4. Omnia Scent Marketing 2016 slideshow

The five ‘W’ s and one ‘H’ of Scent Marketing …makes it unique! Omnia Scent Marketing

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The five ‘W’ s and one ‘H’ ofScent Marketing

…makes it unique!

Omnia Scent Marketing

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Omnia® Scent Marketing

The five ‘W’s and one ‘H’ of Scent Marketing makes

Omnia Scent Marketing

1. [WHO] Who has to use Scent Marketing? Who needs it?2. [WHAT] What is Scent Marketing?

3. [WHERE] Where is Scent Marketing used?4. [WHEN] When Scent Marketing must be used?

5. [WHY] Why do you need SPRING AIR?

[HOW] Applications of Omnia Scent Marketing

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1.[WHO] Who has to use Scent Marketing? Who needs


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[WHO]Who has to use Scent

Marketing? Who needs it?

All marketers are familiar with the concept of a logo, the visual representation of a brand. Some like Coca Cola, Disney, Apple and Nike are so iconic that exposure to them, even when they aren’t noticed by us, affects our behavior.

These large companies with their massive marketing budgets can easily expose large numbers of people to their logo and brand identity. As a result, their brand recall is close to 100% throughout a good part of the world.

But what about small and medium-sized companies? The average person is exposed to up to 5,000 ads a day. How can you get customers to remember your brand within all this clutter?

The surprising answer is through the sense of smell.The sense of smell is the only one of our five senses that is directly connected

to the part of the brain where emotion, memory and associated learning are processed. In fact, you are 100 times more likely to remember something that you smell than something that you see, hear or touch.

An olfactory logo is a custom scent that the brand creates to embody its unique characteristics.

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[WHO]Who has to use Scent

Marketing? Who needs it?

Much like a graphic logo that all companies own, the (olfactory) Scent Logo is used wherever the brand is present. After repeated exposures to the Scent Logo, the smell becomes strongly associated with that brand.

In order to work, the signature scent needs to be consistent with the image and emotions of the brand. We have to think about the personality of our brand. Is our brand reliable and trustworthy or edgy and fun? Is it relaxed or power charged? Also we have to think about our target market. Are they young, middle-aged or older? Predominantly male or female? Value or luxury buyers? These elements can be successfully matched with different fragrance elements to create a scent that embodies our brand’s characteristics.

Once we have created our signature scent, we can use it in every possible customer touchpoint, so that it can become associated closely with our brand in the customer’s mind.Before we know it, our brand will be top of mind, and the aroma we detect will be the sweet smell of our success!

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2.[WHAT] What is Scent Marketing?

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[WHAT]What is Scent Marketing?

Scent branding is more than just diffusing a pleasant fragrance in a space.

It is the art of taking a company’s brand identity, marketing messages, target audience and matching these with a fragrance that amplifies these aspects.

This can become highly effective in environments where other sensory triggers, such as the use of lighting, sound and luxurious surroundings, are combined in the effort to establish a longer-lasting emotional connection with consumers.

Omnia® Scent Marketing provides not only fragrance feeling but brand awareness, product integration and sense effectiveness, behavior changes and profitable results.

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[WHAT]What is Scent Marketing?

This type of marketing appeals to all the senses in relation to the brand. It uses them to relate with customers on an emotional level. A multi-sensory brand experience generates certain beliefs, feelings, thoughts and opinions in order to create a brand image in the consumer’s mind, customer loyalty and subsequently an increase in sales.

Every day and night of our lives we smell odors which many go unnoticed while they are present. Only when an odor pleases us, triggers a warning, or jogs a memory, do we pause to take notice. Perhaps the most striking reaction to fragrances is in the realm of memories. Almost everyone has experienced a rush of emotion after encountering a certain scent. Images of baking bread, a new car, or even a first kiss, can all be brought to mind with one simple smell.

