VOLUME rv. HO. 463._CHARLESTON, S. C., MONDAY MORNING-, FEBRUARY" ll, 1867~ " mjrr* XITTTT* Our Cubic DisitutiUcH. .ON KIN. July 1.-Tho grand rovioiv in Hyde Purk lum boon poníponed un account of tho oxceu- (ion of Maximilian. Thcro ie Kie.it indignation hero nml on tho lonlinont. Tho Imperial Court at Vienna han gone into mourning for Mnxiinilinn. Tho Hank ol Killumi holds twenty-two niillionn Uro hundred thousand pounds Htorliiig. J '.una. July 3.-Vumlcn brook i Brother, Ameri¬ can il inker* hero, hnvo suapcudod. SS Nu p 'il en ii hau ni lloved omi rt mum nine for Maxi¬ milian. IJYERPOOI., July 4-Eveirng_Colton inactive; closed with n downward londcucv. Middling U|>- laiidn 10J; Orloana ll. Salee 1000 bab a. IAINUON, July 4-Kvouing-Coneola Ml; bouda 721. i .UMHIN, July 5-Noon_Coneola, 93j; Bond* un¬ changed. LONDON, July 0-Evening-Consola, 913; I! .ml o 72J. LivEnrooi., July 5-Noon_Intimated Bales 10.- 000 balen; Middling Uplnuda l'Hil., Orlcnn* lld. Balea of tho woek &U.0O0 balea, wliorcof 13,001 worn for export und for speculation. St. wk 7:13,000. whorcof 380,000 aro Amerton. Droadalutl'i and Proviaiona unchauged. LIVEUPOOI., July 6-Kvcning.-Colton cloacd un- chnngod in tono or prie"- Middling Uplnnda lU.ld.. Orlcana, lld.; «aloa 1' ,...H) bules, llecf advanced la. Hacon advnuccd Od. Lard declined 3d., quatod at 47a. Cd. Common Itosin declined. Tur¬ pentine, 30e. 'Pillow, 44a. Weather fuvorublo for tho crops. BOUTUAMPTON, July C.-Tho alcanialiiii Ainoiica touched. Washington News. WABIITNOTON, July 4.-It will rociiiiro a two- thirda volo to auapend tho rule adoptad hy (ho Houso on NYodnosuav, conilnini; legislation to per¬ fection mid atronglhuuing thu Military lteeim- structiou Hill, l'omiiiii: ii* ndoplion miitiona io nil muru, by oxtromiata, failed. In tho 11, niuo tho Spoaker announced tito Cuni mittoo on Iloconatmcti m. provided I y tho resolu¬ tion of hint Weil nen iluy, na follows : Stevena, 1 ¡nut- ..woli, lliugham, Fariicsworth, Htirlhurt of Now York, llouman, Dayno, Piko ami Brooks. WABUINQTON, July 5.-Associate .Tuatico Wayne, of tho Huprome Court of the United States, tad'end. Ito Wau born in Havannah in 1790, and nppointcdto tho Deneb in 1B35. Ia tho Barratt trial tho prosecution lina cloned ila testimony. Th o resolutions thanking tho District Command¬ ers woro adopted by a nlrict party vote. Slr. Drooka ia tho only Democrat on tho Deconstruc¬ tion Cominittoo. Tho Cabinet was in amnion to-day. Tho now Brazilian Miniatcr, Coiutnnndcr Don Do min goa Joao Oonzalea do Magul 8aoa, was prc- aonted to tho President, and tho Minister exprusa- od Inn plcaauro at tho friendliness of tho two powern. i Tko Internal Rovonuo Rccolpts lo-dav nmonnlcd to »2,600,000. Congressional. WASHINGTON, July B.-Di tho Senate n resolution was submitted that lcgialation bo confined to re¬ construction, .and billa relating to it only be acted upon. A long deli ito ensued, during* which it triumph ml that thirteen Senator:! in cnucUH voted in favor of uníveraai anil inge. Tho resolution re- etricting legislation waa Anally linseed, nyes 19, nays 9, viz: Buckalow, Drnko, Fowler, Howe", llosa, Hum nor. Thayer, Tipton, Wado. Wilson elated in (bo courso of tho dobato that Stanton wauled no legislation regarding tho judiciary, but needed lunney to anpnort reconstruction. Tho Señalo then adjourned until Monday. In tho Houso tho Speaker prcaenlod a mcmorinl fi oin (Jreono N. Adams,' against tho ndmission of Beck, from Kentucky, which was rcforrcd to thc Committee on Elections. Mr. l'nyno moved to enapend Uio rules so that bo migíit introduce a Joint resolution toiidoring tho timuka of Congrua* lo Major-Guuornl Philip Ii. Shoridan for Ibo nhlo and faithful porformanco of duty na commander or tho Military Dix triot of Texaa and Louisiana. Tlio raïca woro suspended by a voto of 110 against 18, and tho resolution was pnsaod. Additional papera regarding tho Kcntnclry dele¬ gation, and protest from tho members whoso acata aro not oonloated, woro referred to tbo Committee on Eloctiona. Tho Joint roaoidtions of thanks to Generala Sicklos, Pope and Schofield, wcro adoplcd. Mr. Bcbcnck' offered a rojolutiou of thanks to Poln ileum V. Warloy and Attornoy-Qoiioral Stan- bory for maintaining tho Preaidont'a policy. Pending tho qacution of its rocoption, Ibo llouao adjourned. In tho Soneto, Mr. Tipton argued in favor of a reward from Govcmmcnt for Indian ucalpa. From Richmond. DicmtoND, July 5.-Doturns from Danvillo show that the nagrocs have rorjiatorcd tin eu to ono over tho winton. í rnn of in© <-olov»j oil. ..r M«J .euc, was convicted in thin city to-day and i'm.ul Í5. Tho tlievinomoter boro ia 9G to-day. New York PicvT». NKW Yons, Joly ,4.-Tlio niaing Star bringa »817,000 of trcaauro. lilt co persons aro roported killed, many caanal- tics, and twenty Ores, rebutting from tho celebra¬ tion. A ploasuro boat was run down by tho ntcomor Norwalk, wbilo returning from Conoy Island. Elvo or six passcngera were drowned. From Canada. TOBONTO, July 4.-Tho Government, apprehend¬ ing a Ecman. demonstration, has placed gunboats nt several pointa. Nothing unusual occurred. Fu o M Georgia- AuauBTA, July 5.-Dusinees waa generally sus¬ pended yesterday: A uailonol saluto was fired. At noon in tho* park, tlio froo dinon and aoldieva bad a row, which first threatened lo provo serious, but nobody was killed. Cotton eales to-dav 112 balee; middling 22}a23c. 'Ibo Republican Slate Convention met in Atlanta yesterday. Tbcro woro delegates present from n'l parts of tho State. Foater Blodgct, of Itichiuond County, was elected President. A roaolution waa adopted that tho loyal mon of Georgia desire tho bannony nf the country, declaring tlio Bopubllcan party of Uio Btato in allianco wi', li tho National Bo- publican party, pledging it i beoxty aiipport to tho reconstruction mcaaurca of Cdngrcsa,' dee luring tho Union Republican party in sympathy with tlio work¬ ingmen, and pledging their encouragement and snpport to protect.uio rights of nil, anti to abide by tho prescribed terina restoration, in electing to office mm who can comply in all respects with tbo requirements of Congress. Tbo delegates to tho Convention woro appointed without Togari! to color. A mass, meeting wah bold, tho number Çresent hoing eaiimntod at from 12,000 to 20,000. 'bo Declaration of Independenco waa read, and an oration delivered by A. W. Tonney, Now York, who was followed by otbor Bpoakora, From Aiolitlo. MOMLE, July 5.-Ycslerday' was genorally ob- H;rvoil rm a holiday, and busineaa suaponded. A largo number of citizens wont on an oxenraion down tho bay to witness tho regatta. There wcro eoveral exonraion parties also of frocdinan. The day passed quietly. Tho national saluto was fired at noon. A federal soldier shot hiinaolf in B toro street. Prom A cw Orlcana. NEW OniXAKB, July 4.- Duainosa ia mostly BUS ponded. Tho day waa genni ally observed as a holiday but passed off very quietly. Tho military ?arndell tbo principal streets thia morning, and bo national saluto was fired from tho font of Ca nal street. Tito newspaper and military nfJQooa. and tho various poul io and privato buildinga, aro decorated with flags. Tbo foreign Couaulatcu dia- Çlaved tboir national colora, thoso of Austria and 'russia being draped in mourning. Many holiday o mureil um li ave left tho city Uiis morning, and Ibo » true ta are crowded withprornenndcra. Tho Now York Horald'a apodal from this city. June 20th, states that ex-Governor Wölls is about to issue a proclamation declaring EJ and ora an usurper, forbidding 'civil officers to oboy bia or¬ ders, and declaring Iiis adla null and void, aa ho i < Wella) is Governor. The Tribune's special, of tho «arno dato, nays to,ooo,ooo of city notes aro in cir¬ culation, und depreciating rapid ly. Tho dispatches ara published in tho city papors as Now Orleans news vu: New York. The City TroiBUrOr'a Deport, Juno 20tb, states that tho amouut of city currency in oiroulntlon ia »1,743,00(1. Tho Now York Spcoial saya Ibo oily notes aro abnoat tho onliro currency of tho oity, and, aa it ia not taken baak, tbo Lnaiuosa public moat bo oorioualy ombarrosaed. Tito facia aro tho oity notes aro ourront in ordinary bneincea, but only at a dlsconut In largo omounta and at tho brokors. , ., Wella' proclamation, as foreshadowed in tho Herald's apodal, has ¡mt yet boen board from here. .. '' New Oni.r-AN«, July 5,-Tbo Bud Dlvor loveo front at Alexander, La., gavo way on tlio night of E ri day, tho 28 tb, flooding tho lower portion of tho town, but tbo break was promptly repaired by ci ti¬ zona. On tho night .if tho first ft again b .?. '.e. A dispatch says: rTbo only cbnrico bf tho town keeping from overflow ia by tho falling of the rivor." Ktpcitlllon fo mexico. FoBTncsa MÓÍNUO'E.' July 4.'-Tbo frigate cinaque- hans, Admiral Porter, nailed, yesterday uudor ¿caled orders. It is now known that abo procccda to Mexico direct. ¡¡J '|| ll From Mnlci)/ llOStU. tho M from 1 Maximilian's command, rec nilly in gai:¡non nt Vorn Cruz. They lott Vora Cioz on tho 28th. Tho capitulation wisa feigned on tho 27th. Thoy march¬ ed out with colon flying, sainted by tho Liberal forcea. They were allowed to retain their arma, and wore farnlahod a national vcaae] in whieu to leave Mexico. Lieut. Col. J. £. Bondy, of tho Fronob army, io in co mm omi. It U oaid they will be zn natored out hore. ; From South America.' NEW YOBK, Joly 4.-Peru adrices stale that Caa- tellia'a revolution to doposo Prado has tonumatcd, Caatollia ia doad. ... .. " ". By tho latest Panama advices, tho capturo of Musqué ra and tho nflHumplinn of tho supreme power hy Acostar aro, confifiniJ. Afffira hoVo gToatly nnaottledl iMf! ,rz~ " L r' Chill advices at« to that, tl io Froèidônt'a Mosáa'go to Cou groas anaennooa tho acceptance- Of the mo- ,s,.'.iiHUt':,iOJ.'«/J.. . .rDiuï mn ..---- wnm .?? iuu oimouH] wnr, with modifications. latani* Croesin in und Wightman, of tho Unitod Hinte« «tamer (Jampee, in Valpairuuo, intended lo light u duel. Oomcstlc Mnrkcts. NOON DISPATCH. NEW YORK, .Inly fi.-Stocks strong. Oold OT J. Sidling 111,'tilOJ. '(¡'J euupoiiH ll.) ; cl mid '(15 do. ll OSlal ()8|; new issuo 7 lO-lU'a $1 ooj -j.-M\, ti Oiij tu 1 U7. Cotton dull ; mi,Mimi; upland» 2(1. i'lour lOa'20 lower. \\ hc.a .lorim mg. Com ln2 lower, Fork duU at i21 25. l.nrd dull llalli. Whiskey steady. Narai »toreB quiet. Freights quilt. KVEKINO DISPATCH. Flour net ¡ve nt tho noon declino: State ÍG 50a 1000. Wli'-nt declining. Corn declining; Mixed Western il Ulai 1)8. Mees Pork »20 3"ia20 50. Lard [lull, lljaiaj. Whinkoy closed nctivo nt 88a40. t'ottun declining; enies 1000 halon nt 2G. Sugar linn; Muscovado lllalSf. Coffoo quid. Turpon- lina quiet nt Baw. liosin Í3 20.(8 50. Freights ilull. Stocku eliphUy ussier. Gold 38'. '02 cou- I" MIS Ul}. WILMINGTON, July 5.-Cotton noniiual nt 22c. i'm Jc-1? Ldepressed nt 50.J;i.r)L Itosiu »toady at ti nuafl no. I'nr very Rearen nnil linn nt Í3 50. " ll.\i.TiMonn, .Inly 5.--Collen quid and unchanged Flour Bcarco, demand light, mid price» irregular- new while Wliont, Í2 30n3. Corn iictivo: Whlto' ndvonccrtoc. fU3all5; Sollow, tl OGnl 08; AYOBI- -iii Mixed, fl 02. Provisions very Arni at full [irieo.-. Whiskey und Sugar unchanged. Monit.E, .Tulv 5.-Hale» of tim week 1550 bale». Receipts, 415 batch. Exp irte. 5371. Stoolt, 12,885. Sales of cotton to-dnv 350 Indee; market dull, Middliiutii, 22}. llccci|it», 171. NEW ORLEANS. July 5.-Sale» »1:00 babs, dall; Low Midd in); 2!;i2:ll. llccuiplu of tho week 2150, igainst 2203. ExiKirts of Ibo wauk, 7951. Stock, '" Hi?. Fair Louiaiann Sugar 13 j; primo to cboico 1U. No Molasses in inarki I. ijuu.i Milgar ashing tn' advance, owing to Havana advices; No. 12 hold tl 13c. Molasses dud. Flonr improved; Kupor- lino $10 75. Corn finn; mined ard vullow $lnl 10; ivhito $12.U1 25. Oats scarce ot 82»83. Tork linn lt 75*94. llacoii Shoulden! KU; rib U|A12; llcni i:i|. Lard dull, quoted at 12¡.il'.?J in tierces; fcc 18J. Cold Ul), Sterling 4'Jja53. Now York Sight A premium. SAVANNAH, July 5.-Cation dull and drooping. late» in Univ dave 200 bulen; Low Middling 23a «I. Receipts 382 balee. Sl'KKCII OV GEN. D. 1Î. SK ICI,I.s. Mv rim::; UK : I am liappy lo reçoive your demon- itiations of regard, lt lu gi al living lo observo ronr 1.early appreciation of tliiu anniversary. For rim tho Declaration of Indopclidoncu lid«! ii pc- .nlinr significance. Tn tho nation it brought iberly; but to you il roctorod manhood. Il into .uniigh. your race hm. wailed almost a hundred ?earn fui' tho fulfilment of tho plcdgo mado to 'Ivill/.ation liv tho mumu tal mittun ii ol thu Decla- .it um of Independence. Jefferson and hifl col- uagucs had moro faith in humanity than their im- nediato successors. Tho statesmen of ibo epoch >f tho Hovoltilion desired lo form a penuanoot mian of States, to establish just ico, to inauro lonic-iie tranquilitv, and HI euro tho blessings of ibcrty tu all thc children of tho Ttonublic. To-day hu musical bells of.Bt. Michaol'n eel ebra to in Hiing chimes mir progros» in tho work begun a loutury ago by tho fathers of tho llopublic. To- lay the flag which floats unchallenged tliioughout ho ( 'm olin m. is tho nymboi uf justice mid liberty o all. (Loud cheers.) Your aid maulers und yon begin to know oioh il hot belier. Ii is willi you and thom aa with tho sm th and Sont h-better acquaintance promotes ;onil understanding. Every day moro kindly teol- ngs aro expressed towards vou as freemon, as free aliorers, and as citizens. Errors and illusions oro lansing nway. In 18G3-'fl, I was admonished not o permit you to celébralo your holidays in mulli- uilcs, willi processions and banners and music, nd marshals and lioufircs, mid Arc-arms and flrc- .oiks. Why? JJoestisu it wa» said you would rieo n insurrection. Agi inst whom? fur whai t I de- n.milt tl. Not against thc aulhority of tho Unitod Hates; lor thal authority has mudo thom free, lot n gainst their furnier masters; for as Biavos hey did not not robot. Not against mo; for I am tero to protect them from injustice. No. I was old (ho colored people would novo land, and thoy o nhl scizo it and di ¡vu away tho lan fut o wu ors of lie soil. Timos haro chanced; insurrection is ni;- remomkered ns a nightmare, Whenever a ólorcd mau wants land, it ia soon that ho buys it rom any ono willing to eoll; or hires laud, U ho can nd any ono willing to let it to him. (Cheers.) Hero I will oller a suggestion. Thoro aro many Imitation« lu these States, not cultivated at all, r only half cnltivatcd. It tho owners, who cnn either plant nor afford to keep their lands idlo. o ii Kl divido their useless lands into email farms f twouly acres each, and sell thom at fair prices > honest, industrious, «nd thrifty laborers, tho ry of "ennflscatiuu" would soon bo lost lu tho gloo f busy labor-tho noiaa of' landless agitators rould bo hushed in tho roñoso uf a oontmiteii »pi» licnooiii.j. v*Ji"=t:li».} When I was sont to tho Carolinas, in tho autumn f 1665, I was told that tho freed pooplo would over work for wages-that they could not bo lade to understand what it was to work for ?agen. Now I hoar a different complaint, that Itu freed in-1ipU: will not work without wagoe. Loud checrn and langhtor.) I was told, also, that il would never dn to admit olorcd pinpin to tho cutirte of juslico to assert heir rights by Bults at law, or to givo testimony i conlrovciaie.» between mon and man; for it waa aid you could not comprehend tho meaning and bhga'tiuu uf an oath, or the forms of judicial pro- cedings. Now, I hoar that unless a colored man as a lav. \ er and a law suit, ho docs .nut coueidur imsolf a rospoctablo citizen. (Laughter.) 