4th West & Central Africa Mining Summit 2011

Visit the Exhibition! Free to Qualified Trade Visitors by Pre-Registration Visiting Hours: 26 September – 10.00am to 5.00pm 27 September – 9.00am to 5.00pm To Pre-Register, Please Email: [email protected] Our Distinguished Speakers Include: Hon Mike Hammah, Minister, Ministry of Lands and Natural Resources, Ghana (confirming) Dr Joyce Aryee, CEO, Ghana Chamber of Mines Benjamin Aryee, Chief Executive , Minerals Commission of Ghana Hon A Kpandel Fayia, Deputy Minister for Planning And Development, Ministry of Lands, Mines & Energy of Liberia Dr Gaétan Roch Moloto-A-Kenguemba, Adviser, Prime Minister Office - Central African Republic (CAR), Councillor Central Aican Region , Geological Society of Africa (GSAf) Marcus S Wleh, Manager,Corporate Responsibility , ArcelorMittal Liberia Peter von Klemperer, Director , Mining and Metals , Standard Bank Prof John C Anyanwu, Lead Research Economist , African Development Bank Gabriel Kamga, Managing Director , BHP Billiton, Gabon Gregory Jones, Finance Director , Seizon International Limited, Hong Kong Tshediso Mabelane, Managing Director , Newblak Investments Gibril Bangura, Executive Chairman , AML Sierra Leone, African Minerals Kevin omson, Exploration Manager , Perseus Mining Claude Mwenze Kiswaka, Commercial Manager , La Générale des Carrières et des Mines (Gecamines) George Kwatia, Partner, PricewaterhouseCoopers Dr Désiré Vencatachellum, Director , African Development Bank Gold Sponsor Associate Sponsor Produced & Owned by: How regional governments are reforming mining codes e current mining activities in Ghana, Liberia, Guinea, Burkina Faso, Ivory Coast, DRC, Senegal, Guinea, Gabon, CAR, Sierra Leone, Congo, Cameroon, Mali and Mauritania Techniques to minimize risk and ensure regulatory compliance in Africa How to raise capital for exploration and expansion including private equity, joint venture partnerships, project finance, debt financing and structured finance What bulk commodities and metals are in the spotlight with high investors’ interest Market outlook on iron ore, gold, silver, bauxite, manganese, zircon, limestone, phosphate and rare-earth elements Upcoming gold projects & is the gold market overheating Upcoming Chinese Mining investments into Africa How to structure partnerships with major African, Australian and Canadian mining companies New developments in various government taxation & royalties regimes Financial modeling in mining projects Who are the dealmakers & brokers Receive first-hand information on: 4 th West & Central Africa Mining Summit 2011 26 - 27 September 2011 Accra International Conference Centre Accra, Ghana Into its 4th year, this niche, high profile Summit will gather top representatives from governments and senior decision makers from the industry. Listen to keynote addresses, benefit from insightful dynamic presentations, visit the technology showcase and takeadvantageofextraordinarynetworkingopportunities. REGISTER BEFORE27 AuGuST 2011 TO SAVE$200! cheryl Email [email protected] or call Neil at +65 6391 2562


The 4th West & Central Africa Mining Summit 2011 tackles the unique prospects in West & Central Africa\'s mining investment space, spotlighting the movers and shakers, current hot spots, gaps and expert recommendations. The gathering will offer a serious two-day intensive platform for interaction, exchange of ideas, learning and finding common solutions to current strategic challenges as well as boosting greater interaction and co-operation between Africa and Asia, Europe, North America and Australia! The conference will be held in Accra International Conference Centre, Accra, Ghana on September 26 to 27, 2011. For details, please contact Mr. Neil Reyes at [email protected] or call +65 6391 2562

Transcript of 4th West & Central Africa Mining Summit 2011

Page 1: 4th West & Central Africa Mining Summit 2011

Visit the Exhibition! Free to Qualified Trade Visitors

by Pre-Registration

Visiting Hours:26 September – 10.00am to 5.00pm27 September – 9.00am to 5.00pm

To Pre-Register, Please Email:[email protected]

Our Distinguished Speakers Include:

