4 th September 2006 UK Neutrino Factory C.R. Prior CCLRC-ASTeC and Trinity College Oxford On behalf...

4 th September 2006 UK Neutrino Factory C.R. Prior CCLRC-ASTeC and Trinity College Oxford On behalf of the UK Neutrino Factory Collaboration CCLRC Adams Institute Cockcroft Institute High Power RF Faraday Partnership Imperial College London Brunel University University of Durham University of Glasgow University of Lancaster University of Liverpool University of Oxford University of Sheffield University of Southampton University of Warwick

Transcript of 4 th September 2006 UK Neutrino Factory C.R. Prior CCLRC-ASTeC and Trinity College Oxford On behalf...

Page 1: 4 th September 2006 UK Neutrino Factory C.R. Prior CCLRC-ASTeC and Trinity College Oxford On behalf of the UK Neutrino Factory Collaboration CCLRC Adams.

4th September 2006

UK Neutrino FactoryC.R. PriorCCLRC-ASTeC and Trinity College OxfordOn behalf of the UK Neutrino Factory Collaboration

CCLRCAdams InstituteCockcroft InstituteHigh Power RF Faraday PartnershipImperial College London Brunel UniversityUniversity of DurhamUniversity of GlasgowUniversity of LancasterUniversity of LiverpoolUniversity of OxfordUniversity of SheffieldUniversity of SouthamptonUniversity of Warwick

Page 2: 4 th September 2006 UK Neutrino Factory C.R. Prior CCLRC-ASTeC and Trinity College Oxford On behalf of the UK Neutrino Factory Collaboration CCLRC Adams.

Neutrino Factory NF covers every aspect of

advanced accelerator study Aim is 1021 neutrinos per year Intense proton beams with very

short bunch length (~1ns) Secondary pion beam

Low production rate Targets capable of handling multi-

MW of beam power Tertiary muon beams (lifetime

2.2 μs at rest) Fast acceleration

Decay rings handling large muon beam power

Neutrinos are a quarternary beam New concepts

Ionization cooling FFAG accelerators (large

acceptance, rapid acceleration)

Page 3: 4 th September 2006 UK Neutrino Factory C.R. Prior CCLRC-ASTeC and Trinity College Oxford On behalf of the UK Neutrino Factory Collaboration CCLRC Adams.

Time Line

1999 Inauguration of series of annual Neutrino Factory Workshops. Basic parameters set

RAL collaboration with CERN UK design of synchrotron proton drivers

PPARC funded UKNF study 2003-2006 International Scoping Study (ISS) 2005-2006

UK scientists playing a major role Identification of a self-consistent NF scenario Baseline design established

The future Further UKNF study 2007-2010 International Design Study, probably UK led.

Page 4: 4 th September 2006 UK Neutrino Factory C.R. Prior CCLRC-ASTeC and Trinity College Oxford On behalf of the UK Neutrino Factory Collaboration CCLRC Adams.

UKNF 2003-2006 WP1 Conceptual Design Study

Designs for whole accelerating structure identified WP2 Proton Driver Front End Test Stand

Fundamental proton driver R&D WP3 Target R&D WP4 Preparation for International Design Study

Several new young enthusiastic recruits to Accelerator Physics.

Much progress has been made in all areas. The UK is at the forefront of NF studies and in a position

to lead and direct NF research.

Page 5: 4 th September 2006 UK Neutrino Factory C.R. Prior CCLRC-ASTeC and Trinity College Oxford On behalf of the UK Neutrino Factory Collaboration CCLRC Adams.

UKNF 2007-2010

WP1 Conceptual Design Study Detailed analysis of integrated accelerator facility in accordance with ISS


WP2 Proton Driver Front End Test Stand Through to completion

WP3 Target R&D Establish viability of a solid target solution

WP4 Development of High Gradient RF Cavities WP5 Survey and Geological Investigation

Explore feasibility of RAL as a site for a Neutrino Factory

WP6 International Design Study IDR 2010, CDR 2012

Page 6: 4 th September 2006 UK Neutrino Factory C.R. Prior CCLRC-ASTeC and Trinity College Oxford On behalf of the UK Neutrino Factory Collaboration CCLRC Adams.

WP1 Conceptual Design Study

Proton driver UK designs at 5 GeV, 8 GeV, 10 Gev, 15 GeV, 30 GeV

Pion decay/muon capture Optimised solenoid scheme Recent new ideas for phase rotation to capture both µ+ and µ-

Cooling Cooling ring designed New modelling code under development Novel cooling schemes under investigation

Muon Acceleration New codes developed Investigation of J-PARC scheme (in collaboration) UK lattices for first-ever isochronous FFAGs

Muon storage and neutrino production UK designs for triangular and bow-tie rings Suitable detector sites identified for a facility based at RAL

Page 7: 4 th September 2006 UK Neutrino Factory C.R. Prior CCLRC-ASTeC and Trinity College Oxford On behalf of the UK Neutrino Factory Collaboration CCLRC Adams.

Proton Drivers

ISS baseline: 4 MW beam power

50 Hz repetition rate

Energy 5-15 GeV

1-5 bunches per pulse,

each compressed to 1-2 ns


20 μs delay between output

of bunches to target

UKNF 10 GeV design

meets all requirements

180 MeV H- linac

3 GeV RCS Booster




3 or 5 proton bunches

221 m



Page 8: 4 th September 2006 UK Neutrino Factory C.R. Prior CCLRC-ASTeC and Trinity College Oxford On behalf of the UK Neutrino Factory Collaboration CCLRC Adams.

Proton Drivers

In-depth analysis required Potential difficulties

Beam chopping Beam injection into booster

synchrotron Bunch compression to ~1 ns

rms FFAG itself

Develop 3D modelling codes (including space charge) for synchrotrons and for FFAGs

R&D: design and build an electron model of a non-scaling proton FFAG Funding being sought


180 MeV H- linac

3 GeV RCS Booster


3 or 5 proton bunches

221 m



Page 9: 4 th September 2006 UK Neutrino Factory C.R. Prior CCLRC-ASTeC and Trinity College Oxford On behalf of the UK Neutrino Factory Collaboration CCLRC Adams.

Pion Decay/Muon CaptureDistributed code for optimisation of

solenoid capture channel

Choice of Proton Driver Energy

New scheme to capture equal quantities of both sign muons

Optimise for 0.2 muons/proton through capture channel.

Phase rotation and bunching systems prior to cooling.









1 10 100 1000

Proton Energy (GeV)



d P





eV Ta +

Ta -

Hg +

Hg -

C +

C -

Cu +

Cu -

Page 10: 4 th September 2006 UK Neutrino Factory C.R. Prior CCLRC-ASTeC and Trinity College Oxford On behalf of the UK Neutrino Factory Collaboration CCLRC Adams.

Muon Acceleration

Initial stages of muon acceleration in linac and RLA (dogbone)

One or more FFAGs to reach final energy (20-40 GeV)

Both μ– and μ+ accelerated Muon beam has very large

emittance (~30,000 π mm.mrad)


Extraction Trajectory

Injection Trajectory

Beam trajectories in triplet FFAG

Schematic of ISS baseline for muon acceleration. Other layouts are under consideration.

Page 11: 4 th September 2006 UK Neutrino Factory C.R. Prior CCLRC-ASTeC and Trinity College Oxford On behalf of the UK Neutrino Factory Collaboration CCLRC Adams.

New Modelling Code: end-end simulation Transverse emittance = 1 π mm.mrad

RF phase/2π


3 12

2 10



















Transverse emittance = 30,000 π mm.mrad



Page 12: 4 th September 2006 UK Neutrino Factory C.R. Prior CCLRC-ASTeC and Trinity College Oxford On behalf of the UK Neutrino Factory Collaboration CCLRC Adams.

Electron FFAG test model


EMMA fed by ERLP injector at Daresbury Laboratory

Essential R&D of a non-scaling FFAG

10-20 MeV electron model to test theory and demonstrate beam transport

Beam dynamics and simulation carried out under UKNF WP1

Bid for money for construction submitted to Basic Technology Fund.

Page 13: 4 th September 2006 UK Neutrino Factory C.R. Prior CCLRC-ASTeC and Trinity College Oxford On behalf of the UK Neutrino Factory Collaboration CCLRC Adams.

Muon Decay Rings

Triangular design Bow-tie designInjection



425 m production straights

Advantages of Bow-tie design smaller depth (300 m compared with 435 m). higher efficiency (52.6 % compared with 49.6%). greater choice of the opening angle around 50°.

But needs a scheme to remove the beam polarization.



Circumference for both rings

= 1608 m


Two parallel rings, one for each muon sign, in each tunnel, with μ± bunches interleaved in time.

Page 14: 4 th September 2006 UK Neutrino Factory C.R. Prior CCLRC-ASTeC and Trinity College Oxford On behalf of the UK Neutrino Factory Collaboration CCLRC Adams.

Detector Sites for NF at RALSite 1 Baseline Site 2 Baseline Angle

WIPP, Carlsbad, NM

7513 kmArlit mine, Niger

3678 km 67°

INO, Pykara, India

7630 km Norsaq 2805 km60°

WIPP, Carlsbad,

7513 kmSAGE, Baksan

3375 km60°

WIPP, Carlsbad

7513 km Cyprus 3251 km 52°New Work Package WP5 to explore

geology and sites for decay rings

Page 15: 4 th September 2006 UK Neutrino Factory C.R. Prior CCLRC-ASTeC and Trinity College Oxford On behalf of the UK Neutrino Factory Collaboration CCLRC Adams.

RFQ, 324 MHz, 3 MeV

MEBT, chopper

Ion source 70 mA, 2 ms, 10 % dc

3 Solenoid LEBT

WP2 Proton Driver R&D: The Front End Test Stand

Creating gaps in H- micro-pulse train (chopping) is essential for low-loss, high intensity, beam accumulation

Page 16: 4 th September 2006 UK Neutrino Factory C.R. Prior CCLRC-ASTeC and Trinity College Oxford On behalf of the UK Neutrino Factory Collaboration CCLRC Adams.

Front-end Test Stand

2 copper “quadrants” of the RFQ cold model

waiting for brazing

ASTeC and EU FP6/HIPPI funded H- ion source: development goals:

Double output current 35mA →70mA Increase pulse length 200µs → 2ms Improve emittance Maximise lifetime

Design of Solenoid-based LEBT completed Production of 324 MHz RFQ

Cold model almost finished Preparing a computer controlled bead pull

system for field measurement Fast beam chopper

Electronics ready Alternative beamline optics under study

Diagnostics Laser-wire system for profile measurement

from different angles

ISIS ion source at


A generic project – could be used for any proton driver

Page 17: 4 th September 2006 UK Neutrino Factory C.R. Prior CCLRC-ASTeC and Trinity College Oxford On behalf of the UK Neutrino Factory Collaboration CCLRC Adams.

Radio Frequency Quadrupole Linac

A 324 MHz klystron has been ordered from Toshiba for delivery towards the end of 2006.

A cold model RFQ is under construction. 0.5 m long, it models all significant features of the full 4 m design

Aluminium machining model

Design of the 4 vaneRFQ cold model

Page 18: 4 th September 2006 UK Neutrino Factory C.R. Prior CCLRC-ASTeC and Trinity College Oxford On behalf of the UK Neutrino Factory Collaboration CCLRC Adams.

A novel tandem chopper technique has been developed at RAL to overcome the conflicting requirements of fast rise time (< 2ns) and long flat-top (up to 100 s).

FETS Fast Beam Chopper

A ‘fast’ chopper, with short

rise time but limited flat-top,

removes 2-3 microbunches.

In the gap created, a ‘slow’

chopper is switched on, with

longer rise time and flat-top,

able to remove a

succession of micropulses

(typically ~100).

The gap in the bunch train

is needed for low-loss

injection and extraction in

the accumulator rings.

Chopper 1 (fast transition)

Chopper 2 / Beam dump(slower transition)


Fast and slowchopper modules

Page 19: 4 th September 2006 UK Neutrino Factory C.R. Prior CCLRC-ASTeC and Trinity College Oxford On behalf of the UK Neutrino Factory Collaboration CCLRC Adams.

WP3 Target Studies Potential Neutrino Factory show-stopper

Target station small nuclear power station, need to be in secure nuclear site Radiation safety very important Target feasibility not yet demonstrated

UKNF focus on solid targets Radiation safety “easier” + more World experience exists

Issues: Shock – simulations suggest could break target in 1 pulse Temperature rise – would melt target in < 50 pulses Radiation damage – could break target in many pulses

Shock Studies UKNF has developed world-leading expertise A shock test facility has been built without a 4 MW proton driver! A much better understanding of shock has been acquired

UK solid target work is based on a moving target – each “rod” is exposed to the proton beam only once every 3 sec

Page 20: 4 th September 2006 UK Neutrino Factory C.R. Prior CCLRC-ASTeC and Trinity College Oxford On behalf of the UK Neutrino Factory Collaboration CCLRC Adams.

50kV, 8kA pulsed p/s

for ISIS kicker magnets

Pulse: rise time ~100ns, 800ns flat top

Tested 0.5mm Ta & W wires

Ta at 2000K

W after testing at 5 MW. Breaks caused by removal, not testing

Page 21: 4 th September 2006 UK Neutrino Factory C.R. Prior CCLRC-ASTeC and Trinity College Oxford On behalf of the UK Neutrino Factory Collaboration CCLRC Adams.

Some Results of 0.5 mm diameter wires

Material Lngth


Pulse Current


Pulse Temp


Max. Temp


Rep RateHz

No. of pulses to

failureBeam Power


Target dia


4 3000 60 1800 12.5 0.2x106

Tantalum is not a very good material – too weak at high temperatures.

TungstenBroke when increased to 7200A (2200K)

3 4900 100 2000 12.5 >3.4x106



Stuck to top Cu connector

3 6400 170 1900 6.25 >1.6x106



Not broken;

still pulsing

2.5 5560













“Equivalent Target”: This shows the equivalent beam power (MW) and target radius (cm) in a real target for the same stress in the test wire. Assumes a parabolic beam distribution and 4 micro-pulses per macro-pulse, spaced at 30 s.

Equivalent Target

Page 22: 4 th September 2006 UK Neutrino Factory C.R. Prior CCLRC-ASTeC and Trinity College Oxford On behalf of the UK Neutrino Factory Collaboration CCLRC Adams.

Target Studies: simulation

Code LSDyna Benchmarked against existing beam data Used to:

understand shock relate wires to NF targets study shock reduction determine size of effects study failure mechanisms

Codes MARS and GEANT4 Used to:

predict energy deposition in target study radiation damage monitor pion production (cf HARP data)


Tantalum Cylinder, 1x10 cm









17 44





Goran SKORO, Sheffield University






LS- DYNA simulations






t [



Tantalum Cylinder, 1x10 cmTantalum Cylinder, 1x10 cm









17 44





Goran SKORO, Sheffield University

Goran SKORO, Sheffield University











LS- DYNA simulationsLS- DYNA simulations






t [


Comparison with tests at ISOLDE

Page 23: 4 th September 2006 UK Neutrino Factory C.R. Prior CCLRC-ASTeC and Trinity College Oxford On behalf of the UK Neutrino Factory Collaboration CCLRC Adams.

Target Plans 2007-2010 Results for shock and radiation damage in W look very promising – contrary to widely

held belief.

Continue shock measurements and supporting simulations find limits ■ show reproducibility ■ test different solids

test expected shock dependence ■ temperature dependence

Strengthen case for solid targets – also important for other projects

Engineer realistic mechanism for changing target at 50Hz including building a model

Study the effect of the 20T capture solenoid field

Engineer a target station around the target: simulations required of activation, heating, etc

incorporate a beam dump

Considerable expertise with W being developed by ISIS

Maintain ability to contribute to liquid target work (MERIT)

Main deliverable: realistic and defendable solid target solution for a Neutrino Factory

Page 24: 4 th September 2006 UK Neutrino Factory C.R. Prior CCLRC-ASTeC and Trinity College Oxford On behalf of the UK Neutrino Factory Collaboration CCLRC Adams.

WP4 High Gradient RF Cavities

Experimental and theoretical studies Achievable accelerating gradient under a few Tesla magnetic fields

Ascertain what can be manufactured with repeatable specifications

Investigate surface factors that limit accelerating gradient Electro-polishing

Chemical mechanical polishing

Abrasive flow machining

Fabrication: Examine surface topology and chemical composition

Evaluate effects of fabrication on these properties

High power testing

Collaboration with overseas laboratories (FNAL, LBNL, J-Lab) and industry

(Shakespeare Engineering, North Eastern Metal Spinners, e2v, High Power

RF Faraday Partnership)

Page 25: 4 th September 2006 UK Neutrino Factory C.R. Prior CCLRC-ASTeC and Trinity College Oxford On behalf of the UK Neutrino Factory Collaboration CCLRC Adams.

Cavity Fabrication ProcessCavity bodyCavity body

Ceramic RF window Water cooling line

RF PowerRF Power

Two couplersTwo couplers


RF coupler conditioning RF coupler conditioning at SNS in ORNLat SNS in ORNL

Page 26: 4 th September 2006 UK Neutrino Factory C.R. Prior CCLRC-ASTeC and Trinity College Oxford On behalf of the UK Neutrino Factory Collaboration CCLRC Adams.


Aim to complete conceptual NF design in framework of ISS recommendations and in collaboration with IDS, working towards the full (international) conceptual design report in 2012.

