4 tCiT. Ad. ~~ction.) 1 December 1946 I:waJal.ln Did. · 4 tCiT. Ad. ~~ction.) 1 (Publ1c Safet1) 1...

4 tCiT. Ad. 1 (Publ1c Safet1) 1 December 1946 I:waJal.ln Did. (a) La. aDd order in out17ing island. 1e aajntained b7 the Kagi .tretee and natiT. police. A native camp patrol i ••atntained in the lwaJalein Labor Caap. (b) (1) are 36 natiTe policeaen on the out171ng atolle and all are paid $5.00 per b7 Milit&r,7 GoTerDaent. are lupple aented b7 ueual oecapatione .e thh i. not lnhndt"i a. a tu11 U .e Jo b. (2) J'1eld ottloer. dl.etl •• anT problem. that a81 Rri.e and po i n t. out aatt"r . that n.ed attent ion on the l elande. Sanit a tion, ot pathe . clear&nee of brue.h. are the prilUU7 duUee and 1 t h bel1e'Yed that the pollc... n ere .e"ire good purpo •• in a •• the and Headmen in tbi. re.pect. (c) See paragraph (2) (e) (3) UDder Juettce. (4) There are DO Jail. or brige In the ou.tl;yillg ieland.. 'lbe I.T,. 'brig i. ueed on Xvajalein tor confInement when n8ce"8J7. (.) There i. no tire protection on the out171ng lelandl. Tt ere i. no concentration of buildinge of c on.lderable Talue and the climate ha. reduced the po •• ibllity of tire to mln1aum . In the lvaJal.1n La bor Camp. hand tire extln«ui.her. and 'Water barrele ere dietributed the camp ares. It 1. appr ox1 l1lat 817 1 all. to the l'aTal .lir :Baee nre Department.

Transcript of 4 tCiT. Ad. ~~ction.) 1 December 1946 I:waJal.ln Did. · 4 tCiT. Ad. ~~ction.) 1 (Publ1c Safet1) 1...

Page 1: 4 tCiT. Ad. ~~ction.) 1 December 1946 I:waJal.ln Did. · 4 tCiT. Ad. ~~ction.) 1 (Publ1c Safet1) 1 December 1946 I:waJal.ln Did. (a) La. aDd order in out17ing island. 1e aajntained

4 tCiT. Ad. ~~ction.)

1 (Publ1c Safet1)1 December 1946 I:waJal.ln Did.

(a) La. aDd order in out17ing island. 1e aajntained b7 the Kagi .tretee and natiT.police.

A native camp patrol i ••atntained in the lwaJalein Labor Caap.

(b)(1) 1b~re are 36 natiTe policeaen on the out171ng atolle and all are paid

$5.00 per & ~nth b7 Milit&r,7 GoTerDaent. ~nc. are luppleaented b7 ueual oecapatione.e thh i. not lnhndt"i a. a tu11 U.e Job.

(2) J'1eld ottloer. dl.etl•• anT problem. that a81 Rri.e and poi n t. out aatt"r.that n.ed a t t ent ion on the l elande. Sanita tion, ~he ~alntenance ot pathe . clear&neeof brue.h. are the prilUU7 duUee and 1 t h bel1e'Yed that the pollc...n ere .e"ire •good purpo•• in a••i.tl~ the ~.trste. and Headmen in tbi. re.pect.

(c) See paragraph (2) (e) (3) UDder Juettce.

(4) There are DO Jail. or brige In the ou.tl;yillg ieland.. 'lbe I.T,. 'brig i. ueedon Xvajalein tor confInement when n8ce"8J7.

(.) There i. no tire protection on the out171ng lelandl. Ttere i. no concentrationof buildinge of con.lderable Talue and the climate ha. reduced the po••ibllity of tire.pr~Nl.iJ:IC t o ml n1aum . In the lvaJal.1n Labor Camp. hand tire extln«ui.her. and 'Waterbarrele e r e dietributed thr~aut the camp ares. It 1. approx1l1lat817 1 all. to thel'aTal .lir :Baee nre Department.

Page 2: 4 tCiT. Ad. ~~ction.) 1 December 1946 I:waJal.ln Did. · 4 tCiT. Ad. ~~ction.) 1 (Publ1c Safet1) 1 December 1946 I:waJal.ln Did. (a) La. aDd order in out17ing island. 1e aajntained

~ (Cly. Ad . luncttona)1 (Publlc sar"7)

4 JM 1947 I:waJaleln Dl,t.

Ca) t o e.) 10 chan«' ,lnce l .. t r epor t .

