
D AILY W ILDCAT DAILYWILDCAT.COM Tuesday, april , SERVING THE UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA SINCE 1899 UA-ASU RIVALRY PITS BROTHER AGAINST BROTHER STUDENTS DESERVE HONESTY FROM AMBASSADORS “WHAT IS ISLAM?” AWARENESS WEEK LOOKS TO ANSWER SPORTS — 6 PERSPECTIVES — 4 DAILYWILDCAT . COM Check out our new design at dailywildcat.com More content— FAST! ONLINE AT E verybody in the tiny office with David Shellouff had a gun — except for him. As he sat in the middle of them, with- out a weapon and exhausted from his 20-hour van ride from Egypt to the Libyan border, he knew that unless he did something incredible — or crazy — it was unlikely that the Libyan checkpoint soldiers who were questioning him would let an American cross into their country. So he took a risk. “I rolled up my sleeve, showed them my ‘Free Libya’ bracelet and said Libya Alhurra (Libya the free). They went nuts,” Shellouff said, smiling as he thumbed through the 600 photos he took on the trip. “The major came around, hugged me and said ‘Welcome home my son. Welcome to your country.’” Shellouff, a Libyan-American and history se- nior, had never set foot in his father’s homeland before traveling there last winter break. Safety concerns delayed his trip for decades. After his grandfather died a few years ago, Shellouff said he promised himself that if the op- portunity to visit the land of his ancestors ever presented itself, he’d jump on it. The toppling of Moammar Gadhafi’s government last Septem- ber provided him with just that opportunity. “People were telling me I was crazy. I guess I didn’t care that there had just been a revolu- tion,” he said. “I’m an American, but Libya is home, too. And I refused to be scared of home.” He took a plane to Egypt and a shuttle to neighboring Libya. The shuttle, Shellouff said, looked like a Dodge Caravan and was packed like a can of sardines. Shortly after they left, the van broke down, adding six more hours to his trip. “Me and the other people just sat on the side of the road for hours,” he said. “I spoke my terrible Arabic, I listened to their terrible English, and we had a great time.” After the soldiers let him into Libya, Shellouff’s uncle picked him up and they headed toward the city of Benghazi, where his family is from. They took a detour and visited a set of Greek and Roman ruins. As he wandered through the remnants of the ancient empires, dressed in “American clothes” and sporting a Detroit Tigers baseball cap, he said he felt connected to the antiquated civilizations. “I’m a history major so I’m totally digging all this stuff,” he said. “There was no gate or entrance. People just live among this beauti- ful untouched part of history. It’s amazing. You want to have a picnic in the middle of Apollo’s temple? Go right ahead.” Assuming Libya’s new leaders keep their promise to expunge the old authoritarian style of government and replace it with one that grants citizens and tourists more freedoms, they could convert their Hellenic history into future financial profits, he said. The ancient ru- ins scattered across the country coupled with its Mediterranean coast would enable Libya to become a tourist hub and energize its battered economy. “Instead of relying on oil and all the other crap, show the world what Libya could be,” he said. “It can be such beautiful place.” Shellouff’s adventure was split between vis- iting relatives and seeing the country. He said visiting the katiba military compound, where rebels and Gadhafi loyalists fought for control of Benghazi, is one of the more powerful mem- ories of his trip, for reasons both uplifting and tragic. For years, the katiba compound housed torture machines that terrorized political prisoners. Despite facing extreme budget cuts, the College of Pharmacy’s Ari- zona Poison and Drug Information Center has earned recertification for the next five years. Certification aims to ensure each poison center in the country adheres to the same quality stan- dards. This includes taking calls 24 hours per day and ensuring that staff members get continuing edu- cation on poison and drug-related issues. The college’s center answers more than 150 calls per day from citizens and health care profession- als seeking advice from UA experts about poisons, drugs and venom- ous creatures, according to Keith Boesen, director of the center. “Recertification is vital to us,” Bo- esen said in a press release from the center. “Our certification ensures our callers get the high level of care they deserve.” The recertification came after the center’s budget was cut signifi- cantly. State cuts in 2008 and fed- eral cuts in 2011 slashed operating funds for all of the nation’s 57 poi- son control centers. Government sources and private donors fund about 50 percent of the Arizona Poison and Drug Information Cen- ter’s operating costs, though the College of Pharmacy can pick up roughly 50 percent of its funding if 92 57 HI LOW Benghazi, Libya 84 / 54 Elephant Castle, U.K. 56 / 43 Poisson, France 57 / 35 WORTH NOTING This day in history >> 1937: Daffy Duck made his debut in “Porky’s Duck Hunt.” >> 1964: Geraldine Mock be- came the first woman to fly solo around the world. >> 1970: The Apollo 13 astro- nauts safely splashed down af- ter their near-disastrous flight. QUOTE TO NOTE I want to get back at ASU a little bit. It’s fun to play against a brother — it’s a nice, little friendly rival.” SPORTS — 6 Student visits home after war’s end By Amer Taleb FOR THE DAILY WILDCAT PHOTO COURTESY OF DAVID SHELLOUFF History senior David Shellouff sits in front of a stage at Freedom Square in downtown Benghazi, Libya. The stage is decorated with symbols of the Libyan Revolution. LIBYA, 2 Poison control center retains license CENTER, 3 By Robert J. Boumis DAILY WILDCAT Undergraduate with Libyan roots sees country for the first time upon Gadhafi’s overthrow Mars lava flow image inflames space lovers PHOTO COURTESY OF NASA / JPL / UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA The UA’s High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment camera took this photo of a dried lava flow, which created a spit- ting image of an elephant’s head. The photo, taken on the surface of Mars, has since gone viral on the Internet. GO WITH THE FLOW By Robert J. Boumis DAILY WILDCAT PHOTO, 3 ‘Like‘ us on Facebook facebook.com/dailywildcat Follow us on Twitter twitter.com/dailywildcat Look at our sets on Flickr flickr.com/arizonadailywildcat Circle us on Google+ gplus.to/dailywildcat An image taken by the UA’s HiRISE camera has gone viral. The image, which resembles an elephant’s head, was taken by the High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment and has appeared on news sites like Discovery News, MSN.com, and Yahoo! News. The “elephant’s head” is actually the edge of a vast lava flow in Elysium Planitia, a plain on the surface of Mars. In addition to shaping the elephant’s trunk and eye, it also shows what could be the animal’s forehead and ear. The lava flow happened over years or decades, relatively quick- ly in geological time. The image is also upside down relative to most earthly mapping conventions, as the image is “north side down.” It shows an area about 5 kilometers across and 300 kilometers above the surface. The natural formation is an example of “pareiodlia,” a situation where the human mind interprets patterns in such a way that it pulls out the image of something familiar, according to Alfred McEwen, a planetary sciences professor and the principal investigator for HiRISE. The same psychological mechanism was responsible for several popular images on Mars, including the famous “Face on Mars” that was photographed by Viking 1 in the Cydonia region of Mars and the “happy-faced”


In this edition of the Daily Wildcat: Libyan student visits home post-Gadhafi, Mars lava flow, professors awarded, UA baseball

Transcript of 4.17.12

Page 1: 4.17.12









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Everybody in the tiny office with David Shellouff had a gun — except for him.

As he sat in the middle of them, with-out a weapon and exhausted from his 20-hour van ride from Egypt to the Libyan border, he knew that unless he did something incredible — or crazy — it was unlikely that the Libyan checkpoint soldiers who were questioning him would let an American cross into their country. So he took a risk.

“I rolled up my sleeve, showed them my ‘Free Libya’ bracelet and said Libya Alhurra (Libya the free). They went nuts,” Shellouff said, smiling as he thumbed through the 600 photos he took on the trip. “The major came around, hugged me and said ‘Welcome home my son. Welcome to your country.’”

Shellouff, a Libyan-American and history se-nior, had never set foot in his father’s homeland before traveling there last winter break. Safety concerns delayed his trip for decades.

After his grandfather died a few years ago, Shellouff said he promised himself that if the op-portunity to visit the land of his ancestors ever presented itself, he’d jump on it. The toppling of Moammar Gadhafi’s government last Septem-ber provided him with just that opportunity.

“People were telling me I was crazy. I guess I didn’t care that there had just been a revolu-tion,” he said. “I’m an American, but Libya is home, too. And I refused to be scared of home.”

He took a plane to Egypt and a shuttle to neighboring Libya. The shuttle, Shellouff said, looked like a Dodge Caravan and was packed

like a can of sardines. Shortly after they left, the van broke down, adding six more hours to his trip.

“Me and the other people just sat on the side of the road for hours,” he said. “I spoke

my terrible Arabic, I listened to their terrible English, and we had a great time.”

After the soldiers let him into Libya, Shellouff’s uncle picked him up and they headed toward the city of Benghazi, where his

family is from. They took a detour and visited a set of Greek and Roman ruins. As he wandered through the remnants of the ancient empires, dressed in “American clothes” and sporting a Detroit Tigers baseball cap, he said he felt connected to the antiquated civilizations.

“I’m a history major so I’m totally digging all this stuff,” he said. “There was no gate or entrance. People just live among this beauti-ful untouched part of history. It’s amazing. You want to have a picnic in the middle of Apollo’s temple? Go right ahead.”

Assuming Libya’s new leaders keep their promise to expunge the old authoritarian style of government and replace it with one that grants citizens and tourists more freedoms, they could convert their Hellenic history into future financial profits, he said. The ancient ru-ins scattered across the country coupled with its Mediterranean coast would enable Libya to become a tourist hub and energize its battered economy.

“Instead of relying on oil and all the other crap, show the world what Libya could be,” he said. “It can be such beautiful place.”

Shellouff’s adventure was split between vis-iting relatives and seeing the country. He said visiting the katiba military compound, where rebels and Gadhafi loyalists fought for control of Benghazi, is one of the more powerful mem-ories of his trip, for reasons both uplifting and tragic.

For years, the katiba compound housed torture machines that terrorized political prisoners.

Despite facing extreme budget cuts, the College of Pharmacy’s Ari-zona Poison and Drug Information Center has earned recertification for the next five years.

Certification aims to ensure each poison center in the country adheres to the same quality stan-dards. This includes taking calls 24 hours per day and ensuring that staff members get continuing edu-cation on poison and drug-related issues. The college’s center answers more than 150 calls per day from citizens and health care profession-als seeking advice from UA experts about poisons, drugs and venom-ous creatures, according to Keith Boesen, director of the center.

“Recertification is vital to us,” Bo-esen said in a press release from the center. “Our certification ensures our callers get the high level of care they deserve.”

The recertification came after the center’s budget was cut signifi-cantly. State cuts in 2008 and fed-eral cuts in 2011 slashed operating funds for all of the nation’s 57 poi-son control centers. Government sources and private donors fund about 50 percent of the Arizona Poison and Drug Information Cen-ter’s operating costs, though the College of Pharmacy can pick up roughly 50 percent of its funding if




Benghazi, Libya 84 / 54Elephant Castle, U.K. 56 / 43Poisson, France 57 / 35

WORTHNOTINGThis day in history>> 1937: Daffy Duck made his debut in “Porky’s Duck Hunt.” >> 1964: Geraldine Mock be-came the first woman to fly solo around the world.>> 1970: The Apollo 13 astro-nauts safely splashed down af-ter their near-disastrous flight.



I want to get back at ASU a little bit. It’s fun to play against a brother — it’s a nice, little friendly rival.”


