
The William’s were having a little get together, mostly so Marley could test the waters of the local medical community. While there, a young man came touting his services as a babysitter – clearly spotting an opportunity to schmooze a load of middle income suburbanites in one go.

Transcript of 4.42

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The William’s were having a little get together, mostly so Marley could test the waters of the local medical community. While there, a young man came touting his services as a babysitter – clearly spotting an opportunity to schmooze a load of middle income suburbanites in one go.

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Teresa wasn’t taken in by his charming manners, but Megan seemed to like him. She took his number, just in case they’d ever need him.

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Allain Poe had recently moved out to stay with his older brother after ageing up into a teen. Once he had a bunch of numbers, he ditched the trustworthy outfit and changed back into his own gear.

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He’d hoped to go into business with his brother straight away, but Edward had decided he wasn’t ready. He felt Allain should have a taste of how hard it was to earn money legally; so he could better appreciate the importance and delicacy of being successful as a criminal. As a teen, Allain picked babysitting as the easiest option.

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He’d stay in bed forever if he had the choice, but one of the idiots he’d given his number to had actually called. It was time to go to work.

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Warren greeted him with a smile and a friendly handshake. He and Teresa were headed to the city to try and charm some new buyers for their business. Allain needed to be there when Megan got home from school.

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Allain, having done a good job, is hired on a regular basis. Both Warren and Teresa are busy working well into the evening and can’t be around when Megan gets home from school. It’s not ideal, but they need the longer days to earn more money… the loans they’ve taken out won’t pay themselves.

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He would hang around at school until Megan’s age group finished and ride the bus back to her house.

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He might normally act the rebel, but with Megan he actually tried to get things right. He helped with her homework, and they sat chatting in front of the television until her parents got home.

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He wasn’t sure why he bothered. Sure she was a cute kid, and smart too. But maybe it was because she looked up to him, when normally everyone looked down.

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He noticed she had started wearing darker clothes and a bit of black eyeliner, and was quietly chuffed to bits. It was like having a little sister who copied you. Imitation was the highest form of flattery after all, so this kid must think he was really something. Not like most people in this little town.

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What he didn’t realise was that Megan wasn’t just copying him because she thought he was cool. She was copying him because she thought he was really cool.

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In fact, Megan was all caught up in her first ever crush.

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No. 2The Bailey Family.Warren , Teresa and Megan

No. 6Alfred Hennrick

No. 1Trinity and Belladonna Darkstone

No. 5Jen Potter

No. 4Under Offer

No. 3The Williams FamilyMarley, Aimee and Malika

No. 7Ariette Vickers, her father Harry and daughter Annette

Deasil Street

How will Jen get on with her return to local politics?Does Megan have anyone she can confide in about her first crush?

Find out next time on Deasil Street!

Next Time…