4th Angel Study Book

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  • 8/14/2019 4th Angel Study Book




    Compiled by Sr Raelene Lehmann

    Australian Mission Field

    International Missionary Society

    PO Box 1262

    MIDLAND WA 6936


  • 8/14/2019 4th Angel Study Book




    1. ANOTHER MOVEMENT.................................................................................................4

    2. THE DESCRIPTION OF THIS ANGEL.......................................................................21

    3. THE HISTORY OF THE 4TH ANGEL.........................................................................32

    4. THE FINAL SCENES OF THE REVELATION 18 ANGEL.......................................43

    5. THE LAST URGENT CALL TO THE CHURCH TRIUMPHANT............................54



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    As the time of their probation was closing, the antediluvians gavethemselves up to exciting amusements and festivities. Those who possessed

    influence and power were bent on keeping the minds of the people

    engrossed with mirth and pleasure, lest any should be impressed by the last

    solemn warning. Before the Flood God sent Noah to warn the world, that

    the people might be led to repentance, and thus escape the threatened

    destruction. As the time of Christ's second appearing draws near, the Lord

    sends His servants with a warning to the world to prepare for that great

    event. Multitudes have been living in transgression of God's law, and now

    He in mercy calls them to obey its sacred precepts. All who will put awaytheir sins by repentance toward God and faith in Christ are offered

    pardon. {CC 41.5}

    The other angel coming down from heaven in Revelation 18, is the last voice of

    warning to this world and its inhabitants.

    Those who heed this warning will receive their reward in the earth made new,

    those who do not heed this warning will also receive their reward.

    And, behold, I come quickly; and my reward [is] with me, to give every manaccording as his work shall be. Revelation 22:12

    Let us continue in our study of the three angels and this fourth angel in an

    attitude of prayer and submission before our merciful Father so we may be

    counted among the redeemed.

    Sr Raelene Lehmann


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    As we studied last time in the third angel's message we were transported

    through the Holy Spirit's revelation of what the new earth was going to be like

    and everything related to the creation of the new earth. As we were studying

    these things we were rejoicing as to all the beautiful things that are ahead of us

    as God's people.

    {EW 19-20}

    Soon we heard His lovely voice again, saying, "Come, My people, you

    have come out of great tribulation, and done My will; suffered for Me;

    come in to supper, for I will gird Myself, and serve you." We shouted,

    "Alleluia! glory!" and entered into the city. And I saw a table of pure

    silver; it was many miles in length, yet our eyes could extend over it. I saw

    the fruit of the tree of life, the manna, almonds, figs, pomegranates, grapes,

    and many other kinds of fruit. I asked Jesus to let me eat of the fruit. Hesaid, "Not now. Those who eat of the fruit of this and go back to earth no

    more. But in a little while, if faithful, you shall both eat of the fruit of the

    tree of life and drink of the water of the fountain." And He said, "You

    must go back to the earth again and relate to others what I have revealed to

    you." Then an angel bore me gently down to this dark world. Sometimes I

    think I can stay here no longer; all things of earth look so dreary. I feel

    very lonely here, for I have seen a better land. Oh, that I had wings like a

    dove, then would I fly away and be at rest!


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    E.G White was taken down to this planet. We studied the beautiful things of the

    earth made new and all the wonderful experiences we would make, but no, we

    are still here.

    In the light of what we have seen we have more work to do, just like

    E.G. White had more work to do so do we. This is the language for the peoplewho still have to keep on going

    Revelation 10: 9-11

    This scripture is in reference to the people who have been giving the message of

    the three angels expecting Jesus to come. By unveiling all the truths of the

    book of Daniel they expected that that was the end. Then they had the bitter

    disapointment of what they had hoped for did not come about just yet, they had

    some more work to do. It is a similar experience to everyone who has studiedwhat we have studied throught the three angels. We come up to the wonderful

    anticipation of living with the angels in glory with the Lord, but no,

    Thou must prophesy again before many peoples, and nations, and tongues,and kings.Our work is not finished yet. As this disappointment took place in 1844 at the

    close of the second angel's message, the sweet anticipation of the second

    Advent which they held was not realised because another angel had to be

    proclaimed, and that was the third angel's message from 1844 onwards.

    After we have studied and proclaimed the third angel's message, that's not all

    yet either. There is another angel after the third angel's message.

    {EW 277.1} I saw angels hurrying to and fro in heaven, descending to the

    earth, and again ascending to heaven, preparing for the fulfillment of some

    important event. Then I saw another mighty angel commissioned to

    descend to the earth, to unite his voice with the third angel, and give power

    and force to his message.

    Isn't it a beautiful picture here, if angels are hurrying, what are human agents

    doing? Are we in danger of becoming tired? After the third angel's message

    another mighty angel is being commissioned to give power and force to this


    The work of this angel comes in at the right time to join in the last great

    work of the third angel's message as it swells to a loud cry. And the people

    of God are thus prepared to stand in the hour of temptation, which they

    are soon to meet. I saw a great light resting upon them, and they united tofearlessly proclaim the third angel's message.


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    To proclaim the third angel's message another angel came to do this work. Our

    study is to examine this other angel to see it as another movement of the

    Revelation 18 angel.

    We remenber then, as this angel comes to give strength to the third angel's

    message, we remember also what we had studied before that the angels wereactually movements that were proclaiming this message.

    We reflect back to the first angel's message. This angel that we are talking about

    and this Revelation 18 angel, we see exactly what they are to represent.

    Revelation 1:20

    As we know from the study of the seven churches there are seven periods oftime in which God's one church has been passing through, and in each particular

    period the angel of that church was who? What is an angel?

    Revelation 2:1

    Here is the first church period Ephesus. He is writing to the angel of that church

    period. What do we identify as the angel of the church? When we talk of the

    angels we are reading of this:

    Malachi 2:7

    The word angel what does it mean? (Angelos) is the Greek word for messenger.

    Jesus is speaking to the angels of the church, the messengers, the priests who

    proclaim the message to the people.

    The angels of Revelation 14, the first, second and third angels, are the ministry

    to the people.

    {2SM 387.1} The angels are represented as flying in the midst of heaven,proclaiming to the world a message of warning, and having a direct

    bearing upon the people living in the last days of this earth's history. No

    one hears the voice of these angels, for they are a symbol to represent the

    people of God who are working in harmony with the universe of heaven.

    This is a ministry that works in harmony with the universe of heaven. They are

    these angels.

    {2SM 387.1} Men and women, enlightened by the Spirit of God andsanctified through the truth, proclaim the three messages in their order.


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    As we are studying the three angels messages we mustnt forget we have been

    studying that which pertains to the people living in this period and they are the

    ministry living in this message - men and women that work in harmony with the

    universe. If anyone claims to be a minister of the Lord they must work in

    harmony with the three angels messages.

    Our study at this moment is to recognise the movements that we have been

    studying in the past and also this movement of Revelation 18 as its another


    Let's just pick up our history a little, let's just mark our path of observance right

    through to this point of the Revelation 18 angel.



    Revelation 3:1

    Here is the angel of the church of Sardis. In our study of the seven churches we

    identified this is the period of 1798 to 1833. In this period the angel of this

    period was the ministers of the protestant churches because they had a name

    that they lived, but they are dead. At this period of time form 1798 to 1833 the

    ministry of the protestant organisations is identified.


    Revelation 3:7

    From 1833 there was a ministry that was proclaiming this message. This angel

    is the Advent movement of the first and second angels messages which was

    headed particularly in America by William Miller. This message was not only

    proclaimed by William Miller but by others as well. This is the angel, the firstangels message is identified in the angel of Philadelphia.

    For an historical detail of this angel we read

    {GC 355.1} A Great religious awakening under the proclamation of

    Christ's soon coming is foretold in the prophecy of the first angel's message

    of Revelation 14. An angel is seen flying "in the midst of heaven, having the

    everlasting gospel to preach unto them that dwell on the earth, and to every

    nation, and kindred, and tongue, and people." "With a loud voice" he

    proclaims the message: "Fear God, and give glory to Him; for the hour ofHis judgment is come: and worship Him that made heaven, and earth, and

    the sea, and the fountains of waters." .


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    This was the great religious awakening under the first angels message.