Student visits home after war’s endBy Amer Taleb



History senior David Shellouff sits in front of a stage at Freedom Square in downtown Benghazi, Libya. The stage is decorated with symbols of the Libyan Revolution.


Poison control center retains license


By Robert J. BoumisDAILY WILDCAT

Undergraduate with Libyan roots sees country for the first time upon Gadhafi’s overthrow

Mars lava flow image inflames space lovers


The UA’s High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment camera took this photo of a dried lava flow, which created a spit-ting image of an elephant’s head. The photo, taken on the surface of Mars, has since gone viral on the Internet.


By Robert J. BoumisDAILY WILDCAT


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An image taken by the UA’s HiRISE camera has gone viral.

The image, which resembles an elephant’s head, was taken by the High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment and has appeared on news sites like Discovery News, MSN.com, and Yahoo! News. The “elephant’s head” is actually the edge of a vast lava flow in Elysium Planitia , a plain on the surface of Mars. In addition to shaping the

elephant’s trunk and eye, it also shows what could be the animal’s forehead and ear.

The lava flow happened over years or decades, relatively quick-ly in geological time. The image is also upside down relative to most earthly mapping conventions, as the image is “north side down.” It shows an area about 5 kilometers across and 300 kilometers above the surface.

The natural formation is an example of “pareiodlia,” a situation where the human

mind interprets patterns in such a way that it pulls out the image of something familiar, according to Alfred McEwen , a planetary sciences professor and the principal investigator for HiRISE . The same psychological mechanism was responsible for several popular images on Mars, including the famous “Face on Mars” that was photographed by Viking 1 in the Cydonia region of Mars and the “happy-faced”

Page 2: 4.17.12

2 • Daily WilDcat NeWs • tuesDay, april 17, 2012

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Daily WilDcatserving the university of arizona since 1899

Vol. 105, Issue 138


Within katiba was one of Gadhafi’s houses. It was three stories tall and had a dozen bathrooms. When Shellouff got there, he picked up chunks of rocks and hurled them at the building, a rundown structure that hardly looked like it used to belong to the most power-ful man in Libya.

Shellouff walked back and forth across the com-pound, listening as his uncle described how the battle unfolded.

“It was the staging ground where average, everyday

Libyans got together and started a revolution,” he said. “The person who set the whole thing off was a man who put explosives in his car and drove it into the front gate of katiba. He gave his life for Benghazi.”

A few weeks later, it was time to head back to the UA. He said his goodbyes and promised that the next he came, he’d bring his father, Mohmed, who hasn’t been home in more than 30 years.

“The spirit and hope of the Libyan people is what stayed with me the most,” Shellouff said. “I’ve never seen the desire for a better future like that anywhere in my life. Maybe it was just a special time to be there because the revolution had just ended, but for me, it doesn’t get more amazing than that.”

When they met in a technology eth-ics class, Caleb Tennenbaum and Tom Smallwood didn’t know they would create an iPhone app to help users identify household insects.

The May 2011 graduates ended up conceptualizing and developing “AZ-Pest.com Pest ID Pro,” an app now offered by Arizona Pest Control. The app allows users to take a picture of an insect in order to identify it.

Smallwood, who graduated with a degree in computer science, was a se-nior when he developed the app using Tennebaum’s idea. Smallwood is cur-rently teaching iPhone operating sys-tems development courses at the UA, and Tennenbaum is the company’s marketing director.

“I came up with the idea for the app because it was a new, exciting and sim-ple service that would be useful to cus-tomers,” said Tennenbaum, who grad-uated with a degree in interdisciplinary studies with a minor in marketing.

Most application development goes into games, but Tennenbaum said he wanted to use the technology in a more practical way. After exchanging ideas in class, the first version of the app was launched on April 11, 2011.

AZPest.com Pest ID Pro is offered for free through the Apple App Store.

Users can send a photo from their iPhone’s gallery or take a picture of the pest while the app is open, Tennen-baum said. After uploading the photo, entomologists from Arizona Pest Con-trol identify the bug within 24 hours. App users then receive an email with the identification of the insect in addi-tion to Arizona Pest Control’s advised method of dealing with the possible infestation.

App users have already captured several rare pests on camera. One user managed to snap a picture of a trap-door spider’s burrow. The trapdoor spider, which is fairly large, is closely related to the tarantula. This spider is considered to be rare because it can hide itself so well.

Another rare pest that Tennenbaum had not encountered before the app’s development is the greenhouse camel cricket. This cricket prefers artificial environments and is an opportunis-tic feeder, he said. It feeds on various plants, which could cause large scale damage.

After the first version of the app was downloaded more than 4,500 times in its first year, Smallwood helped the company create an updated version. The new app, which was uploaded March 13, has more features and a more user-friendly interface, Small-wood said. The app currently has a five-star rating from users.

libya from page 1

Pair of professors get distinguished awards for research, teaching skills

Two UA professors were awarded for their out-standing ability to teach, conduct research and mentor undergraduates all at the same time.

Judith Bronstein, a professor of ecology and evo-lutionary biology, and Paul Blowers, an associate professor of chemical and environmental engineer-ing have been both named the 2012 University Dis-tinguished Professors.

Judith BronsteinAs an ecology and evolutionary biology pro-

fessor, Bronstein decided to focus her research on the cooperation in nature and look specifi-cally at the relationship between animals and plants. Bronstein compares people’s depen-dence on the ecosystem with the needs of the ecosystem to find out how plants and animals can best coexist.

“It’s neat to take what I know from us as hu-mans and take that to inform our understanding of nature as a whole,” she said. “You start to see patterns that no one has seen and I am trying to pull the whole thing together.”

Bronstein’s lab is open to all students, regard-less of their GPA. Her teaching helps students evaluate evidence to understand how inter-actions function due to human change in the landscape.

Because of funding cuts, Bronstein is in her last year of directing a $3 million, five-year pro-gram called Biodiversity from Molecules to Eco-

systems. The program, funded by the National Science Foundation, has allowed 52 graduate students to bring their knowledge about ecology, evolution, biodiversity and conservation into Tucson’s public schools. These students help educate local students.

“More of our students want to teach and they have a social commitment to their faculty,” Bron-stein said, “and the students want to bring their outreach expertise into the classrooms.”

Bronstein is working on research that aims to answer the question, “When you cooperate with others, when do you cheat and how do you sense that you are being cheated to then dissolve the relationship?” She also became the first female editor-in-chief of the Ameri-can Naturalist Journal in 120 years.

Paul Blowers“Shocked” was the word that Blowers used to

describe how he felt upon hearing of the recog-nition. Blowers said there are many approaches to a successful academic career, but this is dif-ferent from others.

“If I teach something in a way that I don’t like, I reengineer it and redesign it,” Blowers said. “I reconfigure the room and the technology to make it better.”

When Blowers was initially searching for a job as a professor, he applied to 120 universities. Be-cause he had no interest in the UA, he said, he scheduled his interview with them first for prac-tice. But by the end of the interview, he realized that the UA would best fit his career.

When his son was still young, Blowers said he

gave lectures with him in a chest carrier. “Most of the faculty in my department does re-

search, they teach, have families and enjoy their hobbies,” Blowers said. “It’s not like you can only do one thing, and that’s when I realized I can do it all at the UA.”

Blowers also received the Five Star Faculty Award, an honor given by students, in addition to the Leicester and Kathryn Sherrill Creative Teaching Award, given by the UA Foundation. The UA College of Engineering named Blowers a da Vinci Circle fellow in 2010, a two-year rec-ognition with a $10,000 prize for aiding under-graduate research. A panel of philanthropists pick two students and one faculty winner for the award, and Blowers was chosen over 124 College of Engineering faculty members.

Jennifer Ramin, a sophomore studying chemi-cal and environmental engineering, is working closely with Blowers on lifecycle analysis of algae biofuels.

“Working with Blowers is very empowering be-cause he gives you something within your reach to work on and sets you loose, and then occasion-ally he checks up to adjust your path,” Ramin said.

Blowers said he is interested in all things relat-ed to sustainability. He is also looking into which chemical engineering principles can predict cer-tain environmental impacts, as well as the global warming potential of certain chemicals.

“My motivation will always be to be a better teacher, but now the challenges have become more internal set,” Blowers said. “I have done everything I can in a classroom as best as I can.”

by Kaleb StephensDaily WilDcat

Photo courtesy of caleB tennenBaum

UA graduates Caleb Tennenbaum and Tom Smallwood created AZPest.com Pest ID Pro, an iPhone application that allows users to take a photo of an insect to get help identifying it. A user took this photo of a household insect for the creators to name.

Alumni develop app to ID pests

Photos By will ferguson and alex kulPinski / DAIly WIlDCAT

Judith Bronstein, a professor of ecology and evolutionary biology, and Paul Blowers, an associate professor of chemical and environmental engineering, were named the UA’s 2012 University Distinguished Professors.

by yara askarDaily WilDcat

Trial starts for Breivik, confessed killer in July’s shooting spree in Norway

LONDON — Anders Behring Breivik, who has confessed to killing 77 people in a rampage last July, went on trial Monday in Oslo for Norway’s worst criminal episode since World War II.

The 33-year-old right-wing ex-tremist has admitted to slaying 69 young people gathered for an an-nual Labor Party political camp on the Norwegian island of Utoya on July 22 after killing eight other people by detonating a home-made bomb that destroyed a gov-ernment building in the center of the Norwegian capital.

Breivik appeared calm and de-fiant as he entered the courtroom dressed in a dark suit and wear-ing handcuffs. He surveyed the ranks of media and public packed inside the courtroom and smiled. Family members and survivors of the attacks were in the public sector, separated from the defen-dant by thick glass partitions.

After his handcuffs were re-moved he gave a raised-fist fas-cist style salute before sitting down and giving a brief state-ment, saying: “I do not recognize the Norwegian courts. ... You have received your mandate from political parties which support multiculturalism.” He went on to say he acknowledged the acts but claimed he carried them out “in self defense.”

Breivik’s antagonism to Islam, Muslim immigrants and mul-ticulturalism has been aired in

documents and statements since the killings. Through his lawyer, Geir Lippestad, he has said he was sorry he “didn’t go further” to kill more than the 77 victims.

In long-winded, rambling po-litical essays on the Internet he has proclaimed himself a knight on a crusade against what he sees as Norway’s “cultural sui-cide” and expressed anti-femi-nist views along with his hatred for Norway’s Labor government, which supports both immigra-tion and multiculturalism.

On Monday, he listened im-passively as prosecutor Inga Be-jer Engh listed the 77 victims and the manner of their death in an hour-long statement.

Svein Holden, also speaking for the prosecution, then gave the court an account of Breivik’s past life and his fascination with extreme right-wing politics. The court was shown photographs of Breivik’s tiny bedroom and the remote farmhouse where he stockpiled weapons and explo-sives. In other photos, Breivik posed in a self-styled military uniform, holding an automatic rifle and sporting medals and badges among them one reading, “Multiculti (sic) Traitor Hunting Permit.”

The court saw and heard of his allegiance to the Knights Templar, his version of a militant Christian religious order that no longer exists, and was shown Breivik’s own 12-minute propaganda film

making references to the group. During the showing, which was not broadcast outside the court, Breivik was seen to burst into tears as he watched.

