4th (DLMC) MEETING HELD ON DEPUTY COMMISSIONER P ASIGHAT…arunachalplan.nic.in/html/District Level...

INUTES OF THE 4th DISTRICT LEVEL MONITORING COMMITTEE (DLMC) MEETING HELD ON 71712011 IN THE CONFERENCE HALL OF DEPUTY COMMISSIONER PASIGHAT. The meeting began with welcome address by Deputy Commissioner Pasighat Shri Onit Panyang . In his welcome and introductory address he highlighted the significant and objective of the meeting and appealed all participants to make the meeting a purposeful and as objective as possible. The list of members attended the meeting is appended at ANNEXURE-A Presentation of report from sub-divisionai nevel m.onitorilll1! !Committee (SDLMC) Findio2S of SDLMC meetun2: Roieo1! :- As per resolution adopted in the 3rd meeting ofDLMC, there will be a sub-divisional level monitoring committee (SDLMC) meeting quarterly and place the report in the meeting of DLMC by the ADC cum Chairman of SDLMC. Accordingly ADC Boleng presented the monitoring report taken up at his area, however ADC Pasighat, Nari, l\1ebo & SDO Ruksin could not do the same but pledged to go in line shortly. for making the SDLMC effective and successful some amount @ 0.5%-1 % be kept aside for monitoring purpose against the scheme which are to be monitored by the SDLMC for incurring expenditure on Pol item, photography and fooding during the meeting and site visit of the members. ~fst ~ Points unanimously adopted in the meeting are :- ~"'~O"d"ct of SDLMC meetiol!Ouarterly:- ~ •. ~ The house resolved to have SDLMC meeting quarterly and place the report in the .\1 district level monitoring committee (DLMC) meeting. The monitoring of schemes under centrally sponsored schemes like SPA, ACA and others be done in three phases i.e first visit at the initial stage of the scheme, second at middle and the final one at the stage of completion. The scheme implementing department shall mandatorily furnish the list of schemes with DPR to the concerned chairman of SDLMC well in advance for monitoring purpose. (1 lf1 ft-.A I \M)' .rW\'J'-~ n f1 ~ L\ ~'k ••• n.· \ ~I' cSJ- 1'\<'.' ...ft Unless the list of schemes with DPR under centrally sponsored schemes like SPA, ACA, NLCPR, NEC etc. which are to be monitored are not furnished to the chairman SDLMC by the concerned implementing department well in advance any kind of monitoring work can not be done properly. ~ ~01 j~~ >...J..I'i :~~ ~~ ~~ •• z"l .- ~a (i)

Transcript of 4th (DLMC) MEETING HELD ON DEPUTY COMMISSIONER P ASIGHAT…arunachalplan.nic.in/html/District Level...


The meeting began with welcome address by Deputy Commissioner Pasighat ShriOnit Panyang . In his welcome and introductory address he highlighted the significant andobjective of the meeting and appealed all participants to make the meeting a purposefuland as objective as possible.

The list of members attended the meeting is appended at ANNEXURE-A

Presentation of report from sub-divisionai nevel m.onitorilll1! !Committee (SDLMC)

Findio2S of SDLMC meetun2: Roieo1! :-

As per resolution adopted in the 3rd meeting ofDLMC, there will be a sub-divisionallevel monitoring committee (SDLMC) meeting quarterly and place the report in themeeting of DLMC by the ADC cum Chairman of SDLMC. Accordingly ADC Bolengpresented the monitoring report taken up at his area, however ADC Pasighat, Nari,l\1ebo & SDO Ruksin could not do the same but pledged to go in line shortly.

for making the SDLMC effective and successful some amount @ 0.5%-1 % bekept aside for monitoring purpose against the scheme which are to be monitoredby the SDLMC for incurring expenditure on Pol item, photography and foodingduring the meeting and site visit of the members.

