5 Art Bible

The Trip 5 Art Bible This document describes the visual look and feel for the game The Trip. It explains the game’s overall art style as well as providing descriptions, concept art and screen shots for all of the heads up displays, character models, in-game assets and terrain.

Transcript of 5 Art Bible

The Trip


Art Bible

This document describes the visual look and feel for the game The Trip. It explains the

game’s overall art style as well as providing descriptions, concept art and screen shots for

all of the heads up displays, character models, in-game assets and terrain.

The Trip Art Bible


5.1 Art Style

Across the board, The Trip exists in a stylized world made from a combination of fantasy

and mock survival horror (think Evil Dead). The overall feel should leave the player with a

sense of comical fright where they identify with the central characters and aren't above a

sudden scare. It splits the line between ultra realism and mildly cartoony caricatures.

The game takes place primarily in a shared hallucination brought on by a viral infection.

Therefore, the style of the viral madness world should convey feelings of a sickened,

altered state of mind. In this world, normal objects are transformed into weapons, tools,

and other items that the maddened characters will use to make their way through the

world. Each of these objects resembles its real world counterpart while maintaining the

twisted, unreal experience of the madness. Often these objects also take on characteristics

of Sub-Saharan African tribal art.

In contrast, the real world is bright, animated, and drawn in 2D. The images are sketched,

with roughly drawn edges. By showing the madness world in more realistic 3D and the real

world in hand drawn 2D, players view the humorous parallels to the real world while

simultaneously immersing themselves into the madness world.

Locales in both versions of the world exist in the Tanzanian savanna (the characters are in

the middle of a safari). Specifically, the setting contains rolling grassy hills, a scant

smattering of skinny bent trees, watering holes, dirt roads and frontier style amenities.

The Trip Art Bible


There is a focus on providing imagery and sounds that are recognizable as frightening

without being hackneyed. This experience induces frightful moments for players.

5.2 Setting

Every location in the game is viewed through the "maddened" eyes of the infected

characters. These locations appear as distorted versions of the real world location.

Occasionally the player will be privy to views of the surroundings as they appear in the

"real" (non-infected) world.

The story takes place on a south central African savanna. It's a series of rolling hills with

long grass, sparse shrubbery and occasional outcroppings of slender trees. The group

embarks from their campsite and explores the surrounding area. During their travel they

encounter dirt roads, sparse grass and hills.

The game takes place at night and the core mechanic relies on natural darkness. As such,

the setting depends on being able to exist clearly in dark areas.

5.2.1 Madness World

The madness world represents the game as it is perceived by the virus-stricken characters.

The players share a common perception. Objects in the world are twisted analogs of real

world counterparts.

The madness world is characterized by engulfing darkness. There is no moon to illuminate

the nighttime savanna. It has a warm, heavily-saturated palette and the colors are often

The Trip Art Bible


muddled, swirled, and blurred together. The atmosphere is inky black except when pierced

by the lights. The night is alive with sounds of terrible things that lurk just out of sight. The

colors are saturated and seem to bleed together.

Based on this vision a trend board has been compiled of various images (Figure 9) to help

convey elements of the visual style we hope to achieve with the madness world.

5.2.2 Real World

The real world setting exists without the veil of madness. The characters never see it from

this perspective but the player experiences it through cut scenes and special windows that

appear during play.

In the real world, the nighttime savanna is lit by the moon. It is calm and quiet. All of the

characters' equipment in this world appears as it actually is. The palette is cooler than the

madness palette and slightly desaturated. The sky is cloudless and full of stars.

Below is a trend board of imagery (Figure 10) to help convey elements of the visual style

found in the real world along with the sparse, flat and rocky landscape we want to build

into the levels.

The Trip Art Bible


Figure 9: Collage of images that represent the look and feel of the madness world

The Trip Art Bible


Figure 10: Collage of images that represent the look and feel of the real world

The Trip Art Bible


5.3 Loading Screens

The loading screens are 2D still images that are displayed as each level loads. The scenes

they depict should be drawn in the cross-section style that shows some of the content as it

appears in the real world and the rest as it appears to the characters in the madness world.