• HonMikeHammah, Minister, Ministry ofLandsandNatural Resources, Ghana (confirming)• DrJoyceAryee, CEO, Ghana Chamber ofMines• Benjamin Aryee, Chief Executive , Minerals Commission ofGhana• HonAKpandelFayia, Deputy Minister for Planning And Development, Ministry ofLands,Mines &Energy ofLiberia• DrGaétanRochMoloto-A-Kenguemba,

Adviser, PrimeMinister Office- Central AfricanRepublic (CAR),

Councillor Central African Region ,Geological Society ofAfrica(GSAf)

• Marcus SWleh, Manager,Corporate Responsibility ,ArcelorMittal Liberia

• Peter vonKlemperer, Director ,Mining and Metals , Standard Bank• ProfJohnCAnyanwu, Lead Research Economist , AfricanDevelopment Bank• Gabriel Kamga, Managing Director , BHPBilliton, Gabon• Gregory Jones, Finance Director , Seizon International Limited, Hong Kong• Tshediso Mabelane, Managing Director , Newblak Investments• Gibril Bangura, Executive Chairman , AMLSierra Leone, AfricanMinerals• KevinThomson, Exploration Manager , Perseus Mining• Claude Mwenze Kiswaka, Commercial Manager , LaGénérale desCarrières etdesMines

(Gecamines)• George Kwatia, Partner, PricewaterhouseCoopers• DrDésiré Vencatachellum, Director , AfricanDevelopment Bank

Gold Sponsor Associate SponsorProduced & Owned by:

• Howregional governments arereforming mining codes

• ThecurrentminingactivitiesinGhana, Liberia, Guinea, Burkina Faso, IvoryCoast,DRC,Senegal, Guinea, Gabon, CAR, Sierra Leone, Congo, Cameroon, MaliandMauritania

• Techniquestominimize riskandensure regulatory compliance inAfrica

• Howtoraisecapital forexploration andexpansion including private equity, jointventure partnerships, project finance, debt financing and structured finance

• Whatbulkcommodities andmetalsareinthespotlight withhigh investors’ interest

• Marketoutlookonironore,gold,silver, bauxite, manganese, zircon, limestone,phosphate andrare-earth elements

• Upcominggoldprojects &isthegoldmarket overheating

• UpcomingChineseMining investments intoAfrica

• Howtostructure partnerships withmajor African, Australian and Canadian miningcompanies

• Newdevelopments invariousgovernment taxation &royalties regimes

• Financialmodelinginmining projects

• Whoarethedealmakers &brokers


4th West & Central Africa Mining Summit 2011

26 - 27 September 2011Accra International Conference CentreAccra, Ghana

Into its 4th year, this niche, high profile Summit willgather top representatives fromgovernments and seniordecisionmakersfromtheindustry.

Listen to keynote addresses, benefit from insightfuldynamicpresentations,visitthetechnologyshowcaseandtakeadvantageofextraordinarynetworkingopportunities.



Email [email protected] or call Neil at +65 6391 2562

Page 2: 4th West & Central Africa Mining Summit 2011

4th West & Central Africa Mining Summit 2011

26 - 27 September 2011Accra International Conference CentreAccra, Ghana

The 4th West & Central Africa MiningSummit 2011 is strategically hosted in Accra, theheartofminingactivities inAfrica. Designed toprovideyouwiththeonlybroadcomprehensive analysis of the latest exploration activities andhighlights challenges and opportunities that theextractiveindustryisfacingintheWest&Central parts ofAfrica– the only authoritative platform onthismarket.The Summit will cover topics such as the latest regulatory and tax challenges, growth drivers forWest & Central Africa’s mining industry andoutlookonforeigninvestments comingfromChinaand elsewhere. You will hear up-to-date reports on minerals extractions of iron ore, gold, bauxite, manganese, zircon, limestone, phosphate and rare-earthelements(Lithium, Tantalum, Niobium). TheSummit will also examine upcoming investment opportunities in Ghana, Liberia, Guinea, Burkina Faso, IvoryCoast,DRC, Senegal, Guinea, Gabon, CAR, Sierra Leone, Congo, Cameroon, Mali andMauritania.



