5 Hidden Gems of Alloy UI

Five Hidden Gems of AlloyUI Andrea Di Giorgi R&D Engineer, SMC TREVISO Srl


My speech at 2001 Liferay Italy Symposium. Talking about AlloyUI (the Javascript library built by Liferay on top of YUI3) and how to use it in Liferay plugins.

Transcript of 5 Hidden Gems of Alloy UI

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Five Hidden Gems of

AlloyUI Andrea Di Giorgi R&D Engineer, SMC TREVISO Srl

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Five Hidden Gems of AlloyUI

AlloyUI in Liferay

DOM & Eventi



CSS Forms & Layout

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AlloyUI in Liferay

<aui:script> function <portlet:namespace />sayHello() { alert('Hello, World!'); } <portlet:namespace />sayHello(); </aui:script>



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AlloyUI in Liferay

<aui:script> function <portlet:namespace />sayGoodbye() { alert(Goodbye, World!'); } <portlet:namespace />sayGoodbye(); AUI().use('aui-base', 'aui-io', function(A) { var c = A.one('#<portlet:namespace />content'); if (c) { alert(c.html()); } }); </aui:script>


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<aui:script use="aui-base,aui-io"> function <portlet:namespace />sayGoodbye() { alert('Goodbye, World!'); } <portlet:namespace />sayGoodbye(); var c = A.one('#<portlet:namespace />content'); if (c) { alert(c.html()); } </aui:script>

AlloyUI in Liferay

<aui:script use="…">

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<aui:script use="aui-base,aui-io"> function <portlet:namespace />sayGoodbye() { alert('Goodbye, World!'); } <portlet:namespace />sayGoodbye(); var c = A.one('#<portlet:namespace />content'); if (c) { alert(c.html()); } </aui:script>

AlloyUI in Liferay

<aui:script use="…"> <script type="text/javascript"> AUI().use('aui-base', 'aui-io', function(A) { // ... function _1_WAR_myportlet_sayGoodbye() { alert('Goodbye, World!'); } _1_WAR_myportlet_sayGoodbye(); var c = A.one('#_1_WAR_alloyuigemsportlet_content'); if (c) { alert(c.html()); } // ... }); </script>

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AlloyUI in Liferay

<aui:script> function <portlet:namespace />alertMe() { AUI().use('aui-base', function(A) { var c = A.one('#<portlet:namespace />content'); if (c) { alert(c.html()); } }); } </aui:script>

Non scalabile.

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AlloyUI in Liferay

<aui:script> Liferay.provide(window, '<portlet:namespace />alertMe', function() { var A = AUI(); var c = A.one('#<portlet:namespace />content'); if (c) { alert(c.html()); } }, [ 'aui-base' ]); </aui:script>

Liferay.provide(obj, methodName, methodFn, modules)


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DOM & Eventi

<aui:script use="aui-base"> A.one('#<portlet:namespace />center').center(); </aui:script>

nel document (default)

Centrare un elemento

<aui:script use="aui-base"> A.one('#<portlet:namespace />center').center(window); </aui:script>

nel viewport

<aui:script use="aui-base"> A.one('#<portlet:namespace />center').center( '#<portlet:namespace />container'); </aui:script>

in un altro elemento

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DOM & Eventi

<aui:script use="aui-base"> var list = A.one('#<portlet:namespace />radioList'); list.addClass('active'); list.all('li').on('click', function(event) { event.currentTarget.radioClass('selected'); }); </aui:script>

Simulare radio buttons

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DOM & Eventi

<aui:script use="aui-base"> var list = A.one('#<portlet:namespace />radioList'); list.addClass('active'); list.delegate('click', function(event) { event.currentTarget.radioClass('selected'); }, 'li'); </aui:script>

Event delegation

var list = A.one('#<portlet:namespace />radioList'); list.append('<li>Item ' + (list.all('li').size() + 1) + '</li>');

