4569 DEMO SCRIPT Order to Cash Processing

1 DEMO SCRIPT (INTERNAL DOCUMENT) Order to Cash Processing SCENARIO ID: 4569 General Information Trading Industry, Wholesale ERP Global Authors (D021538) Date Last Updated Mai, 2014


Demo OTC

Transcript of 4569 DEMO SCRIPT Order to Cash Processing

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    Order to Cash Processing

    SCENARIO ID: 4569

    General Information

    Trading Industry, Wholesale



    Authors (D021538)

    Date Last Updated Mai, 2014

  • SCENARIO ID: 4569

    2 Copyright 2014 SAP AG / I NTERNAL

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    3 Copyright 2014 SAP AG / I NTERNAL


    1. Demo Script Overview ......................................................................................................................... 4

    1.1. Demo Description for this demo ................................................................................................................................. 4

    1.2. Intended audience here TODAY ................................................................................................................................ 4

    1.3. Protagonists for this script .......................................................................................................................................... 4

    1.4. Business Pain Points ................................................................................................................................................. 4

    1.5. Key Messages and Value Proposition ....................................................................................................................... 4

    1.6. Storyflow Summary .................................................................................................................................................... 4

    2. Technical Requirements ...................................................................................................................... 5

    2.1. Prerequisites .............................................................................................................................................................. 5

    2.2. System Access Information........................................................................................................................................ 5

    2.2.1. System Landscape ..................................................................................................................................................... 5

    2.2.2. System Access ........................................................................................................................................................... 5

    2.2.3. Users .......................................................................................................................................................................... 5

    2.3. Release for Used Components .................................................................................................................................. 6

    2.4. Data ............................................................................................................................................................................ 6

    2.4.1. Data to be checked before using the materials.......................................................................................................... 7 Stock .......................................................................................................................................................................... 7 Credit Management Data for Customer ..................................................................................................................... 7 Product Allocation ...................................................................................................................................................... 8

    3. Demo Script ........................................................................................................................................ 10

    3.1. Story Flow ................................................................................................................................................................ 10

    3.2. Step-By Step Guide ................................................................................................................................................. 11

    3.2.1. Create Quotation ...................................................................................................................................................... 11

    3.2.2. Create Sales Order .................................................................................................................................................. 12

    3.2.3. Release Sales Order ................................................................................................................................................ 15

    3.2.4. Create Outbound Delivery........................................................................................................................................ 17

    3.2.5. Create Billing Document .......................................................................................................................................... 19

    3.2.6. Customer Payment .................................................................................................................................................. 20

    4. Appendix ............................................................................................................................................ 23

    4.1. How to Reset the Demo ........................................................................................................................................... 23

    4.2. Document Updates Notes ........................................................................................................................................ 23

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    This scenario describes the entire process chain for a standard sales process with a customer. The business process

    encompasses all steps from creating an order (optionally based on a quotation), creation of a delivery, to the billing


    A sales document is created in order processing, partially based on a Quotation. In delivery processing the delivery is

    created, the goods are picked, packed, shipped and the goods issue is posted. In the billing process that follows, an

    invoice is created and released to financial accounting. The Incoming payment is documented in payment processing

    and then posted in financials.


    This demo addresses the wholesale department users as well as stakeholders in the wholesale processing.


    The key people in this process are the Sales Employee & the Customer.


    The demo shows the full process cycle from creating a quotation via the sales order and logistic processing up to the

    financial postings.

    Credit Limit Check based on Customer values

    Availability Check with and without product allocation

    Handling different kind of materials (with batch handling, Sales set as bill of material)


    Pre-Sales activities

    Sales activities supported

    Logistical processing & FI posting


    The following steps are included in this process:

    Create Quotation

    Create Sales Order

    Create and process Outbound Delivery

    Create Billing Document

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    Log in first to the SAP Demo Cloud before delivering this demo. The only pre-requisite to access and use the SAP Demo cloud is to have the Citrix client installed and running on your demo machine.