How do we smell?• When we smell, currents of air swirl up through the nostrils, to an area about the size of a postage stamp containing millions of receptor cells, called the epithelium. • Fragrance molecules attach themselves to the watery mucus covering the epithelium.• Minuscule filaments called cilia, extending from the ends of the receptor cells reach out for the fragrance molecules floating in watery mucus.

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Once a connection has been made, a unique pattern of activity starts to flow through the nervous system, ending in several areas of the brain.

Each smell has a unique pattern of activity in the brain, creating a response unique to that item and allowing us to identify it. Smell is more sophisticated than any other sense as scent receptors in the nose connect directly to the section of the brain responsible for memory and emotion. In fact, the smell is believed to affect 75% of our daily emotions.

This is because the human odor response is controlled by the brain’s limbic system, the same system that controls our emotional and sexual response, artistic abilities and perceptions of space.

This is why fragrances can be so important to us and why we seek them out in our products and our daily environment.

[WHAT]What is Scent Marketing?

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3. [WHERE] Where is Scent Marketing used?

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[WHERE]Where is Scent Marketing


We have to separate this into two periods: PAST and TODAY. Human being has always been aware of the power of fragrances. Man realized their importance and potentialities, improved the relevant technological features, searched for new fragrance oil blends, and found new ways to apply his ideas.


Even the paintings dated back to 18,000 BC in the famous Lascaux cave in France depict the burning of aromatic plants, thought to be used to drive out evil spirits. Either we use the modern term of “Scent Marketing” or the more familiar term of “Aromatotheraphy”, the fragrant related culture has an absolute importance in history among some of the greater civilizations.

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[WHERE]Where is Scent Marketing


The ancient Egyptian culture

clearly documented the use of aromatic medicine in its hieroglyphic

records. Evidence of the use of

herbs in aromatic barks, resins, perfumed oils,

wine and vinegar, was found dating back to 4,500 B.C.

At a similar time, ancient Chinese civilization also used some form of

aromatics. Shen Nung’s herbal book

(dating back to approximately 2,700

B.C.) contains detailed information of over 300 plants

and their uses. Similarly, the Chinese

used aromatics in religious ceremonies

by burning woods and incense to show

respect to their Gods, a tradition which is still practiced today. The use of aromatics in China was linked to

other ancient therapies such as

massage and acupressure.

The Greeks acquired most of

their medical knowledge from the Egyptians and took advantage of it in

order to make their own discoveries.

They found that the fragrance of some

flowers was stimulating while

others had relaxing properties. The use of olive oil as the base oil absorbed

the aroma from the herbs or flowers

and the perfumed oil was then used for both cosmetic

and medicinal purposes.

The Romans learned from the

Greeks and became well known

for the scented baths followed by

massage with aromatic oils. The

popularity of aromatics led to

the establishment of trade routes

which allowed the Romans to import “exotic” oils and

spices from distant areas such as India

and Arabia.

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[WHERE]Where is Scent Marketing



Centuries after Egyptians, Greeks and Chinese made the first steps in aroma making, human being became fully aware of the positive effects of fragrances. Researchers have found that the use of fragrances can reduce anxiety in certain stressful situations, such as when undergoing an MRI scan in a hospital. - In a study on US patients exposed to a sweet vanilla-like scent, 63% of them experienced less overall anxiety than those not exposed to it. Fragrance can not only reduce stress but can also affect our sleep. -Peppermint for example can stimulate the brain and thus disturb sleep. Heliotropin, however, a vanilla-like smell, can relax the brain and enhance sleep.

Especially during the past two decades, a considerable amount of research has been conducted at the USA, Europe and Japan, to measure not only the psychometric effects of fragrance upon feelings, mood and emotions but also other related physiological responses.