Complete proton driver front-end test stand and demonstrate fast, clean, beam chopping. Important for many applications besides NF.

Further studies of solid targets to find a feasible solution for NF. Again, other applications.

Develop techniques for production of reliable high-gradient RF cavities. Generic.

Undertake geological study of suitable site for a Neutrino Factory. Play a leading role in the International Design Study.

Page 27: 4 th September 2006 UK Neutrino Factory C.R. Prior CCLRC-ASTeC and Trinity College Oxford On behalf of the UK Neutrino Factory Collaboration CCLRC Adams.

Organisation and summary

Management of UKNF programme

Summary of request

Page 28: 4 th September 2006 UK Neutrino Factory C.R. Prior CCLRC-ASTeC and Trinity College Oxford On behalf of the UK Neutrino Factory Collaboration CCLRC Adams.

Project management:

UKNFSteering Group

Conceptual designC. Prior

Target studiesR. Edgecock

Front-end test standA. Letchford

High-gradient cavitydevelopment

R. Seviour

Site survey &geological studies

M. WarnerInternationalDesign StudyR. Edgecock



Page 29: 4 th September 2006 UK Neutrino Factory C.R. Prior CCLRC-ASTeC and Trinity College Oxford On behalf of the UK Neutrino Factory Collaboration CCLRC Adams.

WP1: NF Conceptual design Principal deliverable:

Interim design report (IDR) In context of the International Design Study (IDS)

Resources for the UK contributions to the IDS Underpins:

UK leadership position Eventual development of bid to host or to make substantial

contributionsWork package title Neutrino Factory conceptual design

Work package number 1

PROJECT: UKNF Cost ProfileIssue Date: 18/07/2006

Manager: PriorStart Date: 2007End Date: 2010

StaffFraction £k Fraction £k Fraction £k Fraction £k

Proton driverCCLRC-ASTEC

Prior 0.25 36.19 0.25 37.45 0.25 38.76 0.75 112.40Rees 0.05 5.92 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 5.92

Poklonsky 0.10 7.99 0.10 8.27 0.20 17.11 0.40 33.37Kelliher 0.10 7.99 0.10 8.27 0.20 17.11 0.40 33.37

Muon front-endCCLRC-ASTEC

Brooks 1.00 79.88 1.00 82.68 1.00 85.57 3.00 248.13Rogers 0.60 47.93 0.60 49.61 0.60 51.34 1.80 148.88

Poklonsky 0.20 15.98 0.20 16.54 0.20 17.11 0.60 49.63Glasgow

Soler 0.05 3.31 0.05 3.43 0.05 3.55 0.15 10.29Physicist 0.40 26.50 0.40 27.42 0.40 28.38 1.20 82.30

Imperial-PhysicsPozimski 0.10 8.69 0.10 8.99 0.10 9.31 0.30 26.99

Kurup 0.30 26.85 0.30 27.79 0.30 28.76 0.90 83.41Graduate student B 0.00 0.00 0.50 10.71 1.00 22.17 1.50 32.89

OxfordCobb 0.20 16.25 0.20 16.82 0.20 17.41 0.60 50.47

Apollonio 0.20 15.07 0.20 15.60 0.20 16.14 0.60 46.81Cooper 0.00 0.00 0.20 22.78 0.20 23.58 0.40 46.36

Muon accelerationCCLRC-ASTEC

Machida 1.00 98.66 1.00 102.11 1.00 105.69 3.00 306.46Kelliher 0.10 7.99 0.50 41.34 0.60 51.34 1.20 100.67

Poklonsky 0.40 31.95 0.40 33.07 0.40 34.23 1.20 99.25CCLRC-RAL-PPD

Edgecock 0.40 43.02 0.40 44.53 0.40 46.08 1.20 133.63Oxford

Yokoi 0.58 54.88 1.00 97.51 1.00 100.92 2.58 253.30Storage ring

CCLRC-ASTECRees 0.15 17.75 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.15 17.75

Kelliher 0.60 47.93 0.20 16.54 0.00 0.00 0.80 64.46CCLRC-RAL-ISIS

Engineering support 0.08 7.29 0.30 28.29 0.30 29.28 0.68 64.85Management and oversight

CCLRC-ASTECPrior 0.30 43.42 0.30 44.94 0.30 46.52 0.90 134.88

Rolling-grant staff totals 0.95 69.82 1.15 95.04 1.15 98.37 3.25 263.23Staff totals: 7.16 651.43 8.30 744.67 8.90 790.38 24.36 2186.48

Inflation 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00Eqipment total 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00VAT 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00Working margin (10%) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00Contingency (20%) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00Consumables 5.00 5.00 5.00 15.00Travel 30.00 30.00 30.00 90.00

Total: 686.43 779.67 825.38 2291.48

Following CCLRC guidelines, inflation at 3.5% has been added in the staff lines while inflation at 2.5% has been added (and called out explicitly) in the equipment request.

2007/08 2008/09 2009/10 Total

Work package title Neutrino Factory conceptual designWork package number 1

PROJECT: UKNF Cost ProfileIssue Date: 18/07/2006

Manager: PriorStart Date: 2007End Date: 2010


Fraction £k Fraction £k Fraction £k Fraction £kProton driver


Prior 0.25 36.19 0.25 37.45 0.25 38.76 0.75 112.40Rees 0.05 5.92 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 5.92

Poklonsky 0.10 7.99 0.10 8.27 0.20 17.11 0.40 33.37Kelliher 0.10 7.99 0.10 8.27 0.20 17.11 0.40 33.37

Muon front-endCCLRC-ASTEC

Brooks 1.00 79.88 1.00 82.68 1.00 85.57 3.00 248.13Rogers 0.60 47.93 0.60 49.61 0.60 51.34 1.80 148.88

Poklonsky 0.20 15.98 0.20 16.54 0.20 17.11 0.60 49.63Glasgow

Soler 0.05 3.31 0.05 3.43 0.05 3.55 0.15 10.29Physicist 0.40 26.50 0.40 27.42 0.40 28.38 1.20 82.30


Pozimski 0.10 8.69 0.10 8.99 0.10 9.31 0.30 26.99Kurup 0.30 26.85 0.30 27.79 0.30 28.76 0.90 83.41

Graduate student B 0.00 0.00 0.50 10.71 1.00 22.17 1.50 32.89Oxford

Cobb 0.20 16.25 0.20 16.82 0.20 17.41 0.60 50.47Apollonio 0.20 15.07 0.20 15.60 0.20 16.14 0.60 46.81

Cooper 0.00 0.00 0.20 22.78 0.20 23.58 0.40 46.36Muon acceleration


Machida 1.00 98.66 1.00 102.11 1.00 105.69 3.00 306.46Kelliher 0.10 7.99 0.50 41.34 0.60 51.34 1.20 100.67

Poklonsky 0.40 31.95 0.40 33.07 0.40 34.23 1.20 99.25CCLRC-RAL-PPD

Edgecock 0.40 43.02 0.40 44.53 0.40 46.08 1.20 133.63Oxford

Yokoi 0.58 54.88 1.00 97.51 1.00 100.92 2.58 253.30Storage ring


Rees 0.15 17.75 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.15 17.75Kelliher 0.60 47.93 0.20 16.54 0.00 0.00 0.80 64.46


Engineering support 0.08 7.29 0.30 28.29 0.30 29.28 0.68 64.85Management and oversight


Prior 0.30 43.42 0.30 44.94 0.30 46.52 0.90 134.88Rolling-grant staff totals 0.95 69.82 1.15 95.04 1.15 98.37 3.25 263.23Staff totals: 7.16 651.43 8.30 744.67 8.90 790.38 24.36 2186.48

Inflation 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00Eqipment total 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

VAT 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00Working margin (10%) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00Contingency (20%) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00Consumables 5.00 5.00 5.00 15.00Travel 30.00 30.00 30.00 90.00

Total: 686.43 779.67 825.38 2291.48

Following CCLRC guidelines, inflation at 3.5% has been added in the staff lines while inflation at 2.5% has been added (and called out explicitly) in the equipment request.

2007/08 2008/09 2009/10 Total

Work package title Neutrino Factory conceptual designWork package number 1

PROJECT: UKNF Cost ProfileIssue Date: 18/07/2006

Manager: PriorStart Date: 2007End Date: 2010

StaffFraction £k Fraction £k Fraction £k Fraction £k

Proton driverCCLRC-ASTEC

Prior 0.25 36.19 0.25 37.45 0.25 38.76 0.75 112.40Rees 0.05 5.92 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 5.92

Poklonsky 0.10 7.99 0.10 8.27 0.20 17.11 0.40 33.37Kelliher 0.10 7.99 0.10 8.27 0.20 17.11 0.40 33.37

Muon front-endCCLRC-ASTEC

Brooks 1.00 79.88 1.00 82.68 1.00 85.57 3.00 248.13Rogers 0.60 47.93 0.60 49.61 0.60 51.34 1.80 148.88

Poklonsky 0.20 15.98 0.20 16.54 0.20 17.11 0.60 49.63Glasgow

Soler 0.05 3.31 0.05 3.43 0.05 3.55 0.15 10.29Physicist 0.40 26.50 0.40 27.42 0.40 28.38 1.20 82.30

Imperial-PhysicsPozimski 0.10 8.69 0.10 8.99 0.10 9.31 0.30 26.99

Kurup 0.30 26.85 0.30 27.79 0.30 28.76 0.90 83.41Graduate student B 0.00 0.00 0.50 10.71 1.00 22.17 1.50 32.89

OxfordCobb 0.20 16.25 0.20 16.82 0.20 17.41 0.60 50.47

Apollonio 0.20 15.07 0.20 15.60 0.20 16.14 0.60 46.81Cooper 0.00 0.00 0.20 22.78 0.20 23.58 0.40 46.36

Muon accelerationCCLRC-ASTEC

Machida 1.00 98.66 1.00 102.11 1.00 105.69 3.00 306.46Kelliher 0.10 7.99 0.50 41.34 0.60 51.34 1.20 100.67

Poklonsky 0.40 31.95 0.40 33.07 0.40 34.23 1.20 99.25CCLRC-RAL-PPD

Edgecock 0.40 43.02 0.40 44.53 0.40 46.08 1.20 133.63Oxford

Yokoi 0.58 54.88 1.00 97.51 1.00 100.92 2.58 253.30Storage ring

CCLRC-ASTECRees 0.15 17.75 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.15 17.75

Kelliher 0.60 47.93 0.20 16.54 0.00 0.00 0.80 64.46CCLRC-RAL-ISIS

Engineering support 0.08 7.29 0.30 28.29 0.30 29.28 0.68 64.85Management and oversight

CCLRC-ASTECPrior 0.30 43.42 0.30 44.94 0.30 46.52 0.90 134.88

Rolling-grant staff totals 0.95 69.82 1.15 95.04 1.15 98.37 3.25 263.23Staff totals: 7.16 651.43 8.30 744.67 8.90 790.38 24.36 2186.48

Inflation 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00Eqipment total 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00VAT 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00Working margin (10%) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00Contingency (20%) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00Consumables 5.00 5.00 5.00 15.00Travel 30.00 30.00 30.00 90.00

Total: 686.43 779.67 825.38 2291.48

Following CCLRC guidelines, inflation at 3.5% has been added in the staff lines while inflation at 2.5% has been added (and called out explicitly) in the equipment request.

2007/08 2008/09 2009/10 Total

Work package title Neutrino Factory conceptual designWork package number 1

PROJECT: UKNF Cost ProfileIssue Date: 18/07/2006

Manager: PriorStart Date: 2007End Date: 2010

StaffFraction £k Fraction £k Fraction £k Fraction £k

Proton driverCCLRC-ASTEC

Prior 0.25 36.19 0.25 37.45 0.25 38.76 0.75 112.40Rees 0.05 5.92 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 5.92

Poklonsky 0.10 7.99 0.10 8.27 0.20 17.11 0.40 33.37Kelliher 0.10 7.99 0.10 8.27 0.20 17.11 0.40 33.37

Muon front-endCCLRC-ASTEC

Brooks 1.00 79.88 1.00 82.68 1.00 85.57 3.00 248.13Rogers 0.60 47.93 0.60 49.61 0.60 51.34 1.80 148.88

Poklonsky 0.20 15.98 0.20 16.54 0.20 17.11 0.60 49.63Glasgow

Soler 0.05 3.31 0.05 3.43 0.05 3.55 0.15 10.29Physicist 0.40 26.50 0.40 27.42 0.40 28.38 1.20 82.30

Imperial-PhysicsPozimski 0.10 8.69 0.10 8.99 0.10 9.31 0.30 26.99

Kurup 0.30 26.85 0.30 27.79 0.30 28.76 0.90 83.41Graduate student B 0.00 0.00 0.50 10.71 1.00 22.17 1.50 32.89

OxfordCobb 0.20 16.25 0.20 16.82 0.20 17.41 0.60 50.47

Apollonio 0.20 15.07 0.20 15.60 0.20 16.14 0.60 46.81Cooper 0.00 0.00 0.20 22.78 0.20 23.58 0.40 46.36

Muon accelerationCCLRC-ASTEC

Machida 1.00 98.66 1.00 102.11 1.00 105.69 3.00 306.46Kelliher 0.10 7.99 0.50 41.34 0.60 51.34 1.20 100.67

Poklonsky 0.40 31.95 0.40 33.07 0.40 34.23 1.20 99.25CCLRC-RAL-PPD

Edgecock 0.40 43.02 0.40 44.53 0.40 46.08 1.20 133.63Oxford

Yokoi 0.58 54.88 1.00 97.51 1.00 100.92 2.58 253.30Storage ring

CCLRC-ASTECRees 0.15 17.75 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.15 17.75

Kelliher 0.60 47.93 0.20 16.54 0.00 0.00 0.80 64.46CCLRC-RAL-ISIS

Engineering support 0.08 7.29 0.30 28.29 0.30 29.28 0.68 64.85Management and oversight

CCLRC-ASTECPrior 0.30 43.42 0.30 44.94 0.30 46.52 0.90 134.88

Rolling-grant staff totals 0.95 69.82 1.15 95.04 1.15 98.37 3.25 263.23Staff totals: 7.16 651.43 8.30 744.67 8.90 790.38 24.36 2186.48

Inflation 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00Eqipment total 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00VAT 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00Working margin (10%) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00Contingency (20%) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00Consumables 5.00 5.00 5.00 15.00Travel 30.00 30.00 30.00 90.00

Total: 686.43 779.67 825.38 2291.48

Following CCLRC guidelines, inflation at 3.5% has been added in the staff lines while inflation at 2.5% has been added (and called out explicitly) in the equipment request.

2007/08 2008/09 2009/10 Total

Work package title Neutrino Factory conceptual designWork package number 1

PROJECT: UKNF Cost ProfileIssue Date: 18/07/2006

Manager: PriorStart Date: 2007End Date: 2010


Fraction £k Fraction £k Fraction £k Fraction £kProton driver


Prior 0.25 36.19 0.25 37.45 0.25 38.76 0.75 112.40Rees 0.05 5.92 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 5.92

Poklonsky 0.10 7.99 0.10 8.27 0.20 17.11 0.40 33.37Kelliher 0.10 7.99 0.10 8.27 0.20 17.11 0.40 33.37

Muon front-endCCLRC-ASTEC

Brooks 1.00 79.88 1.00 82.68 1.00 85.57 3.00 248.13Rogers 0.60 47.93 0.60 49.61 0.60 51.34 1.80 148.88

Poklonsky 0.20 15.98 0.20 16.54 0.20 17.11 0.60 49.63Glasgow

Soler 0.05 3.31 0.05 3.43 0.05 3.55 0.15 10.29Physicist 0.40 26.50 0.40 27.42 0.40 28.38 1.20 82.30


Pozimski 0.10 8.69 0.10 8.99 0.10 9.31 0.30 26.99Kurup 0.30 26.85 0.30 27.79 0.30 28.76 0.90 83.41

Graduate student B 0.00 0.00 0.50 10.71 1.00 22.17 1.50 32.89Oxford

Cobb 0.20 16.25 0.20 16.82 0.20 17.41 0.60 50.47Apollonio 0.20 15.07 0.20 15.60 0.20 16.14 0.60 46.81

Cooper 0.00 0.00 0.20 22.78 0.20 23.58 0.40 46.36Muon acceleration


Machida 1.00 98.66 1.00 102.11 1.00 105.69 3.00 306.46Kelliher 0.10 7.99 0.50 41.34 0.60 51.34 1.20 100.67

Poklonsky 0.40 31.95 0.40 33.07 0.40 34.23 1.20 99.25CCLRC-RAL-PPD

Edgecock 0.40 43.02 0.40 44.53 0.40 46.08 1.20 133.63Oxford

Yokoi 0.58 54.88 1.00 97.51 1.00 100.92 2.58 253.30Storage ring


Rees 0.15 17.75 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.15 17.75Kelliher 0.60 47.93 0.20 16.54 0.00 0.00 0.80 64.46


Engineering support 0.08 7.29 0.30 28.29 0.30 29.28 0.68 64.85Management and oversight


Prior 0.30 43.42 0.30 44.94 0.30 46.52 0.90 134.88Rolling-grant staff totals 0.95 69.82 1.15 95.04 1.15 98.37 3.25 263.23Staff totals: 7.16 651.43 8.30 744.67 8.90 790.38 24.36 2186.48

Inflation 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00Eqipment total 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

VAT 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00Working margin (10%) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00Contingency (20%) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00Consumables 5.00 5.00 5.00 15.00Travel 30.00 30.00 30.00 90.00

Total: 686.43 779.67 825.38 2291.48

Following CCLRC guidelines, inflation at 3.5% has been added in the staff lines while inflation at 2.5% has been added (and called out explicitly) in the equipment request.