    - Go to: https://wts.wdf.sap.corp/ - Then, click on download tab in order to get the Citrix client downloaded and installed on your machine.


    2.2.1. System Landscape

    System Landscape, this Process is built in

    SAP Demo Cloud - Retail & Wholesale Distribution


    ECR (client 762)

    2.2.2. System Access

    SAP Demo Cloud: SAP Retail & Wholesale Distribution

    Log in first to the SAP Demo Cloud before delivering this demo. The only pre-requisite to access and use the SAP Demo Cloud is to have the Citrix client installed and running on your demo machine.

    - Go to: https://wts.wdf.sap.corp/ - Then, click on Download Center tab in order to get the Citrix client downloaded and installed on your machine.

    SAP Demo Cloud Environment Self-Service Portal https://www.sapdemocloud.com/cloudportal/

    Please refer to the documentation How to access the SAP Demo Cloud on the Demo Store, which describes how to

    access the SAP Demo Cloud environment. Then you can connect to demo system ECR, client 762.

    For important news and updates you should join or follow the SAP Demo Cloud Group or Wiki Page

    Click here for information for accessing all SAP Demo Cloud Showrooms

    2.2.3. Users

  • SCENARIO ID: 4569

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    Predefined User

    (Role) Password Component

    Wholesaler welcome ECR (client 762)

    The functionality runs both on SAP ERP Standard and SAP for Retail. Depending on the logon language you can

    choose the SAP Retail or ERP Standard expressions e.g. for materials resp. articles, plants resp. stores etc.

    Within this document the expressions Material and Plant are used.


    Software Component Release Support Pack

    SAP ERP - with activated Retail business function set

    6.17 SP02

    2.4. DATA

    Data Type Data Value


    Depending on which specific functionalities should be demonstrated there are different

    materials available for special purposes.

    W31001: single material without any special settings

    C20010: single material with batch management based on Best before date

    W40002: single material with product allocation activated

    W40001: Sales Set (Bill of material) with its components (WSDCOMP01-03)

    PALLET: Packing Material


    Center BP02


    Organization BP01

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    Channel 01

    Division 01

    Customer / Sold

    to party


    Shipping point BP02

    2.4.1. Data to be checked before using the materials Stock

    Check the stock situation for the materials mentioned above. At least the following quantities should be available in

    Distribution Center BP02, Storage location 0001:

    W31001 1000 EA

    C20010 1000 EA

    W40002 1000 EA

    WSDCOMP01 1000 EA

    WSDCOMP02 1000 EA

    WSDCOMP03 1000 EA

    PALLET 1000 EA

    If there isnt sufficient stock use transaction MIGO with movement type 561 to post a Goods Receipt.

    If there is enough stock check the batch data of material C20010 in order to make sure that the Shelf life

    expiration date is far enough in the future. If not adjust the Batch data by using the Batch Information Cockpit

    (transaction BMBC) Credit Management Data for Customer

    Check the Customer Credit Management data to ensure that the amount of the Sales Order to be created later on will

    exceed the allowed credit limit and generate an exception (blocked due Credit Limit Check) during Sales Order creation.

    Use the following menu path to access the transaction: Accounting Financial Accounting Accounts Receivable

    Credit Management Master Data Change (FD32)

    Enter the following data and then choose Enter.

    Field name User action and values Comment

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    Customer CWSD1

    Credit Control Area BP01

    In the example below there are USD 573,92 left for a new Sales Orders until the credit limit will be exceeded. If

    necessary, adjust the data to your needs (the amount in the Sales Order to be created should exceed the credit limit left in

    order to generate a credit limit block). Product Allocation

    Product allocation is a function provided by the SAP ERP system for carrying out a precise planning and controlling

    mechanism of timely delivery to the customer of the required order quantity. It should avoid critical requirement and

    procurement situations.