    {GC 357.1} Like the great Reformation of the sixteenth century, the

    advent movement appeared in different countries of Christendom at thesame time. In both Europe and America men of faith and prayer were led

    to the study of the prophecies, and, tracing down the inspired record, they

    saw convincing evidence that the end of all things was at hand. In different

    lands there were isolated bodies of Christians who, solely by the study of

    the Scriptures, arrived at the belief that the Saviour's advent was near.

    This movement of study and awareness was happening across Europe and

    America by people who were studying the prophecies.

    Joseph Wolff preaching in Palestine

    {GC 357.2} In 1821, three years after Miller had arrived at his exposition

    of the prophecies pointing to the time of the judgment, Dr. Joseph Wolff,"the missionary to the world," began to proclaim the Lord's soon coming.

    Wolff was born in Germany, of Hebrew parentage, his father being a

    Jewish rabbi. While very young he was convinced of the truth of the

    Christian religion

    He proclaimed what William Miller proclaimed in America but all across

    Europe. That's the angel. William Miller was one, Joseph Wolff and so on.

    {GC 368.1} To William Miller and his colaborers it was given to preach

    the warning in America. This country became the center of the great

    advent movement. It was here that the prophecy of the first angel's


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    message had its most direct fulfillment. The writings of Miller and his

    associates were carried to distant lands. Wherever missionaries had

    penetrated in all the world, were sent the glad tidings of Christ's speedy

    return. Far and wide spread the message of the everlasting gospel: "Fear

    God, and give glory to Him; for the hour of His judgment is come."

    We see the work of proclaiming the first angel's message at the hand of these

    men of God. That was the first angel.

    {GC 376.1} As his work tended to build up the churches, it was for a time

    regarded with favor.

    The advent movement that was the first angel was at first regarded with favour.The angel of Sardis was responding to the angel of Philadelphia.

    {GC 376.1} But as ministers and religious leaders decided against the

    advent doctrine and desired to suppress all agitation of the subject, they

    not only opposed it from the pulpit, but denied their members the privilege

    of attending preaching upon the second advent, or even of speaking of their

    hope in the social meetings of the church. Thus the believers found

    themselves in a position of great trial and perplexity. They loved their

    churches and were loath to separate from them; but as they saw the

    testimony of God's word suppressed and their right to investigate the

    prophecies denied they felt that loyalty to God forbade them to submit.

    Those who sought to shut out the testimony of God's word they could not

    regard as constituting the church of Christ, "the pillar and ground of the

    truth." Hence they felt themselves justified in separating from their former

    connection. In the summer of 1844 about fifty thousand withdrew from the


    Here you have an historic demonstration of one angel ministry giving way to

    another angel ministry. The angel of Sardis to the angel of Philadelphia. Andthe angel of Philadelphia being the first angel people. We saw the first angel

    together with the second angel or the 50,000 that left the churches recognised

    Babylon is the Sardis church that was the fallen. They then moved on from

    there and found there was another angel.

    After the period of 1833 to 1844, the disappointment, the expectation of Jesus

    coming, ended up with a company of people.


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    Revelation 3:14

    Here is another angel being written to. Who is this angel? It is the third angel.

    The angel that is identified as we studied in our previous series.

    {EW 254.2} After Jesus opened the door of the most holy, the light of the

    Sabbath was seen, and the people of God were tested, as the children of

    Israel were tested anciently, to see if they would keep God's law. I saw the

    third angel pointing upward, showing the disappointed ones the way to the

    holiest of the heavenly sanctuary.

    Here is the account. 1844 passed, the people expected Jesus to come in 1844,

    and they were disappointed. Now comes the third angel pointing to the heavenly

    sanctuary, not to the earth.

    {EW 254.2} After Jesus opened the door of the most holy, the light of the

    Sabbath was seen, and the people of God were tested, as the children of

    Israel were tested anciently, to see if they would keep God's law. I saw

    he third angel pointing upward, showing the disappointed ones the way to

    the holiest of the heavenly sanctuary. As they by faith enter the most holy,

    they find Jesus, and hope and joy spring up anew.

    Here is the account, 1844 is past, the people expected Jesus to come in 1844,

    they were disappointed, and now comes the third angel and points them to the

    heavenly sanctuary.

    As they by faith enter the most holy, they find Jesus, and hope and joy

    spring up anew. I saw them looking back, reviewing the past, from the

    proclamation of the second advent of Jesus, down through their experienceto the passing of the time in 1844. They see their disappointment explained,

    and joy and certainty again animate them. The third angel has lighted up

    the past, the present, and the future, and they know that God has indeed

    led them by His mysterious providence.

    Here you see the movement of the third angel coming into focus. We now see

    the picture of Jesus in the Most Holy place.

    {EW 256.1} I saw the incense in the censer smoke as Jesus offered theirconfessions and prayers to His Father. And as it ascended, a bright light

    rested upon Jesus and upon the mercy seat; and the earnest, praying ones,


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    who were troubled because they had discovered themselves to be

    transgressors of God's law, were blessed, and their countenances lighted up

    with hope and joy.

    What did they discover? They discovered the Sabbath because in the first andsecond angels' message the Sabbath didnt come into prominence but now in the

    third angel, they see the Sabbath. They realised they had been breaking God's

    law but rejoiced because Jesus had been there to comfort them.

    {EW 256.1} They joined in the work of the third angel and raised their

    voices to proclaim the solemn warning. But few at first received it; yet the

    faithful continued with energy to proclaim the message. Then I saw many

    embrace the message of the third angel and unite their voices with those

    who had first given the warning, and they honored God by observing His

    sanctified rest day.

    {EW 256.2} Many who embraced the third message had not had an

    experience in the two former messages. Satan understood this, and his evil

    eye was upon them to overthrow them; but the third angel was pointing

    them to the most holy place, and those who had had an experience in the

    past messages were pointing them the way to the heavenly sanctuary. Many

    saw the perfect chain of truth in the angels' messages, and gladly received

    them in their order, and followed Jesus by faith into the heavenly

    sanctuary. These messages were represented to me as an anchor to thepeople of God. Those who understand and receive them will be kept from

    being swept away by the many delusions of Satan.

    This is the work that characterises these angels, the chain of truth.

    Here is a reason for us to understand the pure truth so that Satan cannot sweep

    away His people. We need to have knowledge often a pure train of truth. That is

    the characteristic of those who are the angel of the period of Laodicea, the angel

    of the third angels messages. The people of God who were proclaiming that.We are now following the history through to the Revelation 18 angel. The

    condition of the people who came out of the disappointment out of the third

    angel. What is written of these people who were to represent the third angels


    Revelation 3:15-16

    In our research of the history of the movements, here we have from 1844 -

    1848, the third angel coming into focus and the very people who proclaim thismessage, but as time goes on, he has to tell them, Im sorry you are meant to

    be full on for this message, its such a serious message but you are neither cold


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    nor hot. That is the message to the angel that is here addressed - the movement

    of the third angels message and how that movement of people became slack.

    {EW 107.2} As I have of late looked around to find the humble followers

    of the meek and lowly Jesus, my mind has been much exercised. Many whoprofess to be looking for the speedy coming of Christ are becoming

    conformed to this world and seek more earnestly the applause of those

    around them than the approbation of God. They are cold and formal, like

    the nominal churches from which they but a short time since separated.

    he words addressed to the Laodicean church describe their present

    condition perfectly. (See Rev. 3:14-20.) They are "neither cold nor hot,"

    but "lukewarm"

    This was written in 1852, that message was already relevant. The angel, themovement that was to proclaim the third angel's message became neither cold

    nor hot.

    This is further identified.

    {8T 118.4} It is a solemn and terrible truth that many who have been

    zealous in proclaiming the third angel's message are now becoming listless

    and indifferent! The line of demarcation between worldlings and many

    professed Christians is almost indistinguishable. Many who once were

    earnest Adventists are conforming to the world Many who once were

    earnest Adventists are conforming to the world--to its practices, its

    customs, its selfishness.

    {8T 119.1} And through lack of zeal for the promulgation of the third

    angel's message, many others, while not apparently living in transgression,

    are nevertheless as verily lending their influence on the side of Satan as are

    those who openly sin against God. Multitudes are perishing; but how few

    are burdened for these souls! There is a stupor, a paralysis, upon many of

    the people of God, which prevents them from understanding the duty of the


    Here are a people who are supposed to be working in harmony with the

    universe, they are meant to be the angel of the third angels message but

    unfortunately they are listless and indifferent in the message they have, and a

    stupor and paralysis is upon them. That is the presentation of inspiration about.