2007/08 2008/09 2009/10 Total

Work package title Neutrino Factory conceptual designWork package number 1

PROJECT: UKNF Cost ProfileIssue Date: 18/07/2006

Manager: PriorStart Date: 2007End Date: 2010

StaffFraction £k Fraction £k Fraction £k Fraction £k

Proton driverCCLRC-ASTEC

Prior 0.25 36.19 0.25 37.45 0.25 38.76 0.75 112.40Rees 0.05 5.92 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 5.92

Poklonsky 0.10 7.99 0.10 8.27 0.20 17.11 0.40 33.37Kelliher 0.10 7.99 0.10 8.27 0.20 17.11 0.40 33.37

Muon front-endCCLRC-ASTEC

Brooks 1.00 79.88 1.00 82.68 1.00 85.57 3.00 248.13Rogers 0.60 47.93 0.60 49.61 0.60 51.34 1.80 148.88

Poklonsky 0.20 15.98 0.20 16.54 0.20 17.11 0.60 49.63Glasgow

Soler 0.05 3.31 0.05 3.43 0.05 3.55 0.15 10.29Physicist 0.40 26.50 0.40 27.42 0.40 28.38 1.20 82.30

Imperial-PhysicsPozimski 0.10 8.69 0.10 8.99 0.10 9.31 0.30 26.99

Kurup 0.30 26.85 0.30 27.79 0.30 28.76 0.90 83.41Graduate student B 0.00 0.00 0.50 10.71 1.00 22.17 1.50 32.89

OxfordCobb 0.20 16.25 0.20 16.82 0.20 17.41 0.60 50.47

Apollonio 0.20 15.07 0.20 15.60 0.20 16.14 0.60 46.81Cooper 0.00 0.00 0.20 22.78 0.20 23.58 0.40 46.36

Muon accelerationCCLRC-ASTEC

Machida 1.00 98.66 1.00 102.11 1.00 105.69 3.00 306.46Kelliher 0.10 7.99 0.50 41.34 0.60 51.34 1.20 100.67

Poklonsky 0.40 31.95 0.40 33.07 0.40 34.23 1.20 99.25CCLRC-RAL-PPD

Edgecock 0.40 43.02 0.40 44.53 0.40 46.08 1.20 133.63Oxford

Yokoi 0.58 54.88 1.00 97.51 1.00 100.92 2.58 253.30Storage ring

CCLRC-ASTECRees 0.15 17.75 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.15 17.75

Kelliher 0.60 47.93 0.20 16.54 0.00 0.00 0.80 64.46CCLRC-RAL-ISIS

Engineering support 0.08 7.29 0.30 28.29 0.30 29.28 0.68 64.85Management and oversight

CCLRC-ASTECPrior 0.30 43.42 0.30 44.94 0.30 46.52 0.90 134.88

Rolling-grant staff totals 0.95 69.82 1.15 95.04 1.15 98.37 3.25 263.23Staff totals: 7.16 651.43 8.30 744.67 8.90 790.38 24.36 2186.48

Inflation 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00Eqipment total 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00VAT 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00Working margin (10%) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00Contingency (20%) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00Consumables 5.00 5.00 5.00 15.00Travel 30.00 30.00 30.00 90.00

Total: 686.43 779.67 825.38 2291.48

Following CCLRC guidelines, inflation at 3.5% has been added in the staff lines while inflation at 2.5% has been added (and called out explicitly) in the equipment request.

2007/08 2008/09 2009/10 Total

Page 30: 4 th September 2006 UK Neutrino Factory C.R. Prior CCLRC-ASTeC and Trinity College Oxford On behalf of the UK Neutrino Factory Collaboration CCLRC Adams.

WP2: Proton driver f/e test stand Principal deliverable:

Front-end test stand: LEBT, RFQ, Chopper, and diagnostics

High-quality chopped beams critical for development of high-power proton driver for the Neutrino Factory

Complementarity: EU FP6 HIPPI Future high-power proton facilities (e.g. ISIS upgrade, ESS, …)

Work package title Proton driver front-end test standWork package number 2

PROJECT: UKNF Cost ProfileIssue Date: 18/07/2006

Manager: LetchfordStart Date: 2007End Date: 2010

StaffFraction £k Fraction £k Fraction £k Fraction £k


Faircloth 0.50 45.03 0.50 46.61 0.50 48.24 1.50 139.89Low-energy beam transport

WarwickHarrison 0.10 8.28 0.10 8.57 0.10 8.87 0.30 25.72

Back 0.10 6.62 0.10 6.86 0.10 7.10 0.30 20.58PostDoc 0.40 33.12 0.40 34.28 0.40 35.48 1.20 102.88


Pozimski 0.20 17.38 0.20 17.99 0.20 18.62 0.60 53.99Jolly 1.00 89.51 1.00 92.64 1.00 95.88 3.00 278.03

Savage 0.40 15.78 0.40 16.33 0.40 16.91 1.20 49.02Graduate student A 0.25 5.18 0.50 10.71 0.50 11.09 1.25 26.97


Pozimski 0.30 26.07 0.30 26.98 0.30 27.93 0.90 80.98Savage 0.40 15.78 0.40 16.33 0.40 16.91 1.20 49.02Cheng 1.00 30.68 1.00 31.75 1.00 32.86 3.00 95.28Kurup 0.70 62.66 0.70 64.85 0.70 67.12 2.10 194.62Hare 0.00 0.00 0.15 5.18 0.20 7.15 0.35 12.33

Graduate student A 0.25 5.18 0.50 10.71 0.50 11.09 1.25 26.97Chopper

CCLRC-RAL-ISISClarke-Gayther 0.40 36.03 0.40 37.29 0.40 38.59 1.20 111.91

Medium-energy beam transportCCLRC-RAL-ISIS

Physicist (WP2, ISIS, Band4) 0.20 17.81 0.20 18.43 0.20 19.08 0.60 55.31Management, oversight and infrastructure

CCLRC-RAL-ISISLetchford 0.20 21.61 0.20 22.37 0.20 23.15 0.60 67.13

Engineer (WP2, ISIS, Band4) 0.20 17.81 0.20 18.43 0.20 19.08 0.60 55.31Technical (WP2, ISIS, Band4) 0.20 18.01 0.20 18.64 0.20 19.30 0.60 55.96

Craft (WP2, ISIS, Band5) 0.20 14.59 0.20 15.10 0.20 15.62 0.60 45.30Imperial-Physics

Savage 0.20 7.89 0.20 8.17 0.20 8.45 0.60 24.51Rolling-grant staff totals 0.70 58.36 0.85 65.58 0.90 69.66 2.45 193.60Staff totals: 7.20 495.01 7.85 528.22 7.90 548.50 22.95 1571.73

Low-energy beam transportLenses 30.00 30.00Supports and stands 15.00 15.00Power supplies and controls 30.00 30.00

DiagnosticsLaser 100.00 100.00Epsilon? 50.00 50.00Rho? 30.00 30.00Conv? 70.00 70.00

RFQRFQ 40.00 40.00 80.00Tuners and ancillary items 15.00 15.00 30.00

ChopperCold models 150.00 150.00Chopper 100.00 100.00

Medium-energy beam transportMEBT 110.00 100.00 210.00Power supplies and controls 75.00 75.00

InfrastructureKlystron 200.00 200.00RF distribution and control 100.00 50.00 150.00

Inflation 17.00 18.48 21.14 56.62Eqipment total 697.00 383.48 296.14 1376.62VAT 121.98 67.11 51.83 240.91Working margin (10%) 81.90 45.06 34.80 161.75Contingency (20%) 163.80 90.12 69.59 323.51Consumables 0.00Travel 10.00 10.00 10.00 30.00

Total: 1569.67 1123.99 1010.86 3704.52

Following CCLRC guidelines, inflation at 3.5% has been added in the staff lines while inflation at 2.5% has been added (and called out explicitly) in the equipment request.

2007/08 2008/09 2009/10 Total

Work package title Proton driver front-end test standWork package number 2

PROJECT: UKNF Cost ProfileIssue Date: 18/07/2006

Manager: LetchfordStart Date: 2007End Date: 2010

StaffFraction £k Fraction £k Fraction £k Fraction £k


Faircloth 0.50 45.03 0.50 46.61 0.50 48.24 1.50 139.89Low-energy beam transport

WarwickHarrison 0.10 8.28 0.10 8.57 0.10 8.87 0.30 25.72

Back 0.10 6.62 0.10 6.86 0.10 7.10 0.30 20.58PostDoc 0.40 33.12 0.40 34.28 0.40 35.48 1.20 102.88


Pozimski 0.20 17.38 0.20 17.99 0.20 18.62 0.60 53.99Jolly 1.00 89.51 1.00 92.64 1.00 95.88 3.00 278.03

Savage 0.40 15.78 0.40 16.33 0.40 16.91 1.20 49.02Graduate student A 0.25 5.18 0.50 10.71 0.50 11.09 1.25 26.97


Pozimski 0.30 26.07 0.30 26.98 0.30 27.93 0.90 80.98Savage 0.40 15.78 0.40 16.33 0.40 16.91 1.20 49.02Cheng 1.00 30.68 1.00 31.75 1.00 32.86 3.00 95.28Kurup 0.70 62.66 0.70 64.85 0.70 67.12 2.10 194.62Hare 0.00 0.00 0.15 5.18 0.20 7.15 0.35 12.33

Graduate student A 0.25 5.18 0.50 10.71 0.50 11.09 1.25 26.97Chopper

CCLRC-RAL-ISISClarke-Gayther 0.40 36.03 0.40 37.29 0.40 38.59 1.20 111.91

Medium-energy beam transportCCLRC-RAL-ISIS

Physicist (WP2, ISIS, Band4) 0.20 17.81 0.20 18.43 0.20 19.08 0.60 55.31Management, oversight and infrastructure

CCLRC-RAL-ISISLetchford 0.20 21.61 0.20 22.37 0.20 23.15 0.60 67.13

Engineer (WP2, ISIS, Band4) 0.20 17.81 0.20 18.43 0.20 19.08 0.60 55.31Technical (WP2, ISIS, Band4) 0.20 18.01 0.20 18.64 0.20 19.30 0.60 55.96

Craft (WP2, ISIS, Band5) 0.20 14.59 0.20 15.10 0.20 15.62 0.60 45.30Imperial-Physics

Savage 0.20 7.89 0.20 8.17 0.20 8.45 0.60 24.51Rolling-grant staff totals 0.70 58.36 0.85 65.58 0.90 69.66 2.45 193.60Staff totals: 7.20 495.01 7.85 528.22 7.90 548.50 22.95 1571.73

Low-energy beam transportLenses 30.00 30.00Supports and stands 15.00 15.00Power supplies and controls 30.00 30.00

DiagnosticsLaser 100.00 100.00Epsilon? 50.00 50.00Rho? 30.00 30.00Conv? 70.00 70.00

RFQRFQ 40.00 40.00 80.00Tuners and ancillary items 15.00 15.00 30.00

ChopperCold models 150.00 150.00Chopper 100.00 100.00

Medium-energy beam transportMEBT 110.00 100.00 210.00Power supplies and controls 75.00 75.00

InfrastructureKlystron 200.00 200.00RF distribution and control 100.00 50.00 150.00

Inflation 17.00 18.48 21.14 56.62Eqipment total 697.00 383.48 296.14 1376.62VAT 121.98 67.11 51.83 240.91Working margin (10%) 81.90 45.06 34.80 161.75Contingency (20%) 163.80 90.12 69.59 323.51Consumables 0.00Travel 10.00 10.00 10.00 30.00

Total: 1569.67 1123.99 1010.86 3704.52

Following CCLRC guidelines, inflation at 3.5% has been added in the staff lines while inflation at 2.5% has been added (and called out explicitly) in the equipment request.

2007/08 2008/09 2009/10 Total

Work package title Proton driver front-end test standWork package number 2

PROJECT: UKNF Cost ProfileIssue Date: 18/07/2006

Manager: LetchfordStart Date: 2007End Date: 2010

StaffFraction £k Fraction £k Fraction £k Fraction £k


Faircloth 0.50 45.03 0.50 46.61 0.50 48.24 1.50 139.89Low-energy beam transport

WarwickHarrison 0.10 8.28 0.10 8.57 0.10 8.87 0.30 25.72

Back 0.10 6.62 0.10 6.86 0.10 7.10 0.30 20.58PostDoc 0.40 33.12 0.40 34.28 0.40 35.48 1.20 102.88


Pozimski 0.20 17.38 0.20 17.99 0.20 18.62 0.60 53.99Jolly 1.00 89.51 1.00 92.64 1.00 95.88 3.00 278.03

Savage 0.40 15.78 0.40 16.33 0.40 16.91 1.20 49.02Graduate student A 0.25 5.18 0.50 10.71 0.50 11.09 1.25 26.97


Pozimski 0.30 26.07 0.30 26.98 0.30 27.93 0.90 80.98Savage 0.40 15.78 0.40 16.33 0.40 16.91 1.20 49.02Cheng 1.00 30.68 1.00 31.75 1.00 32.86 3.00 95.28Kurup 0.70 62.66 0.70 64.85 0.70 67.12 2.10 194.62Hare 0.00 0.00 0.15 5.18 0.20 7.15 0.35 12.33

Graduate student A 0.25 5.18 0.50 10.71 0.50 11.09 1.25 26.97Chopper

CCLRC-RAL-ISISClarke-Gayther 0.40 36.03 0.40 37.29 0.40 38.59 1.20 111.91

Medium-energy beam transportCCLRC-RAL-ISIS

Physicist (WP2, ISIS, Band4) 0.20 17.81 0.20 18.43 0.20 19.08 0.60 55.31Management, oversight and infrastructure

CCLRC-RAL-ISISLetchford 0.20 21.61 0.20 22.37 0.20 23.15 0.60 67.13

Engineer (WP2, ISIS, Band4) 0.20 17.81 0.20 18.43 0.20 19.08 0.60 55.31Technical (WP2, ISIS, Band4) 0.20 18.01 0.20 18.64 0.20 19.30 0.60 55.96

Craft (WP2, ISIS, Band5) 0.20 14.59 0.20 15.10 0.20 15.62 0.60 45.30Imperial-Physics

Savage 0.20 7.89 0.20 8.17 0.20 8.45 0.60 24.51Rolling-grant staff totals 0.70 58.36 0.85 65.58 0.90 69.66 2.45 193.60Staff totals: 7.20 495.01 7.85 528.22 7.90 548.50 22.95 1571.73

Low-energy beam transportLenses 30.00 30.00Supports and stands 15.00 15.00Power supplies and controls 30.00 30.00

DiagnosticsLaser 100.00 100.00Epsilon? 50.00 50.00Rho? 30.00 30.00Conv? 70.00 70.00

RFQRFQ 40.00 40.00 80.00Tuners and ancillary items 15.00 15.00 30.00

ChopperCold models 150.00 150.00Chopper 100.00 100.00

Medium-energy beam transportMEBT 110.00 100.00 210.00Power supplies and controls 75.00 75.00

InfrastructureKlystron 200.00 200.00RF distribution and control 100.00 50.00 150.00

Inflation 17.00 18.48 21.14 56.62Eqipment total 697.00 383.48 296.14 1376.62VAT 121.98 67.11 51.83 240.91Working margin (10%) 81.90 45.06 34.80 161.75Contingency (20%) 163.80 90.12 69.59 323.51Consumables 0.00Travel 10.00 10.00 10.00 30.00

Total: 1569.67 1123.99 1010.86 3704.52

2007/08 2008/09 2009/10 Total

Work package title Proton driver front-end test standWork package number 2

PROJECT: UKNF Cost ProfileIssue Date: 18/07/2006

Manager: LetchfordStart Date: 2007End Date: 2010

StaffFraction £k Fraction £k Fraction £k Fraction £k


Faircloth 0.50 45.03 0.50 46.61 0.50 48.24 1.50 139.89Low-energy beam transport

WarwickHarrison 0.10 8.28 0.10 8.57 0.10 8.87 0.30 25.72

Back 0.10 6.62 0.10 6.86 0.10 7.10 0.30 20.58PostDoc 0.40 33.12 0.40 34.28 0.40 35.48 1.20 102.88


Pozimski 0.20 17.38 0.20 17.99 0.20 18.62 0.60 53.99Jolly 1.00 89.51 1.00 92.64 1.00 95.88 3.00 278.03

Savage 0.40 15.78 0.40 16.33 0.40 16.91 1.20 49.02Graduate student A 0.25 5.18 0.50 10.71 0.50 11.09 1.25 26.97


Pozimski 0.30 26.07 0.30 26.98 0.30 27.93 0.90 80.98Savage 0.40 15.78 0.40 16.33 0.40 16.91 1.20 49.02Cheng 1.00 30.68 1.00 31.75 1.00 32.86 3.00 95.28Kurup 0.70 62.66 0.70 64.85 0.70 67.12 2.10 194.62Hare 0.00 0.00 0.15 5.18 0.20 7.15 0.35 12.33

Graduate student A 0.25 5.18 0.50 10.71 0.50 11.09 1.25 26.97Chopper

CCLRC-RAL-ISISClarke-Gayther 0.40 36.03 0.40 37.29 0.40 38.59 1.20 111.91

Medium-energy beam transportCCLRC-RAL-ISIS

Physicist (WP2, ISIS, Band4) 0.20 17.81 0.20 18.43 0.20 19.08 0.60 55.31Management, oversight and infrastructure

CCLRC-RAL-ISISLetchford 0.20 21.61 0.20 22.37 0.20 23.15 0.60 67.13

Engineer (WP2, ISIS, Band4) 0.20 17.81 0.20 18.43 0.20 19.08 0.60 55.31Technical (WP2, ISIS, Band4) 0.20 18.01 0.20 18.64 0.20 19.30 0.60 55.96

Craft (WP2, ISIS, Band5) 0.20 14.59 0.20 15.10 0.20 15.62 0.60 45.30Imperial-Physics

Savage 0.20 7.89 0.20 8.17 0.20 8.45 0.60 24.51Rolling-grant staff totals 0.70 58.36 0.85 65.58 0.90 69.66 2.45 193.60Staff totals: 7.20 495.01 7.85 528.22 7.90 548.50 22.95 1571.73

Low-energy beam transportLenses 30.00 30.00Supports and stands 15.00 15.00Power supplies and controls 30.00 30.00

DiagnosticsLaser 100.00 100.00Epsilon? 50.00 50.00Rho? 30.00 30.00Conv? 70.00 70.00

RFQRFQ 40.00 40.00 80.00Tuners and ancillary items 15.00 15.00 30.00

ChopperCold models 150.00 150.00Chopper 100.00 100.00

Medium-energy beam transportMEBT 110.00 100.00 210.00Power supplies and controls 75.00 75.00

InfrastructureKlystron 200.00 200.00RF distribution and control 100.00 50.00 150.00

Inflation 17.00 18.48 21.14 56.62Eqipment total 697.00 383.48 296.14 1376.62VAT 121.98 67.11 51.83 240.91Working margin (10%) 81.90 45.06 34.80 161.75Contingency (20%) 163.80 90.12 69.59 323.51Consumables 0.00Travel 10.00 10.00 10.00 30.00

Total: 1569.67 1123.99 1010.86 3704.52

Following CCLRC guidelines, inflation at 3.5% has been added in the staff lines while inflation at 2.5% has been added (and called out explicitly) in the equipment request.