    Product allocations can be created according to various criteria (i.e., customer, regions). Within this scenario the product

    allocation hierarchy is created on the level of sales organisation and customer. The planning hierarchies for product

    allocations are created in logistics controlling. If the correct settings have been made in Customizing, the system carries

    out an availability check against the ATP quantity during order entry. The confirmed quantity of the ATP check is the basis

    for the availability check against product allocation. This ensures, for example, that when the tsock level is low, the first

    customer does not get the full amount, resulting in following sales orders not being confirmed or being confirmed far too


    The confirmed quantity from the ATP check is checked against the relevant product allocation. This ensures that the

    product allocation for this period is not exceeded. Required quantities that cannot be confirmed, because the product

    allocation for that period is used up, are postponed until the next period.

    In order to demonstrate the split of the ordered quantity to different periods and to make the process repeatable it has to

    be checked within transaction MC94 if there are already any incoming order quantities in the planning version which is

    responsible for product allocation (inactive version 000).

    If material W40002 with product allocation should be used, the planning data needs to be checked and adjusted.

    To change an existing planning version for product allocation (inactive version 000) please follow the menu path:

    Logistics Logistics Controlling Flexible Planning Planning Change (MC94)

    Enter Planning type COMMIT and push Enter

    Pass the following predefined selection screen by pushing the button:

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    Just in case the version mentioned above does not exist anymore, the data needs to be created via

    transaction MC93 or the appropriate menu path.

    Enter the following data to define the new version and push Enter:

    Confirm the appearing warning message Actual data is being planned! in order to continue.

    1. Enter following data (here as an example by beginning with period 01/2012) and push enter:

    2. Save the plan by using button

    3. Message appears Plan saved under version number 000..

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    3.1. STORY FLOW

    Effective sales order processing links all consumer products activities in a chain of closely integrated processes. The

    Sales and Distribution (SD) component which generates a kind of workflow for the SD department based on linked

    documents, makes effective sales order processing possible.

    The Sales and Distribution cycle encompasses sales support, sales order processing, delivery, billing and payment.

    The Sales and Distribution component models all those processes using electronic documents, each of which is

    linked to its preceding and subsequent documents.

    A Presales document (aka Quotation) is created which will be used later on when creating a sales document in order

    processing. At delivery processing, the delivery is created, then picked, and goods issue is posted. In the billing

    process that follows, an invoice is created and released to financial accounting.

    Incoming payments are documented in payment processing and then posted in financials.

    The document covers the full sales order processing scenario, starting with a Quotation via Sales Order, Delivery and

    Billing up to the Incoming Payment within Finance.

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    3.2.1. Create Quotation

    Step 1.0 Create sales activity

    What to say

    The sales process begins with the creation of a quotation. During the initial call it may not be immediately clear if the

    customer would like just a quotation or wants to place a sales order immediately. During the creation of the sales

    document it is possible to change the document type during document processing.

    Additionally a sales order can be generated based on an existing quotation. The quotation serves as a reference for

    the sales order creation. All assigned material and its quantity and delivery date are copied to the sales order.

    What To Do & What you should see

    Access the transaction by using the following menu path Logistics Sales and Distribution Sales Quotation

    Create On (Transaction VA21).

    On the Create Quotation: Initial Screen, enter the necessary data, then choose Enter.

    Field name Description User action and values Comment

    Quotation Type QT

    Sales Organization BP01

    Distribution Channel 01

    Division 01

    Enter the following data and then choose ENTER:

    Field name Description User action and values Comment

    Sold-to party CWSD1

    Valid to date Today + 1 month

    Material C20010

    Quantity 100

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    Save the Quotation. Message appears: Quotation 2xxxxxxx has been saved.

    Note the created quotation number for later reference.

    3.2.2. Create Sales Order

    Step 2.0 Create Order based on Quotation (and enhance the Sales Order)

    What to say

    Some time after the initial conversation between the sales representative and the customer, the customer decides to

    accept the quotation; in addition he wants to add some other materials to the Sales Order.

    The sales representative calls up the initial screen for Sales Order creation and first references the created Quotation.