Unfortunately, these screens were not included in the final submission due to limited art

resources. The following descriptions are samples of what the images would look like if


5.3.1 Level 1: Tripping Along

The safari group is standing back to back to back to back in the middle of their campsite.

They're looking out into the darkness and the eyes of the Terrors are popping up beyond

the edge of the light. Their camping gear is scattered around them and a functioning

generator sits near their feet. One of the characters is holding a single lantern above their

heads. It's the source of the scene's light.

5.3.2 Level 2: Chased

The characters have their backs to the viewer; they're looking towards the horizon where a

large terror is staring back menacingly. The characters look hesitant but they're clutching

their gear/peripherals tightly as they prepare to chase down the terror. The ground is

beginning to crack beneath their feet.

The Trip Art Bible


5.3.3 Level 3: The Chasm

The characters are split into two groups of two. Each group is recoiling away from the edge

of an enormous gaping chasm. They're reaching out to one another in terror. One of the

groups has the generator and a bright lantern and they're using it to shine light across the

gorge at the adjacent group. The view is looking straight down the canyon.

5.3.4 Level 4: The Antidote

The madness version of the aid workers looms high above a miniature version of the

characters. They're holding evil looking weapons and syringes. A tiny spotlight is shining

down on the group.

5.4 Heads Up Display

5.4.1 GameplayScreen HUD

During gameplay, information about the active players is displayed at the bottom of the


The windows contain the following information:

Circular portrait of the character

Icon for the currently equipped/carried peripheral

Current Health

When players are panicking, their portraits flash/pulsate red to indicate that the

character is in danger.

The character’s faces always face the center of the screen.

The Trip Art Bible

[206] Targeting Reticle

The Trip Art Bible


Each player has a crosshair on the screen to indicate the direction their character is facing

and to show where the player shots are aimed. While the crosshairs are identical in shape

there are four different colors that correspond to the characters colors. Player Colors

Each playable character has an associated color:

Character Color Swatch XNA Color (light)

Akinsanya Green Color.YellowGreen

Holly Pink Color.DeepPink

Vikram Orange Color.Orange

Brad Blue Color.DeepSkyBlue

This color influences:

Targeting reticle

Frame color of the character’s portrait on the HUD

Small light at the base of the player to help identify and differentiate them in the


5.5 Characters & Enemies

Each character's appearance in game is a unique look that attempts to represent their state

of mind in the madness world.

Every model has a texture map associated to it. In addition, some models may also have

specular, normal and luminance maps. A specular map is used to determine the specular

intensity (shininess) of different points on the model. The normal map is used to

determine the bumpiness of the model at certain points. Some models also have a

The Trip Art Bible


luminance map, which puts a white 'glow' on certain areas on its surface. This 'glow' is

visible in the darkness, i.e., it is not affected by light.

All four of the playable characters share the same skeleton, except for Holly and Vikram

who have some extra joints.

5.5.1 Akinsanya

Akinsanya Hometown Kigoma, Tanzania Age 42 Height 5'6" Weight 145 lbs

Hair Short, close cut Skin Tone Dark Physical description Short and slender but also fit.

Originally from Kigoma, Tanzania, Akinsanya now lives in Arusha and works for a local tour

company serving as a guide on day tours and safaris through the Serengeti and Arusha

National Parks and the Ngorongoro Conservation Area. He has a great sense of national

pride and really enjoys his job because it lets him show off his home country while

simultaneously helping local conservation efforts.

He likes Tanzanian "Bongo Flava" hip hop music, is friendly, extroverted and enjoys his

work. In-game, Akinsanya is missing his pants and roams around wearing red-polka dot


The Trip Art Bible


Model and Texture Data Poly Count 1260 Model Path Content/Models/Akinsanya.fbx Texture Map Path Content/Models/AkinTex.png Specular Map Path Content/Models/Akinsaya_specular.jpg Additional Joints None

Rendered Model In Game

The Trip Art Bible


Figure 11: Concept art by Sam Sawzin

The Trip Art Bible


5.5.2 Brad

Brad Hometown Bathurst, New South Whales, Australia

Age 27

Height 6'1"

Weight 180 lbs

Hair Dirty blond

Skin Tone White but heavily tanned

Physical description He is tall with a rough and rugged look (he is a mechanic).