Page 3: 4 tCiT. Ad. ~~ction.) 1 December 1946 I:waJal.ln Did. · 4 tCiT. Ad. ~~ction.) 1 (Publ1c Safet1) 1 December 1946 I:waJal.ln Did. (a) La. aDd order in out17ing island. 1e aajntained

A (CiTil Administration Functions)1 (Public Safaty)

No change e1 nee last report .

4 February 1947 KWajalein Diet.

Page 4: 4 tCiT. Ad. ~~ction.) 1 December 1946 I:waJal.ln Did. · 4 tCiT. Ad. ~~ction.) 1 (Publ1c Safet1) 1 December 1946 I:waJal.ln Did. (a) La. aDd order in out17ing island. 1e aajntained

8 Mar ch 1947A (Civ . Ad . Functions)1 (Public Safety

(a) -(b) -(c )- (d ) No change since last report .(e ) Fire Protection :

KlI'a.~ a lei n Dd s b ,

A revised Fire b i ll was published both in Engl ish and Mar ­shallese at the Kwa j a l e i n Labor Camp . Complete first aid fire equip­ment wa s di s t r ibu t ed thrOtghout the Arpa and stat ans established forcontro l in the event of a fire . atar barrels , buc kets , hand pumps ,axe s , etc . , are strate 1ea11y l ocated and natives and personnel in­structed on proc edure before and a fter the ar~lval o f the StationFi r e Depar tment .

Page 5: 4 tCiT. Ad. ~~ction.) 1 December 1946 I:waJal.ln Did. · 4 tCiT. Ad. ~~ction.) 1 (Publ1c Safet1) 1 December 1946 I:waJal.ln Did. (a) La. aDd order in out17ing island. 1e aajntained

A ( Ci Ti l . Adm1ni at r at i on Function.)1 (Public Ssraty)

No change since last report.

8 April 1947 KWaj&lein Diat .

(1)(2) In compliance with referenca (b) . eight young native. willbe .elected for training aa a con.tobulsry force on Kwaj&lein. Theirtr&1ning will be conducted Jointly by Military Government and U.S .M.C.A program has been tentatively prepared covering the subjects outlinedin the referenced letter.(c)(d)(e) No change since lost report.

Page 6: 4 tCiT. Ad. ~~ction.) 1 December 1946 I:waJal.ln Did. · 4 tCiT. Ad. ~~ction.) 1 (Publ1c Safet1) 1 December 1946 I:waJal.ln Did. (a) La. aDd order in out17ing island. 1e aajntained

A. (Oi•• AI . FUnctiona)1 ( Public So-oty)

8 July 1947 Xwajalein Diet.

( oj No Chl'l"llS:8 atnce h.st. r,,"Or t .(b (1 ) &"'J.d (2) I n enm?lh.nce ritl, CClr!IU.M.er I.!a r h n• • let~r. Ser ial 4618 dated

17 Var ch 1947 , • eonatabulary ~orcft At X•• jale!n has been tentatively orcanlzed. TheLocel Ve r i ne Barrack. are cooperating i n tha pro~ r military training. GelVl n l order.t or the Native ShOTe Patrol have been ?r epAred baled on Genera l Orde r . f ar Sentrlel ,military court1uy end military bearing in lUI effort t o turU'l.aT the indoctr ination otna t h e a Dreaentl v aUignl!d this duty . I t 1. intended tha t thh t.ralnint w111 c(I'\t1nueat IM.t one .,ear .

( e) (d) and ee) No Cha.7lg8 8ince h.t Tl! ;lort

Page 7: 4 tCiT. Ad. ~~ction.) 1 December 1946 I:waJal.ln Did. · 4 tCiT. Ad. ~~ction.) 1 (Publ1c Safet1) 1 December 1946 I:waJal.ln Did. (a) La. aDd order in out17ing island. 1e aajntained

A CCh . Ad . Punc t.Lora )~

1 (Pub l i c Safe ~J )8 October 1947 Kwa jalein Di t .