    We are to give the thrid angel's message with power, but

    {6T 60.1} We are in danger of giving the third angel's message in so

    indefinite a manner that it does not impress the people. So many other


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    interests are brought in that the very message which should be proclaimed

    with power becomes tame and voiceless.

    So you have a people who are listless and indifferent and as they are in this

    condition their demarcation between them and the worldlings is not vivid any

    more, they are not visibly revealing a people who are working in harmony with

    the universe of heaven. Others within the church who are still trying to do this,

    but also there is a stupor and a paralysis upon them, the very message they

    should be proclaiming with power is tame and voiceless. It's not being

    proclaimed in its vivid impact.

    Because Jesus can see this, He then speaks to His people within this movement


    The Any Man in Laodicea

    Revelation 3:20

    Notice there were people who were worldly in the church and other people that

    are not apparently living in transgression, nevertheless giving their influence on

    the side of Satan as though they were openly sinning against God. He says:

    Look, knock, knock, if any man open the door. Im calling on any individual

    who will respond. Anyone who will open the door to the knock of Jesus the

    experience will be fulfilled. This is the invitation, those that respond to thisinvitation proclaim the message with power.

    {TM 91.2} The Lord in His great mercy sent a most precious message to

    His people through Elders Waggoner and Jones. This message was to bring

    more prominently before the world the uplifted Saviour, the sacrifice for

    the sins of the whole world. It presented justification through faith in the

    Surety; it invited the people to receive the righteousness of Christ, which is

    made manifest in obedience to all the commandments of God. Many had

    lost sight of Jesus. They needed to have their eyes directed to His divineperson, His merits, and His changeless love for the human family. All

    power is given into His hands, that He may dispense rich gifts unto men,

    imparting the priceless gift of His own righteousness to the helpless human

    agent. This is the message that God commanded to be given to the world. It

    is the third angel's message, which is to be proclaimed with a loud voice,

    and attended with the outpouring of His Spirit in a large measure.

    Behold I stand at the door and knock. Within the church there were individuals

    who were opening their heart they were messengers within Laodicea.Here aretwo people mentioned, Waggoner and Jones. As they opened their hearts to


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    Christ and His righteousness, to the one who is knocking at the door, they

    proclaimed the message and what God commanded be proclaimed to the world.

    It is the third angel's message to be proclaimed with a loud voice and attendedwith the outpouring of His Spirit in a large measure.

    The call of Jesus was being heeded in the Laodicean ministry, there were somemen who opened their hearts to that.

    With that opening of the heart came

    The Revelation 18 Angel

    Revelation 18:1

    The earth was lightened with His glory. This is an important element. Jesus says

    I am the light of the world. He knocks on the heart of those who are in the thirdangels message.

    {7BC 984.6} The time of test is just upon us, for the loud cry of the third

    angel has already begun in the Revelation of the righteousness of Christ,

    the sin-pardoning Redeemer. This is the beginning of the light of the angel

    whose glory shall fill the whole earth (RH Nov. 22, 1892).

    The Message of Christ Our Righteousness

    We are pursuing the movements to the Revelation 18 angel movement. Within

    the ranks of the Laodicean people, Jesus is standing at the door knocking and if

    any man opens the door, Jesus will come in. That was none other than what we

    have been reading in the Waggoner and Jones message. It was the message of

    Christ our righteousness.

    The revelation of the righteousness of Christ, the sin-pardoning Redeemer is the

    beginning of the light of the Revelation 18 angel

    As this angel in the ministry of Waggoner and Jones' messages came to the

    third angel people, the Laodicean angel, what did they do with this Revelation

    18 angel message? This is just one description, as there are many

    {1SM 234.6} An unwillingness to yield up preconceived opinions, and to

    accept this truth, lay at the foundation of a large share of the opposition

    manifested at Minneapolis against the Lord's message through Brethren

    [E.J.] Waggoner and [A.T.] Jones. By exciting that opposition Satan

    succeeded in shutting away from our people, in a great measure, the specialpower of the Holy Spirit that God longed to impart to them.


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    They had become tame and voiceless and careless and now came this other

    angel at the right time to give power and force to a message that was being

    stupefied. As he comes to do this, what happens ?

    {1SM 234.6} The enemy prevented them from obtaining that efficiency

    which might have been theirs in carrying the truth to the world, as the

    apostles proclaimed it after the day of Pentecost. The light that is to lighten

    the whole earth with its glory was resisted, and by the action of our own

    brethren has been in a great degree kept away from the world.

    Another Movement

    What happened again in history? The need of another movement because the

    movement that was meant to be the third angel people rejected the light from

    heaven. As they rejected it, this angel was being rejected. It could not continue

    to work with the people that rejected that angel. The forecast that this revelation

    portrays to us is frightening for this third angel people.

    {TM 79.1} Men who are entrusted with weighty responsibilities, but who

    have no living connection with God, have been and are doing despite to His

    Holy Spirit. They are indulging the very same spirit as did Korah, Dathan,

    and Abiram, and as did the Jews in the days of Christ. (See Matthew 12:22-29, 31-37.) Warnings have come from God again and again for these men,

    but they have cast them aside and ventured on in the same course. Read the

    words of Christ in Matthew 23:23: "Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees,

    hypocrites! This prophecy was literally fulfilled by the Jews in their

    treatment of Christ and of the messengers whom God sent to them. Will

    men in these last days follow the example of those whom Christ


    {TM 79.2} These terrible predictions they have not as yet carried out tothe full; but if God spares their lives, and they nourish the same spirit that

    marked their course of action both before and after the Minneapolis

    meeting, they will fill up to the full the deeds of those whom Christ

    condemned when He was upon the earth.

    The Minneapolis meetings were the meetings by Waggoner and Jones. The

    warning and the forecast is that the people that were rejecting Waggoner and

    Jones' messages would be doing the same thing that the Jews did to Jesus.

    {TM 79.3} The perils of the last days are upon us. Satan takes the control

    of every mind that is not decidedly under the control of the Spirit of God.


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    Some have been cultivating hatred against the men whom God has

    commissioned to bear a special message to the world. They began this

    satanic work at Minneapolis. Afterward, when they saw and felt the

    demonstration of the Holy Spirit testifying that the message was of God,

    they hated it the more, because it was a testimony against them.

    Isnt it interesting how human nature does that? If they oppose something and

    then realise it was right, they dig their heels in more.

    {TM 79.3} They would not humble their hearts to repent, to give God the

    glory, and vindicate the right. They went on in their own spirit, filled with

    envy, jealousy, and evil surmisings, as did the Jews. They opened their

    hearts to the enemy of God and man. Yet these men have been holdingpositions of trust, and have been molding the work after their own

    similitude, as far as they possibly could.

    These were the leaders of the Adventist church that were opposing the work of

    Jesus in the message of Christ our righteousness. They were doing what the

    Jews did to Jesus. They still had opportunity like the Jews before the stoning of

    Steven. So these had opportunity. The terrible rejection by the SDA leaders has

    not been experienced yet but if they reject God's spirit they will fill up their cup.God still gave them opportunity with the messages that were coming to them.

    Those who cooperated with Waggoner and Jones, the Revelation 18 angel, this

    ministry was being heavily opposed by the leaders of the church. As it was

    being so heavily opposed, we come to 1903. What have they been doing up to

    1903 as they oppose this angel?

    You can imagine how Ellen G White felt as these terrible battles were going on.

    She wrote letter after letter to the leaders to respond to this work but they didnt.In one of the counsels of the General Conference where Sr White did not attend,

    she received a message. After all this time she was waiting for the church to

    respond to the Revelation 18 angel.

    {8T 231.2} After I received word in regard to the excellent meeting of

    confession and unity that had been held in Battle Creek I was writing in my

    diary and was about to record the thankfulness I felt because a change had

    come, when my hand was arrested, and there came to me the words:


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    "Write it not. No change for the better has taken place. Teachings that are

    turning souls from the truth are being presented as of great worth.