Holden also gave a detailed ac-count with film and CCTV foot-age of Breivik’s actions on July 22, including recordings of the shots he fired on the island and his own calls to the Oslo police to announce his deeds during his 80-minute attack.

Although initially deemed in-sane after his surrender to police and subsequent arrest, Breivik has recently been reassessed and judged to be sane. The most re-cent evaluators warned that there was a “high risk of repetition of violence.”

Under Norwegian law he faces a maximum penalty of 21 years in prison, which can be extended to life. When Breivik was read the charges of crimes of terrorism and murder last month, Holden told reporters they were “crimes of a dimension we have no previ-ous experience with in our soci-ety in modern times.”

Breivik will have five days to present his case which, reports say, will not be broadcast.

Jorid Nordmelan, one young survivor from the massacre on Utoya, told the BBC before the trial, “I’m really looking forward to this being over with, because it feels like something is undone here, I really can’t move on with my life until this is done.”


Page 3: 4.17.12



The OSIRIS-REx project (the largest contract UA has ever received) will bring back samples of asteroid 1999 RQ36.It launches in 2016, but you can sample our Tier 1 and Tier 2 course offerings this fall.

The department that's bringing pieces of an asteroid to Earth brings you Tier 1 and Tier 2 courses that are out of this world!


PTYS 170B1: The Universe and Humanity: Origin and Destiny (3 sections)Exploring the relationships that connect the largest structures in the universe to the world of atoms and subatomic particles. Topics include the scienti�c method, fundamental physical concepts and processes, and a study of features of the natural world based upon fundamental laws of nature.

PTYS 206: Our Golden Age of Planetary Exploration (1 section)All about our Solar System, with an emphasis on the processes that unite all of the planets and smaller bodies, such as tectonics, weathering, cratering, differentiation, and the evolution of oceans and atmospheres.

PTYS 214: Astrobiology: A Planetary Perspective (2 sections)Exploring questions about the origin, evolution, and future of life on Earth and the possibility of life arising independently elsewhere in the Universe.

Offerings for Fall 2012



More than 15 years after his death, Tupac Shakur joined fellow rapper Snoop Dogg at Coachella on Sunday to perform “2 of Amerikaz Most Wanted” — and he did it as a hologram. According to MTV.com, Dr. Dre was the brain behind the project but officials at AV Concepts, the company behind the projection that reportedly cost between $100,000 and $400,000, refused to discuss the mechanics and technology behind it with news organizations. Full story online at DailyWildcat.com.


“It’s an emergency,” Boesen said. “The College of Pharmacy has always seen the Poison Center as too important to lose due to fund-ing issues.”

Because of this, Boesen said, the College of Pharmacy stepped up to fund the center until a new line of funding or restoration of funding can be obtained.

At the same time, there is little the center can do that they have

haven’t already done to reduce costs.

“For the Poison Center, we oper-ate as lean as we can be to main-tain 24/7 operations,” Boesen said. “It is as efficient as it can be.”

The center has provided ser-vices to the UA since its inception in 1955. Poison control centers could save the government up to $997,395,280 annually by reduc-ing the need for costly emergency room visits, according to data on the center’s website. In addition, every 90 seconds a health care pro-fessional consults the center for medically relevant information.


Galle Crater in Argyre Planitia.In addition to showcasing the

camera’s technical abilities, the image also helps give back to the public and spotlights scientific discoveries at the UA, said Ari Es-pinoza , outreach coordinator for HiRISE.

“The elephant picture is something almost everyone can relate to — it captures people’s imaginations,” Espinoza said. “And although we don’t get increased funding because of it, the public outreach component of what we do continues to be an important part of the mission.”

The HiRISE camera was built at the UA and is installed on the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter.


Page 4: 4.17.12

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PersPectives Daily WilDcat • Page 4Perspectives Editor: Michelle A. Monroe • 520.621.7581 • [email protected]


It’s time for new leadership on UC Davis’ campus.

A campus police officer at the University of California at Davis pepper sprayed around 20 college students in November. The students were sitting, linking arms and peacefully protesting their rising tuition costs.

UC Davis Chancellor Linda P.B. Katehi ordered officers to make the protestors take down their tents because overnight camping is forbidden on campus. How the incident went from asking students to take down tents to pepper spraying seated protestors is beyond comprehension. A senator for the Associated Students, University of California, Davis said by the time the pepper spraying started, the tents were already down and the crowd was confused and shocked when Lt. John Pike casually took out a canister and started spraying students.

The officers in question have been on administrative leave since, and Katehi is supposedly working with UC officials to move forward. This is too little, too late.

A report released Wednesday shows that the officers used a type of pepper spray weapon they were not authorized to use, were not trained to use and did not appear to use correctly. How did they get these weapons? Are campus police officers all over the country walking around with weapons they aren’t authorized or trained to use?

Pike claims he used the weapon because he felt trapped by a “hostile mob,” according to the recently released report. There were more students surrounding the seated protestors — but they were at a reasonable distance from the officers, not pushing forward or talking to them. And Pike didn’t target the standing, larger group of students, he targeted the small, quiet group, walking back and forth as calm as if he was spraying pesky weeds on his front lawn.

He should have been fired immediately, and the idea that there is even a possibility he can come back from his suspension is ludicrous. He clearly does not respect students, their right as citizens to peacefully assemble or the safety of those on campus.

And Katehi should not continue to lead the school either. The report showed she moved immediately to stop the protest before it could start because administrators feared non-affiliates would bring sex, drugs and violence to campus. But the First Amendment guarantees every citizen’s right to peacefully assemble. A college official who wants to stop protests for what they bring to campus should be removed.

While the world focuses on the atrocious actions of the police officers, everyone seems to be forgetting that the idea to send them there came from the Office of the Chancellor. Katehi told officers to remove the protestors’ tents, ignoring their warnings that doing so during the day would have a higher risk of backlash and potential violence.

The report also suggests that there should be accepted rules for regulating campus protests.

The first step to doing this is removing the person who ignored the First Amendment, police warnings and the safety of her students. And Pike deserves more than just a slap on the wrist for his part in the debacle.

“Free speech, including nonviolent protest, is part of the DNA of this university, and it must be protected with vigilance,” said Mark G. Yudof, president of the University of California, in a statement released Wednesday. “I implore students who wish to demonstrate to do so in a peaceful fashion, and I expect campus authorities to honor that right.”

Well, students should expect their regents to recognize a bad leader and to implement immediate staff changes to protect their rights.

— Michelle A. Monroe is the perspectives editor. She can be reached at

[email protected] or on Twitter via @WildcatOpinions.

Admission experts say prospective students should not easily trust college

ambassadors, especially ones who are paid, according to the Chicago Tribune. No shit.

It’s sad that anyone even has to ask whether college ambassadors can be trusted, since all universities have an obligation to be honest to prospective students about the true nature of their campus. If there’s a problem at a college, it’s wrong to keep it from those touring to find out information. Even still, these ambassadors seem to cover up whatever blemishes their school may have.

The main problem is that these students are usually fulfilling work-study obligations, according to the U.S. News and World Report, and are hired to promote a school’s specific communications agenda. But this news isn’t shocking. Prospective students aren’t idiots. High school seniors who go on campus tours

have often already received up to three years worth of promotional college propaganda, with every university claiming it’s the obvious choice for higher education. After 50 to 100 brochures and envelopes, students catch on to the fact that each university is pushing a certain agenda, and learn to take information with a grain of salt.

“Applicants may be unaware of student (ambassadors’) true motivations, but they catch on quickly,” said Michael Staton to the U.S. News and World Report. Staton works for Inigral, a company that markets an app to connect prospective students to current ones. “They’re less aware than they could be, but they can also totally see through bullshit.”

It’s like how students may read a university-written profile about a distinguished professor, but still check Ratemyprofessors.com to make sure their class is worth taking. Universities wouldn’t market bad information about themselves,

so naturally information coming from the source will be biased to some degree. Future students know that and don’t need an app to understand it.

UA’s Arizona Ambassadors are not paid. Their main responsibilities involve walking students around the university itself, and future students can see and experience campus life first-hand.

“Our purpose is to portray the UA in a positive light, but we’re definitely honest,” said Chelsea McLean of Arizona Ambassadors. “So if we don’t like food court setup of the Union, for example, we might talk about how much we love Cactus Grill.” So while pointing out negatives isn’t a high priority, ambassadors will answer questions honestly so prospective students should remember to speak up.

Another problem prospective students encounter is online outreach rather than in-person outreach. If prospective students know a blogger or social networker is being paid to write nice things about a university, the report says future students won’t trust the information.

There is a simple answer to this predicament: Let ambassadors tell the truth, both in person and online. A good university shouldn’t be afraid of what students have to

say, especially since criticism can lead to improvement. Bloggers for the Massachusetts Institute of Technology initially had the same concerns, but they found truth led to trust.

“MIT was a bit concerned when they first thought about paying bloggers because it would seem like we work for admissions and are brainwashing you guys with pro-MIT propaganda,” said then-blogger Snively on the MIT blog in 2008. “I think through various rants and raves we’ve proven that we don’t just spew MIT propaganda.”

It’s the university’s duty to let prospective students know all the information about the school — even the bad aspects. Officials shouldn’t be afraid of telling the truth because students will find out anyway. No school is perfect and students who choose to attend one should enroll because they know exactly what they’re getting into. As educational institutions, they should be dedicated to providing uncensored information, not silencing student voices or touting propaganda.

— Lauren Shores is a journalism sophomore. She can reached at

[email protected] or on Twitter via @WildcatOpinions.

Time for change at UC Davis

Lauren ShoresDaily WilDcat

Michelle A. Monroe

Daily WilDcat

University honesty questionable

When I think of the proposed “Community and Conflict in the Mod-ern World” General Education requirement, three things immediately come to mind: the superficiality of General Education courses, cultural hostility on campus and the need to focus on racial sensitivity outside the classroom.

To remedy the first would require an idealistic overhaul of both high school and college curricula.

As for the second point, alleviation of hostility against underrepresent-ed students cannot be achieved in one General Education requirement.

According to appeals made by two underrepresented groups in a reso-lution condemning hate crimes at UCLA, cultural hostility exists because of a lack of understanding among different groups on campus; and an academic requirement focused on diversity could facilitate understand-ing and acceptance of different cultures.

But achieving a more tolerant student environment can be done more efficiently and directly through empowerment and encouragement of student groups dedicated solely to topics such as cultural difference.

The proposed requirement amounts to a redesign of the undergraduate curriculum only in name. Courses that could fulfill the potential General Education requirement include those already taught in departments such as anthropology and Chicana and Chicano studies. And many of these courses — Introduction to Chicana/Chicano Studies: History and Culture, for instance — already count for General Education requirements under different headings.

One General Education course may expose students to a few memo-rized key terms and broad, surface concepts. Actual engagement with the community encourages students to seek perspectives deeper below the surface, to learn tolerance as citizens rather than as students.

A General Education course may reaffirm what some already know about tolerance, and it will go in one ear and out the other for those who have already solidified their narrow views regarding cultural hostility.

— Ani Torossian, April 16 issue

I’ve always loved history and, in particular, have always been fascinated with genealogy — the study of family lineages and history. I love learning about the everyday lives of my ancestors and trying to figure out what they were like.

Did I get my weird sense of humor from some long-lost aunt or uncle? Where does my overwhelming — some say intimidating — beauty and hu-mility come from? Certainly not my ugly-as-hell parents. Sometimes I wish Facebook had been around back in the olden days so I could get a sense of what my forefathers and mothers were really like.