1060 ••• Total

f or the labor

(a) FotT native shor- e pa tr- o I r-en e nfor ce reu a l a t! ons in the laborcamp . One man I s on dut ~ dur- Lnr- the day and t hre e men h av e the n ight

duty . Outlyin ~ atol ls have na t i v e po l c ernan a poolnted and paid by Clv .Ad .(b) ( 1} -(2) In compliance wi th vons-ender- J.:a ianas l e t t er . ser e

4618 dated 17 arhc 194 7, a constabul ary force at Kwa j a l e i n Labor Camphas been organized . The force. s s ix en s trong and wi l l be ~ lv en

the fol1o~in~ t ntnlng schedule !Training B~

1 . Self Dpfen se mar i ne s2 . Patrol Out Mar i nes3 . Firs t Aid J)ispBnsary4 . Guard & Sen~ duty Mar ines5 . Com:nun cations Public Safety Offlcer6 . Y. i l i tary ~ill Marines7 . Mi l i t ary Cour t e sy Public Saf ety Officer8 . Court ,u ty Od v , Ad. ataff9 . Br ig Out , ~~ rine s

10. Fi rePrevention ;Fi re fi~hting Fire .~shal l

11 . English Civ . Ad . StaffIt is felt that this s i x man f o r ce Is ad equate

carep populat i on of approxl~ately 400 people .At pr~ s en t the nBtlves co~prls 1ng the constabulQ ~Y ar e all

co n sidered as recruits . 1he ir r ate o f pa y is 2 0 . 00 per mon th .

Page 8: 4 tCiT. Ad. ~~ction.) 1 December 1946 I:waJal.ln Did. · 4 tCiT. Ad. ~~ction.) 1 (Publ1c Safet1) 1 December 1946 I:waJal.ln Did. (a) La. aDd order in out17ing island. 1e aajntained

A (Civ . Ad. Funct ions)1 {Public Safety )- 2

8 Oc tober 1947 J£wajalein "is t. ,

( e ISe ction C

Of~ense s . All offenses- 2 Jus tice .

i n the di s tri ct are l i s t ed under

(dl Jails or Br i-s .lhere are no na tive jai ls or br igs In the Kwa'aleln Dis t r ic t .

(e ) Fi re Pro t ections .The hwajaleln labor c amp shore l"a1Z>l and Cons t abulary ar e

r ec eiving i ns tructions In Fire pr eventi on .

Page 9: 4 tCiT. Ad. ~~ction.) 1 December 1946 I:waJal.ln Did. · 4 tCiT. Ad. ~~ction.) 1 (Publ1c Safet1) 1 December 1946 I:waJal.ln Did. (a) La. aDd order in out17ing island. 1e aajntained

.A (Civ . Ad. Functions)1 (Public Safety)

1 Jan . 1 9 48 Kwajalein V1s 't.


Hours6020101 55010505020

Fire Marsh all

(a) 'aintenance of law and order .No change since last report .

(b ) (1 )- (2) Insular Cons tabulary .In compl iance with Com1~ianas di rectives the constabulary

force at Kwaj a l e i n ar e taking the fo llowing training :~alnn~ ~

Engl ish CivAd staf fCo~ications Public Safety OfficerFirst Aid spensaryMilitary Courtesy Public Safety OfficerI' il i tary dri ll MarinesSelf defense Mar i ne sGuard &: Sentry Duty I ar-LneaPatrol Duty M' ne sC=tDuty CivUS~U

Fi r e prevention andf ire f i ghting

At present there are twe l ve ~embpr 8 of the cons t abulary i ntraining . Four of these are cons i dered qualified to act as policemen.Five of the r emaining seven will be r pturned to their home i slandsupon c o~letion of training and will assume duties of policemen there .

Page 10: 4 tCiT. Ad. ~~ction.) 1 December 1946 I:waJal.ln Did. · 4 tCiT. Ad. ~~ction.) 1 (Publ1c Safet1) 1 December 1946 I:waJal.ln Did. (a) La. aDd order in out17ing island. 1e aajntained

Kwajalein Dist .1 Jan 1948A (Civ . Ad . Functions)1 (Public Safetj )-2

(c) Ofrenses .All offenses 1n the district are listed under Section C-2 ,Justice .

(d) Jails or brigs .No jails or brigs in the Kwaja1ein

prison Kwajalein was used for safekeeping ofDistrie t ,one native

'lhe naval.. hila in toxica ted.

(e) Fi r e protection .N.ember s of the native constabulary are r eceiving instructions

In fir e prevention .

