4Top SAT Words

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  • 8/11/2019 4Top SAT Words


    Other Top SAT Words

    Abate - Subside

    Abhor - Loathe

    Acumen - Knowledge of, smarts*

    Adroit - Skillful

    Aesthetic - Having to do with beauty ofappearance*

    Amass - Assemble

    Ambivalent - Having mixed feelings, uncertain

    Anachronism - Out of harmony with the present*

    Anomaly - Oddity

    Aptitude - Ability

    Ascetic - One who practice self-denial (e.g. amonk)*

    Astute - Smart, "with it"

    Benevolent - Kindly

    Blithe - Carefree

    Bombastic - Overblown, inflated

    Bucolic - Related to country living

    Circuitous - Roundabout, indirect

    Circumspect - Careful, Cautious*

    Clamorous - Noisy

    Condone - To overlook bad behavior

    Diaphanous - Filmy, sheer

    Decorous - Well-Mannered

    Dichotomy - Division into two mutually exclusivegroups

    Didactic - Intended to teach*

    Dilatory - Dragging one's feet, delaying

    Dupe - Trick, fool

    Effusive - Gushing

    Elated - Overjoyed

    Eminent - Well-known, respected

    Emollient - Balm, intended to soften or soothe

    Enervate - Sap of energy, tire out

    Epitome - Essence

    Equivocal - Vague, Refusing to give a clear


    Feasible - Doable

    Fortuitous - Occurring by (lucky) chance

    Germane - Relevant

    Guile - Trickery

    Harbinger - Warning

    Hyperbole - Exaggeration

    Iconoclast - Revolutionary*

    Idiosyncratic - An (odd) characteristic particular to

    an individual

    Indict - Formally accuse

    Ineffable - Inexpressible

    Ingenious - Clever

    Imminent - About to happen

    Immutable - Fixed, unable to be changed

    Innocuous - Harmless

    Intrepid - Brave

    Irrevocable - Unable to be undone

    Lackadaisical - Not caring, indifferent

    Latent - Present but not visible

    Malleable - Easy to mold, change shape

    Mar - Stain or Ruin

  • 8/11/2019 4Top SAT Words


    Mellifluous - Sweet-Sounding

    Mercenary - Soldier for hire

    Meticulous - Precise, detail-oriented*

    Noxious - Foul, harmful

    Obliterate - Destroy thoroughly

    Obsequious - Servile, used to describe a sycophant*

    Obtrude - Stick out

    Onus - Burden

    Ostentatious - Showy, over the top

    Paradox - Apparent contradiction

    Paradigm - Model*

    Parsimonious - Stingy, tight-fisted

    Pedantic - Knowledgeable but exceedingly boring

    (think of the dullest teacher you ever had) *

    Peruse - Inspect closely

    Pragmatic - Practical*

    Prolific - Productive

    Propagate - To spread

    Protean - Capable of assuming many differentforms

    Prudent - Practical

    Prurient - Titillating

    Pulchritude - Beauty

    Quandary - Dilemma, difficult situation

    Quell - Put a stop to

    Quiescent - Quiet

    Quixotic - Romantic and impractical *

    Rancor - Fury

    Recidivism - Slipping back into crime or badbehavior/habits

    Renege - Go back on one's word

    Scrutinize - Examine very closely*

    Sporadic - Occurring inconsistently

    Solicitous - Caring, Concerned

    Superfluous - Excessive

    Surreptitious - Secretive

    Sybarite - One who loves luxury

    Sycophant - Suck-up*

    Tedious - Boring

    Temporize - Procrastinate

    Torpid - Inactive or sluggish

    Unequivocal - Decisive

    Unwieldy - Awkward, difficult to handle

    Visceral - Instinctive, opp. of rational

    Watershed - Tipping point

    Zenith - High point, apex