4 Types of Essays

Definition/Define www.roanestate.edu/owl To write a definition essay, you’ll need to define a word that: 1. has a complex meaning 2. is disputable (could mean different things to different people) It wouldn't be wise to choose a word like "cat" for a definition essay. The word, "cat" has a pretty simple meaning, so we'll have trouble writing an entire essay about it. Similarly, not many people disagree over the definition of the word "cat," which means our definition will be short and ordinary. What about choosing to define the word, “family”? Let’s check it out! Does it have a complex meaning? Yes, I could discuss the different types of families that exist in my community. Is the word disputable? Yes, I could explain that even though the other women on my sports team aren't blood relatives, they are a kind of family. Optional: Could I discuss the word's origin in a meaningful way? Yes, look up the word’s origin in the Oxford English Dictionary for additional essay ideas! An Extra-Large Editorial (Subjectively Speaking) by Ben Turner, Writing Tutor, Co-Editor, The Roane State Review What does the word "large" mean these days? No, not that, ya pervert! I'm referring to the diminishing use of it in proper context. Ordered a large Coke lately? You probably wound up with the one that was one size 1



Transcript of 4 Types of Essays

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To write a definition essay, you’ll need to define a word that:

1. has a complex meaning

2. is disputable (could mean different things to different people)

It wouldn't be wise to choose a word like "cat" for a definition essay. The word, "cat" has a pretty simple meaning, so we'll have trouble writing an entire essay about it.  Similarly, not many people disagree over the definition of the word "cat," which means our definition will be short and ordinary.

What about choosing to define the word, “family”?  Let’s check it out!

Does it have a complex meaning?  Yes, I could discuss the different types of families that exist in my community.

Is the word disputable?  Yes, I could explain that even though the other women on my sports team aren't blood relatives, they are a kind of family.

Optional:  Could I discuss the word's origin in a meaningful way?  Yes, look up the word’s origin in the Oxford English Dictionary for additional essay ideas!

An Extra-Large Editorial (Subjectively Speaking)

by Ben Turner, Writing Tutor, Co-Editor, The Roane State Review

What does the word "large" mean these days? No, not that, ya pervert! I'm referring to the diminishing use of it in proper context. Ordered a large Coke lately? You probably wound up with the one that was one size smaller than the biggest they had. To me, large means if there are three sizes, it's the biggest one.  Apparently there are those in the retail industry who disagree with me. Sometime, without my knowledge, small was renamed as "regular," medium became "large," and large came to be considered "extra large."

I guess sooner or later the word "regular" will be abandoned by the wayside for its mediocre overtones and substituted in its place will be the word "large." Of course, since there has to be a distinction between sizes, the next size up will become "Big 'Un," and the biggest of all will don the name "Behemoth."

Try this--go to a fast food restaurant of your choice and ask for a "large" order of fries. Take notice of what size container is used. I'd just about be willing to bet that the biggest container they have isn't the one they reach for. More than likely, you'll get what's really the mid-size carton of fries. This works with pizza, too. Try and order a medium pizza from Papa John's. The response I get is


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"we don't have medium, only small, large, and extra large." What's this nonsense? Is it supposed to make me feel better about my purchase of a large as opposed to a medium? I just want a pizza that's not too big, but isn't going to leave me hungry either. To me, that falls under the category of "medium." That's marketing for you. Just gimme a medium-sized pizza, as in, not the smallest, but not one that occupies its own zip code either.

Every restaurant has a different qualifier. Hardee's refers to their combo as a "Jumbo Size." At the Huddle House, it's a "Hearty Helping," and McDonald's calls it "Super Size." How many synonyms for large can we come up with? The English language contains a finite number of words. Sooner or later when every company has trade-marked a variation of big or large, words will start being made up. Wendy's has already started the trend. Last time I checked, "Biggie" isn't in the unabridged dictionary.

I wonder when the trend will stretch to other industries as well. Will the automotive industry start calling the Miata a "regular-sized" car? Does that make everything else "large?" That means the Escort would be called a "large" car, and sport-utilities like Ford's Excursion and the Chevy Suburban will be reclassified as "Extra Extra Extra Large" cars.

Thank God this trend seems to be limited to the commercial sector. I've never heard of anyone calling the direction "extra south." Or maybe "southest." Picture someone giving you these directions: "Turn extra-left at the first fork, then go the southest you possibly can for about 3 miles. Turn mega-north and then make an extra-small right."