1 was told, also, that it would be tine lens to os- ibliBli'-bchools for tho instruction tho blacks; i was insisted they woro not oapablo of learning-, leif heads woro too thick and their brain too mall. (Loud laughter.) 'Now, I hear that so limy free SCIIOUIH for colored children aro ulled ith colored pupils, (aught by colored teacher a, tat publia opinion is aroused to tho importnnoo f providing for tho education of tho poor whites I uv, more, in BOHÍO places tho schoolhouses for ni colored raco muni tho protection of my bayon¬ ets; and I am sure if colored peoplo could not ism. eocloty would not hate their teachers, nor tar their schools, and mobs wuuld not attack and cstroy their schoolhouses. (Sensation.) I was told also, that it would bo absurd to moko itizens of tho freed' pooplo, because thov would ever know anything ni mut política; that they uuld ba led lo Ibo ballot-box like sheep to pan- ire, without caring whether thoy wore voting for 'iouds or foes. Now I hoar that the colored pea¬ le divido thoir spero timo about equally between gligidn and pollués; and that thoy uro al mon tan articular about tho,,'politician they trust aa they rb about tho preacher thoy choose to pray for mn i. (Applauso and -Laughter. J Here, my friondB, is tho lesson I wish to im- rcss upon your mind. You have to prove, as you io trying to provo, that your nico is capable of rogrosd;-and thon you will snare, aa you will ns H tho right to share, in all that belongs to civil- tatiori. And to thoso who look with distrust and ¡ar upon your advancement, lot mo say to thom ¡mt education to you, as to them and to all. ie loro thau powor-lt is security; it is wealth; it ie eli nein L-nt; it is virtue; it ,is peace.. (Cheers.) lt ie'useless to toll mo that J am aloa, and Hay ti, nd Ht. 1J omine o and Martinique provo anything Isa thau that tho French, tho Spaniards and thc 'nglish fall in thoir colonial administration, ,'hosa United States, Spanish América, Algeria, nd tho Indios tiro amplified illustrations of UH arno historical cmnrpto. Ai well it might bo Bali' t-.o palo racos of Mexico, atid Paraguay, and Nett Ironada aro unlit for civilization because theil lolitical systems aro in constant ferment and tur nail. Yoii will succeed booauso you are Amen- una. (Enthusiasm.) Il may bo thc dostiny of your race to carry boc) o tho unknown tributarios of tho Nilo tho ameni iou of a ci vi li mt ion bettor than thal which tole ?atetl tho barbarism of tho bandits who toro you 'at ti ern from kindrod and'country, and bartorei non for gold. It aooins that noithor scrvltudo no 'rocdom,-noilhor cmelty nor wrong,-war o Tant,-1 imo or soparation,-have any mo o chango ho piemonte of your ortontal character, than th ¡limato of tho temperate zone has alterad tho ne ive huoof your African complexion. -To-day, th louvred race of tho South are tho samo conndinp Faithful and contented peoplo that would rathe ticer than resist, that would rather trust and wa li mi to bastón and compel. Your patience an raith havo bcon rewarded. Still bavO patlonci novcr wavor in tho faith that tho samo graoioi I'tovidtnoo that has horno you harmless andi iriumph out of bim ila go, will in good timo load yo to tho promised land of regeneration. (Lot! sheers.) . Political ovonts aro nonr at hand in which for tl lint timo, you will exorcise tho high privilege American citizens. You nvtut try to discrimina well and chooBO wlsolv betwoen tho good and bu examples yon soe.1 lfomombor that in politics in all things, an oron tom por and a rospoolful d meaner itôward OUT ildv erearius dntraet nulli it from tho ardor of our convict ¡ona, nor from tl tenacity with which wo prosa our (mirposos ; oqn nimity andcourlcsy always con tributo to tho sn COSH of mir undertakings. Do you romombor Abraham Lincoln? (Cries "Yes," "yes." "yes.") -Will von oror forgot h'm (Iioud shouts or. "No," *.'no," '-no. uorer. novor. Vi u rmiHt not cooso to cliofish and hood tho le ac inge of that genial nature, thoso aimplo mothot the nobld heart and tho guilolcss oxamplo of yo gifted and tamoritod ohámpion, ,Lot tie all rdmo ber und buliovo'tho last words of his last addrc to the pooplo ho loved and eorvod ao woll, and whom h ¡it almost sacred lifo waa a sacrifico, raid: "Tho time wilt como when tho mystic chbi of inomnry, stretching from ovory batUo-Qeld a patriot gravo to every living heart- and hoar stone, leached again as- thoy Buroly will.btv by better angola of our natiuro, shall awoll tho ohoi of tho Union th rough ont tho tandi" rt fOrcat plauso.) ,yi ..,"., jj j BVKECil OT JilTKlE ltOHM. After tópente d calla for J nd g o Moses, 11 gentium in carno forward and s poko es follows jfi; Frtnuùi .--I fear if I remain rile nt ai your ropektod calla roy motivo might bo impu to causes ,whlch aro far from, thoso which influe mo.. I therefore 'appear to acknowledge, in a remarks, my appreciation of tho oonipliri which in impliod by tho flattering rccopuoa havo oxtondod to ruo. It ia Dot tho first Uh havo addressed ah assemblage ol ymir race have notpoon of thoso who, accepting; lhere of tho wart Lae doomed lt wisdom or poJ ey to1 aloof frooVthose who herotofofewo answ fi y and booanso you Imve been cl ova led to a .Iii pUlform jrhloli you never boforo oocnpl. tl, 1 felt lt prvpor or'booömirig.to,frown-open ¡ aspiration; to DnprovomAnu; or impede jm your cow icarocr, My.jodgment, whatoTer lt I ¡i. \fià/.''-." ..' ' " no \\oí m, leads ino to concluí]u that good faith arni policy both demand that tiv y who aro to livo un¬ der tho »niuo sky ehnuld encourage and aid oauh other in tho progress of lifo. In youth wo Iiavo lioen playmatcB, in manhood friends, aud hocauso your condition ia changed -wo all lropo for tho netter-aliould our relations, in ovcry regard, bo oil ioversell, our sympathy duatroyod, and wo suddenly converted into onemioa? boon wisdom, morality or religion, sanction euch a emu se V I am Huro you must hara liatonod, not only willi plcaauro but with improvement, to tlio oloquont and sensible nddrcaa which you have |ual hoard from General Hickies. If tho words of caution nut! ndvico which bo gnvo linvo not fallon on listless eura (mid from your demeanor I nm euro they did not), th« impression thoy must bavo madoon your honda and hearts will tend to your boucflt anil ad¬ vantage. Ho stamin, aa it wcro. an impartial ob- aorver botween tho aces. If you follow that ad¬ vice, Ibo Government which baa made ; on citizens will not blush by n roOuotion on their act. You aro clothed with cortaiu political rights wbicb, iu Ibo relation you formerly occupied, could not bavo boon cnn Ter red upon you. In thu exercise Of those iglils, and in tho enjoyment of tho privileges 10 which their posscsaiou have elevated you, tho Uovornmonl should bavo no cause io regret that il granted tho huon, or to realizo tint tho experi¬ ment it mado has be m fraught with dofcat and liaappoinimont. On tho olbor hand, yonr effort* ibould bo unceasing to lot your conduct bring no :cnauro on thoao who accordod you a uow pohticnl status. I am sure if your freedom was a conae- j ne ii co lo which tho will of tbo pooplo of tho Hon th lid not contributo, thoy will not fail iu a:ccpling n en tho nccosHity which they could not avoid, to itli'i d to you a full opportunity, without lot or tl il ia nc e, to dovolop to tho lullest entent the rc- 11 unes of yonr uaturo and cnorgy, and to contri- into by a ro .dy concession of all your now aoqului- lioiiB, to your educational and religions Improvo¬ uent, lou are among us, and to livo with us, inbjcct to tho reviving influence of tho carno btw, iud tho depressing efleets of tho samo clouds, four industry and ability, directed to works of unlit, add to tho gonoral prosperity of tho Minto, ind thus to that weal in which we havo an intér¬ êt ali ko common with you. Can tho mind of tuan, uileaa RO po nora O aa not to ho in a Banu londition, conceive any possible odoquato -nason why wo should array ourselves in antagou- smV WI atc vor doprcsaes tho win to raco al ¡kn alls with bloating oiïuct on yours. Our iuloroat ia Do identified to keep lia arrayed in a suicidal noral warfare ag a list each other. Wo bavo inst omorged from a long and lolont- oaa war. When I'oaco, which should corry bool- nga on ita winga, again prevails, what profit tait o tako up tho dying embers of tho pout, to opon rounds wiiich timo, from day to day, is curing, ind lo rovien recoiled ions of anger and bloody trifo? Leithe past lio forgotten-wo havo tho result on ÜB to próvido for und tho futuro boforo ia to hope for. Manhood, honor, and abovo all ho allogianco which by oath baa been renewed to ho General Qovornmont, combino to induce na to edoublo our oxortions to build up tho lost for- unes of thc Btato, and make Carolina again a bright tar among ber sisters. You aro celebrating to-day tho anniversary of >ur national indoponuonco. You must remember hat whilo doing this you aro. as citizens of louth Carolina, not yet admitted into that inion, which following tbo old confederation, raa tbo consequonoo of tho declaration of 4th uly, 1770, which soverod tho connection with ire it. Britain, and mado tboso Statos "freo and iidcpoudont sovereignties." When tho pcopto of louth Carolina ronowed by oath tboir allogianco to Ito United citâtes, and adopted n Constitution in unfunnily to that notion, incorporating into tho ody i milt o tumbi mental principles which bad no loco thuro boforo, it was oxpocto'l in good faith hat thoy would not bo auojeotod to legislation rhich would auapend for any timo thoir claim to Im completo enjoy m en t of all tho rights and guar- nteea secured by thal Constitution, willoh waa lib result of tho Revolution of 1776. Thoy. bow¬ yer, havo thus far been withhold, and oro ali kept n trial, OB if instead of being cit ¡zena, disposed to iistain tho Qovornmont, wo aro traitors, awaiting lie opportunity of raising our band against tho cry Government which Wo bavo lately sworn to uatain. South Caroliua ia our Slat©, and sho ia libuudorstood by thoao who hold sway in the Na¬ umai Council. If abo has lost her fortuno, sho aa retained her honor. That abo has novor allied. When I renewed by oath my allo- ianco to tho United States, I did it in good utli. I would bavo wished my tongue paralyaod ', when aasnming tho obligation under oath, j ni it with any nioiital rcaorvation; and whatever ropri 'ty I claim for myself in this rogan!, I ash ir all tho pooplo of South Carolina. Thoy aro pan in their resist mao, and if tboy harbored nov lalignity to .tbo Gonoral Qovornmont with tho itb, they novar would bavo taken it. Wo havo ll, your raoo as well aa mino, at thia period of our olltical quarantine, to show, by a continuance of io observanco of proper cuiiduct between our- ?iveo and to tho Gov rnu.ont, that wo bavo a gilt to demand tho porformanco of all tho oondi- orin whioh woro to bo tho consoquonoo of poaco, id a roady acquiceoenoo, on our part, in all tho înV^fïh'atfod'iyy'ilio' Eögraialuro'öf Sontu'cVro- na, and standing aa a law on its statuto book, nong other rights extended to yon, has given an that of testifying in tbo Courts, I am happy i believe that it han not hoon abusod, and that io colored people, whon callod aa witnesses, lattfy in gonoral aa if impressed with tho litigation thoy assume, whon they swoaron tho ely Rook, why should it bo other wino? Thoy oro always a people of religious proponaitios, and hon not permitted to be taught to road and writo, toy ohing to that Bible aa tho hopo of their salva- on. Continue to bo guided by its prooopls and a injunctions; educate yonr rising generation, for ¡r doing that you will make then; good citlsons. id (bey will bo bolter prepared to appreciato and ijoy tho now politioal rights of which thoy bavo con tho recipients. Your solicitation for me to continuo, has inda cod io to say moro Iban I had in tended. I trust South amil n.y'inny anon bo recognised os a State of tho nion, with all tho rights to which abo ta entitled, bat flag wbioh yon boar baa upon It her star, and it abo is not permitted to claim tho light of it. ia ibo emblem of a groat nation-it novor will. I nat,' be other than the symbol aa woll of tho mor as tho glory of tho Union. Appreciating mr attention, I wlah you prosperity and bappi- Tno Future of Cotton» A commercial firm ot thia city recoivod a letter .om oMachcsler (Eng.) correspondent, who givoa io following conclusions in reference to tho futuro ipply of cotton : , MAMOHESTBB (Eng.), Jane, 1&G7. It nppoars to mo that we aro entering upon a ow a la to of n (fairs, which must bo takon into ac- yunt : 1. Tho immense loases of tho last two aoaacma ave oansod those that still stand up to bo moro lulious, and have completely used np tho wild peculators and thoir special supporters (tho Bove¬ ll banks), on both aides of Ibo water. 2. Tho supply of tho raw. article ia largor than as at first expected, j i , S. Tho probability that thora ia now on this sido fair prospect of two*and a, half inilliono bales for oxtyear.- - - .- k 4. Tho substitution of woolton and linen goods i lion pf cotton, which it > will take ionio timo to ¡mugo again. 1 5. Tho gonoral impression that cotton, as well aa vorytliing, ia too high, and most como down in rico before consumption can attain ila former reportions." State' i te in»,. TUE CHOPS.-Wo hear very gloomy reporta rom different sections of the il ul ric I. The ivers have risen to'a great height in conae- nenco of Ibc recent floods. The local rains ie re s u flic ont to do considerable du m age in welling li cm, and we understand they have leen steadily rising from the immense fall of rater in tho up-country. Tbo rice crop of the ip-rivar planters is .completely drowned out, .nd1 th* greatest gloom nñd'' dgspondoncy pre¬ nti among our truly unfortunate agricultural n uil -, Many IiAvh Informed ua that they will earcely irradie poèd^ni tho rico in ita present tage is irrevocably destroyed, and those who .re'more hopeful, base their doubtful.prospcota ipon a speedy subsidence of tho freshets, which ret.linger. When will our days of oalamity, mlnoss and sorrow havo Rn ond T "Troubles lover ¿orno single-handed," and wo of the louth nro'stck nt heart in tba realization of inch a' fearful proverb. We can only "hopo, on, lope (¡yvT."-s-(1eoTgttoKn Time». PBACII CROP.-Iii consequeneo of frosts in darch,'most of the-peaches in the neigbbor- lood haye boon killed.; We. hear of our neigh- ior Purvis, who ia generally among the fortu- >ate fevJ, shipping already. His first'shipment o New York was made On 18lb Juno, and up lo'the cod of Ibo.month bo had-shipped 160 boxes. He expects about a half crop. " . ' L Aiken Fret». DEATH or A Goon CiTiziM.-^Tbe painful in¬ telligence waa received in this oily yeslorday or tho death of George W. Cuvier, who died itt Munioh,'Germany, on'the 12th ultimo. The deceased had been fora nurabor of years tho cashier ¿f the Central. "Railroad Dank of this oity, tho'duties of which position, bo discharg¬ ed with tho utmost fidelity and ability j [Savannah N'être. PoroiÀTioH or MISSISSIPPI-NEOBOBII IN ?mr. M A ¿OBIT v.-In the Jackson, Clarion, of the 22d, wo find returns of O denian made for 1800 of tho population of Mississippi, except tho small County, bf Perry.' The total return« aro ;' Vi bites, 848,460; 'bfaokB, 881,208; total, 724;718. {As compared with.the OODBUB of .1800, tho ooo0^ In IMO tho tot«. Whit« popnlatton wa«.... 