventure (errors made byhealth services).The authors of the reports were Dr David Lawrence,

Professor D’Arcy Holman and Rebecca Coghlan from PublicHealth and Professor Assen Jablensky, Head of theDepartment of Psychiatry and Behavioural Science.

Professor Holman said: “People withmental illness have more physical illnesses

than the general population and it appears to bepoorly managed by the health system. They are already amarginalised and vulnerable group and these findings raisedoubts about equity in the delivery of health care for theirphysical illnesses.

“Not only do people with mental illness have high ratesof physical illness due to factors such as smoking, alcoholand drug abuse, obesity, poor diet and other lifestyle factors,they are also less likely than others in the community tohave their physical illness diagnosed. This leads to lowerhospital admission rates and higher than expected deaths. Italso raises questions as to whether people with mentalillness get appropriate care for their physical healthproblems.”

Professor Holman said the problems could be addressedeffectively only if the State and Commonwealth HealthDepartments worked together with consumer groups.

“This is because the Commonwealth funds generalpractice and the State funds the public sector mental healthservices and hospitals, and these are the services that mustjoin forces to tackle the problems,” he said. “Every mentalhealth patient needs a general practitioner or equivalentprimary care service that can take care of their physicalhealth as well as share in the management of their mentalillness.”

Professor Holman said the study could not have beendone without the existence of the WA Record LinkageProject, which was established by the Department of PublicHealth and the WA Health Department’s HealthInformation Centre.

“The WA Linked Database links together major sourcesof health data for all the WA population. It is unique inAustralia and is one of only a very small number of similarsystems in the world,” Professor Holman said.

Researcher and co-author, Dr David Lawrence, iscongratulated by Health Minister Bob Kucera

A dutyto care?

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As a child, Professor Klaus Schulten said, hewanted to understand living systems.

“I have now come much further than I ever dreamed of,”said the Institute of Advanced Studies’ current professor-at-large.

As Professor-at-large over the past few weeks, ProfessorSchulten has been running master classes and seminars onbridging the gap between life sciences and physical sciences.

He is Professor of Physics at the University of Illinois andalso has affiliations with chemistry, biophysics andcomputational biology.

“My university was one of the first interdisciplinaryinstitutes,” he said, adding that he was pleased to hear aboutUWA’s impending academic restructure.

“You know, these disciplines, chemistry, physics and soon, are not that old. They were ‘invented’ in the 19thcentury when modern universities were built. Universitiesfrom the middle ages just had natural sciences, medicine andlaw. But things changed.

“And now they have changed again. There are so manyopportunities at the interface of the life and physical

sciences; take, forexample, biomedicine,which uses methodsfrom both physics andchemistry.”

Professor Schulten’sclasses showcased tencase studies of the twostrands of sciencecoming together.“Students today havegreat opportunities fordiscoveries and careersin the future,” he said.

Professor Schultenwas nominated as aProfessor-at-large bythe Departments ofPhysics and Pharma-cology and theC r y s t a l l o g r a p h yCentre.

A t the annual presentation of theUniversity’s safety awards, UWA itself was

a winner.Worksafe WA awarded the University a Worksafe

Silver Award of Achievement for its recent audit of UWAhealth and safety procedures and its professional approachtowards safety.

UWA was assessed on indicators in five areas:management commitment, planning, consultation,hazard management and training.

Professor Di Walker, Head of the Department ofBotany, was presented with the departmental safetyaward for her department’s well-established safetycommittee, safety action plan, annual safety forum andits vastly improved chemical hazard management.

The Department of Zoology, the Animal Care Unitand the Office of Facilities Management’s maintenanceworkshop were finalists for the departmental award.

Jack Kirkness won the individual safety award. MrKirkness is a senior technical officer in the buildingsdepartment of the Office of Facilities Management. Hehas worked on building sites for many years, makingsafety a primary concern. He received severalnominations for his vigilance in applying safety guidelinesand his implementation of safety induction programs forUWA contractors.

Other finalists for the individual award were CathySmith (Human Resources), Francois Leunberger (Guild)and Bill Wilson (Geography).

A special award of achievement went to BradMcManus, the managing director of the Guild, formaking risk management a priority for student clubs.

Full details of the awards are on the Web at:http://www.admin.uwa.edu.au/sho/new/


Escapingfrom strictdisciplines

“Makes me sound likean escapee doesn’t it?!”… current Professor-at-large, Klaus Schulten.