Maybe that's the trend--everything from here on out will be classified as a grade of large. The terms "small" and "regular" will be phased out, since no one wants to own anything that's small or regular. We can do away with the whole "good, better, best" identification, too, since good is merely average, and better implies that it's inferior to at least one other product. John Wayne-style toilet paper (rough, tough, and, er, you know the rest) will be the "best"; standard Charmin won't be able to handle just being "better," so they'll have to start calling it "more best," or maybe "extra best." Maybe even "galacta-mundo" for the really good stuff. Yeah, I just made that word up, but relax. I'll give you an example so you can be sure you use it correctly: "After that night of drinking Tabasco sauce and eating jalapenos, the extra-best toilet paper wasn't cutting it, so I reached for the galacta-mundo Charmin. That did the trick."

Here are some more usage examples of the upcoming classification system. For instance, a trip to the movies:

"I'd like a large Coke, please" "Would you like the large or our Bladder-Cup?" "Umm, bladder-what?" 


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"It's called a Bladder-Cup sir, we named it that because it's not possible to drink the whole thing without exploding your bladder." "Just gimme a slightly-larger-than-average-sized Coke. I'm not really big on doing myself bodily harm when consuming beverages."

Or maybe the purchase of a new television set:

"Hi, I'm looking for something in a big screen." "Big as in 'barn door,' or big as in 'side of a Buick?' " "I'd say more to the effect of 'side of a Honda.' " "Right this way, sir, are our assortment of 'bigger' televisions. The big screens are anything up to 36 inches. Bigger screens are 36 to 48 inches, and the eyeball-burners are anything over 48 inches."

I consider myself to be a medium-sized guy. My 165-pound frame fits nicely in medium-sized chairs, cars, and other objects still subjectively classified correctly. But when I buy a T-shirt, I wear an extra large. Not because I like baggy clothes, that just happens to be the size that I fit in without looking like a skinny version of James Dean trying to wear a T-shirt one size too small for me and show off muscles I don't have. I can't imagine why the clothing industry would classify people as being "large" inadvertently. Large by what standard? Is it supposed to make me and other scrawny weaklings feel better about ourselves since we fill out "large" shirts? Ever intimidated anyone by showing them your shirt label? "Hey man, don't mess with me! See this Haynes Beefy Tee? Extra Large, baby! You don't want none of this!" Somehow I doubt they teach that in self-defense class.

Call a spade a spade, for crying out loud! The purpose of having words that distinguish relative size is to be able to have something at the extremes to set the standard. If it's the smallest you make, call it "SMALL." If it's the one that fits the majority, call it "MEDIUM," and if it's the biggest that is possibly available, call it LARGE. I see no need in qualifying things that are the biggest, best, or longest with words like "Extra" or "Mega."

Now if you'll excuse me, my Extra-Grande-Size Mega Coffee Pot is done brewing.

From The Roane State Review, February 2000


To write a narrative essay, you’ll need to tell a story (usually about something that happened to you) in such a way that he audience learns a lesson or gains insight.

To write a descriptive essay, you’ll need to describe a person, object, or event so vividly that the reader feels like he/she could reach out and touch it.


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Tips for writing effective narrative and descriptive essays:

Tell a story about a moment or event that means a lot to you--it will make it easier for you to tell the story in an interesting way!

Get right to the action!  Avoid long introductions and lengthy descriptions--especially at the beginning of your narrative.

Make sure your story has a point! Describe what you learned from this experience.

Use all five of your senses to describe the setting, characters, and the plot of your story. Don't be afraid to tell the story in your own voice.  Nobody wants to read a story that sounds like a textbook!

How to Write Vivid Descriptions

Having trouble describing a person, object, or event for your narrative or descriptive essay?  Try filling out this chart:

What do you smell?

What do you taste?

What do you see?

What do you hear?

What might you touch or feel?


Remember:  Avoid simply telling us what something looks like--tell us how it tastes, smells, sounds, or feels!

Consider this…

Virginia rain smells different from a California drizzle.

A mountain breeze feels different from a sea breeze.

We hear different things in one spot, depending on the time of day.

You can “taste” things you’ve never eaten: how would sunscreen taste?

Using Concrete Details for Narratives

Effective narrative essays allow readers to visualize everything that's happening, in their minds.  One way to make sure that this occurs is to use concrete, rather than abstract, details. 


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Concrete Language… Abstract Language…

…makes the story or image seem clearer and more real to us.