2007/08 2008/09 2009/10 Total

Work package title Proton driver front-end test standWork package number 2

PROJECT: UKNF Cost ProfileIssue Date: 18/07/2006

Manager: LetchfordStart Date: 2007End Date: 2010

StaffFraction £k Fraction £k Fraction £k Fraction £k


Faircloth 0.50 45.03 0.50 46.61 0.50 48.24 1.50 139.89Low-energy beam transport

WarwickHarrison 0.10 8.28 0.10 8.57 0.10 8.87 0.30 25.72

Back 0.10 6.62 0.10 6.86 0.10 7.10 0.30 20.58PostDoc 0.40 33.12 0.40 34.28 0.40 35.48 1.20 102.88


Pozimski 0.20 17.38 0.20 17.99 0.20 18.62 0.60 53.99Jolly 1.00 89.51 1.00 92.64 1.00 95.88 3.00 278.03

Savage 0.40 15.78 0.40 16.33 0.40 16.91 1.20 49.02Graduate student A 0.25 5.18 0.50 10.71 0.50 11.09 1.25 26.97


Pozimski 0.30 26.07 0.30 26.98 0.30 27.93 0.90 80.98Savage 0.40 15.78 0.40 16.33 0.40 16.91 1.20 49.02Cheng 1.00 30.68 1.00 31.75 1.00 32.86 3.00 95.28Kurup 0.70 62.66 0.70 64.85 0.70 67.12 2.10 194.62Hare 0.00 0.00 0.15 5.18 0.20 7.15 0.35 12.33

Graduate student A 0.25 5.18 0.50 10.71 0.50 11.09 1.25 26.97Chopper

CCLRC-RAL-ISISClarke-Gayther 0.40 36.03 0.40 37.29 0.40 38.59 1.20 111.91

Medium-energy beam transportCCLRC-RAL-ISIS

Physicist (WP2, ISIS, Band4) 0.20 17.81 0.20 18.43 0.20 19.08 0.60 55.31Management, oversight and infrastructure

CCLRC-RAL-ISISLetchford 0.20 21.61 0.20 22.37 0.20 23.15 0.60 67.13

Engineer (WP2, ISIS, Band4) 0.20 17.81 0.20 18.43 0.20 19.08 0.60 55.31Technical (WP2, ISIS, Band4) 0.20 18.01 0.20 18.64 0.20 19.30 0.60 55.96

Craft (WP2, ISIS, Band5) 0.20 14.59 0.20 15.10 0.20 15.62 0.60 45.30Imperial-Physics

Savage 0.20 7.89 0.20 8.17 0.20 8.45 0.60 24.51Rolling-grant staff totals 0.70 58.36 0.85 65.58 0.90 69.66 2.45 193.60Staff totals: 7.20 495.01 7.85 528.22 7.90 548.50 22.95 1571.73

Low-energy beam transportLenses 30.00 30.00Supports and stands 15.00 15.00Power supplies and controls 30.00 30.00

DiagnosticsLaser 100.00 100.00Epsilon? 50.00 50.00Rho? 30.00 30.00Conv? 70.00 70.00

RFQRFQ 40.00 40.00 80.00Tuners and ancillary items 15.00 15.00 30.00

ChopperCold models 150.00 150.00Chopper 100.00 100.00

Medium-energy beam transportMEBT 110.00 100.00 210.00Power supplies and controls 75.00 75.00

InfrastructureKlystron 200.00 200.00RF distribution and control 100.00 50.00 150.00

Inflation 17.00 18.48 21.14 56.62Eqipment total 697.00 383.48 296.14 1376.62VAT 121.98 67.11 51.83 240.91Working margin (10%) 81.90 45.06 34.80 161.75Contingency (20%) 163.80 90.12 69.59 323.51Consumables 0.00Travel 10.00 10.00 10.00 30.00

Total: 1569.67 1123.99 1010.86 3704.52

Following CCLRC guidelines, inflation at 3.5% has been added in the staff lines while inflation at 2.5% has been added (and called out explicitly) in the equipment request.

2007/08 2008/09 2009/10 Total

Work package title Proton driver front-end test standWork package number 2

PROJECT: UKNF Cost ProfileIssue Date: 18/07/2006

Manager: LetchfordStart Date: 2007End Date: 2010

StaffFraction £k Fraction £k Fraction £k Fraction £k


Faircloth 0.50 45.03 0.50 46.61 0.50 48.24 1.50 139.89Low-energy beam transport

WarwickHarrison 0.10 8.28 0.10 8.57 0.10 8.87 0.30 25.72

Back 0.10 6.62 0.10 6.86 0.10 7.10 0.30 20.58PostDoc 0.40 33.12 0.40 34.28 0.40 35.48 1.20 102.88


Pozimski 0.20 17.38 0.20 17.99 0.20 18.62 0.60 53.99Jolly 1.00 89.51 1.00 92.64 1.00 95.88 3.00 278.03

Savage 0.40 15.78 0.40 16.33 0.40 16.91 1.20 49.02Graduate student A 0.25 5.18 0.50 10.71 0.50 11.09 1.25 26.97


Pozimski 0.30 26.07 0.30 26.98 0.30 27.93 0.90 80.98Savage 0.40 15.78 0.40 16.33 0.40 16.91 1.20 49.02Cheng 1.00 30.68 1.00 31.75 1.00 32.86 3.00 95.28Kurup 0.70 62.66 0.70 64.85 0.70 67.12 2.10 194.62Hare 0.00 0.00 0.15 5.18 0.20 7.15 0.35 12.33

Graduate student A 0.25 5.18 0.50 10.71 0.50 11.09 1.25 26.97Chopper

CCLRC-RAL-ISISClarke-Gayther 0.40 36.03 0.40 37.29 0.40 38.59 1.20 111.91

Medium-energy beam transportCCLRC-RAL-ISIS

Physicist (WP2, ISIS, Band4) 0.20 17.81 0.20 18.43 0.20 19.08 0.60 55.31Management, oversight and infrastructure

CCLRC-RAL-ISISLetchford 0.20 21.61 0.20 22.37 0.20 23.15 0.60 67.13

Engineer (WP2, ISIS, Band4) 0.20 17.81 0.20 18.43 0.20 19.08 0.60 55.31Technical (WP2, ISIS, Band4) 0.20 18.01 0.20 18.64 0.20 19.30 0.60 55.96

Craft (WP2, ISIS, Band5) 0.20 14.59 0.20 15.10 0.20 15.62 0.60 45.30Imperial-Physics

Savage 0.20 7.89 0.20 8.17 0.20 8.45 0.60 24.51Rolling-grant staff totals 0.70 58.36 0.85 65.58 0.90 69.66 2.45 193.60Staff totals: 7.20 495.01 7.85 528.22 7.90 548.50 22.95 1571.73

Low-energy beam transportLenses 30.00 30.00Supports and stands 15.00 15.00Power supplies and controls 30.00 30.00

DiagnosticsLaser 100.00 100.00Epsilon? 50.00 50.00Rho? 30.00 30.00Conv? 70.00 70.00

RFQRFQ 40.00 40.00 80.00Tuners and ancillary items 15.00 15.00 30.00

ChopperCold models 150.00 150.00Chopper 100.00 100.00

Medium-energy beam transportMEBT 110.00 100.00 210.00Power supplies and controls 75.00 75.00

InfrastructureKlystron 200.00 200.00RF distribution and control 100.00 50.00 150.00

Inflation 17.00 18.48 21.14 56.62Eqipment total 697.00 383.48 296.14 1376.62VAT 121.98 67.11 51.83 240.91Working margin (10%) 81.90 45.06 34.80 161.75Contingency (20%) 163.80 90.12 69.59 323.51Consumables 0.00Travel 10.00 10.00 10.00 30.00

Total: 1569.67 1123.99 1010.86 3704.52

2007/08 2008/09 2009/10 Total

Page 31: 4 th September 2006 UK Neutrino Factory C.R. Prior CCLRC-ASTeC and Trinity College Oxford On behalf of the UK Neutrino Factory Collaboration CCLRC Adams.

WP3: Target studies Principal deliverable

Conceptual design for NF target station for inclusion in IDR

High-power target key engineering challenge Require to:

Complete solid-target material studies; Develop engineering concept of target station

Work package title Target studiesWork package number 3

PROJECT: UKNF Cost ProfileIssue Date: 18/07/2006

Manager: EdgecockStart Date: 2007End Date: 2010

StaffFraction £k Fraction £k Fraction £k Fraction £k

Solid-target studiesCCLRC-RAL-EID

Brownsword 0.25 25.16 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.25 25.16Densham 0.20 24.15 0.20 24.99 0.20 25.87 0.60 75.00Rochford 0.20 20.13 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.20 20.13

SheffieldBooth 0.10 9.54 0.10 9.87 0.10 10.22 0.30 29.62

Daw 0.10 7.15 0.10 7.40 0.10 7.66 0.30 22.22Skoro 1.00 62.35 1.00 64.53 1.00 66.79 3.00 193.66

Hodgson 0.10 5.65 0.20 11.70 0.20 12.11 0.50 29.45CCLRC-RAL-ISIS

Bennett 0.25 27.01 0.25 27.96 0.25 28.94 0.75 83.91CCLRC-RAL-PPD

Edgecock 0.40 43.02 0.40 44.53 0.40 46.08 1.20 133.63Target-station concept development

CCLRC-RAL-EIDMechanical engineer (WP3, EID, Band 4) 0.50 50.32 1.00 104.16 1.00 107.81 2.50 262.29Mechanical engineer (WP3, EID, Band 5) 0.00 0.00 1.00 104.16 1.00 107.81 2.00 211.97

BrunelKhan 0.10 12.50 0.10 12.93 0.10 13.39 0.3 38.82

Graduate student 0.50 10.35 1.00 21.42 1.00 22.17 2.50 53.95Glasgow

Soler 0.05 3.31 0.05 3.43 0.05 3.55 0.15 10.29Physicist 0.30 19.87 0.30 20.57 0.30 21.29 0.90 61.73

WarwickHarrison 0.10 8.28 0.10 8.57 0.10 8.87 0.30 25.72

Back 0.40 26.50 0.40 27.42 0.40 28.38 1.20 82.30Barker 0.10 6.62 0.10 6.86 0.10 7.10 0.30 20.58

PostDoc 0.10 8.28 0.10 8.57 0.10 8.87 0.30 25.72Graduate student 0.50 10.35 1.00 21.42 1.00 22.17 2.50 53.95

MERIT and liquid mercury studiesCCLRC-RAL-PPD

Physicist (WP3, PPD, Band5) 0.50 36.29 1.00 75.13 1.00 77.76 2.50 189.18Rolling-grant staff totals 1.35 99.42 1.45 108.75 1.45 112.55 4.25 320.72Staff totals: 5.75 416.83 8.40 605.62 8.40 626.82 22.55 1649.27

Target system prototype 0.00 50.00 100.00 150.00Magnetic forces experiment 0.00 25.00 75.00 100.00Shock tests at RAL 20.00 10.00 5.00 35.00Shock tests at CERN 65.00 0.00 0.00 65.00

Inflation 2.12 4.30 13.84 20.27Eqipment total 87.13 89.30 193.84 370.27VAT 15.25 15.63 33.92 64.80Working margin (10%) 10.24 10.49 22.78 43.51Contingency (20%) 20.47 20.99 45.55 87.01Consumables 0.00Travel 10.00 10.00 10.00 30.00

Total: 559.91 752.03 932.91 2244.86

Following CCLRC guidelines, inflation at 3.5% has been added in the staff lines while inflation at 2.5% has been added (and called out explicitly) in the equipment request.

2007/08 2008/09 2009/10 Total

Work package title Target studiesWork package number 3

PROJECT: UKNF Cost Profile

Issue Date: 18/07/2006

Manager: Edgecock

Start Date: 2007

End Date: 2010


Fraction £k Fraction £k Fraction £k Fraction £k

Solid-target studiesCCLRC-RAL-EID

Brownsword 0.25 25.16 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.25 25.16Densham 0.20 24.15 0.20 24.99 0.20 25.87 0.60 75.00Rochford 0.20 20.13 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.20 20.13


Booth 0.10 9.54 0.10 9.87 0.10 10.22 0.30 29.62Daw 0.10 7.15 0.10 7.40 0.10 7.66 0.30 22.22

Skoro 1.00 62.35 1.00 64.53 1.00 66.79 3.00 193.66Hodgson 0.10 5.65 0.20 11.70 0.20 12.11 0.50 29.45


Bennett 0.25 27.01 0.25 27.96 0.25 28.94 0.75 83.91CCLRC-RAL-PPD

Edgecock 0.40 43.02 0.40 44.53 0.40 46.08 1.20 133.63Target-station concept development


Mechanical engineer (W P3, EID, Band 4) 0.50 50.32 1.00 104.16 1.00 107.81 2.50 262.29Mechanical engineer (W P3, EID, Band 5) 0.00 0.00 1.00 104.16 1.00 107.81 2.00 211.97


Khan 0.10 12.50 0.10 12.93 0.10 13.39 0.3 38.82Graduate student 0.50 10.35 1.00 21.42 1.00 22.17 2.50 53.95


Soler 0.05 3.31 0.05 3.43 0.05 3.55 0.15 10.29Physicist 0.30 19.87 0.30 20.57 0.30 21.29 0.90 61.73


Harrison 0.10 8.28 0.10 8.57 0.10 8.87 0.30 25.72Back 0.40 26.50 0.40 27.42 0.40 28.38 1.20 82.30

Barker 0.10 6.62 0.10 6.86 0.10 7.10 0.30 20.58PostDoc 0.10 8.28 0.10 8.57 0.10 8.87 0.30 25.72

Graduate student 0.50 10.35 1.00 21.42 1.00 22.17 2.50 53.95MERIT and liquid mercury studies


Physicist (W P3, PPD, Band5) 0.50 36.29 1.00 75.13 1.00 77.76 2.50 189.18Rolling-grant staff totals 1.35 99.42 1.45 108.75 1.45 112.55 4.25 320.72Staff totals: 5.75 416.83 8.40 605.62 8.40 626.82 22.55 1649.27

Target system prototype 0.00 50.00 100.00 150.00Magnetic forces experiment 0.00 25.00 75.00 100.00Shock tests at RAL 20.00 10.00 5.00 35.00Shock tests at CERN 65.00 0.00 0.00 65.00

Inflation 2.12 4.30 13.84 20.27Eqipment total 87.13 89.30 193.84 370.27

VAT 15.25 15.63 33.92 64.80W orking margin (10%) 10.24 10.49 22.78 43.51Contingency (20%) 20.47 20.99 45.55 87.01Consumables 0.00Travel 10.00 10.00 10.00 30.00

Total: 559.91 752.03 932.91 2244.86

Following CCLRC guidelines, inflation at 3.5% has been added in the staff lines while inflation at 2.5% has been added (and called out explicitly) in the equipment request.