853,89. In 1800 Ibis total black popula Han waa.447,401 Malling ia grand total of..801.802 Deduct tejal population of 1866.1........'. 724,71E And wo llld a total. HM of.. 70,681 As follow» S. Yrbiteji...u.-. 10,489 fi Buick*... 68,140^70,(58! MS!^.w,79< _SPECIAL' NOT IC ES. .4TTHK nioiiT nh. O.M. WILLIAMS, D.D., Missionary Bishop or llio Protestant Episcopal Cliurch U> Okla* and Japan, will preach To-Morrow Morning, at Rt. I.uko'a Church. Hen leo to benin at Viii o'clock. At Night, a Missionary Meeting will be tiela ul Crace Church, at whick Uitliop WILLIAMS will mako au Ad¬ dress. Hervlco lo boßln nt 8.<; o'clock. Tho public aro Invited to attend. 1 july u *»- TRINITY OHÛlICU, ~lïASEL STREET.- Service will bo held in IIIIH Church To-jYorroto, al haU- post 10 o'clock A. M.. and a i|iiirter-paat s p. M., instead of at ulght. na hcrelororc. Throe boura will bo observed nulli fUrthor notice. 1 July n JUT UNITARIAN CHURCH.-A SPECIAL mooting of the corporation (tho pcw-holdcrs) of un¬ church will bo licld To-Mnrrmo .[fternoon, Iniinrsllslely after tho dun.i of (ho niter mme Benlee. A proposition of Ibo utmost im/x>ri.uiee will be submitted for Uie vnio ol tho corporation, ami Uie pnw-buldcra aro particularly rn- qucfltod to attend tho meeting. Afternoon sorvleo commence* at S o'clock. By order of Vestry. M. M. PORTER, July« 1 Chairman. sWORPHAN HOUSE CHAPEL.-THE BEY. C. C. PINOKNEY, of Grace (Episcopal) Church, will por- fonu Divluo Férrico lu this Chapel To-Morrow After- neon, 7th lust., at S o'clock. 1 July G «- NOTICE.-!. HEREBY CAUTION ALL persons not to credit any ono tu my urmo without roy written order. CUA ULKS DEIGN AN. Jnly 4 G* «3-TO THE PITUUC.-THE JEWISH CON¬ GREGATION (llerilh AV;, rion) was orgsiiir.ed In this city about ten years ago,'ami fur temporary purpoa.-s cou* slructcd a small building near tko comer of st. Fbillp and Calhoun atroels. lu this humble House or God they havo ovor alnco ivor ..hipped, lt was their design from tho commencement to oecumnlato funds toward erecting a Inciter ctliQco, moro commo<lious, nuil mor- lu ronso- nnnca with tho wanta ol Ilia present ngc. lint their savings were all swept away by Ihn war, and nearly three tbousaud dollars, set apart {oribis -purpose, wore thus lost. Tho now honro or wornblp ls much needed, lhere being constant applications from new mcminn., but no room to accommodate them. Th <i Fenkcnof this congregation aro conducted In tho Connan (almost Identical willi tba Polish) Minha.j. Ami tills ls Ibo ot ly synagogue in Charleston lu willoh Israellles Irem Coiitliionlal Kuropo csu worship thc God of (luir rather» in precisely Ibo samo forms, language and ccrcniouici an their fore¬ fathers did. Thoy ore, howovcr, too ]>onr lo carry out such au en¬ terprise uuoiitcd. They have thc ground for Ibo new synagoguo, but not tho means to construct ibo building. They therefore solicit nsststi.ncc from their brethren and friends everywhere; both from thone of tho Hom, nf israel, and from all others, of whatever faith or nallan; believing that ibo Great Author af all good will prompt many to atcp forward and help them? iii tills lu ir time nf need. They, are extremely solicitous to nulsli their now building before ucxt Roth ffaiAanuA (September 30), as lhere every reason Ul expect a large accession ol worshippers, far beyond (he capacity of thc present small building. The now synagoguo will bo a largo and handsome, though not expensive strm-lune Sui script omi or dona¬ tions will bo gratcliiUy received by auy of tho undersign¬ ed oft!cora of tito congregation. Mr. U. A. WEINIiEIta, lu .i few days, will eel ¿ut on a lour to tho North and Went to solicit contributions for tho aboro minmi object, and tho subscribers commend his mission lo the liberality of every Jewish cone regal iou lu tho land. 1). A. WEINBERG, President. U. COHEN, Vico-Piesldent P. JACOBY, Secretary. L. BICH, Treasurer. «i* Tho Jewiih MttunQtt and The Itrartite will please Insert tho above lour times, ami send account to Ur. L. RIOH. fl July 3 sW-OONSULAIl NOTICE_INFORMATION IS wanted on tho situation of V.c. STEINMETZ, (JACQUES) born at Ucbetsch, (Prance). Any body abbi lo furnish it ls requested to address st Ibo FRENOQ CONSULATE in this city. 3 Joly3 ««r THE STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, DARLINGTON DIBTRIOT.-TN EQUITY.-r. B. BACOT Allb T. L. DACOT, Administrators, PETER H. BAGOT. r«. THE HEIRS AND CREDITOR-S OF PETER Ps. on motion'of W. SF.'¿»M£^^ tar, ordered that all and singular the crediton! of tho late Peter S. Bacot, Complainant's Intestate, bo required to filo and provo their respective demands and debts tn j II il gm c nt« and otherwise against thc said Intestate, be¬ fore tho Commbuloncr or this Court, by or beforo tho lirai day of November next, and Iii default thereof that they bo debarred from Ibo hcnollt of any dcerco to bo made therein, and that tko Commisclnner of this Court do advertise this order once a mouth In the Darlington Southerner and tko Cbarlciton Daily AViei, until tho said Ors t doy of November nc it. Tho «Im e ls a true copy (rom the original order mada In the above case, 13th ot February, 1HG7. A. F. EDWARDS, 0. E. D. D. Commissioner's Office, Darlington 0. H., February 22, 1807. sSOfl February 23 P THE STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, DARLINGTON DISTRICT.-IN EQUITY-B. TV. ED¬ WARDS, Administrator T. ll HOWLE, r». E. 8. HOWLE, JAMES P. WILSON AND OTHERS_BILL FOR IN- JOrfOTION, ACCOUNT AND RELIEF.-It ls ordered that the CREDITOrtB oITUOMÁS E. HOWLE, deceased, bo enjoined from proceeding to recover thoir claims at law against tho complainant, and that they do prove and establish their cloroands against tho said Ilowi.n before the Comiiil.-eioner of this Court, on or beforo tho Ant day of December next, end In dofuull thereof that they be barred the benefit of any decree to bo pronounced herein. Tho above ls a true copy from tho original order made In tho above stated case, 12th Fobrnary, 1867. A. F. EDWARDS, C. E. D. D. Commissioner's Onice, Darlington C. H., Fob. 22, 18G7. February 23 all .THE STATE OF SOUTH OAROLtNA- DARLINGTON DISTRICT-IN EQUTTx"-HANNAH J. HART, Administratrix, tl. ELLEN E. HART, JOHN WITHERSPOON, et at.-BILL FOR TNJUNOnOH, ACCOUNT AND RELIEF.-It is ordered that the credit¬ on! of JOHN L. HABT be enjoined from proceeding to recover their claims at law against Ibo complainant, and that tliey do provo and establish their demands against the sold John L. Uart, beforo Ibo Commissioner of this Court, on or before DIB first day of November noxt, and In default thereof that Uley bo barred from tho ben- ont of any decree to be mode herein. It la also ordered tliat a copy ot thia ordor bo publishod at least once a wock until tho first day of November next in the Darlington Southerner and tho charleston Daily Wéie». Tho above ls a true copy from tho original ordor made In the above case, 12th February, 1BG7. A F. EDWARDS, C. K. D. D. CoHMisaiosBii'B Omer., Darlington O. H., February 22, 1807. s34 fl February 23 «-STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, CHARLES¬ TON DIBTRIOT-.CLERK'S OFFICE C. O. a AND 0. P. -PUBLIC NOTICE.-I, J. W. BROWNFIELD, Clerk of Bold Court, in pursuance of tho Aol of tho Legislature, in such ciao made and provided, do hereby glvo publlo no¬ tice that an ELECTION FOR Billilli FF OF CHARLES¬ TON DISTRIOT will bo held on Aforviay, ibo 6th of August noxl, at all Ibo usual places of cloction th rough- out tho said District. Witness my hand, at Charleston; tho 26th June, 1BA7. J. Vt. BROWNFIELD, 0. G. 8. and 0. P. Jnno da _i_ «rOFTIOE OF DOARD ; OF HEALTH. CHARLESTON, 8. C., JUNE 28lh, 1B07.-On and after ThU Day,' CLORi E OF LIME AND COPPERAS, for DISINFECTING PURPOSES, will bo furnished free oj charge, on application at thbi Onice, No. 117 Coming j street, aa ibo City nu thorules earnestly desire that the .?lurons gene rally ilionld use tlunnfoc tani s promptly and j freely, wherever neccseary. GEORGE 8. PELZ ER, U. D., Janj28 16 _,. City Registrar. tpr WE ABB AUTHORIZED TO ANNOUNCE Wal. BLUM DIÑOLE as a Candidate for tho BheruTally at tho ensuing election. Beptamborll '? ... C MW ARTIFICIAL EÏE8.-AIITIFICIAI, HU¬ MAN ETES mado to ordeur and Inserted by Dre. V. BAUCH abd P. GOTJGLEHANN (formarly employed by j Rouiaoxvxjio, of Farts), No. wo Broadway, New York. April 1«_'? If tar ll ATC H EL 0 R'8 H ALU DYE.-THIB SPLENDID HAITI DYE ti the best In the world. The only true and perfect Dye-narmleit, rob sblo. Instan- tançons. ; No dlsappolnbruonl. No ridiculous tints. Natural Black or Brown. Ramed lea tho Ul effects of Bad Dye*. Invigorates tho htlr, leaving lt toft and beautlfuL The genuine li fdgned William A. Raieostor. AU ethers are mere Imitations, ead should be avoided. Sold by all rmgiixLs j and Perfumer«. Factory, Na 81 Barclcy street, Now York. .. IT BEWARE OF A COUNTERFEIT. December io lyr .«* BEAUTIFUL flAm-CH EVADER'S for the HAIR positive!} rc«torcs gray hah? to ita original color and youth fal bran ty i Impart- life, strength and growth to Che rvrtdtost hair; stops Ita tailing outat Oxlee; keeps th e head clean ; ls unparalleled as a hal r-d roost nj?. tto'Ä by aU druggtuts, fWblexiablebaiÑdreBsíeTa, and deo), «rs In laney goods. Tho Irado irappltod by tho wholo- 1 axle druggista, . I SARAH A. URL YALI BR, M. D., JurioH -, ., .mlhCBW II .. Nsw York, SPECIAL NOTICES. X>3- Il U T X E Ii, BREAKFAST HTRIPH. A frosh supply of Oraugo County BU ITER AND CHOICE BREAKFAST UACUM tu canvass, received Ibia week, WM. H. CORWIN A: CO., .1 illy 0 1 No. nj King atmet, opposilo Hasel. tra-JN THE DISTRICT COURT Ol' TUB UNITED STATS) tOIt IHK DISTRICT UV SOUTH ('A HOL! S A.-IN UANKRUITCY_In «io matter of PRANKUM W. EMANUEL, by whom a pcllllou ur adjudication, nf Bankruptcy, waa Oled on Ihr IM ilayof July A. D. V,;, lu said Court_Tbl» la to glvo notier. Ibat on tho second tiny of July 1BC7, n Warrnu! lu bankruptcy WOH, issued against Ibo lístalo of FIIAXKIJK W. IAHM:I:I, ol Ibo District of Charleston ami Slateof South Carolina, who han bceu adjudged n llnnkruyit ou lil« own politlón ; Ibal tl o payment of any debt* and delivery of auy properly belonging In auch Bankrupt, to him, or for lils use, nml tho transfer ol any projior- ty by him are furbliltlcii by law. That a meeting of thc creditors of III« sold Bankrupt, to provo their debbi and to ol.ono or moro Assignees of bin Estate, will he hchl ot a Cuurf nfBankruptcy In be haïtien al iVo. Oil llrnad Street, Charlettrm, #. c" before lt. ll. Carpenter, ll'gttter, on 25ÍA day oj July, A. V. l(iC7, at ¡ti o'clock- A. ii. (Signed.) J. P M. EPl'INO. U. 8. Marshal, aa Mi .conger. July 0 2 MV ELMORE MUTUAL INSURANCE COM¬ PANY.-Cn MW.i .rros, Juno 10th, 1807_All dcm ami* against lins Company must bo presented on or before tho 10IA day of July next, or they will bu debarred payment aa a final settlement with Ibo Stockholder* will bo madn alter tin.t dato. By order of Ibo Board. JOSETII WH1LTIEN, .lone 19 WK7 Bocrctory. OS" U. H. INTERNAL IC VENUE, SECOND DISTINCT, SOUTH CAROLINA. CiiAni.EKTON. Juno 20, IHM-Tile Tuns on tho Annual List for IHS7, compris- lug Taxes on Income. Billiard Tables kept for private uso. Carriages, l'isle and Oold Waldies, nre now due sud lav¬ able. Theso Taxes maybe pilli by persons residing iu Charleston District, nt No. 48 BROAD KTItKHT, Charles¬ ton, to the Collector or his Deputy, au or befoto Ibo 1201h of July, MOT. Unless paid by Ibal time, thc law attaches additional amounts to tho tax. FREDERICK A. SAWYER. Collector Second District, 8. C, Juno 2(1 WHO «TTMKSSRS. EDITORS :- YOU WILL PLEASE annouiico Hen. A. M. MANIGAULT as a candidato for Sheriff nt tho ensuing election. A CITIZEN. November ll stu arrWE ARE AUTHORIZED TO ANNOUNCE B. M. WIinTNO, Esq., ns a candidato Tor Sheriff of Charleston (Judlclnl) District, nt tho ucxt election. Heilten,ber IO **?. EXECUTORS1 NOTICE-ALL PERSONS hiving drinaniln »gähnt tho Estate or tho lato Colonel ARTHUR P. HAYNE, will present them duly attested, ind those, hoing Indebted to tho Estate will make pay¬ ment to W. ALSTON I'll Nil Ml. CHARLES ALSTON, W. AUTON PRINGLE, Juno 20s3 qualified Executors. ay NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVENJ THA iV~AP- i'l.i CA THIN will bc made to tho proper authorities for a CHARTER OF INCORPORATION OF TUE MECHANIC ASSOCIATION. S8« May 18 03- ESTATE ELIZABETH HALLARD, DE¬ CEASED.-All porcons having legal claims agslnst tho »late of said KLZAHETH ll.M .I.A III), lalo of Charleston, IVidow, will render tho same, attested, within limo prc- 1-ribed by law; and those ludobteil will maka ia] nient to PHILIP J. BREEN, Juno 22ntl Qualified Ox'or. ST»- NOTICE T ) MA HI NI'b H.-C A V T AI NS IND PILOTS «takln j lo anchorlthch-vessols tn Ashley tiver, aro requested not to do no anywhere wltldn direct ?ange of tho heads ol Hie SAVANNAH RAILROAD ¡VHARVEí, on the Charleston and St. Andrew's nido ol ho Ashley River; by which precaution, contact with (he lubmsrlne Telegraph Csblc will bo svoldcd. H. 0. TURNER, H. Bf. Isrbor Master's Office, Charleston, February 0,18C0. February 7 a*- TnE ORAVEST MALADIES OF YOUTH IND- .»"nen HOWARD ASSOCIATION- -.SSA vs, on tho nyMaopm JSS ^ ^ flral ^ ol naii,"wlth Reports on new methods of treatment em- iloycd In Ulis InsUtuUou. Bent In scaled letter en- elopes, free of charge Address Dr. J. si; ii.LIN mun in TON, Howard Association, Philadelphia, Pa. May 20 3mo So- A YOUNO LADY RETURNING TO HER ,'ouHtry home, after a sojourn of a few months In Um Jty, waa hardly rccoguiiod by her friends. In placo o' i coarse, rustle, flushed face, sha bsd a soft raby com ¡íloxlon of almost xnsrblo smoothness, and In»lead o. iw.nty-Uirce she really sppcarod but eighteen. Upon in- piiry as lo lbs causa of so groat a chsngo, sha plainly Lobl thom that sho used tho 0IRCA&4IAN HAI.if, sud ronsldcrcd lt an Invaluable! sequi»» lion to »ny haily's toilet. Uy Its wno any Lady or GenUsrscn can Improve their pec¬ io rmi appearance an hunlrrd fold. It ls simple In Its combination, ss Nature herself ls slmplo. yet umrnrpass- Dd In Its cOlcary in trawlng Impurities from, also heal- [og, cleansing aid beautifying thc skin and complexion. By its dire, i lotion ou Ibo cuUolo lt draws from lt all Ita ImpurlUcs, kindly healing the same, and leaving- the sur¬ face ss Nature Intended lt should bo-dcor, soft, smooth »nd bsouUfnl. Price $1, seul by MsU or Express, on re¬ ceipt of an order, by W. L. CLARK k CO., diem Le tn, NO. 3 Wost Faye I tn Street. Syracuse, N. Y. The only American Agents for tho salo of tho sams, 11 March 30 ly | I sWERRORS OP YOUTU.