20%Merchant Banks/Project Finance &Investment

33%Senior &Junior Mining Companies

4%Mining Software Technology/Equipment &Machinery Producers


5%Consulting Companies




Industry Associations



AMustAttendFor:• SeniorandJuniorMiningCompanies• InvestmentandFinancingFirms• GovernmentandRegulators• StockExchangesandCommodityExchanges• MerchantBanks• MiningandMetalConsultants /Traders• FundManagementCompanies• Geologists• ProjectFinanceManagers• ConsultingCompanies• LawFirms• MiningSoftwareTechnologyProviders• MiningMachineryandEquipment Producers• IndustryAssociations

Summit 2010Audience ProfilebyJobTitle

5%ChiefOperating Officer/Business Operations Manager

7%Research/Mining Analyst &Consultant

7%Exploration Manager/Geologist

8%Technical Director/


36%Chairman/President/CEO/Managing Director/Country Manager


Development Manager/Marketing Manager

6%HeadofCorporate AffairsandSocialDevelopment

5%Principal Policy&Planning Officer


Controller/Investment Officer


To find ouT more abouT SponSorShip & ShowcaSe opporTuniTieSEmail [email protected] today!


DISCOVERNEWPROJECTPARTNERSHIPOPPORTuNITIES!Email [email protected] or call Neil at +65 6391 2562

Page 3: 4th West & Central Africa Mining Summit 2011

8.00 Registration

9.00 WelcomeRemarksfromMagentaGlobal

9.05 Chairman’sOpeningRemarks

9.10 OpeningMinisterialKeynoteSpeech:Ghana’sMineral Resources:GeologicalContextandIndustrialand CommercialOpportunities • Exploringdiverseminerals:gold,diamonds,manganese oreandbauxite • Strongrailandroadnetworktosupportmineralactivities • Availabilityofgeologicaldata HonMikeHammah,Minister, MinistryofLandsandNaturalResources,Ghana(confirming)

9.30 IndustryKeynoteAddress:AfricaandEnvironmental Issues DrJoyceAryee,CEO,GhanaChamberofMines

10.00 RegulatoryPolicyDevelopmentsIncludingGhana’s IncreaseofMiningRoyaltiesanditsImpacton MiningSector BenjaminAryee,Chief Executive, MineralsCommissionofGhana


11.00 OverviewofManganeseMiningActivities inGabon GabrielKamga,Managing Director,BHPBillitonGabon

11.20 LiberiaFocus:ExploringInvestmentEnvironment and MiningProjectOpportunities • HowtoinvestinLiberiaminingprojectsasaforeigninvestor? • Assessingcountryrisk:HowdoesLiberiacomparewith itsneighbours? • GuidetokeymineraldepositsandprojectsintheLiberian market(gold,ironore,diamonds) • Investmentcasestudies HonAKpandelFayia,Deputy Minister for Planning and Development,MinistryofLands,Mines&EnergyofLiberia

11.40 ExtractiveSectorintheCentralAfricanRepublic(CAR) withFocusonGold,IronOre,uraniumandDiamonds DrGaétanRochMoloto-A-Kenguemba, Adviser, PrimeMinisterOffice- CentralAfricanRepublic(CAR) Councillor Central African Region , GeologicalSocietyofAfrica(GSAf) Geoscientiste,universityofBangui

12.00 OpportunitiesforPhosphate,Gold,IronOre,Zirconand IndustrialLimestoneinSenegal • Senegalsettorankasatoptenphosphateproducerworldwide • OneofAfrica’sfutureleadinggoldproducers • Aworldclassironoredepositstobeexploitedinthenear future • IndustrialLimestonevssatisfyingregionalcementdemand DrMoussaSylla,Director of Mining & Geology , MinistryofMines,Senegal

12.20 SierraLeoneMiningandMiningInvestmentOutlook • MajorprojectsupdateacrosstheSierraLeonemining industry • Exploringtherichnessinnaturalresources:rutile,bauxite, goldandironore • Stepstoimprovesafetyandtheimpactonproduction levels GibrilBangura,Executive Chairman,AMLSierraLeone, AfricanMinerals

12.40 Presentation bytheNigerianStockExchange TabaPeterside, General Manager / Head , Listings SalesandRetention, TheNigerian Stock Exchange