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[WHERE]Where is Scent Marketing


Except these, the researchers wanted to report other effects, such as:The mood benefits

Research has shown that fragrances have significant measurable effects on mood state. Craig and Warrenburg developed a self-administered, quantitative method that measures subjective mood changes evoked by fragrances. They found that eight major factors of mood are affected by fragrance. This includes a beneficial effect on irritation, stress, depression, apathy, enhancement of happiness, sensuality, relaxation and stimulation. Consequently, fragrance evokes a hedonic response of pleasure/displeasure and emotional response of happiness and relaxation.

Manne and Redd used fragrance materials to reduce distress during magnetic resonance imaging. Eighty five patients undergoing MRI scan participated in the trial at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Centre.

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[WHERE]Where is Scent Marketing


Patients who were exposed to fragrance (a scent of vanilla) while undergoing MRI scan experienced approximately 63% less overall anxiety than a group of patients who were not exposed to a fragrance.

The mood benefits of fragrances can have positive effects in real life situations as reported by Dr. S. Schiffman. It has been shown that the use of fragrance can improve mood in both women and men at mid-life. Feelings of tension, depression and confusion were significantly alleviated by pleasant fragrance in females.

Also Weigand and his co-workers studied the effect of relaxing fragrances on lowering Cortisol and increasing slgA levels. These findings formed the basis of claims for fragrances used in relaxing personal care products.

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[WHERE]Where is Scent Marketing


Stress Reduction

A significant relationship between positive mood state and health is now emerging. The immune system and cardiovascular system appear stronger in individuals with more positive mood and less stress. While more scientific studies are needed to validate that fragrance induces positive mood results in measurable health effects, it is suggested that fragrances should be quite effective based on what we already know in that field.

For example, researchers have found that inhaling a relaxing fragrance ingredient speeds up the recovery of slightly damaged skin due to weakened skin barrier function. Also, certain fragrances may reduce performance related stress as measured physiologically in lowered blood pressure, reduced muscle tension or reduced startle reflex.

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[WHERE]Where is Scent Marketing


Improving work performance

Fragrances have a positive effect on work environment. Recent studies have shown that periodic dispensing of pleasant fragrances during a sustained attention task improves performance.

Warm and his co-workers measured the effects of olfactory stimulation on the levels of performance and stress in a demanding and stressful attention task. The odors used were muguet and peppermint. The former was known as relaxing and the latter as alerting. Both fragrances significantly improved the level of performance in the test, but there was no difference in effectiveness between the two. Neither of these odorants had a significant effect on stress reduction while performing the task.

Karamat and his co-workers found that lavender oil significantly increased decision time in a computer-based reaction time task but did not influence motor time. It suggested that lavender oil has a central but not a peripheral sedative effect. Another test in a vigilance task suggested that lavender oil caused significant increase in reaction time, while jasmine caused absolutely the opposite.

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[WHERE]Where is Scent Marketing


Fragrance and Sleep

Relaxing fragrance materials such as lavender have been found to aid the sleep process. An extended study on the effects of fragrance on sleep quality was conducted by Badia and his co-workers.

First of all, objective measures such as the changes in heart rate, brain waves and muscle tension in response to odor administered in sleep, established indeed that people are responsive to odors in their sleep. When odors were diffused during REM (dream) sleep, individuals often incorporated this stimuli into their dreams.

Heliotropin is claimed to enhance sleep, but the effect was not statistically significant. The latency period before sleep was shorter and the sleep efficiency was higher with heliotropin.

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[WHERE]Where is Scent Marketing



The overall available evidence supports the conclusion that fragrances (smell) influence mood, memory, emotions, anxiety/stress, arousal, sustained attention and problem solving, choice of partners, the immune/endocrine system and the ability to communicate by smell without knowing it. The effects mentioned can be elicited both by consciously and subliminally perceived odors.

The research work done so far represents a first important step but it requires more depth and scientific sophistication in order to draw observations on the benefits of each single fragrance.