2007/08 2008/09 2009/10 Total

Work package title Target studiesWork package number 3

PROJECT: UKNF Cost ProfileIssue Date: 18/07/2006

Manager: EdgecockStart Date: 2007End Date: 2010

StaffFraction £k Fraction £k Fraction £k Fraction £k

Solid-target studiesCCLRC-RAL-EID

Brownsword 0.25 25.16 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.25 25.16Densham 0.20 24.15 0.20 24.99 0.20 25.87 0.60 75.00Rochford 0.20 20.13 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.20 20.13

SheffieldBooth 0.10 9.54 0.10 9.87 0.10 10.22 0.30 29.62

Daw 0.10 7.15 0.10 7.40 0.10 7.66 0.30 22.22Skoro 1.00 62.35 1.00 64.53 1.00 66.79 3.00 193.66

Hodgson 0.10 5.65 0.20 11.70 0.20 12.11 0.50 29.45CCLRC-RAL-ISIS

Bennett 0.25 27.01 0.25 27.96 0.25 28.94 0.75 83.91CCLRC-RAL-PPD

Edgecock 0.40 43.02 0.40 44.53 0.40 46.08 1.20 133.63Target-station concept development

CCLRC-RAL-EIDMechanical engineer (WP3, EID, Band 4) 0.50 50.32 1.00 104.16 1.00 107.81 2.50 262.29Mechanical engineer (WP3, EID, Band 5) 0.00 0.00 1.00 104.16 1.00 107.81 2.00 211.97

BrunelKhan 0.10 12.50 0.10 12.93 0.10 13.39 0.3 38.82

Graduate student 0.50 10.35 1.00 21.42 1.00 22.17 2.50 53.95Glasgow

Soler 0.05 3.31 0.05 3.43 0.05 3.55 0.15 10.29Physicist 0.30 19.87 0.30 20.57 0.30 21.29 0.90 61.73

WarwickHarrison 0.10 8.28 0.10 8.57 0.10 8.87 0.30 25.72

Back 0.40 26.50 0.40 27.42 0.40 28.38 1.20 82.30Barker 0.10 6.62 0.10 6.86 0.10 7.10 0.30 20.58

PostDoc 0.10 8.28 0.10 8.57 0.10 8.87 0.30 25.72Graduate student 0.50 10.35 1.00 21.42 1.00 22.17 2.50 53.95

MERIT and liquid mercury studiesCCLRC-RAL-PPD

Physicist (WP3, PPD, Band5) 0.50 36.29 1.00 75.13 1.00 77.76 2.50 189.18Rolling-grant staff totals 1.35 99.42 1.45 108.75 1.45 112.55 4.25 320.72Staff totals: 5.75 416.83 8.40 605.62 8.40 626.82 22.55 1649.27

Target system prototype 0.00 50.00 100.00 150.00Magnetic forces experiment 0.00 25.00 75.00 100.00Shock tests at RAL 20.00 10.00 5.00 35.00Shock tests at CERN 65.00 0.00 0.00 65.00

Inflation 2.12 4.30 13.84 20.27Eqipment total 87.13 89.30 193.84 370.27VAT 15.25 15.63 33.92 64.80Working margin (10%) 10.24 10.49 22.78 43.51Contingency (20%) 20.47 20.99 45.55 87.01Consumables 0.00Travel 10.00 10.00 10.00 30.00

Total: 559.91 752.03 932.91 2244.86

Following CCLRC guidelines, inflation at 3.5% has been added in the staff lines while inflation at 2.5% has been added (and called out explicitly) in the equipment request.

2007/08 2008/09 2009/10 Total

Work package title Target studiesWork package number 3

PROJECT: UKNF Cost ProfileIssue Date: 18/07/2006

Manager: EdgecockStart Date: 2007End Date: 2010

StaffFraction £k Fraction £k Fraction £k Fraction £k

Solid-target studiesCCLRC-RAL-EID

Brownsword 0.25 25.16 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.25 25.16Densham 0.20 24.15 0.20 24.99 0.20 25.87 0.60 75.00Rochford 0.20 20.13 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.20 20.13

SheffieldBooth 0.10 9.54 0.10 9.87 0.10 10.22 0.30 29.62

Daw 0.10 7.15 0.10 7.40 0.10 7.66 0.30 22.22Skoro 1.00 62.35 1.00 64.53 1.00 66.79 3.00 193.66

Hodgson 0.10 5.65 0.20 11.70 0.20 12.11 0.50 29.45CCLRC-RAL-ISIS

Bennett 0.25 27.01 0.25 27.96 0.25 28.94 0.75 83.91CCLRC-RAL-PPD

Edgecock 0.40 43.02 0.40 44.53 0.40 46.08 1.20 133.63Target-station concept development

CCLRC-RAL-EIDMechanical engineer (WP3, EID, Band 4) 0.50 50.32 1.00 104.16 1.00 107.81 2.50 262.29Mechanical engineer (WP3, EID, Band 5) 0.00 0.00 1.00 104.16 1.00 107.81 2.00 211.97

BrunelKhan 0.10 12.50 0.10 12.93 0.10 13.39 0.3 38.82

Graduate student 0.50 10.35 1.00 21.42 1.00 22.17 2.50 53.95Glasgow

Soler 0.05 3.31 0.05 3.43 0.05 3.55 0.15 10.29Physicist 0.30 19.87 0.30 20.57 0.30 21.29 0.90 61.73

WarwickHarrison 0.10 8.28 0.10 8.57 0.10 8.87 0.30 25.72

Back 0.40 26.50 0.40 27.42 0.40 28.38 1.20 82.30Barker 0.10 6.62 0.10 6.86 0.10 7.10 0.30 20.58

PostDoc 0.10 8.28 0.10 8.57 0.10 8.87 0.30 25.72Graduate student 0.50 10.35 1.00 21.42 1.00 22.17 2.50 53.95

MERIT and liquid mercury studiesCCLRC-RAL-PPD

Physicist (WP3, PPD, Band5) 0.50 36.29 1.00 75.13 1.00 77.76 2.50 189.18Rolling-grant staff totals 1.35 99.42 1.45 108.75 1.45 112.55 4.25 320.72Staff totals: 5.75 416.83 8.40 605.62 8.40 626.82 22.55 1649.27

Target system prototype 0.00 50.00 100.00 150.00Magnetic forces experiment 0.00 25.00 75.00 100.00Shock tests at RAL 20.00 10.00 5.00 35.00Shock tests at CERN 65.00 0.00 0.00 65.00

Inflation 2.12 4.30 13.84 20.27Eqipment total 87.13 89.30 193.84 370.27VAT 15.25 15.63 33.92 64.80Working margin (10%) 10.24 10.49 22.78 43.51Contingency (20%) 20.47 20.99 45.55 87.01Consumables 0.00Travel 10.00 10.00 10.00 30.00

Total: 559.91 752.03 932.91 2244.86

Following CCLRC guidelines, inflation at 3.5% has been added in the staff lines while inflation at 2.5% has been added (and called out explicitly) in the equipment request.

2007/08 2008/09 2009/10 Total

Work package title Target studiesWork package number 3

PROJECT: UKNF Cost Profile

Issue Date: 18/07/2006

Manager: Edgecock

Start Date: 2007

End Date: 2010


Fraction £k Fraction £k Fraction £k Fraction £k

Solid-target studiesCCLRC-RAL-EID

Brownsword 0.25 25.16 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.25 25.16Densham 0.20 24.15 0.20 24.99 0.20 25.87 0.60 75.00Rochford 0.20 20.13 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.20 20.13


Booth 0.10 9.54 0.10 9.87 0.10 10.22 0.30 29.62Daw 0.10 7.15 0.10 7.40 0.10 7.66 0.30 22.22

Skoro 1.00 62.35 1.00 64.53 1.00 66.79 3.00 193.66Hodgson 0.10 5.65 0.20 11.70 0.20 12.11 0.50 29.45


Bennett 0.25 27.01 0.25 27.96 0.25 28.94 0.75 83.91CCLRC-RAL-PPD

Edgecock 0.40 43.02 0.40 44.53 0.40 46.08 1.20 133.63Target-station concept development


Mechanical engineer (W P3, EID, Band 4) 0.50 50.32 1.00 104.16 1.00 107.81 2.50 262.29Mechanical engineer (W P3, EID, Band 5) 0.00 0.00 1.00 104.16 1.00 107.81 2.00 211.97


Khan 0.10 12.50 0.10 12.93 0.10 13.39 0.3 38.82Graduate student 0.50 10.35 1.00 21.42 1.00 22.17 2.50 53.95


Soler 0.05 3.31 0.05 3.43 0.05 3.55 0.15 10.29Physicist 0.30 19.87 0.30 20.57 0.30 21.29 0.90 61.73


Harrison 0.10 8.28 0.10 8.57 0.10 8.87 0.30 25.72Back 0.40 26.50 0.40 27.42 0.40 28.38 1.20 82.30

Barker 0.10 6.62 0.10 6.86 0.10 7.10 0.30 20.58PostDoc 0.10 8.28 0.10 8.57 0.10 8.87 0.30 25.72

Graduate student 0.50 10.35 1.00 21.42 1.00 22.17 2.50 53.95MERIT and liquid mercury studies


Physicist (W P3, PPD, Band5) 0.50 36.29 1.00 75.13 1.00 77.76 2.50 189.18Rolling-grant staff totals 1.35 99.42 1.45 108.75 1.45 112.55 4.25 320.72Staff totals: 5.75 416.83 8.40 605.62 8.40 626.82 22.55 1649.27

Target system prototype 0.00 50.00 100.00 150.00Magnetic forces experiment 0.00 25.00 75.00 100.00Shock tests at RAL 20.00 10.00 5.00 35.00Shock tests at CERN 65.00 0.00 0.00 65.00

Inflation 2.12 4.30 13.84 20.27Eqipment total 87.13 89.30 193.84 370.27

VAT 15.25 15.63 33.92 64.80W orking margin (10%) 10.24 10.49 22.78 43.51Contingency (20%) 20.47 20.99 45.55 87.01Consumables 0.00Travel 10.00 10.00 10.00 30.00

Total: 559.91 752.03 932.91 2244.86

Following CCLRC guidelines, inflation at 3.5% has been added in the staff lines while inflation at 2.5% has been added (and called out explicitly) in the equipment request.

2007/08 2008/09 2009/10 Total

Work package title Target studiesWork package number 3

PROJECT: UKNF Cost ProfileIssue Date: 18/07/2006

Manager: EdgecockStart Date: 2007End Date: 2010

StaffFraction £k Fraction £k Fraction £k Fraction £k

Solid-target studiesCCLRC-RAL-EID

Brownsword 0.25 25.16 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.25 25.16Densham 0.20 24.15 0.20 24.99 0.20 25.87 0.60 75.00Rochford 0.20 20.13 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.20 20.13

SheffieldBooth 0.10 9.54 0.10 9.87 0.10 10.22 0.30 29.62

Daw 0.10 7.15 0.10 7.40 0.10 7.66 0.30 22.22Skoro 1.00 62.35 1.00 64.53 1.00 66.79 3.00 193.66

Hodgson 0.10 5.65 0.20 11.70 0.20 12.11 0.50 29.45CCLRC-RAL-ISIS

Bennett 0.25 27.01 0.25 27.96 0.25 28.94 0.75 83.91CCLRC-RAL-PPD

Edgecock 0.40 43.02 0.40 44.53 0.40 46.08 1.20 133.63Target-station concept development

CCLRC-RAL-EIDMechanical engineer (WP3, EID, Band 4) 0.50 50.32 1.00 104.16 1.00 107.81 2.50 262.29Mechanical engineer (WP3, EID, Band 5) 0.00 0.00 1.00 104.16 1.00 107.81 2.00 211.97

BrunelKhan 0.10 12.50 0.10 12.93 0.10 13.39 0.3 38.82

Graduate student 0.50 10.35 1.00 21.42 1.00 22.17 2.50 53.95Glasgow

Soler 0.05 3.31 0.05 3.43 0.05 3.55 0.15 10.29Physicist 0.30 19.87 0.30 20.57 0.30 21.29 0.90 61.73

WarwickHarrison 0.10 8.28 0.10 8.57 0.10 8.87 0.30 25.72

Back 0.40 26.50 0.40 27.42 0.40 28.38 1.20 82.30Barker 0.10 6.62 0.10 6.86 0.10 7.10 0.30 20.58

PostDoc 0.10 8.28 0.10 8.57 0.10 8.87 0.30 25.72Graduate student 0.50 10.35 1.00 21.42 1.00 22.17 2.50 53.95

MERIT and liquid mercury studiesCCLRC-RAL-PPD

Physicist (WP3, PPD, Band5) 0.50 36.29 1.00 75.13 1.00 77.76 2.50 189.18Rolling-grant staff totals 1.35 99.42 1.45 108.75 1.45 112.55 4.25 320.72Staff totals: 5.75 416.83 8.40 605.62 8.40 626.82 22.55 1649.27

Target system prototype 0.00 50.00 100.00 150.00Magnetic forces experiment 0.00 25.00 75.00 100.00Shock tests at RAL 20.00 10.00 5.00 35.00Shock tests at CERN 65.00 0.00 0.00 65.00

Inflation 2.12 4.30 13.84 20.27Eqipment total 87.13 89.30 193.84 370.27VAT 15.25 15.63 33.92 64.80Working margin (10%) 10.24 10.49 22.78 43.51Contingency (20%) 20.47 20.99 45.55 87.01Consumables 0.00Travel 10.00 10.00 10.00 30.00

Total: 559.91 752.03 932.91 2244.86

Following CCLRC guidelines, inflation at 3.5% has been added in the staff lines while inflation at 2.5% has been added (and called out explicitly) in the equipment request.

2007/08 2008/09 2009/10 Total

Page 32: 4 th September 2006 UK Neutrino Factory C.R. Prior CCLRC-ASTeC and Trinity College Oxford On behalf of the UK Neutrino Factory Collaboration CCLRC Adams.

WP4: Development of high-gradient cavities Principal deliverable:

Robust, reproducible manufacturing process Completion of IDR requires specification of accelerating gradients in

acceleration systems: Challenge: high-gradient in magnetic field Requirement: to build many cavities to spec.

To define manufacturing process require: To understand of effect steps in manufacture have on achievable gradient To devise cost optimised manufacturing process

Work package title Development of high-gradient RF cavitiesWork package number 4

PROJECT: UKNF Cost ProfileIssue Date: 18/07/2006

Manager: SeviourStart Date: 2007End Date: 2010

StaffFraction £k Fraction £k Fraction £k Fraction £k

Surface studies and development of fabrication techniquesCCLRC-ASTEC

RF Engineer (WP4, ASTEC, Band5) 0.40 31.95 0.40 33.07 0.40 34.23 1.20 99.25Engineering support (WP4, ASTEC, Band5) 0.10 7.99 0.10 8.27 0.10 8.56 0.30 24.81

Imperial-Mech.Eng.Ristic 0.20 16.56 0.20 17.14 0.20 17.74 0.60 51.44

Engineer PDRA 1.00 82.80 1.00 85.70 1.00 88.70 3.00 257.20Industrial CASE Student (EPSRC award) 1.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 3.00 0.00

UKNF project student 0.50 10.35 1.00 21.42 1.00 22.17 2.50 53.95Engineering support 0.10 8.28 0.10 8.57 0.10 8.87 0.30 25.72

Imperial-PhysicsBarber 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.10 4.66 0.10 4.66Kasey 0.10 2.74 0.10 2.84 0.10 2.93 0.30 8.51

Khaleeq 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.20 6.40 0.20 6.40D.Clarke 0.00 0.00 0.15 5.81 0.20 8.02 0.35 13.82

Lancaster/CockcroftEngineer PDRA 1 1.00 65.63 1.00 67.93 1.00 70.30 3.00 203.86Engineer PDRA 2 1.00 66.66 1.00 69.00 1.00 71.41 3.00 207.07

Engineering support 0.10 8.28 0.10 8.57 0.10 8.87 0.30 25.72Seviour 0.15 14.28 0.15 14.77 0.15 15.29 0.45 44.34Stables 0.50 32.30 0.50 33.43 0.50 34.60 1.50 100.32

Rolling-grant staff totals 0.10 2.74 0.25 8.64 0.60 22.01 0.95 33.40Staff totals: 6.15 347.82 6.80 376.51 7.15 402.76 20.10 1127.08

Atomic-force microscope 24.00 24.00Air scrubber & extraction system 10.00 10.00Electropolishing system 15.00 15.00

PQD controller 5.11 5.11CMP system 15.00 15.00Abrasive flow system 15.00 15.00Chemicals for polishing 8.00 8.00 8.00 24.00Waste management 7.00 7.00 7.00 21.00Safety cabinet and safety system 21.86 21.86Secondary containment area 17.63 17.63Sample Buttons 1.00 1.00 1.00 3.00High end PC 4.00 4.00Acclrsys Software 15.00 15.00High-pressure water wash system 1.50 1.50Water purification system 3.53 3.53LEG63 electron gun 11.75 11.75VG100AX electron analyser 28.75 28.75Tool set 1.50 1.50Vaccum Vessel 10.00 10.00Residual-gas analyser 5.88 5.88Robotic arm 5.00 5.00Control system 5.00 5.00Vacuum pump 9.40 9.40Shipping 3.00 7.00 10.00Glovebox 6.00 6.00Cavity Tuning system 12.50 12.50Cavity RF Windows 50.00 50.00Prototype Coupler manufacture 70.00 70.00Prototype Cavity manufacture 57.00 57.00Ultrasonic bath 0.80 0.80Hazardous materials training 5.21 0.00 5.21

Inflation 6.20 4.38 11.53 22.11Eqipment total 254.09 90.88 161.53 506.51VAT 44.47 15.90 28.27 88.64Working margin (10%) 29.86 10.68 18.98 59.51Contingency (20%) 59.71 21.36 37.96 119.03Consumables 12.00 5.00 17.00Travel 10.00 10.00 10.00 30.00

Total: 757.94 530.33 659.50 1947.77

Following CCLRC guidelines, inflation at 3.5% has been added in the staff lines while inflation at 2.5% has been added (and called out explicitly) in the equipment request.