...makes the story or image difficult to visualize.

…gives us information that we can easily grasp and perhaps empathize with.

…leaves your reader feeling empty, disconnected, and possibly confused.

The word “abstract” might remind you of modern art.  An abstract painting, for example, does not normally contain recognizable objects.  In other words, we can't look at the painting and immediately say "that's a house" or "that's a bowl of fruit."  To the untrained eye, abstract art looks a bit like a child's finger-painting--just brightly colored splotches on a canvas.Avoid abstract language—it won’t help the reader understand what you're trying to say!


Abstract:  It was a nice day.  Concrete:  The sun was shining and a slight breeze blew across my face. 

Abstract:  I liked writing poems, not essays.  Concrete:  I liked writing short, rhythmic poems and hated rambling on about my thoughts in those four-page essays. 

Abstract:  Mr. Smith was a great teacher. Concrete:  Mr. Smith really knew how to help us turn our thoughts into good stories and essays.


by Joan Kendrick

Student Sample: Short Narrative

I'll never forget the day I began to suspect that there was an advantage to being a white Anglo-Saxon Protestant.

The incident that I'm relating occurred on a hot, humid May morning in 1947. I was a first-grade student in Miss Butler's class at Fanning Elementary School in San Antonio, Texas. The disturbance was over in a matter of moments, but the memory of it is imprinted forever in my mind.

Miss Butler was infamous for her stern discipline. Little hands and minds were kept busy, and anything that resembled foolishness was quickly curtailed with a sharp rap on the head or knuckles with the long pointed stick she carried. You can imagine the horror I felt when, while drawing in a deep breath of air, I


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accidentally whistled. Miss Butler spun around from the blackboard, and seeing my expression, demanded, "Joan, did you do that?"

I managed to find my voice and pointed to the Mexican boy next to me and said, "No. Leandro did it." His denial was of no consequence; in a moment the stick had descended, and Leandro was sobbing into his worn shirt sleeve.

Somehow, I had known she would believe me. After all, I was a nicely dressed little white girl, and I lived in a pretty white house, and my mother was active in the PTA. And Leandro, who was he? A fat little Mexican boy who had difficulty speaking English and whose mother had too many children to care for to attend meetings. And besides, we all knew how "spicks" lied and stole and then prayed for forgiveness to idols that smiled down from their candle-lit altars.

Leandro, how I wish that I could ask your forgiveness. I don't remember your last name, but I'll never forget your face. My sin went beyond the telling of a lie. I knew that my skin was whiter than yours and that somehow that had given me an advantage over you.

And I was six years old.

Diller's Dilemma

by Joyce Goodman

Student Sample: Descriptive

As far as I am concerned, the unpardonable sin is someone dropping by our house before noon on Saturdays.

Since I go to school and work too, Saturday is the only day of the week on which I can be lazy and sleep late. Therefore, I am late getting my housework done. By Saturday, my house is completely in ruins; anyone who is blessed with a six-year-old boy can understand what I am talking about. As an example, it is not uncommon to walk into the living room and find an old ragged sheet or quilt stretched across a couple of chairs—this serves as his tent. This is the exact time some people decide to come by to see us. As the visitors come in, I hurriedly snatch the tent down, but immediately wish that I hadn't for under it are Chewbacca, Hans Solo, Luke Skywalker, C3PO. And R2D2. Trying nonchalantly to push these Star Wars creatures aside with my bare foot, I suddenly stop. My foot has come in contact with some unknown substance—it is oozing up between my toes. I look down and silently blaspheme the makers of Green Slime. As I gently remove my foot from this green wad, some of it continues to cling between my toes. Pretending that it doesn't bother me, I lead our guests into the dining room, hoping it will be more presentable. Much to my dismay, it does not look any better, for there, on the table, are the remains of my daughter's midnight snack. The remains include a black banana peeling that looks like a relic from The Dark Ages; an empty glass with a dried milk ring;


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two stale blueberry pop-ups; and a pile of orange-red carrot peelings. My daughter is a border-line vegetarian, so the latter does not surprise me.

Having removed the residue from the table and seated our early birds, I am brought to the second reasons why I dislike having company on Saturday mornings. Remembering my in-bred Southern manners, I ask if I can get our guests something to eat or drink—when it hits me like a two-by-four—I have nothing to offer. This is grocery shopping day. I scrounge around the kitchen and find a piece of molder cheese and a box of stale Ritz Crackers. As I humbly set this before my guests, I am wondering if they like grape Kool-Aid. I fix a pitcherfull—all the while limping along and hating the slime that ha "set up," like concrete, between my toes. Finally, I sit down with my friends and try to start a conversation, wondering why they are staring at me.