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Consumers' evaluations of the shopping experience are significantly increased when the arousal levels of ambient scent and background music match. Published: April 2001 Source: Journal of Retailing  By Anna S. Mattila and Jochen Wirtz

In our daily lives, smell tells us whetherfood is safe to eat, if a fire is breaking out

in the next room, and, as evidence increasingly shows, if we find a potential

mate attractive [8] 

8. Jacob, S., McClintock, M.K.,Zelano, B., and Ober, C. Paternally

inherited HLA alleles are associatedwith women’s choice of male

odor. Nature Genetics (DOI:10.1038/ng830), 2002, pp. 175-179

The sense of smell differs from other forms of perception in the direct connection between the olfactory and the limbic system, our emotional

center. The perception of odors nearly always causes emotional reactions - there is no way to avoid smelling odors or filtering olfactory information. As

a result the olfactory channel offers high potential to send advertising messages to the consumer without any loss of data

(Bernadette Emsenhuber Johannes Kepler University Linz, Department of Pervasive Computing)

The diffusion of lavender during breaks at work has been found to prevent the deterioration of work performance.

Sakamoto, et al, 2006 Oxford Journals | Life Sciences & Medicine | Chemical Senses

Fragrances can have a beneficial effect on irritation, stress, depression, apathy,

and can further enhance the positive factors like

happiness, sensuality, relaxation, and stimulation.

Stephen Warrenburg (IFF) Gary E. Schwartz (Yale University)

The association of fragrance and emotion is not an invention of poets or perfume-makers. Our olfactory receptors are directly connected to the limbic system, the most ancient and primitive part of the brain, which is thought to be the seat of emotion. Smell sensations are relayed to the cortex, where ‘cognitive’ recognition occurs, only after the deepest parts of our brains have been stimulated. Thus, by the time we correctly name a particular scent as, for example, ‘vanilla’ , the scent has already activated the limbic system, triggering more deep-seated emotional responses.

Social Issues Research Centre

When people are fascinated by a perfume, this perfume appeals to three areas of their personality. The better a perfume appeals to

these three areas of their personality the more likely it is to be selected:First area

Emotions, attitudes and associationsSecond area

The desired lifestyleThird area

Situations, occasions, socio-biographical data

Edited by Steve Van Toller and George H. Dodd ‘CHAPMAN & HALL’

[WHERE]Where is Scent Marketing


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British Airways scent their business class lounges with fresh cut grass and the smell ofthe sea.(Butler et al., 1999). 

Rolls Royce adopted a tactic according to which

they perfumed their caradvertisements in the US publication

‘Architectural Digest’ with leather-scented fragrance strips.

(Ellen and Bone, 1998).

The company’s goal was to increase awareness of the Dunkin’ Donuts coffee brand and to drive traffic to the stores. To accomplish this, they used an innovative blend of radio ads and scent. They installed scent

diffusers on commuter buses in Seoul.Whenever the Dunkin’ Donuts ad came on the radio, a light coffee scent was released from the diffusers. What is certain is that around 350,000

people were exposed to this multi-sensory message, and it worked.Traffic to the stores increased by 16% and sales jumped by 29%.

Source: Scent marketing digest

The Canadian operation of the pizza chain has launched a fragrance after receiving an enthusiastic response to a post asking fans just how much they loved the smell of a box of Pizza Hut being opened.Named Eau de Pizza Hut, the scent apparently has ' top notes of freshly baked, hand-tossed dough.’Source: Mail online

“Eau de MacBook Pro”When you close your eyes, the fragrance is

designed to mimic the scent of an Apple product being opened for the first time

'A distinctive scent can be observed when unwrapping a newly purchased Apple product

from its packaging.'Apple fans will certainly recognize this smell.'

Source: Mail online

[WHERE]Where is Scent Marketing


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4. [WHEN] When must Scent Marketing be used ?

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We strongly believe that there is more in a fragrance than its aesthetic value and essence, as it affects us in a way we have never thought of. In order to have successful results, you have to produce the right applications with your business partner.