But the other day I realized — with more than a trace of panic — that I am somebody’s ancestor. And I have a Facebook. And Twitter. And Pinterest. And email. And a YouTube account. And a blog. And a year’s worth of these columns.

If, in a 100 years, the Internet is still around (and who knows if it will be? It’s only been in existence for fewer than 20 years) will our offspring and our offspring’s offspring have access to all our online identities? With Facebook’s new timeline feature, will they be able to track the path of our whole life, like some sort of digital diary? It got me thinking about the kind of digital archive I’m going to leave for my future offspring. I post some pretty stupid stuff on Twitter. And I don’t mean stupid like “Wow, that’s going to keep you from getting a job,” but just plain stupid stuff. Take this gem, for example: “Trying to incorporate the term ‘ruffians’ more into everyday conversation.”

Right now I’m a bit too overwhelmed to decide what I want to do with my online identities. And who knows, Facebook may blow up tomorrow and I won’t have to worry about any of this. But in the event that it doesn’t, per-haps I should jazz up my profiles a little bit, so as to appear more interesting to future genealogists. Maybe I’ll fake a couple of marriages or something, just to mess with their heads.

Whatever happens, this revelation certainly has gotten me thinking about my online identity. And it’s made me more determined than ever that videos of a certain 21st birthday can never be allowed on the Internet. Ever.

— McKenna Brown, April 12 issue

Pulse of the PacSee what other Pac-12 Conference schools have been talking about.

Daily BruinUCLA

“Proposed GE diversity requirement is only a Band-Aid approach”

Daily EmeraldUniversity of Oregon

“What if my great-great-grandkids found my Facebook?”

Page 5: 4.17.12

Police Beat is compiled from official University of Arizona Police Department reports. A complete list of UAPD activity can be found at www.uapd.arizona.edu.

Police Beat

tuesday, aPril 17, 2012 • 5

By Elliot P. Hopperdaily Wildcat


To sponsor this calendar, or list an event, email [email protected] or call 621.3425 Deadline 3pm 2 business days prior to publication

April 17Campus Events Campus Events

Wildcat CalendarGlobal Lens Film Screening 2012 - Songs from the Southern Seas Tuesday, April 17, 2012 6:30 p.m. Two couples, one Russian and one Kazakh, live side-by-side in relative harmony in a beautiful yet semi-desolate region of the Great Steppe. But when the fair-skinned Russians give birth to a boy of decidedly darker skin, 15 years of suspicion and acrimony arises between them and can only be resolved by an ironic twist of family and fate. At times darkly somber, at other times tender and wistful – and buoyed throughout by a soundtrack of folk-inspired melodies – writer-director Marat Sarulu draws on Kazakhstan’s epic history to create a gritty and deeply compassionate tale of humor and cultural insight. The movie is presented in Russian with English subtitles. The Offi ce of Global Initiatives, in collaboration with the Center for Latin American Studies, Africana Studies and Russian and Slavic Studies, will screen three Global Lens fi lms in honor of World Cinema Week in April. The Global Lens series is part of the Global Film Initiative, a U.S.-based not-for-profi t organization specializing in the support of independent fi lm from Africa, Asia, Central and Eastern Europe, Latin America and the Middle East. Founded in 2002 to promote cross-cultural understanding through the language of cinema, the initiative awards numerous grants to deserving fi lmmakers from around the world each year, and supports a touring fi lm series called Global Lens. Integrated Learning Center Room: 119

“Travels in Medicine: Exploring the Global Health Community” This exhibit of photographs, presented by the Global Health Forum, is on display in the Java City area of the Library (Room 2101) through April 31st. The Global Health Forum is a UA College of Medicine student club, promoting awareness of health and medicine transcending borders, cultures, and languages. The exhibit is presented in conjunction with the Department of Family and Community Medicine and the Arizona Health Sciences Library. Lalita Abhyankar, a COM second year student, served as the coordinator for the event. Photographs on display were submitted by students, faculty or staff members at the Arizona Health Sciences Center. These photographs depict the participants’ views on global medicine, and range from clinical experiences to more general aspects and infl uences on health on an international scale. Through this exhibit, the GHF hopes to provide a glimpse into the lives of community members who are most impacted by global health initiatives. We hope you enjoy our travels through medicine.FREE! The Charles Darwin Experience The UA’s only all improv comedy group performs every Tuesday night in the Gallagher Theater at 10:10 pm. It’s an hour long show and completely FREE. So take a break from your mundane lives and enjoy the hilarity!

‘Speaking in Tongues: Wallace Berman and Robert Heinecken, 1961-1976’ This landmark exhibition, curated by Claudia Bohn-Spector and Sam Mellon, brings the work of Berman and Heinecken ‒ two seminal yet under-studied Los Angeles artists ‒ into close conversation for the very fi rst time. Each was interested in appropriating and repurposing images from mass media, which helped usher in the use of photography as a key element of contemporary avant-garde art. Their works are explored within the unique cultural context of 1960s and 1970s Southern California, as it fueled and amplifi ed their highly original creative approaches. The Center for Creative Photography began acquiring the Robert Heinecken Archive in 1981. A detailed guide to the Heinecken Archive can be found on the CCP website. Center for Creative Photography. Room: Gallery. March 27, 2012 - June 17, 2012Film - ‘Women in the Dirt’ Tuesday, April 17, 2012 6 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. All are welcome to join the School of Landscape Architecture and Planning for a screening of “Women in the Dirt. “A documentary by Carolann Stoney, the fi lm hightlights the contributions and acheivements of seven women in the fi eld of landscape architecture. Union Memorial Center Gallagher Theater

SkyNights Stargazing Program. This fi ve-hour program guides you through navigating the night sky with binoculars and star charts to viewing spectacular planets, galaxies and nebulae with our Schulman 32-inch telescope.You will begin your drive up Mt. Lemmon in the subtropical Sonoran Desert zone and proceed along the scenic Catalina Highway through six distinct ecosystems. It is like driving from Mexico to Canada all in 30 miles. At the end of the road lies the summit of Mt. Lemmon and the SkyCenter, where your astronomical experience begins. After a light meal and an introduction to the cosmos, you will turn your gaze upward and learn the intricacies of navigating the night sky with binoculars and star charts. From there you will travel millions of light years back in time to behold some of the marvels of the universe with the largest public viewing telescope. As you observe the images through the telescope you learn interesting facts and information about each object. Mt. Lemmon SkyCenter runs programs throughout the year for anyone who is interested or even just curious about what lies beyond the horizons. Admission: $48 for adults and $25 for youth Monday through Thursday; $60 for adults and $30 for youth Friday and Saturday; meal included. Steward Observatory 520-626-8122 Mt. Lemmon SkyCenter21st Arizona International Film Festival April 13, 2012 — April 29, 2012 127 E. Congress St., Tucson, AZ 85701 520-882-0204 The 21st year of showcasing the best in contemporary independent cinema with opportunities to meet fi lmmakers, and events at The Screening Room, Crossroads Festival, and other area venues. http://www.fi lmfestivalarizona.com/

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Loudness to lock upA female student studying in the Main Library called UAPD

because she heard a couple arguing loudly outside the library at 2:12 p.m. on Thursday. She told officers that the two were yelling at each other and she did not think they were students. When officers arrived at the scene, neither the couple nor the caller could be found.

Officers searched the surrounding areas and found the couple down the street. They asked them if they were near the library earlier and if they had been raising their voices. The couple said they had but had since had resolved the issue. Of-ficers asked to see their licenses so they could run background checks on the couple. The background check showed that the man had a warrant out for his arrest. Officers searched and ar-rested the man before taking him to Pima County Jail.

Tags gone badUniversity of Arizona Police Department officers pulled

over a vehicle for having expired tags at 5 a.m. on Thursday. The officers approached the car, which had December 2011 tags, and began speaking to the female driver. The woman said she was from California and that she was not affiliated with the UA. When officers told her that her tags were ex-pired, she said she knew and would replace them soon.

The officers then spoke with the California Motor Vehicle Division, who told them that her registration and insurance had been expired for more than six months. Officers asked if she knew about this and she said she has not had time to take care of her car since moving to Arizona months ago. Officers cited her for driving with an expired license and without in-surance. They decided to let her keep her vehicle instead of impounding it.

�e Old Ultra Daily Wildcat

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Page 6: 4.17.12

SportS Daily WilDcat • Page 6Sports Editor: Alex Williams • 520.626.2956 • [email protected]

scoreboard: NBA Phoenix 125, Portland 107 MLB arizona 5, Pittsburgh 1 NHL PLAyoffs new York 1, ottawa 0


When people hear the word “blindside”, they think of the suc-cessful, uplifting 2009 film about Baltimore Ravens offensive line-man Michael Oher.

That’s not what Arizona quar-terback Matt Scott thinks about, at least not when he is on the football field.

The blindside, in football terms, is the side of the backfield where the quarterback has less-than-opti-mal vision when throwing the ball, or the side opposite his throwing arm. Scott is a right-handed quar-terback, so whoever is playing left tackle is protecting his blind side.

In 2011, Mickey Baucus protect-ed former quarterback Nick Foles’ blindside. This spring, however, the Wildcats have played without the 6-foot-8, 290 pound lineman and have been forced to mix-and-match all along the line. Chris Put-ton and Eric Bender-Ramsay have both been filling in at left tackle in the spring — both also have only played guard in their college career.

Left tackle isn’t the only spot on the line sans key personnel, as sophomore Fabbians Ebbele has been suspended all spring due to his role in a March campus-area brawl. Ebbele, who stands at 6-foot-8 and 310-pounds, received Sport-ing News Freshman All-America honors in 2011.

While the absence of two key linemen might seem problematic with head coach Rich Rodriguez’s installation of a new spread option offense and a clear lack of depth at quarterback behind Scott, the Wildcats have been able to weather the storm in large part because the entire unit has returned from 2011, and has game experience to boot.

“I don’t think we’ve been at full strength for the whole spring, but the whole group as a unit has got-ten better progressively every day,”

Scott said. “I think that’s a good sign and I think they’ll continue to get better through fall camp.”

Of all the linemen in camp, cen-ter Kyle Quinn is far and away the most experienced, seeing time in 33 games in his career and start-ing 13. With the lack of depth at the quarterback position — behind Scott this spring are two walk-ons and a converted receiver — pro-tecting the team’s signal caller is more important than ever.

“This situation we have (at quar-terback) is unique,” Quinn said. “You have to protect the quarter-back at all costs anyway but with Matt’s situation, it gives us more of a motivation. Matt’s a great guy he’s a great leader, and he’s going to be great for us this year.”

Even with the injuries, Quinn isn’t too concerned as he thinks that all the experience the team gained last year, and in the spring, will be helpful going forward.

“Everybody that is on this O-line has played pretty much,” Quinn said. “We’ve got a lot of experience coming back, we have four seniors on the line so there’s a lot of leadership now. There’s no more throwing guys into the fire, everyone’s been tested, everybody’s ready to go.”

Among the players thrown into the fire this spring are Putton and Bender-Ramsay. Putton, a starter at left guard last season, actually played left tackle in high school so the transition isn’t as difficult as it might seem.

“They both (Bender-Ramsay and Putton) did really well fill-ing in for Mickey,” senior guard Trace Biskin said. “It’s gonna be interesting when he comes back … Both of them have committed themselves to getting better and its shown on film.”