-A GENTLEMAN who suffered for years from Nenroua Debility,. Pre¬ mature Decay, and all tho offocts of youthful indiscre¬ tion, will, for tho aako of suffering humanity, send free, to all who need lt, the receipt and directions for making tho himplo reuiedy by which ba wss cured. Sufferers w nh i. g to prom by tho advertiser's experience, can do so by addressing, 11 perfect confidence, JOHN B. O fl D KN. April 13 Cmos« .No ta Cedar street. New York. "COSTAB'S" PREPARATIONS ESTABLISHED EIGHTEEN Y HARM. Laboratory, No. IO Crosby street; Nevr York. 3000 Boxes, Bottles and Flasks manufactured dally. SOLD BY ALL DRUO 01818 EVERYWHERE " COSTA R'S " 8ALES DEPOT, No. 484 DllOADYV A Y, NSW YORK, Where SI, (3 to $6 sixes aro pat up for Fem Hies, Stores Ships, Boats, Public InsUluUons, Ac, ftc. It ls truly wonderful tho confluence thal is now had in every form of Preparations that comes from "Oostar's " Establishment. "COSTAU'S" EXTERMINATORS-For Rsls, Mice, Roaches, Ants, fte., ftc. "Only infallible remedy koomi." "Not dangerous to tho human family." "Usts come ont of their holes to din," fte. " CO-STAR'3 " BED-BUG EXTERMINATOR-A liquid, put up in butilos, and never known to fall. " COSTAU'S " ELECTRIC POWDER-For Moths In Furs anil Woollens, ls Invaluable Nothing eau exceed lt for power and ellicaty. Destroys instantly sit Insoc ts on Plants, Fowls, Animals, fte. "COSTAU'S" I1UCKTH0UN SALVE-For Cu ts. Burns, WOunds, Bruises, Broken Breasts. Boro Nipples, Pilos lu all forms. Old Boros, Ulcer., and all kinds of cutaneous cflections. No family should bo without lt. Il exceeds in cfDcsoy sll other Salves In uso. "COS TAH'S" CORN SOLVENT-For Corns, Bunions, ^""cOSTAR-fl" HITTER SWEET AND ORANOB DL08- S MS-Beautifies tho Complexion, by giving to tbs skin a soft anti beautiful freshness, snit Is Incomparably be¬ yond anything liow lu uso. Ladles of taste and position regard Ibas an essential to tho toilet. An unprecedented ?alo ls Its best rooouiinondaUon. Ono bottle ls always followed by moro. Try lt to know. "OOSTAR'S" BISHOP PU.LB-A universal Dinner Pill (sugar-coated), and ol extraordinary efficacy for Coe- Uvenese, all forms of Indigestion, Nérveos sod Sick Headache. A PUT that ls now rapidly supenoding all others. ... "COSTAR'8" COUGH REMEDY-For Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, 8orn Throat, Croup, Whooping Cough, AsUi- ma, and ail forma of Bronchial, and Diseasos of the Throat and Lungs. A'tdross lll-NIll lt. COSTAR, Ho. 483 BBOADWAY, N. Y. D0WIE & MOISE. I . A VII Ol KS.A I.lil AGENTA, No. lil Meeting street, opposite Charleston lietel. Jone 17_ .? ' " BARNWELL, SENTINEL. IS AN EXCELLENT ADVERTI fi D!G MEDIUM. LET Merchants snd business man try lt for stow months. "No risk bo gain." Send on your cards aud Increase Îour trod* this. fall. There's nothing to equal lianto r's ak- it has modo many a fortune. Torras for tho paper-13 per annum, in advance. Advertisements inserted st tbs rate of »I pur square ol twelve Upss or lass for »ch insertion. Cards of ton Unos or lear, at the rato of »io for three months.. I ! i ., .: i' Contracts by tho year or for »Ix months, snowing priv¬ ilege of clangbiy on moro Äevorsbls terms. Address o EDWARD A. BRONSON. Worevnhfr IV l'ul>li»het .nu .-ronrMcr THE OltANUEllURU NEW«. PUBLISHKÜ K VERY SATURDAY ' MORNING, Al Orangebarg, & a Terms 13 per annum, in ad¬ vance. 1 . 1 '' '" ' During the spring and (Ml seasons' oxtra copies of UV OiiASoabotio News wbM be circulated for the benefit ol cur advertising patrons. ,. .', -,|¡) n I Contract; Advertí»«men ta Inserted on the most liberal lenna. Add ross SAMUEL- DUJDLK, ; ; '. j { % Kdl Ar Orangeburg Ncir», Tobíuir/» , J, ; ...vifow^fo B i ONE PRICE WK AME OFFERING OOH STOCK OF BOU URB CLOTHINO, comprl»lng LINENS. FLANNELS AND I.HUIT WEIOIIT WOOLLEN, nt priers which cannot fall (o satisfy nil who sm seeking lo buy GOOD UOODS CUEAP. Hie larger part ol our Slock wo maunfaclnru In our own workshops, which wc warrant lu every respect. We give below soruo of our leading prices : LINEN HACKS nt.$ï, 3, 4 and 6 LINEN TANTS at.fl 23, 1 nu and a LINEN VESTS at. »1 nfl and 3 CHECK CASSI M ERE HILTS, HACK, PANTS AN1> VEST.td BREY FLANNEL SUITS, SACK, PANTS AND VEST. .$7 CHECK LINEN KUITH, HACK, PANTS AND VEST....$8 2IIECK MARSEILLES SUITS, SACK, PANTS AND VEST.to SVUITE LINEN AND DUCK SUITS.$11 lo SLACK ALPACA SACKS.$260 to C LIGHT WE10UT CASHIMERE SUITS, lu fancy mix lures, and solid colors, ead BLACK DRESS SUITS all our owu make, al very low prices. BURNISHING aOODS. adapted lo (bc season TUITE SHIRTS, four «uillUos.$2 60,3, and MACULLi.lt. WILLIAMS & PARKER LVo. 270 KING STREET, CORNER OF II ASEL, CHART JESTO N S. C. Juno El 4iuo SHIPPING. FOR GEORGETOWN, S. C., TOUCHING AT SOUTH ISLAM» AMI WAVERLY MILL. THE FINE STEAMER jB UVE I l-l I 33 , CAPT. ISAAC DAYIH. WILL LEAVE BOYCE'S WHARF AS ABOVE ON liomin y tVigM, Ibo Bib lust., at 10 o'clock. Returning, will loava Georgetown on IrVdnwday 'uly 10th, at 8 o'clock A. M. For tr. b;lu or iiaaiago, apply to SHACK ELFORD A KELLY, Agonía at Charleston, No. 1 Boyce's Wharf. FRASER lc MAURICE, Agents at Georgetown. All freight must bo prepaid, and nono received niter unset._1_July tl ;0R NORTH E»IST0 AND ROCK- VILLE. ST. HELENA, CAPT. JA». O. BUMLEY, irrrLL LEAVE AS ABOVE FBOM SOUTH W AllanHo Wharf, on IW-iifay Morning, tko 91b, at 10 Returning will leave Edlsto on TFnlnfiuViy Morning, al o'clock. Freight received on Monday, and bo prepaid. For Freight or Paaaago apply 01. board, or lo * JNO. H. MURRAY, Market Wharf. July 0_ 2 NEW YORK AND CHARLESTON STEAMSHIP LINE. rmi MSW YORK, THE NEW AND ELEGANT SIDEWUEEL STEAMS Hil CHAMPION, lt. W. LOCKWOOD, COMMANDER, IX7TLL LEAVE FROM ADDER'S SOUTH WHARF YV on Saturday, the 0th inst., at 0 o'clock P. M. ga- All outward Freight ciiKsgnmontfl mnst bo made it tho o nice ol COURTENAY 4: TRKNUOLM. No. 41 Jost Bay. a/3- For Poasago and all matters connected with the nwsrd buaiueas of tho Sblpa. apply to STREET IillUTU iilS A CO., No. 74 East Bay. STREET 1IHOTHKR8 A CO.. .",.." COUB1ENAY ii TRENHOLM, | A«ru"'- Joly 1_ FOR BÁYitiNNiH THE STEAMER DICTATOE,' IOUO TONE DUHTHEN. CAPTAIN L. U. OOXETTER, WILL LEAVE MIDDLE ATLANTIC WHARF EVER i TuetJay Night, at B o'elock, for Bavannati. For frvlitbl or oasaago apply on board or lo ofBco of J. D. AIKEN & CO, Agents, May 10 South Atlantic Wharf. KEW TOHK AND BHEBIEN STEAMSHIP COMPANY. THE PIUHT-OLAhH U. 8. MAIL STEAMSHIPS ATLANTIC. I NORTHI'RN I.lilli I'. UALTIO. I WESTERN METROPOLIS. Leave Pier No. Í0, N. n., New York, overy second Sat¬ urday, from June 16. FOB SOUTHAMPTON AND BREMEN, taking pasacngors to Southamplon, London, Havre an I Dromon, at Ike follawlig rates, payablo tn gobi or Its roiiivsliAit tucnrreiiny: First Cabin, $110; Second Cabin, $661 Steerage, $.15. from Bremen, Southampton and Havre to Now Yolk. First Cabin/ 8110: «coon il Cabin, $76; Steerage, $13. EXCURSION TICKETS OUT AND HOME-Fiiot Cabin, $210; Second Olbin, $190; Steerage, $70. Ultarta DATS roon nra roua AXD DOKMCM :. Íunel6ind20 I July IS and 27 Augunt 10 and 31 ficpL 7 and 31 I Oct. 6 and 19 | Nor. 3 and 10 For Freight or Passago apply lo I I HA At! TAYLOR, Président, Fcbniary37 ly Ne 4P Broadway. M. Y. THROUGH TIGKB'faTOMIDJ) B Y ' CHARLESTON AND SAVANNAH STEAM PACKET LINE, THI-WEEKLY, VIA BEAUFORT AND HILTON HEAD. WEEKLY, VIA DLUFÏTON frTRAMER PILOT llW.. .CÀTTV \V. T. MoNELTY. STEAMER FASMB....CAPT. ». PECS.' ÖNEOfTiis ABoya; STHAUBRS .WILL L" A VE Charleston and Savannah ovary' Monday, Wedntt- day and ÍViday Morning*, at 7 o'clock. .Touching; al mullum ot Monday, trip from Charleemon, and iiVchui- day; trip from Savannah. .. ll-'îiiis Freight focclred dally from 0 A. II. lo 8 P. M., tad storedfred of charge. 1,- ... >. Il !..>.! AU Way Freight, also Dluflton Wharfage, most bo pre¬ paid. ".' I . ,. . For freight or passage, apply to ^-..jt JOHN >'s^U80N, Ae«ojnmo6Ulk>n^rf,ton OLAOHOBN A-OUNNTNOHAM9, , ,i Agents, Savannah, da. '! FULLERA LEE, ^ »' Aann to, BeauíoTt, B. 0. N. B.-THROUGH TtCKETa sold ai lbs onie* of tho Airocy ta Charleston to Points 03 tho AUanUo and GnH R^lr2oT»ho^Veroa^naandpoi»«* oh th«Btifh^i »lt«r7^ I .-0 '"U!'1 I SHIPPING. POIt C'trGPKIt 1I1VKH.-Tl IK TAM sailing sloop JULIA DHAN will Icavo Marshall-* /.ly' wharf, un Uni Ixl and IMli ul July.auil continu.- ' "?-IIIIIII further uni Ire. fur ul! jmlulu un Western brunch »I Cai.]i.u- lllnir. ami Eastern lirauiih ItoNIICM'a Furry. Trilling is strictly ,,,. hlhltud. For Freight iigagcmoiits, a|i|ily In M ml. r on lioard, or EIIA'.UHA MAI.I.O.NKK, " . Har!berk's Wharf. N. ll.-All Kri-ii-litn must lie prepaid. .Juno J J IMO FOR NEW Ï01MC. HEOULAH UNITED STATES MAU. LINK. ONE OK THE FAVORITO AND ELEGANT STEAM. SHU'S SARAGOSSA, (IRANADA. WI1.1, LEAVE VANDERHORSl'S «TUAHF KVK11Y SATURDAY. THE STEAMSHIP SAEAQOSSA , CAPTAIN OHOWELL, ,r-r"-l ,- WIM. LEAVE VANDERHORST'S S/\A ^ Wharfon Saturday, July f.. ai 11 o'clock hin pi., rn maaI present Hill« of Lading on Friday Evening for Higuature. ?'"ly I_ _ll AVENEL te^CO. FOR WltluiIT'S IlLUFF ANI> A I.I. INTI;H1MKI>IATH LAN DINGS ON Til IO s Wi'lb lb HIVKIt. THE LIC.HTDHAUOHT STEIIMER PLANTER, CAPT. .1. T. FOSTER. WILL RECEIVE FREIGHT AT ACCOMMODATION Wharf, on WeJnrtJaij, the lld Instant, and loavo on tt'llHntam Niykl Um fiUi imit. All Freight must be prepaid. No Freight nvcived nflor HiinneL For Freight or Passage, apply lo JOHN FERUURON, July 1 AccoiinnodaUuii Wharf, oi l I \ I.. LIST OF I.ETTERS Remaining lu tba Postofllco al Ctiarlcston. for tho werk L'udiug JULY 4, 1H6T. and ordered lo be printed lu Tim DAILY N KWH, agreeably lo Uic following section ot Uie new I'oalofflco Law, an the newspaper having Uni largest eirculatiou lu the City of Cbarloslou: SKCTIOM 5. And bo lt further enacted, That Usia of let« len remaining uuoiHed for In any Postónico iu any city low» or village, whero a newspaper shall bc printed, ?ball liercsftcr bo published uno« only lu the newspaper which, being published weekly or oftener, shall havo U10 largest circulation within range of dcllvory of tho sa d afleo. Og- l'ornons calling fur Letters Advertise), ahoul I atsto that they are "Advertised." aa- Oftico hours from 8 A. M. to 0 P. M. On Sundays, Troll! 1Z30 A. M. to 1.30 I*. AI. STANLEY G. TROTT, Postmaster. WOMEN'S LIST. Addison, Laura E Allston, Mrs J L Aug. rinanii, Mrs Andora un, A 0 Arther, Miss Sa¬ rah Artsou, Elisabeth Aulliurry, Jan« F Author, Mrs Hellt U Palentino. Airs C Harton, U U Rodger, Vina brown. Mrs Ann Hird, Misa R A Rrooks, Mary Uro wer. Mrs II A brodie. Carrie llrslnuor. Harsh bradley, Salli o Urn,Hurd, Miss J H boyce. Miss Mag- gio ÜBraeriAruirun liuckloy, AI L in - .'animer, Lizzie lleveland, Agues Clark, Airs Mary _ulbert. Mary lol ll UH. Martha bimby, Mrs lt bunin, Alisa lille Curtis, Miss Octa via D Dronlo, Mary Dowaiie, Mary in 1 ip. Mrs L De w in. Airs O Dorney, Mrs Peter Dulller, Miss MS " E EssUrllng. M T Edwards, Miss Z Edwards, Louisa Edwards, Mary Englebert, Miss Magio V Farrsll, Mary Finlay, Thomas 1-inloy, Mrs FlckUng. Mary E Flntoy, M L Ford. A M (col'd) Freeman, Miss M F Frazer, Mary L Frazer, Sarah A Frazer, ChnrloUo E G Gray, Sirena GauibatU, Miss J L Göddern, Marther Hillard, Miss Clair Gibson, Mrs W O (lib-oii, Mrs M E (Hover, Harriet A Gallsllo, Mary Grainger, Mrs H B ii Oatrt, Bliss Fin¬ ney Oreen, Mary Oreen, Fsunoy Oreen, Mrs A J Green, Eliza II Hamilton, Mrs E II Hnlcrow, M O llallis. Miss U Hazelton, Airs John Hcargrenu, Mrs Ubinia Uevward, Alary lioff. Misa A Horne} MI «a Eua Hogan, Mans Hughes, Eugenia Huggins, Miss E Hoghes, Airs It C Holmes, Pulley J Jouklus. Elvo Johnson, Jack Aun Johnson, Mary Catherine Jackson, Eliza A K Keekeley, Char- lotto Keith. CUra Koin; ¿ainiro-''- Klug, IA Ladlvizc, Amanda I.V.'.'.M. Alary M Lafayette, Airs A E Lcwson, Lucy Langley, Clara Lawrorica, Mrs H Mugley, Airs Lavatcu, Auna Lcuur, leonora Lewis, Pauline Legare, Miss M A Loagru, Airs ll E Leslie, Mary J l.uvlue. Mary Linton, Alana (frcodwomsn) Lining, Mrs Chan UndouthalL Mrs M Martin, Miss An¬ nie O Manny, Jenny Malone, Mrs n Ma,!wood, Mm M A Maynard, Mrs H W Marshal!, Sarah Miller. Sarah Mritzlcr, Miss J Millington, Mary E ¡ Middleton, A E Mooro, Mrs D A Montgomery, Ly¬ dia Mooro, Mrs E W Mullins, Marta Miller, Martha Mo MeAloster. Mrs B McCall, Mrs A 8 McNeill, Moggill McMohou, Mrs jamas Macnamarn, Mrs A U O'Neill, Mary Ann O'Neill. Miss II Ort man, Atm Eliza P Purcell, Mary E Parker, Jsne Parker, Anna O Paterson, Margret Parrish. Harriett Parsons, Martha A Piuckney, Hager Parker, Clan Parker, tolly 1'inekucy, Cathe¬ rina I*a]>o, Carri0 1'orcbcr, KIN II l'oreber. Clolia L Polio-. Lidia (col'd) Pohle. Blush Porcher, Mrs AI A l'crlmau, Irceno K RanUn, Mrs Chas Ra toy, Catherine Riley, ChartDito Rivers, Mrs Myers Rsbensen, Kass- mr iliVr,- Ros», Alisa M E ca Rose, Henrietta Hutlcdgn. Anns Ryley, Msry Aim Ryan, Mary .Et Small, Barer Hussars, Amanda Scull Ki- iieliit J Seybfrars II F Seabrook, Evy 3 Scoot, Uraco Sheridan, Mary Sheridan, Elle» Shrewsbury, Arno- HaA Shakells, Dnby Singleton, Neille Singleton, Mrs John Sires. Mary E Smiley, Marcy Smith, Intuiten | Stone., Magglo Stovcna, Eslber A Stmipter, Sophire S y nie. L A T Tampoon, Miss Aaron Tlolgen, Lou U Ti boon, Mrs M B Tourner, Mrs M P Turner, El, oner Tweedy, Mrs Thayer, Miss Mary W Waring, Martha Walab, Annostasla Westfall. Sarah. Jane WhltUts Tillah Willie, Faunie V Wbltlug, Mrs M Wilkerson, Uandi Ann Wiggins, Mrs Chas Henry Whi Kiernan, Miss E WUllama, Margret Ward, Mrs J J Williams, Sarah Cathorino Williams, Mary Wood, Julia Wright, Mrs P Wilson, AO ,.,, MEN'S LIST. ¡A G N Addison, William Glover, Lawrence Noxotte, Mr Aimers, F U G . Alston, J P Gordon, Hobort O'Connor, W J Apeler. John V Uradock, UT OUvar, Cap Mor- Attolur, D Graham, Itobort {henson 11 Graham, Jack Owens, Steven A Babcock, Wade Green, Augustus P Baker, JO W Palmer, William Dahntgo, Henry II Petterson, John Bergen, Thomas Hsrtnlt, Michael Perkins, Ruben lidding At Tieuck- Harcher, nobert Pholpso, Richard sn Hart, HT O IML Claus Haywood, N P Pope, Tbos N Berry, Frank lUyus, Robert Pointe!, Charles Hellion), Henry J Hayden k Co Price, Master Bilton, tlcorgo Ueler, John Themas Illack, John. Heins, ll einrieb Ä Bromer, Henry Higgins, James Holli). P Brooks, U E Holbrook, Dr Jno Rhott, William Brom, Alfred A B Robinson, Wost Url.ter. Mr Uortgeo, Boylstou 8 Brenner, JA (col'd) Ranaers, Joshua ... (8UD'1) lfolland, John Schoben, Ja ,. Buervolln, Frede- Uoftards, Cop WU- Scott, J AP rick Uam 8elmlo, J O Bnrggh, Roberson Hollaway. Chas 9n%? , ButhTr, OoorgoO 1 Shields, Jbolm 'wi n " *U ^ Isaacs, AN Slnglston, WIBiam Cennady, WUliazn * , "B '" " O Tl Jones, Douglas Smart, J H , Cálamo).' Wm R Jones, ET Smith. Louis (Villers, tiomuel K ,:' SmllU. Harry I' -I Cuir Wm Konnody, M D Small, Bacchus Chadwick. O O Kelly, Stephen Bmoll, tolland Chaplin, Joseph Kellay. Goorgo Spencer. Wm Chisobn; John M Krxxador, George, jtfpann, Crawford Chowan, P J W nd ' Bowaaki, John Colman, Goorgo Kearnoy, James 6lovons, Edward Coles, UUakey Kinloch, John Stokes;TV Conly. Hernani King. Harrison Stallaan, Francis Corte lynn. A V KUues, John Stocphlret,' Doo Connor«. Kcmuol Kroog, A T CrandeU, W B Ruck, Ii Thomas, Lawson Cramp, Oliver 0. . i I»' ¡E c O Lake,'Benjamin Tobin, Daniel Crawford, John A Lawrcns, W B (servi) Cnnnlngfe ara, LavalL Jacob Toomir, Robert Henry A" Lewis, WlUhvm P Treecot,0 0 ; (cord» i - v Davison, Fred W Lososno. Jamos P VincentJ; Pringlo |j David, M . Lofttr, Frank JJ TV Deliay, Wm 8 LwWhas«, An- Wsgner, Clarsneo Deoppor, Adam gust WalaU J»T«i ,. Deafonbsch. J O Loir, P , Widlscs, Pst*r Doyle, O W Luden, Wilhelm Walker, Charles Dougherty,Thon». fd' , ^.wh^B sa ? I Ualnneii Connol- Wetherhora, B I BJ " "ruu"T Weston, John Eckert, Sydney ¡ Maat«« Thoslro WodemoyaT,1 Hen. Hilera, Henry Malis, W J J3Li\- WllarA ?Wi M!T'el Calvin S»¿jr^*, . I^r^r^ Julton. Ulddktf«. Edwd WlUJta. Franela pi^WilAam W ik\Í^m^ -' SffS^ ssfcäÄ iSfeSftl, *, »oi^i D^W ji Myer, Samuel « Wtoshlp, z?bc¿o. rranotovleb, gigr McCarty,-JU 111 Wllhsrna, Meisott ict lt rh GuScmoT Mcx^il R Wjllüma.,dapt ,. . Friend, Jofin, Jr UeNaHars, John WllUam», Trox. Gannon, nj ' Uebf^arson, D Willis fjslfaos, t^rrol MerbcrBOO.Tl.orn- Wactl4|9l!i. John. OeÄ'oi ,*'.,. -T ?.? '..W&hn'" Getty, B f , Nlakersffl, A J yVyaJs. Oanlij t ., ii «jar Porsoiul'déiposlÙng 'letters lil' the' PcsitoÖoe will .. pítase pUoo! tba sutnp near 'the upper right hand cor. nar af tho inysiope, and they wm aUo pUasetn ketaatir. I ber that vi lb out tho stamp a letter cannot Je«MtU«*M Xn\ X' < WlU bs seni to tho Doad Letba QO^ j/uly^