Our strongest asset is the group of marketing experts and highly educated team of professionals including perfumers, in addition with the know-how and the technologies adopted by the company. All these make “scent marketing” the unique Omnia® Scent Marketing.

In order to produce the right applications you need:

to know first of all how the fragrances affect people and their behavior. to have a library of fragrances in order to produce the final unique solutions. to maintain the different suitable kinds of technologies and devices in accordance with the needs. to give a professional service globally by well trained technical teams.

We are offering differentiated solutions after years of meticulous effort to combine all the previously mentioned elements and that is why we do not refer to it as simple scent marketing, but Omnia® Scent Marketing.

[WHEN] When Scent Marketing must be used?

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The “must” of Scent Marketing: Fragrance categorization

The most usual classification of fragrances that is commonly used in the fragrance industry, is “the Wheel of Fragrances”, which was developed in 1983 by Michael Edwards.

The four model families, which are the Floral, Oriental, Woody and Fresh, are divided into three subgroups and they are placed around a perimetrical wheel. The fifth family is in the center of the fragrance wheel.

[WHEN] When Scent Marketing

must be used?

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[WHEN] When Scent Marketing

must be used?


Fragrance categorization based on the consumers’ criteria

For the consumers, the pleasant atmosphere in their personal space constitutes the essential element of a harmonious everyday life, and also a representative factor of the way of life they choose.

- Cleanliness sense- Odor Neutralization Fragrances that exude a sense of freshness and cleanliness, neutralize unpleasant odors and they restore the sense of clean atmosphere in a confined area.

- Fragrances inspired from the nature with eco-friendly character Fragrances adapted to the modern market tendency for more natural products. The fragrance composition is made out of pure ethereal oils that combine the purity of a natural product with the nature’s identity and its elements.

-Ecological and friendly to the environment fragrancesPioneering aromatic products that induct us into the secrets of Aromatherapy and into the beneficial attributes of ethereal oils. The composition of fragrances is based on ethereal oils, distilled herbs, fruits and flowers, that make us feel their beneficial attributes, through a unique experience of relaxation and well-being.

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[WHEN] When Scent Marketing

must be used?


-Fragrances that coincide with the character of a placeFragrances that add prominence to the luxury of a place. They satisfy the mood and the expectations of consumers who want to create a uniquely upgraded atmosphere in their own space, by using luxurious fragrances that harmoniously coincide with the upgraded design of the place itself.

- Sophisticated Premium Fine Fragrances The consumers have been seeking for the last few years more evolved and sophisticated air fresheners, based on fine fragrances with concrete character that will identify with the scent that a particular place gives off, instigate sentiments and moods and finally connect the visitors sentimentally with that place.

- Fragrances that jog our imaginationFragrances that mentally carry us away to dreamy destinations, an experience that constitutes an escape for our senses, a revival of pleasant memories and finally a reawakening of our sentiments. Such an experience is induced by exotic and tropical scents consisted of a combination of ethereal oils in fruity notes (mango, pineapple, melon and red fruits), floral notes (magnolia, jasmine, hyacinth, mimosa, orchid, violet, rose, etc.), herbal notes (herb, mint, chamomile, eucalyptus, etc.) and oriental notes (musk, amber, etc.).

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[WHEN] When Scent Marketing

must be used?


- Fragrances that instigate our feelings and determine our mental mood Fragrances constitute a cluster of distilled natural components, known in the science of Aromatherapy for their beneficial attributes and their unique influence on mental and emotional mood. The extracts of ethereal oils may derive from the distillation of natural components, as lavender and vanilla, but also they can be a combination of various natural extracts that leads in floral and oriental clusters.

- Seasonal- Celebratory fragrances Fragrances that are inspired from the idea that each season exudes an aroma and is harmoniously connected to the atmosphere that mostly prevails in nature.

