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Using Cyber-Infrastructure for Dynamic Data Driven Laser Treatment of Cancer C. Bajaj 1 , J.T. Oden 1 , K.R. Diller 2 , J.C. Browne 1 , J. Hazle 3 , I. Babuˇ ska 1 , J. Bass 1 , L. Bidaut 3 , L. Demkowicz 1 , A. Elliott 3 , Y. Feng 1 , D. Fuentes 1 , B. Kwon 1 , S. Prudhomme 1 , R.J. Stafford 3 , and Y. Zhang 1 1 Institute for Computational Engineering and Sciences, 2 Department of Biomedical Engineering, The University of Texas at Austin, Austin TX 78712, USA {oden,babuska,bass,leszek,feng,fuentes,serge,jessica}@ices.utexas.edu, [email protected], {bajaj,browne,juneim}@cs.utexas.edu 3 University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center, Department of Diagnostic Radiology, Houston TX 77030, USA {jhazle,jstafford,Andrew.Elliott,Luc.Bidaut}@di.mdacc.tmc.edu http://dddas.ices.utexas.edu Abstract. Hyperthermia based cancer treatments are used to increase the susceptibility of cancerous tissue to subsequent radiation or chemotherapy treatments, and in the case in which a tumor exists as a well-defined region, higher intensity heat sources may be used to ab- late the tissue. Utilizing the guidance of real-time treatment data while applying a laser heat source has the potential to provide unprecedented control over the outcome of the treatment process [6,12]. The goals of this work are to provide a working snapshot of the current system architec- ture developed to provide a real-time finite element solution of the prob- lems of calibration, optimal heat source control, and goal-oriented error estimation applied the equations of bioheat transfer and demonstrate that current finite element technology, parallel computer architecture, peer-to-peer data transfer infrastructure, and thermal imaging modali- ties are capable of inducing a precise computer controlled temperature field within the biological domain. 1 Introduction Thermal therapies delivered under various treatment modalities permit a mini- mally invasive and effective cancer treatment that eradicates the disease, main- tains functionality of infected organs, and minimizes complications and relapse. The physical basis for thermal therapies is that exposing cells to temperatures outside their natural environment for certain periods of time can damage and even destroy the cells. However, one of the limiting factors in all forms of ther- mal therapies, including cryotherapy, microwave, radio-frequency, ultrasound, and laser, is the ability to control the energy deposition to prevent damage to adjacent healthy tissue [13]. Y. Shi et al. (Eds.): ICCS 2007, Part I, LNCS 4487, pp. 972–979, 2007. c Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2007

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Using Cyber-Infrastructure for Dynamic DataDriven Laser Treatment of Cancer

C. Bajaj1, J.T. Oden1, K.R. Diller2, J.C. Browne1, J. Hazle3, I. Babuska1,J. Bass1, L. Bidaut3, L. Demkowicz1, A. Elliott3, Y. Feng1, D. Fuentes1,

B. Kwon1, S. Prudhomme1, R.J. Stafford3, and Y. Zhang1

1 Institute for Computational Engineering and Sciences,2 Department of Biomedical Engineering,

The University of Texas at Austin, Austin TX 78712, USA{oden,babuska,bass,leszek,feng,fuentes,serge,jessica}@ices.utexas.edu,

[email protected], {bajaj,browne,juneim}@cs.utexas.edu3 University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center,

Department of Diagnostic Radiology, Houston TX 77030, USA{jhazle,jstafford,Andrew.Elliott,Luc.Bidaut}@di.mdacc.tmc.edu


Abstract. Hyperthermia based cancer treatments are used to increasethe susceptibility of cancerous tissue to subsequent radiation orchemotherapy treatments, and in the case in which a tumor exists asa well-defined region, higher intensity heat sources may be used to ab-late the tissue. Utilizing the guidance of real-time treatment data whileapplying a laser heat source has the potential to provide unprecedentedcontrol over the outcome of the treatment process [6,12]. The goals of thiswork are to provide a working snapshot of the current system architec-ture developed to provide a real-time finite element solution of the prob-lems of calibration, optimal heat source control, and goal-oriented errorestimation applied the equations of bioheat transfer and demonstratethat current finite element technology, parallel computer architecture,peer-to-peer data transfer infrastructure, and thermal imaging modali-ties are capable of inducing a precise computer controlled temperaturefield within the biological domain.