~fst ~ Points unanimously adopted in the meeting are :-

~"'~O"d"ct of SDLMC meetiol!Ouarterly:-

~ •. ~ The house resolved to have SDLMC meeting quarterly and place the report in the.\1 district level monitoring committee (DLMC) meeting. The monitoring of schemesunder centrally sponsored schemes like SPA, ACA and others be done in three phasesi.e first visit at the initial stage of the scheme, second at middle and the final one at thestage of completion. The scheme implementing department shall mandatorily furnishthe list of schemes with DPR to the concerned chairman of SDLMC well in advance

for monitoring purpose. (1 lf1 ft-.A I\M)' .rW\'J'-~ n f1 ~ L\~'k ••• n.· \ ~I' cSJ- 1'\<'.' ...ft

Unless the list of schemes with DPR under centrally sponsored schemes likeSPA, ACA, NLCPR, NEC etc. which are to be monitored are not furnished tothe chairman SDLMC by the concerned implementing department well inadvance any kind of monitoring work can not be done properly.

~ ~01j~~>...J..I'i

:~~~~~~••z"l.-~a (i)

It was unanimously decided that the final payments to the contractors against theschemes under SPAIACA/NLCPR/NEC/RIDF /PM's PACKAGE shall not be released

by the executing agency unless certified by the DLMC/SDLMC. Violation of this byanyone shall be dealt with seriously by the DLMC/SDLMC member for the sake ofpeople's interest at large.

30 Joint monitori"!! :-

The house was again unanimous on the view of joint monitoring works of schemesby third party monitors and DLMC/SDLMC members for achieving greatertransparency in the proceeding of monitoring and supervision as it is meant for. Anygrass root level and ground realities could only be ascertained by involvement of localbody in the process of monitoring on schemes being undertaken in their area.

40 Provision for expem~es of mOIDlitorin2: work§:-

One of the consensus arrived in the meeting was that the work department shouldbear the expenditure incurred on photography charges of schemes, fooding and Politem of the DLMC/SDLMC members during its meeting and site visit fromcontingency fund against those schemes which are to be monitored.

While participating in the discussion, DC Pasighat appealed the house for spotmonitoring of schemes by DLMC/SDLMC members voluntarily for the developmentof the area in particular and also render all possible help and co-operation to theimplementing department for achieving meaningful and timely implementation of theschemes, without expecting any personal gain but to ensuring quality and timelyimplementation of projects as public money is involved.

5. Schemes Implemented bv EE PWD Division Pasi2hat:-

The EE PWD Pasighat informed the house that all schemes executed by hisdivision under NEC/ ACA/SP AlNLCPR etc. have attained almost 100% completion,

except that of infrastructure development of C. 0 Headquarter at Kora which is slow inprogress.

6. Schem.es Executed. bv FWD Division Bolcof!:-

The EE PWD Boleng apprised the house that projects under SPA, ACA, RIDF,NLCPR, etc. executed by his division are progressing well as per specification andshall be completed in due date.

7. Schemes Implemented by EE RWD Division Pasif!hat:-

The EE RWD Pasighat and his any representation did not turn up in the meeting.Hence schemes executed by RWD Pasighat could not be discussed by the house. Thehouse took strong exception to the absence ofEE RWD Pasighat every time ofDLMCmeeting. It also expressed its displeasure on the EE RWD for not producing the DPRof the road between MikonglMirem to the Sille despite assurance given by ASW RWDPasighat during the 3rd DLMC meeting.

8. Schemes Executed bv EE PRE & WS Division Pasi2bat:-

while reacting to the question over delay in supply of water to the villages of entire37- Pasighat constituency from Mega source point Ledum, the EE PHED Pasighatinformed the house that all possible steps would be resorted for early supply of water tothe said villages on priority.