Transcript of 463. CHARLESTON, 1867~VOLUMErv. HO. 463._CHARLESTON, S. C., MONDAY MORNING-, FEBRUARY" ll, 1867~ "...

Page 1: 463. CHARLESTON, 1867~VOLUMErv. HO. 463._CHARLESTON, S. C., MONDAY MORNING-, FEBRUARY" ll, 1867~ " mjrr* XITTTT* OurCubic DisitutiUcH..ON KIN. July 1.-Tho grand rovioiv in Hyde Purk


mjrr* XITTTT*

Our Cubic DisitutiUcH..ON KIN. July 1.-Tho grand rovioiv in HydePurk lum boon poníponed un account of tho oxceu-(ion of Maximilian. Thcro ie Kie.it indignationhero nml on tho lonlinont.

Tho Imperial Court at Vienna han gone intomourning for Mnxiinilinn.Tho Hank ol Killumi holds twenty-two niillionnUro hundred thousand pounds Htorliiig.J '.una. July 3.-Vumlcnbrook i Brother, Ameri¬can il inker* hero, hnvo suapcudod.SS Nu p 'il en ii hau ni lloved omi rt mum nine for Maxi¬milian.IJYERPOOI., July 4-Eveirng_Colton inactive;closed with n downward londcucv. Middling U|>-laiidn 10J; Orloana ll. Salee 1000 bab a.IAINUON, July 4-Kvouing-Coneola Ml; bouda721.i .UMHIN, July 5-Noon_Coneola, 93j; Bond* un¬changed.LONDON, July 0-Evening-Consola, 913; I! .ml o72J.LivEnrooi., July 5-Noon_Intimated Bales 10.-000 balen; Middling Uplnuda l'Hil., Orlcnn* lld.Balea of tho woek &U.0O0 balea, wliorcof 13,001 wornfor export und for speculation. St.wk 7:13,000.whorcof 380,000 aro Amerton. Droadalutl'i andProviaiona unchauged.LIVEUPOOI., July 6-Kvcning.-Colton cloacd un-chnngod in tono or prie"- Middling Uplnnda lU.ld..Orlcana, lld.; «aloa 1' ,...H) bules, llecf advancedla. Hacon advnuccd Od. Lard declined 3d.,quatod at 47a. Cd. Common Itosin declined. Tur¬

pentine, 30e. 'Pillow, 44a. Weather fuvorublo fortho crops.BOUTUAMPTON, July C.-Tho alcanialiiii Ainoiicatouched.

Washington News.WABIITNOTON, July 4.-It will rociiiiro a two-thirda volo to auapend tho rule adoptad hy (hoHouso on NYodnosuav, conilnini; legislation to per¬fection mid atronglhuuing thu Military lteeim-

structiou Hill, l'omiiiii: ii* ndoplion miitiona ionil muru, by oxtromiata, failed.In tho 11, niuo tho Spoaker announced tito Cuni

mittoo on Iloconatmcti m. provided I y tho resolu¬tion of hint Weil nen iluy, na follows : Stevena, 1 ¡nut-..woli, lliugham, Fariicsworth, Htirlhurt of NowYork, llouman, Dayno, Piko ami Brooks.

WABUINQTON, July 5.-Associate .Tuatico Wayne,of tho Huprome Court of the United States, tad'end.Ito Wau born in Havannah in 1790, and nppointcdtotho Deneb in 1B35.Ia tho Barratt trial tho prosecution lina clonedila testimony.Th o resolutions thanking tho District Command¬

ers woro adopted by a nlrict party vote. Slr.Drooka ia tho only Democrat on tho Deconstruc¬tion Cominittoo.Tho Cabinet was in amnion to-day.Tho now Brazilian Miniatcr, Coiutnnndcr DonDo min goa Joao Oonzalea do Magul 8aoa, was prc-aonted to tho President, and tho Minister exprusa-od Inn plcaauro at tho friendliness of tho two

powern. iTko Internal Rovonuo Rccolpts lo-dav nmonnlcdto »2,600,000.

Congressional.WASHINGTON, July B.-Di tho Senate n resolution

was submitted that lcgialation bo confined to re¬construction, .and billa relating to it only be actedupon. A long deli ito ensued, during* which ittriumph ml that thirteen Senator:! in cnucUH votedin favor of uníveraai anil inge. Tho resolution re-etricting legislation waa Anally linseed, nyes 19,nays 9, viz: Buckalow, Drnko, Fowler, Howe", llosa,Hum nor. Thayer, Tipton, Wado. Wilson elated in(bo courso of tho dobato that Stanton wauled nolegislation regarding tho judiciary, but neededlunney to anpnort reconstruction. Tho Señalothen adjourned until Monday.In tho Houso tho Speaker prcaenlod a mcmorinlfi oin (Jreono N. Adams,' against tho ndmission ofBeck, from Kentucky, which was rcforrcd to thcCommittee on Elections. Mr. l'nyno moved toenapend Uio rules so that bo migíit introduce aJoint resolution toiidoring tho timuka of Congrua*lo Major-Guuornl Philip Ii. Shoridan for Ibo nhloand faithful porformanco of duty na commander ortho Military Dix triot of Texaa and Louisiana. Tlioraïca woro suspended by a voto of 110 against 18,and tho resolution was pnsaod.Additional papera regarding tho Kcntnclry dele¬gation, and protest from tho members whoso acataaro not oonloated, woro referred to tbo Committeeon Eloctiona.Tho Joint roaoidtions of thanks to GeneralaSicklos, Pope and Schofield, wcro adoplcd.Mr. Bcbcnck' offered a rojolutiou of thanks toPoln ileum V. Warloy and Attornoy-Qoiioral Stan-bory for maintaining tho Preaidont'a policy.Pending tho qacution of its rocoption, Ibo llouaoadjourned.In tho Soneto, Mr. Tipton argued in favor of areward from Govcmmcnt for Indian ucalpa.

From Richmond.DicmtoND, July 5.-Doturns from Danvillo showthat the nagrocs have rorjiatorcd tin eu to ono overtho winton. í rnn of in© <-olov»j oil. ..r M«J .euc,

was convicted in thin city to-day and i'm.ul Í5. Thotlievinomoter boro ia 9G to-day.

New York PicvT».NKW Yons, Joly ,4.-Tlio niaing Star bringa

»817,000 of trcaauro.liltco persons aro roported killed, many caanal-tics, and twenty Ores, rebutting from tho celebra¬tion.A ploasuro boat was run down by tho ntcomor

Norwalk, wbilo returning from Conoy Island. Elvoor six passcngera were drowned.

From Canada.TOBONTO, July 4.-Tho Government, apprehend¬ing a Ecman. demonstration, has placed gunboats

nt several pointa. Nothing unusual occurred.Fu oM Georgia-

AuauBTA, July 5.-Dusinees waa generally sus¬pended yesterday: A uailonol saluto was fired.At noon in tho* park, tlio froodinon and aoldievabad a row, which first threatened lo provo serious,but nobody was killed.Cotton eales to-dav 112 balee; middling 22}a23c.'Ibo Republican Slate Convention met in Atlanta

yesterday. Tbcro woro delegates present from n'lparts of tho State. Foater Blodgct, of ItichiuondCounty, was elected President. A roaolution waaadopted that tho loyal mon of Georgia desire thobannony nf the country, declaring tlio Bopubllcanparty of Uio Btato in allianco wi', li tho National Bo-publican party, pledging it i beoxty aiipport to thoreconstruction mcaaurca of Cdngrcsa,' dee luring thoUnion Republican party in sympathy with tlio work¬ingmen, and pledging their encouragement andsnpport to protect.uio rights of nil, anti to abide bytho prescribed terina oí restoration, in electing tooffice mm who can comply in all respects with tborequirements of Congress. Tbo delegates to thoConvention woro appointed without Togari! tocolor. A mass, meeting wah bold, tho number

Çresent hoing eaiimntod at from 12,000 to 20,000.'bo Declaration of Independenco waa read, andan oration delivered by A. W. Tonney, oí NowYork, who was followed by otbor Bpoakora,

From Aiolitlo.MOMLE, July 5.-Ycslerday' was genorally ob-

H;rvoil rm a holiday, and busineaa suaponded. Alargo number of citizens wont on an oxenraiondown tho bay to witness tho regatta. There wcroeoveral exonraion parties also of frocdinan.The day passed quietly. Tho national saluto was

fired at noon. A federal soldier shot hiinaolf inBtoro street.

Prom A cw Orlcana.NEW OniXAKB, July 4.-Duainosa ia mostly BUS

ponded. Tho day waa genni ally observed as aholiday but passed off very quietly. Tho military?arndell tbo principal streets thia morning, andbo national saluto was fired from tho font of Ca

nal street. Tito newspaper and military nfJQooa.and tho various poul io and privato buildinga, arodecorated with flags. Tbo foreign Couaulatcu dia-

Çlaved tboir national colora, thoso of Austria and'russia being draped in mourning. Many holiday

o mureil um li ave left tho city Uiis morning, andIbo » true ta are crowded withprornenndcra.Tho Now York Horald'a apodal from this city.

June 20th, states that ex-Governor Wölls is aboutto issue a proclamation declaring EJ and ora anusurper, forbidding 'civil officers to oboy bia or¬ders, and declaring Iiis adla null and void, aa ho

i < Wella) is Governor. The Tribune's special, of tho«arno dato, nays to,ooo,ooo of city notes aro in cir¬culation, und depreciating rapid ly. Tho dispatchesara published in tho city papors as Now Orleansnews vu: New York.The City TroiBUrOr'a Deport, Juno 20tb, states

that tho amouut of city currency in oiroulntlon ia»1,743,00(1. Tho Now York Spcoial saya Ibo oilynotes aro abnoat tho onliro currency of tho oity,and, aa it ia not taken baak, tbo Lnaiuosa publicmoat bo oorioualy ombarrosaed. Tito facia arotho oity notes aro ourront in ordinary bneincea,but only at a dlsconut In largo omounta and at thobrokors. , .,

Wella' proclamation, as foreshadowed in thoHerald's apodal, has ¡mt yet boen board fromhere. .. ''New Oni.r-AN«, July 5,-Tbo Bud Dlvor loveo

front at Alexander, La., gavo way on tlio night ofE ri day, tho 28 tb, flooding tho lower portion of thotown, but tbo break was promptly repaired by ci ti¬zona. On tho night .if tho first ft again b .?. '.e. Adispatch says: rTbo only cbnrico bf tho townkeeping from overflow ia by tho falling ofthe rivor."

Ktpcitlllon fo mexico.FoBTncsa MÓÍNUO'E.' July 4.'-Tbo frigate cinaque-

hans, Admiral Porter, nailed, yesterday uudor¿caled orders. It is now known that abo procccdato Mexico direct. ¡¡J '||

ll From Mnlci)/llOStU.

tho Mfrom 1Maximilian's command, rec nilly in gai:¡non ntVorn Cruz. They lott Vora Cioz on tho 28th. Thocapitulation wisa feigned on tho 27th. Thoy march¬ed out with colon flying, sainted by tho Liberalforcea. They were allowed to retain their arma,and wore farnlahod a national vcaae] in whieu toleave Mexico. Lieut. Col. J. £. Bondy, of thoFronob army, io in comm omi. It U oaid they willbe znnatored out hore. ;

From South America.'NEW YOBK, Joly 4.-Peru adrices stale that Caa-tellia'a revolution to doposo Prado has tonumatcd,Caatollia ia doad. ... ..

" ".

By tho latest Panama advices, tho capturo ofMusquéra and tho nflHumplinn of tho supremepower hy Acostar aro, confifiniJ. Afffira hoVogToatly nnaottledliMf! ,rz~ " L r'

Chill advices at« to that, tl io Froèidônt'a Mosáa'goto Cougroas anaennooa tho acceptance- Of the mo-,s,.'.iiHUt':,iOJ.'«/J.. .

.rDiuï mn

..---- wnm .?? iuu oimouH] wnr,with modifications.latani* Croesin in und Wightman, of tho UnitodHinte« «tamer (Jampee, in Valpairuuo, intended lolight u duel.

Oomcstlc Mnrkcts.NOON DISPATCH.

NEW YORK, .Inly fi.-Stocks strong. Oold OT J.Sidling 111,'tilOJ. '(¡'J euupoiiH ll.) ; cl mid '(15 do.ll OSlal ()8|; new issuo 7 lO-lU'a $1 ooj -j.-M\,ti Oiij tu 1 U7. Cotton dull ; mi,Mimi; upland» 2(1.i'lour lOa'20 lower. \\ hc.a .lorim mg. Com ln2lower, Fork duU at i21 25. l.nrd dull llalli.Whiskey steady. Narai »toreB quiet. Freightsquilt.KVEKINO DISPATCH.

Flour net ¡ve nt tho noon declino: State ÍG 50a1000. Wli'-nt declining. Corn declining; MixedWestern il Ulai 1)8. Mees Pork »20 3"ia20 50. Lard[lull, lljaiaj. Whinkoy closed nctivo nt 88a40.t'ottun declining; enies 1000 halon nt 2G. Sugarlinn; Muscovado lllalSf. Coffoo quid. Turpon-lina quiet nt Baw. liosin Í3 20.(8 50. Freightsilull. Stocku eliphUy ussier. Gold 38'. '02 cou-I" MIS Ul}.WILMINGTON, July 5.-Cotton noniiual nt 22c.i'm Jc-1? Ldepressed nt 50.J;i.r)L Itosiu »toady atti nuafl no. I'nr very Rearen nnil linn nt Í3 50.


ll.\i.TiMonn, .Inly5.--Collen quid and unchangedFlour Bcarco, demand light, mid price» irregular-new while Wliont, Í2 30n3. Corn iictivo: Whlto'ndvonccrtoc. fU3all5; Sollow, tl OGnl 08; AYOBI--iii Mixed, fl 02. Provisions very Arni at full[irieo.-. Whiskey und Sugar unchanged.Monit.E, .Tulv 5.-Hale» of tim week 1550 bale».Receipts, 415 batch. Exp irte. 5371. Stoolt, 12,885.Sales of cotton to-dnv 350 Indee; market dull,Middliiutii, 22}. llccci|it», 171.NEW ORLEANS. July 5.-Sale» »1:00 babs, dall;Low Midd in); 2!;i2:ll. llccuiplu of tho week 2150,igainst 2203. ExiKirts of Ibo wauk, 7951. Stock,'" Hi?. Fair Louiaiann Sugar 13 j; primo to cboico1U. No Molasses in inarki I. ijuu.i Milgar ashingtn' advance, owing to Havana advices; No. 12 holdtl 13c. Molasses dud. Flonr improved; Kupor-lino $10 75. Corn finn; mined ard vullow $lnl 10;ivhito $12.U1 25. Oats scarce ot 82»83. Tork linnlt 75*94. llacoii Shoulden! KU; rib U|A12;llcni i:i|. Lard dull, quoted at 12¡.il'.?J in tierces;fcc 18J. Cold Ul), Sterling 4'Jja53. Now York

Sight A premium.SAVANNAH, July 5.-Cation dull and drooping.late» in Univ dave 200 bulen; Low Middling 23a«I. Receipts 382 balee.