    Doctrines are being taught that lead into bypaths and forbidden paths;

    doctrines that lead men to act in harmony with their own inclinations and

    to work out their unsanctified purposes; doctrines that, if received, would

    destroy the dignity and power of God's people, obscuring the light that

    would otherwise come to them through God's appointed agencies."

    This is God speaking to her. She was about to write it and because the peoplewould respond to her writings, the angel held her hand. What I have read is

    exactly what churns my stomach in reference to any variation of the pure

    doctrines that God has been given where they deviate a little. Here is God

    telling her that is what happened in Adventist ranks. While it appeared they

    were submitting to it, it wasnt going on at all.

    According to the inspiration words there was no change. It was resistance to the

    pure doctrines established under the three angels message. Therefore the

    inevitable results of the rejection on that angel by the angel of Laodicea wouldbe that there would be a split in the organisation relationships of the Laodicean


    This is portrayed;

    {2SM 113.3} "Be ye also ready: for in such an hour as ye think not the Son

    of man cometh" (Matthew 24:44). This is our message, the very message

    that the three angels flying in the midst of heaven are proclaiming. The

    work to be done now is that of sounding this last message of mercy to afallen world. A new life is coming from heaven and taking possession of all

    God's people. But divisions will come in the church. Two parties will be

    developed. The wheat and tares grow up together for the harvest.

    {2SM 114.1} The work will grow deeper and become more earnest to the

    very close of time. And all who are laborers together with God will contend

    most earnestly for the faith once delivered to the saints. They will not be

    turned from the present message, which is already lightening the earth with

    its glory.

    Because the leadership was opposing and by 1903 nothing better had come

    about, it creates two parties and as we go to the very end, the battle becomes


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    was a movement, William Miller and his associates were a movement and now

    these are a movement. The movement that opens his heart and lets Jesus in.

    That is a movement that functions together.

    This people move forward while the Seventh Day Adventist church leadershiprejected this message;

    {RH, July 16, 1895 par. 10} The end of all things is at hand. God is moving

    upon every mind that is open to receive the impressions of his Holy Spirit.

    He is sending out messengers that they may give the warning in every

    locality. God is testing the devotion of his churches and their willingness to

    render obedience to the Spirit's guidance. Knowledge is to be increased.

    The messengers of Heaven are to be seen running to and fro, seeking in

    every possible way to warn the people of the coming judgments, andpresenting the glad tidings of salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ. The

    standard of righteousness is to be exalted. The Spirit of God is moving

    upon men's hearts, and those who respond to its influence will become

    lights in the world. Everywhere they are seen going forth to communicate

    to others the light they have received as they did after the descent of the

    Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost. And as they let their light shine, they

    receive more and more of the Spirit's power. The earth is lighted with the

    glory of God.

    This angel that lightens the earth with the glory of God is actually the people

    who are responding to the guidance of the Holy Spirit. As they go forward from

    strength to strength...

    {RH, July 16, 1895 par. 11} But O, sad picture! those who do not submit

    to the influence of the Holy Spirit soon lose the blessings received when

    they acknowledged the truth as from Heaven. They fall into a cold,

    spiritless formality; they lose their interest in perishing souls: they have

    "left their first love." And Christ says unto them, "Remember therefore

    from whence thou art fallen, and repent, and do the first works; or else Iwill come unto thee quickly, and will remove thy candlestick out of his

    place, except thou repent." He will take his Holy Spirit from the church,

    and give it to others who will appreciate it.

    Here is the forecast from her time;

    {RH, July 16, 1895 par. 12} There is no greater evidence that those who

    have received great light do not appreciate that light, than is given by their

    refusal to let their light shine upon those who are in darkness, and devotingtheir time and energies in celebrating forms and ceremonies.


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    A church may continue as an organisation but be void of the Spirit of God. To

    liven it up they say we have to celebrate but its all empty and meaningless.

    {RH, July 16, 1895 par. 12} Thoughts of the inner work, the necessary

    purity of heart, are not entertained. The absence of harmony with Godbecomes apparent. The light grows dim, goes out; the candlestick has been

    removed. There is much exercising of man-made authority by those to

    whom God has not given his wisdom because they did not feel the need of

    the wisdom from above.

    What happens when there is no wisdom from above? There is manmade

    authority. The message continues with the faithful, the Revelation 18 angel and

    the ongoing work which we will continue to study. This angel will shine and the

    whole earth will be lit by his glory. We read it in Revelation 18:1 which is theparallel of Isaiah;

    Isaiah 60:1-2

    Over the next four studies, we will explore the detail and the light of the angel

    of Revelation 18. Here we identify another movement and organisation because

    the first organisation that had the privilege of receiving the third angel and the

    Revelation 18 angel when Jesus was knocking on the door, had the candle stick

    removed and they are no longer the active agency and it is the faithful ones that

    continue as a movement of people.

    There comes another movement in terms of organisational acceptance in God's



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    As we studied in our last study, Another Movement, we went into the detail of

    scripture that identifies this angel as another movement. The angel is the

    ministry of the church.

    Malachi 2:7-8

    The third angel was the angel of the church of Laodicea. Then comes another


    {GC88 604.1} Of Babylon, at the time brought to view in this prophecy, it

    is declared, Her sins have reached unto heaven, and God hath

    remembered her iniquities. [Revelation 18:5.] She has filled up the

    measure of her guilt, and destruction is about to fall upon her. But God still

    has a people in Babylon; and before the visitation of his judgments, these

    faithful ones must be called out, that they partake not of her sins, andreceive not of her plagues. Hence the movement symbolized by the angel

    coming down from Heaven, lightening the earth with his glory, and crying

    mightily with a strong voice, announcing the sins of Babylon. In connection

    with his message the call is heard, Come out of her, my people. These

    announcements, uniting with the third angel's message, constitute the final

    warning to be given to the inhabitants of the earth.

    Here it is, a movement.


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    {RH, November 5, 1889 par. 12} The question of most vital importance for

    this time is, "Who is on the Lord's side? Who will unite with the angel in

    giving the message of truth to the world?

    We need to unite with the movement, the angel that gives this message. Thismovement came into being from

    {2SM 113.3} The work to be done now is that of sounding this last

    message of mercy to a fallen world. A new life is coming from heaven and

    taking possession of all God's people. But divisions will come in the church.

    Two parties will be developed. The wheat and tares grow up together for

    the harvest.

    {2SM 114.1} The work will grow deeper and become more earnest to thevery close of time. And all who are laborers together with God will contend

    most earnestly for the faith once delivered to the saints. They will not be

    turned from the present message, which is already lightening the earth with

    its glory.

    Two parties are developed and it has to do with the message of the Revelation

    18 message under Waggoner and Jones presentations.

    As it says in the prophetic picture, two parties develop as Waggoner and Jones

    preached. The people who were intensely absorbed with the message as time

    went on became more earnest and more intense and it caused a division -

    another movement.

    {6T 400.3} As trials thicken around us, both separation and unity will be

    seen in our ranks.

    This is to be expected. This is very vividly portrayed.

    Isaiah 8:12

    As people say lets come together, what should we be doing?

    Isaiah 8:13-16

    In this scripture both houses of Israel had been split into two just as we read

    there were divisions. Jesus is a stumbling block to both houses of Israel but

    among his disciples the true law is identified. Ellen White refers to thisscripture;


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    {RH, July 18, 1907 par. 7} In this representation of the prophet, we see that

    Satan is at work not only with worldlings, who have not the fear and love of

    God before them, but also with those who profess faith in Christ. Here are

    plainly represented two distinct parties, formed from a company that wasonce united. The members of one of these parties are in resistance to the

    will of God. They have taken themselves from the side of the loyal and true,

    and are now resisting the warnings of the Spirit of God. To the obedient the

    Lord will be "for a sanctuary; but for a stone of stumbling and for a rock

    of offense to both the houses of Israel, for a gin and for a snare to the

    inhabitants of Jerusalem."

    Scripture and amplification from the Spirit of Prophecy state that two parties are

    developed. One company that once were united with the other has now split intotwo distinct parties. One party is in resistance to God. They have taken sides.

    It is to the obedient that the Lord will be for a sanctuary. Here is introduced the

    character or the description that comes into existence. The loyal and true or the


    This movement is the loyal and true - the obedient. We examine the full detail

    of the character of this angel.