Spring-Summer: These fragrances are inspired from nature and the scents that emerge from it during Spring and Summer. Such a fragrance can be a combination of ethereal oils with fruity notes that carries us to exotic tropical destinations where we can enjoy the summertime atmosphere or a combination of ethereal oil extracts with floral notes that makes contact with nature our daily delight, while inducting us into its most cryptic paths.

Winter: These fragrances exude all the warmth that this period needs the most. These are ethereal oils which mainly have an oriental character (musk, amber, vanilla, sweet spices) and aromatic herbal character (warm spice pine, cool mint).

Festive Seasons: These fragrances are inspired from flavor scents that drift us in a tasty trip of pastries and gourmet scents. An enjoyment for the senses that awakens unforgettable memories and arouses all the relevant sentiments.

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5. [WHY] Why do you need SPRING AIR?

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SPRING AIR, corresponding to the dictates of modern life, entrepreneurially develops and evolves a particularly demanding sector that is related with many aspects of human behavior.

The group designs & develops pioneering aromatizing systems that respond to every project on demand. It is referred worldwide as a leader company in the field of perfumery appliances, services & products.

SPRING AIR provides advanced technology techniques & exclusively designed signature fragrances, in collaboration with world’s top perfumers.

[WHY]Why do you need SPRING


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1985: The group was established. The first steps began in providing complete solutions and coverage for professional areas in terms of both deodorizing and aromatizing. 1998: A unique library of fragrances was made in group’s R&D laboratories responding to customers’ needs.2000: A worldwide franchise network was built including Europe & Middle East.2001: Exclusive designed fragrances with customized essential oils were designed reflecting several senses such as East or Mediterranean notes. 2007: Innovative appliances were designed & produced, including technological devices and revolutionary practices.Present: World’s leading company in the field of Scent Marketing, providing complete solutions in professional areas.

[WHY]Why do you need SPRING


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• We own a unique library of 9.000 fragrances, thus responding to every demand or project. In this way, we are flexible to design and produce exclusive fine fragrances according to our customers’ vision.

• Our R&D department is a leader in applying the world’s best techniques related to fragrances production, raw materials and essential oils. In strong collaboration with top perfumery companies, we always develop unique solutions for unique projects.

• In production modules we create pioneering solutions that respond to high technological expectations, delivering effective appliances and innovative solutions.

We are offering revolutionary technologies both in aerosol form (Smart Air Technology) and non-aerosol form (Aero

Diffusion Technology).

[WHY]Why do you need SPRING


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[HOW] Applications of Omnia Scent Marketing

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SPRING AIR owns a contemporary factory specialized in producing pharmaceutics and cosmetics products with highly equipped facilities, its own R&D and Laboratory departments. Having 10 completed production lines, it is able to satisfy any demand for aerosol and non-aerosol products in liquid, crème or gel form.

Our vision is to create pioneering products and fragrances that bring customers closer to the beneficial attributes of ethereal oils.

SPRING AIR aiming always in the design and development of innovative products that will enhance every contemporary professional environment, it presents you with the newest technologies in the field: Smart Air Technology and Omnia Diffusion Technology.


[HOW]Applications of

Omnia Scent Marketing

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Smart Air Technology®

Smart Air Technology SPRING AIR presents Smart Air mini; a unique revolutionary,

high aesthetic device that functions digitally. It can aromatize every kind of professional area, thanks to a huge variety of perfumes. This appliance combines the high aesthetic design with the small size, which makes it most suitable for modern professional spaces.

[HOW]Applications of

Omnia Scent Marketing


Smart Air Mini

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Aero Diffusion TechnologyThe essence of the Aero Diffusion Technology ‘s breakthrough is the

use of tiny 20 mm particles which can be evenly diffused in the air due to their minimum weight.

a) Ergonomical devices: CryptoScent (ventilation system) & TowerScent (floor installation).b) Interior devices: ArtyScent (wall installation), IconoScent (floor installation).