Mv rim::;UK : I am liappy lo reçoive your demon-itiations of regard, lt lu gi al living lo observoronr 1.early appreciation of tliiu anniversary. Forrim tho Declaration of Indopclidoncu lid«! ii pc-.nlinr significance. Tn tho nation it broughtiberly; but to you il roctorod manhood. Il j» into.uniigh. your race hm. wailed almost a hundred?earn fui' tho fulfilment of tho plcdgo mado to'Ivill/.ation liv tho mumu tal mittun ii ol thu Decla-.it um of Independence. Jefferson and hifl col-uagucs had moro faith in humanity than their im-nediato successors. Tho statesmen of ibo epoch>f tho Hovoltilion desired lo form a penuanootmian of States, to establish just ico, to inaurolonic-iie tranquilitv, and HI euro tho blessings ofibcrty tu all thc children of tho Ttonublic. To-dayhu musical bells of.Bt. Michaol'n eel ebra to inHiing chimes mir progros» in tho work begun aloutury ago by tho fathers of tho llopublic. To-lay the flag which floats unchallenged tliioughoutho ( 'm olin m. is tho nymboi uf justice mid libertyo all. (Loud cheers.)Your aid maulers und yon begin to know oioh

il hot belier. Ii is willi you and thom aa with thosm th and Sont h-better acquaintance promotes;onil understanding. Every day moro kindly teol-ngs aro expressed towards vou as freemon, as freealiorers, and as citizens. Errors and illusions orolansing nway. In 18G3-'fl, I was admonished noto permit you to celébralo your holidays in mulli-uilcs, willi processions and banners and music,nd marshals and lioufircs, mid Arc-arms and flrc-.oiks. Why? JJoestisu it wa» said you would rieon insurrection. Agi inst whom? fur whai t I de-n.milt tl. Not against thc aulhority of tho UnitodHates; lor thal authority has mudo thom free,lot n gainst their furnier masters; for as Biavoshey did not not robot. Not against mo; for I amtero to protect them from injustice. No. I wasold (ho colored people would novo land, and thoyo nhl scizo it and di ¡vu away tho lan fut o wu ors oflie soil. Timos haro chanced; insurrection isni;- remomkered ns a nightmare, Whenever aólorcd mau wants land, it ia soon that ho buys itrom any ono willing to eoll; or hires laud, U ho cannd any ono willing to let it to him. (Cheers.)Hero I will oller a suggestion. Thoro aro manyImitation« lu these States, not cultivated at all,r only half cnltivatcd. It tho owners, who cnneither plant nor afford to keep their lands idlo.o ii Kl divido their useless lands into email farmsf twouly acres each, and sell thom at fair prices> honest, industrious, «nd thrifty laborers, thory of "ennflscatiuu" would soon bo lost lu tho gloof busy labor-tho noiaa of' landless agitatorsrould bo hushed in tho roñoso uf a oontmiteii»pi» licnooiii.j. v*Ji"=t:li».}When I was sont to tho Carolinas, in tho autumnf 1665, I was told that tho freed pooplo wouldover work for wages-that they could not bolade to understand what it was to work for?agen. Now I hoar a different complaint, thatItu freed in-1ipU: will not work without wagoe.Loud checrn and langhtor.)I was told, also, that il would never dn to admitolorcd pinpin to tho cutirte of juslico to assertheir rights by Bults at law, or to givo testimonyi conlrovciaie.» between mon and man; for it waaaid you could not comprehend tho meaning andbhga'tiuu uf an oath, or the forms of judicial pro-cedings. Now, I hoar that unless a colored manas a lav. \ er and a law suit, ho docs .nut coueidurimsolf a rospoctablo citizen. (Laughter.)1 was told, also, that it would be tine lens to os-ibliBli'-bchools for tho instruction oí tho blacks;i was insisted they woro not oapablo of learning-,leif heads woro too thick and their brain toomall. (Loud laughter.) 'Now, I hear that solimy free SCIIOUIH for colored children aro ulledith colored pupils, (aught by colored teacher a,tat publia opinion is aroused to tho importnnoof providing for tho education of tho poor whites Iuv, more, in BOHÍO places tho schoolhouses forni colored raco muni tho protection of my bayon¬ets; and I am sure if colored peoplo could notism. eocloty would not hate their teachers, nortar their schools, and mobs wuuld not attack andcstroy their schoolhouses. (Sensation.)I was told also, that it would bo absurd to mokoitizens of tho freed' pooplo, because thov wouldever know anything ni mut política; that theyuuld ba led lo Ibo ballot-box like sheep to pan-ire, without caring whether thoy wore voting for'iouds or foes. Now I hoar that the colored pea¬le divido thoir spero timo about equally betweengligidn and pollués; and that thoy uro al mon tanarticular about tho,,'politician they trust aa theyrb about tho preacher thoy choose to pray formn i. (Applauso and -Laughter. JHere, my friondB, is tho lesson I wish to im-rcss upon your mind. You have to prove, as youio trying to provo, that your nico is capable ofrogrosd;-and thon you will snare, aa you willns H tho right to share, in all that belongs to civil-tatiori. And to thoso who look with distrust and¡ar upon your advancement, lot mo say to thom¡mt education to you, as to them and to all. ieloro thau powor-lt is security; it is wealth; it ieeli nein L-nt; it is virtue; it ,is peace.. (Cheers.)lt ie'useless to toll mo that J am aloa, and Hay ti,nd Ht. 1J omine o and Martinique provo anythingIsa thau that tho French, tho Spaniards and thc'nglish fall in thoir colonial administration,,'hosa United States, Spanish América, Algeria,nd tho Indios tiro amplified illustrations of UHarno historical cmnrpto. Ai well it might bo Bali't-.o palo racos of Mexico, atid Paraguay, and NettIronada aro unlit for civilization because theillolitical systems aro in constant ferment and turnail. Yoii will succeed booauso you are Amen-una. (Enthusiasm.)Il may bo thc dostiny of your race to carry boc)

o tho unknown tributarios of tho Nilo tho ameniiou of a ci vi limt ion bettor than thal which tole?atetl tho barbarism of tho bandits who toro you'at ti ern from kindrod and'country, and bartoreinon for gold. It aooins that noithor scrvltudo no'rocdom,-noilhor cmelty nor wrong,-war oTant,-1imo or soparation,-have any mo o changoho piemonte of your ortontal character, than th¡limato of tho temperate zone has alterad tho neive huoof your African complexion. -To-day, thlouvred race of tho South are tho samo conndinpFaithful and contented peoplo that would ratheticer than resist, that would rather trust and wali mi to bastón and compel. Your patience anraith havo bcon rewarded. Still bavO patloncinovcr wavor in tho faith that tho samo graoioiI'tovidtnoo that has horno you harmless andiiriumph out of bim ila go, will in good timo load yoto tho promised land of regeneration. (Lot!sheers.) .

Political ovonts aro nonr at hand in which for tllint timo, you will exorcise tho high privilegeAmerican citizens. You nvtut try to discriminawell and chooBO wlsolv betwoen tho good and buexamples yon soe.1 lfomombor that in politicsin all things, an oron tom por and a rospoolful dmeaner itôward OUT ildv erearius dntraet nulli itfrom tho ardor of our convict¡ona, nor from tltenacity with which wo prosa our (mirposos ; oqnnimity andcourlcsy always con tributo to tho snCOSH of mir undertakings.Do you romombor Abraham Lincoln? (Cries"Yes," "yes." "yes.") -Will von oror forgot h'm(Iioud shouts or. "No," *.'no," '-no. uorer. novor.Vi u rmiHt not cooso to cliofish and hood tho le acinge of that genial nature, thoso aimplo mothotthe nobld heart and tho guilolcss oxamplo of yogifted and tamoritod ohámpion, ,Lot tie all rdmober und buliovo'tho last words of his last addrcto the pooplo ho loved and eorvod ao woll, andwhom h ¡it almost sacred lifo waa a sacrifico,raid: "Tho time wilt como when tho mystic chbiof inomnry, stretching from ovory batUo-Qeld apatriot gravo to every living heart- and hoarstone, leached again as- thoy Buroly will.btv bybetter angola of our natiuro, shall awoll tho ohoiof tho Union th rough ont tho tandi" rt fOrcatplauso.) ,yi ..,"., jj

j BVKECil OT JilTKlE ltOHM.After tópente d calla for J nd g o Moses, 11

gentium in carno forward and s poko es followsjfi; Frtnuùi .--I fear if I remain rile nt aiyour ropektod calla roy motivo might bo imputo causes ,whlch aro far from, thoso which influemo.. I therefore 'appear to acknowledge, in aremarks, my appreciation of tho oonipliriwhich in impliod by tho flattering rccopuoahavo oxtondod to ruo. It ia Dot tho first Uhhavo addressed ah assemblage ol ymir racehave notpoon of thoso who, accepting; lhereof tho wart Lae doomed lt wisdom or poJ ey to1aloof frooVthose who herotofofewo answ fi yand booanso you Imve been cl ovaled to a .IiipUlform jrhloli you never boforo oocnpl. tl, 1felt lt prvpor or'booömirig.to,frown-open ¡aspiration; to DnprovomAnu; or impede jmyour cow icarocr, My.jodgment, whatoTer lt

I ¡i. \fià/.''-." ..' ' "

no \\oí m, leads ino to concluí]u that good faith arnipolicy both demand that tiv y who aro to livo un¬der tho »niuo sky ehnuld encourage and aid oauhother in tho progress of lifo. In youth wo Iiavolioen playmatcB, in manhood friends, aud hocausoyour condition ia changed-wo all lropo for thonetter-aliould our relations, in ovcry regard, booil ioversell, our sympathy duatroyod, and wosuddenly converted into onemioa? boon wisdom,morality or religion, sanction euch a emu se VI am Huro you must hara liatonod, not only williplcaauro but with improvement, to tlio oloquontand sensible nddrcaa which you have |ual hoardfrom General Hickies. If tho words of caution nut!ndvico which bo gnvo linvo not fallon on listlesseura (mid from your demeanor I nm euro they didnot), th« impression thoy must bavo madoon yourhonda and hearts will tend to your boucflt anil ad¬vantage. Ho stamin, aa it wcro. an impartial ob-aorver botween tho aces. If you follow that ad¬vice, Ibo Government which baa made ; on citizenswill not blush by n roOuotion on their act. Youaro clothed with cortaiu political rights wbicb, iuIbo relation you formerly occupied, could not bavoboon cnn Ter red upon you. In thu exercise Of thoseiglils, and in tho enjoyment of tho privileges10 which their posscsaiou have elevated you, thoUovornmonl should bavo no cause io regret that ilgranted tho huon, or to realizo tint tho experi¬ment it mado has be m fraught with dofcat andliaappoinimont. On tho olbor hand, yonr effort*ibould bo unceasing to lot your conduct bring no:cnauro on thoao who accordod you a uow pohticnlstatus. I am sure if your freedom was a conae-j ne ii co lo which tho will of tbo pooplo of tho Hon thlid not contributo, thoy will not fail iu a:ccplingn en tho nccosHity which they could not avoid, toitli'i d to you a full opportunity, without lot or

tl il ia nc e, to dovolop to tho lullest entent the rc-11 unes of yonr uaturo and cnorgy, and to contri-into by a ro .dy concession of all your now aoqului-lioiiB, to your educational and religions Improvo¬uent, lou are among us, and to livo with us,inbjcct to tho reviving influence of tho carno btw,iud tho depressing efleets of tho samo clouds,four industry and ability, directed to works ofunlit, add to tho gonoral prosperity of tho Minto,ind thus to that weal in which we havo an intér¬êt ali ko common with you. Can tho mind of tuan,uileaa RO ponoraO aa not to ho in a Banulondition, conceive any possible odoquato-nason why wo should array ourselves in antagou-smV WI atc vor doprcsaes tho win to raco al ¡knalls with bloating oiïuct on yours. Our iuloroat iaDo identified to keep lia arrayed in a suicidalnoral warfare ag a list each other.Wo bavo inst omorged from a long and lolont-oaa war. When I'oaco, which should corry bool-nga on ita winga, again prevails, what profit taito tako up tho dying embers of tho pout, to oponrounds wiiich timo, from day to day, is curing,ind lo rovien recoiled ions of anger and bloodytrifo? Leithe past lio forgotten-wo havo thoresult on ÜB to próvido for und tho futuro boforoia to hope for. Manhood, honor, and abovo allho allogianco which by oath baa been renewed toho General Qovornmont, combino to induce na toedoublo our oxortions to build up tho lost for-unes of thc Btato, and make Carolina again a brighttar among ber sisters.You aro celebrating to-day tho anniversary of

>ur national indoponuonco. You must rememberhat whilo doing this you aro. as citizens oflouth Carolina, not yet admitted into thatinion, which following tbo old confederation,raa tbo consequonoo of tho declaration of 4thuly, 1770, which soverod tho connection withire it. Britain, and mado tboso Statos "freo andiidcpoudont sovereignties." When tho pcopto oflouth Carolina ronowed by oath tboir allogianco toIto United citâtes, and adopted n Constitution inunfunnily to that notion, incorporating into thoody i milt o tumbi mental principles which bad noloco thuro boforo, it was oxpocto'l in good faithhat thoy would not bo auojeotod to legislationrhich would auapend for any timo thoir claim toIm completo enjoy m en t of all tho rights and guar-nteea secured by thal Constitution, willoh waalib result of tho Revolution of 1776. Thoy. bow¬yer, havo thus far been withhold, and oro ali keptn trial, OB if instead of being cit ¡zena, disposed toiistain tho Qovornmont, wo aro traitors, awaitinglie opportunity of raising our band against thocry Government which Wo bavo lately sworn touatain. South Caroliua ia our Slat©, and sho ialibuudorstood by thoao who hold sway in the Na¬umai Council. If abo has lost her fortuno, shoaa retained her honor. That abo has novorallied. When I renewed by oath my allo-ianco to tho United States, I did it in goodutli. I would bavo wished my tongue paralyaod', when aasnming tho obligation under oath, jni it with any nioiital rcaorvation; and whateverropri 'ty I claim for myself in this rogan!, I ashir all tho pooplo of South Carolina. Thoy aropan in their resist mao, and if tboy harbored novlalignity to .tbo Gonoral Qovornmont with thoitb, they novar would bavo taken it. Wo havoll, your raoo as well aa mino, at thia period of ourolltical quarantine, to show, by a continuance ofio observanco of proper cuiiduct between our-?iveo and to tho Gov rnu.ont, that wo bavo agilt to demand tho porformanco of all tho oondi-orin whioh woro to bo tho consoquonoo of poaco,id a roady acquiceoenoo, on our part, in all thoînV^fïh'atfod'iyy'ilio' Eögraialuro'öf Sontu'cVro-na, and standing aa a law on its statuto book,nong other rights extended to yon, has givenan that of testifying in tbo Courts, I am happyi believe that it han not hoon abusod, and thatio colored people, whon callod aa witnesses,lattfy in gonoral aa if impressed with tholitigation thoy assume, whon they swoaron thoely Rook, why should it bo other wino? Thoyoro always a people of religious proponaitios, andhon not permitted to be taught to road and writo,toy ohing to that Bible aa tho hopo of their salva-on. Continue to bo guided by its prooopls anda injunctions; educate yonr rising generation, for¡r doing that you will make then; good citlsons.id (bey will bo bolter prepared to appreciato andijoy tho now politioal rights of which thoy bavocon tho recipients.Your solicitation for me to continuo, has inda codio to say moro Iban I had in tended. I trust Southamil n.y'inny anon bo recognised os a State of thonion, with all tho rights to which abo ta entitled,bat flag wbioh yon boar baa upon It her star, andit abo is not permitted to claim tho light of it.ia ibo emblem of a groat nation-it novor will. I

nat,' be other than the symbol aa woll of thomor as tho glory of tho Union. Appreciatingmr attention, I wlah you prosperity and bappi-

Tno Future of Cotton»A commercial firm ot thia city recoivod a letter.om oMachcsler (Eng.) correspondent, who givoaio following conclusions in reference to tho futuroipply of cotton :

, MAMOHESTBB (Eng.), Jane, 1&G7.It nppoars to mo that we aro entering upon aow a la to of n (fairs, which must bo takon into ac-yunt :1. Tho immense loases of tho last two aoaacmaave oansod those that still stand up to bo morolulious, and have completely used np tho wildpeculators and thoir special supporters (tho Bove¬ll banks), on both aides of Ibo water.2. Tho supply of tho raw. article ia largor thanas at first expected, j i ,

S. Tho probability that thora ia now on this sidofair prospect of two*and a, half inilliono bales foroxtyear.- - - .- k

4. Tho substitution of woolton and linen goodsi lion pf cotton, which it > will take ionio timo to¡mugo again. 15. Tho gonoral impression that cotton, as well aavorytliing, ia too high, and most como down inrico before consumption can attain ila formerreportions."

State' i te in»,.TUE CHOPS.-Wo hear very gloomy reporta

rom different sections of the il ul ric I. Theivers have risen to'a great height in conae-nenco of Ibc recent floods. The local rainsie re s u flic ont to do considerable dum age inwelling li cm, and we understand they haveleen steadily rising from the immense fall ofrater in tho up-country. Tbo rice crop of theip-rivar planters is .completely drowned out,.nd1 th* greatest gloom nñd'' dgspondoncy pre¬nti among our truly unfortunate agriculturaln uil -, Many IiAvh Informed ua that they will

earcely irradie poèd^ni tho rico in ita presenttage is irrevocably destroyed, and those who.re'more hopeful, base their doubtful.prospcotaipon a speedy subsidence of tho freshets, whichret.linger. When will our days of oalamity,mlnoss and sorrow havo Rn ond T "Troubleslover ¿orno single-handed," and wo of thelouth nro'stck nt heart in tba realization ofinch a' fearful proverb. We can only "hopo, on,lope (¡yvT."-s-(1eoTgttoKn Time».PBACII CROP.-Iii consequeneo of frosts in

darch,'most of the-peaches in the neigbbor-lood haye boon killed.; We. hear of our neigh-ior Purvis, who ia generally among the fortu->ate fevJ, shipping already. His first'shipmento New York was made On 18lb Juno, and uplo'the cod of Ibo.month bo had-shipped 160boxes. He expects about a half crop.

" .'

L Aiken Fret».

DEATH or A Goon CiTiziM.-^Tbe painful in¬telligence waa received in this oily yeslordayor tho death of George W. Cuvier, who died ittMunioh,'Germany, on'the 12th ultimo. Thedeceased had been fora nurabor of years thocashier ¿fthe Central. "Railroad Dank of thisoity, tho'duties of which position, bo discharg¬ed with tho utmost fidelity and abilityj [Savannah N'être.

PoroiÀTioH or MISSISSIPPI-NEOBOBII IN?mr. M A ¿OBIT v.-In the Jackson, Clarion, ofthe 22d, wo find returns of O denian made for1800 of tho population of Mississippi, excepttho small County, bf Perry.' The total return«aro ;' Vi bites, 848,460; 'bfaokB, 881,208; total,724;718. {As compared with.the OODBUB of .1800,tho ooo0^In IMO tho tot«. Whit« popnlatton wa«.... 853,89.In 1800 Ibis total black popula Han waa.447,401

Malling ia grand total of..801.802Deduct tejal population of 1866.1........'. 724,71EAnd wo llld a total.HMof.. 70,681As follow» S.Yrbiteji...u.-. 10,489 fiBuick*... 68,140^70,(58!MS!^.w,79<

_SPECIAL' NOT IC ES..4TTHK nioiiT nh. O.M. WILLIAMS, D.D.,Missionary Bishop or llio Protestant Episcopal Cliurch U>Okla* and Japan, will preach To-Morrow Morning, at Rt.