    Revelation 18:1

    This angel has great power. What kind of power is here described? Is it

    powerful preaching? Is it big powerful public ostentatious gatherings? This is

    the way it is often read and understood. Recall that it is a company that has

    developed as it is written in Amos. It is to do with the remnant people of God.

    Amos 5:1-3

    The faithful, loyal and true, as we read. The others have taken themselves awayfrom the loyal and true. It will only be to the obedient he will be as a sanctuary.

    They went forth as a great number but only a small amount are left.

    Zephaniah 3:12-13

    This movement cannot be identified as a big ostentatious movement that has

    these big public addresses and powerful preaching. This is not what is in this

    prophetic preaching. As we look at this angel, what can this small insignificant

    people display by power? Zechariah has a vision and he doesnt understandwhat it means.


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    Zechariah 4:6-7

    Here is the power that God regards as impactful. It is not by might nor by

    power. Not by big public presentation and people saying wow, look at the

    people and power. Not by that power but by my Spirit saith the Lord. That iswhat the angel of Revelation 18 states.

    It is the Holy Spirit. The teacher of righteousness according to righteousness

    that applies the gospel of Jesus Christ. This is the power of the preaching of the

    gospel. The power is nothing else than the power of the gospel. Prophecy

    doesnt allow for a big impact by a lot of people. It is a small people.

    Romans 1:16-17

    What is described in the description of this angel? A poor and afflicted people.

    It is the power of God. Where? In the gospel they carry. The gospel of Christ is

    the power of God unto salvation. It is the power of God in a period of time

    where the majority of people are ignorant of the power of God.

    2 Timothy 3:1-2, 5

    The Revelation 18 angel is a people who do not deny the power of God in their

    spirituality. They are the opposite to what the others are doing. They are turning

    away from them. They will not merely have a form of Godliness, but they have

    a power of Godliness, a power unto salvation.

    1 Corinthians 1:18

    People who expect this angel to display a power that they can understand when

    it comes in all its power is foolishness to them. This angel comes with the living

    power of the gospel.

    1 Corinthians 2:3-5

    Was this a big upfront man? No big public oratory. Having read all those

    statements, we can see that this is a true representation of the gospel as it was

    once presented in the early Christian church. This is the manner of the

    preaching of this movement.

    Revelation 18:1

    All the earth was lightened with his glory, this movement has glory. What isthat glory? The shallow reader will say power and glory, external display. Is


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    that what this is talking about? Remember what the first angels message was?

    Fear God and give him the glory.

    Now that we have arrived at the Revelation 18 angel, we have finally got a

    people who have been separated as it gets more intense to the end. We comeacross a people who are actually giving God the glory. They have beheld the

    glory of God in the three angels' messages. They have observed the beautiful

    truths and seen Gods character. The glory he sheds abroad is the glory that God

    showed to Moses.

    Exodus 34:6-7

    In our study of the third angel we saw what that meant. That God's glory was

    even in the destruction of the wicked. The description of this people have beenbeholding all this. As they behold 2 Corinthians what happens to them?

    2 Corinthians 3:18

    The power of the Holy Spirit that changes the character is conveying the

    beautiful glory of God to them. As they behold the glory of God, they are

    changed into the same glory. This angels presentation to the world is the glory

    of God in that angel because they have beheld the glory of God.

    2 Corinthians 4:6

    Here is a people of who we have been reading to this very moment through the

    gospel and through the messages of the angel that the people of God have

    beheld the glory so much that the light shining in their hearts is totally within

    them. That is the angel whose glory fills the whole earth. These came out of

    Laodicea, out of the third angel movement.

    Revelation 3:20

    Whoever opens the door I will come in unto him and will sup with him. These

    are the people who open the hearts door in the third angels message and go

    forth in the power of the Revelation 18 angel. They are supping with Christ and

    they are permitting his glory to reflect in them.

    Here Jesus makes it very plain that this is what he wanted his church to reflect.

    Matthew 5:14-16

    The people who are supping with Christ respond to him as he says let your light

    now shine as I have shone into your hearts.


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    Philippians 2:15

    God who shines the light out of darkness shines in our hearts and those who

    permit the glory of God to shine in their dark heart, now become lights. It isbecause the glory of God becomes part of these people. They are blameless,

    harmless, sons of God, without rebuke. They dwell in the midst of a perverse

    nation among whom they will shine as lights in the world. This angel is the

    movement of people who have pursued this until finally the call comes upon


    Isaiah 60:1-2

    These realities are available to those who open their hearts to this. By this

    means, a people who are set up on a hill amongst the darkness, the glory of the

    gospel is manifested upon them, the whole earth is going to be covered with this


    Habakkuk 2:14

    He shines into the heart, the glory, the knowledge of Jesus Christ. The whole

    earth is going to be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord as thewaters cover the sea. As these people, these Revelation 18 people stand on a

    hilltop in contrast to the rest, the whole earth is going to be covered with the

    knowledge of this glory.

    Numbers 14:21

    The whole earth is going to know of the glory of the Lord as the waters cover

    the earth. It is going to be spread abroad in the darkness that exists. God cannot

    glorify His name through His people while they are leaning upon man andmaking flesh their arm.

    Let humanity stand back, that all may behold Him in whom their hopes of

    eternal life are centered. Let every voice proclaim with John: 'Behold the

    Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world. {5T 729.1}

    To souls that are earnestly seeking for light and that accept with gladness

    every ray of divine illumination from His holy word, to such alone light will

    be given. It is through these souls that God will reveal that light and powerwhich will lighten the whole earth with His glory. {5T 729.2}


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    Isnt that a perfect summarisation of everything we have looked at? It is through

    these people. I like the way that God doesnt leave any stone of understanding

    unturned. This glory must be manifested among the community of this


    Then, as in the world before the Flood, iniquity will prevail. Following the

    promptings of their corrupt hearts and the teachings of a deceptive

    philosophy, men will rebel against the authority of Heaven. But like Enoch,

    God's people will seek for purity of heart and conformity to His will, until

    they shall reflect the likeness of Christ. Like Enoch, they will warn the

    world of the Lord's second coming and of the judgments to be visited upon

    transgression, and by their holy conversation and example they will

    condemn the sins of the ungodly. {PP 88.3}

    How will they condemn the sins? By lashing out? No - by their holy


    As Enoch was translated to heaven before the destruction of the world by

    water, so the living righteous will be translated from the earth before its

    destruction by fire. {PP 88.3}

    These people are the movement of the Revelation 18 angel. These people will

    shine condemning the wicked and shining the glory of God across the planet.

    This people have a beautiful unity of love manifested there.

    The love of Christ, the love of our brethren, will testify to the world that we

    have been with Jesus and learned of Him. Then will the message of the

    third angel swell to a loud cry, and the whole earth will be lightened with

    the glory of the Lord. {6T 401.1}

    When that happened with Enoch, when Jesus himself was on this planet and all

    the glory of God was shining as it is to shine in these people, this small number

    of people that the whole earth will know about, how will it be accepted?

    John 1:

    All the earth is covered with the brightness but as the darkness sees it, it

    comprehends it not.

    John 1:10-11

    Is this going to be any different? We see the problem.


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    In this our day, as in Christ's day, there will be a misreading and

    misinterpreting of the Scriptures. If the Jews had studied the Scriptures

    with earnest, prayerful, humble hearts, their searching would have been

    rewarded with a true knowledge of the time, and not only the time, but also

    the manner of Christ's first appearing. They would not have ascribed the

    glories of the second appearing of Christ to His first advent. They had the

    testimony of Daniel; they had the testimony of Isaiah and other prophets;

    they had the teaching of Moses; and here was Christ Himself in their midst,

    and still they were searching the Scriptures for evidence in regard to His

    coming. They were doing to Christ, at the same time, the very things that it

    had been prophesied they would do. They were so blinded that they knew

    not the time of His visitation, or what they were doing. Thus they were

    fulfilling the Scripture. {UL 368.3}

    Many are doing the same thing today . . . because they have not had

    experience in the testing message comprehended in the first, second, and

    third angels' messages. There are those who are searching the Scriptures

    for proof that these messages are still in the future. They gather together

    the truthfulness of the messages, but they fail to give them their proper

    place in prophetic history. Therefore such are in danger of misleading the

    people in regard to locating the messages. They do not see and understandthe time of the end, or when to locate the messages. . . .The watchman is to

    know the time of the night. Everything is now clothed with a solemnity that

    all who believe the truth should feel and sense. . . . All the little things of life

    are but a mote now. Those that pertain to eternity are of great

    consequence.--Manuscript 41a, Dec. 20, 1896, untitled manuscript. {UL


    This is where we are living now. This is the problem as the powerful realities

    are shining through Gods people but the darkness comprehended it not. Here is

    the most powerful outline of this. The comparisons made in each successive

    generation is so vivid in each point you cant miss it.