Professionally, he is a mechanic but he spends his free time as an amateur rally racer. He is

an extreme gearhead and loves anything that is fast, exciting and outdoors. He is physically


In-game, Brad has a strainer on his head, which he thinks is a soldier's helmet. Brad also

has a normal map to add more detail to his shorts and boots.

Model and Texture Data Poly Count 1431 Model Path Content/Models/Brad.fbx Texture Map Path Content/Models/BradTex.png Specular Map Path Content/Models/Brad_specular2.png Normal Map Path Content/Models/Brad_normal.png Additional Joints None

The Trip Art Bible


Rendered Model In Game

The Trip Art Bible


The Trip Art Bible


Figure 12: Concept art by Sam Sawzin

5.5.3 Holly

Holly Hometown Manhattan, New York, United States

Age 23

Height 5'5"

Weight 130 lbs

Hair Red

Skin Tone White

Physical description She's attractive but thoroughly overdressed for this trip.

The only female on the safari is an American from Manhattan. Holly is young, beautiful and

very over dressed for the safari. She has clearly bought all her gear new and has chosen

items that a person who doesn’t spend much time outside would pick. Much of it is very


In-game, Holly was a bird's nest around her neck and bird on her head.

Model and Texture Data

Poly Count 1606

Model Path Content/Models/Holly.fbx

Texture Map Path Content/Models/HollyTex.png

Specular Map Path Content/Models/Holly_specular.png

Additional Joints 5 extra: 1 for a satchel at her side (which deviates from the hip), 1 for the bird's nest around her neck (which deviates from the chest), and 3 for the bird perched on her head (which are connected to a special 'root' joint at the character's 0,0,0 base).

The Trip Art Bible


Rendered Model In Game

The Trip Art Bible


The Trip Art Bible


Figure 13: Concept art by Sam Sawzin

5.5.4 Vikram

Vikram Hometown Mumbai, India

Age 27

Height 5'10"

Weight 155

Hair Black

Skin Tone Brown

Physical description

His physical appearance reflects his former outdoor lifestyle- slender

Due to a stressful job as a finance executive he has developed a short temper. He was a very

active and 'outdoorsy' person in his childhood but his career stress has made him give up

his outdoor activities. Vikram likes watching cricket and playing video games in his free


In-game, Vikram has a bag and headphones which looks like a radio receiver set. The

headphones are placed unevenly, with one side on his cheek.

Model and Texture Data Poly Count 1467 Model Path Content/Models/Vikram.fbx Texture Map Path Content/Models/VikramTex.png Specular Map Path Content/Models/Vikram_specular.png Additional Joints 2 extra - for his backpack (deviating from the chest)

and the stereo branching out of the backpack.

The Trip Art Bible


Rendered Model In Game

The Trip Art Bible


Figure 14: Concept art by Sam Sawzin

The Trip Art Bible


5.5.5 Terrors

Terrors Hometown Group Hallucination

Height Approximately 2 feet

Weight Approximately 120lbs

Skin Tone Dark Purple / Black

Blood type Unknown… purple

Physical description Terrors resemble enormous salamanders with large thick spikes protruding from parts of their bodies. They have vertical mouths that bisect the front of their faces and they completely lack eyes. Dark skin tones and thick, scarred, bumpy flesh.

The Terrors are menacing figures that live within the characters’ imaginations. They look

like vicious, oversized salamanders with spiky features and claws. Their vertical mouths

bisect their face and they lack nostrils and eyes. The Terror also has a luminance map

which makes its back and mouth glow in the dark.