[HOW]Applications of

Omnia Scent Marketing





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We can offer the unique Omnia Scent Marketing

The success of each project is a must for SPRING AIR and it is why each project is being handled individually, separately and intensively.

With no exception all the projects have 3 common important points:

The need: Each different project has its own different need.The action: Each different project requires its own specific actions and applications.The result: Each different project has to be the best successful example of its kind!

[HOW]Applications of

Omnia Scent Marketing

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TAV Airports (Turkey)

The need: The creation of a special TAV fragrance would add value to the group’s main idea: Live, Smile & Fly... So once someone passes from TAV can always remember the fragrance and recognise it as TAV ‘s significant experience.The action: Exclusively designed fragrance that matches visitors’ preferences and reflects airports’ modern design. The result: Total acceptance of a revitalizing and energetic scent that captivates travelling feelings. The scent was a charming combination of ethereal oils with spicy notes of scented wood that captivates the senses.


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The need: Provide aromatizing services to several areas of the museum, reflecting the monument’s importance and history.The action: In order to captivate museum’s unique sense, we were inspired from Greek nature and its rare essential oils.The result: Since the museum’s opening the area is fully covered from this unique scent, earning visitors’ great compliments and reflecting the space aura.

Acropolis Museum (Athens)


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The need: Providing a fine fragrance that reflects the aesthetic of McArthrur Glen‘s areas. The new scent should match visitors criteria & preferences.The action: Applying Scent Marketing survey with questionnaires and exclusively designed scents to the visitors of the mall.The result: Depending on the results about the most preferable scent the new fragrance was diffused through the ventilation system so it could be felt everywhere.

McArthrur Glen Designer Outlet(Athens)


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The need: Embracing brand’s awareness and transfer company’s vividness and young spirit to everyone through the sense of smell.The action: Designing a unique variety of fragrances that matches company’s philosophy and new statement. A scent marketing research was based on questionnaires, in order to analyze both the essence that the stores exude and link brand’s style to the appropriate scent.The result: Unexpected acceptance from both customer and market. Massive influence on the brand ‘s effectiveness to visitors. The new scent made a statement for the company’s new profile and point of view.

Vodafone (Greece)


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The need: The transportation company’s new ships needed a new scent which should be designed in order to reflect this new service.The action: Designing a unique fragrance that is characterized by the essence of the sea. Feeling the sea breeze that exudes the distinctive combination of masculine fragrances. A combination of ylang ylang and jasmine with light sweet vanilla and wood scents.The result: The new scent made a statement for the company’s renewed profile and point of view.

Hellenic Seaways (Greece)


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The need: Captivating festival’s celebration mood and spirit. A unique fragrance that connects football and stadium’s thrilling experience.The action: Collaborating with world’s top perfumers in order to design more than a fascinating scent which increases the excitement to reach the top.The result: Fresh cutted grass was the unusual yet successful fragrance that aromatized the stadium’s private suites, making the visitors feel like being part of the game.

Amsterdam’s World Cup 2010 (Netherlands)


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The need: A vigorous fragrance that matches in a unique way Ukraine & Russian casinos’ presence and their rooms’ appeal.The action: Applying a well-organized scent marketing research based on visitors’ preferences.The result: An especially formulated fragrance was created with notes of tobacco & cognac, reflecting casinos’ sense and elegance.

Ukraine & Russian Casinos (Europe)


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The need: An exclusively designed fragrance that reflects mosque’s spiritual essence, comfort and cleanliness.The action: Considering Islamic religion, scent marketing experts designed the traditional rose fragrance that was created since the ancient times in spiritual spaces, houses, during different events and ceremonies, in the cities and even from people living in the dessert.The result: Given the needs of the mosques and the fact that rose flower is so important for the Muslims in Turkey, we prepared a special alcohol-free rose fragrance.

Mosques in Istabul & Ankara (Turkey)


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Let us show you the world through

your senses…

Omnia Scent Marketing 2016