    God tested the world when he sent, through Noah, a message to the

    antediluvians. He sent warning after warning that the world would be

    destroyed by the waters of the flood; but the wise men of the age despised

    the message, and showed contempt for God's messenger. They had so far

    separated themselves from God that they trusted to the imaginations oftheir own hearts, and cared not to know the will of God. But the unbelief of


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    great and intelligent men did not prevent the fulfillment of God's

    pronounced judgments. The judgments came as God had declared by the

    word of his prophets that they would come. Only faithful Noah and his

    family entered into the ark, and were saved when the deluge engulfed the

    world. The days of Noah are pointed to as an illustration of the unbelief

    that will prevail at the end of the world. {RH, November 5, 1889 par. 2}

    At a time when this powerful angel and the glory of this angel covers the world,

    how will it be received? As in the days of Noah.

    If a similar condition of things is to exist in our day, we should be

    intelligent concerning it, and have sanctified judgment, that we may not

    take a course like the course of those who perished in the flood. We should

    be so instructed that we will not follow a multitude to do evil. God has sent

    reproofs and warnings that men might repent of their transgressions, and

    forsake the evil of their ways, and so escape his threatened judgments.

    {RH, November 5, 1889 par. 3}

    It goes through to Jerusalem.

    We are living in the last days, and the generation that is to witness the final

    destruction has not been left without warning of the hastening judgments

    of God. Says the apostle, "I saw another angel come down from heaven,

    having great power; and the earth was lightened with his glory. And he

    cried mightily with a strong voice, saying, Babylon the great is fallen, is

    fallen, {RH, November 5, 1889 par. 7}

    But this gracious message will be as generally rejected by the professed

    Christian world, as was the message of the Messiah by the Jewish nation. Only

    a few will receive the testimony of truth, for every influence that Satan can

    bring to bear against the reception of the truth of God will be employed. In theselast days the agency of the evil one will be hidden under a cloak of Godliness,

    so that if it were possible even the very elect would be deceived. The word of

    God declares that Satan will work "with all power and signs and lying wonders,

    and with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish." {RH,

    November 5, 1889 par. 9}

    What will the world do? The few people that will be standing so that everyone

    will know about it will be rejected as Jesus was. Why? Satan has managed to

    cloak religion with his befogged presentations and the people will see the glory


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    of God as no glory at all. That is the angel and the way the angel will be


    Revelation 18:2

    What did we read in Patriarchs and Prophets? About the strong impact of these

    people like in the days of Enoch?

    Like Enoch, they will warn the world of the Lord's second coming and of

    the judgments to be visited upon transgression, and by their holy

    conversation and example they will condemn the sins of the ungodly. {PP


    That is the method and the characteristic of this people. They will not be doing

    like so many of the ministers that were preaching in the good old days, the fire

    and brimstone where they were really attacking people, no they will be giving

    warnings. The power of this people is their love and unity and their stringent

    obedience to all of God's ways. A mighty cry and the cry is the power of their

    example. In other words, your actions speak louder than your words. They will

    clearly display righteousness in contrast to sin.

    Isaiah 58:1

    How can you show them? Can you show them by telling them this is what you

    are doing? How can you show them? By a display of Gods purity and

    righteousness in contrast to sin. It is like a bombshell when people want you to

    do something in contrast to God's ways, they get wild.

    Ezekiel 9:4

    In the midst of Jerusalem, the church. Here is a loud cry. They sigh and cry and

    separate themselves from the corruptions that are going on. By their practise

    they are sounding the loud cry.

    The people of God are sighing and crying for the abominations done in the

    land. With tears they warn the wicked of their danger in trampling upon

    the divine law, and with unutterable sorrow they humble themselves before

    the Lord on account of their own transgressions. The wicked mock their

    sorrow, ridicule their solemn appeals, and sneer at what they term their

    weakness. But the anguish and humiliation of God's people is unmistakable

    evidence that they are regaining the strength and nobility of character lostin consequence of sin. It is because they are drawing nearer to Christ, and


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    their eyes are fixed upon His perfect purity, that they so clearly discern the

    exceeding sinfulness of sin. Their contrition and self-abasement are

    infinitely more acceptable in the sight of God than is the self-sufficient,

    haughty spirit of those who see no cause to lament, who scorn the humility

    of Christ, and who claim perfection while transgressing God's holy law.

    Meekness and lowliness of heart are the conditions for strength and

    victory. The crown of glory awaits those who bow at the foot of the cross.

    Blessed are these mourners, for they shall be comforted. {5T 474.4}

    They are sighing and crying and with tears warning the wicked of their danger.

    This is cry aloud, spare not. Here is a description of these people in their

    powerful message.

    The little company who are standing in the light will be sighing and crying

    for the abominations that are done in the land. But more especially will

    their prayers arise in behalf of the church because its members are doing

    after the manner of the world. {5T 209.3}

    The earnest prayers of this faithful few will not be in vain. When the Lord

    comes forth as an avenger, He will also come as a protector of all those who

    have preserved the faith {5T 210.1}

    These sighing, crying ones had been holding forth the words of life; they

    had reproved, counseled, and entreated. Some who had been dishonoring

    God repented and humbled their hearts before Him. But the glory of the

    Lord had departed from Israel; although many still continued the forms of

    religion, His power and presence were lacking. {5T 210.2}

    They mourn before God to see religion despised in the very homes of those

    who have had great light. They lament and afflict their souls because pride,

    avarice, selfishness, and deception of almost every kind are in the church.The Spirit of God, which prompts to reproof, is trampled underfoot, while

    the servants of Satan triumph. God is dishonored, the truth made of none

    effect. {5T 210.3}

    This is all part of this people who are the angel, this movement. These are the

    people who will shed abroad the glory of God, who will cry aloud and spare

    not. There is their description, and their characteristic. These people are finally

    itemised in Revelation 14:12. They have been affected by the three angels'

    messages, they go forth and are the acceptable people as in the days of Noah.


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    Revelation 14:12

    Here we have a fairly concise representation of these people. As we have

    examined the characteristic of this people, in our next study we will research the

    actual history of this angel. Where he started and where he will conclude. Thefourth study will be the final scenes of this angel and then the last urgent call of

    this angel.


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    The Minneapolis Conference 1888


    We are studying the history of the fourth angel and when it comes into

    existence. In our last study we studied the description of the character of this

    angel. We now want to look at and where these people arose. In search of this

    character, we see how they join the third angels message as an historic event.

    Revelation 18:1-2

    The power and characteristic of these people announce and give the power of

    the message. We read in reference to the power in

    1 Corinthians 2:3-5

    These people are a poor and afflicted people. They are small in number. They

    have not much impact in the world by way of man's expectation. The power that

    this angel comes with is someone who is weak, fearful, and trembling but thepresentation is not with enticing words but with wisdom. It is a demonstration

    of the Spirit and power. It will not be the wisdom of men but the power of God.

    This angel gives the final display of that calibre of power. The earth was

    lightened with his glory.

    Isaiah 60:1-2

    Here is a people who have no glory of their own. The glory is that of the Lord

    which enlightens their life. It is the character of God.


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    Matthew 5:14-16

    It is the works that is the light, not just the glory of man's ability. It is the

    faithfulness of practise in God's works. There is the power of God, the glory

    which is the character of God in practice. And there it is as it says in he cried

    mightily with a loud voice.

    Revelation 18:2

    Isaiah 58:1

    At the time when the danger and depression of the church are greatest,

    the little company who are standing in the light will be sighing and cryingfor the abominations that are done in the land. But more especially will

    their prayers arise in behalf of the church because its members are doing

    after the manner of the world. {5T 209.3}

    The crying these ones are doing is looked upon with ridicule by the ones they

    are addressing. In this angel coming to the world like this, when the earth is

    lightened with the glory of the angel of Revelation 18, the religious elements

    good and evil will awake from slumber and the armies of the living God will

    take the field.