2007/08 2008/09 2009/10 Total

Work package title Development of high-gradient RF cavitiesWork package number 4

P R O JE C T: U K N F C ost P ro file

Issue D ate: 18 /07 /2006

M anager: S eviour

S tart D ate: 2007

E nd D ate: 2010

S taff

Fraction £k Fraction £k Fraction £k Fraction £k

S urface stud ies and developm ent o f fabrication techn iques


R F E ng ineer (W P 4, A S T E C , B and5) 0 .40 31.95 0.40 33.07 0.40 34.23 1.20 99.25

E ng ineering support (W P 4, A S T E C , B and5) 0 .10 7 .99 0.10 8.27 0.10 8.56 0.30 24.81

Im peria l-M ech .E ng .

R istic 0 .20 16.56 0.20 17.14 0.20 17.74 0.60 51.44

E ng ineer P D R A 1.00 82.80 1.00 85.70 1.00 88.70 3.00 257 .20

Industria l C A S E S tudent (E P S R C aw ard) 1 .00 0 .00 1.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 3.00 0.00

U K N F pro ject s tudent 0 .50 10.35 1.00 21.42 1.00 22.17 2.50 53.95

E ng ineering support 0 .10 8 .28 0.10 8.57 0.10 8.87 0.30 25.72

Im peria l-P hysics

B arber 0 .00 0 .00 0.00 0.00 0.10 4.66 0.10 4.66

K asey 0.10 2.74 0.10 2.84 0.10 2.93 0.30 8.51

K ha leeq 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.20 6.40 0.20 6.40

D .C la rke 0 .00 0.00 0.15 5.81 0.20 8.02 0.35 13.82

Lancaster/C ockcro ft

E ng ineer P D R A 1 1 .00 65.63 1.00 67.93 1.00 70.30 3.00 203 .86

E ng ineer P D R A 2 1 .00 66.66 1.00 69.00 1.00 71.41 3.00 207 .07

E ng ineering support 0 .10 8 .28 0.10 8.57 0.10 8.87 0.30 25.72

S eviour 0 .15 14.28 0.15 14.77 0.15 15.29 0.45 44.34

S tab les 0 .50 32.30 0.50 33.43 0.50 34.60 1.50 100 .32

R olling -gran t s ta ff to ta ls 0.10 2.74 0.25 8.64 0.60 22.01 0.95 33.40

S taff to ta ls : 6 .15 347 .82 6.80 376 .51 7.15 402 .76 20.10 1127.08

A tom ic-fo rce m icroscope 24.00 24.00

A ir scrubber & extraction system 10.00 10.00

E lectropo lish ing system 15.00 15.00

PQD controller 5 .11 5 .11

C M P system 15.00 15.00

A bras ive f low system 15 .00 15.00

C hem ica ls fo r po lish ing 8 .00 8.00 8.00 24.00

W aste m anagem ent 7 .00 7 .00 7.00 21.00

S afe ty cab ine t and sa fe ty system 21.86 21.86

S econdary con ta inm ent a rea 17.63 17.63

S am ple B uttons 1 .00 1.00 1.00 3.00

H igh end P C 4.00 4.00

A cc lrsys S o ftw are 15.00 15.00

H igh-pressure w ate r w ash system 1.50 1.50

W ater purif ica tion system 3.53 3.53

LE G 63 e lectron gun 11.75 11.75

V G 100A X e lectron ana lyser 28 .75 28.75

T oo l se t 1 .50 1 .50

V accum V esse l 10 .00 10.00

R esidua l-gas ana lyser 5 .88 5 .88

R obotic a rm 5.00 5.00

C ontro l system 5.00 5.00

V acuum pum p 9.40 9.40

S h ipp ing 3 .00 7.00 10.00

G lovebox 6.00 6.00

C avity T un ing system 12.50 12.50

C avity R F W indow s 50.00 50.00

P ro to type C oup le r m anufactu re 70 .00 70.00

P ro to type C avity m anufactu re 57 .00 57.00

U ltrason ic ba th 0 .80 0 .80

H azardous m ateria ls tra in ing 5 .21 0.00 5.21

In fla tion 6.20 4.38 11.53 22.11

E qipm ent to ta l 254 .09 90.88 161 .53 506 .51

V A T 44.47 15.90 28.27 88.64

W ork ing m arg in (10% ) 29.86 10.68 18.98 59.51

C ontingency (20% ) 59.71 21.36 37.96 119 .03

C onsum ab les 12.00 5.00 17.00

T rave l 10 .00 10.00 10.00 30.00

Tota l: 757 .94 530 .33 659 .50 1947.77

Fo llow ing C C LR C gu ide lines, in fla tion a t 3 .5% has been added in the s ta ff lines w h ile in fla tion a t 2 .5% has been added (and ca lled ou t exp lic itly) in the

equ ipm ent request.

2007/08 2008/09 2009/10 Tota l

Work package title Development of high-gradient RF cavitiesWork package number 4

PROJECT: UKNF Cost ProfileIssue Date: 18/07/2006

Manager: SeviourStart Date: 2007End Date: 2010

StaffFraction £k Fraction £k Fraction £k Fraction £k

Surface studies and development of fabrication techniquesCCLRC-ASTEC

RF Engineer (WP4, ASTEC, Band5) 0.40 31.95 0.40 33.07 0.40 34.23 1.20 99.25Engineering support (WP4, ASTEC, Band5) 0.10 7.99 0.10 8.27 0.10 8.56 0.30 24.81

Imperial-Mech.Eng.Ristic 0.20 16.56 0.20 17.14 0.20 17.74 0.60 51.44

Engineer PDRA 1.00 82.80 1.00 85.70 1.00 88.70 3.00 257.20Industrial CASE Student (EPSRC award) 1.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 3.00 0.00

UKNF project student 0.50 10.35 1.00 21.42 1.00 22.17 2.50 53.95Engineering support 0.10 8.28 0.10 8.57 0.10 8.87 0.30 25.72

Imperial-PhysicsBarber 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.10 4.66 0.10 4.66Kasey 0.10 2.74 0.10 2.84 0.10 2.93 0.30 8.51

Khaleeq 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.20 6.40 0.20 6.40D.Clarke 0.00 0.00 0.15 5.81 0.20 8.02 0.35 13.82

Lancaster/CockcroftEngineer PDRA 1 1.00 65.63 1.00 67.93 1.00 70.30 3.00 203.86Engineer PDRA 2 1.00 66.66 1.00 69.00 1.00 71.41 3.00 207.07

Engineering support 0.10 8.28 0.10 8.57 0.10 8.87 0.30 25.72Seviour 0.15 14.28 0.15 14.77 0.15 15.29 0.45 44.34Stables 0.50 32.30 0.50 33.43 0.50 34.60 1.50 100.32

Rolling-grant staff totals 0.10 2.74 0.25 8.64 0.60 22.01 0.95 33.40Staff totals: 6.15 347.82 6.80 376.51 7.15 402.76 20.10 1127.08

Atomic-force microscope 24.00 24.00Air scrubber & extraction system 10.00 10.00Electropolishing system 15.00 15.00

PQD controller 5.11 5.11CMP system 15.00 15.00Abrasive flow system 15.00 15.00Chemicals for polishing 8.00 8.00 8.00 24.00Waste management 7.00 7.00 7.00 21.00Safety cabinet and safety system 21.86 21.86Secondary containment area 17.63 17.63Sample Buttons 1.00 1.00 1.00 3.00High end PC 4.00 4.00Acclrsys Software 15.00 15.00High-pressure water wash system 1.50 1.50Water purification system 3.53 3.53LEG63 electron gun 11.75 11.75VG100AX electron analyser 28.75 28.75Tool set 1.50 1.50Vaccum Vessel 10.00 10.00Residual-gas analyser 5.88 5.88Robotic arm 5.00 5.00Control system 5.00 5.00Vacuum pump 9.40 9.40Shipping 3.00 7.00 10.00Glovebox 6.00 6.00Cavity Tuning system 12.50 12.50Cavity RF Windows 50.00 50.00Prototype Coupler manufacture 70.00 70.00Prototype Cavity manufacture 57.00 57.00Ultrasonic bath 0.80 0.80Hazardous materials training 5.21 0.00 5.21

Inflation 6.20 4.38 11.53 22.11Eqipment total 254.09 90.88 161.53 506.51VAT 44.47 15.90 28.27 88.64Working margin (10%) 29.86 10.68 18.98 59.51Contingency (20%) 59.71 21.36 37.96 119.03Consumables 12.00 5.00 17.00Travel 10.00 10.00 10.00 30.00

Total: 757.94 530.33 659.50 1947.77

2007/08 2008/09 2009/10 Total

Work package title Development of high-gradient RF cavitiesWork package number 4

PROJECT: UKNF Cost ProfileIssue Date: 18/07/2006

Manager: SeviourStart Date: 2007End Date: 2010

StaffFraction £k Fraction £k Fraction £k Fraction £k

Surface studies and development of fabrication techniquesCCLRC-ASTEC

RF Engineer (WP4, ASTEC, Band5) 0.40 31.95 0.40 33.07 0.40 34.23 1.20 99.25Engineering support (WP4, ASTEC, Band5) 0.10 7.99 0.10 8.27 0.10 8.56 0.30 24.81

Imperial-Mech.Eng.Ristic 0.20 16.56 0.20 17.14 0.20 17.74 0.60 51.44

Engineer PDRA 1.00 82.80 1.00 85.70 1.00 88.70 3.00 257.20Industrial CASE Student (EPSRC award) 1.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 3.00 0.00

UKNF project student 0.50 10.35 1.00 21.42 1.00 22.17 2.50 53.95Engineering support 0.10 8.28 0.10 8.57 0.10 8.87 0.30 25.72

Imperial-PhysicsBarber 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.10 4.66 0.10 4.66Kasey 0.10 2.74 0.10 2.84 0.10 2.93 0.30 8.51

Khaleeq 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.20 6.40 0.20 6.40D.Clarke 0.00 0.00 0.15 5.81 0.20 8.02 0.35 13.82

Lancaster/CockcroftEngineer PDRA 1 1.00 65.63 1.00 67.93 1.00 70.30 3.00 203.86Engineer PDRA 2 1.00 66.66 1.00 69.00 1.00 71.41 3.00 207.07

Engineering support 0.10 8.28 0.10 8.57 0.10 8.87 0.30 25.72Seviour 0.15 14.28 0.15 14.77 0.15 15.29 0.45 44.34Stables 0.50 32.30 0.50 33.43 0.50 34.60 1.50 100.32

Rolling-grant staff totals 0.10 2.74 0.25 8.64 0.60 22.01 0.95 33.40Staff totals: 6.15 347.82 6.80 376.51 7.15 402.76 20.10 1127.08

Atomic-force microscope 24.00 24.00Air scrubber & extraction system 10.00 10.00Electropolishing system 15.00 15.00

PQD controller 5.11 5.11CMP system 15.00 15.00Abrasive flow system 15.00 15.00Chemicals for polishing 8.00 8.00 8.00 24.00Waste management 7.00 7.00 7.00 21.00Safety cabinet and safety system 21.86 21.86Secondary containment area 17.63 17.63Sample Buttons 1.00 1.00 1.00 3.00High end PC 4.00 4.00Acclrsys Software 15.00 15.00High-pressure water wash system 1.50 1.50Water purification system 3.53 3.53LEG63 electron gun 11.75 11.75VG100AX electron analyser 28.75 28.75Tool set 1.50 1.50Vaccum Vessel 10.00 10.00Residual-gas analyser 5.88 5.88Robotic arm 5.00 5.00Control system 5.00 5.00Vacuum pump 9.40 9.40Shipping 3.00 7.00 10.00Glovebox 6.00 6.00Cavity Tuning system 12.50 12.50Cavity RF Windows 50.00 50.00Prototype Coupler manufacture 70.00 70.00Prototype Cavity manufacture 57.00 57.00Ultrasonic bath 0.80 0.80Hazardous materials training 5.21 0.00 5.21

Inflation 6.20 4.38 11.53 22.11Eqipment total 254.09 90.88 161.53 506.51VAT 44.47 15.90 28.27 88.64Working margin (10%) 29.86 10.68 18.98 59.51Contingency (20%) 59.71 21.36 37.96 119.03Consumables 12.00 5.00 17.00Travel 10.00 10.00 10.00 30.00

Total: 757.94 530.33 659.50 1947.77

Following CCLRC guidelines, inflation at 3.5% has been added in the staff lines while inflation at 2.5% has been added (and called out explicitly) in the equipment request.

2007/08 2008/09 2009/10 Total

Work package title Development of high-gradient RF cavitiesWork package number 4

P R O JE C T: U K N F C ost P ro file

Issue D ate: 18 /07 /2006

M anager: S eviour

S tart D ate: 2007

E nd D ate: 2010

S taff

Fraction £k Fraction £k Fraction £k Fraction £k

S urface stud ies and developm ent o f fabrication techn iques


R F E ng ineer (W P 4, A S T E C , B and5) 0 .40 31.95 0.40 33.07 0.40 34.23 1.20 99.25

E ng ineering support (W P 4, A S T E C , B and5) 0 .10 7 .99 0.10 8.27 0.10 8.56 0.30 24.81

Im peria l-M ech .E ng .

R istic 0 .20 16.56 0.20 17.14 0.20 17.74 0.60 51.44

E ng ineer P D R A 1.00 82.80 1.00 85.70 1.00 88.70 3.00 257 .20

Industria l C A S E S tudent (E P S R C aw ard) 1 .00 0 .00 1.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 3.00 0.00

U K N F pro ject s tudent 0 .50 10.35 1.00 21.42 1.00 22.17 2.50 53.95

E ng ineering support 0 .10 8 .28 0.10 8.57 0.10 8.87 0.30 25.72

Im peria l-P hysics

B arber 0 .00 0 .00 0.00 0.00 0.10 4.66 0.10 4.66

K asey 0.10 2.74 0.10 2.84 0.10 2.93 0.30 8.51

K ha leeq 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.20 6.40 0.20 6.40

D .C la rke 0 .00 0.00 0.15 5.81 0.20 8.02 0.35 13.82

Lancaster/C ockcro ft

E ng ineer P D R A 1 1 .00 65.63 1.00 67.93 1.00 70.30 3.00 203 .86

E ng ineer P D R A 2 1 .00 66.66 1.00 69.00 1.00 71.41 3.00 207 .07

E ng ineering support 0 .10 8 .28 0.10 8.57 0.10 8.87 0.30 25.72

S eviour 0 .15 14.28 0.15 14.77 0.15 15.29 0.45 44.34

S tab les 0 .50 32.30 0.50 33.43 0.50 34.60 1.50 100 .32

R olling -gran t s ta ff to ta ls 0.10 2.74 0.25 8.64 0.60 22.01 0.95 33.40

S taff to ta ls : 6 .15 347 .82 6.80 376 .51 7.15 402 .76 20.10 1127.08

A tom ic-fo rce m icroscope 24.00 24.00

A ir scrubber & extraction system 10.00 10.00

E lectropo lish ing system 15.00 15.00

PQD controller 5 .11 5 .11

C M P system 15.00 15.00

A bras ive f low system 15 .00 15.00

C hem ica ls fo r po lish ing 8 .00 8.00 8.00 24.00

W aste m anagem ent 7 .00 7 .00 7.00 21.00

S afe ty cab ine t and sa fe ty system 21.86 21.86

S econdary con ta inm ent a rea 17.63 17.63

S am ple B uttons 1 .00 1.00 1.00 3.00

H igh end P C 4.00 4.00

A cc lrsys S o ftw are 15.00 15.00

H igh-pressure w ate r w ash system 1.50 1.50

W ater purif ica tion system 3.53 3.53

LE G 63 e lectron gun 11.75 11.75

V G 100A X e lectron ana lyser 28 .75 28.75

T oo l se t 1 .50 1 .50

V accum V esse l 10 .00 10.00

R esidua l-gas ana lyser 5 .88 5 .88

R obotic a rm 5.00 5.00

C ontro l system 5.00 5.00

V acuum pum p 9.40 9.40

S h ipp ing 3 .00 7.00 10.00

G lovebox 6.00 6.00

C avity T un ing system 12.50 12.50

C avity R F W indow s 50.00 50.00

P ro to type C oup le r m anufactu re 70 .00 70.00

P ro to type C avity m anufactu re 57 .00 57.00

U ltrason ic ba th 0 .80 0 .80

H azardous m ateria ls tra in ing 5 .21 0.00 5.21

In fla tion 6.20 4.38 11.53 22.11

E qipm ent to ta l 254 .09 90.88 161 .53 506 .51

V A T 44.47 15.90 28.27 88.64

W ork ing m arg in (10% ) 29.86 10.68 18.98 59.51

C ontingency (20% ) 59.71 21.36 37.96 119 .03

C onsum ab les 12.00 5.00 17.00

T rave l 10 .00 10.00 10.00 30.00

Tota l: 757 .94 530 .33 659 .50 1947.77

Fo llow ing C C LR C gu ide lines, in fla tion a t 3 .5% has been added in the s ta ff lines w h ile in fla tion a t 2 .5% has been added (and ca lled ou t exp lic itly) in the

equ ipm ent request.