1 Introduction

Thermal therapies delivered under various treatment modalities permit a mini-mally invasive and effective cancer treatment that eradicates the disease, main-tains functionality of infected organs, and minimizes complications and relapse.The physical basis for thermal therapies is that exposing cells to temperaturesoutside their natural environment for certain periods of time can damage andeven destroy the cells. However, one of the limiting factors in all forms of ther-mal therapies, including cryotherapy, microwave, radio-frequency, ultrasound,and laser, is the ability to control the energy deposition to prevent damage toadjacent healthy tissue [13].

Y. Shi et al. (Eds.): ICCS 2007, Part I, LNCS 4487, pp. 972–979, 2007.c© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2007

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Fig. 1. Schematic of the peer to peer communication ar-chitecture used to control the laser treatment process.Feedback control is achieved through the continual inter-action of the data, compute, and visualization modules.

Current imagingtechnology allows theimaging of the geom-etry of tissue and anoverlaying temperaturefield using MRI andMRTI (MR Tempera-ture Imaging) technol-ogy. MRTI has the theability to provide fast,quantitative temperat-ure imaging in a vari-ety of tissues, and thecapability of providingbiologically relevant in-formation regarding theextent of injury imme-diately following a ther-mal therapy [4]. Imageguidance [12,15] has thepotential to facilitateunprecedented controlover bioheat transfer by providing real time treatment monitoring through tem-perature feedback during treatment delivery. A similar idea using ultrasoundguided cryotherapy has been studied and shows good results [13].

The ultimate goal of this work is to deliver a computational model of bio-heat transfer that employs real-time, patient specific data and provides real-time high fidelity predictions to be used concomitantly by the surgeon in thelaser treatment process. The model employs an adaptive hp-finite element ap-proximation of the nonlinear parabolic Pennes equation and uses adjoint-basedalgorithms for inverse analysis, model calibration, and adaptive control of celldamage. The target diseases of this research are localized adenocarcinomas ofthe breast, prostate, cerebrum, and other tissues in which a well-defined tumormay form. The algorithms developed also provide a potentially viable option totreat other parts of the anatomy in patients with more advanced and aggressiveforms of cancer who have reached their limit of radiation and chemotherapytreatment.

2 Software Architecture

A schematic of the software architecture embedded in the control loop is shownin Figure 1. Figure 2 illustrates the main software modules and communicationmethods between software modules. Multiple client-server applications utilizinga remote procedure calling protocol connect the actual laboratory at M.D. An-derson Cancer Center in Houston, TX to the computing and visualization center

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in Austin, TX. Prior to treatment, the LBIE Mesher1 uses MRI data to gener-ate a finite element mesh of the patient-specific biological domain. Goal-oriented

Fig. 2. Three Tier Cyber-software architecture. Compu-tation, data transfer, and visualization are done on thebackend compute nodes. A middle tier of XMLRPC con-nections connects the backend to the visualization clientsin both Austin & Houston.

estimation and adap-tion is used to optimizethe mesh to a partic-ular quantity of inter-est [9]. The tool thenproceeds to solve anoptimal control problem,wherein the laser para-meters (location of op-tical fiber, laser power,etc.) are controlled toeliminate/sensitize can-cer cells, minimize dam-age to healthy cells, andcontrol Heat Shock Pro-tein (HSP) expression.Upon initiation of thetreatment process, thecompute server employsreal-time MRI data toco-register the computa-

tional domain and MRTI data is used to calibrate the bioheat transfer model tothe biological tissue values of the patient. As the data server, in Houston, deliv-ers new data intermittently to the client, in Austin, computation is compared tothe measurements of the real-time treatment and an appropriate course of ac-tion is chosen according to the differences seen. A parallel computing paradigmbuilt from the Petsc [2] software infrastructure is used to meet the demandsof rapid calibration and adapting the computational mesh and models to con-trol approximation and modeling error. Volume Rover1 [1] is used to achieve

Fig. 3. Selected Slices of Canine MRI Brain Data, used for mesh generation. MRTIthermal data and Iso-surface visualization of Canine MRI Brain Data illustrate thelocation of heating [8].1 Software available at: http://cvcweb.ices.utexas.edu/cvc

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efficient visualization of the volumetric MRI and thermal MRTI images simulta-neously with the finite element prediction. From a computational point of view,the orchestration of a successful laser treatment is to solve the problems of co-registration, calibration, optimal control, and mesh refinement invisibly to thesurgeon, and merely provide the surgeon with an interface to the optimal laserparameters and visualization of the computational prediction of the treatmenttreatment.