14.00 Growth, Opportunity andMarketRiskinaMinerals Boom(PanelDiscussion) • Whereshouldinvestors focustheirattention rightnow? • Predictions onhowlongthecurrent minerals boomwilllast • Areween-route tohigherpricesforcommodities inthe longterm?Whatdoesthismeanfortheindustry? • Ourpanellists’ predictions forfuture trendsincoal, iron ore,copper andbasemetals,precious metals,uranium, lithiumandrareearths ThomasEnnisonLLM, Director, Corporate Secretary & Legal Advisor ,PMIGold GibrilBangura, Executive Chairman , AMLSierraLeone,AfricanMinerals Gregory Jones, Finance Director, SeizonInternational Limited, HongKong DavidAwuah-Darko, CEO, ICSecurities Holdings Limited GeorgeKwatia, Partner, PricewaterhouseCoopers

14.30 ChinaandtheAfricaResourceSector- China’s Investment intoAfricaandWhichCommodities ChinaConsiders MostValuable • China’s resourceconsumption outlook (bauxite, copper, iron-ore, lead,manganese, phosphorous, sulphur andzinc) • China’s outlookformining investment inAfrica • Chinese mining enterprises favouring Africa’s listed mining enterprises • Imperatives forAfricancompanies looking toleverage Chinese opportunity Gregory Jones, Finance Director , SeizonInternational Limited, HongKong

15.00 Presentation byAtlasCopco PatrickAttipoe, Business Line Manager - Underground Rock Excavation (URE) ,AtlasCopcoGhanaLtd


16.00 Central Ashanti GoldProject (Ayanfuri) inGhanaandthe OutlookforGoldExploration Activities inCoted’Ivoire ProfJohnAnyanwu, Lead Research Economist , AfricanDevelopment Bank

16.30 ExploringKeySuccessFactors foraMining Project in Burkina Faso • Assessing thegeology andnatural resource opportunities (e.ggoldandmanganese) • Infrastructure tosupport mining projects • Understanding thelicensing process formining and exploration projects 17.00 FromCongotoMauritania: Developing Mining Enterprises intheResourceRichWest&Central Africa Region(PanelDiscussion) • Mining industry projections andoutlooks • Keytrendsanddevelopments inthemining sector • Regulatory developments andinvestment incentives Gabriel Kamga,Managing Director ,BHPBilliton Gabon DrMoussaSylla, Director of Mining & Geology , Ministry ofMines, Senegal KevinThomson, Exploration Manager ,Perseus Mining Gregory Jones, Finance Director , SeizonInternational Limited, HongKong

17.30 EndofDayOne

regiSTer before 27 auguST 2011 To Save $200!Email [email protected] or call +65 6391 2552


DayOne–26 September 2011, Monday

Email [email protected] or call Neil at +65 6391 2562

Page 4: 4th West & Central Africa Mining Summit 2011

9.00 Chairman’sRemarks

9.15 TheChallengeofFundingMiningProjectsinWestand CentralAfrica-TheOpportunitiesOfferedbySouth AfricanDevelopmentFinanceInstitutions (e.g.IDC, DBSA,PIC) • Projectfinancing–miningperspective • ThemandateofSouthAfrica’sdevelopmentfinance institutions(DFI’s)–theexperienceoffundingminingprojects intheSouthernAfricanDevelopmentCommunity(SADC) • SouthAfrica’sDFI’sinminingprojectsintheWest& CentralAfricanmininglandscape • IssuesinleveragingSouthAfrica’sDFIfinancingformining projectsinWest&CentralAfrica MhlanganoLMaphalala,Principal Advisor - Synergy, Synthesis&SynchAdvisory,Prop5Corporation

9.40 uncoveringNewOpportunitiesforInvestorsinWest& CentralAfrica • Thedirectinvestmentenvironmentintheregion • UncoveringreturnsinAfrica’sminingprojects • Howtoovercomethegeopolitical risk • Fundskeycriteriaandconcernswheninvesting • Riskratiosthatfundsareseekinginemergingmarkets PetervonKlemperer,Director, Mining and Metals , StandardBank

10.10 GhanaianandWestAfricanCapitalMarketandits PositioningtotheDevelopmentofMiningIndustry DavidAwuah-Darko,CEO,ICSecuritiesHoldingsLimited


11.00 EmergingOpportunitiesforPrivateEquity • Whatareprivateequityandprivateinvestorsconsidering in mininginvestmentstoday? • OpportunitiesintheAfricanexplorationminingsector • Comparingminingprojectsatdifferentstages–identifying themostlucrative • Whoarethedealmakersandbrokers? TshedisoMabelane, Managing Director ,NewblakInvestments