    This simplifies the order entry process by bringing in some information, such as the customer master data information

    and sales organization data which was already entered during the creation of the Quotation. Depending on the

    customer and material, some special events are set up for the order entry:

    an availabilty check for the materail is performed

    the shipping point from which the material(s) should be shipped are determined

    a credit limit check is performed

    Access the transaction using: Logistics Sales and distribution Sales Order Create (VA01)

    Enter Sales Order Type OR and hit the button

    Enter the Quotation number from the previous step and choose copy.

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    The data from the Quotation is copied to the Sales Order screen.

    On the Create Standard Order: Overview screen, enter any text value in the PO number field.

    This value can be used as reference in conversations with the customer.

    Depending on which functionality you want to show/include in the process choose as many materials you want

    from the list below and add them to the Sales Order. Each of them has a specific flavor:

    o C20010: The stock of this material is kept in batches to individually store the information regarding

    the Best before date. During the logistical processing (delivery) a batch determination will be done

    automatically to determine which batches to ship. No specifics within the Sales Order.

    o W40001: This material is a sales kit which is composed of 3 separate components (WSDCOMP01-

    03). By entering material W40001 the 3 component of its bill of material (BOM) are automatically

    added in the order as additional lines.

    The sales kit itself does not have own stock; whenever a sales kit is ordered it will be build out of

    the 3 components (which do have their own stock) during the logistical processing in the warehouse.

    Other than that the components can be ordered individually.

    o W40002: As outlined above this is single material with product allocation activated.

    The functionality of Product Allocation follows the regular ATP check (which defines the maximum

    quantity which could be allocated) and checks if there is enough quantity left (according to the plan

    data) for a specific material/customer combination within a specific time period.

    When using this article a pop-up will be displayed saying Product allocation check found

    changes to the confirmation.

    This means that the confirmations received (from regular ATP check) exceed the agreed

    quota. The confirmed quantities have been adjusted to the product allocation quantity that

    remains available.

    Accept this pop-up by pressing Enter and the system navigates to the Availability Screen


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    Using the button the overview shows that there would be enough quantity to

    fulfill the customer request.

    Within the product allocation view (via button ) one can the see the reason

    for the changes. The ordered quantity cant be completely delivered within the period (month)

    of the requested delivery date because of the planned data (see chapter Therefore

    the remaining quantity is only confirmed for the following period.

    Back on the Availability Screen Overview choose to accept the

    ATP/Product Allocation confirmation.

    As all Sales Order items should be delivered completely within one deliver change the

    quantity of this item to a value which is below the remaining quota according to the Product

    Allocation plan.

    Choose Save.

    At this point of time the credit limit check is executed and a pop-up is shown saying the credit limit is exceeded

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    Make sure the overall amount of the Sales Order is exceeding the remaining credit limit (see chapter

    for the customer.

    The system displays the message Standard Order xx has been saved.

    Choose Exit from the Create Sales Order screen.

    The confirmed quantity for the required delivery date will not be considered as reserved as the sales order is

    blocked due to the credit limit check. This will only be done once the credit limit block is released by the responsible

    person (see chapter Error! Reference source not found.).

    For the same reason there will be no Order confirmation (either printout or electronic message) for the customer until

    the credit block will be released.

    3.2.3. Release Sales Order

    Step 3.0 Release Sales Order

    As mentioned above: The Sales Order is blocked for further logistical processing by the credit limit check. Before the

    process can continue with delivery, picking etc. the Sales Order has to be released by a responsible person.

    What To Do & What you should see .

    Optional: to proof and show that no delivery can be created as long as the Sales Order is blocked due to credit

    reasons, do the following.

    Access the transaction using: Logistics Sales and distribution Shipping and Transportation

    Outbound delivery Create Single Document With Reference to Sales Order (VL01N)

    Enter the necessary data and then choose Enter.