Page 11: 4 tCiT. Ad. ~~ction.) 1 December 1946 I:waJal.ln Did. · 4 tCiT. Ad. ~~ction.) 1 (Publ1c Safet1) 1 December 1946 I:waJal.ln Did. (a) La. aDd order in out17ing island. 1e aajntained

{']1vll AQPlini sera tion Funccions]~ ( uo~lc Saf~ ty )

6 AprIl 48KwaJa~eln Diet .


~ .OO fine .

, 20 .00 fino .

of tn~ Insula r Const;abulary f or ce~ c ti vl tl e 5 as a .hol~ . Theydril l anu wil l all h~lp 8 n ewOasl c forma ~ lon s t o t heir mu-


ana u isposl tion .Or'I' ENSESDrunkDrunk andai s or derly

la) 'fn e maf n cenanc e of l a w anu ora er is not a m~j o r problelll cola year .Ine ~ajority of ca s ~s tha t requ i re co rr~ c tivd m~~ s Jres or consta bu l aryaction a r-.... t.n08 0 of u lsturbances of thb pe a ce by an i ndivi du al Nho ha sbe~n ur inklng na t i ve l nto.icants t o ex ce ss . TOls is by no means agener-aL pr-a c t.Lce chr-ougn ou t the Marsna l l s .t b I (I )l'o ere ar-e e. Le ven member-a of t o e Insular l",OIl S t a bu l a r y b eedquar- t;­~r s forc~ s~at1onea 1n thd ~w t:L jaleln La bor ~amp . '!hi s fi gur~ 1ncl ldesone cor~oral, tllre ~ pa trolm~n , ana s even r ecr uits in trai n i ng . One manh as be .... n ~ak~n f rom eacn of t h t: f ollowing a tol l s ana gi ven ba sic i nfantryarill befo r e being r dturned to hi s home as an Insul ar Constabulary pa t r o l ­llian ; Li Ki ep, All uk , nongblap , _oth o, Uti r i k , ana Me j i t .

~ach r ecruit is pai~ fifte en dol lar s take homb pay and the pa t rolmanana corporal as t:btaol i sh cO by t h e AHa j alein Dis t r i c t pay s cale effective..L ..arco 1948 .

( 2 J J.'nt:j people ChOS tUl t o b e memner-aare very pr-ouu of t.ne j r- uuIl"orm ana t o eGuickly lear n cne rU i..lLwent s of mi l.i.t8r'yrecrui t untll h e 1s a bl e t o exe cu~e t h et ual e e uf ar'ac uLon ,i c ) Of fen ses : u'y p e , hWllbel",

ArvL"", D rsAll1ngl a palap ~a.nuary

• 26 J anua ry


Page 12: 4 tCiT. Ad. ~~ction.) 1 December 1946 I:waJal.ln Did. · 4 tCiT. Ad. ~~ction.) 1 (Publ1c Safet1) 1 December 1946 I:waJal.ln Did. (a) La. aDd order in out17ing island. 1e aajntained

-A \ '-'1 vil A...un . i''un~ tlon8 }

1 (Puolic Safety ) - Go pril 48

b Janu ary 1 .:148<::4 January 194828 January 1 9 48c JanuQ.r·y 1~48

J ail s or brigs. uere are nolo'lr~ pr-o ce c cLon , '0 change .




Gb r 'eoruar y 1948

~:l Pebr-uar-y 1948b January 1 9 48GO F'ebruary 1948

Drunk and.Disorderly

FightingDrunkFighting and

d es tro yingclothes ofanotner .

DrunkDrunkDrunkDr-u nkj alls or bri gs .

f 20 .00 fine ...10 . OJ fine .~.OO fine .

'1'0 pa y tal " t .nec l o tnes .

fl0 .00 fine .G.50 fine .

tb .OV fine ., 10 . 0 0 fine .


Page 13: 4 tCiT. Ad. ~~ction.) 1 December 1946 I:waJal.ln Did. · 4 tCiT. Ad. ~~ction.) 1 (Publ1c Safet1) 1 December 1946 I:waJal.ln Did. (a) La. aDd order in out17ing island. 1e aajntained

:L.. A; (ClY• .14. lul>cU""o)1 (Public Sa!e~)

(a) Maintenance ot Law &Dl Order.

(b) (1)-(2) In.-lor Conotabular,r.