UWA puts safety first

CLOCKWISE FROM TOPLEFT: Professor Di Walkeraccepts her department’saward from Professor AlanRobson; Jack Kirkness,individual award winner;outgoing Guild PresidentKristy Duckham with BradMcManus.

Page 12: 5 November 2001 - University of Western Australia · The award of the Nobel Prize in literature to V S Naipaul caused more comment. For many of us, it is a belated award. Naipaul

12 UWA news


... the last word

How do we know what to do and say in thesituations we participate in each day? How do

we select the style of talk and other behaviourrequired by each new context?

What processes underlie our ability to produce patternsof written or spoken language, patterns that meet thespecific requirements of laboratory reports, essays,conference papers, final chapters, lectures, tutorialpresentations or coffee shop chat?

There is an illusion of effortlessness about the productionof skilled behaviour in familiar situations that mightdiscourage us from thinking about how it’s done. But onewidely accepted set of metaphors used to conceptualisewhat could be involved draws on ideas about generalisedcognitive schemas – mental templates, if you will. These,once activated, provide default structures of generalisedexpectations about what is or isn’t done or said in aparticular context. Trigger part of the complex of linkedpossibilities and the whole is activated — ready to generateactions, responses and language appropriately modified tosuit the specific setting that provided the trigger.

I think about this model quite a bit with regard to thechallenges faced by many students. How long do theseinternalised templates take to sediment themselves into thesynapses? What conditions are required for activation to bemaximally effective, for the output generated to becomeconsistent with lecturers’, supervisors’ and examiners’expectations? To what degree can already establishedtemplates be modified to meet culturally unfamiliar

demands? Can they be overridden? Are there hazards forthe person if they are? Is there anything students themselvescan do to speed up the acquisition and appropriate schemas?How can academic staff help and is it our responsibility – oranybody else’s – to do so?

I’ve filled in several ‘working life’ type surveys in recentyears and each time have found the absence of questionsrelating to postgraduate supervision extremely puzzling,both in terms of recognition of the importance of researchsupervision in the life of the university and in terms of thepressures and tensions the supervision experience cangenerate in academic life.

For many students and their supervisors, the question ofhow the required level of proficiency is to be realised inpractice is an open one, capable of causing months or yearsof uncertainty, or even anguish.

One thing I do know is that it is highly unlikely that astudent in the final stages of drafting and redrafting a thesiswill be in a fit state to begin to learn aspects of grammar,rhetorical organization, or even the new vocabulary requiredto bring the work to the required standard for submission.Some progress may be made to be sure, under thepressures imposed at that time. But beyond that, suchpressure is not generally conducive to languagedevelopment. Internalised templates for language use or anyother kind of behaviour, including ways of thinking and being,are not acquired in weeks or even months in most cases;they’re built up slowly, incrementally, over much moreextended periods of time.

With the implementation of the new national ResearchTraining Scheme and its funding restrictions, it has becomeimperative that departments and faculties find ways ofstreamlining the process of research supervision to ensuretimely completion of theses and dissertations. This must bedone, I believe, without compromising the standards we areproud to maintain at this university.

The proposed Centre for Student Learning to be set upunder the recommendations of the working party of theReview of Strategies to Meet the English Language Needs ofUWA Students has a mandate to deliver increased languageand literacy support to students and their lecturers acrossthe university.

It is particularly heartening to note the emphasis on earlyintervention in the working party’s recommendations. For

instance, it is recommended that students at all levelsreceive “early and regular feedback on their

literacy skills and how to develop them ifneeded”.

I don’t suppose there can ever really bea ‘last word’ on the question of levels of

proficiency required in oral and writtenexpression for UWA students – there are toomany different specific situations andconsiderations to take into account for that to be

possible. But acknowledging in a practical way, withthe commitment to fund changes, that students and

staff need more support on literacy and language issuesis an important first step, one which is welcome, timely,

and sensible.

Dr Penny LeeLecturerUWA’s Graduate School of Education


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LIFT-OUT5 NOVEMBER 2001 Volume 20 Number 17


Compiled by Joanna Thompson

Telephone: 9380 3029Facsimile: 9380 1162

Email: [email protected]



Dr T. L. Setter (external) and Dr T.Colmer, Plant Science: ‘Molecular markersfor abiotic stresses in wheat in the WesternRegion’ — $71,208 (2001-03).