Model and Texture Data

Poly Count 1178 Bone Count 37 Joint Count 48 Model Path Content/Models/terror.fbx Texture Map Path Content/Models/terrorTex.png Specular Map Path Content/Models/terror_specular.png Normal Map Path Content/Models/terror_normal.png Luminance Map Path Content/Models/terror_lum.png

The Trip Art Bible


Figure 15: Concept art by Sam Sawzin In game shots

Figure 16: Attacking

The Trip Art Bible


Figure 17 Blood

Figure 18: Swarming

5.6 Game Objects

All game objects have two descriptions; one to define their appearance in the madness

world and one listing its real world counterpart/inspiration.

Due to all objects being relatively small, they share one texture, specular, normal and

luminance map, all stored in a single 1024x1024 sized file.

The Trip Art Bible


5.6.1 Hand Gun

Hand Gun Real World The characters extend their arm and form their hand into the shape of a

gun (index and middle fingers pointing out, ring and pinky fingers closed).

Madness World A pistol sizes weapon that has multiple barrels. Each barrel resembles a finger and has a fingernail extending from the end.

Poly Count 68 Model Path Content\Models\handgun.fbx

Concept Art

Rendered Model

In Game Effects

The Trip Art Bible


5.6.2 Lantern

Lantern Real World A halogen or fluorescent camping lantern. Madness World

The lantern is twisted wood around an empty space containing a glowing orb of light. The wood is organic and irregular. It forms itself into a rough teardrop shape, narrower at the top than the bottom. It has a small handle to hold onto with one hand.

Poly Count 238 Model Path Content\Models\lantern.fbx

Concept Art

Rendered Model

The Trip Art Bible


5.6.3 Spot Light

Spot Light Real World An industrial/workman’s flashlight. Madness World A log with a branch shaped handle. Poly Count 71 Model Path Content\Models\spotLight.fbx

Concept Art

Rendered Model

In Game Effect

The Trip Art Bible


5.6.4 Tag Gun

Tag Gun Real World A tree branch stuck through a coffee can. Madness World A gun with an elongated twisted barrel and a fat circular ammo

container ala grenade launcher. Poly Count 174 Model Path Content\Models\tagGun.fbx

Concept Art

Rendered Model

In Game Effects

The Trip Art Bible


5.6.5 Light Gun

Light Gun Real World A large pocket knife. Madness World An oversized elongated pocket knife with the extensions sticking out

to form pieces like the handle, barrel and front grip. Poly Count 258 Model Path Content\Models\laserGun.fbx13


Concept Art Rendered Model

In Game Effects

13The light gun model was replaced with the model for the laser gun. See implementation section in the post

mortem for more details.

The Trip Art Bible


5.6.6 Flamethrower

Flamethrower Real World A can of bug spray and a cigarette lighter. Madness World A tree branch with a can of bug spray mashed into the tail end. Leafy

vines wrap around the barrel and extend to the nozzle where they appear to provide the ignition for the flame.

Poly Count 252

Model Path Content\Models\flamethrower.fbx

Concept Art

Flame thrower usage

Fuel cartridge mechanism

Rendered Model

In Game Effects

The Trip Art Bible


5.6.7 Flare Gun

Flare Gun Real World Holly’s portable hair dryer. Madness World A cross between an oversized hair dryer and a giant pistol. The end of

the flare gun is larger than the barrel to make it seem as if the flares are jammed into the front of the gun.

Poly Count 88 Model Path Content\Models\flareGun.fbx


Concept Art Rendered Model

In Game Effects:

Projectile Burning on Ground

The Trip Art Bible


5.6.9 Turret Gun

Turret Gun Real World A round portable grill. Madness World

A military style turret (shaped like a grill). The top of the grill opens to reveal a circular chain gun.

Poly Count 173 Model Path Content\Models\turret.fbx

Concept Art

Rendered Model

For in game effects, see Hand Gun (page223)

The Trip Art Bible


5.6.10 Stationary Light

Stationary Light Real World A tent pole.