9. Schemes Impiemented bv EE WRD Division Pasiehat:-

C/o Library building at Nari - Rs. 10 lakhs, C/o school building at Telam - Rs. 50lakhs, C/o Principal's quarter at Koyu Higher sec. school - Rs. 18 lakhs, C/o viceprincipal quarter at Koyu - Rs. 12 lakhs, C/o 3 unit barrack for medical staff at Koyu ­Rs. 6 lakhs, C/o boundary wall at PHC Telam - Rs. 14 lakhs under Nari - Koyu sub­division and C/o shool building at Yagrung - Rs. 1 crore and C/o office building ofLRSO under Pasighat sub-division are all the new and on going schemes under SPAexecuted by WRD division Pasighat as informed by EE WRD Pasighat which shall becompleted within scheduled time and as per specification.10. Schemes Executed bv BDO Mebo:-

The BDO Mebo informed the house that whatever projects under centrallysponsored schemes executed by her were monitored and inspected by a board of membersheaded by R. Perme EAC Pasighat on 13/5/2011 and report submitted to the GovernmentVide ESD/SPAlACA-43/2010-11 dated 20/5/2011.

( ponU~iifi\'g )For Deputy CommissionerEast Siang District, Pasighat

l1.Schemes Executed bv BDO Ruksin~-

Er. Agent Pangkak, E.O R.E representative of BDO Ruksin appraised the housethat all centrally sponsored schemes under SPA and others sanctioned during 2009-10being executed by BDO Ruksin had been completed as per specification. Theutilization certificate and completion report to this effect also already submitted to theGovernment and currently no ongoing/incomplete schemes available under BDORuksin.

Sd/ Onit PanyangDeputy Commissioner. Pasighat .

Memo ~o. ESD/DLMC-58/20IO-IIjlt6J-- ti6D Dated Pasighat the 7/7/2011

Copy to:- / .~he Secy. (Planning) Govt. of Arunachal Pradesh, Itanagar2. The Chief Engineer, RWD/WRDIPHE& WSIPWD,(EZ) Govt. of A.P

Itanagar3. The Director, RD Govt. of Arunachal Pradesh Itanagar4. The Director, PPP & PMU Govt. of A. P Itanagar.5. The Director (Planning) Govt. of A. P Itanagar.6. The PA to DC Pasighat E/Siang District.7. The ADC/SDO NariIBolenglMebolPasighatIRuksin8. The EE WRD/R WD/PHE& WS/PWD Division Pasighat/Boleng9. The C/Person Zila Parishad E/Siang District10.The BDO Ruksin/Mebo/Riga/Nari/Pasighat/Pangin11.The DIPRO Pasighat, East Siang District.I2.The CO (Dev) DC's Office Pasighat E/Siang District.13.The all ZPM, Ruksin/Bilat/Oyan-SillelBosing/Boggong/Nari/Pangin/Riga/

Mebo Banggo/Monggu Banggo/Rebo/14. Office Copy.15. Spare copy.



1. Shri Onit Panyang, DC Pasighat2. Shri S.C Debnath ADC Pasighat3. Shri K. Dulom ADC Boleng3. 8hri O. Dai ADC Mebo

4. Shri T. Mibang ADC Nari5. Smt. P. Boring DPO Pasighat6. Er. O. Padung EE. PHED Pasighjat7. Smt. I.R Ering BDO Mebo8. Smt. N. Ete, BDO Pangin9. Smt. O. Dai BDO Nari

10. Shri G. Angu BDO Riga11. Er. N. Paloh AE PHED Pasighat12. Er. D. N Padung EE WRD Pasighat13. Er. T. Darang EE PWD Pasighat14. Er. D. Bagra EE PWD Boleng15. 8mi T. Yirang ZPM Monggu-Bango16. Shri Namuk Taloh, ZPM Bosing17. Shri T. Pada RA DPO's Off. Pasighat18. Smt. N. Megu, ZPM Mebo Banggo19. Smt. Okiam Gao, ZPM Sille-Oyan20. Shri Nakek Moyong, ZPM Bilat.21. Smt. Yatop Jamoh, ZPM Rebo22. Shri Taben Jamoh ZPM Pangin23. Shri Tabiram Tatin, ZPM Riga24. Shri Takum Tasing" ZPM Boleng25. Shri Kenyom Dabi, ZPM Nari26. Shri Tonggeng Panyang, ZPM Ruksin27. Er. Agent Pangkak E.O R.E Ruksin