3 Image Segmentation, Meshing, and MRTI-Registration

Figure 4 shows a quality hexahedral mesh obtained for finite element simulationsfrom a set of MRI data (256x256x34 voxels) of a canine brain, Figure 3. The

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

Fig. 4. Canine brain data. (a) Segmentation of thecanine brain boundaries from the transverse 34-slicestack of 256x256 MRI data. A single slice is shown ingray-scale intensities, with the segmented boundary inred. (b) stack of 2D contours obtained from segmen-tation. (c) 8820 hexahedral mesh elements, Jacobianquality > .05. (d) combined volume visualization of the256x256x32 MRI data of a canine head, with the em-bedded subset of hexahedral finite element mesh of thesegmented canine brain.

field view of the MRI im-ages was 200mm x 200mmwith each image spaced1mm apart. First, the im-age processing techniques,available in VolumeRover [1], were used toimprove the quality ofimaging data. Contrastenhancing techniques im-proved the contrast andanisotropic and bilateraldiffusion [3] removed noise.Two dimensional segmen-tation was performed via amanual tracing of bound-aries on each image slice,and the stack of con-tours tiled to form aninitial water-tight triangu-lated surface. Three di-mensional segmentation [1]could not be used be-cause of the anisotropyin the imaging data. Af-ter the geometric modelwas obtained, geometricflow smoothed the geomet-ric model and a geometricvolumetric map using the signed distance function method was created. Thehexahedral mesh was generated using an octree-based isocontouring method.Geometric flow [17], pillowing [7] and the optimization method were used toimprove the mesh quality. The constructed hexahedral mesh has two important

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976 C. Bajaj et al.

properties: good aspect ratios and there is at most one face lying on the boundaryfor each element.

The day of treatment, a FFT-based technique is used to register the finite el-ement mesh to the current position of the patient. The registration software hasbeen rigorously tested against a suite of validation experiments using phantommaterials. The phantom materials are fabricated with two materials of contrast-ing image density in which an inner smaller object is placed asymmetricallywithin the larger object. The materials are composed of 2 % agar gel and atleast three 2 mm nylon beads are introduced as fiducials. The suite of dataconsists of several 3D images of incremental translational and rotational rigidbody motions of the phantom material as well as images of incremental defor-mation of the phantom material. The data is provided for the image registrationcommunity from the DDDAS project webpage2.

The final image processing step is to overlay the MRTI thermal data onto thefinite element mesh. A median and Deriche filter are used to remove the inherentnoise from the MRTI data, Figure 5. The filtered MRTI data is interpolated ontothe finite element solution space. The order of interpolation is determined by theorder of the mesh.

4 Calibration, Optimal Control, and Error Estimation

Pennes model [10] has been shown [5,16,14] to provide very accurate predic-tion of bioheat transfer and is used as the basis of the finite element prediction.The control paradigm involves three major problems: calibration of the Pennesbioheat transfer model to patient specific MRTI data, optimal positioning andpower supply of the laser heat source, and computing goal oriented error es-timates. During the laser treatment process, all three problems are solved intandem by separate groups of processors communicating amongst each other asneeded. The variational form of the governing Pennes bioheat transfer model isas follows:

Given a set of model, β, and laser, η, parameters,

Find u(x, t) ∈ V ≡ H1 ([0, T ], H1(Ω)


B(u, β; v) = F (η; v) ∀v ∈ V

where the explicit functional dependence on the model parameters, β, and laserparameters, η = (P (t),x0), are expressed as follows

B(u, β; v) =∫ T





∂tv + k(u, β)∇u · ∇v + ω(u, β)cblood(u − ua) v


+∫ T



hu v dAdt +∫


u(x, 0) v(x, 0) dx

2 Project Website: dddas.ices.utexas.edu

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Using Cyber-Infrastructure for Dynamic Data Driven Laser Treatment 977

F (η; v) =∫ T



3P (t)μaμtrexp(−μeff‖x − x0‖)

4π‖x − x0‖v dxdt

+∫ T



hu∞ v dAdt −∫ T



G v dAdt +∫


u0 v(x, 0) dx

μtr = μa + μs(1 − γ) μeff =√


Here k[


]and ω


s m3

]are bounded functions of u, cp and cblood are

the specific heats, ua the arterial temperature, ρ is the density, and h is thecoefficient of cooling. P is the laser power, μa, μs are laser coefficients relatedto laser wavelength and give probability of absorption of photons by tissue, γ isthe anisotropy factor, and x0 is the position of laser photon source. Constitutivemodel data and details of the optimization process are given in [8,11].