Prof M. Grounds, Anatomy and HumanBiology: ‘Enhancing myoblast transfer therapyand skeletal muscle regeneration’ — $57,000(2001-03).

ATSICDr J. Stanton, Berndt Museum ofAnthropology: ‘Restoration of photographs’— $38,897 (2001).

GRDC (GRAINS RESEARCH &DEVELOPMENT CORP)Prof J. Lambers and Dr E. Veneklaas,Plant Science, and Dr M. D. Bolland(external): ‘Increased benefits of phosphorusfertiliser through the use of grain legumes’ —$106,855 (2001-04).

Dr J. Plummer, Plant Science, and Miss K.Steadman, WA Herbicide ResistanceInitiative: ‘Agro-ecology of malva parviflora inWestern Australian farming systems’ —$90,000 (2001-03).

ROAD SAFETY COUNCILMs A. Ferrante, Law School: ‘Factorsrelevant to the use of licence suspension as alegal sanction’ — $50,000 (2001).


The Teaching and Learning Committee hasrecently allocated $93,000 in support of itsTeaching and Learning Development Fund.The focus of the Fund for 2001 is:

Curriculum Planning and Development

Guidelines for the Curriculum Planning andDevelopment Scheme are on the web at:http://www.acs.uwa.edu.au/reg/sec/curriculumplanning/index.htmThe objectives of the Scheme are:1. Improve learning outcomes for students2. To do so via specific initiatives well-

grounded in a teaching philosophy for thecourse and/or disciplines concerned.

3. To foster curriculum development thatfurthers the University’s aims in one ormore of the following:(a) Academic Restructuring with a focuson the priority areas outlined in theUniversity’s Academic Profile(b) Internationalisation

Grants are limited to $15,000 and the deadlinefor submissions is Friday 1 March 2002.

Contact Mrs Sue Smurthwaite 93802459, email: ssmurthwaite @admin.uwa.edu.au

Winning work onoffshore structures

UWA graduate Dr Steve Neubecker has been awarded theD.H. Trollope Medal from the Australian Geomechanics Society.

Completing his PhD with the UWA Geomechanics group in 1995, DrNeubecker went on to apply his research at Advanced Mechanics, where he iscurrently working on offshore floating structures.

He has been continuously collaborating with the Department of Civil andResource Engineering.

The Trollope Medal is a biennial award for an outstanding paper on eithertheoretical or applied geomechanics by an author under the age of 35.

For Dr Neubecker, the award was based on a series of significant journalpublications arising from the work on drag anchors that he carried out during hisPhD.

He provided a summary of the anchor design methodology that was developedin his PhD work, and then proceeded to illustrate how these and othermethodologies are applied in his current projects. The publications were all writtenin collaboration with Professor Mark Randolph.

The staff of the Department of Civil and Resource Engineering warmlycongratulates him.

The Institute of Chartered Accountants CA Achiever program is an award of paid workexperience within a Chartered Accounting firm to the top 20 first-year commerce studentsstudying the core accounting unit at each university. The objective of CA Achiever is to providecommerce undergraduate students with the opportunity to gain vocation experience in achartered accounting environment. This will contribute to their understanding of the CAprofession and may assist in their decision in choosing a suitable career path as a CA.

In addition, the purpose of the CA Achiever is to provide Chartered Accounting employers withaccess to outstanding commerce undergraduates. This will assist in the graduate recruitmentprocess if firms wish to offer CA Achiever recipients with ongoing vacation work and graduateemployment once their degree has been completed.

CA Achiever aims to motivate students to achieve outstanding results in their first semester,first year accounting subject.

The program was introduced into Victoria last year and as a result of its overwhelming success,became a national initiative this year. In WA, BDO, Bentleys MRI and Horwath Perth-Partnership offered 5 placements between them. The calibre of students from each universitywas extremely high and as a result the selection process was difficult.

A panel of three interviewed 12 short-listed applicants and after much deliberation the fivewinners were chosen and randomly allocated to one of the three firms.

We are pleased to announce that Tim Malloch, Lisa Soh and Tina Zhou were all successfulCA Achievers from UWA, which is an excellent result for the University particularly as therewere only 5 placements available. Tim and Lisa will be working with Bentleys MRI and Tina haswon a placement with BDO Chartered Accountants and Advisers over the Summer Break. Theyall attended the Presentation Ceremony and cocktail party on Thursday 25th October, whichwas held at the Institute of Chartered Accountants, and were awarded with a framed certificate.The cocktail party gave all five recipients the opportunity to meet for the first time staff andpartners from their allocated firm.