    The powers of evil will not yield up the conflict without a struggle. But

    Providence has a part to act in the battle of Armageddon. When the earth

    is lighted with the glory of the angel of Revelation eighteen, the religious

    elements, good and evil, will awake from slumber, and the armies of the

    living God will take the field.--7BC 983 (1899). {LDE 251.3}

    As these people powerfully move forward and are noted, the religious elements

    both good and evil wake up. There are a lot of people that are good people

    around us who are in a slumbering state. That is what we read of the parable of

    the ten virgins. The company in the light wakes them up and also wakes the

    slumbering wicked and they become active. We explore the rising of this

    movement in history how this stirred up the evil and the good and is continuing

    to do so even now.

    The time of test is just upon us, for the loud cry of the third angel has

    already begun in the revelation of the righteousness of Christ, the sin-


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    pardoning Redeemer. This is the beginning of the light of the angel whose

    glory shall fill the whole earth (RH Nov. 22, 1892). {7BC 984.6}

    That statement was written in 1892. As we are looking at the history, here is an

    inspired statement that says the angel of Revelation 18 has already begun backthere. This is where we pick up the history. We can see that it opens up the

    history of this angel. He has already begun. When the presentation of the

    revelation of the righteousness of Christ took place, it was his glory thatshall

    fill the whole earth from 1892 when that was written. What is meant with the

    rising of the angel at the presentation of the righteousness of Christ the sin

    pardoning redeemer?

    {TM 91.2} The Lord in His great mercy sent a most precious message to

    His people through Elders Waggoner and Jones. This message was to bring

    more prominently before the world the uplifted Saviour, the sacrifice for

    the sins of the whole world. It presented justification through faith in the

    Surety; it invited the people to receive the righteousness of Christ, which is

    made manifest in obedience to all the commandments of God. This is the

    message that God commanded to be given to the world. It is the third

    angel's message, which is to be proclaimed with a loud voice, and attended

    with the outpouring of His Spirit in a large measure.

    Elders Waggoner and Jones brought a message of righteousness by faith to the

    people in 1888. We observe that this angel of Revelation 18 in history

    commenced here.

    {7BC 984.6} The time of test is just upon us, for the loud cry of the third

    angel has already begun in the revelation of the righteousness of Christ, the

    sin-pardoning Redeemer. This is the beginning of the light of the angel

    whose glory shall fill the whole earth (RH Nov. 22, 1892).

    This is directly identified as the beginning of the Revelation 18 angel. As it was

    proclaimed by Waggoner and Jones, it is of significance to read of Waggoner

    himself from the book Glad Tidings.

    The Christian thinks of any other manEnglish, German, French, Russian,

    Turk, Chinese, or Africansimply as a man and therefore a possible heir of

    God through Christ. If that other man, no matter what his race or nation, be

    also a Christian, then the bond becomes mutual and therefore still stronger.

    "There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is neither

    male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus.


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    It is for this reason that it is impossible for a Christian to engage in war. He

    knows no distinction of nationality, but regards all men as his brothers. The life

    of Christ is his life, for he is one with Christ. It would be as impossible for him

    to fight as it would be for Christ to have seized a sword and fought in self-

    defense when the Roman soldiers came for Him. And two Christians can no

    more fight against each other than Christ can fight against Himself.Glad


    Here is a vivid appreciation of the message of this Revelation 18 angel

    commencing with the presentation of Waggoner and Jones in the 1888

    conference. This ingredient of righteousness by faith included how Christians

    would relate to war. As we saw in the previous studies, as in the days of Noah,

    the message was not received. This also is how the message of the Revelation18 angel is received. It is not accepted by the majority.

    {TM 78.2} Men who are entrusted with weighty responsibilities, but who

    have no living connection with God, have been and are doing despite to His

    Holy Spirit. They are indulging the very same spirit as did Korah, Dathan,

    and Abiram, and as did the Jews in the days of Christ. (See Matthew 12:22-

    29, 31-37.) Warnings have come from God again and again for these men,

    but they have cast them aside and ventured on in the same course. Read the

    words of Christ in Matthew 23:23: "Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees,


    {TM 79.1} "Wherefore, behold, I send unto you prophets, and wise men,

    and scribes: and some of them ye shall kill and crucify; and some of them

    shall ye scourge in your synagogues, and persecute them from city to city."

    This prophecy was literally fulfilled by the Jews in their treatment of

    Christ and of the messengers whom God sent to them. Will men in these

    last days follow the example of those whom Christ condemned?

    {TM 79.2} These terrible predictions they have not as yet carried out to the

    full; but if God spares their lives, and they nourish the same spirit that

    marked their course of action both before and after the Minneapolis

    meeting, they will fill up to the full the deeds of those whom Christ

    condemned when He was upon the earth.

    The perils of the last days are upon us. Satan takes the control of every

    mind that is not decidedly under the control of the Spirit of God. Somehave been cultivating hatred against the men whom God has commissioned


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    to bear a special message to the world. They began this satanic work at

    Minneapolis. Afterward, when they saw and felt the demonstration of the

    Holy Spirit testifying that the message was of God, they hated it the more,

    because it was a testimony against them. They would not humble their

    hearts to repent, to give God the glory, and vindicate the right. They went

    on in their own spirit, filled with envy, jealousy, and evil surmisings, as did

    the Jews. They opened their hearts to the enemy of God and man. Yet these

    men have been holding positions of trust, and have been molding the work

    after their own similitude, as far as they possibly could. {TM 79.3}

    Here is a simple account of the rejection of this message by Waggoner and


    {1SM 234.6} An unwillingness to yield up preconceived opinions, and to

    accept this truth, lay at the foundation of a large share of the opposition

    manifested at Minneapolis against the Lord's message through Brethren

    [E.J.] Waggoner and [A.T.] Jones. By exciting that opposition Satan

    succeeded in shutting away from our people, in a great measure, the special

    power of the Holy Spirit that God longed to impart to them. The enemy

    prevented them from obtaining that efficiency which might have been

    theirs in carrying the truth to the world, as the apostles proclaimed it after

    the day of Pentecost. The light that is to lighten the whole earth with its

    glory was resisted, and by the action of our own brethren has been in a

    great degree kept away from the world.

    This is the sad reality of resisting the very message of this Revelation 18 angel.

    We look at the history some more in going from 1888 through to 1903. As the

    intensity of the call to the Seventh Day Adventist church came from God, we

    note the rise of this intensity.

    {1SM 127.3} God calls for a spiritual revival and a spiritual reformation.

    Unless this takes place, those who are lukewarm will continue to grow more

    abhorrent to the Lord, until He will refuse to acknowledge them as His


    {1SM 128.1} A revival and a reformation must take place, under the

    ministration of the Holy Spirit. Revival and reformation are two different

    things. Revival signifies a renewal of spiritual life, a quickening of the

    powers of mind and heart, a resurrection from spiritual death.


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    Reformation signifies a reorganization, a change in ideas and theories,

    habits and practices.

    Here was the call, it was needed. A revival and reformation.

    The intensity of the call grew and there was more and more appeal to the

    church. By the time we come to 1903 we see this sad comment. E G White who

    was intensely yearning for the organisation to pick up this message so it could

    be spread, she was waiting to hear it but wrote this

    {8T 231.2} After I received word in regard to the excellent meeting ofconfession and unity that had been held in Battle Creek I was writing in my

    diary and was about to record the thankfulness I felt because a change had

    come, when my hand was arrested, and there came to me the words:

    "Write it not. No change for the better has taken place. Teachings that are

    turning souls from the truth are being presented as of great worth.

    Doctrines are being taught that lead into bypaths and forbidden paths;

    doctrines that lead men to act in harmony with their own inclinations and

    to work out their unsanctified purposes; doctrines that, if received, woulddestroy the dignity and power of God's people, obscuring the light that

    would otherwise come to them through God's appointed agencies."

    Here is this sad comment upon the reality of what transpired as God saw that no

    change for the better had taken place as much as people were thinking hooray

    we are getting somewhere now. We look at more historic detail as we get the

    full picture of this angel as he continues to develop.

    As the people of the fourth angel launched out in 1888, there was this opposingsegment within the church organisation and here in this quote is the picture that

    develops in the historic development from 1888 through to 1903 and what

    happens to the people as some take it and some reject it.