Madness World A tiki torch / lamp

Poly Count 195

Model Path Content\Models\lamp.fbx

Concept Art Rendered Model

Light In Game

The Trip Art Bible


5.6.11 Proximity Light

Proximity Light Real World An electric bug zapper. Madness World

An industrial production light like the type of lights used in photo shoots. It’s decorated with bark and tribal patterns.

Poly Count 280 Model Path Content\Models\proximityLight.fbx

Rendered Model

In Game

The Trip Art Bible


5.6.12 Gas Can

Gas Can Real World A portable plastic gas can with a straw like nozzle. Madness World

A flask shaped metallic container. Its nozzle is smashed in and stubby. It has a large black “X” on the side to indicate danger.

Poly Count 181 Model Path Content\Models\gas.fbx

Concept Art Rendered Model

In Game Effect

The Trip Art Bible


5.6.13 Generator

Generator Real World A large “igloo” cooler. Madness World

A combination of a portable gasoline generator, and “igloo” cooler and a car engine. It has an exhaust pipe sticking out and up from one end which gives off white smoke.

Poly Count 364 Model Path Content\Models\generator.fbx

Concept Art

Rendered Model

In Game Effects

The Trip Art Bible


5.6.14 Fuel

Fuel Real World Rocks, trash, tall grass. Madness World

A large, green crystalline structure that seems to grow out of the ground like a plant. The roots are discolored to appear as if the crystals have been plucked out of the ground.

Poly Count 108 Model Path Content\Models\fuel.fbx

Concept Art

Rendered Model

Refueling Effect In Game

The Trip Art Bible


5.7 Other Visual Effects

5.7.1 Panic moments

During a Panic Moment, a red pulsing point light is activated on the player. This light stays

on until the player is either revived or dead.

Figure 19: Akinsanya posed during a panic moment and wielding the flare gun

Figure 20: Vikram, in death, wielding the light gun

The Trip Art Bible


5.7.2 Post-Processing

A few post processing effects are applied to the final image to enhance the final look of the

game. Edge detection is performed which darkens the outlines around the characters. A

bloom effect is also applied which enhances the illumination of the environment. Finally,

certain objects have 'illuminance' maps which allows them to be seen in the darkness, e.g.,

the Terrors, the lantern.

The world is not completely dark. A slight blue tint is added (a light blue directional light)

which simulates moonlight and allows players to see faint outlines of objects in the


5.8 Animation and Poses

The character models and terror models are rigged to support a variety of poses and

animations during different gameplay actions.

All four of the playable characters share the same skeleton, except for Holly who has some

extra joints. They all share the same animations. In addition, the characters also have a set

poses. These poses help in positioning objects, e.g., holding a handgun.

The Trip Art Bible


Character Model Poses Hold Weapon Character extends one hand to hold barrel of weapon and the

other hand at the trigger Hold Object Character extends hands to hold an object against their chest Pushing Generator Character bends over and extends hands, palms out in a pushing

stance. Character can move both forwards and backwards

Figure 21: Holly pushing the generator

Terror Model Animations Run Forward Terrors shuffles feet forward Turn Left/Right Terror shuffles feet in place Open Mouth/Roar Terror opens mount sideways Attack Terror opens mount sideways Take Damage Terror stops moving momentarily Die Terror disappears

The Trip Art Bible


Character Model Animations Run Forward Character leans forwards and runs Run Backward Character leans backwards and runs Sidestep Right/Left Character crosses legs Pick Up Item Bend over, grasp item on the ground Drop Item Release held object or weapon Enter Panic Moment Fall backward toward the ground Turn in Place Shuffle feet Die While on the ground, go limp and lifeless Push/Pull Generator Bend towards the generator and place

hands on it Enter Panic Moment Falls down on back Panic Moment Idle Legs bent, lying on back with arms extended

forward, holding a handgun Panic Moment Turn In Place Shuffling feet while turning Idle Slowly bob up and down while breathing

Figure 22: Brad wielding the hand gun

The Trip Art Bible


Figure 26: Vikram carrying the gas can

Figure 25: Akinsanya picking up the tag gun

Figure 24: Brad carrying the stationary light

Figure 23: Holly falling and wielding the spot light