As their gawking continues, I take a quick inventory. No wonder they are staring at me—I would finish in first place in a Phyllis Diller look-alike contest. A slow red begins creeping up my neck as I realize that I'm still in my gown and housecoat, hair in disarray, no makeup, and green slime between my toes. Yet, I have no alternatives but to sit and endure, because my children are still asleep, and my husband left early to make hospital rounds (or was it to get away from home?). My company doesn't stay long—they have already seen enough. I smile and say, "y'all come back now, hear?"

Since the morning is already ruined, I think I'll finish up the cheese and crackers, drink another glass of Kool-Aid, leave the slime between my toes, and go back to bed.

Instructor: Howard

Division & Classification

How should I go about choosing my topic?

Begin by reading the explanations below.  Examples of each are provided below!

Division Essay:  find a topic that people might tend to underestimate or over-simplify.  In other words, choose something that the average person might not know much about, and therefore can't really understand how complex or interesting that topic really is.  Your job in the essay will be to break your topic down into meaningful and important categories.

Classification Essay:  think about the categories we place things in everyday and the characteristics of those categories.  The topic you choose should allow you to argue that something has been misplaced.

How should I organize this essay?

As you write, keep these guidelines in mind: 


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1. Your thesis statement and introduction will need to explain why these divisions/ classifications should matter to your reader.

2. Your thesis statement and introduction MUST define or explain the category you plan to discuss (i.e. A sport is a competitive, physical activity therefore cheerleading should be considered a sport.)

3. You should organize your body paragraphs so that each division or category has it's own paragraph or section. (i.e. cardio exercise is paragraph 1 and weightlifting is paragraph 2, etc.)

Division Essay Examples

If you want to lose weight, simply saying that you're going to "exercise" everyday may not be the most effective way to do so.  Exercising is more complex than many people realize--attaining your goals will involve understanding how different types of exercise can help you achieve your goals.

Types of Exercise

cardio: burns calories and strengthens your heart (running, using an elliptical or stair-stepping machine, etc.)

weight lifting: tones muscles, increases physical strength, burns fat (using weights or weighted machines)

recreational/sports: depending on the sport, can provide both cardio and toning benefits (cycling, tennis, kayaking)

We could also narrow this topic down a bit further and write about the important differences between different types of cycling.

Types of Cycling:  stationary (exercise) biking, road biking, mountain biking, recreational biking

Classification Essay Examples

To write this type of essay, we'll need to think about things that should or should not be placed in a particular category.

Example: Batman (that's our topic!) is not a superhero (category people place him in), but is simply a local vigilante (category he belongs in).

Ask yourself: Why do I think that...?

Does not possess super powers (powers most humans don't possess).  

Chooses to be a hero, rather than being "chosen" by others/other forces.

Example: Cheerleading (That's our topic!) should be considered a sport (It belongs in the category, "sports"). 


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Ask yourself: Why do I think that...?

cheerleaders go to "practice" and must be in good physical shape

cheerleaders work together toward a common goal

cheerleaders must "try out" for their squad and often compete against other squads

Shades of Character

by Michelle Watson

Anyone who has spent time with or around children will notice that each one has a special personality all of their own. Children, like adults, have different traits that make up their personalities. Experts have researched this phenomenon in detail and classified children into different categories. Some experts have named more than three categories, but Peter L. Manigone has chosen three that most experts agree with. These categories have been named “flexible,” “fearful,” and “feisty.” Children generally may have similar interests, but the way they interact and deal with these interests displays their personality type.

The first personality type is called flexible. This is the most common of the three types. About “40 percent of all children fall into the flexible or easy group” (Mangione). These children usually handle feelings of anger and disappointment by reacting mildly upset. This does not mean that they do not feel mad or disappointed, they just choose to react mildly. These actions mean the flexible child is easy to take care of and be around. According to Mangione, they usually “adapt to new situations and activities quickly, are toilet-trained easily, and are generally cheerful.” Flexible children are subtle in their need for attention. Rather than yelling and demanding it, they will slowly and politely let their caregiver know about the need. If they do not get the attention right away, they “seldom make a fuss.” They patiently wait, but they still make it known that they need the attention. These children also are easygoing, so routines like feeding and napping are regular (Mangione).