At right tackle, redshirt freshman Jacob Arzouman has been getting

The baseball version of the Duel in the Desert continues tonight as No. 13 Arizona meets No. 20 ASU tonight for the first time this season at 6:30 p.m. in Tempe, Ariz.

Arizona (24-11, 10-5 Pac-12) is coming off of its first weekend se-ries loss of the season after drop-ping two straight games to No. 11 UCLA, but the junior-laden team will have to quickly move past the disappointing weekend as it trav-els to take on a talented Sun Devil squad (23-13, 9-6 Pac-12) at Pack-ard Stadium.

“Mentally I think we’ll be okay, a lot of our guys are tough guys,” ju-nior Alex Mejia said. “We’re a lot of juniors too, so we need to drop (the UCLA losses) right away. Obviously

we need to learn from it … make sure it doesn’t happen again.”

The disappointing end to the weekend exposed some of Ari-zona’s weaknesses, especially in the bullpen, and tonight’s game against ASU won’t be any easier.

“You just have to play good base-ball, there is no mystery potion or anything,” head coach Andy Lopez said. “You have to pitch well, get timely hitting and play good de-fense. You can win just about every game if you do that.”

But the Wildcats have struggled to put together complete game ef-forts during weekday games all season long, resulting in just a 4-4 record during the week, including three straight losses.

And even with the limited success during the week and a rivalry game between two top-25

opponents, Lopez said he’s treating it just like any other Tuesday game.

That’s because tonight is just a single non-conference game. The two teams’ official Pac-12 duel starts May 25 in Tucson, so despite the rivalry, Lopez said the team can’t disrupt its roster with a con-ference series against Washington coming up.

“I’m sure ASU is in the same mode,” Lopez said. “They want to win like we want to win because it’s a (rivalry game). But we both have weekend games, and they are three important conference games.”

With a trip to Seattle booked for the weekend, Lopez said he wouldn’t make any special adjust-ments for ASU despite the pitching staff troubles during week games.

Any time the Arizona baseball team takes on its familiar rival, ASU, tempers flare and the final

result holds extra significance.But for one freshman, the chance to

play against ASU means even more.First baseman Joseph Maggi will not

only be taking on the Sun Devils to-night, but he will be playing against his brother, Beau Maggi.

“It’s exciting, it’s been on my mind since I signed at Arizona,” Joseph Mag-gi said. “I want to get back at ASU a little bit. It’s fun to play against a brother — it’s a nice, little friendly rival.”

The Maggi family has had a history with ASU since 2009 when Joeseph Maggi’s older brother, Drew Maggi, played for the Sun Devils.

Drew Maggi is now on the Pitts-burgh Pirates’ single-A team, and Beau Maggi is a sophomore catcher at ASU.

It seemed like family tradition for Jo-seph Maggi to follow suit and join his brothers in Tempe, Ariz., and he said that was the plan all along.

But then Joseph Maggi tore his ACL his senior season in high school and everything was turned upside down. So far, Arizona has benefitted from his misfortune.

Once Joseph Maggi met with head coach Andy Lopez, his mind immediately went from playing at Packard Stadium to relocating to Tucson — from following family tradition to becoming the family rebel.


GoRDoN baTES / Daily WilDcat

First baseman Joseph Maggi went against family tradition when he chose to attend the Ua instead of aSU. Maggi, 8

Going to ASU was always the goal for the Maggi brothers, but one broke tradition and became a rival

By Kyle JohnsonDaily WilDcat

UA takes on ASU in duel on the diamond

BaseBall, 8

By Kyle JohnsonDaily WilDcat

Arizona’s Babcock named Pac-12 pitcher of the week

By emi KomiyaDaily WilDcat

coLIN PRENGER / Daily WilDcat

Pitcher Shelby Babcock has been contributing for the Ua all season. the Pac-12 finally took notice on Monday, naming her the conference pitcher of the week.

wILL fERGUSoN / Daily WilDcat

trace Biskin, No. 72, is one of many players on the Wildcats O-line with playing experience, a fact that has helped the Ua overcome injuries and a suspension in the spring.

Experience proving to be an advantage for offensive line

The Arizona softball team has start-ed to rely heavily on pitcher Shelby Babcock to get the job done in the circle, and the Pac-12 Conference has started to take notice.

For the first time in her career as a Wildcat, Babcock was named the Pac-12 Pitcher of the Week after a weekend against Cal where she pitched a com-plete game in the Bears’ first confer-ence loss, allowing just three hits and striking out six.

Babcock is 15-7 this season with a 2.34 ERA and 112 strikeouts in 134.2 in-nings pitched.

Candrea has had nothing but good things to say about his emerging pitch-er and her continued presence on the field.

Babcock began the season as a question mark as she was working on techniques already mastered by Wild-cat ace pitcher Kenzie Fowler.

But Fowler faced a few setbacks early on in the season, dealing with back and shoulder pains along with an episode of the flu just before conference play began about a month ago. Babcock hasn’t looked back since.

The Colorado native rose to the oc-casion and has made the most of her opportunities on the mound to im-prove her skills and show the coaching staff that she thrives under pressure.

By Zack RosenblattDaily WilDcat

O-line, 8

Page 7: 4.17.12

Daily WilDcat • 7Tuesday, april 17, 2012


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2BeD/ 1BA, cleAN! New! AC, W/D. Available August 1. 3233 E. Monte Vista #2. $860mo, 520-990- 0783, http://tucson.craigslist.- org/apa/2900467207.html

2BDrM +loft 2BA. City/ Moun- tain views. Swimming pool/ exer- cise room privileges. Starr Pass, close to Pima and UofA. Contact 940-3856, 740-1902

2BD, A/c, wAlleD yd, pets ok $800 ALSO 2bd/2ba, A/C, wash- er/dryer, remodeled $1100 REDI 520-623-5710 or log on to www.azredirentals.com

1Block N of cAMpUs, cleAN!! 2BED/ 1BA, AC, W/D, Available June 1, 1617 E Lester St #1 $995/mo, 520-990-0783, http:- / / t u c s o n . c r a i g s l i s t . - org/apa/2900462500.html

1BD hoUse, cArport, water paid $485 ALSO 1bd, A/C, wood floors, water paid $550 REDI 520- 623-5710 or log on to www.azredirentals.com

$1250, 4BD, 1305 e. Waverly #1 (Grant/ Mountain) fenced yard, covered patio, fp, approx 1679sqft, AC, 881- 0930 view pictures at www.prestigepropertymgmt.com

!!!!!!!!!!!! 1,2,3,4 Bedrooms. Quality Energy Efficient homes. All within 1.5miles of campus. Fenced yard, patio, call for price. 520.333.4125. info@ collegediggz.com

**5BrM 3BAth wIth over 1700sf! Large fenced yard, cold A/C, washer dryer, dishwasher, big living room with fireplace. Bed- rooms have large mirrored closets, built-in desks and lots of space. 245-5604

!!!!!!!!! BIg prIce Reductions for Fall 2012! Gorgeous 1bd-5bd houses within blocks of UofA! www.PrestigiousUofArentals.com Call 520.331.8050 (Owner/Agent) to schedule showings!

!!!!!!!!! ABsolUtely gor- geoUs New 5Bedroom houses @$2500/mo ($500/bdrm). Now Reserving for August 2012 Move- in. Conveniently located to UA at 2550 E. Water Street (Grant and Tucson Blvd). Washer/dryer, zoned A/C, Alarm System, lighted ceiling fans, stainless appliances, private fenced back yard, plus more. Check out the floor plan at http://www.UniversityRentalInfo.- com/water-floorplans.php and call 520-747-9331 to see one.

!!!!!!! 1-4 BeDrooM homes. All very nicely updated and renovated or NEW homes. Reserve TODAY!! 480-374-5090. www.collegediggz.com

!!!!!!! AwesoMe 5BDrM hoUses from $2000/mo ($400/ bdrm), several locations conve- nient to UofA. RATES REDUCED! Now pre-leasing for August 2012. Quality Living Rents Quick! Washer/ dryer in all homes, zoned A/C, alarm system, lighted ceiling fans, stainless appliances, private fenced back yard, check out loca- tions and floor plans at http://www.- UniversityRentalinfo.com and call 520-747-9331 to see one.

!!!!!! hUge 5BeDrooM, 3BAth house. only $2500/month ($500/bdrm). Now taking reserva- tions for August 2012. Wash- er/dryer, alarm system, zone a/c for energy efficiency, lighted ceil- ing fans, ample lighted parking, pri- vate fenced yard, plus more. Check out the floor plan at http:- / /www.Un ivers i tyRenta l in fo . - com/blacklidge-floorplans.php no security deposit (o.a.c.) call 520- 747-9331 today

!!!!! UAoffcAMpUs.coM - 3BR/2BA available, great house, only a few years old, directly north of campus, $1150/month- www.UAoffcampus.com or 520- 891-9043

!!!!! MoDerN, reMoDeleD, very nice 2BR/1BA house just east of campus, $1000/ month -(520)- 891-9043 or www.UAoffcampus.- com

!!!!!!! 6BDrM 6.5BAth each has own WHIRLPOOL tub-shower. Just a few blocks from campus. 4car GARAGE, walk-in closets, all Granite counters, large outside bal- conies off bedrooms, very large master suites, high ceilings. TEP Electric discount. Monitored secu- rity system. 884-1505 www.MyUofARental.com

!!!!! 2,3,4 & 6 BeDrooM hoMes for rent. 2to7 blocks from UA. Reserve now for August 2012. 884-1505 www.MyUofARental.com

!!!!! AUgUst AvAIlABIlIty 5-7 Blocks NW UA HUGE Luxury Homes. 4br/ 4.5ba +3car garage +large master suites with walk-in closets +balconies +10ft ceilings up and down +DW, W&D, Pantry, TEP Electric Discount, Monitored Security System. Pool privileges. 884-1505. www.MyUofARental.com

!!!! sIgN Up Now for FY12! 2,3,4- & 5bdm, Newer homes! 1mi to UofA, A/C, Garages & all appl. in- cluded. www.GoldenWestManage- ment.com 520-790-0776

$NIce 4BrM 2BAth split floor plan 7blocks to campus. Washer/ Dryer, A/C, dishwasher. All bed- rooms same size! Big living room with fireplace. Parking for 5cars. 245-5604

$800- $2400 fy12! 3,4 &5bdrm, BRAND NEW homes! 1mi to UofA, A/C, Gar & all appl. incl. www.GoldenWestManagement.- com 520-790-0776

2BD $675/ 3BD $775. 24mo lease w/2mo free per summer. Gated community. Also corporate suites available, inquire price. Columbus Village 747-7524

2BDrM 4Blocks to UofA. Tastefully remodeled, light, mod- ern and spotlessly clean. Qui- et, well-maintained, 6unit building, w/patios. Cats OK. Laundry. Owner managed. Available Au- gust 1 $765/mo. 623-9565. More info & 80 photos: http://www.pip- pelproperties.com/860

$2250 5BeDrooM 3BAth house. Park and Lester-close to campus! A/C, W/D, Dishwasher, fenced yard, patio. Big bedrooms and huge closets. Avail. Aug. 2012. Nellie 245-5604

wANteD offIce ADMINIstrA- tor. Must be have good people skills, be able to multi task and able to work between 10-20 hours per week. Pay depends on experi- ence and we will train. Mornings, evenings and weekends available. 520-870-7556

