453 session 4

TED 453 Teaching Practices Seminar Seminar Session 4 10/2/13

Transcript of 453 session 4

  • 1.TED 453 Teaching Practices Seminar Seminar Session 4 10/2/13

2. TAP 2 Feedback RE my marks Im looking for your responses to the prompts a lot of underlining is just identifying where you responded. Either indent or space between paragraphsnot both Judge the success of the lesson against the objective so, youre probably not going to say yes or no to the question, was your lesson successful? Are all Ss ready to move on in the content? What is your evidence? Yes, use illustrations, charts, graphs, bulletsanything to make your points more clear. Focus on building an argument rather than telling a story. Your argument is only as good as the rubric that you designed to evaluate the data Use precise verbsinstead of e.g., went through or covered or walked around, tell what the teacher is actually doing. Use the language in the prompte.g., if they ask for central focus, write The central focus is, if they ask for the objective, write, The objective is Answer How did you/Mentor set your Ss up for success? 3. Advice from an old teacher 4. Ss read/feed off of your energy Teach your behavior expectations Give Ss scaffolds to manage their projects QTIP- Quit Thinking Its Personal Collect materials from each other Make connections to SpEd teachers There are many right ways And, there ARE wrong ways Never make empty threats Plan, prepare, get ready 5. Steal This Trick 6. Co-Teaching Example 7. Students Will Be Able To T S 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 Evaluate Assessments Against the Objective Using the Rubric 8. PACT Teaching Event Handbook Instruction Task Overview For Next Time (2 weeks 10/16/13) Mini-PACT CfL & Planning