11.30 FinancialModellingintheMiningSector DrDésiréVencatachellum,Director, AfricanDevelopmentBank

12.00 TaxationandtheMiningIndustry-anupdate GeorgeKwatia, Partner,PricewaterhouseCoopers

12.30 ProvidingCapitaltoMiningCompaniesthatareFocused onInvestmentinAfrica(PanelDiscussion) • Howtoraisecapitalforjuniorandmid-tiercompanies? • Identifyingthedifferencebetweenvariousstock exchangesandprivateinvestors • Exploringthebeststrategies TshedisoMabelane,Managing Director ,NewblakInvestments DavidAwuah-Darko,CEO,ICSecuritiesHoldingsLimited PetervonKlemperer,Director, Mining and Metals , StandardBank KobbyAndah, President & CEO , SonghaiDevelopmentPartners


DayTwo–27 September 2011, Tuesday

14.00 Development updatesonRegulatory Plansfor State-owned andPrivate Mines • Howisgovernment ensuring theregion isacompetitive mining investment destination? • Updates onconcessions andlicensing issuesforforeign explorers andoperators • Whatassurance cangovernment provideprivate mines that theirinvestment isprotected? VictorGborglah, Partner, Ernst&Young

14.30 Corporate Responsibility andEnvironmental Sustainability WithinMiningBusiness Environment MarcusSWleh, Manager, Corporate Responsibility, ArcelorMittal Liberia

15.00 Small-Scale MininginAfrica:Tackling Pressing Environmental ProblemswithImproved Strategy • Looking attheenvironmental matters • Whattechnology isoutthere? • Dowedamage theenvironment?


16.00 MiningandtheEconomy ofSierraLeone • Sierra Leoneisrichlyendowedinimportant mineral resources, including diamond, bauxite, gold, rutile, ilmenite, andzircon. Thoughthecountry hasrecently diversified its mineral exports, theirshareinitstotalexports hadbeen dwindling: falling fromapeakof93%oftotal exports in 1992toalowofabout60%in2009. • Mineral exports notonlyaccounts forasmall percentage of GDPbutthisalsodeclinedfromapeakof20%in1992to just about7%in2009.Worsestill, mineral revenue as ashareoftotaldomesticrevenue isminiscule, averaging just 2%between 2001and2009. • Employment inthemining sectorisalsolow,around2.6% to4.5%ofnational employment. • Moreover, mineral exports areadragoneconomic growth ofSierraLeone. ProfJohnCAnyanwu, Chief Research Economist , AfricanDevelopment Bank

16.30 GoldExploration andtheCreation ofAddedValue inSub SaharanAfrica….Focusing onWest&Central Africa • Overview oftheupandcoming goldprojects • Isthemarketoverheating? ThomasEnnison, LLM,Director, Corporate Secretary & Legal Advisor ,PMIGold

17.00 MoreEquitableGainsfromGoldMining Transactions inAfrica • Whataretherelationships between goldmining transactions anddevelopment outcomes? • Howthefinancing ofgoldmining operations areusually structured inAfrica? • Arethereanyrelationships between thestructure ofgold mining transactions andpotential development outcomes? • Whataretherolesofdevelopment finance institutions (e.g. AfricanDevelopment Bank)inhelping finance and structure transactions inordertomaximize their development impacts? Forthisarea,wewouldliketo specifically focusonmining conventions usually signed between Africangovernments andmining firmsandhow theyconformtoenactedmining codes. DrOusmanGajigo, Economist ,AfricanDevelopment Bank

17.30 Chairman’s ClosingRemarksandEndofSummit

BuILDRELATIONSHIPSWITHKEYDECISIONMAKERS!Email [email protected] or call Neil at +65 6391 2562

Page 5: 4th West & Central Africa Mining Summit 2011

4th West & Central Africa Mining Summit 2011

26 - 27 September 2011Accra International Conference CentreAccra, Ghana

MaximizeYourInvestment:Sponsorship and Showcase Opportunities Available

Asthepremierminingsummit, thisiswhere relationships areformed, projects are discussed and deals are initiated!

Reinforce yourcompany’s activities andcommitment totheindustry with our tailor-made packages.

Jointheseexhibitors toshowcase your company strategic andtechnical expertise.