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DOM & Eventi

<liferay-portlet:renderURL var="loadContentURL" windowState="<%= LiferayWindowState.EXCLUSIVE.toString() %>" > <liferay-portlet:param name="jspPage" value="/content.jsp" /> </liferay-portlet:renderURL> <aui:script use="aui-io-request"> var w = A.one('#<portlet:namespace />wrapper'); A.io.request('<%= loadContentURL %>', { on: { success: function() { w.html(this.get('responseData')); } } }); </aui:script>


Caricamento AJAX in un elemento

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DOM & Eventi

<aui:script use="aui-io-plugin"> A.one('#<portlet:namespace />wrapper').plug(A.Plugin.IO, { uri: '<%= loadContentURL %>' }); </aui:script>


Caricamento AJAX in un elemento

<aui:script use="aui-io-plugin"> A.one('#<portlet:namespace />wrapper').load('<%= loadContentURL %>'); </aui:script>

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DOM & Eventi

<aui:script use="aui-io-plugin"> A.one('#<portlet:namespace />wrapper').load( '<%= loadContentURL %>', function() { this.get('node').prepend('<h5>Test</h5>'); } ); </aui:script>

aui-io-plugin, callback

Caricamento AJAX in un elemento

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DOM & Eventi

<aui:script use="aui-io-plugin"> A.one('#<portlet:namespace />wrapper').load( '<%= loadContentURL %> .load-partial', { where: 'outer' } ); </aui:script>

aui-io-plugin, config

Caricamento AJAX in un elemento

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DOM & Eventi

"loading" overlay di attesa (disattivabile)

codice Javascript valutato automaticamente

1 riga di codice per rieseguire la chiamata AJAX


Caricamento AJAX in un elemento

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Per aggiungere funzionalità a oggetti

Perché possono essere sganciati (unplugged)

Per incapsulare e condividere queste funzionalità fra oggetti


Perché sono separati l'uno dall'altro mediante namespace

Perché possono essere agganciati anche a NodeList, non solo a


Perché i plugins?


node.plug(plugin, configurationAttributes);

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<aui:script use="aui-base"> function MySimplePlugin(config) { var host = config.host; host.on('click', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); this.next().toggle(); }); } MySimplePlugin.NS = 'mysimpleplugin'; A.all('#<portlet:namespace />sections a').plug(MySimplePlugin); </aui:script>

Creare un nuovo plugin

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Modulo aui-autocomplete

Sorgente dati: array, AJAX, callback

Selezioni multiple


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Modulo aui-dialog

Pulsanti configurabili

Draggable, resizable, modal

Contenuto: selettore CSS, nodo creato on-the-fly o

caricato tramite AJAX (A.Plugin.IO)


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Modulo aui-overlay

"Tooltip" esteso

Contenuto: selettore CSS, nodo creato on-the-fly o

caricato tramite AJAX (A.Plugin.IO)


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CSS Forms & Layout

<aui:layout> <aui:column columnWidth="25" first="true"> <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur...</p> </aui:column> <aui:column columnWidth="50"> <p>Integer non blandit risus. Etiam ut mauris odio...</p> </aui:column> <aui:column columnWidth="25" last="true"> <p>Quisque erat orci, accumsan id ultricies eget...</p> </aui:column> </aui:layout>

Layout multi-colonna

10, 15, 20, 25, 28, 30, 33, 35,

40, 45, 50, 55, 60, 62, 65, 66,

70, 75, 80, 85, 90, 95

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CSS Forms & Layout




aui:select e aui:option






aui:fieldset e aui:legend





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CSS Forms & Layout

no <portlet:namespace />

traduzione etichette

no BeanParamUtil (e aui:model-context)

sensibile a portal/portlet-model-hints.xml

sensibile al tema

Maggiore astrazione



prefix, suffix, etc.

Funzionalità aggiuntive

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Web alloy.liferay.com

deploy.alloyui.com/api AlloyUI docs

yuilibrary.com/yui/docs/api YUI3 docs

deploy.alloyui.com/docs jQuery – YUI3 – AlloyUI Rosetta Stone

Demos deploy.alloyui.com Esempi sull'ultima build (alloy-1.0.1.zip per gli esempi sulla 1.0.1)

Blog www.liferay.com/web/nathan.cavanaugh/blog

Twitter @natecavanaugh