1Block froM UA. Reserve your apartment for summer or fall. Furnished or unfurnished.1BD from $610, 2BD from $825, 3BD from $1100. Pool/ laundry. 746 E 5th St. Shown by appointment 751- 4363 or 409-3010

wANteD Boys or girls gymnas- tics instructors. Postions available immediately. Pay range is from $8-$20 depending on experience.520-870-7556

! 4Blks to UofA. 2Bdrm. $775. Hardwood floors, private patio, laundry. All in quiet gated court- yard. Serious students only. No Pets. Available June. 520-743- 2060. www.tarolaproperties.com.

stUDeNtpAyoUts.coM pAID survey takers needed in Tucson. 100% FREE to join! Click on sur- veys.

tUcsoN polIce DepArt- MeNt continuously hiring for the position of police officer recruit. In- terested individuals go to www.jointucsonpd.org 791-COPS

! 2BD/ 2BA lUxUry Sam Hughes Place. AC, Washer/Dryer, Stainless Steel Appliances, Cov- ered Balcony over looking Champi- onship dining, surround sound, blackout window coverings, fire- place. Owner/agent (520)370- 4640

the gIrl scoUts of Southern AZ are looking for life guards for swimming season! Please print our application here: http://www.- girlscoutssoaz.org/about-us/em- ployment-opportunities/ Submit all applications to cbrinkley@- girlscoutssoaz.org

5BD/ 2BA, AvAIl 08/01/2012, A/C, w/d $2350 ALSO Sam Hughes, 5bd/3ba, private pool, w/d $2600 REDI 520-623-5710 or log on to www.azredirentals.com

4Br 2BA, 4Blocks from cam- pus; fenced yard, laundry, A/C, arizona room 1350/mo available Aug 1 760-8311 or 310-9092

4BeDrooM hoMes close to campus. 1 with pool 520-896-33934BeDrooM hoUse 2Blocks north of campus with swimming pool. $1,760. Contact Bryan at 520-907-3763 or BJETTB@DAKO- TACOM.NET

4BDrM 2BA NeAr campus. $1600/mo. AC, W/D. (520)909- 4334

4BD/ 3BA, AvAIl 07/2012, 2000sqft, A/C $1400 ALSO 4bd/2.5ba, A/C, garage, stainless steel appls $2400 REDI 520-623-5710 or log on to www.azredirentals.com

4BeDrooM 3BAth BeAUtIfUl home. Spacious, vaulted living room, W/D, microwave, DW, stor- age, wood floors, ceramic tile and carpeted bedrooms. Plenty of park- ing. Very close to UA campus. Call (520)398-5738

4BD/ 2BA: w/D, appliances, fire- place, hardwood floors, big walled yard, security guards. No Pets. Grant/ Mountain. Available June 1, $1280/mo. 742-7314

4BD/ 2BA NeAr UMC/ UA. Appli- ances included. Large Arizona room, mountain views, walled yard, security, air, den, laundry. 2400sqft. $1660 OBO. (209)262- 4205. http://tucson.craigslist.- org/apa/2936523394.html

4BD or 3BD house available near campus. W/D, AC, beautiful backyard. $1450/mo OBO. Very safe. Available August 1st. Call (520)909-4334.

3BeDrooM, 2BAth hoMe close to campus. Lots of storage, large bedrooms, big closets, W/D, dishwasher, A/C. Private parking. $1470. www.casabonitarentals.- com Call (520)398-5738

cUtIe pAtootIe sMAll funky 1bd, 3/4ba, quiet 5plex $375/mo. Coin W/D, patio, bbq, Country Club/ Pima. Owner/agent. 327- 6621 or cell 520-488-4173

2Brs AvAIlABle. sevIllA Apartments $560/mo. 3234 E. Bellevue. Call 798-3331 Peach Properties HM, Inc.www.peachprops.com

lArge stUDIos 6Blocks UofA, 1125 N. 7th Ave. Walled yard, security gate, doors, win- dows, full bath, kitchen. Free wi/fi. $380. 977-4106 [email protected]

1BDrM UNfUrNIsheD ApArt- MeNt 1mile campus. Quiet, pri- vate, small complex. $555/mo Available May 15th. Large pool, covered parking, storage area. Terra Alta Apartments 3122E. Terra Alta (5th St. & Country Club) 623-0474. www.ashton-goodman.- com.

MAke A DIffereNce! Be- coMe A cAMp coUNselor! Friendly Pines Camp, in the cool mountains of Prescott, AZ, is hir- ing for ‘12 season, May 26- Au- gust 2. We offer horseback riding, waterski, climbing, canoeing, tar- get sports, jewelry and more. Com- petitive salary w/room and board covered. Apply online at www.- friendlypines.com or call 1-888- 281-CAMP for info. Come be a part of something amazing and have the summer of a lifetime!!

egg DoNors. woMeN 21-29, help a couple in need and make $6500+! Apply at www.bhed.com

9-10$/hr ADMINIstrAtIve as- sistant. Excel, Word Processing computer skills. Phone skills are a must. Call Erin @322-4488. Avail- able M-F 8:00 - 3:00. Immediate Opening


cArgogeAr wArehoUse/ shIppINg Assistant Starting pay $8/hour, 12-20 hours per week during regular business hours (M-Th 9-5, F 11- 3). Shifts are 4-6 hours per day, flexible starting hours available.Requires Windows computer skills, some experience using Mi- crosoft Word and Excel. Duties in- clude: packing boxes, using ship- ping software and printing labels, using a spread sheet, stocking shelves, receiving shipments, and checking inventory.Location: CargoGear 1665 E 18th St, Suite 216 Tucson, AZ 85719. Email [email protected] com

AccoUNtINg AssIstANt stUDeNt posItIoN SUMMER 2012 AND/OR FALL 2012. Ac- counting Assistant needed in the Arizona Daily Wildcat advertising department. Ideal entry level posi- tion for an accounting major. Data entry experience preferred. Attention to detail required. Must be available Mondays and Wednesdays 8am-11am in Fall 2012. Please apply in person to Karen Tortorella-Notari, Arizona Daily Wildcat, 615 N Park (Park Student Union).

****AtteNtIoN NANNIes!**** FT/ PT Temp & Perm. positions. Great Wages! We work around YOUR schedule! Must be 21 Choice Options 520-638-6538 www.choiceoptions.net

reD roBIN tUcsoN MALL im- mediate openings for experienced cooks and servers

$87.50 Moves yoU IN! A GREAT PLACE FOR STUDENTS! FREE Shuttle to the UofA! 1&2 BDs. 24hr fitness & laundry. Pool & spa, Ramada w/gas grills, gated access. Student discount, business center. Call Deerfield Vil- lage @520-323-9516 www.deerfieldvillageapts.com

2008 New holland t5060, 24 speeD, AIr seAt, 3 re- MOTES, 4WD. $25000 Contact me at 520-829-1659 or [email protected]

!!!!!!! two Blocks To Main Gate! Best building this close to campus! University Lofts is gated and features a sparkling pool and private gym. Beautiful apart- ments now reserving for 8/1. Also check out our other perfectly-lo- cated, gorgeously-updated prop- erties @ www.universityapart- ments.net. 520-906-7215.free storAge reNt in April.

Just call and lease for the months you want-- ahead of time. Hurry for best units! Wildcat Storage. 657 W. St. Mary’s Road, Tucson, AZ 85701. wildcatstorage.net phone: 520‑903‑1960

plAy sports! hAve fUN! sAve MoNey! Maine camp needs fun loving counselors to teach all land, adventure, &water sports. Great Summer! Call 888- 844-8080, apply: campcedar.com

!2BD 2BA very large, utilities in- cluded, very nice, bike to UA. W/D, D/W, AC. $750/mo. 1833 E. Water Street. 520-621-3080

ADDIcteD to DrUgs? Find dis- creet and confidential medical help in Tucson. Mark Austein M.D. Board Certified Addiction (520)- 907-7837

1323 N. MoUNtAIN. cUte 1Bed- room/ 1Bath 3blocks from UofA. 615square feet, off street parking, enclosed yard, extra large closet, tile floor, kitchen, on site laundry. $615 a month. 520-207-6281

eArN $1000- $3200 a month to drive our brand new cars with ads. www.CarDriveAds.com

$ DIsABleD MAN NeeDs part time caregiver, van driver or yard worker. central 795-1499

MeMBershIp AIDe -- Part Time. For full description go to: www.bio- logicaldiversity.org/about/jobs/in- dex.html#membintern. All serious students encouraged to apply, but preference will be given to appli- cants currently approved for off- campus Federal Work-Study fund- ing for the 2012 summer session. No phone calls please.

!! New! pretty! 3Br 2.5BA A/C, $1340/Mo, 7mins to UA & 5 to UMC, [email protected] com

!!! fAMIly owNeD &oper- AteD. Studio 1&2 BD houses & apartments. 4blks north of UofA. $400 to $850. Some with utilities paid. Available now or pre-lease. No pets, security patrolled. www.uofahousing.com 299-5020, 624-3080.

! 8BeDrooM 7BAth hoUse with over 3100sf. HUGE bed- rooms, lots of open living area, large fenced yard, vaulted ceilings, fireplace, 2W/D, large kitchen with big breakfast bar. This is the best house you can find for you and your friends. So many extras. www.casabonitarentals.com (520)- 398-5738

! 3BD 2BA greAt adobe house. Charming bike to UA. W/D, D/W, very nice. Must see. 1833 E. Wa- ter Street. $930. 520-624-3080

cool stUDIo AvAIlABle now for summer or next year. $500 OBO. 9blks north of campus. W/D, AC. Available 5/1 (520)909-4334

close UMc MAIN campus guest houses. High ceiling fans skylights AC completely fenced very clean pets welcome $550 furnished 248- 1688

All UtIlItIes pAID, fenced yd $300 ALSO 1bd unattached, A/C, ceramic tile, water pd $570 REDI 520-623-5710 or log on to www.azredirentals.com

5Blks to UofA. Studio $440. 1BR $520. Priv Parkg lot. Security wall. AC. Quiet. No pets/No smok- ing/Unfurn. 822 E. Lee St. UofAapts.com. 490-0050.

wAlk to clAss! 1bd duplex, A/C, wood floors, water paid, avail- able 08/01/2012 $750, 741 E 1st St #1 REDI Management 520- 623-2566

reMoDeleD hIstorIc BUIlD- INg, 2bd/2ba, stainless steel appli- ances, assigned parking, wood floors $1500, 745 E 1st St, REDI Management 520-623-2566

DUplex, jUst North cam- pus, remodeled, Clean, new cen- tral AC, new kitchen, tile, parking, 2bdrm. $800 Call Sinclair Mgt. @520-577-5120

