4. What to Expect of the Stewardship and Finance Committee?

4. What to Expect of the Stewardship and Finance Committee?

Transcript of 4. What to Expect of the Stewardship and Finance Committee?

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4. What to Expect of the

Stewardship and Finance


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Two Principles used when Appointing the Committee

1. The Quality of Implementation and Commitment that was in Paul to fulfill an assigned commission.

For example, when the commission was to persecute the Christians, he did it so well that he himself said that he was “as for zeal, persecuting the church” (Philippians 3:6).

When he received the commission to preach the Gospel he proceeded to fulfill it with the same zeal, “for I resolved to know nothing while I was with you except Jesus Christ and him crucified” (1 Corinthians 2:2).

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Two Principles used when appointing the Committee

2. It is expected that the Stewardship and Finance Committee commits to the fulfillment of its roles with the same commitment and determination.

Even more, it is expected that it be done with a passion similar to that of Paul

when he persecuted the Christians, for the Bible talks to us about how “intensely

I persecuted the church of God” (Galatians 1:13), or similar to his

proverbial passion to fill everything with the Gospel of Christ.

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Success as a Result

It is expected that there be success as a

result of a well implemented Committee.

In the case of the Apostle Paul, when facing the talk of fulfilling

the commission to persecute the Christians, he was so

successful, that he literally “destroyed the church"

(Acts 8:3).

But when he committed himself to fulfill the commission to preach about the crucified Christ, his success was so complete that “from Jerusalem all the way around to Illyricum, I have

fully proclaimed the gospel of Christ" (Romans 15:19).