4. Blog Photography - Danielle Melnyczenko & Minh Giang

Blog Photography Presented by Danielle Melnyczenko of Danimezza Minh Giang of Eat Show & Tell Official Nuffnang Blogopolis Twitter Hashtag: #nnb2011



Transcript of 4. Blog Photography - Danielle Melnyczenko & Minh Giang

  • Blog Photography Presented by Danielle Melnyczenko of Danimezza Minh Giang of Eat Show & Tell Official Nuffnang Blogopolis Twitter Hashtag: #nnb2011
  • Photography Masterclass presented by:
    • Danimezza
    • Photography
    • Fashion
    • Vanity
    • Beauty
    • Parenting
    • Lifestyle
    • Reviews
    • Giveaways
    • Videos
    • Events
  • Eat Show & Tell Food Photography Restaurant Reviews Recipies Travel
  • Why We Love Photography
  • DM Photo #1
  • DM Photo #2
  • Lighting Composition Framing POV Subject
  • Lighting
  • Composition
  • Framing
  • POV
  • Subject
  • Camera Gear
  • Mobile Devices
  • Point & Shoot Cameras
  • What We Use
    • Eat, Show & Tell
      • Nikon D700
      • 35mm 2
      • 50mm 1.4
      • SB800
      • Compact Flash Cards
    • Danimezza
      • Nikon D700
      • Nikon D80 (for sale)
      • 24-70mm 2.8
      • 50mm 1.8
      • SB600
      • Inbuilt Flash Diffuser
      • Compact Flash Cards
      • Spare Batteries
      • Tripod
      • Kelly Moore Bag
      • iPhone4
      • Olympus Tough 6000
  • Our Workflow
      • Shoot RAW
      • Lightroom /Picnik.com
      • Cull your selection
      • Apply presets
      • Tweak settings
      • Cropping / Resizing
      • Export with watermark
      • Tweak in Photoshop
      • Publish
      • Back Up / Store / Print
      • Remove from Lightroom
  • Our Tips
    • Food Photography
      • Hold your camera still!
      • Invest in the best Prime Lens that you can afford.
      • Don't be afraid to experiment.
      • It never hurts to ask.
      • Have fun!
    • Photojournalism
      • Everything is content!
      • Choose a High ISO.
      • Participate in workshops.
      • Embrace your own unique style.
      • Google it!
  • Thanks for listening!