6 J1I17 1948 IvajaleiD. D1I\_

ta ooapUucl wi th Cc:.llarlanaa direcUT•• \he cou'.bu.la17 torce at][vaJalein oro taldD& the foll_D& \run1D&1


Knt;Uoh1l11UaJ7 DrillMllllar,r Court.IT'ir.' .&.14Patrol Dut7Self Daten••IIuard 6 Sont17 ])Q\Tlira flcht1D&Coa.mnlcaUouCiyU Laws-ll An..S8Dl\aUoZL.l\hl.i:lci

nlduca\lonal OfficerPublic SaI.iT OfficerPublic Sat,iT OfficerCup Dllpenl &r7Ilor1nooPublic Sat"T OfficerPublic Sat"T OttlcerPublic Safo\T OfficorPublic SateiT OfficerPublic Sat"T ottiesrPublic sat"T OftlclrPublic sat.iT OfficerClY.14 Staff





Page 14: 4 tCiT. Ad. ~~ction.) 1 December 1946 I:waJal.ln Did. · 4 tCiT. Ad. ~~ction.) 1 (Publ1c Safet1) 1 December 1946 I:waJal.ln Did. (a) La. aDd order in out17ing island. 1e aajntained

/ .1• ---

A\ lIre.ent there are thlr\7 e1p\ ._ber t , or th. coa.".'-U&r7 til tral.a.lDC.lipt. of the•• arl OD. All\)' tn \hell" ho.. Jd...adl. !be nll&1.a.1D« thlrt.7 are ODdut1 a\ ~waJalelD aDd. are lUldercolDC t.ra1n1.ll.g. !he" viII be rot.bel \0 theirh~ bland' '''''17 e1:z: a01lt.hI. Vh1h on X"aJaleln the trainee rill learn pu.bl1oeat"7 work, which will b. of Talue \0 hi. in hi. t.0l1r of du~ 011 hie h~. 111aDl.

YUh the cODt.up!ated. ao.,.. \0 1'be78 IalaDd. t.he lnwar Cona\.bu.l&r7 will~ r.-d7 \0 take oyer the ••curlt.7 of the Cl.11 j4a!nl.t.r.t.loD ODtt.

(0) ott.n••• z :IwIber.!'¥Pe1 aDd Dhpol1Uon..

(4) Jall. or brl«••

At pr••en' ther. 1. no et",jd Jail OD. r:waJaleln. Prieonere are h.rned0Te1" \0 th. Marin•• tar aatelte.plDC "ben DeC"aaI7. Pat.rolaen of the la.lularConatabul.ar7 .t.aIld brig d.U\7 with the Marinu u a aean. of U"alIlLDK.

ee) 71re ProteotioD..

K••bere ot tbe 1D,1ula.r C0ll8tabu.1ar7 reed,., tra1nlDl; in tire preTell\1oZlam !1pu,,&.

Page 15: 4 tCiT. Ad. ~~ction.) 1 December 1946 I:waJal.ln Did. · 4 tCiT. Ad. ~~ction.) 1 (Publ1c Safet1) 1 December 1946 I:waJal.ln Did. (a) La. aDd order in out17ing island. 1e aajntained

·n ,.:mr-ts:1;;:;€7." 1 Octo1)er 1948 I wnJf'l e b .i (Ci vi l Ai=l nl s t rc t i on Funct i ons )1 ( Publ i c $p!'et y)( ft) Ma int enAnce of l aw a nd orde~ .

! n t he outlying vill ee es theTe i 6 pra ct i cal ly no crime . I n t~~ cases re~orted dr i nk­irg , dis turbi ng t he pea ce a nd adult r y are t he ~os t pr evalent c~ a e s r eport ed. Some cases areuunlshed i n accordance with nat i ve cus t o~s a nd ar e never re por ted to C iv~d .

( b) Const abul ar y or pol i ce .(1) There are 27 nat i ve c O~itabularJ i n the dis t r ic t . 12 or these ere on duty i n the

fi el d S-~d r ota t e periodical l y ~ith t hos e a t X~~jale in . I n addi t i on t o t he const abul ary 60=ea tolls etlpl o:r a eat tve pol ice::-a n.

(2) C lv~d haa a cont i nuous pro~rem of dr il l nnd trelni~ for these cons t pbul ary atX"·,,j e.le i n .ec) Of f ense& .

See sect ion c- 2 (a ) end ( b) .( ) :~ils or brig' .

:rone .( e ) ri r e pr ot ec tion.

no change aince l ast r eport .