    Field name User action and



    Shipping point BP02 Shipping Point BP02

    Order Order # from previous


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    The following message appears:

    Mandatory: To release the Sales Order access the transaction using: Logistics Sales and distribution Sales

    Credit Management Exceptions Blocked SD documents (VKM1)

    Enter the necessary data and click to execute

    Field name User action and values Comment

    Credit Control Area BP01

    Credit Account CWSD1 Customer Number

    Select the blocked document (Sales Order created during the previous step) by clicking the checkbox on the left


    Following the menu bar Environment a lot of transactions in the area of Credit Management can be

    accessed. Those provide additional information regarding the customers credit status history and can be used as

    decision support before actually releasing a specific Sales Order.

    Now push the Release button to release the blocked order and push the save button to save.

    Message Doc. xxx has been released appears on a new screen.

    The order is not released from block until you click Save.

    Optional Sales Document output: Now as the Sales Order is released an Order confirmation (either printout or

    electronic message) can be sent to customer. To show a print preview do the following:

    Logistics Sales and Distribution Sales Order Display (VA03) and then choose Sales document

    Issue output to from the menu bar

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    On the Output dialog box, make sure that the line containing BA00 is selected. To display the document

    choose Print preview

    3.2.4. Create Outbound Delivery

    Step 4.0 Create Outbound Delivery

    When creating an Outbound Delivery the responsibility for further processing is handed over to the Warehouse now.

    The Delivery document is the basis for all picking & packing activities to be performed before the goods can be

    shipped to the customer.

    This scenario demonstrates batch determination within a delivery (only if material C20010 was added to the Sales

    Order). The batch determination may be carried out automatically (as we do in this scenario) or manually. Usually

    batch determination will be carried out automatically. However, if no batch matches the selection criteria, the batch

    determination can be triggered manually.

    What To Do & What you should see

    Warehouse activities like picking & packing are usually performed within a dedicated Warehouse

    Management System and most likely not within SAP ERP (disregarding some very simplistic and small


    Therefore the functionality of picking is only considered to an extent which is necessary to proceed with the

    process. The functionality of packing within this process is completely optional; if a Handling Unit (HU) and its

    content should be shown the procedure for that is explained further below.

    Access the transaction using: Logistics Sales and distribution Shipping and Transportation Outbound

    delivery Create Single Document With Reference to Sales Order (VL01N)

    Enter the necessary data and then choose Enter.

    Field name User action and



    Shipping point BP02 Shipping Point BP02

    Order Order # from previous


    On the Delivery create: Overview screen, choose the Picking tab.

    For all items coming from the Sales Order to the Delivery document enter the value from the Delivery quantity

    field to Pick quantity field.

    If material C20010 (batch management active) is part of the delivery choose the Batch Split Indicator

    A second line is displayed and the batch which was found automatically is shown. In the Pick quantity field,

    enter the value from the Delivery quantity field and choose Enter.

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    Choose the Batch Split Indicator button to close the lines.

    Optional Packing: It is possible to pack delivery items into boxes or on pallets (even using multiple levels are

    possible as e.g. items into boxes and boxes on pallets) for. Doing so the physical reality could be build up

    within the system. Having Handling Units in place one could automatically update the stock situation for

    packing materials and even more important easily identify which delivery items should be within a specific

    Handling Unit.

    If you want to show the creation of Handling Units (which is usually done through dedicated Warehouse

    Management Systems and only the result transferred to the Delivery Document) do the following steps:

    From the Outbound Delivery Overview screen move to the packing screen by choosing the button

    Within the packing screen in the upper part of the screen enter PALLET as packing material an hit

    ENTER; a Handling Unit will be created and a unique identifier assigned.

    Mark the created Handling Unit and all items in the lower part of screen by pushing ; after that use the

    pack button to assign all delivery items to the Handling Unit.

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    As a result all items are packed; you can check and view this via the General Overview screen

    Return to the delivery screen by using the Back button

    If you want to follow the stock of the packaging material the system could be configured that an

    additional delivery line would be created automatically (which isnt configured within the scenario).

    Choose Post goods issue.

    The system displays the message Delivery 8xxxxxx has been saved.

    3.2.5. Create Billing Document

    Step 5.0 Create Billing document

    What to say

    Billing signifies the end of the business transaction in Sales and Distribution.