Flexible children may be referred to as “good as gold” because of their cheerful attitudes. Since these are well-behaved children, the caregiver needs to make sure the child is getting the attention they need. The caregiver should “check in with the flexible child from time to time” (Mangione). By checking in with the child regularly, the caregiver will be more knowledgeable about when the child needs attention and when they do not.

The next temperament is the fearful type. These are the more quiet and shy children. This makes up about 15 percent of children (Mangione). They adapt


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slowly to new environments and take longer than flexible children when warming up to things. When presented with a new environment, fearful children often cling to something or someone familiar. Whether it be the main caregiver or a material object such as a blanket, the fearful child will cling to it until they feel comfortable with the new situation. This can result in a deep attachment of the child to a particular caregiver or object. Fearful children may also withdraw when pushed into a new situation too quickly (Mangione). They may also withdraw when other children are jumping into a new project or situation they are not comfortable with. These children may tend to play alone rather than with a group.

In dealing with fearful children, caregivers find they need more attention than flexible children. A good technique for helping these children is having “a sequence of being with, talking to, stepping back, remaining available, and moving on” (Mangione). The caregiver can also help the fearful child by giving them “extra soothing combined with an inch-by-inch fostering of independence and assertiveness” (Viorst).  One of the most effective techniques is just taking it slow and helping the child become more comfortable with the surroundings.

The third temperament type is called feisty. About “10 percent” of children fit into this category (Mangione). A feisty child expresses their opinions in a very intense way. Whether they are happy or mad, everyone around them will know how they feel. These children remain active most of the time, and this causes them to be very aggressive. Feisty children often have the tendency to have a “negative persistence” and will go “on and on nagging, whining and negotiating” (“Facts About Temperament”) if there is something they particularly want. Unlike flexible children, feisty children are irregular in their napping and feeding times, but they do not adapt well to changes in their routines. They get “used to things and won’t give them up” ("Facts About Temperament"). Anything out of the ordinary could send them into some type of fit. If these children are not warned of a change, they may react very negatively (Mangione). Feisty children also tend to be very sensitive to their surrounding environment. As a result, they may have strong reactions to their surroundings.

When dealing with feisty children, the caregiver should know strategies that receive positive results when different situations arise. Mangione supports the “redirection technique” to calm feisty children. This method helps when the child is reacting very negatively to a situation. To properly implement the redirection technique

begin by recognizing and empathizing with the feelings of the feisty child and placing firm limits on any unacceptable behavior. This response lets the child know that both his or her desire for the toy and feelings of anger when denied the toy are acceptable to the caregiver. At the same time, the caregiver should


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clearly communicate to the child that expressing anger through hurtful or disruptive behavior is not acceptable. The child will probably need time to experience his or her emotions and settle down.

Then offer an alternative toy or activity that may interest the child, who is then given time to consider the new choice and to accept or reject it. (Mangione)

Caregivers should consider that these children generally do not have regular feeding and napping times. The caregiver should be flexible when working with these children, and try to conform more to the child (Mangione). If there is going to be a change in a child’s routine, the caregiver has an easier time with the child if the child has been warned of the change.

Generally speaking, children can be divided into three groups, but caregivers must not forget that each child is an individual. Children may have the traits of all three of the personality groups, but they are categorized into the one they are most like. Whatever their temperament, children need to be treated according to their individual needs. When these needs are met appropriately the child will be happier, and those around the child will feel better also. Knowing the general personality types and how to react to them will help to make the caregiver’s job much easier and aid in the relief of unnecessary stress.

Works Cited

“Facts About Temperament.” Temperamentproject n.d. <http://www.temperamentproject.bc.ca/ html/facts.html> 25 Oct 2000.

Mangione, Peter L. The Different Temperaments of Infants and Toddlers. J. Ronald Lally. Dir. Janet Poole. Media Services Unit, California Department of Education. California Department of Education.

Viorst, Judith. “Is Your Child’s Personality Set at Birth?” Tennessee Electronic Library. (Nov. 1995) Online. InfoTrac OneFile, A17618832.

Rehabilitative Therapies: Physical, Occupational, and Speech

by Rebecca Patton

When many people hear the word "therapy," they think of something that has caused a problem and has to be fixed. In most cases, that is true. Most people think the problem may be an injury that has to be rehabilitated or an extreme mental problem where the person needs serious help. However, therapy does not always deal with injured or mentally troubled people. Three types of therapy that help a wide range of people with their problems are physical, occupational, and speech therapies.