Due to its success the CA Achiever Program will be running again next year and we hope to haveeven more firms participating in this valuable program. Promotion of CA Achiever willcommence on campus next March/April and further details can be obtained by contactingAmanda Dalzell, Careers Marketing and Communications Coordinator at The Institute ofChartered Accountants [email protected] or 9420 0400.

Page 14: 5 November 2001 - University of Western Australia · The award of the Nobel Prize in literature to V S Naipaul caused more comment. For many of us, it is a belated award. Naipaul

CAMPUS5 to 19 November

DiaryMonday 5 NovemberCLASSICS AND ANCIENTHISTORY LECTURE AT THEALBANY CENTRE‘The art of the Christian icon’, A/Prof JohnMelville-Jones. 5.30pm, Albany Centre.

Tuesday 6 NovemberLAWRENCE WILSON ARTGALLERY FLOORTALK‘Men and women in Australian society’,Susan Maushart. 1pm, LWAG.

Wednesday 7NovemberHISTORY SEMINAR‘Aspects of police and Aboriginal relationsin the 19th-century Kimberley’, ChrisOwen. 1pm, Room 1.46, History.

CENTRE FOR WATER RESEARCH/ENVIRONMENTAL DYNAMICSSEMINAR‘Ecological dynamics in saline lakes’, DrJohn Melack, Gleddon␣ Visiting SeniorFellow, Centre for Water Research,Visiting from University of California. 4pm,Blakers Lecture Theatre, MathematicsBuilding.

Friday 9 NovemberASIAN STUDIES SEMINAR‘Internationalising higher education inChina: a study of Xinjiang University’, YangRui. 1 to 2.30pm, G.25 Seminar Room,Ground Floor, Social Sciences Building.

Wednesday 7NovemberPATHOLOGY SEMINAR‘Lipoprotein assembly and secretion andvitamin E metabolism’, Dr John Burnett.4.30pm, Pathology Conference Room,G14, Ground Floor, M Block, QEIIMC.

7-8 NovemberCENTRE FOR LEARNINGTECHNOLOGY SCIENCECOMMUNICATION WORKSHOPFor members of the Faculty ofScience.␣ The workshop leader is PeterSpinks, senior staff journalist on The Agenewspaper. As well as deliveringworkshops on science communication,Peter has written Wizards of Oz, a bookabout recent breakthroughs by Australianscientists.␣ This book has been twice theNo.1 bestseller on New Scientist’s list oftop selling science books.␣ Peter has alsowritten the science journalism chapter fora new textbook titled Science Communi-cation: Theory and Practice (KulwerAcademic Publishers - in press). Theworkshop will focus on science writingand media skills with the aim of helpingscientists to gain the confidence and mediasavvy needed to project their messagesclearly and simply.␣ The workshop provideshands-on training in preparing shortarticles, media releases and illustrativematerial as well as grooming for scienceinterviews — both print and broadcastmedia. For more information, contact JanDook on 9380 2597 or [email protected].

7-9 NovemberPHD CONFERENCE INECONOMICS AND BUSINESSPhD students from all major Australianuniversities and several overseasuniversities will be presenting their PhDresearch papers in the areas of Economics,Finance and Management. All welcome.No fees charged. For more informationplease contact Sandra Pollock, ConferenceCo-ordinator on 9380 1366 or [email protected]. Note: If youwish to attend the conference it isessential to register.

Yes – lease on ABSOLUTELY fully-equipped two-bedroom townhome opposite UWA from $285 p.w.!

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Thursday 8 NovemberWABCAP SEMINAR‘Balance effects on fracture propensity’,David Bruce. 7.45am, WAIMR MeetingRoom, Ground Floor, B Block, SCGH.

Tuesday 13 NovemberLAWRENCE WILSON ARTGALLERY FLOORTALK‘Settling our soul: finding our place in anew land’, Tim Muirhead. 1pm, LWAG.

Wednesday 14NovemberANATOMY AND HUMANBIOLOGY SEMINAR‘Elements involved in the regulation of theexpression of the steroidogenic acuteregulatory (StAR) gene’, Prof DouglasStocco, Texas. 1pm, Room 1.81, FirstFloor, ANHB.

HISTORY SEMINAR‘Aspects of heritage history in Australia’,Ruth Donovan. 1pm, Room 1.46, History.