Gold cum Badge & Lanyard Sponsor Atlas Copco isanindustrial group with world-leading positions in compressors, construction and mining equipment, power tools and assembly systems. The Group delivers sustainable solutions for

company isheadquartered inStockholm, Sweden and has aglobal reach spanning more than 170

AtlasCopcoGhanaLimited wasestablished in1992toserve thecountry’s mining industry (both inunderground andsurface operations). The company is currently a leading supplier of mining equipment, compressors, road construction equipment (Dynapac) aswellasaftermarket services inthecountry. Ithas branches inAccra, Obuasi, andTarkwa with atotal of128employees anditsregional responsibility covers thewholeofWest Africa.

Thevision ofAtlas Copco istobecome and remain ‘First in Mind -First in Choice’ for customers and other stakeholders.

Associate Sponsor TheNigerian Stock Exchange ,established in1960,services thesecond largest financial market in sub-Saharan Africa. Licensed under theInvestment Securities Act,ithas operated as amarketplace for trading investment instruments forover 50years. In1999,TheNigerian Stock Exchange launched an electronic trading platform, transforming theexchange into amodern securities exchange. Theexchange has atotal of14trading floors including themain floor atthecompany’s headquarters inLagos.

Intoday’s global market, TheNigerian Stock Exchange strives tobethe leading securities exchange intheAfrican region - the gatewaytoAfricanfrontier markets. Offering abroad range ofequities, theExchange isexpanding its product andservice offerings toincludeindices,ETFs/structured products anddata products.

TheNigerianStockExchange ismorethan amarketplace. Weprovide listing services forcompanies andfunds, disseminate price quotesandothermarket data, calculate andmarket indices, andmuchmore -activities which effectively contribute to Nigeria’s economic growth. The Nigerian Stock Exchange is committed to building credibility and transparency that will encourage participation byinvestors, bothlocal andinternational individuals andfunds.



Email [email protected] or call Michael at +65 6391 2541Email [email protected] or call Michael at +65 6391 2541

Email [email protected] or call Nashalia at +65 6391 2532


Email [email protected] or call Desiree at +65 6391 2551Email [email protected] or call Maricel at +65 6391 2535

Email [email protected] or call Neil at +65 6391 2562

countries. TheGroupstrives tobeagood andreliable corporate citizen byacting responsibly towards

increased customer productivity through innovative products and services. Founded in 1873, the

its customers, the environment and society.

Email [email protected] for your partnership / exhibition prospectus.

Page 6: 4th West & Central Africa Mining Summit 2011

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• crediT card: Payment by VISA (SGD), MasterCard (SGD) or AMEX (SGD & USD) accepted.

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Full payment must be received prior to the event for entrance to be guaranteed. If payment is not received a personal credit card will be required to allow entry.

A confirmation letter and invoice will be sent to you on receipt of your booking. If you are unable to attend, a substitute delegate is always welcome.If you cancel your place in writing 15 working days before the event, a cancellation fee of 10% shall be applicable. Thereafter cancellations are not refundable.

It may be necessary for reasons beyond the control of the organizers to alter the content,timings or venue. The company will not accept liability for any transport disruption or any claims whatsoever and in such circumstances the normal cancellation restrictions apply.

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The personal information provided by you will be held on a database and may be shared with companies in the Magenta Group. Sometimes your details may be made available to external companies for marketing purposes. If you do not wish your details to be used for this purpose, please email the Database Administrator at [email protected]

venue informaTion

accra international conference centre P O Box C 1054, Contonent, Accra, Ghana

hoTeL informaTion

La palm royal beach hotelPO Box OS 3000Osu, Accra, GhanaTel: +233 302 215100fax: +233 302 771 717email: [email protected]: Contact: ms. eyram/ ms. mispahTel: 90 212 337 30 00

viSa reQuiremenTS

Visitors to Ghana must hold a valid passport. Nationals of most countries are required to obtain visas to enter the country. Please check with your respective Ghana embassy, consulate or travel agent for the latest status.

magenta global pte LtdRegistration No.: 200707851H20 Kallang Avenue Level 2 Pico Creative CentreSingapore 339411Tel: (65) 6391 2552Fax: (65) 6392 3592

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26 August 2011

uS$ 1995

uS$ 1795 (per delegate)

uS$ 995

early bird feeRegister & Pay before

26 August 2011

uS$ 1795

uS$ 1595(per delegate)

uS$ 895


TeL: +65 6391 2531 Neil

[email protected]