AvAIl. jUly 6th. 2BR in West University. Wood floors, fireplace, A/C. $950/month Call 798-3331 Peach Properties HM, Inc. www.peachprops.com

stUDIos froM $400 spacious apartment homes with great downtown location. 884‑8279. Blue Agave Apartments 1240 N. 7th Ave. Speedway/Stone. www.blueagaveapartments.‑ com

reserve Now for summer/ fall. 1bdrm furnished $435/mo summer only. $510/mo on a year’s lease. $535/mo for 9 months in Au- gust. University Arms. Clean, quiet, convenient, 3blocks cam- pus. 623-0474. www.ashton-good- man.com

sAM hUghes plAce luxury 2BD/ 2BA, AC, Washer/ Dryer owner/agent (520)370-4640

QUAlIty AfforDABle stU- DeNt housing. Check us out: www.ashton-goodman.com

rooMMAte MAtch & INDv. leases. FREE dish & WIFI. Pets, pool, spa, fitness & game rooms, comp. lab, cvrd park & shuttle. 520-623-6600. www.gatewayattucson.com

sIerrA poINte ApArtMeNts- $99 Moves you - in w/1 Month FREE! Remodeled 1&2 bedroom apartments. Rent Includes: Inter- net, cable, A/c, heat, water, sewer, & trash. Pet friendly & quiet. Limited availability! 520- 323-1170. Grant/Tucson Blvd.www.tucsonstudentliving.com.

sAM hUghes plAce luxury 2BD/ 2BA, AC, Washer/ Dryer owner/agent (520)370-4640

10th street coNDo- 3bdrm, 2bath, washer/dryer, gated w/pool. Great location, 7min walk to UA - Cherry and 10th St- Avail 1 June. Free Internet - $650/per room- 820-1024

!!! AMAzINg 3BeDrooM, 3BAth home with 2car garage available for August 2012. Large great room, dining area, spacious bedrooms, big closets. Private parking. Awesome 2story floor plan. $1650. Call (520)245-5604

2BD/ 1BA 750sQft. A/C, D/W, W/D. Carport storage, small fenced backyard. Unfurnished. New kitchen and tile floors. Cats OK. $775/mo w/lease, water paid only. 1422 N Mountain. 4blocks UofA & UMC. 909-4766

2Br 1BA, wAlkINg distance, 1321N. First Ave., water paid, in- ternet access, $650/mo, +deposit, flexible terms. Call 520-370-8588 or 886-1445

AvAIl. AUgUst 10th. 3br/2ba Ceramic tile floors. 917 E. Elm St. $1200/mo Call 798-3331 Peach Properties HM, Inc.www.peachprops.com

CLASSIFIEDSclassifi eds.arizona.edu

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Page 8: 4.17.12

8 • Daily WilDcat SportS • tueSDay, april 17, 2012


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close UMc MAIN campus. 5bd 5ba $650/ea 5bd 4ba $550/ea 3bd 3ba $600/ea 6bd 4ba pool spa $350/ea furnished 248-1688

BeAUtIfUl New hoUse for rent. 2bdrm 1bath open concept kitchen/ livingroom, high ceilings, W/D. Must see. $1050 222 E. Elm 520-885-2922, 520-841-2871

BeAUtIfUl 4BD. MUst see! Re- modeled. Hardwood floors, re- cently repainted, fireplace, high ceiling, all appliances. Available July 1. 885-5292, 841-2871. Great for serious students. 2040 E Spring. Corner of Spring& Olsen near Campbell &Grant. $2100/mo.

AvAIl. AUgUst 10th. 5br/3ba with Pool. 819 E. Alturas $2250/mo. Call 798-3331 Peach Properties HM, Inc.www.peachprops.com

ADorABle 3BDr,1Bth home near UA. Gorgeous kitchen, spa- cious rooms and great outdoor space. Available August 1. Call 520-730-1029 for details.

AvAIl. AUgUst 10th. 3br/2ba Houses. 1901 & 1915 N. Park Ave. $1375/mo Call 798-3331 Peach Properties HM, Inc. www.peachprops.com

@@@ 3BDrM/ 2BA, two-story home, 1212sqft, at 3478 N sierra Springs Dr, Columbus & Fort lowell (riverhaven), $1050 rent, $1050 security deposit, avail‑ able june 1st . two other homes at 4229 e Boulders Springs Way and 4274 E Wad‑ ing pond Drive, available Au- gust 1st. call Martha at 247- 9672 or [email protected].

DMt propertIes-preMIere UofA rentals since 1999. 1,3 and 4 bed homes avail June 1 and Aug 1. $475-$1700 p/mth Call Ilene 520-240-6487 For Photos and more info: http://tucson.craigslist.- org/apa/2945395735.html http://tucson.craigslist.- org/apa/2927974754.html http://tucson.craigslist.- org/apa/2927952566.html http://tucson.craigslist.- org/apa/2927760427.html http://tucson.craigslist.- org/apa/2927229859.html http://tucson.craigslist.- org/apa/2927198901.html http://tucson.craigslist.- org/apa/2927185577.html http://tucson.craigslist.- org/apa/2927174228.html

AvAIl. jUNe 11th. 1784sQft 2bedroom house. Fireplace. 1011 N. 6th Avenue $1200/mo. Call 798-3331 Peach Properties HM, Inc. www.peachprop.com

AvAIl. jUNe 11th. 3bedroom house. A/C. 1804 E 7th St. $1600/mo. Call 798-3331 Peach Properties HM, Inc. www.peachproperties.com

5BD/ 3BA, sAM HUGHES! 2413sqft, dbl garage, A/C, wash- er/dryer, 2000 E 10th ST $2750 ALSO 5bd/3ba, A/C, washer/dryer, fenced yard, avail 08/01/2012 $2750 2212 E La Mirada REDI Management 520-623-2566

5BeDrooM 3BAth hoMe, 7blocks to UA $2200. Upgraded kitchen, new appliances including W/D, dishwasher and microwave. Big bedrooms, walk-in closets (520)245-5604

lUxUrIoUs: 5BeDrooM 3BAth with a 2car garage, just north of UofA. Spectacular floor plan, foyer, cherry cabinets, stain- less appliances, 2stone fireplaces, dramatic vaulted ceilings, laundry room, large bedrooms with walk-in closets. Private cobblestone drive, ample parking. This impressive home is a MUST SEE! Call (520)- 398-5738

5BeDrooM 3BAth, greAt two- story floor plan with open living room, breakfast bar, large bed- rooms and walk-in closets. Fenced yard and pet friendly. Microwave, DW and W/D included. 4blocks north of campus. casabonitarentals.com (520)398- 5738

6BrM/ 5BA hoUse AWESOME and HUGE. Large open floor plan, 3master suites, huge kitchen, maple cabinets, beautiful tile, huge bedrooms with big closets. This 2600sf house is one to see. (520)- 245-5604

stUNNINg 8BeDrooM, 6BAth home across the street from UofA. BIG-BIG-BIG with so many ex- tras. Almost 3,000sf of pure bliss. 2family rooms, big kitchen, ce- ramic tile, extra appliances, newly upgraded making this home per- fect for college life. You won’t find a bigger, better home so CLOSE! Call (520)398-5738

very cool hoUse- 2934 e. ex- eter, Available August ‘12, 4BDRM/ 3BA, $2400/mo. Landlord pays water, landscaping, hot tub maintenance, trash. Tenant pays all other utilities. 2car garage/ 2car carport, off-street parking for 8 - cars. HOT TUB, huge lot, private backyard, concrete flrs, hardwood kitchen, stainless steel appliances, flatscreen television. Call 419- 3787.

very cool hoUse- 3434E. 5th Street, Available August ‘12, 4BDRM/ 3BA house $2400/mo, 2car garage. Landlord pays: wa- ter, landscaping, hot tub mainte- nance, trash. Tenant pays all other utilities. HOT TUB, huge lot, bocci ball/ horse shoe court, large patio, flat screen television included. 2car garage/ off-street parking for 2 additional cars. Call 419-3787.

AppeAlINg 4Br/ 3BAth shared house. All utilities, internet, cable TV, and shared laundry facility in- cluded. Off-street parking. Great condition. Near UA, 4th Ave, and Downtown. $450/month per tenant + deposit. Available June 1st. Call Paul 520-370-3456 or email [email protected]

wAlk to cAMpUs IN FY12! 3,4 &5bdm newer homes! 1block to UofA! A/C, Gar & all appl. www.- GoldenWestManagement.com 520-790-0776

MINIDorM for sAle Newer 5BR/ 3BA $430K 6blocks from UofA 744 E. Adams StreetOscar Ramirez/ Assoc. Broker520-360-7600/ 918-6585ORamirez.LongRealty.com

AvAIl. jUNe 15th. 4br/2.5ba 2-story townhome. 1017 N. 6th Ave. $1500/mo. Call 798-3331 Peach Properties HM, Inc.www.peachprops.com

grADUAte rooMMAtes wANteD FOR BEAUTIFUL 4BR/ 2BATH HOUSE -WALK FROM GREAT LOCATION 1BLOCK EAST OF UMC/ UA. [email protected] 928-821-0174 $500

AvAIl. AUgUst 6th. 3br/3ba 2- story townhome with 2-car garage. 406 N. Joesler $2397/mo. Call 798-3331 Peach Properties HM, Inc. www.peachprops.com

BIke to cAMpUs IN FY12! 1,2 &3bdm Townhomes & Condos! A/C, Gar, FREE WIFI & all appl. www.GoldenWestManagement.- com 520-790-0776

pre-leAsINg for fAll 2012. New construction 3bd 2ba duplex, close to the CatTran. Upgrade throughout, open floor plan, pri- vate yard. $1450/mo, $1450 de- posit. 909-4089

sUMMer reNtAl short term lease. New construction, 3bd, 2ba, private yard, call for pricing. 909- 4089

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“(Lopez) told me about the mission here, and I was all in after that,” Joseph Maggi said.

But choosing a school was just the be-ginning. Joseph Maggi still had to prove he could contribute to the team.

“During the fall he just wasn’t the great-est kid out there — he was messing up a lot,” junior Alex Mejia said. “Ever since then he’s fixed things, turned things around. It’s definitely been a 180 (degree change).”

Joseph Maggi started the season behind fifth-year senior and designated hitter Bobby Brown, as well as sophomore first baseman Brandon Dixon.

But Brown started the season in a cold slump, giving Joseph Maggi an early op-portunity to pinch-hit in Arizona’s second series of the season against Auburn, where he singled in his first career at-bat.

Then, in the following game of the doubleheader, Joseph Maggi pinch-hit for Brandon Dixon and the result was the same — another hit, and Joseph Maggi could no longer be ignored.

“I like to give the returning guys a real

opportunity to play before they get pushed out by freshmen, I just think they’ve earned it,” Lopez said. “But (Joseph Maggi) just pushed, and pushed and pushed himself right into the lineup.”

Joseph Maggi has started 19 games this season and is batting .349, good enough for fourth on the team.

“Lopez showed faith in me,” Joseph Maggi said. “And I’ve been taking advan-tage of this big park — putting balls on the ground and making the defense get me out. It’s been successful.”

Most of Joseph Maggi’s appearances have been in the DH role, but with his continued success Lopez has started to play him at first base when the team plays against right-handers.

“That kid works really hard now and he gets after it,” Mejia said. “He’s a tough com-petitor. He doesn’t have any pop … but he finds his way to put the ball in play, and he gets hits for us.”

Joseph Maggi lacks any sort of power — he sports a .365 slugging percentage, which is the third-worst out of everyday players — but his ground ball approach is perfectly catered to the cavernous Hi Cor-bett Field.

But in the Wildcats’ visit to Tempe to-night, Maggi won’t be hitting it into the gaps of Hi Corbett, he’ll be playing at Packard Stadium in front of his parents and siblings who’ll be dressed in maroon and gold.

Joseph Maggi said his parents decided to wear the colors of whichever son is play-ing at home.