IAS FREE PUBLIC FORUM‘The Genetic Revolution — navigating theminefield’, The Political, Social and HealthImplications. Speakers include: ArchbishopPeter Carnley, Professor Bob Williamsonand Professor Roger Short. This forumheralds the launch of ‘New Frontiers inMedicine’, the second theme in theGenomics, Society and Human HealthProgramme. Burswood Theatre. Forinformation, please phone Anne Same on9489 7885 or [email protected]

CENTRE FOR WATER RESEARCH/ENVIRONMENTAL DYNAMICSSEMINAR‘Process complexity at hillslope scale,process simplicity at the watershedscale:␣ Is there a connection?’ Professor MSivapalan, Centre for Water Research4pm, Blakers Lecture Theatre,Mathematics Building.

Friday 16 NovemberCLIMA SEMINAR‘Biological activity and organic matter inno-tillage systems and their contributionto crop production’, Dr Art Diggle.

‘Getting the best out of crops geneticallymodified for herbicide resistance’, DrPatrick Smith. 4pm, CLIMA Seminar Room.


Saturday 24 NovemberPERTH MEDIEVAL ANDRENAISSANCE GROUP END-OF-YEAR PARTY‘To be held at 440 Guilford Rd, Bayswater,starting at 7pm. Spit roast, salads, rolls andbutter, platters of fresh fruit provided fordinner, followed by convivialentertainment. Cost: $25 per person,payment to Talia Marsh, C/-Dept. ofEnglish. Enquiries to Charles Acland on9423 9428.

Page 15: 5 November 2001 - University of Western Australia · The award of the Nobel Prize in literature to V S Naipaul caused more comment. For many of us, it is a belated award. Naipaul


Postgraduate Bursary Recipients

AFUW(WA) Foundation Bursary

MIN ZHANG enrolled at Curtin University as a PhD student in theSchool of Public Health. Her research topic is "Dietary factors in theEtiology of Ovarian Cancer". She now has permanent Australian residencyand has to forego her International Postgraduate Research Scholarship.The bursary will allow her to complete her degree by May 2002.

Mary Walters Bursary

NURA BINTE ABDUL KARIM enrolled at the University of WesternAustralia as a PhD student in the Faculty of Agriculture. Her researchtopic is "Fungal endophytes associated with tropical orchids of theKimberley region of W.A." She will use the Bursary to attend theAmerican Institute of Phytopathological Society Conference and visit KewGardens and Cardoba Botanical Gardens in Spain.

Mary and Elsie Stevens Bursary

ILIM enrolled at Curtin University as a PhD student in the School ofApplied Chemistry. Her research topic is "Nitrogen containing Surfactantsand Oligomers as Inhibitors for the Prevention of Carbon DioxideCorrosion of Mild Streel." The Bursary will allow her to complete herdoctorate before she returns to Indonesia.

Joyce Riley Bursary

SILVIA TOREZANI a graduate of the National University of Salta,Argentina, is enrolled at the University of Western Australia for a M.A. byresearch in the Department of Anthropology. Her research project isentitled "Latin Americans in Perth - an anthropological study of culturalidentity discourse formation in the migration process." She will use theBursary for fieldwork and for the writing up of her thesis.

Jill Bradshaw Bursary

KATHLEEN TURNER an Honours graduate of ANU is enrolled atMurdoch University for a M.Phil. She is researching the causes and natureof the current ethnic conflict in Ambon Indonesia. The Bursary will allowher to complete her thesis by mid 2002.

2nd Jill Bradshaw Bursary

CARRIE SONNEBORN a graduate of University of Wollongong, isenrolled at Murdoch University in Physics and Energy Studies. Herresearch topic is "Industry capacity building needs with respect to market-based approaches to greenhouse gas reduction." She will use the bursaryto travel to the U.S. to take up an internship which she has been offeredat the National Renewable Energy Research Laboratory, in a field highlyrelevant to her thesis.