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Physical therapy is the one that deals mostly with injuries and their rehabilitation. According to the Occupational Outlook Handbook, "Physical therapists provide services that help restore function, improve mobility, relieve pain, and prevent or limit permanent physical disabilities of patients suffering from injuries or disease" (205). Disabling conditions such as lower-back pain, cerebral palsy, arthritis, heart disease, and fractures, as well as physical injuries, are among the cases physical therapists often evaluate and treat. This therapy often includes strength-building exercises. Therapists in this field work on the person's flexibility, endurance, strength, balance, and coordination. Most therapy is done in specializing clinics or hospitals by a licensed physical therapist who has a bachelor's degree ("Physical").

Physical therapy is a fairly new practice of rehabilitation. The treatments were not widely practiced until after World War I when soldiers returned home with injuries that were able to be rehabilitated by this therapy. The profession immediately began to grow and has been popular in the U. S. since that time. The vocation is also expected to continue growing for several more years. But physical therapy is not the only type of therapy that involves the rehabilitation of injuries (The Princeton Review).

The other type of therapy that may deal some with injuries is occupational therapy. Enhancing fine motor skills is the focus of this therapy. Occupational therapists set a goal for their patients which enables them to have more "independent, productive, and satisfying lives" by teaching them how to perform daily functions without the aid of others. Some of these functions may include eating, getting dressed, or using the bathroom. Exercises that improve balance, coordination, trunk control, dexterity, and basic muscle movement are used towards a person's road to an easier lifestyle. Occupational therapists work mainly with people who have disabilities. These may include people with spinal cord injuries, cerebral palsy, muscular dystrophy, or people who have had a stroke ("Occupational").

Occupational therapy is my current major of study, so I am doing volunteer work for several therapists right now at Parent-Child Services in West Knoxville. It is very interesting to sit and observe each session. I am presently observing a four-year-old victim of near drowning who was thought to be dead, but was brought back to life. His focus is on balance and coordination right now. I am also observing a child with cerebral palsy. He is one of my favorite children to work with. He is working on strengthening his muscles in his trunk and legs while continuing to work on balance and coordination. Most patients are treated with therapy in clinics, hospitals, or schools. An occupational therapist must have a bachelor's degree and be licensed by the state in order to practice. As well as physical and occupational therapy, speech therapy is another type of therapy that works with some disabilities and injuries.


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Speech therapy is usually grouped with the other two but does not involve as much physical injury. Speech-language pathologists and audiologists help people who have speech and hearing defects. They identify the problem, then use tests to further evaluate it. Speech-language pathologists and audiologists also try to improve the speech and hearing defect by treating the patient ("Speech" 551). These therapists also treat patients with communication, voice, or swallowing problems. The person's problem may be a result of hearing loss, brain deterioration, stroke, or mental retardation. Speech therapists help a person with pronunciation of words, making sounds, or pitch control. For those who are hearing impaired, therapists may teach them sign language to help them better communicate with others. A great deal of this type of therapy takes place in specializing clinics while some takes place in schools, teaching children how to relate to others. All licensed speech therapists are required to have a master's degree to practice therapy ("Speech").

These three types of therapy--physical, occupational, and speech--are just a few that are offered to those with disabilities or injuries. Even though these are totally different in their realm of patients, problems, and solutions, the main goal of each therapist is to work with the patient to help them recover and live an easier lifestyle. Some people cannot fully recover, but all the help they can receive is a step forward. The job market for these services is continually growing as more and more people are beginning to need these treatments and services. These therapies have been very beneficial to an abundance of people over the years. The outlook for therapists in these fields looks good as employment is expected to increase at a rate faster than average through 2008.

Works Cited

"Occupational Therapists." Occupational Outlook Handbook. 2000-01 ed. U. S. Department of Labor, Jan. 2000. 202-03.

"Physical Therapists." Occupational Outlook Handbook. 2000-01 ed. U. S. Department of Labor, Jan. 2000. 206.

The Princeton Review. "Physical Therapist." Review.com. 2000. <http://www.review.com> 26 Oct. 2000.

"Speech-Language Pathologists and Audiologists." Encyclopedia of Careers and Vocational Guidance. 10th ed. Vol. 4 Chicago: J. G. Ferguson, 1997. 551.

---. Occupational Outlook Handbook. 2000-01 ed. U. S. Department of Labor, Jan. 2000. 215.