
Ariette is filling Annette in on her plans. There’s to be no more wasted evenings hanging around the Street.. She’s going to make some proper friends. Useful friends.

Transcript of 4.32

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Ariette is filling Annette in on her plans. There’s to be no more wasted evenings hanging around the Street.. She’s going to make some proper friends. Useful friends.

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She sunk some of their insignificant savings into buying a horse. It wasn’t a thoroughbred, but no one else needed to know that.

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Annette named the horse Peps. She wasn’t bothered about her pedigree, only that she had her very own milk white horse.

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She enjoyed learning how to look after Peps, even mucking out the stable wasn’t too bad a task if you knew it was making your horses surroundings nice and clean.

But hanging out in the club afterwards wasn’t her cup of tea. She felt awkward.

But she was looking forward to tomorrow. That was when she’d meet all the other kids who went to the stables, and she’d meet all their horses too.

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Megan dropped by early the next morning, but Annette had to turn her away. She had her whole weekend planned around her new club.

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Megan calls on her fall-back friend Malika, but she’s busy having quality family time with her parents.

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Bored, Megan hangs out with her mum, who’s happy to let her daughter read business management books as long as she’s quiet.

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The books were dry, but they gave Megan an idea. She abandoned them for the internet, and was soon muttering to herself as she researched her new idea.

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Soon, she was set up outside the house and ready for her first punters. She was starting out with muffins, but had bigger plans on the horizon.

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She worked all her charms on passers by, determined to create a strong, loyal customer base. She would need them later on when she switched commodities. Right now, she was working the ‘cutesy’ angle.

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When Ariette shut her down for not having a business permit, she stormed indoors, Annette hot on her heels to apologise for her mum. Ariette remained outside, when she and Warren had a heated ‘discussion’ about the future of her muffin stall.

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Trinity Darkstone was desperate to get more serious with Edward Poe, but she is thwarted at every step. He doesn’t mind being seen in public with her, but doesn’t want her to know where he lives, ‘just in case’.

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She finds his lack of trust upsetting, and a little insulting. She isn’t one to open up emotionally, and she was really putting herself out there for this guy.

If he couldn’t trust her with his address, was he as serious as she was?

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The problem was, Edward was like smoke. There was nothing about him on the internet, no postal address at city hall… it was as if he didn’t exist. And he made she she left first on any dates. She couldn’t even follow him home.

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No. 2The Bailey Family.Warren , Teresa, James and Megan

No. 6Sold

No. 1Trinity and Belladonna Darkstone

No. 5Jen Martinez

No. 4For Sale

No. 3The Williams FamilyMarley, Aimee and Malika

No. 7Ariette Vickers, her father Harry and daughter Annette

Deasil Street

Will Jen manage to sort out her finances?Will Megan be allowed her fledgling business?

Find out next time on Deasil Street!

Next Time…