For information email Barbara Hale at [email protected]



The following lecturers have been elected (1 January 2002 to 31December 2004):

Dr Hélène Jaccomard, Department of European Languages and StudiesAssociate Professor Paul Moyle, Law SchoolAssociate Professor Arun Dharmarajan, Department of Anatomy andHuman BiologyDr Penny Lee, Graduate School of EducationDr Nathan Scott, Department of Mechanical and Materials EngineeringDr Myra Keep, Department of Geology

A casual vacancy (1 January 2002 to 31 December 2003) will be filled by:

Associate Professor Richard Thomas, Department of Computer Scienceand Software Engineering

General Staff

The following general staff have been elected (1 January 2002 to 31December 2003):

Ms Diana Christensen, Centre for Offshore Foundation Systems

Mr Tony Gibbs, Department of Psychology


Places are available in the following workshops due to close within thenext month. Further details are available on the CSD Web page: http://www.csd.uwa.edu.au/programme/ or by contacting CSD on ext. 1504 [email protected].

• Applying for Discovery Projects: Critical & Peer Review of Applications• Applying for NHMRC Grants: Critical & Peer Review of Applications


Members of general staff may apply for individual grants from the StaffDevelopment Fund to attend courses and conferences. In the last roundsof applications, the following staff were awarded grants:

• Marjan Heibloem, Agriculture, ATEM Annual Conference 2001• Simone Ross, Animal Care Unit, ANZSLAS Silver Jubilee Conference• Joanne Castelli, Biochemistry, ComBIO2001• Kate Dorling, Botany, Gas Chromatography Essentials• Jeff Kealley, Botany, AVCC Leadership Programme for HEW Levels 5 - 7• Rebecca Steven, Centre for English Language Teaching, English Australia

14th Education Conference• Anne Gilkes, Engineering and Mathematical Sciences, ATEM Annual

Conference 2001• Ke Nguyen, Pharmacology, Implementing a Windows 2000 Network

Infrastructure• Robyn Broadhurst, Public Health, 10th Annual Meeting of the Australasian

Epidemiological Association & 3rd Biostatistical Workshop• Christine Casey, Research Grants Office, ARMS 2001 Research

Management Conference• Claire O’Malley, Research Grants Office, ARMS 2001 Research

Management Conference• Sandra Maynard, Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, Australasian Pacific

Extension Network International Conference

Staff interested in obtaining more information about the programmesshould contact grant recipients directly. Guidelines and application formsare available from the Centre and at http://www.acs.uwa.edu.au/hrs/policy/part06/5.htm.


Walpole 10 NovemberToodyay 13 November

Demonstrations of steam distillationprocess for lavender and nativepeppermint, oil analysis and muchmore. Cost: $175. Contact SandraMaynard at the Centre for LandRehabilitation.

Email [email protected] orcall ext 3827.

Page 16: 5 November 2001 - University of Western Australia · The award of the Nobel Prize in literature to V S Naipaul caused more comment. For many of us, it is a belated award. Naipaul

Departments are reminded that all University equipment available for sale must be advertised in the UWAnews. Receipts should be PeopleSoftaccount coded 490 (computing with barcode), 491 (non-computing with barcode) or 493 (items with no barcode). If equipment has an existing

barcode please contact extension 3618/2546 for details.

CONDITION refers to the general condition of item ( 1 = as new; 2 = good; 3 = serviceable; 4 = unserviceable). AGE refers to the nearest year.

Redundant Equipment for Sale

Bids should be accepted by Monday 19 November with departments to have first option



Sharp LCD Projector XG-385OE ..................... $800 6 2 Dianne 3704 [email protected] x Digital 486 .............................................. Offers 5 3 Adam 1635 [email protected] x Digital 5100/575/120each with approx 32 Mb,plus miscellaneous mice,keyboards, power cords ...................................... Offers 5 3 Adam 1635 [email protected] x Monitors, 14" to 15" ...................................... Offers 5 2-4 Adam 1635 [email protected] x sticks of 32 Mb SIMM .................................. $20/Stick 3 2 Adam 1635 [email protected] 386 notebook ......................................... Offers 9 3-4 Adam 1635 [email protected] external SCSI 420MB disk ........................... Offers 8 2 Stuart [email protected] external SCSI enclosure ............................... Offers 8 3 Stuart [email protected] external SCSI enclosure ...................... Offers 5 3 Stuart [email protected] x Sun GDB 1662B Monitors ........................... Offers 8 2 Stuart [email protected] x Sun GDM 1962B Monitor ............................ Offers 8 3/4 Stuart [email protected] x Sun IPC .............................................. Offers 10 3 Stuart [email protected] x Sun SparcStation2 ........................................... Offers — 3 Stuart [email protected]


BUSSELTON, older style holiday house closeto Broadwater Resort and beach. Sleeps 4 to6, $550 per week. Contact Lynda on 93877532 or [email protected].