    {2SM 113.3} This is our message, the very message that the three angels

    flying in the midst of heaven are proclaiming. The work to be done now is

    that of sounding this last message of mercy to a fallen world. A new life is

    coming from heaven and taking possession of all God's people. But

    divisions will come in the church. Two parties will be developed. The wheat

    and tares grow up together for the harvest.


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    {2SM 114.1} The work will grow deeper and become more earnest to the

    very close of time.

    A new life was coming from heaven is what the Revelation 18 angel was all

    about. However two parties will be developed. This is the visionary unravellingof this predicament that the history of this angel is finding himself in. The

    splitting up and divisions within the church is quantified.

    {ChS 41.1} It is a solemn statement that I make to the church, that not one

    in twenty whose names are registered upon the church books are prepared

    to close their earthly history, and would be as verily without God and

    without hope in the world as the common sinner. They are professedlyserving God, but they are more earnestly serving mammon. Living as

    sinners, claiming to be Christians! Those who claim to be Christians and

    will confess Christ should come out from among them and touch not the

    unclean thing, and be separate.

    It is a solemn statement made to the church here. As you look at the percentage

    of this, not five percent. This is a very interesting qualification. As we go on we

    will see something interesting in reference to this. There is a simultaneous

    awakening call that those who are faithful are called upon to separate and touch

    not those that are making a mere profession. The historic development becomes

    very vivid and very clear.

    {5T 136.1} Soon God's people will be tested by fiery trials, and the great

    proportion of those who now appear to be genuine and true will prove to be

    base metal. Instead of being strengthened and confirmed by opposition,

    threats, and abuse, they will cowardly take the side of the opposers.

    {5T 136.2} To stand in defense of truth and righteousness when the

    majority forsake us, to fight the battles of the Lord when champions are

    few--this will be our test.

    Here is a forecasting prophecy that identifies that the friction within the church

    of the faithful verses the unfaithful is not five percent. We observe what

    transpires. In the year 1913 we observe a very powerful call once more. This is

    a testimony to the GC in session.


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    {TM 514.3} Men of clear understanding are needed now. God calls upon

    those who are willing to be controlled by the Holy Spirit to lead out in a

    work of thorough reformation. I see a crisis before us, and the Lord calls

    for His laborers to come into line. Every soul should now stand in a

    position of deeper, truer consecration to God than during the years that

    have passed.

    {TM 515.1} I have been deeply impressed by scenes that have recently

    passed before me in the night season. There seemed to be a great

    movement--a work of revival-- going forward in many places. Our people

    were moving into line, responding to God's call.

    There is given a forecast in 1913, I see a crisis before us. What did we read in

    5T? Fiery trials will come and separate God's people. She sees a people moving

    into line. What is the crisis, this fiery trial that was looming up before them in


    The call to those who were of this angel was to move forward. Those who were

    so filled with the appreciation of Christ and his righteousness relative to what

    Waggoner expressed that they would never participate in war.

    What happened after this call of 1913? A fiery trial. When did the First World

    War commence? 1914. We observe what transpired there in 1914 that tested

    the church so severely. Here is the historic detail of 1914. This was written in a

    circular The Hamburg Paper 1914 by the European division secretary.

    The Hamburg Circular paper 1914. To our dear brethren and sisters

    greetings with Psalm 23. In this earnest and terrible time into which Europe

    has fallen, we desire to request the following of you. As followers of Christ we

    should be obedient to the services of our land.

    1 Peter 2:13-17 Submit yourselves to every ordinance of man for the Lord's

    sake: whether it be to the king, as supreme;

    2:14 Or unto governors, as unto them that are sent by him for the

    punishment of evildoers, and for the praise of them that do well.

    2:17 Honour all [men]. Love the brotherhood. Fear God. Honour the king.

    We should do our military duty joyfully whilst we are in service or being

    called to serve so that the officers in charge so that the officers in chargewill find us true and valiant soldiers who are ready to die for their homes,


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    army and father land. Our destiny is in Gods hand. Should we lose our life

    whilst in conflict, let us remember that our life is hid with Christ in God.

    How does that sound? Is that in harmony with what Waggoner taught that the

    Christian should not engage in war?

    The life of Christ is his life, for he is one with Christ. It would be as

    impossible for him to fight as it would be for Christ to have seized a sword

    and fought in self-defense when the Roman soldiers came for Him. And two

    Christians can no more fight against each other than Christ can fight

    against Himself. Glad Tidings.

    If that was part of the ingredient of the righteousness by faith message, what is

    revealed here by the SDA church in Europe? They are flatly displaying that they

    are not in harmony with the Revelation 18 angel.

    German Newspaper Dresden Neveste Nachrichtent April 12th 1918 page

    3 At the beginning of the war our organisation divided into two parts.

    Whilst 98 percent of our members stepped out, after searching the Bible,

    on the ground that it was our conscientious duty to defend the Fatherland

    with weapons, and that also on the Sabbath; and this decided position from

    the united leaders was at once forwarded to the war department; 2 percent

    however, did not submit themselves to this decision of the leaders, and

    therefore had to be disfellowshipped because of their anti-Christian


    What did we read in E G White? Not one in twenty. Not five percent. What did

    they say? Only 2% were faithful for not going to war. In the German Cologne

    paper a public observation.

    Since the beginning of the war there has been a division among the

    Adventist people. During the duration of the war the majority wanted to

    see the fundamental teachings set aside, by force if necessary. The others

    asked that the sanctification of Saturday (Sabbath) be allowed them, even

    in these times of stress. The opposing faction finally brought about the

    disfellowshippment from the organisation of the followers of the original

    principals of their faith. Public Observation German Paper Koelnich

    Zeitung September 21, 1915.


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    Here is the sad story. Here is the history of the Revelation 18 angel, that

    movement of people that commenced within the organisation of the SDA

    church under Waggoner and Jones' messages. As they went forward they were

    finally caused to fall apart. Here was the division on the principal of God's

    commandments in the war.

    The call to this angel to move forward was foreshadowed in the quote from E.G.

    White to the General Conference. We have a repeat of the constant history of

    the past where Christians have had to leave the church of their fathers as we see

    portrayed in this story.

    {DA 232.2} As the light and life of men was rejected by the ecclesiastical

    authorities in the days of Christ, so it has been rejected in every succeeding

    generation. Again and again the history of Christ's withdrawal from Judea

    has been repeated. When the Reformers preached the word of God, they

    had no thought of separating themselves from the established church; but

    the religious leaders would not tolerate the light, and those that bore it

    were forced to seek another class, who were longing for the truth. In our

    day few of the professed followers of the Reformers are actuated by their

    spirit. Few are listening for the voice of God, and ready to accept truth in

    whatever guise it may be presented. Often those who follow in the steps of

    the Reformers are forced to turn away from the churches they love, in

    order to declare the plain teaching of the word of God. And many times

    those who are seeking for light are by the same teaching obliged to leave

    the church of their fathers, that they may render obedience.

    What repetitious event took place in the period of the first World War? What

    has transpired over the last 84 years from 1914? This poor afflicted people that

    we had studied that arise out of every succeeding generation, a poor people. We

    now notice a verbal expression of EG White that she saw. This is a quote thatwas written by the witnesses that stood by her when she said this;

    Sister White told us as we three stood on the railroad depot platform, that

    a terrible storm of persecution was coming just like a windstorm that blew

    down every standing object. There was not a Seventh Day Adventist to be

    seen, they like the disciples forsook Christ and Fled; all who sought

    positions were never seen any more. After the storm there was a calm, then

    the Adventists arose like a flock of sheep, but were without shepherds.

    They all united in earnest prayer for help and wisdom, and the Lord

    answered by helping them to choose leaders among them who had never

    sought positions before. They prayed earnestly for the aid of the Holy


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    Spirit which was poured out upon them making them fully ready for

    service. They then went forth, fair as the moon, clear as the sun and

    terrible as an army with banners, to give the message to all the world. I was

    astonished and asked if that applied to Loma Linda as were looking that

    way. Sister White replied to my question by stating that it applied to theentire denominational world. It stunned me that I did not ask any more

    questions. Signed by Will Ross, Elman Johnson & McEntefer.

    Here is the picture of what transpires since the first world war. These people

    arise without leade