I.uko'a Church. Hen leo to benin at Viii o'clock.At Night, a Missionary Meeting will be tiela ul CraceChurch, at whick Uitliop WILLIAMS will mako au Ad¬

dress. Hervlco lo boßln nt 8.<; o'clock. Tho public aroInvited to attend. 1july u

*»- TRINITY OHÛlICU, ~lïASEL STREET.-Service will bo held in IIIIH Church To-jYorroto, al haU-post 10 o'clock A. M.. and a i|iiirter-paat s p. M., insteadof at ulght. na hcrelororc. Throe boura will bo observednulli fUrthor notice. 1July n

JUT UNITARIAN CHURCH.-A SPECIALmooting of the corporation (tho pcw-holdcrs) of un¬church will bo licld To-Mnrrmo .[fternoon, Iniinrsllslelyafter tho dun.i of (ho nitermme Benlee. A proposition ofIbo utmost im/x>ri.uiee will be submitted for Uie vnio oltho corporation, ami Uie pnw-buldcra aro particularly rn-qucfltod to attend tho meeting.Afternoon sorvleo commence* at S o'clock.By order of Vestry. M. M. PORTER,July«1 Chairman.sWORPHAN HOUSE CHAPEL.-THE BEY.

C. C. PINOKNEY, of Grace (Episcopal) Church, will por-fonu Divluo Férrico lu this Chapel To-Morrow After-neon, 7th lust., at S o'clock. 1July G

«- NOTICE.-!. HEREBY CAUTION ALLpersons not to credit any ono tu my urmo without roywritten order. CUAULKS DEIGNAN.Jnly 4 G*

«3-TO THE PITUUC.-THE JEWISH CON¬GREGATION (llerilh AV;, rion) was orgsiiir.ed In this cityabout ten years ago,'ami fur temporary purpoa.-s cou*slructcd a small building near tko comer of st. Fbillpand Calhoun atroels. lu this humble House or God theyhavo ovor alnco ivor ..hipped, lt was their design fromtho commencement to oecumnlato funds toward erectinga Inciter ctliQco, moro commo<lious, nuil mor- lu ronso-nnnca with tho wanta ol Ilia present ngc. lint theirsavings were all swept away by Ihn war, and nearly threetbousaud dollars, set apart {oribis -purpose, wore thuslost.Tho now honro or wornblp ls much needed, lhere beingconstant applications from new mcminn., but no room

to accommodate them. Th <i Fenkcnof this congregationaro conducted In tho Connan (almost Identical willi tbaPolish) Minha.j. Ami tills ls Ibo ot ly synagogue inCharleston lu willoh Israellles Irem Coiitliionlal Kuropocsu worship thc God of (luir rather» in precisely Ibosamo forms, language and ccrcniouici an their fore¬fathers did.Thoy ore, howovcr, too ]>onr lo carry out such au en¬

terprise uuoiitcd. They have thc ground for Ibo newsynagoguo, but not tho means to construct ibo building.They therefore solicit nsststi.ncc from their brethren andfriends everywhere; both from thone of tho Hom, nfisrael, and from all others, of whatever faith or nallan;believing that ibo Great Author af all good will promptmany to atcp forward and help them? iii tills lu ir time nfneed. They, are extremely solicitous to nulsli theirnow building before ucxt Roth ffaiAanuA (September30), as lhere I» every reason Ul expect a large accession olworshippers, far beyond (he capacity of thc present smallbuilding.The now synagoguo will bo a largo and handsome,though not expensive strm-lune Sui script omi or dona¬

tions will bo gratcliiUy received by auy of tho undersign¬ed oft!cora of tito congregation.Mr. U. A. WEINIiEIta, lu .i few days, will eel ¿ut on a

lour to tho North and Went to solicit contributions fortho aboro minmi object, and tho subscribers commendhis mission lo the liberality of every Jewish cone regal ioulu tho land. 1). A. WEINBERG, President.

U. COHEN, Vico-PiesldentP. JACOBY, Secretary.L. BICH, Treasurer.

«i* Tho Jewiih MttunQtt and The Itrartite will pleaseInsert tho above lour times, ami send account to Ur. L.RIOH. fl July 3

sW-OONSULAIl NOTICE_INFORMATION ISwanted on tho situation of V.c. STEINMETZ, (JACQUES)born at Ucbetsch, (Prance). Any body abbi lo furnishit ls requested to address st Ibo FRENOQ CONSULATEin this city. 3Joly3

««r THE STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA,DARLINGTON DIBTRIOT.-TN EQUITY.-r. B. BACOTAllb T. L. DACOT, Administrators, PETER H.BAGOT. r«. THE HEIRS AND CREDITOR-S OF PETERPs. on motion'of W. SF.'¿»M£^^tar, ordered that all and singular the crediton! of tho latePeter S. Bacot, Complainant's Intestate, bo requiredto filo and provo their respective demands and debts tnj II il gm c nt« and otherwise against thc said Intestate, be¬fore tho Commbuloncr or this Court, by or beforo tholirai day of November next, and Iii default thereof thatthey bo debarred from Ibo hcnollt of any dcerco to bomade therein, and that tko Commisclnner of this Courtdo advertise this order once a mouth In the DarlingtonSoutherner and tko Cbarlciton Daily AViei, until thosaid Ors t doy of November nc it.Tho «Im e ls a true copy (rom the original order mada

In the above case, 13th ot February, 1HG7.A. F. EDWARDS, 0. E. D. D.

Commissioner's Office, Darlington 0. H., February 22,1807.sSOfl February 23

P THE STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA,DARLINGTON DISTRICT.-IN EQUITY-B. TV. ED¬WARDS, Administrator T. ll HOWLE, r». E. 8. HOWLE,JAMES P. WILSON AND OTHERS_BILL FOR IN-JOrfOTION, ACCOUNT AND RELIEF.-It ls orderedthat the CREDITOrtB oITUOMÁS E. HOWLE, deceased,bo enjoined from proceeding to recover thoir claims atlaw against tho complainant, and that they do prove andestablish their cloroands against tho said Ilowi.n beforethe Comiiil.-eioner of this Court, on or beforo tho Ant dayof December next, end In dofuull thereof that they bebarred the benefit of any decree to bo pronouncedherein.Tho above ls a true copy from tho original order made

In tho above stated case, 12th Fobrnary, 1867.A. F. EDWARDS, C. E. D. D.

Commissioner's Onice, Darlington C. H., Fob. 22, 18G7.February 23 all

.THE STATE OF SOUTH OAROLtNA-DARLINGTON DISTRICT-IN EQUTTx"-HANNAH J.HART, Administratrix, tl. ELLEN E. HART, JOHNWITHERSPOON, et at.-BILL FOR TNJUNOnOH,ACCOUNT AND RELIEF.-It is ordered that the credit¬on! of JOHN L. HABT be enjoined from proceeding torecover their claims at law against Ibo complainant, andthat tliey do provo and establish their demands againstthe sold John L. Uart, beforo Ibo Commissioner ofthis Court, on or before DIB first day of November noxt,and In default thereof that Uley bo barred from tho ben-ont of any decree to be mode herein.

It la also ordered tliat a copy ot thia ordorbo publishodat least once a wock until tho first day of November nextin the Darlington Southerner and tho charleston DailyWéie».Tho above ls a true copy from tho original ordor made

In the above case, 12th February, 1BG7.A F. EDWARDS, C. K. D. D.

CoHMisaiosBii'B Omer., Darlington O. H., February22,1807. s34 fl February 23

«-STATE OFSOUTH CAROLINA, CHARLES¬TON DIBTRIOT-.CLERK'S OFFICE C. O. a AND 0. P.-PUBLIC NOTICE.-I, J. W. BROWNFIELD, Clerk ofBold Court, in pursuance of tho Aol of tho Legislature, insuch ciao made and provided, do hereby glvo publlo no¬tice that an ELECTION FOR Billilli FF OF CHARLES¬TON DISTRIOT will bo held on Aforviay, ibo 6th ofAugust noxl, at all Ibo usual places of cloction through-out tho said District.Witness my hand, at Charleston; tho 26th June, 1BA7.

J. Vt. BROWNFIELD, 0. G. 8. and 0. P.Jnno da _i_«rOFTIOE OF DOARD ; OF HEALTH.

CHARLESTON, 8. C., JUNE 28lh, 1B07.-On and afterThU Day,' CLORi E OF LIME AND COPPERAS, forDISINFECTING PURPOSES, will bo furnished free ojcharge, on application at thbi Onice, No. 117 Comingj street, aa ibo City nuthorules earnestly desire that the.?lurons gene rally ilionld use tlunnfoc tani s promptly and

j freely, wherever neccseary.GEORGE 8. PELZER, U. D.,

Janj28 16 _,. City Registrar.tpr WE ABB AUTHORIZED TO ANNOUNCE

Wal. BLUM DIÑOLE as a Candidate for tho BheruTallyat tho ensuing election.Beptamborll '?

... C

MW ARTIFICIAL EÏE8.-AIITIFICIAI, HU¬MAN ETES mado to ordeur and Inserted by Dre. V.BAUCH abd P. GOTJGLEHANN (formarly employed by

j Rouiaoxvxjio, of Farts), No. wo Broadway, New York.April 1«_'? Iftar ll ATC H EL 0 R'8 HALU DYE.-THIB

SPLENDID HAITI DYE ti the best In the world. Theonly true and perfect Dye-narmleit, robsblo. Instan-tançons. ; No dlsappolnbruonl. No ridiculous tints.Natural Black or Brown. Ramed lea tho Ul effects of BadDye*. Invigorates tho htlr, leaving lt toft and beautlfuLThe genuine li fdgned William A. Raieostor. AU ethersare mere Imitations, ead should be avoided. Sold by allrmgiixLs j and Perfumer«. Factory, Na 81 Barclcystreet, Now York. ..


for the HAIR positive!} rc«torcs gray hah? to ita originalcolor and youth fal bran ty i Impart- life, strength andgrowth to Che rvrtdtost hair; stops Ita tailing outat Oxlee;keeps th e head clean ; ls unparalleled as a hal r-d roost nj?.tto'Ä by aU druggtuts, fWblexiablebaiÑdreBsíeTa, and deo),«rs In laney goods. Tho Irado irappltod by tho wholo-

1 axle druggista, .

I SARAH A. URLYALI BR, M. D.,JurioH -, ., .mlhCBW II .. Nsw York,


frosh supply of Oraugo County BU ITER AND CHOICEBREAKFAST UACUM tu canvass, received Ibia week,

WM. H. CORWIN A: CO.,.1 illy 0 1 No. nj King atmet, opposilo Hasel.

tra-JN THE DISTRICT COURT Ol' TUBUNITED STATS) tOIt IHK DISTRICT UV SOUTH('A HOL! S A.-IN UANKRUITCY_In «io matter ofPRANKUM W. EMANUEL, by whom a pcllllou uradjudication, nf Bankruptcy, waa Oled on Ihr IM ilayofJuly A. D. V,;, lu said Court_Tbl» la to glvo notier.Ibat on tho second tiny of July 1BC7, n Warrnu! lubankruptcy WOH, issued against Ibo lístalo of FIIAXKIJKW. IAHM:I:I, ol Ibo District of Charleston ami SlateofSouth Carolina, who han bceu adjudged n llnnkruyitou lil« own politlón ; Ibal tl o payment of any debt*and delivery of auy properly belonging In auch Bankrupt,to him, or for lils use, nml tho transfer ol any projior-ty by him are furbliltlcii by law. That a meeting of thccreditors of III« sold Bankrupt, to provo their debbi andto ol.ono or moro Assignees of bin Estate, will hehchl ot a Cuurf nfBankruptcy In be haïtien al iVo. Oil llrnadStreet, Charlettrm, #. c" before lt. ll. Carpenter, ll'gttter,on 25ÍA day oj July, A. V. l(iC7, at ¡ti o'clock- A. ii.

(Signed.) J. P M. EPl'INO.U. 8. Marshal, aa Mi .conger.

July 0 2

MV ELMORE MUTUAL INSURANCE COM¬PANY.-Cn MW.i .rros, Juno 10th, 1807_All dcm ami*against lins Company must bo presented on or before tho10IA day of July next, or they will bu debarred paymentaa a final settlement with Ibo Stockholder* will bo madnalter tin.t dato.

By order of Ibo Board. JOSETII WH1LTIEN,.lone19WK7 Bocrctory.

OS" U. H. INTERNAL IC VENUE, SECONDDISTINCT, SOUTH CAROLINA. CiiAni.EKTON. Juno 20,IHM-Tile Tuns on tho Annual List for IHS7, compris-lug Taxes on Income. Billiard Tables kept for private uso.Carriages, l'isle and Oold Waldies, nre now due sud lav¬able. Theso Taxes maybe pilli by persons residing iuCharleston District, nt No. 48 BROAD KTItKHT, Charles¬ton, to the Collector or his Deputy, au or befoto Ibo 1201hof July, MOT. Unless paid by Ibal time, thc law attachesadditional amounts to tho tax.

FREDERICK A. SAWYER.Collector Second District, 8. C,

Juno 2(1 WHO

«TTMKSSRS. EDITORS :- YOU WILL PLEASEannouiico Hen. A. M. MANIGAULT as a candidato forSheriffnt tho ensuing election. A CITIZEN.November ll stu

arrWE ARE AUTHORIZED TO ANNOUNCEB. M. WIinTNO, Esq., ns a candidato Tor Sheriff ofCharleston (Judlclnl) District, nt tho ucxt election.Heilten,ber IO

**?. EXECUTORS1 NOTICE-ALL PERSONShiving drinaniln »gähnt tho Estate or tho lato ColonelARTHUR P. HAYNE, will present them duly attested,ind those, hoing Indebted to tho Estate will make pay¬ment to W. ALSTON I'll Nil Ml.


Juno 20s3 qualified Executors.


03- ESTATE ELIZABETH HALLARD, DE¬CEASED.-All porcons having legal claims agslnst tho»late of said KLZAHETH ll.M .I.A III), lalo of Charleston,IVidow, will render tho same, attested, within limo prc-1-ribed by law; and those ludobteil will maka ia] nient to

PHILIP J. BREEN,Juno 22ntl Qualified Ox'or.

ST»- NOTICE T ) MA HI NI'bH.-C A V T AI NSIND PILOTS «takln j lo anchorlthch-vessols tn Ashleytiver, aro requested not to do no anywhere wltldn direct?ange of tho heads ol Hie SAVANNAH RAILROAD¡VHARVEí, on the Charleston and St. Andrew's nido olho Ashley River; by which precaution, contact with (helubmsrlne Telegraph Csblc will bo svoldcd.

H. 0. TURNER, H. Bf.Isrbor Master's Office, Charleston, February 0,18C0.February 7

a*- TnE ORAVEST MALADIES OF YOUTHIND- .»"nen HOWARD ASSOCIATION--.SSA vs, on tho nyMaopm JSS ^^ flral ^ ol

naii,"wlth Reports on new methods of treatment em-iloycd In Ulis InsUtuUou. Bent In scaled letter en-

elopes, free of chargeAddress Dr. J. si; ii.LIN mun inTON,

Howard Association, Philadelphia, Pa.May 20 3mo

So- A YOUNO LADY RETURNING TO HER,'ouHtry home, after a sojourn of a few months In UmJty, waa hardly rccoguiiod by her friends. In placo o'i coarse, rustle, flushed face, sha bsd a soft raby com

¡íloxlon of almost xnsrblo smoothness, and In»lead o.

iw.nty-Uirce she really sppcarod but eighteen. Upon in-piiry as lo lbs causa of so groat a chsngo, sha plainlyLobl thom that sho used tho 0IRCA&4IAN HAI.if, sudronsldcrcd lt an Invaluable! sequi»» lion to »ny haily's toilet.

Uy Its wno any Lady or GenUsrscn can Improve their pec¬io rmi appearance an hunlrrd fold. It ls simple In Itscombination, ss Nature herself ls slmplo. yet umrnrpass-Dd In Its cOlcary in trawlng Impurities from, also heal-[og, cleansing aid beautifying thc skin and complexion.By its dire, i lotion ou Ibo cuUolo lt draws from lt all ItaImpurlUcs, kindly healing the same, and leaving- the sur¬face ss Nature Intended lt should bo-dcor, soft, smooth»nd bsouUfnl. Price $1, seul by MsU or Express, on re¬

ceipt of an order, byW. L. CLARK k CO., diem Le tn,

NO. 3 Wost Faye I tn Street. Syracuse, N. Y.The only American Agents for tho salo of tho sams, 11March 30 ly | I

sWERRORS OP YOUTU.-A GENTLEMANwho suffered for years from Nenroua Debility,. Pre¬mature Decay, and all tho offocts of youthful indiscre¬tion, will, for tho aako of suffering humanity, send free,to all who need lt, the receipt and directions for makingtho himplo reuiedy by which ba wss cured. Sufferersw nh i. g to prom by tho advertiser's experience, can doso by addressing, 11 perfect confidence,

JOHN B. O fl D KN.April 13 Cmos« .No ta Cedar street. New York.



Laboratory, No. IO Crosby street; Nevr York.

3000 Boxes, Bottles and Flasks manufactured dally.SOLD BYALLDRUO01818EVERYWHERE


Where SI, (3 to $6 sixes aro pat up for Fem Hies, StoresShips, Boats, Public InsUluUons, Ac, ftc.

It ls truly wonderful tho confluence thal is now had inevery form of Preparations that comes from "Oostar's "

Establishment."COSTAU'S" EXTERMINATORS-For Rsls, Mice,

Roaches, Ants, fte., ftc. "Only infallible remedy koomi.""Not dangerous to tho human family." "Usts come ontof their holes to din," fte." CO-STAR'3 " BED-BUG EXTERMINATOR-A liquid,

put up in butilos, and never known to fall."COSTAU'S " ELECTRIC POWDER-For Moths In

Furs anil Woollens, ls Invaluable Nothing eau exceed ltfor power and ellicaty. Destroys instantly sit Insoc ts onPlants, Fowls, Animals, fte."COSTAU'S" I1UCKTH0UN SALVE-For Cuts. Burns,WOunds, Bruises, Broken Breasts. Boro Nipples, Pilos lu

all forms. Old Boros, Ulcer., and all kinds of cutaneouscflections. No family should bo without lt. Il exceedsin cfDcsoy sll other Salves In uso."COS TAH'S" CORN SOLVENT-For Corns, Bunions,

^""cOSTAR-fl" HITTER SWEET AND ORANOB DL08-S MS-Beautifies tho Complexion, by giving to tbs skina soft anti beautiful freshness, snit Is Incomparably be¬yond anything liow lu uso. Ladles of taste and positionregard Ibas an essential to tho toilet. An unprecedented?alo ls Its best rooouiinondaUon. Ono bottle ls alwaysfollowed by moro. Try lt to know."OOSTAR'S" BISHOP PU.LB-A universal Dinner

Pill (sugar-coated), and ol extraordinary efficacy for Coe-Uvenese, all forms of Indigestion, Nérveos sod SickHeadache. A PUT that ls now rapidly supenoding allothers. ..."COSTAR'8" COUGH REMEDY-For Coughs, Colds,Hoarseness, 8orn Throat, Croup, Whooping Cough, AsUi-

ma, and ail forma of Bronchial, and Diseasos of theThroat and Lungs. A'tdross

lll-NIll lt. COSTAR,Ho. 483 BBOADWAY, N. Y.