FLOREAT PARK. Study leave means that afour bedroom, two bathroom, fully furnishedand equipped air-conditioned house with largegarden in a good neighbourhood is availablefor rent for three months, December 2001 toFebruary 2002, inclusive. Close to beach,schools, parks and 15 min. to UWA. Phone9381 7600 Hayden Smith.


MAZDA 323 PROTEGE 1999, s/silver,5 speed, a/c, power steering, CD/cassette/radio, tinted, immobiliser, under warranty, logbook, excellent cond., $17,000 ono. 0414 283545 or 9297 1048 (a/h).

4M LONG COLS OF HEAVY DUTY WIREMESH, various lengths and sizes of whitelaminated chipboard (writing on one side).Originally used as display stands. Offers can bemade to Rachel Schmitt in the ProspectiveStudents Office on ext. 7311 or [email protected].


THREE-BEDROOM FURNISHED HOUSEwanted to rent in the vicinity of UWA byvisiting Canadian academic and family for 6months from February 2002. Contact Deb orPaul at 9384 7187 or [email protected].

The Centre for the Advancementof Teaching and Learning ispleased to announce the successfulapplicants for CATL Grants 2001.Nine applications for Large Grants(up to $50,000) and 16applications for Small Grants (upto $10,000) were received.

Successful Large GrantsThe following applicants were successful inreceiving CATL Large Grant funding for2001:

Dr Kevin Judd and Dr Rick McFeat(Mathematics and Statistics), for a projecton “Diagnostic and remedial support forbasic mathematical skills”. $49871

Dr David Turner, Dr Julie Plummer,Prof Hans Lambers, Dr Tim Colmer(Plant Sciences), Associate ProfessorKeith Smettem (Soil Science) and DrPauline Grierson (Botany), for a projecton “Improved learning outcomes in theteaching of plant biology by catering forstudent diversity”. $38,989

Successful Small GrantsThe following applicants were successful inreceiving CATL Small Grant funding for 2001:

Donella Caspersz, Madeline Wu andJudy Skene (Organisational and LabourStudies) for a project on “Studentreadiness for working in teams”. $9156

Professor Ian Eggleton, Dr JulianaNg and Mr Mark Holub (Accounting &Finance), for a project on “Developingcritical learning skills: A student-orientedapproach”. $8529

Khim Harris, (Graduate School ofEducation), “Teaching for learning: usingproblem-based learning approaches and amanaged learning environment to improvestudent preparation for lectures andtutorials”. $9795

Dr Suzanne Wijsman, Peter Moore,Graeme Gilling and Paul Wright(School of Music) and Thor Besier (Dept ofHuman Movement), for a project on “Theuse of digital video in music performanceeducation”. $8218

Dr Samina Yasmeen, Dr Esta Ungarand Associate Professor JamesTrevelyan (Political Science), for aproject “Concept Builder”. $10,000

Lorna Rosenwax (Public Health), “Todevelop a networking web-based resourcefor use by students while they are on theirhealth placements”. $9741

Dr Peter Hammond and Dr JingboWang (Physics), for a project on“Animated Physics”. $5582

Dr Kathryn Hindmarsh (Chemistry),for a project “Developing other methodsof assessment in Chemistry 120 toimprove student learning”. $10,000

Associate Professor Michael Burton(Agricultural and Resource Economics)and Roberta Bencini (Animal Science),for a project “A research resource fornative wildlife management”. $9819

Professor John Considine (PlantSciences), for a project “Flexible learning ina problem-based learning environment forprofessional development in Viticulture”.$10,000

Dr Christoph Hinz, Andrew Rate (SoilScience and Plant Nutrition), and GregHertzler (Agricultural and ResourcesEconomics), for a project “Spreadsheettools for teaching and learning in thenatural resources sciences”. $10,000

Dr Chris McDonald (ComputerScience), Dr Guven Mercankosk (Tele-communications Electronics andNetworking Research Group) and DrSharon Purchase (Information Manage-ment and Marketing), for a project “Cnetnetwork simulator”. $4000

CATL Grants 2001


Red poppies will be sold on campus on FridayNovember 9, in preparation forRemembrance Day. The traditional lapelflower will be given in return for a donationtowards the families of servicemen and womenwhose lives were claimed in action.Former postgraduate student, AlecMcGonigle is co-ordinating the distribution.He also donates his time as a volunteer in theVisitor’s Centre.