So while the Maggi’s will eventually be in cardinal and navy in late May, tonight Joseph Maggi is the enemy.

“Drew told me, ‘Against ASU, have some success, but you’re still not going to find the W,’” Joseph Maggi said.

Lopez said that he is unsure if Joseph Maggi will play today because of a bone bruise that bothered him over the week-end. But even if he is forced to watch the game from the bench, Joseph Maggi will still have the chance to watch his team-mates take on his newest rival — some-thing he never thought he’d say his sopho-more year of high school.

“It’s a little bit of motivation for me,” Jo-seph Maggi said. “It’s real sweet to go back down to my hometown against him and play in the park that I watched my broth-ers have so much success in and get a win there. I’m excited.”

Maggi from page 6

Middle relief has been the most consistently weak area for Arizona this season, and it has shown when the usual three starters aren’t able to go out to the mound.

Tonight either relievers Tyler Hale (1-0, 3.89 ERA) or Tyler Crawford (0-1, 3.97 ERA) will start.

Both Hale and Crawford have done well in their lim-ited roles this season. But that hasn’t translated into Ari-zona victories, as neither has won in a midweek start.

Lopez likes to either have his weekend starters go the distance, or at least hand the ball to closers Stephen Manthei or Mathew Troupe, but that plan can’t happen midweek.

Neither Hale nor Crawford has shown the stamina to go the full distance, with Crawford going the longest in 5.2 innings in a 5-4 loss to Utah Valley.

But even with the limited success, Lopez said he wouldn’t make any special changes for ASU because the result of the Pac-12 series against Washington will erase any memory of this first encounter with the Sun Devils.

But even though the manager isn’t disrupting ev-erything for this first meeting, Mejia said the players will give the game the extra attention rivalries usually deserve.

Mejia knows the opposition feels the exact same way.“(ASU is) going to be a competitive team,” he said.

“They always are when they come out and play us.”

BaseBall from page 6

the majority of the playing time in place of Ebbele, and has done a pretty good job at the position. Both Biskin and Scott picked Ar-zouman as the lineman who has been the most impressive this spring.

This spring, running backs have often been cited as the po-sition with the most depth and talent. Linebacker Jake Fischer agrees with that sentiment, but said the offensive line, thanks to the contributions of players like Putton and Arzouman, is right up there with the backs.

“Offensive line and the run-ning backs are going to be the two top groups just since we have so much versatility in the backfield and we have every-body back from the offensive line last year,” Fischer said. “We have a lot of underclassmen who were getting a lot of reps and they really stepped it up too.”

Ka’Deem Carey, the likely starter at running back, concurs.

“I’m loving the O-line, they’re starting to get their blocking and stuff right,” Carey said. “I like the way they’re coming along.”

o-line from page 6Blackhawks’ Shaw must

wait on word from NHLCHICAGO — Andrew Shaw

had his hearing with the NHL discipline honchos Monday. Apparently an agonizing wait is part of the punishment.

The Chicago Blackhawks rookie winger reportedly won’t learn until Tuesday if he’ll ab-sorb any additional sanctions for a shoulder-to-head col-lision with Phoenix Coyotes goalie Mike Smith in Game 2 on Saturday.

“I’ll respect the outcome,” Shaw said before the hearing. “It’s their decision. They’ve been doing such a great job thus far. They know what’s appropriate.

“I watched the replay. Like I said, I’m a little upset I made contact. I didn’t try to. I tried getting out of the way. That last minute of his head coming for-ward kind of looked bad.”

Smith didn’t practice Monday, and Coyotes coach Dave Tippett didn’t elaborate on his status.

The goalie’s Game 3 availability might be a factor in Shaw’s case. But if Smith starts, the Hawks feel Shaw’s five-minute major and half-game ejection sufficed.

“We lost a player for the rest of the game, and they didn’t,” captain Jonathan Toews said. “I don’t think the intent was there at all. The effort to get out of the way and avoid the head contact was enough. Their goaltender is healthy; he’s fine. He played well for the rest of the game. That’s the main thing.”

OFF ICE: Smith wasn’t the only one idled in Arizona on Monday. Center Martin Hanzal and forward Lauri Korpikoski reportedly missed practice.

“Our health is just fine,” Tip-pett said. “We have everybody under evaluation, and that’s where we’re at. That’s not a con-cern of ours.”

Asked specifically about Smith’s off day, Tippett snapped: “I told you we’re not talking

about injuries. He’s fine.”FOURTH DOWN: Marcus

Kruger received high praise for centering a second line that powered the Hawks in the stretch run, only to get shuffled to the fourth line after a Game 2 rearrangement that likely will continue into Game 3.

“We didn’t play good enough, and of course they wanted to change stuff,” Kruger said. “Things like that are going to happen all the time. You just try to stay focused and play your game.”

ONE-TIMERS: Defenseman Steve Montador skated solo Monday as he recovers from concussions that have sidelined him for 29 of the past 30 games. … The Hawks recalled 19-year-old forward Brandon Saad and five players from AHL Rockford: forwards Jeremy Morin and Brandon Pirri, defensemen Joe Lavin and Ryan Stanton, and goalie Carter Hutton.

Mcclatchy tribune

Injury to Hall big blow to UA defense

Junior safety Adam Hall was expected to play an important role in Arizona’s defense this season after missing all of last year due to a torn ACL.

In Saturday’s scrimmage at Kino Sta-dium, Hall tore his ACL on the same knee and will likely miss the 2012 season.

“I don’t know when surgery will be. The doctors will look at all that and determine what his availability for the fall will be then,” head coach Rich Rodriguez said. “Anytime you lose a player, and anytime you lose a good player it’s a blow to your football team.

“Adam worked really hard in the offsea-son and had a good spring, and it’s unfor-tunate.”

Linebacker Jake Fischer can relate to Hall — he missed 2011 due to an ACL tear — but he said Hall is still in high spirits.

“He’s in all of our prayers and he’s got a very positive attitude so he’ll be stronger than before,” said Fischer. “We’re all confi-dent that he’ll be back. .. He’s in high spirits right now and he’s already starting to work hard. Its only been (three) days but he’s already starting to work. He was out here with us (Monday).”

Hall played in one game last year, record-ing 10 tackles and a forced fumble. In 2010, the Tucson native contributed 54 tackles, two interceptions and two pass deflections.

— Zack Rosenblatt

Page 9: 4.17.12



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The Red Cup Q&A is written by Lynn Reyes, LCSW, LSAC, David Salafsky, MPH, Lee Ann Hamilton, MA, CHES, and Spencer Gorin, RN, in the Health Promotion and Preventive Services (HPPS) department of the UA Campus Health Service.


It may seem as if someone is “snapping out of it” but inreality there’s no quick, easy way to sober up. Not with

coffee, not a cold shower, nor food. Not even if the police show up at your party! If you’re really intoxicated, it isn’t possible. So what’s the effect you’re observing?

First, the person may not be as intoxicated as you thought. Noteven close. After all, who keeps track of how much someone elseis drinking? When in full party mode, you could assume someonewas drunk based on their behaviors. But in an emergency (policeat the door), the environment demands different behaviors andthe person “snaps to attention” to handle the situation.

Second, even those who drink more than a few are responding to the environment. Let’s say you have the same number of drinkswhen drinking with your parents as you had at Saturday’s partywith friends. Two very different environments, and same number of drinks, but we’re betting your behavior wasn’t the same. Theresearch backs up this phenomenon. Many studies on positivealcohol expectancies demonstrate a drinker’s experience ispsychological rather than pharmacological and the extent of whatyou expect when drinking influences your actual experience. Inother words, we pick up cues from our environment (party) to“act” drunk (someone feels less inhibited so talks more andlouder, says things they later regret, appears more outgoing, more energetic, more sociable). Basically, they are acting in abigger way than when sober. All these variables together couldlead an observer to believe they are drunk.But change the environment and voila! Drunkbehaviors aren’t positively reinforced aroundparents and the police! So the take-away hereis that you can drink less and still have fun!


Q Why do people sober upfaster in serious situations?

Got a question about alcohol?

Email it to [email protected]

You, too, can do this research by throwing a partyoffering only non-alcoholic beer (no hard alcoholeither) and observe the outcome. The hardest part is keeping the secret that it’s a non-alcohol party.



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will ferguson / Daily WilDcat

Running back Daniel Jenkins runs for a 23-yard touchdown in a scrimmage at Kino Memorial Stadium on Saturday. Jenkins is fighting through injuries to play a key role in the arizona backfield.

Running back trying to overcome injuries

At this time last year, Daniel Jenkins limped around on crutches in devastation.

The little running back out of Rancho Verde High School put together an impressive spring only to have it end with a high ankle sprain to-ward the end of Arizona’s 2011 spring game.

After battling former Wildcat Keola Anto-lin for the No. 1 running back spot all through spring, Jenkins became an afterthought. His explosiveness took a hit. His lateral quickness wasn’t the same. As a result, Jenkins missed Arizona’s first two regular season games and wasn’t himself even when he could play aside from a 43-yard performance against UCLA, a 57-yard rushing game against Utah and a 48-yard day against Louisiana-Lafayette.

“The politically correct response would be to say no but obviously it set me back,” Jenkins said of the lingering affects that spring game ankle sprain had on the rest of his 2011 campaign.

The injury lingered so much that it couldn’t leave Jenkins’ brain as he entered this past Sat-urday’s spring game.

“I was praying to God before to keep me healthy,” Jenkins said.

His prayers were answered.The 5-foot-9, 195-pound ball of muscle

rushed for 30 yards on five carries including an elusive 23-yard touchdown scamper. Despite a sore hamstring from an injury he suffered ear-lier in camp, Jenkins looked like the player that appeared on his way to splitting carries with An-tolin and Ka’Deem Carey a season ago before his ankle injury.

“I was thanking God that I didn’t get hurt,” Jenkins said. “It’s good to just be able to come out here and perform. I think the biggest thing is

staying focused and staying committed to what you’re doing. I’m glad I was able to do that and come back strong this year.”

Jenkins turned in an impressive 2012 spring campaign and figures to be Arizona’s No. 2 back behind Carey. He ran for 81 yards and two scores on nine carries in Arizona’s first spring scrimmage on March 24 and with his newfound health should see even more looks in head coach Rich Rodriguez’s spread option attack.

Arizona’s running back corps is as deep as its ever been with Carey, Jenkins, Kylan Butler, Taimi Tutogi, Greg Nwoko and Jared Baker. But in Rodriguez’s system, which often times fea-tures two or even three running backs at a time, Jenkins will get his touches.

“If we got five we can win with, we’ll play all five,” Rodriguez said earlier in the spring.

Each back brings something different to the table, and Jenkins’ combination of power and speed figures to be the perfect fit.

“It suits my strengths a lot actually. I like the way they call their plays,” Jenkins said of Rodri-guez’s offense. “The bellies, the zones and the powers, it’s a lot of different things to set up a running back to cut and get north and south to score.”

Rodriguez has made it clear that the depth chart won’t be set until a couple weeks into fall camp. There are plenty of backs that could po-tentially steal carries from Jenkins, a redshirt junior.

But all signs have pointed to Jenkins play-ing a major role in Arizona’s backfield, and at least this time heading into the summer and fall camp he’ll be healthy enough to prove his worth.

“I think everybody has bought in to his sys-tem and culture,” Jenkins said. “It should be a fun season.”

By Mike SchmitzDaily WilDcat