4 Types of Goals for Success We Set and the 1 That’s Best for Brain and Soul


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Transcript of 4 Types of Goals for Success We Set and the 1 That’s Best for Brain and Soul

Page 1: 4 Types of Goals for Success We Set and the 1 That’s Best for Brain and Soul

4 Types of Goals We Set and the 1 That’s Best for Brain and SoulSource: http://yourbrainonyou.com/4-kinds-goals-success-happy-life/By Drew Doggett

How many types of goals for success do we fail at and why is it sometimes so hard to “just do it”?

Here’s an analogy. Tell me if this ever happens to you…

“I just fell off the wagon that was halfway up the mountain. It’s a rocky mountain. At the bottom of the mountain is a lake. When I fell off the wagon, I also fell down the mountain and into the lake. It hurt. And it was scary. But at least I caught a fish for dinner. At least I have that.”

Sometimes it seems like we’ll never reach our goals. Like we’re never getting closer. Like we’re grinding our wheels. Like it’s easier just to settle back and be thankful for what we have because we keep falling back.

Or maybe we reach a small achievement. A small miracle takes place in our lives. We celebrate it, but as time passes, it seems so rare an occurrence. We should be having small, regular miracles instead, and we know this!

I know how this feels. It took me, like, eighty-three years to finally start making money with my website (http://yourbrainonyou.com/empower-network/).

Failure again and again. Many people aren’t cut out to learn from failure.

Really, I think, they just don’t know the innate and unbounded power they have within them. And maybe they don’t remember that they failed their way to walking, writing, reading, driving, speaking, etc.

Also, dammit, I’m not a hamster. And neither are you. I know that for a fact.

Page 2: 4 Types of Goals for Success We Set and the 1 That’s Best for Brain and Soul

We don’t like to run in place getting nowhere fast.

Unless it’s like this:


But there’s a way to set goals that flows WITH your brain instead of against it. I learned this recently, put it into practice, and want to share it with you.

Because it’s awesome. Awesome as how a force of nature is awesome. Mighty power, right here within your grasp.

And thanks must be given to Robert K. Cooper, Ph.D. for turning me — and indirectly, you — on to this effective method of goal setting.

It’s really simple. Let’s get started.

First, let’s look at the differences in the way we set goals for ourselves.

There are four categories of goals that Dr. Cooper gives us:

the stop goal;

usual goal;

big hairy goal;

and the open-space goal.

Since most of us feel the need to make more money sometimes — or always — we’ll use that as an example, but what follows can be applied to any goal, like losing weight, being more present with our families, building something (like a blog), doing what we love, etc.

If we were to make a stop goal for making more money, it would be in the form of, “Stop spending money I don’t have,” or “Stop using my credit card.”

Our brains are wired such that when we tell it a negative, it only hears the positive part. So those above goals are

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actually telling your brain to spend more money and to use your credit card. Hard to override. Don’t set these types of goals anymore!

The usual goal would be something like, “Make $3000″ or whatever amount.

Problem with that is it’s a point. Once you have it, what then? Can you resist the temptation to spend it once you get it? You can probably make that money if you sell some stuff, ask for a loan from somewhere (which isn’t really making it), work overtime, get ingenuitive…

… but has that made you a better person? Can you repeat the process? What happens the next time you need to make more money? It’s a “once and done” type of goal. Definitely not satisfying or sustainable.

Next is the big hairy goal, which, as the name implies, is the intimidating “Get rich” goal. While it may have a ring to it… “getting rich” (and I fully support being rich)… it’s an even bigger POINT at which you’re aiming.

Once you hit it — once you get rich — what do you do next? Are you happier? Does life suddenly become a fairy tale of ease and flowing love?

We’ve all heard what generally happens to ordinary people who win the lottery… they lose it all QUICKLY. And/or their relationships fall apart.

Many people have even said that money creates more problems rather than solves them, which we’ve also likely heard.

Hint: don’t believe it. It’s your MENTALITY that creates problems, not the money. (See Prosperity Consciousness (http://bit.ly/1gw9VYp))

The big hairy goal is a point “that almost inevitably dies on the vine or unravels.”

So what do you do?

You set an open-space goal.

Yep, this is the one. Always set open-space goals, from here on out.

Why are these so great? Because you’re no longer aiming for a point. Instead, you’re tapping into that innate, unlimited power within to grow as a person, as follows. You’re living fluidly, allowing your pursuit of this goal to reveal more opportunities to better yourself along the path toward this goal.

Instead of aiming to get rich, or make $3000, what if your goal was to be “financially free forever”? To have enough money and resources to live the meaningful life of your choice and plenty in reserve to handle any unexpected situations that may arise…

Now we’re talkin’… and we’re talking about living, day to day, moment to moment, still being in touch with your soul, your heart, your talents, your family… we’re talking lifestyle, not a point on the map, a destination, or an occurrence.

Believe it: the brain responds positively to this sort of goal setting, which frees up resources and conduits of energy for you to move confidently in the direction of your dreams.

As you’re striving to achieve this goal, which you can do in any number of ways, like simplifying your life, saving ten to thirty percent of all you make, developing and applying your talents to your income, etc., you stay in touch with yourself, with your soul, your family, nature… rather than waiting to reconnect with them down the road after your goal has been met.

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This sort of goal allows you to “stay close to the soul, actively infusing the days of your life with more spirit and meaning” (Robert K. Cooper Ph.D., author of Get Out of Your Own Way (http://amzn.to/Hy7a9R)).

Conclusion —

What did I do after I read these instructions? I re-read them and took out a notebook and pencil and followed them.

I didn’t just keep reading on to the next thing. I took action and did the exercise.

Now it’s your turn.

What are the areas of your life that you want to change?

Choose the most pressing one. And start here, with this exercise. Do it now.

This is simple. It doesn’t have to be more than this. It works!

Make mountain climbing your lifestyle, not a “once and done” type of deal.

See you in the open sky!

Drew Doggett

PS – Want to climb mountains with me? (I like to climb to the top of Google mountains.) Watch this free video to see how you can have a life of freedom, meaning and soul, while still making bank (http://yourbrainonyou.com/squeeze/?4-goals-pdf)… and how I’ll be your guide.