5 Data Transfer, Visualization, and Current Results

Conventional data transfer methods and software rendering visualization toolspose a major bottleneck in developing a laser treatment paradigm in which highperformance computers control the bioheat data transferred from a remote site.The data transfer problem is addressed through the use of client-server appli-cations that use a remote procedure calling protocol to transfer data directlybetween physical memory instead of incurring the overhead of a writing to diskand transferring data. Volume Rover [1] is able to achieve high performance inter-active visualization through the use of modern programmable graphics hardwareto provide combined geometry and volume rendering displays, Figure 4. Softwarerendering is limited by the memory and processor.

Computational time used to advance the Pennes model equations forward intime is not a bottleneck. Computations are done at the Texas Advanced Com-puting Center on a Dual-Core Linux Cluster. Each node of the cluster containstwo Xeon Intel Duo-Core 64-bit processors (4 cores in all) on a single board,as an SMP unit. The core frequency is 2.66GHz and supports 4 floating-pointoperations per clock period. Each node contains 8GB of memory. The averageexecution times of a representative 10 second simulation is approximately 1 sec-ond, meaning that in a real time 10 second span Pennes model can predict outto more than a minute. Equivalently, in a 10 second time span, roughly 10 cor-rections can be made to calibrate the model coefficients or optimize the laserparameters.

The typical time duration of a laser treatment is about five minutes. Dur-ing a five minute span, one set of MRTI data is acquired every 6 seconds. Thesize of each set of MRTI data is ≈330kB (256x256x5 voxels). Computationscomparing the predictions of Pennes model to experimental MRTI taken froma canine brain show very good agreement, Figure 5. A manual craniotomy ofa canine skull was preformed to allow insertion of an interstitial laser fiber.A finite element mesh of the biological domain generated from the MRI datais shown in Figure 4. The mesh consists of 8820 linear elements with a total of

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(a) (b) (c)

Fig. 5. (a) Contours of Pennes model prediction overlayed onto the finite element mesh.(b),(c) Simultaneous cutline comparison of Pennes model prediction, Filtered MRTIdata, and Unfiltered MRTI data. Cutline taken through laser source.

9872 degrees of freedom. MRTI thermal imaging data was acquired in the formof five two dimensional 256x256 pixel images every six seconds for 120 timesteps. The spacing between images was 3.5mm. The MRTI data was filteredthen projected onto the finite element mesh. Figure 5 shows a cutline comparisonbetween the MRTI data and the predictions of Pennes model. It is observed thatthe results delivered by the computational Pennes model slightly over diffusesthe heat profile peaks compared to measured values. However, at early times themaximum temperature value is within 5% of the MRTI value.

6 Conclusions

Results indicate that reliable finite element model simulations of hyperthermiatreatments can be computed, visualized, and provide feedback in the same timespan that the actual therapy takes place. Combining these prediction capabilitieswith an understanding of HSP kinetics and damage mechanisms at the cellularand tissue levels due to thermal stress will provide a powerful methodologyfor planning and optimizing the delivery of hyperthermia therapy for cancertreatments.

The entire closed control loop in currently being tested on agar and ex-vivo tis-sue samples in preparation for the first real time computer guided laser therapy,which is anticipated within the upcoming year. The culmination of adaptivehp-finite element technology implemented on parallel computer architectures,modern data transfer and visualization infrastructure, thermal imaging modal-ities, and cellular damage mechanisms to provide cancer treatment tool will bea significant achievement in the field of computational science.

Acknowledgments. The research in this paper was supported in part by theNational Science Foundation under grants CNS-0540033, IIS-0325550, and NIHContracts P20RR0206475, GM074258. The authors also acknowledge the impor-tant support of DDDAS research by Dr. Frederica Darema of NSF.

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