2007/08 2008/09 2009/10 Tota l

Work package title Development of high-gradient RF cavitiesWork package number 4

PROJECT: UKNF Cost ProfileIssue Date: 18/07/2006

Manager: SeviourStart Date: 2007End Date: 2010

StaffFraction £k Fraction £k Fraction £k Fraction £k

Surface studies and development of fabrication techniquesCCLRC-ASTEC

RF Engineer (WP4, ASTEC, Band5) 0.40 31.95 0.40 33.07 0.40 34.23 1.20 99.25Engineering support (WP4, ASTEC, Band5) 0.10 7.99 0.10 8.27 0.10 8.56 0.30 24.81

Imperial-Mech.Eng.Ristic 0.20 16.56 0.20 17.14 0.20 17.74 0.60 51.44

Engineer PDRA 1.00 82.80 1.00 85.70 1.00 88.70 3.00 257.20Industrial CASE Student (EPSRC award) 1.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 3.00 0.00

UKNF project student 0.50 10.35 1.00 21.42 1.00 22.17 2.50 53.95Engineering support 0.10 8.28 0.10 8.57 0.10 8.87 0.30 25.72

Imperial-PhysicsBarber 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.10 4.66 0.10 4.66Kasey 0.10 2.74 0.10 2.84 0.10 2.93 0.30 8.51

Khaleeq 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.20 6.40 0.20 6.40D.Clarke 0.00 0.00 0.15 5.81 0.20 8.02 0.35 13.82

Lancaster/CockcroftEngineer PDRA 1 1.00 65.63 1.00 67.93 1.00 70.30 3.00 203.86Engineer PDRA 2 1.00 66.66 1.00 69.00 1.00 71.41 3.00 207.07

Engineering support 0.10 8.28 0.10 8.57 0.10 8.87 0.30 25.72Seviour 0.15 14.28 0.15 14.77 0.15 15.29 0.45 44.34Stables 0.50 32.30 0.50 33.43 0.50 34.60 1.50 100.32

Rolling-grant staff totals 0.10 2.74 0.25 8.64 0.60 22.01 0.95 33.40Staff totals: 6.15 347.82 6.80 376.51 7.15 402.76 20.10 1127.08

Atomic-force microscope 24.00 24.00Air scrubber & extraction system 10.00 10.00Electropolishing system 15.00 15.00

PQD controller 5.11 5.11CMP system 15.00 15.00Abrasive flow system 15.00 15.00Chemicals for polishing 8.00 8.00 8.00 24.00Waste management 7.00 7.00 7.00 21.00Safety cabinet and safety system 21.86 21.86Secondary containment area 17.63 17.63Sample Buttons 1.00 1.00 1.00 3.00High end PC 4.00 4.00Acclrsys Software 15.00 15.00High-pressure water wash system 1.50 1.50Water purification system 3.53 3.53LEG63 electron gun 11.75 11.75VG100AX electron analyser 28.75 28.75Tool set 1.50 1.50Vaccum Vessel 10.00 10.00Residual-gas analyser 5.88 5.88Robotic arm 5.00 5.00Control system 5.00 5.00Vacuum pump 9.40 9.40Shipping 3.00 7.00 10.00Glovebox 6.00 6.00Cavity Tuning system 12.50 12.50Cavity RF Windows 50.00 50.00Prototype Coupler manufacture 70.00 70.00Prototype Cavity manufacture 57.00 57.00Ultrasonic bath 0.80 0.80Hazardous materials training 5.21 0.00 5.21

Inflation 6.20 4.38 11.53 22.11Eqipment total 254.09 90.88 161.53 506.51VAT 44.47 15.90 28.27 88.64Working margin (10%) 29.86 10.68 18.98 59.51Contingency (20%) 59.71 21.36 37.96 119.03Consumables 12.00 5.00 17.00Travel 10.00 10.00 10.00 30.00

Total: 757.94 530.33 659.50 1947.77

2007/08 2008/09 2009/10 Total

Page 33: 4 th September 2006 UK Neutrino Factory C.R. Prior CCLRC-ASTeC and Trinity College Oxford On behalf of the UK Neutrino Factory Collaboration CCLRC Adams.

WP5: Site survey and geological studies Site survey:

Essential pre-requisite to preparation of bid to host Geological studies:

Performance optimum for given cost requires understanding cost of reducing matter density uncertainty Work package title Site survey and geological studies

Work package number 5

PROJECT: UKNF Cost ProfileIssue Date: 18/07/2006

Manager: WarnerStart Date: 2007End Date: 2010

StaffFraction £k Fraction £k Fraction £k Fraction £k


Engineer 0.10 7.29 0.10 7.55 0.10 7.81 0.30 22.65Site survey and geological studies

Imperial-ESEDurucan 0.05 6.21 0.05 6.43 0.05 6.65 0.15 19.29Warner 0.15 18.63 0.15 19.28 0.15 19.96 0.45 57.87

Post-doctoral research associate 0.50 45.73 1.00 94.66 1.00 97.98 2.50 238.37Graduate student 0.50 10.35 1.00 21.42 1.00 22.17 2.50 53.95

Geological studiesRolling-grant staff totals 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00Staff totals: 1.30 88.21 2.30 149.34 2.30 154.57 5.90 392.13

Inflation 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00Eqipment total 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00VAT 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00Working margin (10%) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00Contingency (20%) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00Consumables 5.00 5.00 5.00 15.00Travel 10.00 10.00 10.00 30.00

Total: 103.21 164.34 169.57 437.13

Following CCLRC guidelines, inflation at 3.5% has been added in the staff lines while inflation at 2.5% has been added (and called out explicitly) in the equipment request.

2007/08 2008/09 2009/10 Total

Page 34: 4 th September 2006 UK Neutrino Factory C.R. Prior CCLRC-ASTeC and Trinity College Oxford On behalf of the UK Neutrino Factory Collaboration CCLRC Adams.

WP6: International Design Study UK demonstrated international leadership by initiating the

ISS Essential to maintain and enhance this position by

Resources required to: Allow UK personnel to play key leadership roles in the negotiations

leading to the formation of the International Design Study collaboration

Allow UK personnel to play leading roles in the preparation of a successful bid to EU Framework Programme 7

Work package title International Design StudyWork package number 6

PROJECT: UKNF Cost ProfileIssue Date: 18/07/2006

Manager: EdgecockStart Date: 2007End Date: 2010

StaffFraction £k Fraction £k Fraction £k Fraction £k

IDS coordination and FP7 preparationCCLRC-RAL-PPD

Edgecock 0.10 10.76 0.10 11.13 0.10 11.52 0.30 33.41Administrative support (WP6, PPD, Band6) 0.10 7.36 0.20 15.24 0.20 15.77 0.50 38.38

CCLRC-RAL-EIDEngineering support (WP6, EID, Band4) 0.05 5.03 0.20 20.83 0.40 43.12 0.65 68.99

Imperial-PhysicsDornan 0.05 5.36 0.05 5.55 0.03 2.87 0.13 13.77

Long 0.20 19.76 0.20 20.45 0.20 21.16 0.60 61.37Barlow 0.05 5.36 0.10 11.10 0.10 11.49 0.25 27.96

LiverpoolGamet 0.10 6.62 0.10 6.86 0.10 7.10 0.30 20.58Cooke 0.10 6.62 0.10 6.86 0.10 7.10 0.30 20.58

Rolling-grant staff totals 0.45 38.36 0.45 39.71 0.43 38.23 1.33 116.29Staff totals: 0.75 66.88 1.05 98.01 1.23 120.13 3.03 285.02

Inflation 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00Eqipment total 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00VAT 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00Working margin (10%) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00Contingency (20%) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00Consumables 5.00 5.00 5.00 15.00Travel 40.00 40.00 40.00 120.00

Total: 111.88 143.01 165.13 420.02

Following CCLRC guidelines, inflation at 3.5% has been added in the staff lines while inflation at 2.5% has been added (and called out explicitly) in the equipment request.

2007/08 2008/09 2009/10 Total

Work package title International Design StudyWork package number 6

PROJECT: UKNF Cost Profile

Issue Date: 18/07/2006

Manager: Edgecock

Start Date: 2007

End Date: 2010


Fraction £k Fraction £k Fraction £k Fraction £kIDS coordination and FP7 preparation


Edgecock 0.10 10.76 0.10 11.13 0.10 11.52 0.30 33.41Administrative support (WP6, PPD, Band6) 0.10 7.36 0.20 15.24 0.20 15.77 0.50 38.38


Engineering support (WP6, EID, Band4) 0.05 5.03 0.20 20.83 0.40 43.12 0.65 68.99Imperial-Physics

Dornan 0.05 5.36 0.05 5.55 0.03 2.87 0.13 13.77Long 0.20 19.76 0.20 20.45 0.20 21.16 0.60 61.37

Barlow 0.05 5.36 0.10 11.10 0.10 11.49 0.25 27.96Liverpool

Gamet 0.10 6.62 0.10 6.86 0.10 7.10 0.30 20.58Cooke 0.10 6.62 0.10 6.86 0.10 7.10 0.30 20.58

Rolling-grant staff totals 0.45 38.36 0.45 39.71 0.43 38.23 1.33 116.29Staff totals: 0.75 66.88 1.05 98.01 1.23 120.13 3.03 285.02

Inflation 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00Eqipment total 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

VAT 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00Working margin (10%) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00Contingency (20%) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00Consumables 5.00 5.00 5.00 15.00Travel 40.00 40.00 40.00 120.00

Total: 111.88 143.01 165.13 420.02

Following CCLRC guidelines, inflation at 3.5% has been added in the staff lines while inflation at 2.5% has been added (and called out explicitly) in the equipment request.

2007/08 2008/09 2009/10 Total

Work package title International Design StudyWork package number 6

PROJECT: UKNF Cost ProfileIssue Date: 18/07/2006

Manager: EdgecockStart Date: 2007End Date: 2010

StaffFraction £k Fraction £k Fraction £k Fraction £k

IDS coordination and FP7 preparationCCLRC-RAL-PPD

Edgecock 0.10 10.76 0.10 11.13 0.10 11.52 0.30 33.41Administrative support (WP6, PPD, Band6) 0.10 7.36 0.20 15.24 0.20 15.77 0.50 38.38

CCLRC-RAL-EIDEngineering support (WP6, EID, Band4) 0.05 5.03 0.20 20.83 0.40 43.12 0.65 68.99

Imperial-PhysicsDornan 0.05 5.36 0.05 5.55 0.03 2.87 0.13 13.77

Long 0.20 19.76 0.20 20.45 0.20 21.16 0.60 61.37Barlow 0.05 5.36 0.10 11.10 0.10 11.49 0.25 27.96

LiverpoolGamet 0.10 6.62 0.10 6.86 0.10 7.10 0.30 20.58Cooke 0.10 6.62 0.10 6.86 0.10 7.10 0.30 20.58

Rolling-grant staff totals 0.45 38.36 0.45 39.71 0.43 38.23 1.33 116.29Staff totals: 0.75 66.88 1.05 98.01 1.23 120.13 3.03 285.02

Inflation 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00Eqipment total 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00VAT 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00Working margin (10%) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00Contingency (20%) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00Consumables 5.00 5.00 5.00 15.00Travel 40.00 40.00 40.00 120.00

Total: 111.88 143.01 165.13 420.02

2007/08 2008/09 2009/10 Total

Work package title International Design StudyWork package number 6

PROJECT: UKNF Cost ProfileIssue Date: 18/07/2006

Manager: EdgecockStart Date: 2007End Date: 2010

StaffFraction £k Fraction £k Fraction £k Fraction £k

IDS coordination and FP7 preparationCCLRC-RAL-PPD

Edgecock 0.10 10.76 0.10 11.13 0.10 11.52 0.30 33.41Administrative support (WP6, PPD, Band6) 0.10 7.36 0.20 15.24 0.20 15.77 0.50 38.38

CCLRC-RAL-EIDEngineering support (WP6, EID, Band4) 0.05 5.03 0.20 20.83 0.40 43.12 0.65 68.99

Imperial-PhysicsDornan 0.05 5.36 0.05 5.55 0.03 2.87 0.13 13.77

Long 0.20 19.76 0.20 20.45 0.20 21.16 0.60 61.37Barlow 0.05 5.36 0.10 11.10 0.10 11.49 0.25 27.96

LiverpoolGamet 0.10 6.62 0.10 6.86 0.10 7.10 0.30 20.58Cooke 0.10 6.62 0.10 6.86 0.10 7.10 0.30 20.58

Rolling-grant staff totals 0.45 38.36 0.45 39.71 0.43 38.23 1.33 116.29Staff totals: 0.75 66.88 1.05 98.01 1.23 120.13 3.03 285.02

Inflation 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00Eqipment total 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00VAT 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00Working margin (10%) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00Contingency (20%) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00Consumables 5.00 5.00 5.00 15.00Travel 40.00 40.00 40.00 120.00

Total: 111.88 143.01 165.13 420.02

Following CCLRC guidelines, inflation at 3.5% has been added in the staff lines while inflation at 2.5% has been added (and called out explicitly) in the equipment request.

2007/08 2008/09 2009/10 Total

Work package title International Design StudyWork package number 6

PROJECT: UKNF Cost Profile

Issue Date: 18/07/2006

Manager: Edgecock

Start Date: 2007

End Date: 2010


Fraction £k Fraction £k Fraction £k Fraction £kIDS coordination and FP7 preparation


Edgecock 0.10 10.76 0.10 11.13 0.10 11.52 0.30 33.41Administrative support (WP6, PPD, Band6) 0.10 7.36 0.20 15.24 0.20 15.77 0.50 38.38


Engineering support (WP6, EID, Band4) 0.05 5.03 0.20 20.83 0.40 43.12 0.65 68.99Imperial-Physics

Dornan 0.05 5.36 0.05 5.55 0.03 2.87 0.13 13.77Long 0.20 19.76 0.20 20.45 0.20 21.16 0.60 61.37

Barlow 0.05 5.36 0.10 11.10 0.10 11.49 0.25 27.96Liverpool

Gamet 0.10 6.62 0.10 6.86 0.10 7.10 0.30 20.58Cooke 0.10 6.62 0.10 6.86 0.10 7.10 0.30 20.58

Rolling-grant staff totals 0.45 38.36 0.45 39.71 0.43 38.23 1.33 116.29Staff totals: 0.75 66.88 1.05 98.01 1.23 120.13 3.03 285.02

Inflation 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00Eqipment total 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

VAT 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00Working margin (10%) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00Contingency (20%) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00Consumables 5.00 5.00 5.00 15.00Travel 40.00 40.00 40.00 120.00

Total: 111.88 143.01 165.13 420.02

Following CCLRC guidelines, inflation at 3.5% has been added in the staff lines while inflation at 2.5% has been added (and called out explicitly) in the equipment request.

2007/08 2008/09 2009/10 Total

Work package title International Design StudyWork package number 6

PROJECT: UKNF Cost ProfileIssue Date: 18/07/2006

Manager: EdgecockStart Date: 2007End Date: 2010

StaffFraction £k Fraction £k Fraction £k Fraction £k

IDS coordination and FP7 preparationCCLRC-RAL-PPD

Edgecock 0.10 10.76 0.10 11.13 0.10 11.52 0.30 33.41Administrative support (WP6, PPD, Band6) 0.10 7.36 0.20 15.24 0.20 15.77 0.50 38.38

CCLRC-RAL-EIDEngineering support (WP6, EID, Band4) 0.05 5.03 0.20 20.83 0.40 43.12 0.65 68.99

Imperial-PhysicsDornan 0.05 5.36 0.05 5.55 0.03 2.87 0.13 13.77

Long 0.20 19.76 0.20 20.45 0.20 21.16 0.60 61.37Barlow 0.05 5.36 0.10 11.10 0.10 11.49 0.25 27.96

LiverpoolGamet 0.10 6.62 0.10 6.86 0.10 7.10 0.30 20.58Cooke 0.10 6.62 0.10 6.86 0.10 7.10 0.30 20.58

Rolling-grant staff totals 0.45 38.36 0.45 39.71 0.43 38.23 1.33 116.29Staff totals: 0.75 66.88 1.05 98.01 1.23 120.13 3.03 285.02

Inflation 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00Eqipment total 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00VAT 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00Working margin (10%) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00Contingency (20%) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00Consumables 5.00 5.00 5.00 15.00Travel 40.00 40.00 40.00 120.00

Total: 111.88 143.01 165.13 420.02

2007/08 2008/09 2009/10 Total

Page 35: 4 th September 2006 UK Neutrino Factory C.R. Prior CCLRC-ASTeC and Trinity College Oxford On behalf of the UK Neutrino Factory Collaboration CCLRC Adams.