No. lil Meeting street, opposite Charleston lietel.Jone 17_ .? ' "


Merchants snd business man try lt for stow months."No risk bo gain." Send on your cards aud Increase

Îour trod* this. fall. There's nothing to equal lianto r'sak- it has modo many a fortune.Torras for tho paper-13 per annum, in advance.Advertisements inserted st tbs rate of »I pur square ol

twelve Upss or lass for »ch insertion.Cards of ton Unos or lear, at the rato of »io for three

months.. I ! i ., .: i'Contracts by tho year or for »Ix months, snowing priv¬ilege of clangbiy on moro Äevorsbls terms. Addresso

EDWARD A. BRONSON.Worevnhfr IV l'ul>li»het .nu .-ronrMcr


Orangebarg, & a Terms 13 per annum, in ad¬vance. 1 . 1 '' '"'

During the spring and (Ml seasons' oxtra copies of UVOiiASoabotio News wbM be circulated for the benefit olcur advertising patrons. ,. .', -,|¡) nI Contract; Advertí»«men ta Inserted on the most liberallenna. Add ross SAMUEL- DUJDLK, ; ;'. j { % Kdl Ar Orangeburg Ncir»,Tobíuir/» , J, ; ...vifow^fo B i


WK AME OFFERING OOH STOCK OF BOUURBCLOTHINO, comprl»lng LINENS. FLANNELS ANDI.HUIT WEIOIIT WOOLLEN, nt priers which cannotfall (o satisfy nil who sm seeking lo buy GOOD UOODSCUEAP. Hie larger part ol our Slock wo maunfaclnruIn our own workshops, which wc warrant lu everyrespect.We give below soruo of our leading prices :

LINEN HACKSnt.$ï, 3, 4 and 6LINEN TANTSat.fl 23, 1 nu and aLINEN VESTSat. »1 nfl and 3CHECK CASSIMERE HILTS, HACK, PANTS AN1>



lures, and solid colors, ead BLACK DRESS SUITSall our owu make, al very low prices.

BURNISHING aOODS. adapted lo (bc seasonTUITE SHIRTS, four «uillUos.$2 60,3, and



Juno El 4iuo



jB UVE I l-l I 33 ,


WILL LEAVE BOYCE'S WHARF AS ABOVE ONliomin y tVigM, Ibo Bib lust., at 10 o'clock.Returning, will loava Georgetown on IrVdnwday'uly 10th, at 8 o'clock A. M.For tr. b;lu or iiaaiago, apply to

SHACKELFORD A KELLY,Agonía at Charleston, No. 1 Boyce's Wharf.FRASER lc MAURICE,

Agents at Georgetown.All freight must bo prepaid, and nono received niterunset._1_July tl



irrrLL LEAVE AS ABOVE FBOM SOUTHW AllanHo Wharf, on IW-iifay Morning, tko 91b, at 10

Returning will leave Edlsto on TFnlnfiuViy Morning, alo'clock.Freight received on Monday, and bo prepaid.For Freight or Paaaago apply 01. board, or lo*

JNO. H. MURRAY, Market Wharf.July 0_ 2





IX7TLL LEAVE FROM ADDER'S SOUTH WHARFYV on Saturday, the 0th inst., at 0 o'clock P. M.ga- All outward Freight ciiKsgnmontfl mnst bo made

it tho o nice ol COURTENAY 4: TRKNUOLM. No. 41Jost Bay.a/3- For Poasago and all matters connected with the

nwsrd buaiueas of tho Sblpa. apply to STREET IillUTUiilS A CO., No. 74 East Bay.





WILL LEAVEMIDDLE ATLANTIC WHARF EVERiTuetJay Night, at B o'elock, for Bavannati.

For frvlitbl or oasaago apply on board or lo ofBco ofJ. D. AIKEN & CO, Agents,May 10 South Atlantic Wharf.




taking pasacngors to Southamplon, London, Havre an IDromon, at Ike follawlig rates, payablo tn gobi or ItsroiiivsliAit tucnrreiiny:

First Cabin, $110; Second Cabin, $661 Steerage, $.15.from Bremen, Southampton and Havre to Now Yolk.First Cabin/ 8110: «coon il Cabin, $76; Steerage, $13.EXCURSION TICKETS OUT AND HOME-Fiiot

Cabin, $210; Second Olbin, $190; Steerage, $70.Ultarta DATS roon nra roua AXD DOKMCM :.

Íunel6ind20 I July IS and 27 Augunt 10 and 31ficpL 7 and 31 I Oct. 6and 19 | Nor. 3 and 10For Freight or Passago apply lo

I I HA At! TAYLOR, Président,Fcbniary37 ly Ne 4P Broadway. M. Y.






ÖNEOfTiis ABoya; STHAUBRS .WILL L"AVECharleston and Savannah ovary' Monday, Wedntt-

day and ÍViday Morning*, at 7 o'clock. .Touching; almullum ot Monday, trip from Charleemon, and iiVchui-day; trip from Savannah. ..ll-'îiiisFreight focclred dally from 0 A. II. lo 8 P. M., tadstoredfred of charge. 1,- ... >. Il !..>.!AU Way Freight, also Dluflton Wharfage, most bo pre¬

paid. ".' I . ,..

For freight or passage, apply to ^-..jtJOHN >'s^U80N, Ae«ojnmo6Ulk>n^rf,tonOLAOHOBN A-OUNNTNOHAM9,

, ,i Agents, Savannah, da.'! FULLERA LEE, ^ »'Aannto, BeauíoTt, B. 0.

N. B.-THROUGH TtCKETa sold ai lbs onie* of thoAirocy ta Charleston to Points 03 tho AUanUo and GnHR^lr2oT»ho^Veroa^naandpoi»«* oh th«Btifh^i»lt«r7^ I .-0 '"U!'1 w» I


sailing sloop JULIA DHAN will Icavo Marshall-*/.ly' wharf, un Uni Ixl and IMli ul July.auil continu.-' "?-IIIIIII further uni Ire. fur ul! jmlulu un Westernbrunch »I Cai.]i.u- lllnir. ami Eastern lirauiih I« ItoNIICM'aFurry. Trilling is strictly ,,,. hlhltud.For Freight iigagcmoiits, a|i|ily In M ml. r on lioard, orEIIA'.UHA MAI.I.O.NKK,

" . Har!berk's Wharf.N. ll.-All Kri-ii-litn must lie prepaid..Juno J J IMO




,r-r"-l ,- WIM. LEAVE VANDERHORST'SS/\A ^ Wharfon Saturday, July f.. ai 11 o'clockhin pi., rn maaI present Hill« of Ladingon Friday Evening for Higuature.?'"ly I_ _ll AVENEL te^CO.


Til IO s Wi'lb lb HIVKIt.



WILL RECEIVE FREIGHT AT ACCOMMODATIONWharf, on WeJnrtJaij, the lld Instant, and loavoon tt'llHntam Niykl Um fiUi imit.All Freight must be prepaid.No Freight nvcived nflor HiinneLFor Freight or Passage, apply lo

JOHN FERUURON,July 1 AccoiinnodaUuii Wharf,

oi l I« I \ I..

LIST OF I.ETTERSRemaining lu tba Postofllco al Ctiarlcston. for tho werk

L'udiug JULY 4, 1H6T. and ordered lo be printedlu Tim DAILY N KWH, agreeably lo Uic following section otUie new I'oalofflco Law, an the newspaper having Unilargest eirculatiou lu the City of Cbarloslou:SKCTIOM 5. And bo lt further enacted, That Usia of let«len remaining uuoiHed for In any Postónico iu any citylow» or village, whero a newspaper shall bc printed,?ball liercsftcr bo published uno« only lu the newspaperwhich, being published weekly or oftener, shall havo U10largest circulation within range of dcllvory of tho sa dafleo.Og- l'ornons calling fur Letters Advertise), ahoul I

atsto that they are "Advertised."aa- Oftico hours from 8 A. M. to 0 P. M. On Sundays,

Troll! 1Z30 A. M. to 1.30 I*. AI.STANLEY G. TROTT, Postmaster.

WOMEN'S LIST.Addison, Laura EAllston, Mrs J LAug. rinanii, Mrs

Andora un, A 0Arther, Miss Sa¬rah

Artsou, ElisabethAulliurry, Jan« FAuthor, Mrs Hellt

UPalentino. Airs CHarton, U URodger, Vinabrown. Mrs AnnHird, Misa R ARrooks, MaryUro wer. Mrs II Abrodie. Carriellrslnuor. Harshbradley, Salli o

Urn,Hurd, Miss JH

boyce. Miss Mag-gio

ÜBraeriAruirunliuckloy, AI L

in -

.'animer, Lizzielleveland, AguesClark, Airs Mary_ulbert. Marylol ll UH. Marthabimby, Mrs ltbunin, Alisa lilleCurtis, Miss Octavia

DDronlo, MaryDowaiie, Maryin 1 ip. Mrs LDe w in. Airs ODorney, Mrs PeterDulller, Miss MS"

EEssUrllng. M TEdwards, Miss ZEdwards, LouisaEdwards, MaryEnglebert, MissMagio

VFarrsll, MaryFinlay, Thomas1-inloy, MrsFlckUng. Mary EFlntoy, M LFord. A M

(col'd)Freeman, Miss MF

Frazer, Mary LFrazer, Sarah AFrazer, ChnrloUoE

GGray, SirenaGauibatU, Miss JL

Göddern, MartherHillard, Miss ClairGibson, Mrs W O(lib-oii, Mrs M E(Hover, Harriet AGallsllo, MaryGrainger, Mrs HB ii

Oatrt, Bliss Fin¬ney

Oreen, MaryOreen, FsunoyOreen, Mrs A JGreen, Eliza

IIHamilton, Mrs E

IIHnlcrow, M Ollallis. Miss UHazelton, AirsJohn

Hcargrenu, MrsUbinia

Uevward, Alarylioff. Misa AHorne} MI «a EuaHogan, MansHughes, EugeniaHuggins, Miss EHoghes, Airs It CHolmes, Pulley

JJouklus. ElvoJohnson, Jack AunJohnson, Mary

CatherineJackson, Eliza A

KKeekeley, Char-lotto

Keith. CUraKoin; ¿ainiro-''-Klug,IALadlvizc, AmandaI.V.'.'.M. Alary MLafayette, Airs AE

Lcwson, LucyLangley, ClaraLawrorica, Mrs H

Mugley, AirsLavatcu, AunaLcuur, leonoraLewis, PaulineLegare, Miss M ALoagru, Airs ll ELeslie, Mary Jl.uvlue. MaryLinton, Alana(frcodwomsn)

Lining, Mrs ChanUndouthalL Mrs

MMartin, Miss An¬nie O

Manny, JennyMalone, Mrs nMa,!wood, Mm MA

Maynard, Mrs HW

Marshal!, SarahMiller. SarahMritzlcr, Miss JMillington, MaryE ¡

Middleton, A EMooro, Mrs D AMontgomery, Ly¬dia

Mooro, Mrs E WMullins, MartaMiller, Martha

MoMeAloster. Mrs BMcCall, Mrs A 8McNeill, MoggillMcMohou, Mrsjamas

Macnamarn, MrsA

UO'Neill, Mary AnnO'Neill. Miss IIOrt man, Atm Eliza

PPurcell, Mary EParker, JsneParker, Anna O

Paterson, MargretParrish. HarriettParsons, MarthaA

Piuckney, HagerParker, ClanParker, tolly1'inekucy, Cathe¬

rinaI*a]>o, Carri01'orcbcr, KIN II

l'oreber. Clolia LPolio-. Lidia

(col'd)Pohle. BlushPorcher, Mrs AI Al'crlmau, Irceno

KRanUn, Mrs ChasRa toy, CatherineRiley, ChartDitoRivers, Mrs MyersRsbensen, Kass-mriliVr,-

Ros», Alisa M Eca

Rose, HenriettaHutlcdgn. AnnsRyley, Msry AimRyan, Mary

.EtSmall, BarerHussars, AmandaScull Ki- iieliit JSeybfrars II FSeabrook, Evy 3Scoot, UracoSheridan, MarySheridan, Elle»Shrewsbury, Arno-HaA

Shakells, DnbySingleton, NeilleSingleton, MrsJohn

Sires. Mary ESmiley, MarcySmith, Intuiten

| Stone., MaggloStovcna, Eslber AStmipter, SophireS y nie. L A

TTampoon, Miss

AaronTlolgen, Lou UTiboon, Mrs M BTourner, Mrs M PTurner, El, onerTweedy, MrsThayer, MissMaryW

Waring, MarthaWalab, AnnostaslaWestfall. Sarah.Jane

WhltUts TillahWillie, Faunie VWbltlug, Mrs MWilkerson, UandiAnn

Wiggins, Mrs ChasHenry

WhiKiernan, MissE

WUllama, MargretWard, Mrs J JWilliams, SarahCathorino

Williams, MaryWood, JuliaWright, Mrs PWilson, AO ,.,,


Addison, William Glover, Lawrence Noxotte, MrAimers, F U G .

Alston, J P Gordon, Hobort O'Connor, W JApeler. John V Uradock, UT OUvar, Cap Mor-Attolur, D Graham, Itobort {henson

11 Graham, Jack Owens, Steven ABabcock, Wade Green, Augustus PBaker, JO W Palmer, WilliamDahntgo, Henry II Petterson, JohnBergen, Thomas Hsrtnlt, Michael Perkins, Rubenlidding At Tieuck- Harcher, nobert Pholpso, Richardsn Hart, HTO

IML Claus Haywood, N P Pope, Tbos NBerry, Frank lUyus, Robert Pointe!, CharlesHellion), Henry J Hayden k Co Price, MasterBilton, tlcorgo Ueler, John ThemasIllack, John. Heins, ll einrieb ÄBromer, Henry Higgins, James Holli). PBrooks, U E Holbrook, Dr Jno Rhott, WilliamBrom, Alfred A B Robinson, WostUrl.ter. Mr Uortgeo, Boylstou 8Brenner, JA (col'd) Ranaers, Joshua ...

(8UD'1) lfolland, John Schoben, Ja ,.Buervolln, Frede- Uoftards, Cop WU- Scott, J APrick Uam 8elmlo, J O

Bnrggh, Roberson Hollaway. Chas 9n%? ,ButhTr, OoorgoO 1 Shields, Jbolm 'wi n" *U ^Isaacs, AN Slnglston, WIBiam

Cennady, WUliazn *, "B '" "

O Tl Jones, Douglas Smart, J H ,Cálamo).' Wm R Jones, ET Smith. Louis(Villers, tiomuel K ,:' SmllU. Harry I' -ICuir Wm Konnody, M D Small, BacchusChadwick. O O Kelly, Stephen Bmoll, tollandChaplin, Joseph Kellay. Goorgo Spencer. WmChisobn; John M Krxxador, George, jtfpann, CrawfordChowan, P J W nd ' Bowaaki, JohnColman, Goorgo Kearnoy, James 6lovons, EdwardColes, UUakey Kinloch, John Stokes;TVConly. Hernani King. Harrison Stallaan, FrancisCorte lynn. A V KUues, John Stocphlret,' DooConnor«. Kcmuol Kroog, A TCrandeU, W B Ruck, Ii Thomas, LawsonCramp, Oliver 0. . i I»' ¡E c

O Lake,'Benjamin Tobin, DanielCrawford, John A Lawrcns, W B (servi)Cnnnlngfe ara, LavalL Jacob Toomir, RobertHenry A" Lewis, WlUhvm P Treecot,0 0t¥ ; (cord» i - v

Davison, Fred W Lososno. Jamos P VincentJ; Pringlo |jDavid, M . Lofttr, Frank JJ TVDeliay, Wm 8 LwWhas«, An- Wsgner, ClarsneoDeoppor, Adam gust WalaU J»T«i ,.Deafonbsch. J O Loir, P

,Widlscs, Pst*r

Doyle, O W Luden, Wilhelm Walker, CharlesDougherty,Thon». fd'

, ^.wh^Bsa ? I Ualnneii Connol- Wetherhora, B IBJ " "ruu"T Weston, John

Eckert, Sydney ¡ Maat«« Thoslro WodemoyaT,1 Hen.Hilera, Henry Malis, W J J3Li\- WllarA?Wi M!T'el Calvin S»¿jr^*,.I^r^r^ Julton. Ulddktf«. Edwd WlUJta. Franela

pi^WilAam W ik\Í^m^-'SffS^ ssfcäÄ iSfeSftl, *,»oi^i D^W ji Myer, Samuel « Wtoshlp, z?bc¿o.

rranotovleb, gigr McCarty,-JU 111 Wllhsrna, Meisott ict lt rhGuScmoT Mcx^il R Wjllüma.,dapt ,. .

Friend, Jofin, Jr UeNaHars, John WllUam», Trox.

Gannon, nj ' Uebf^arson, D Willisfjslfaos, t^rrol MerbcrBOO.Tl.orn- Wactl4|9l!i. John.

OeÄ'oi ,*'.,. -T ?.? '..W&hn'"Getty, B f, Nlakersffl,A J yVyaJs. Oanlij t ., ii

«jar Porsoiul'déiposlÙng 'letters lil' the' PcsitoÖoe will ..pítase pUoo! tba sutnp near 'the upper right hand cor.nar af tho inysiope, and they wm aUo pUasetn ketaatir. Iber that vi lbout tho stamp a letter cannotJe«MtU«*M Xn\ X' <WlU bs seni to tho Doad Letba QO^ j/uly^