    What To Do & What you should see

    Access the transaction using: Logistics Sales and distribution Billing Billing document Create (VF01)

    On the Create Billing document screen, enter the delivery document number from the previous step. To process

    the document, choose Enter.

    On the Invoice (F2) Create: Overview of Billing Items screen, you can verify the line items and their calculation by

    pushing the Condition button (optional)

    Choose Save. The system displays the message Document 9xxxxxxx saved.

    From the menu bar, choose Billing Document Display. Then on the Display Billing Document field enter the

    billing document number and switch to the financial view by using the button .

    On the List of Documents in Accounting dialog box, double-click on the accounting document. The various

    accounts and offsetting entries are listed: The amount which is debited to the customer as well as the Sales

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    Revenue and Taxes:


    Note the amount which is debited to the customer account and the document number for later use.

    Choose Back.

    The following steps describe how to create an output manually to print the invoice. It is also possible to determine

    outputs automatically and send them by different media (for example, fax, mail or print output) to the bill-to-party.

    Preconditions are customizing and output records for output determination for billing documents.

    Optional Invoice output: The Invoice could be sent to the customer either as a printout or as an electronic

    message. To show a print preview do the following:

    On the Change Billing Document screen choose Billing document Issue Output To from the menu bar.

    On the Output dialog box, make sure that the line containing RD00 is selected. To display the document

    choose Print preview

    A billing document has been created and the postings to FI and CO have been made. The account for customer

    CWSD1 is debited with the corresponding amount. Only the incoming payment for the invoiced amount will clear

    the item from the customer balance.

    3.2.6. Customer Payment

    Step 6.0 Create an Incoming Payment

    What to say

    With the invoice creation in the previous chapter the customer account was debited. In this procedure the customer

    payment is received and the corresponding account will be cleared.

    Usually this part of the process will be done automatically via bank transfer but to show the related steps the

    payment of the customer will be created manually.

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    What To Do & What you should see

    Access the transaction using: Accounting -> Financial Accounting -> Accounts Receivable -> Document Entry ->

    Incoming payments (F-28)

    Enter the following data in the screen Post Incoming Payments: Header Data and push Enter or Process open


    Field name User action and values Comment

    Document date today

    Type DZ Already set by system

    Company Code BP01 Already set by system

    Posting date today Already set by system

    Period current period (monthly period) Already set by system

    Currency USD Already set by system

    Reference any user defined number Any number which could refer

    to the payment transaction (e.g.

    doc. no. of customer)

    Bank data: Account 113016

    Bank data: Amount noted amount from the customer

    account of accounting doc. from

    previous chapter 2%

    The customer has payment

    terms assigned which allow to

    deduct the debited amount by

    2% if he pays in time.

    deduct the debited amount


    Open item selection:



    Additional selections Mark Document Number This is to make sure you

    are only referring to the

    document from the previous


    Within the following screen enter the Document Number from the previous chapter and hit the button

    The following screens is showing the overview of what will be posted upon saving; the original amount debited

    by the Invoice as well as the discount which is based on the agreed payment terms (- 2%)

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    Post the Incoming Payment by using the button .

    Message Document 14xxxxxx was posted in company code BP01 is shown.

    To view the financial postings in detail choose Document Display from the menu bar.

    Optional Check Account Balance: To close the process cycle completely the customer account could be


    Access the transaction using: Accounting -> Financial Accounting -> Accounts Receivable -> Account ->

    Display/Change Line Items (FBL5N)

    Enter the following data in the screen Customer Line Item Display and Execute :

    Field name User action and values Comment

    Customer account CWSD1

    Company Code BP01

    All items Select corresponding

    radio button If only the Open items would be selected the

    documents created during this process would not

    appear as they are cleared.

    Type Select Normal items

    A list is displayed where the invoice document with its corresponding account documents are listed

    together with the corresponding document for the payment.

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    Just restart from the beginning and make sure the prerequisites are fulfilled.


    Date Notes

    02/24/2012 Update to the Demo Script Template

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