Resources will allow UKNF to: Deliver IDR for the Neutrino Factory by 2010

As a leading member of the IDS collaboration As a step on the way to producing the NF CDR by 2012

Carry out a targeted programme of hardware R&D that will: Establish UK competence in key systems and technologies Engage appropriately with industry to ensure cost models for CDR are


PROJECT: UKNF Overview of project costsIssue Date: 18/07/2006

Manager: LongStart Date: 2007End Date: 2010

Id Name Fraction £k Fraction £k Fraction £k Fraction £kStaff effort, summary by instituteUKNF

1 Neutrino Factory conceptual designCCLRC-ASTEC 4.85 449.57 4.65 440.81 4.75 464.79 14.25 1355.17

CCLRC-RAL-ISIS 0.08 7.29 0.30 28.29 0.30 29.28 0.68 64.85CCLRC-RAL-PPD 0.40 43.02 0.40 44.53 0.40 46.08 1.20 133.63

Glasgow 0.45 29.81 0.45 30.85 0.45 31.93 1.35 92.59Imperial-Physics 0.40 35.54 0.90 47.50 1.40 60.25 2.70 143.29

Oxford 0.98 86.20 1.60 152.70 1.60 158.05 4.18 396.942 Proton driver front-end test stand

CCLRC-RAL-ISIS 1.90 170.89 1.90 176.87 1.90 183.06 5.70 530.81Imperial-Physics 4.70 276.10 5.35 301.65 5.40 314.00 15.45 891.75

Warwick 0.60 48.02 0.60 49.70 0.60 51.44 1.80 149.173 Target studies

CCLRC-RAL-EID 1.15 119.75 2.20 233.31 2.20 241.48 5.55 594.55CCLRC-RAL-ISIS 0.25 27.01 0.25 27.96 0.25 28.94 0.75 83.91CCLRC-RAL-PPD 0.90 79.31 1.40 119.66 1.40 123.84 3.70 322.81

Brunel 0.60 22.85 1.10 34.36 1.10 35.56 2.80 92.76Glasgow 0.35 23.18 0.35 24.00 0.35 24.84 1.05 72.01Sheffield 1.30 84.69 1.40 93.50 1.40 96.77 4.10 274.96Warwick 1.20 60.03 1.70 72.84 1.70 75.39 4.60 208.27

4 Development of high-gradient RF cavitiesCCLRC-ASTEC 0.50 39.94 0.50 41.34 0.50 42.79 1.50 124.06

Imperial-Mech.Eng. 2.80 117.99 3.30 132.83 3.30 137.48 9.40 388.30Imperial-Physics 0.10 2.74 0.25 8.64 0.60 22.01 0.95 33.40

Lancaster/Cockcroft 2.75 187.15 2.75 193.70 2.75 200.48 8.25 581.325 Site survey and geological studies

CCLRC-RAL-ISIS 0.10 7.29 0.10 7.55 0.10 7.81 0.30 22.65Imperial-ESE 1.20 80.92 2.20 141.80 2.20 146.76 5.60 369.48

6 International Design StudyCCLRC-RAL-EID 0.05 5.03 0.20 20.83 0.40 43.12 0.65 68.99

CCLRC-RAL-PPD 0.20 18.12 0.30 26.37 0.30 27.29 0.80 71.78Imperial-Physics 0.30 30.48 0.35 37.10 0.33 35.52 0.98 103.10

Liverpool 0.20 13.25 0.20 13.71 0.20 14.19 0.60 41.15Staff sub-totals 28.31 2066.16 34.70 2502.39 35.88 2643.16 98.89 7211.71Staff totals 28.31 2066.16 34.70 2502.39 35.88 2643.16 98.89 7211.71

Non-staff cost summaryUKNF

1 Neutrino Factory conceptual design 35.00 35.00 35.00 105.002 Proton driver front-end test stand 1074.67 595.76 462.36 2132.793 Target studies 143.08 146.41 306.09 595.594 Development of high-gradient RF cavities 410.13 153.82 256.74 820.695 Site survey and geological studies 15.00 15.00 15.00 45.006 International Design Study 45.00 45.00 45.00 135.00

Non-staff sub-totals 1722.88 990.99 1120.20 3834.06Non-staff totals 1722.88 990.99 1120.20 3834.06

Total staff and non-staff by work packageUKNF

1 Neutrino Factory conceptual design 686.43 779.67 825.38 2291.482 Proton driver front-end test stand 1569.67 1123.99 1010.86 3704.523 Target studies 559.91 752.03 932.91 2244.864 Development of high-gradient RF cavities 757.94 530.33 659.50 1947.775 Site survey and geological studies 103.21 164.34 169.57 437.136 International Design Study 111.88 143.01 165.13 420.02

Sub-totals 3789.04 3493.38 3763.36 11045.78

Grand totals 3789.04 3493.38 3763.36 11045.78

2009/10 TotalWork package 2007/08 2008/09

PROJECT: UKNF Overview of project costsIssue Date: 18/07/2006

Manager: LongStart Date: 2007End Date: 2010

Id Name Fraction £k Fraction £k Fraction £k Fraction £kStaff effort, summary by instituteUKNF

1 Neutrino Factory conceptual designCCLRC-ASTEC 4.85 449.57 4.65 440.81 4.75 464.79 14.25 1355.17

CCLRC-RAL-ISIS 0.08 7.29 0.30 28.29 0.30 29.28 0.68 64.85CCLRC-RAL-PPD 0.40 43.02 0.40 44.53 0.40 46.08 1.20 133.63

Glasgow 0.45 29.81 0.45 30.85 0.45 31.93 1.35 92.59Imperial-Physics 0.40 35.54 0.90 47.50 1.40 60.25 2.70 143.29

Oxford 0.98 86.20 1.60 152.70 1.60 158.05 4.18 396.942 Proton driver front-end test stand

CCLRC-RAL-ISIS 1.90 170.89 1.90 176.87 1.90 183.06 5.70 530.81Imperial-Physics 4.70 276.10 5.35 301.65 5.40 314.00 15.45 891.75

Warwick 0.60 48.02 0.60 49.70 0.60 51.44 1.80 149.173 Target studies

CCLRC-RAL-EID 1.15 119.75 2.20 233.31 2.20 241.48 5.55 594.55CCLRC-RAL-ISIS 0.25 27.01 0.25 27.96 0.25 28.94 0.75 83.91CCLRC-RAL-PPD 0.90 79.31 1.40 119.66 1.40 123.84 3.70 322.81

Brunel 0.60 22.85 1.10 34.36 1.10 35.56 2.80 92.76Glasgow 0.35 23.18 0.35 24.00 0.35 24.84 1.05 72.01Sheffield 1.30 84.69 1.40 93.50 1.40 96.77 4.10 274.96Warwick 1.20 60.03 1.70 72.84 1.70 75.39 4.60 208.27

4 Development of high-gradient RF cavitiesCCLRC-ASTEC 0.50 39.94 0.50 41.34 0.50 42.79 1.50 124.06

Imperial-Mech.Eng. 2.80 117.99 3.30 132.83 3.30 137.48 9.40 388.30Imperial-Physics 0.10 2.74 0.25 8.64 0.60 22.01 0.95 33.40

Lancaster/Cockcroft 2.75 187.15 2.75 193.70 2.75 200.48 8.25 581.325 Site survey and geological studies

CCLRC-RAL-ISIS 0.10 7.29 0.10 7.55 0.10 7.81 0.30 22.65Imperial-ESE 1.20 80.92 2.20 141.80 2.20 146.76 5.60 369.48

6 International Design StudyCCLRC-RAL-EID 0.05 5.03 0.20 20.83 0.40 43.12 0.65 68.99

CCLRC-RAL-PPD 0.20 18.12 0.30 26.37 0.30 27.29 0.80 71.78Imperial-Physics 0.30 30.48 0.35 37.10 0.33 35.52 0.98 103.10

Liverpool 0.20 13.25 0.20 13.71 0.20 14.19 0.60 41.15Staff sub-totals 28.31 2066.16 34.70 2502.39 35.88 2643.16 98.89 7211.71Staff totals 28.31 2066.16 34.70 2502.39 35.88 2643.16 98.89 7211.71

Non-staff cost summaryUKNF

1 Neutrino Factory conceptual design 35.00 35.00 35.00 105.002 Proton driver front-end test stand 1074.67 595.76 462.36 2132.793 Target studies 143.08 146.41 306.09 595.594 Development of high-gradient RF cavities 410.13 153.82 256.74 820.695 Site survey and geological studies 15.00 15.00 15.00 45.006 International Design Study 45.00 45.00 45.00 135.00

Non-staff sub-totals 1722.88 990.99 1120.20 3834.06Non-staff totals 1722.88 990.99 1120.20 3834.06

Total staff and non-staff by work packageUKNF

1 Neutrino Factory conceptual design 686.43 779.67 825.38 2291.482 Proton driver front-end test stand 1569.67 1123.99 1010.86 3704.523 Target studies 559.91 752.03 932.91 2244.864 Development of high-gradient RF cavities 757.94 530.33 659.50 1947.775 Site survey and geological studies 103.21 164.34 169.57 437.136 International Design Study 111.88 143.01 165.13 420.02

Sub-totals 3789.04 3493.38 3763.36 11045.78

Grand totals 3789.04 3493.38 3763.36 11045.78

2009/10 TotalWork package 2007/08 2008/09

PROJECT: UKNF Overview of project costsIssue Date: 18/07/2006

Manager: LongStart Date: 2007End Date: 2010

Id Name Fraction £k Fraction £k Fraction £k Fraction £kStaff effort, summary by instituteUKNF

1 Neutrino Factory conceptual designCCLRC-ASTEC 4.85 449.57 4.65 440.81 4.75 464.79 14.25 1355.17

CCLRC-RAL-ISIS 0.08 7.29 0.30 28.29 0.30 29.28 0.68 64.85CCLRC-RAL-PPD 0.40 43.02 0.40 44.53 0.40 46.08 1.20 133.63

Glasgow 0.45 29.81 0.45 30.85 0.45 31.93 1.35 92.59Imperial-Physics 0.40 35.54 0.90 47.50 1.40 60.25 2.70 143.29

Oxford 0.98 86.20 1.60 152.70 1.60 158.05 4.18 396.942 Proton driver front-end test stand

CCLRC-RAL-ISIS 1.90 170.89 1.90 176.87 1.90 183.06 5.70 530.81Imperial-Physics 4.70 276.10 5.35 301.65 5.40 314.00 15.45 891.75

Warwick 0.60 48.02 0.60 49.70 0.60 51.44 1.80 149.173 Target studies

CCLRC-RAL-EID 1.15 119.75 2.20 233.31 2.20 241.48 5.55 594.55CCLRC-RAL-ISIS 0.25 27.01 0.25 27.96 0.25 28.94 0.75 83.91CCLRC-RAL-PPD 0.90 79.31 1.40 119.66 1.40 123.84 3.70 322.81

Brunel 0.60 22.85 1.10 34.36 1.10 35.56 2.80 92.76Glasgow 0.35 23.18 0.35 24.00 0.35 24.84 1.05 72.01Sheffield 1.30 84.69 1.40 93.50 1.40 96.77 4.10 274.96Warwick 1.20 60.03 1.70 72.84 1.70 75.39 4.60 208.27

4 Development of high-gradient RF cavitiesCCLRC-ASTEC 0.50 39.94 0.50 41.34 0.50 42.79 1.50 124.06

Imperial-Mech.Eng. 2.80 117.99 3.30 132.83 3.30 137.48 9.40 388.30Imperial-Physics 0.10 2.74 0.25 8.64 0.60 22.01 0.95 33.40

Lancaster/Cockcroft 2.75 187.15 2.75 193.70 2.75 200.48 8.25 581.325 Site survey and geological studies

CCLRC-RAL-ISIS 0.10 7.29 0.10 7.55 0.10 7.81 0.30 22.65Imperial-ESE 1.20 80.92 2.20 141.80 2.20 146.76 5.60 369.48

6 International Design StudyCCLRC-RAL-EID 0.05 5.03 0.20 20.83 0.40 43.12 0.65 68.99

CCLRC-RAL-PPD 0.20 18.12 0.30 26.37 0.30 27.29 0.80 71.78Imperial-Physics 0.30 30.48 0.35 37.10 0.33 35.52 0.98 103.10

Liverpool 0.20 13.25 0.20 13.71 0.20 14.19 0.60 41.15Staff sub-totals 28.31 2066.16 34.70 2502.39 35.88 2643.16 98.89 7211.71Staff totals 28.31 2066.16 34.70 2502.39 35.88 2643.16 98.89 7211.71

Non-staff cost summaryUKNF

1 Neutrino Factory conceptual design 35.00 35.00 35.00 105.002 Proton driver front-end test stand 1074.67 595.76 462.36 2132.793 Target studies 143.08 146.41 306.09 595.594 Development of high-gradient RF cavities 410.13 153.82 256.74 820.695 Site survey and geological studies 15.00 15.00 15.00 45.006 International Design Study 45.00 45.00 45.00 135.00

Non-staff sub-totals 1722.88 990.99 1120.20 3834.06Non-staff totals 1722.88 990.99 1120.20 3834.06

Total staff and non-staff by work packageUKNF

1 Neutrino Factory conceptual design 686.43 779.67 825.38 2291.482 Proton driver front-end test stand 1569.67 1123.99 1010.86 3704.523 Target studies 559.91 752.03 932.91 2244.864 Development of high-gradient RF cavities 757.94 530.33 659.50 1947.775 Site survey and geological studies 103.21 164.34 169.57 437.136 International Design Study 111.88 143.01 165.13 420.02

Sub-totals 3789.04 3493.38 3763.36 11045.78

Grand totals 3789.04 3493.38 3763.36 11045.78

2009/10 TotalWork package 2007/08 2008/09

PROJECT: UKNF Overview of project costsIssue Date: 18/07/2006

Manager: LongStart Date: 2007End Date: 2010

Id Name Fraction £k Fraction £k Fraction £k Fraction £kStaff effort, summary by instituteUKNF

1 Neutrino Factory conceptual designCCLRC-ASTEC 4.85 449.57 4.65 440.81 4.75 464.79 14.25 1355.17

CCLRC-RAL-ISIS 0.08 7.29 0.30 28.29 0.30 29.28 0.68 64.85CCLRC-RAL-PPD 0.40 43.02 0.40 44.53 0.40 46.08 1.20 133.63

Glasgow 0.45 29.81 0.45 30.85 0.45 31.93 1.35 92.59Imperial-Physics 0.40 35.54 0.90 47.50 1.40 60.25 2.70 143.29

Oxford 0.98 86.20 1.60 152.70 1.60 158.05 4.18 396.942 Proton driver front-end test stand

CCLRC-RAL-ISIS 1.90 170.89 1.90 176.87 1.90 183.06 5.70 530.81Imperial-Physics 4.70 276.10 5.35 301.65 5.40 314.00 15.45 891.75

Warwick 0.60 48.02 0.60 49.70 0.60 51.44 1.80 149.173 Target studies

CCLRC-RAL-EID 1.15 119.75 2.20 233.31 2.20 241.48 5.55 594.55CCLRC-RAL-ISIS 0.25 27.01 0.25 27.96 0.25 28.94 0.75 83.91CCLRC-RAL-PPD 0.90 79.31 1.40 119.66 1.40 123.84 3.70 322.81

Brunel 0.60 22.85 1.10 34.36 1.10 35.56 2.80 92.76Glasgow 0.35 23.18 0.35 24.00 0.35 24.84 1.05 72.01Sheffield 1.30 84.69 1.40 93.50 1.40 96.77 4.10 274.96Warwick 1.20 60.03 1.70 72.84 1.70 75.39 4.60 208.27

4 Development of high-gradient RF cavitiesCCLRC-ASTEC 0.50 39.94 0.50 41.34 0.50 42.79 1.50 124.06

Imperial-Mech.Eng. 2.80 117.99 3.30 132.83 3.30 137.48 9.40 388.30Imperial-Physics 0.10 2.74 0.25 8.64 0.60 22.01 0.95 33.40

Lancaster/Cockcroft 2.75 187.15 2.75 193.70 2.75 200.48 8.25 581.325 Site survey and geological studies

CCLRC-RAL-ISIS 0.10 7.29 0.10 7.55 0.10 7.81 0.30 22.65Imperial-ESE 1.20 80.92 2.20 141.80 2.20 146.76 5.60 369.48

6 International Design StudyCCLRC-RAL-EID 0.05 5.03 0.20 20.83 0.40 43.12 0.65 68.99

CCLRC-RAL-PPD 0.20 18.12 0.30 26.37 0.30 27.29 0.80 71.78Imperial-Physics 0.30 30.48 0.35 37.10 0.33 35.52 0.98 103.10

Liverpool 0.20 13.25 0.20 13.71 0.20 14.19 0.60 41.15Staff sub-totals 28.31 2066.16 34.70 2502.39 35.88 2643.16 98.89 7211.71Staff totals 28.31 2066.16 34.70 2502.39 35.88 2643.16 98.89 7211.71

Non-staff cost summaryUKNF

1 Neutrino Factory conceptual design 35.00 35.00 35.00 105.002 Proton driver front-end test stand 1074.67 595.76 462.36 2132.793 Target studies 143.08 146.41 306.09 595.594 Development of high-gradient RF cavities 410.13 153.82 256.74 820.695 Site survey and geological studies 15.00 15.00 15.00 45.006 International Design Study 45.00 45.00 45.00 135.00

Non-staff sub-totals 1722.88 990.99 1120.20 3834.06Non-staff totals 1722.88 990.99 1120.20 3834.06

Total staff and non-staff by work packageUKNF

1 Neutrino Factory conceptual design 686.43 779.67 825.38 2291.482 Proton driver front-end test stand 1569.67 1123.99 1010.86 3704.523 Target studies 559.91 752.03 932.91 2244.864 Development of high-gradient RF cavities 757.94 530.33 659.50 1947.775 Site survey and geological studies 103.21 164.34 169.57 437.136 International Design Study 111.88 143.01 165.13 420.02

Sub-totals 3789.04 3493.38 3763.36 11045.78

Grand totals 3789.04 3493.38 3763.36 11045.78

2009/10 TotalWork package 2007/08 2008/09